Gb2468 Westcott Papers

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Gb2468 Westcott Papers GB 2468 Westcott Papers Westcott Papers This catalogue was digitised by The National Archives as part of the National Register of Archives digitisation project NRA 24353 i National Arc WESTCOTT HOUSE ARCHIVES There are two sources for the material, the "Accessions Register of Westcott House Archives" and The Chase Library "Inventory of Archives". Accordingly, two lists begin the tabulation. These are followed by the detailed itemisation compiled by the Rev'd Alan H. Cadwallader (of St. Barnabas' College, Adelaide, South Australia) in September 1998. "Accessions Register of Westcott House Archives" Accession 1 Bp Westcott papers on permanent loan from Selwyn College, Cambridge, contained in six boxes and 1 tin trunk. 8/7/1983 Box 1 Printed Pamphlets No. Date Description 1 1865 La Solette in 1865 2 1866 Crisis in the History of the Church: Sermon at Harrow School 3 1867 Resurrection as Fact and Revelation 4 1869 Spiritual Office of Univerisities: a sermon 5 1870 Constructive Work of Christian Ministry: a Peterborough Sermon 6 1872 CYNA0AOYNTEC: an address 7 1874 "Supernatural Religion" : Preface to History of Canon of NT 8 1874 Missions and the Universities: a sermon 9 1876 On Some Traits in the Christian Character 10 1878 Address to the Peterborough Choral Society 11 1878 The Spirit and the Blessing of Church Work: a sermon 12 1879 Our Debt to the Past: 2 Sermons 13 1882 The Cambridge and Higher Education at Delhi 14 1883 On the Bible Society: Speech 15 1885 A Speech to the Cambridge Mission Association 16 1886 The Bible, the Charter of Hope: a sermon 17 1887 Affiliation of Local Centres to the University 18 1887 Speech to the Church Missionary Society 19 1889 The Spirit and Blessing of Work for the Poorest: Address 20 1890 An Address to the Japanese Club, Cambridge 21 1890 An Address to the Durham Association of CMS 22 1891 National Church and the Nation: a speech 23 1891 A Speech to the Union of Church Workers, Sunderland 24 1892 OEOY STNEPrOI: Harrow School Chapel 25 1892 The Idea and Work of theChurch of England 26 1892 Incarnation and Revelation of Human Duties: A speech 27 1892 Missions to Seaman (Hartlepool) 28 1893 Teachers and Scholars: A Memory and a Hope (James Prince Lee) 29 1895 Christian Social Union: Speech (Cambridge) 30 1895 Two Adresses (Durham Diocesan Lay Helpers' Association) 31 1896 Some Conditions of Religious Life 32 1897 Voices of the Living Spirit: a sermon 33 1897 Fellowship with Christ: an address 34 1898 SPCK Bicentenary: a sermon 35 1899 An Appreciation of the late Christina Georgina Rossetti 36 1899 Proceedings re: Industrial Conference, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 37 1899 Study of the Bible 38 1900 Jubilee Sermon 39 1900 The Position and Call of the English Church 40 [no entry] 41 Westcott's Sketchbook 1 42 Wescott's Ms Durham Confirmation Addresses 43 1905 A Short Office for Use at Guild Meetings... 1905 44 Cathedral Foundations in relation to Religious Thought 45 On Cathedral Work (extract from Macmillan's Magazine 46 Peterborough and Cambridge Sermons etc (cuttings) 47 Account of Bp. Westcott's funeral (Auckland Times & Herald, 1901) 48 Diary of Rev'd T.M. Middlemore-Whithard 1849- (W's brother-in-law) 49 1897 Syllabus of Cambridge Lectures to Clergy, 1897 50 1905 "Bp Westcott on Missions" ("Chinese Recorder, 1905) by Rev. A Foster 51 1910 Brooke Foss Westcott, Bp. Durham by Henry Scott Holland 52 1910 Brooke Foss Westcott, Bp Durham, an Appreication by Thomas Burt, MP 53 1923 Address at Reunion of Auckland Students by Bp Wakefield 54 Union and Reunion by Canon E.C. Hayes 55 Compline, St. Augustine's College 56 Map of India 57 1890 Photocopy of Order of Ceremonial for W's Consecration as Bp Durham 58 1901 Photocopy: Obituary of BFW (Times, July 29th, 1901) 59 1873 Photocopy of Missions and Universities, a sermon, St. Mary's Oxford 60 1937 Photocopy of Proposal for memorial window Durham Cathedral. 60 1906 Photocopy of article by Thiladelphus' on 'Typical Churchmen": Bp. Westcott, July 6th, 1906 Note the doubling of the last number, possibly because 40 was missed. Check against contents. 2 Box 2 Letters No. Date Description 61 1875-1901 47 Letters from BFW to son Arthur 62 1890-1900 68 Letters from BFW to Dean Savage 1890-1900 63 Whithard family letters, received from P. Middlemore-Whithard, South Cowpen, Wisborough Green, Sussex:- 6 letters from Thomas M. Whithard to his mother (mentioning BFW) 1838-40; 3 lettesr from BFW to Thomas M. Whithard 1844,1847; 1 letter from Mr&Mrs Whithard to son Thomas, 1839; incomplete letter signed BFW (to T.M. Whithard?) BFWs letter to Mrs Whithard (no date); E.W. Benson's letter to T.M. Whithard, 1858; Sir Walter Besanfs letter to T.M. Whithard, 1853 (mentions W's marriage); letter from Mrs Westcott [which one?] to Mrs Whithard; correspondence between King Edward VI's Grammar School and TMWs father including school exam, results; miscellaneous papers re: Westcott & Fosse family; 64 1881-93 8 letters from Arthur W to father (2 undated) 65 1865 Photocopies of 3 letters in Trinity College Library from Westcottto Van Sittant (one incomplete) 66 1909 Lettersto Arthur Westcott from publishers and his brother FBW re: 'The Two Empires" etc 67 1909-42 lettersto Arthur Westcott from publishers Macmillan, Skeffington, John Murray, SPCKre: sale of Westcott's books. 