PROPHECY  D’var Malchus

BEIS RIVKA – YOUR ‘ZAHIR T’FEI’  Feature | Menachem ben Eliezer

THE ’S RESPONSE TO FREUD  Insight | Rabbi Yosef Karasik

THE ESCAPE FROM RUSSIA  Feature | Avrohom Reinitz

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reading, learning what they teach us about the nature of and qualifications for a prophet. What two incidents in this week’s reading give us an insight into prophecy? The first concerns the PROPHECY bestowal of the Divine spirit upon the seventy elders. When Moses said he Translated and adapted by Dovid Yisroel Ber Kaufmann could not bear the burden and complaints of the Jewish people alone, G-d said He would appoint the Since in the times of Moshiach, all Jews seventy elders as assistants, so to speak. The Torah tells us that when will be as prophets, now, in the days G-d took from the spirit of Moses and put it upon the seventy elders, preceding Redemption, we must prepare they prophesied. This transfer of ourselves by learning what Torah has to Moses’ spirit our Sages compared to lighting one candle from another: the say about prophecy. first flame is not diminished by its ignition of a second. However, two of A major theme of this week’s Torah reading is the elders did not join the rest at the prophecy. In two separate incidents, the Torah indicates Tent of Meeting. Although they did not want to be the qualifications for a prophet and the uniqueness of selected, nevertheless, since G-d had designated them as Moses. These events serve as a lesson, a type of prophecy, two of the elders, they too began to prophesy. When for our own times, for in the days of Moshiach every Jew informed that these two, Eldad and Meidad, were will perceive G-dliness prophetically. We will all be filled prophesying in the camp, Joshua tells Moses, “My lord with daas – knowledge of G-dliness. Indeed, even the Moses, make them stop.” But Moses replies, “Are you righteous gentile will reach a level of prophecy or Divine jealous for my sake? Would that all the L-rd’s people were Inspiration. Isaiah declares that, “The glory of G-d shall prophets, that the L-rd would put His spirit upon them!” be revealed, and all flesh shall see together that the mouth The second incident concerns Moses, Aaron and of G-d has spoken.” Miriam. When Miriam discovers that Moses has Belief in prophecy is a fundamental principle of separated from his wife, she wonders if this is Judaism, one obviously connected to the principle that appropriate. After all, she and Aaron are prophets and Torah is eternal and true. Now it might seem that a belief they have not separated from their spouses. G-d calls the in prophecy is subordinate to, or a subset of, belief in three of them to the Tent of Meeting, and there explains Torah. , however, insists that belief in the difference between Moses and all other prophets. prophecy is a separate principle, independent of the belief First, however, the Torah tells us that Moses was the that the Torah is eternal and true. In fact, he lists the two humblest individual on the face of the earth. Then G-d principles involving prophecy before the two principles explains that He communicates with all other prophets in involving the Torah. The sixth and seventh principles are: a vision or dream. But “My servant Moses is not so; in all I believe with perfect faith that all the words of the My house is he trusted. Mouth to mouth I speak with him prophets are true. I believe with perfect faith that the . . .” prophecy of Moses is absolutely true; he was the chief of In these days just prior to the coming of Moshiach, we all prophets, both before and after him. The eighth and must prepare for Redemption. That preparation clearly ninth principles are: I believe with perfect faith that the includes learning what Torah – in the broadest sense – has entire Torah that we now have is that which was given to to say about the transformations that will occur. These Moses. I believe with perfect faith that the Torah will not transformations include not only an end to exile, a return be changed, and that there will never be another Torah of the Jewish people to the land of Israel and the given by G-d. rebuilding of the Temple. They include, as we have just Obviously, there is a reason why Rambam considers seen, an elevation of the people. Divine inspiration, prophecy a principle of belief separate from belief in the prophecy and knowledge of G-d will be the normal state immutability of Torah. To answer this, however, we must of affairs. This obligates us to study the conditions of and first look more deeply into the events of the Torah qualifications for becoming a prophet. This also requires

#'1 +-1&' !& 'PPRB  us to prepare ourselves, doing those things necessary to so much requirements as tools. Without them, a person qualify, to become a candidate for prophecy, as it were. cannot function at full capacity. Prophecy is knowledge – What, then, are the characteristics of a prophet? What a special, spiritual knowledge. But our minds are not truly traits must we strengthen and seek to instill within open, we do not comprehend fully, when limited by our ourselves? These we learn from Moses, as outlined in the financial situation or hindered by our physical condition. incidents above. First and foremost, a prophet must be Good health and material abundance puts the mind at wise – filled with an awareness of G-d’s Wisdom. ease and makes it receptive to the Divine blessings and Prophecy reveals the secret, the inner, the esoteric; a inspiration. prophet – and in the times of Moshiach, we will all reach A prophet – and Redemption will make prophets of us the level of prophets – must be able to comprehend the all – has reached the heights of human wisdom, greatness of G-d. Knowing that G-d grants prophetic comprehending G-dliness. A prophet has conquered his inspiration, we must attain the knowledge that allows us inclinations, overcoming inner desires and external to receive it. We must know how to sanctify ourselves, temptations. A prophet is humble, nullifying his ego, separate ourselves from the pursuit of the idle and becoming a vehicle for G-dliness. And to facilitate all this, transitory fashions of the time. a prophet is complete, materially and physically. Second, a prophet must have strength – the strength Now that we have identified the characteristics of a prophet, we can understand why Maimonides emphasizes that belief in Prophecy occurs in such a way that the prophecy is itself a separate principle of faith, different than belief in the prophet becomes so unified with the immutability of the Torah. We might think that the prophet himself is Word of G-d that it actually becomes irrelevant to the process, that he is no more than a loudspeaker, as it were, clothed within his mind. Thus, it is a transmitting G-d’s instructions but basic principle of Judaism, one of the himself remaining unaffected, as “human” as before. Maimonides foundations of our faith, to know – to therefore emphasizes that prophecy is an experience, a form of knowledge. experience, realize and understand – Through prophecy, G-d brings His presence into the minds of some that G-d reveals His secrets, becomes human beings. They know G-dliness and their minds become G-dly unified with the daas – the knowledge receptacles. of the prophet. Prophecy occurs in such a way that the prophet becomes so unified with the Word of G-d that it actually to overcome the temptations of the material world and the becomes clothed within his mind. Thus, it is a basic enticements of deceptive philosophies. This, too, requires principle of Judaism, one of the foundations of our faith, knowledge. We must know our own spiritual weaknesses, to know – to experience, realize and understand – that which desire most tempts us, which false ideology appears G-d reveals His secrets, becomes unified with the daas – most attractive. We must also know our strengths – that the knowledge of the prophet. G-d’s Wisdom becomes Torah and mitzvos and our Divine soul enable us to enclothed in the mind of the prophet. conquer, subdue and redirect our yetzer ha’ra – our evil Thus belief in prophecy (the sixth principle) is a inclination. consequence of our belief in G-d and that we should serve There are other characteristics which a prophet Him alone (Maimonides’s fifth principle). From this possesses: As Moses, a prophet must be humble. follows that Moses is the paradigmatic prophet (the Regarding the arrogant and the conceited, G-d declares, seventh principle). “I and he cannot dwell in the world together.” Humility May our study of and preparation for the state of and self-nullification are the pre-requisites to an open prophecy lead us immediately to the final Redemption, mind, one that perceives G-dliness and receives the and the day when “the earth will be full of knowledge of inspiration and knowledge He bestows. G-d as the waters cover the ocean bed.” Finally, a prophet has health and wealth. These are not (Based on 23, pp. 82-91)


