Georgia Department of Corrections eRFP (Event) Number 46700‐GDC0000669 Additional Scored Response Document Attachment K June 9, 2015 Submitted By: Global Tel*Link Corporation 12021 Sunset Hills Road, Suite 100 Reston, VA 20190 Primary Contact: Alternate Contact: Don Eades, Account Executive Larry Eveslage , RFP Director Telephone: 770‐329‐2113 Telephone: 972‐215‐0133 Email:
[email protected] Fax: 972‐506‐8783 Email:
[email protected] Georgia Department of Corrections eRFP Number 46700‐GDC0000669 Inmate Telephone Service STATE OF GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ADDITIONAL SCORED RESPONSE DOCUMENT Attachment K GDC is requesting additional information regarding potential value‐added technologies, solutions and support. Contractors are encouraged (but not required) to provide a complete written response to each of the additional scored items listed in Attachment K of the eRFP. Several of the additional scored items may require Contractor to provide exhibits and/or visual aids which clearly reference the specific eRFP section. All information contained in Contractor’s response shall be relevant to the section or specified item of the eRFP. Please note, GDC will not be a “beta test site” for any unproven technology. DO NOT INCLUDE ANY COST/PRICING/REVENUE SHARE INFORMATION IN YOUR RESPONSE TO THIS ATTACHMENT K – ADDITIONAL SCORED RESPONSE DOCUMENT. AS1: Continuous Voice Biometric Technology: Contractor shall provide an overview of its continuous voice biometric technology, detail the enrollment process and the continuous verification of the inmate’s voice. This feature must be an integrated part of the ITS and shall include analytical tools and reporting. Response: GTL understands and complies. Voice Biometric Verification GTL’s ITS includes integrated voice biometric identification.