68 3 letters from architect, Hugh Easton, re: memorial window in Durham Cathedral and list of subscribers 69 1874-96 Menus, of ceremonial dinners and admittance tickets to funeral of Dr. Livingstone, Westminster Abbey 1874. Box 3 Original Manuscripts of W's Published Works No. Date Description 70 1867 Euripides as a Religious Teacher 71 1873 On Some Points in the Religious Office of Universities Chap 4 72 1878 Origen and the Beginnings of Christian Philosophy 73 1880 Steps in the Christian Life (1885) Chap 8 74 1885 Sermon for Whitsunday - together with printed sermon "Disciplined Life" (Harrow School, 1868) (not published) and article from Contemporary Preview "On a Form of Confraternity Suited to the Present Work of the English Church" (1870) 75 1888 Victory of the Cross 76 1890 From Strength to Strength 77 1892 Gospel of Life (2 bundles) 78 1901 Lessons from Work, chap 2 Box 4 Gospel according to John (original ms) Box 5 More Original Manuscripts No. Date Description 80 1855 History of the Canon of the New Testament 81 1866 Gospel of the Resurrection 82 1883 The Historic Faith 83 1897 Some Lessons of the Revised Version of the NT 3 Box 6 History of the English Bible (Original Ms) Box 7Letters No. Date Description 85 1847-1901 101 letters from BFW to his wife, Mary 86 6 letters from BFW to his wife (undated) 87 BFW letters to Hort (4), Stanley (2), the Secretary of CMS, Maurice, Abp of York (WD. Maclagan) 88 Letters to Westcott, ibncluding one from F.W. Wickenden Box 8 (Tin Chest) Ecclesiastical Courts Commission Official Reports (Chest is embossed: Canon Westcott) No. Date Description 89 1874 J.D. Chambers. Comments on Mackonochie & Purchas Cases 90 1877 J. Keble Difficulties in Relations between Church & State 91 1877 Rules & Regulations of Consistory Court of London 92 1880 R.C. Jenkins The Error and the Remedy (letter to Bp Winchester) 93 1881 Nelson et al. Petition to the Queen on Rights of Convocation 94 1881 S.T. Taylor-Tagwell Ecclesiastical Courts: their past and future 95 1881 JG. Norton A Plea and Plan for the Toleration of Ritualists 96 1881 A Councillor Judicial Procedure in the Privy Council 97 1881 J. Oakley Church Defence: 2 letters 98 1881 Bp of Truro Address to Diocesan Conference 99 no entry 100 1881 "Record" article on Church Courts 101 1882 R.W. Kennion The Ecclesiastical Courts 102 1882 Church Association Memorial to Roy. CornnVn on Ecclesiastical Grants 103 1882 A. Lendrum The Judicial Committee. The Misgovernment of the Church and the Other Remedy 104 1882 W.Stubbs The History of the Canon Law in England 105 1883 R.W. Enright My Prosecution (Holy Trinity, Bordesley) 106 1883 A.C. Ainslie Paper on Report of the Ecclesiasitical Courts Comm'n 107 1879 W.G. Brooke Constiution of the Church of Ireland 108 1876 Constitutioins & Canons of the Church of the Province of South Africa 109 1878 H. Flanders Pennsylvania Protestant Episcopalism 110 1879 Review of Proceedings of Diocesan Convention of Philadelphia 111 1879 O.S. Prescott Is Fairness in Religious Controversy Impossible? Letter to Rev Daniel R. Goodwin 112 1879 A Layman: The Holy Eucharist and Auricular (sic) Confession 113 1880 D.R. Goodwin Certain practices at St. Clement's Church 114 1880 Proceedings in the Trial of Rev'd O.S. Prescott 1880 115 1881 Digest of the Canons of the Protestant Episcopal Church, USA Books etc No. Date Description 116 1900 Westcott's own copy of Gospel of John with Durham St. Cuthbert's cross embossed on cover; given by his daughter 117 1890 Consecration Bible presented to W by Abp Thomson of York in Westminster Abbey, 1st May 1890 118 1886 Westcotfs own copy of the Revised Bible (W one of the revisers) 119 1890 Communion & other Services book presented to W by students of the Cambridge Clergy Training School for his consecration (with notes at the back by W on visitations, confirmations, ordinations, admission of lay readers) 4 120 1881 Revised Version of the NT 121 1889 Westcott's personal copy of the revised Greek NT given by his son to Abp Davidson and by Lady Davidson to B.K. Cunningham (principal WH) 122 1885 Cambridge Memorial on Church Reform (collection of documents) 123 1866 1st cheap issue of Gospel of the Resurrection Allenson's 6d series 124 1924 Boutflower, C.K.
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