By Menachem ben Eliezer

dreamt by the Chassid, Rabbi When R’ Berel once asked the Rebbe in Yisachar Dov (Berel) Gourevitch, yechidus what his ‘zahir t’fei’ ought to who passed away on Shabbos, Erev Pesach, about two months ago. With be, what mitzva should he be extra his passing, we lost a great Chassid of the previous generation, a man of careful in and ‘shine’ in, the Rebbe told chesed and action. His entire life was one of mesirus nefesh for Torah him it was his work in Beis Rivka. study and the fulfillment of mitzvos. He was born in 1915, 93 years “Through this, your home will naturally ago. His father was R’ Sholom and be illuminated.” * We recently lost a he lived in Zhlobin, Russia. His father sent him to learn in Tomchei Chassid of the previous generation with T’mimim, but the years of communist decrees were beginning the passing of Rabbi Yisachar Dov and yeshivos were closed down. For the next ten years he wandered, as (Berel) Gourevitch a”h. In his youth he did his friends, from one secret yeshiva to the next. Despite the studied Torah with mesirus nefesh and nonstop persecution and danger, R’ in great privation and he sat in jail and Berel was educated to Torah, avoda, and Chassidus. suffered greatly. Even when he He was 23 years old when he was arrested for the first time along emigrated to France he did not rest but with his friends Shmuel Itkin and Elozor Mogilevsky. It was during the devoted his life to spreading Torah and famous arrest of boys the night of 24 Teives 1938 in the underground Chassidus with mesirus nefesh. yeshiva in Berditchev. R’ Gourevitch was the one who taught the boys Chassidus and farbrenged with them “For nearly two months before I he answered, ‘No, I am coming right the night of the arrest. Unlike the was released, in one of the first back.’ And that’s what happened. He boys who were freed in a secret months of 5708, I dreamt that I was returned right away and when he escape, he remained incarcerated for in a room with two other men. One entered the room, it filled with light. nearly a year and was released the man was tall and I knew that one I said out loud in amazement, night of Yud-Tes Kislev 1939. was the Rebbe Rashab and one was ‘Rebbe, help me,’ and then I woke He told of his mesirus nefesh not his son, the Rebbe Rayatz, and one up. I felt that it was foreshadowing to become contaminated by was getting ready to leave the room. I my salvation.” forbidden foods, such as chametz on said, ‘Rebbe, you’re leaving me?’ and This wondrous dream was

 1FS>K #'1 +-1&' !& Pesach, in his touching memoir: piece of bread from our daily of experience. This is what “They retained the three oldest of rations. We exchanged the rest of happened. us, myself included, and we sat in our food for a day’s ration of sugar. “On Erev Pesach, early in the jail for about a year. It was very hard This was the beginning of Shvat. It morning, when they gave out the to sleep and sit on a cement floor. was a leap year and we began to daily bread, we ate it immediately, We were crowded like fish in a worry about Pesach, so we didn’t eat before the time it was forbidden, barrel. During interrogations they the sugar. We saved up our sugar so thinking it would be our last bread beat the prisoners mercilessly, we would have thirteen pieces for until after Pesach. Pesach night we though they generally did not strike Pesach, having heard that sugar recited the Hagada by heart, us young people. The fear was provides a good source of energy. whatever we knew, and ate some tremendous. “We sat there in jail without sugar, having in mind that it was in “From the NKVD they being interrogated. Apparently that place of matza and the four cups of transferred us to prison. We suffered would have gone on for a long time, wine. We had more than a kezayis of from starvation since we ate only a but we made a mistake due to lack maror… “On the morning of the first day of Pesach, we didn’t take bread because aside from being prohibited to eat it, it is prohibited to have any benefit from it, to exchange it for sugar. We didn’t even touch it as it was muktza. The one in charge of the room returned it to the guard and that was the big mistake, for if we would have told the prisoners that they could have it, there would have been no official notice. Returning the bread day after day was considered a hunger strike. “This got them mad and they transferred us to the NKVD and the interrogations were very harsh. They were mainly at night and they beat us mercilessly. They would deliberately take people at night from their homes and bring them straight to the interrogation room and would throw them to the ground and beat them, stuffing their mouths with rags so their screams wouldn’t be heard. Then they would take the person down to the cellar where the other prisoners were. Sometimes they would keep the person in the interrogation room a few days without allowing him to sleep. “One night I was being interrogated (I don’t remember which night of Pesach it was) and in the morning they brought a portion of soup and put it on the table. The chief interrogator wasn’t in the room at the time (sad to say, he was a Jew and he spoke a good Yiddish), just a plain policeman (and he also looked

