DEPARTMENT FOR CURRICULUM, LIFELONG LEARNING AND EMPLOYABILITY Directorate for Learning and Assessment Programmes Educational Assessment Unit H

Annual Examinations for Secondary Schools 2019


Name: ______Class: ______

1. Which of these sources are about the British in ? Mark the sources in the boxes provided.

(Total: 10 marks)

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2. Look at the sources below. Then answer the questions.

Source A

Fort Cambridge

Source B

2.1 Give the name of the defensive line in Source A. ______(2)

2.2 Give a reason why the British built this defensive structure in the centre of Malta. ______


2.3 Underline two forts which form part of this defensive line. (2)

(, Fort , Fort Tigne’, Fort Binġemma, )

2.4 Which change in technological warfare made this defensive structure incapable of serving the purpose for which it was originally built?


2.5.1 Look at Source B. Which did the British build close to the entrances of the two main harbours?


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2.5.2 Give a reason why they were built at that location.


2.6 With which particular weapon were these two forts equipped?


2.7 How is Fort Rinella being used nowadays?




(Total: 17 marks)

3. Fill in with the correct information.

3.1 Under each picture, write the name of the means of transport used in Malta in past times. (12)



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3.2 In the table, write the letter of the means of transport from question 3.1 which corresponds with the information below. (12)

3.2.1 Was hired by the wealthy, professionals, merchants and the clergy. 3.2.2 Two means of transport used for crossing between Malta and Gozo. 3.2.3 A long carriage which could accomodate up to 16 persons.

3.2.4 Runs on tracks by means of electrical power.

3.2.5 They used to be painted in different colours, according to the route.

3.3 Choose one means of transport and write a sentence about the change it brought about in the life of the Maltese. (2)

Means of transport Change in the life of the Maltese

(Total: 26 marks)

4. Read the extract below about the Sette Giugno and then answer the questions.

The National Assembly was to meet for the second time on Saturday 7 June 1919 at the Giovine Malta. A Saturday was chosen so that more delegates and people could attend. Even though everyone thought that there might be ... some disturbances, nobody was expecting a riot.

The first to attract the attention was the Maltese flag in the middle of which was the Union Jack flown on the roof of the shop A La Ville de Londres ... Soon the mob made for that flag. The door of the shop was broken into and the flag torn ... From the start, this incident gave the demonstration an anti-British tone.

Ganado, Herbert (1977). Rajt Malta tinbidel. Vol. 1. pp. 217-218.

4.1 Why was the National Assembly going to meet?


4.2 Why do you think the Maltese made for the Maltese flag with the Union Jack?


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4.3 Mark with (x) the events which took place on Saturday 7 June, 1919. (3)

4.3.1 The National Assembly was meeting at the Giovine Malta.

4.3.2 British soldiers fired at the mob.

4.3.3 The British Governor had just arrived in Malta from Britain.

4.3.4 The funeral of the victims was held on that same day.

4.3.5 The mob set the premises of the newspaper Daily Malta Chronicle on fire.

4.3.6 The Bishop issued a pastoral letter.

4.4 Write whether each statement is a cause or effect of the Sette Giugno. (10)

Cause Effect

4.4.1 The Maltese demanded autonomy in the administration of Malta.

4.4.2 The price of bread went up.

4.4.3 Political demonstrations were not allowed.

4.4.4 Dockyard workers were laid off.

4.4.5 Malta was given a Self-Government Constitution.

(Total: 17 marks)

5. Look at Sources C and D and answer the questions.

Source C Source D

5.1 Why are these sources primary?


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5.2 Which event in the history of Malta under the British are these sources about?


5.3.1 What can you notice in Source C? ______(2)

5.3.2 What effect did this have on the Maltese?


5.3.3 What purpose did shelters serve?


5.4 Why was the weapon in Source D used?


(Total: 12 marks)

6. Historical figures.

Source E

Source E

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6.1 The two leaders in Source E were responsible for the beginning of the Second World War (1939-1945). Write the name of the historical figure next to each sentence, according to the relevant information. (4)

Mussolini / Hitler

6.1.1 Fascist dictator of Italy.

6.1.2 Founded the Nazy Party in Germany.

6.1.3 Declared war on Great Britain and ordered the first air strikes on Malta.

6.1.4 Wanted to exterminate the Jewish people.

6.2.1 How were the winning powers of the Second World War commonly known?


6.2.2 Name one such power. ______(1)

6.3 Give a consequence of the Second World War on Europe.


(Total: 8 marks)

7. Write about Maltese emigration during the 19th and 20th centuries.

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(Total: 10 marks)

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