25C Move to Mall I
25C lieAG & SON3* :o•: ; bin ER SPfvlNGPQRf, MiClIIGA:! 49294 Volume 12, Issue 19 Serving Lowell Area Readers Since 1893 Wednesday, March 23, 1988 move to mall As winter gives way to spring. two children, April and Craig. years, looks forward to the chal- Curl Albrecht, owner of Radio "Because of health reasons I lenge with anxiety, excitement hack - Curt s Sound & Home will be relocating, but I will still and some nervousness. ade Center, will officially be running a Radio Shack franch- "My wife (Chris) and I have give way to its new owner, Jim ise," Albrecht said. been looking to get into a private Hodges on March 25, Albrecht first opened his Low- ownership situation for a couple Albrecht, who stated health ell store in December of 1983, of years now," Hodges said."But reasons for his departure from six years after moving to Lowell. we wanted it to be a well known, the Lowell electronic franchise, "If it weren't for health reputable establishment." will be opening up a new Radio reasons, I would stay in Lowell, Radio Shack will close at 6 Shack store, come May, in Albrecht explained. p.m. on Friday, March 25 and Winslow, Ariz. Moving with him Hodges, formerly the director will re-open as Lowelectronics will be his wife, Maria and his of the Lowell YMCA for six in early April at its new location in the west end of the Ridgeview Mall next to Family Dollar. "I feel that a Radio Shack bus- Along Main Street iness belongs at a mall and/or plaza type location and atmos- phere," Hodges explained.
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