#'1 +-1&' !& 'PPRB  Jewish) watched me so I wouldn’t (I did not consider whether it was ‘portion.’ I asked him how it had sleep. permissible to eat or not, whether it gone with him since I knew that the “The interrogator entered the was pikuach nefesh or not, it was interrogator was angry. He said that room and saw that the soup was still simply obvious that I would not baruch Hashem he had been saved on the table when usually, prisoners open my mouth and eat chametz, from a beating because when they would wolf it down in great hunger. G-d forbid.) brought him the bread he took a He asked me why I didn’t eat it, but “I don’t remember precisely what large piece and then told the guard I’m sure he knew the reason. I said he said in his anger, but it was that he needed to relieve himself and it was Pesach. He became enraged, I something like: Have you still not he threw away the bread without the guess because it proved that he given in and are you still standing by guard realizing it. ‘When the hadn’t succeeded in changing our your foolishness? And he left the interrogator asked the guard views. room in a hurry and within a few whether I was eating what was given “You can understand his fury. minutes he returned with a rubber to me, he answered that I had eaten Great men of high rank, generals truncheon and he said, ‘Nu, now so quickly that he didn’t even notice and the like, deferred to him and his will you eat?’ When I persisted in when I had done so, and he fellow interrogators and confessed my refusal, he began to beat me on accepted this answer.’ to ‘crimes’ that they didn’t do just my back. With each blow I felt like I “I had Divine assistance in that it so they would stop beating them was going through hell. entailed no more than just sitting in and let them live. Every interrogator “Then I remember sitting on the jail and scars on my back.” who succeeded in this was praised floor and he told the policeman to * * * and made a career for himself. And hold me and he took a spoon of R’ Berel did not complain about here were boys who did not submit soup to force it into my mouth. I his arrest or the suffering he coughed and it sprayed his face. He endured. On the contrary, he took it furiously said: I’m going to see matter-of-factly, testifying to his whether Berele will also not eat, and Chassidishe hergesh: The one in charge if so, he will get it from me… “From the chinuch we got and of the room “Berele was an older man, a from the influence of the holy Boyaner Chassid, a dear Jew with Rebbeim as well as the example we returned it to the elevated middos, one of our friends were shown when we were young, who helped a lot. On Shabbos he we the bachurim-talmidim did not guard and that would stay to daven after the others feel that we were baalei mesirus left and he would daven at length nefesh for Torah and Judaism. We was the big and sing sweetly like a Lubavitcher simply felt that it couldn’t be Chassid, an oved. After they arrested otherwise. We didn’t think that we mistake, for if we us, they arrested another six or so were suffering to fulfill Torah, but would have told important people, among them the the opposite, that we deserved it, as distinguished Rabbi Sholom it says, ‘if you waste time from the the prisoners that Friedman and Berele too. study of Torah, there are many other “During Pesach, Berele and I sat ways that your time will be wasted,’ they could have it, in the cellar in a room together and and apparently we had not been the night they took me for careful with our time; we were there would have interrogation, they took him too, negligent when it came to bittul under the supervision of my Torah. We were not satisfied with been no official interrogator, to another room. So eating only bread and went to the notice. Returning the interrogator quickly went from market to find other food, like salted me to Berele. In the meantime, I fish or jam and other ‘sins’ of that the bread day didn’t know how things went with sort. him. Afterwards, they sent me back “We decided that if we would after day was to the cellar and I found that Berele merit to be set free we would be was there too. happy with only bread; we would not considered a “He saw that I had been beaten, waste even a minute and we would though I couldn’t very well see my learn b’simcha. When we returned to hunger strike. own back. He picked up my shirt jail, I did not even eat the bread and and said: Nu, ah, you got a large there were usually leftovers. I don’t

 1FS>K #'1 +-1&' !& evil ones found reasons to go after him. It was a few weeks before the outbreak of war between Russia and Germany. One day, as he walked down the street in Moscow, a man in civilian clothes approached him, took out a paper that proved he was an NKVD agent and told him to enter a car. He was taken directly to the main NKVD building, where he was held for several days for questioning. The NKVD interrogators wanted him to tell them what he knew about the underground yeshivos and where certain boys were. They were mainly looking for Moshe and Sholom Levertov. “I told them that I knew nothing and in the end, when they released Using every free moment to learn me, they said it was on condition that I continue to go to shul and know why I did that. I thought: Why Siberia and remained alive were attend kiddushim and do we need to eat altogether? We released. My two friends were and then tell them what I knew.” have to accustom the body not to eat released on (an auspicious R’ Berel was in a tight spot. He – until I became very weak and I felt day) and they kept me until 18 knew plenty about Anash that the pains in my chest. Breathing was Kislev in the afternoon. I hurried to NKVD would want to know, but of difficult and on one foot I had a R’ Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev’s course he did not want to inform on black and blue mark which spread Shul and found R’ Michele, a anyone. He was afraid to flee from and made me walk like a cripple, Ruzhiner Chassid, and my first Moscow for that would only until I was taken to the prison request was to put on t’fillin. intensify the danger for those being hospital. “That day I went to the post sought. “I suffered so much that I office and sent a telegram to “I hoped that I would stand wondered whether I would survive. I Moscow to the home of R’ Berel strong and not reveal anything, even was not too worried about it, but I Kabilaker (Levertov) and wrote that if by keeping quiet I would be in thought about what would happen to I had left the ‘hospital’ and he knew danger myself.” my body since those evil ones didn’t what that meant. After much deliberation he told respect the dead and probably would “Afterwards I found out that he Anash that they must be exceedingly take my body with a horse and received my telegram the night of careful because the police knew wagon and dump it in a pit with Yud-Tes Kislev, the Chag HaGeula, plenty about them. The other bodies. and there was a going on distinguished members of Anash “In the hospital I asked the in his house with the distinguished understood what this meant and doctor to write a “prescription” that Chassidim of Moscow, including R’ they ordered R’ Berel to leave I needed butter in addition to the Nissan Nemenov. This added to Moscow. bread. They fulfilled my request and their simcha for it was a sign that “Although this was against my I very slowly regained my strength there would be a Geula for more of position and what I thought was and the black and blue mark shrank the Anash prisoners who had been right, I accepted their order and until it disappeared. They held us arrested earlier.” went to my hometown of Zhlobin.” until Kislev and took us to the R’ Gourevitch’s life behind the There too it wasn’t quiet for NKVD. Iron Curtain was miserable with long. He heard that someone had “During this time the situation constant persecution for the Torah come to town on a mission for the had changed slightly for the better he learned and taught with great NKVD who had inquired about him. and those who were not sent to devotion. At every opportunity the R’ Berel immediately left for

#'1 +-1&' !& 'PPRB  Bobruisk to his cousin. A few weeks whether to leave Russia and leave later the war between Russia and her husband or retrace her steps I was terrified Germany began and all was chaotic. and hope for the best. The During World War II his luck did rabbanim at the time and mainly not improve and he was drafted into who were on the train wanted to confused as I the Red Army. This entailed great write a conditional divorce for danger, as millions of soldiers were them. In the end, she went to wondered what sent to the frontlines and most of Poland, but wanted to return to them died or were severely Russia. She cancelled her plans approach to take wounded. For a period of time he when the Rebbe Rayatz said, served in one of the troops that “Better he should go to her than in the trained to go to the front but he was she should go to him.” wounded in one of the battles and R’ Berel was taken to jail. He interrogations and miraculously survived. remembered his previous how to answer At the end of the war, the incarceration and was very military said he had to serve another fearful. “Once I fell into their their questions so two years, but thanks to efforts on hands I knew they would accuse the part of Chassidim, he managed me of two things: fleeing the they wouldn’t to obtain false documents that army and the NKVD. I knew exempted him from continuing his they had been searching for me know it was me. service in the army. quite a bit. I was terrified and R’ Gourevitch moved to mainly confused as I wondered that she was talking to a man with a Samarkand, where many what approach to take in the black beard who had been sentenced Lubavitchers lived at that time. He interrogations and how to answer to ten years and he consoled her, married Chana Posner on their questions so they wouldn’t saying she wouldn’t be there for ten Chamisha-Asar B’Av 1946. About know it was me.” years. half a year later, on 9 Kislev, they R’ Berel sat in jail for many days “Mumme Sara gave me kosher left with a group of Chassidim to until he was sentenced to two years food from time to time and cross the border with forged papers. of hard labor in a prison camp. The sometimes she even obtained Tragically, R’ Berel was removed legendary Mumme Sara found out permission to visit. At one of these from the train at the Polish border. where he was and she, with her meetings she asked me – since there He had been promised that at the cleverness and courage, worked was an opportunity to get one of us border he would get his papers but diligently to help him. She sent him released through bribery, by writing the one who was supposed to packages of food and did all she that the prisoner was sick and could provide them did not appear. He could to postpone his exile and not do forced labor and the prisoner was accused of attempting to flee forced labor. For this purpose she would be released early, what did I Russia. The scene was heartbreaking bribed officials with huge amounts think – should I be released or Mrs. as the newly wedded couple were of money and so he was sent to a Kozliner? forced to part. labor camp in Lemberg under much “I don’t remember exactly how “It was the middle of the night better conditions. Not only that but she asked the question, but I and freezing cold. All hearts beat in she was granted permission to visit understood that it was up to me who silent fear over what his lot would him and was able to talk to him and would be released first (and later I be,” related the Chassid, R’ Dovid bolster his spirits. found out that the money she had Chein of . “I remember R’ Berel told a touching story was mostly intended for me). I told that before the train left, I stood in about his mesirus nefesh and love her that since Mrs. Kozliner was the doorway of the compartment for Chassidim in his memoir: sentenced to a much longer and R’ Berel cried out to me, ‘Dovid, “Mrs. Kozliner, the wife of R’ sentence, of course she should go do something, they’re leaving me Chaim Zalman Kozliner, was also in first. Mumme Sara and her partners here!’ My heart broke, but what the camp. She had been sentenced began to work on her behalf and could I do? He had just gotten to ten years and since she was some time later she was released. married and people feared that his greatly downcast by this I would “I looked out for her even though wife would remain an aguna the rest always console her that Hashem it adversely affected me but it of her life.” would help. She often told me that actually worked out not only for her His poor wife had to decide before she met me she had dreamt but mainly for me too. As I said, I

 1FS>K #'1 +-1&' !& was separated from the entire family, me was whether I had suffered a lot educate girls to and from my wife, my mother, my from the criminals, the thieves and hiskashrus to the Rebbe. He received brother, and from Anash by an iron murderers who are usually in the Rebbe’s consent and blessing in barrier, and as far as I knew, the prisoner camps. I sensed that he 1953: separation would be forever. My himself had suffered a lot from them B”H wife did not see it that way and she when he was in the prisoner camp in 26 Tamuz 5713 wanted to return to Russia in the the frigid Russian north. Brooklyn hopes of finding me, but since this R’ Berel remembered this … R’ Yisachar Dov, shalom was dangerous it was decided astonishing line: u’v’racha! between our family and Anash, who “I remember that after the first I was pleased to receive your dealt with this question, to ask the conversations I had, I stood in the letter dated the Chag HaGeula, question of the Rebbe Rayatz. middle of the large room where they where you write about your “Later on, Rabbi A.G., the one learned and R’ Shlomo Chaim stood involvement in the Rebbe, my who brought in all the letters and in the northwest corner and looked father-in-law’s mosad, Beis Rivka, questions to the Rebbe and then at me. Then he began walking which is mekarev the hearts of took out the responses, said that towards me and when he passed by, Jewish girls to our Father in when he brought in this question the he said in my ear, ‘G-dliness is heaven. May Hashem grant you Rebbe said, ‘better he should come visibly apparent on you.’” success to fulfill your role in this here than for her to return there.’ From there he went to Paris, mosad in the proper way. “Even though this seemed where the Chabad Chassidim lived, I enjoyed reading in your letter impossible, it happened. After I was and he reunited with his wife. At that you are arranging to accept there for about a year and a half, first he thought that France would girls of Anash as well as those Poland made an agreement with be his temporary dwelling until he from the city for the summer Russia that Polish citizens in Russian was told where to live, but he vacation. There is room for strong jails for various crimes would be remained in France and began and great hope that there will be returned to Poland. The Polish spreading Torah and Chassidus. fruits and fruits of fruits even after government would release them A short while later he was offered the vacation. This is in addition to upon their return. the position of running Beis Rivka in what the Alter Rebbe wrote in “Since I was considered a Polish the city of Yerres. In those days it (chapter 25) – that this citizen, I was included. If not for the was a completely new concept to unification up above is eternal, but Rebbe Rayatz’s reply, my wife would have tried to return to Russia and it is very likely that she would have been caught. As for me, if they had tried to release me before Mrs. Kozliner, I would have remained in Russia because they only sent Polish prisoners to Poland and not prisoners who had been released.” The dream mentioned at the beginning of the article occurred shortly before R’ Berel left Russia, and after difficulties and wandering he arrived in France. One of the first visits he paid was to the yeshiva in Brunoy, “for I always felt that my survival was only in the merit of Tomchei T’mimim.” R’ Berel met R’ Nissan Nemenov at the yeshiva as well as the , R’ Shlomo Chaim Kesselman. “R’ Nissan spoke to me about this and that and I remember that one of the main questions he asked Rabbi Gourevitch meeting his brother, R’ Yitzchok

#'1 +-1&' !& 'PPRB  down below it falls under the Despite his intensive workload, and learning Gemara in the limitations of time and is only for he was a Chassid of Torah study. He meantime,” said R’ Biederman. that moment – see there. And great used every free moment for learning. “His learning was with such is the merit of your involvement in Even when he returned home late at clarity that he would offer an this to draw for you increased night he would keep his daily study explanation that would preempt any blessing and success in your schedule. In the morning he debate. As soon as the Rebbe said to personal matters too. regularly learned Chassidus before learn Rambam daily, he didn’t budge With blessing for success, I davening. Every day, after davening, without a tattered and well-used await good news. he learned Mishnayos. If he had to Mishna Torah in his hand. In his From that point on, throughout travel and he didn’t have the volume later years he learned a lot of the years, R’ Berel received many with him, he would make Mishnayos and until the day before instructions and much guidance photocopies. he died he said a lot of T’hillim, from the Rebbe regarding his work This elderly Chassid, who sat in reciting the entire book two or three in chinuch. R’ Yisachar Dov and his jail for the “crime” of learning Torah times daily. There were no idle wife devoted themselves to raising in his youth, did not waste a minute, moments; his lips were constantly the girls, materially and spiritually. moving.” They married them off. There are R’ Gourevitch was a model of a dozens of families that they were Chassid of a previous generation, a involved with in preparing for the remnant of a generation of wedding, at the wedding, as well as Chassidim who kept Torah and afterwards, and kept up contact until mitzvos secretly in Soviet Russia. the end. There wasn’t a shred of chitzonius “Zeide – on shlichus of the about him. He did all his great work Rebbe for sixty years – educated as a matter of course, with great thousands of girls in the holy mosad humility and no self congratulation. Beis Rivka of France, as a loving and He served Hashem and feared Him, concerned father, both pleasantly without any concern for himself. He and firmly,” is what his son-in-law, was a Chassid. He did not know Rabbi Yaakov Biederman, shliach in about fakery or exaggeration. He did Vienna, wrote. “He was a role model not talk about truth; he was a for uncompromising truth. His walking example of truth. He was a humble and modest abode which straight person, wholehearted in his barely changed in fifty years, was deeds. He did not speak too much; not only the home of his wife and he spoke to the point. children but also a refuge for dozens He often walked from Yerres to of refugee girls. There they found a Brunoy, many kilometers, in order Rabbi Gourevitch speaking warm and loving place and grew up to daven with the tzibbur. He would at the Moshiach Congress to what they are today, mothers and wake up at five in the morning and grandmothers who established many would immerse in the mikva despite kosher homes throughout the instead dedicating all his time to his weakness and advanced age. On Diaspora.” learning. Every day he learned the last Shabbos of his life, Erev When R’ Berel once asked the Gemara and he had a shiur in Pesach, he immersed twice, before Rebbe in yechidus what his ‘zahir Shulchan Aruch Admur HaZaken in Shacharis and before Yom Tov. t’fei’ ought to be, what mitzva which he was proficient (he once While there in the mikva he slipped should he be extra careful in and told his son when the latter was a and the next day he returned his ‘shine’ in, the Rebbe told him it was boy that he had already gone soul to his Maker. his work in Beis Rivka. “Through through the Shulchan Aruch four His funeral passed by the this, your home will naturally be times). yeshiva in Brunoy. His aron was illuminated.” Indeed, this is what he He would always have a Gemara placed in Beis Rivka, the mosad he did all his life, spreading Torah and or some volume whether at home or ran, and then he was taken to Kfar chinuch of girls in Beis Rivka. It was in his office or on the bus. “I can see Chabad and from there to Har only when he turned 85 that he him in my mind’s eye standing in the HaZeisim in Yerushalayim, where reduced his hours somewhat, but he yard of his house waiting for he was buried. still worked. someone to come to pick him up


By Rabbi Yosef Karasik, Rav – Bat Chefer, Emek Chefer

Chassidus is about. Many people Many people are under the impression are under the impression that that Chassidus is all about emotion, Chassidus is all about emotion, dancing, smiles and hopping dancing, smiles, and the like, but that’s around, but that’s not what Chassidus is – not at all. not what Chassidus is – not at all. * A Chassidus is about knowledge, reason, and intelligence, but it fascinating look at the parsha in light of doesn’t remain there, in the intellect; it continues on to the the Midrash, Kabbala, and Chassidus heart. Nevertheless, the Chabad. foundation is understanding. The heart is needed to bring all the understanding of the mind THE REBBE RASHAB Dr. Freud asked the Rebbe: to life, to action, as the Rebbe MEETS DR. FREUD What is Chassidus? Rashab put it: To suspend a line The Rebbe answered: In the winter of 5663/1903, so that the light in the mind Chassidus is about the mind the Rebbe Rashab’s health reaches the heart. What does that enabling the heart to understand deteriorated and he felt a strong mean and how is it done? what it wants and about the heart tremor in his hands. When his On the one hand, the mind bringing life into what the mind doctors despaired of healing him, and heart are two very different understands.” he went to Vienna to a well organs. On the other hand, since Dr. Freud asked: How do you known neurologist by the name of “the nefesh of man is one,” as the do that when the mind and heart Professor Sigmund Freud. Rambam writes, there is a are two separate continents Dr. Freud, who had only just connection between them. The separated by a great ocean? begun his work in psychology and way to create this mutual The Rebbe answered: The psychoanalysis, was very curious cooperation and to suspend work lies in building a bridge to meet the big rabbi, who “electrical and telephone wires” between these two continents or founded Yeshivas Tomchei between them is through at least suspending electrical and T’mimim and developed the meditation, which in turn, leads phone lines so that the light in teachings of Chassidus into a to emotions in the heart. the brain reaches the heart. (And comprehensive spiritual/practical the Rebbe added: Based on educational system. At their careful examination, I say that LIGHTING THE meeting, a fascinating Chassidim, by birth, have the MENORA IN THE conversation ensued. We don’t necessary talents for this type of MIKDASH know much about what they work.) discussed but we have the The Beis HaMikdash and its Let us take a look at the following from the Rebbe Rayatz vessels are compared to the body Rebbe’s answers, which are (as printed in Likkutei Dibburim of man. The Menora, which was actually a summary of what vol. 1,110): lit in the Mikdash, is like the

 1FS>K #'1 +-1&' !& between the emotions and the brain and the intellect in one’s that was in the courtyard of the mind is. A person should not use head, which guides a person in Mikdash. This was done by his emotions of love or fear life. The Altar, upon which fire taking fire from the Altar to light unless they are guided by the burns and the sacrifices are the Menora. mind and reason. brought, is like the heart, where The obligation to take fire We learn that the Menora is lit feelings, warmth, and enthusiasm from the Altar is absolute and from fire on the Altar from the are to be found. unchanging, to the point that if verse, “a constant fire should Just as man’s avoda is to there was no fire on the Altar, burn on the Altar” in VaYikra 6:6. connect mind and heart, so too then the Menora is not to be lit; The “constant fire” refers to the the Torah commanded that the it cannot be lit with fire from light of the Menora, which is Menora inside the Mikdash be anywhere else. From this we see called “constant” (as it says “ner connected to the copper Altar how important the connection tamid”) and this should “be burned” from fire on the Altar. Although the verse does not actually mention the Menora, but only the Altar, and the simple meaning of the verse is that the fire on the Altar should burn constantly and not be extinguished, Chazal teach that the verse also refers to the Menora. Twice the verse mentions that a fire should burn constantly: 1) “a constant fire” refers to the Menora, and 2) “it should not be extinguished” refers to the Altar. Yet the light of the Menora did not burn constantly, for the lights were lit only once a day (according to some opinions) and they were extinguished a few hours after they were lit and remained extinguished until the

Chassidus is about the mind enabling the heart to understand what it wants and about the heart bringing life into what the mind understands.

#'1 +-1&' !& 'PPRB  next day. There were many hours when the Menora was not lit, so what is meant by a “constant fire”? The word “constant” has two meanings: 1) continuous, without a break and, 2) with regularity, and even though it stops from time to time, it is called “constant” because it is done on a regular basis. For example, something that is done every year on a certain date is called a constant practice insofar as it has a set date each year, even though it is not done continuously year round. These two definitions of “tamid” (constant) apply to the Menora and the Altar: A constant fire burned without stop on the Altar, and the Menora was lit regularly although it did not burn all the time. Now we can understand how we learn from the words “a constant fire” that the Menora had to be lit from the fire on the Atar: “A constant fire” – the fire symbolizes the tzaddikim and because it is possible that those that regularly lights the Menora – men of Torah, who are completely involved in Torah and avodas “shall burn” – shall be ignited involved in Torah study. The Altar Hashem with their intellects do from the fire on the Altar. in the yard outside the Mikdash, so without enthusiasm (i.e., due The Menora represents the represents the simple people, who to their constant involvement brain, which learns the light of are outside the world of Torah with Torah, they lack the Torah, and the Copper Altar and are involved in worldly excitement and freshness of represents the emotions of the matters. something new). heart and serving G-d with love There is a natural rift between When those who spend most and fear. The fire of the Menora the two, between those who are of their time on material things needs to be taken from the fire of fully immersed in the beis enter the beis midrash to spend the Altar because Torah study has midrash and those who spend some time learning, they are to be done with love and fear of most of their time outside the enthusiastic and they have an Hashem. The mind must be beis midrash. The Torah tells us effect on those b’nei Torah who joined with the heart. As the that they must be connected. are always there, infusing them Rebbe Rashab put it, the two There must be a bond between with excitement for Torah and continents, the mind and heart, the men of Torah, who are t’filla. Just as the Menora is lit must be bridged. compared to the Menora, and the with fire from the Altar, in order men of the world, who are for the b’nei Torah to have a fire CONNECTING THE MEN compared to the Altar. of love and fear for Hashem they OF TORAH WITH THE This connection is helpful not need to connect with simple NATION only for those outside the beis people. Those who are fervent in midrash (who are affected by the their service of Hashem have an The golden Menora which light of the Torah) but also for impact on the g’dolei ha’Torah. illuminated the Mikdash, those within the beis midrash,

 1FS>K #'1 +-1&' !& THE CONNECTION IN understand that Torah and In Yemos YEMOS HA’MOSHIACH mitzvos are utter goodness and perfection, and he can still not The secret of Geula lies in the HaMoshiach, the take pleasure in them. This is connection between the because there is a break in the understanding of the mind with mind will fully connection between mind and the emotions of the heart. The heart. rule the heart. At way Hashem created man is that In Yemos HaMoshiach, the he can control his emotions, as mind will fully rule the heart. At that point, we will the Alter Rebbe says in Tanya that point, we will all feel the chapter 12, “the mind rules the all feel the fiery fiery connection between the heart from its birth and the Menora and the Altar, and the nature of its formation.” Man can connection Menora within every Jew – i.e., control his passions with his his mind – will connect with his intellect, so that when he between the heart. understands that something is In the future, the knowledge Menora and the good, he can immediately arouse that Torah and mitzvos are Truth love in his heart for that thing, and goodness, will arouse love Altar, and the and when he understands that and enormous yearning within something is bad, he can Menora within every Jew to avodas Hashem, and immediately arouse hatred for it. the knowledge that sins are However, in galus, we’ve every Jew – i.e., against G-d’s will, will arouse a gotten confused and a person can disgust and hatred for these understand that sins and passion his mind – will things. With the true and for things of this world are evil complete Redemption, may it be connect with his and nevertheless, he can feel love now! and pleasure for these forbidden heart. Sources: Likkutei Sichos vol. 17, p. 50 ff. things. Likewise, he can Thanks to Elchanan Nir.

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#'1 +-1&' !& 'PPRB  CB>QROB

send him an invitation to come to Eretz Yisroel. In Russia of those days, which was locked behind the Iron Curtain, you couldn’t just ask THE ESCAPE for permission to leave the country. Only someone who received an invitation from abroad from a relative could ask to leave for the purpose of reuniting the family. FROM RUSSIA Even after receiving this invitation you usually didn’t get permission Prepared for publication by Avrohom Reinitz to leave, but there was a slim chance that your request would be approved. R’ Hillel Zaltzman tells of his personal My Aunt Rosa a”h was very afraid of the Russian authorities. “Exodus” from Soviet Russia. * Part 1 When she saw a policeman she would cross the street, saying: Why Much has been written about In the previous installment I should I pass by him? Who knows the hardships Jews experienced in described the terrible situation that what he is planning on doing? No the former Soviet Union and many peaked with the Doctors’ Plot. As I wonder then that when she saw the stories describe attempts to escape recounted at length, after Stalin letter from Eretz Yisroel, she was from behind the Iron Curtain. died and Khrushchev took over, terrified even before she opened it. Many Lubavitcher families have most of the Jews who had been A letter from Eretz Yisroel meant their personal memoirs about their imprisoned in 1937, 1946, and you had a connection with the West exodus, but most of Anash left 1953 were released, but nobody and in those days it was easy to Russia in 1946-7 via Poland. They believed that there was a real accuse the recipient of the letter assumed fictitious marriages with change in attitude towards the from abroad of spying and other Polish citizens and used the Jews. The persecution continued serious crimes. agreement signed after the war under Khrushchev and they After my uncle opened the letter between Russia and Poland which continued to check the ledgers in and read his brother’s offer, my allowed Polish citizens to return to apartment buildings. aunt said it wasn’t worth dealing their country. In the Soviet Union, the law with the government. “What’s so For a short time, the was that every building had to have bad here? We are old people and government turned a blind eye, a ledger with information about all nobody bothers us. Aside from enabling Chassidim to leave the the tenants – when they moved in, that, other than your brother, all of country, but in the winter of 5707 the names of all family members, my family is here. Why should I the group of Chassidim that was on and other details. Nobody could leave them all?” its way to Poland was arrested and stay in an apartment more than 24 My uncle maintained: It’s the government sought the hours without record in the ledger. twenty years now since I’ve heard organizers of the escape. Whoever That is how the government knew from my brother and even now, I remained free during those dark of every move every citizen made. didn’t write to him and ask him to days rejoiced over not being We once asked one of the send me an invitation. If he offered arrested, on the one hand, but on officials who came to check the to do this and managed to locate the other hand, Jewish life became ledger, “What are you checking us, it is a sign that Divine harder with every passing day. for?” and he said, “We have to Providence is directing us to During the war, the government know how you breathe.” submit a request to leave. Aside was concentrating on the front and from that, most of our family does not have relatives in Eretz Yisroel this made it possible for life behind OBTAINING EXIT VISAS the lines to carry on without undue and they have no hope of leaving In 1956, my uncle R’ Boruch supervision, but after the war they here. If we are able to leave, we will Duchman received a letter from his began dogging the steps of be able to send invitations to the brother, R’ Yisroel Noach, who religious Jews. entire family and with Hashem’s lived in Eretz Yisroel, offering to

 1FS>K #'1 +-1&' !& R’ Moshiach Chudaitov and Hillel Zaltzman in Samarkand help we will be reunited in Eretz at all simple. Half a year went by anti-Semitic, anti-Zionist Yisroel.” until they finished preparing the propaganda campaign. They agreed to accept the documents and at the end of 1957 My uncle, and especially my invitation from R’ Yisroel Noach. A they submitted the documents to aunt, regretted having submitted few months later, my uncle OVIR, the emigration office which the documents. With the threat of received an official invitation from was a branch of the KGB. Russia entering the war, they his brother to come to Eretz When they returned home, they concluded that they had submitted Yisroel. At that time, it was very heard on the radio that England, their request at the worst possible rare to receive an invitation from France, and Israel had jointly time. If they had waited one more Eretz Yisroel, and my uncle was attacked Egypt. That was the day, or even a few hours, and had one of the few fortunate ones who beginning of the Sinai War. Since heard about the outbreak of war, could start the emigration process. the Soviet Union was an ally of they certainly would not have made The emigration process was not Egypt, the Soviet media began an their request and this calamity

#'1 +-1&' !& 'PPRB  would not have befallen them. But now, after they had submitted their It’s twenty years now since I’ve heard request, what were they to do? Nevertheless, despite the from my brother and even now, I didn’t tension due to the war, six months later, my aunt and uncle received write to him and ask him to send me an their exit visas. Back then, when a Jew received an exit visa, the news invitation. If he offered to do this and spread like wildfire. Since we hadn’t heard about managed to locate us, it is a sign that other Jews receiving exit visas, it is a reasonable assumption that in our Divine Providence is directing us to area they were the only fortunate ones who were able to leave the submit a request to leave. country that year. The process of obtaining passports took another explained why they hadn’t taken certainly wouldn’t agree to leave year. That was normal for those the opportunity to leave after the Mother Russia. She didn’t even days, and in 1957 they left for war. agree to discuss it with her Eretz Yisroel. Anash rejoiced over this new daughter lest her daughter’s loyalty opportunity to leave Russia but to the party supersede her family A FICTITIOUS only a few managed to take loyalties and she would snitch to MARRIAGE – A FAILED advantage of it and leave for the government. That was life in Poland. I was a young bachur and I Russia. There were many instances ATTEMPT didn’t see a future for religious life in which children tattled on their In 1957 Wladyslaw Gomulka in Russia. I always yearned to leave parents to the KGB. became the premier of Poland. He and when I heard about this Having no other choice, I proposed separating Poland from agreement between Russia and undertook the difficult and the Soviet Union. He organized a Poland, I decided to take advantage dangerous task of speaking to the national convention for communist of the opportunity. girl directly. You can understand parties in Warsaw and invited In our neighborhood there lived that if her mother was nervous that representatives from some a Jewish woman by the name of she would inform on her that I was communist countries. He did not Luba Gubanda who did not look apprehensive about talking to her, invite Russia. Russian. She spoke Yiddish with a but I decided to take the risk. Khrushchev, who did not like Polish accent and I thought she Hashem put the right words into this new idea, decided to attend the might be Polish. I checked it out my mouth and I managed to convention even though he was not and yes, she was a former Polish convince her. There was one little invited. When he and his entourage citizen. problem in that she was only 16, entered the hall, Gomulka left the After I spoke to her, I learned and according to law, you could dais, approached Khrushchev, and that she had a good reason why she not marry before 18. I managed to ordered him to leave immediately. didn’t leave Russia in 1946. She get her a false identity card saying Khrushchev said that this would had an only daughter by the name she was 18. cost him dearly and he would of Genia and my idea was to have Everything went according to regret it. the government register me as plan but the mother was a It is not known precisely what married to Genia and then to chatterbox and she told people that took place behind closed doors, but submit a request for the entire Hillel Zaltzman was marrying her after some discussion, Khrushchev family to leave for Poland. daughter and then they were all entered the hall. In exchange, When I brought up the idea to going to Poland. Of course she Khrushchev gave Gomulka a her and I said that I would pay her didn’t tell anyone that this was a humanitarian concession and if she agreed, she gave her general fictitious marriage but since she signed an agreement with Poland agreement but said the problem and her daughter were not stating that any Polish citizens who was that her daughter was a religious, it was obvious. Word had not left in 1946-7 could member of the Komsomolsk, spread along with an explanation: present a request to leave if they communist youth group. She What do you think – Hillel

 1FS>K #'1 +-1&' !& Goodbye farbrengen for R’ Boruch Duchman. From right to left: Berel Zaltzman, R’ Boruch Duchman, Hillel Zaltzman, Dovid Mishulovin, Eli Mishulovin, Michoel Mishulovin, Avrohom Zaltzman

Although the red tape dragged on, we still lived as though we might be able to leave soon. Why buy furniture – an oven, refrigerator, couch, and other important household items – when we might get a positive answer in another few months? Our hope was always renewed as we thought, maybe this Zaltzman is marrying into a secular request to leave? time we would be allowed to leave. family! Obviously this is being done R’ Mordechai said he would. To In the Soviet Union at that only in order to leave Russia! a certain extent, this spurred us on time, when a Lubavitcher met a You can imagine how scared my to begin preparing our documents. fellow Chassid and wanted to know father and our entire family were The spiritual situation was what was going on, they asked: when the news spread in the Jewish difficult in many respects, How long have you been going section of Samarkand. I canceled especially regarding chinuch. It was already? In other words, how many the deal before we would get almost impossible to keep the years have you been submitting caught. children home and not send them documents and been refused? I, for to public school. Whoever didn’t example, began the process in 1957 A SPIRITUAL send their children to public and I left in Elul of 1971! school, where they would be EXPERIENCE IN * * * indoctrinated to atheism and KULASHI communism, feared his children We heard a rumor that in The opportunity was lost and I would be taken away and placed in Kulashi in Georgia, the Jews got remained behind the Iron Curtain. special schools. Obviously, under along with the emigration In 1961 we got an official the circumstances, we wanted to authorities and in exchange for a invitation from Eretz Yisroel. We get out of Russia as soon as bribe, you could get a visa. I went debated about whether to submit a possible. to check this out and if the rumor request to leave. Very few people The process of taking care of proved to be true, the rest of the were actually allowed to go and the the documents took half a year and family would follow me in order to majority, those who were turned to our great disappointment, we arrange visas. Uprooting our family down, suffered afterwards. Some were turned down. We had the from Samarkand and settling in a of them were called for right to contest the decision and we new place would be difficult, not interrogations in the offices of the appealed directly to Uri Andropov, only physically but politically risky, KGB and many were fired from chairman of the KGB (who later but what do you not do in order to their jobs. became the president). A few more leave Russia? At that time, R’ Mordechai months went by until we received I went to Kulashi and was Gorodetzky, who lived in Tashkent, our answer which was No. astonished to find a large Jewish paid us a visit in Samarkand. My Since the visa we had received community that lived as though brother-in-law, R’ Eli Mishulovin from Eretz Yisroel was valid for they weren’t under communist rule. a”h, spoke to him about the only one year, we had to start the I heard that there were 2000 situation in Tashkent and asked process all over in order to try people in the town, most of them him as though “by the way” (since again. Once again, the process Jewish and religiously observant. I he didn’t want him to know we had took a year and once again, we arrived there on a Friday and I saw gotten a visa from Eretz Yisroel): If were turned down. dozens of Jewish women going to you received a visa from Eretz The years went by as we waited the shochet, Chacham Yitzchok, Yisroel, would you submit a for the day when we could leave. for him to shecht their chickens for Shabbos.

#'1 +-1&' !& 'PPRB  HOW WE OBTAINED LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION FROM WORK Preparing the documentation and presenting for clothing based on orders we received from them to OVIR was a complicated process that took clothing factories all over Russia. I sent letters to about half a year to execute. Some of the required hundreds of factories on the official stationery of papers had to be forged and some were simply the main factory and offered our services. Of difficult to obtain. One of the hardest documents to course, the manager of the main factory had to sign obtain was a letter of recommendation from work, these letters. where the manager of the factory had to testify that When I wanted to give a letter of his employee was a decent individual and the recommendation to one of the workers, which factory recommended that he be allowed to leave stated that the factory approved of his request to Russia since the factory would emigrate, I would wait until a not be harmed by his leaving. pile of hundreds of letters had If someone asked for this accumulated that needed the letter directly, it was likely that I cannot describe manager’s signature. I prepared he would either be refused to you how tense I one sheet or a few papers, on the outright or fired. Managers were official stationery of the factory, afraid that if they gave this letter was each time I on which I wrote, in the name of of recommendation, they were the manager, that he allowed the likely to pay dearly for doing so. gave him a pile of employee to present a request to Many who submitted the emigrate and recommended him, paperwork lost their jobs and letters and within etc. I put this paper within the had to find menial jobs pile of papers, after several afterwards like being a watchman them was a letter dozen letters. or janitor. or several letters When the manager got this I ran my own business since I pile of papers, he looked at the was twenty. It wasn’t actually my for his first one and signed it, he looked own because in Russia everything at the second one and signed it, belonged to the government. I recommendation. and so on, for several letters went to a big factory that had until he got tired and began various departments for different If I had been signing sheet after sheet without types of work, and I offered to examining them. So when he got open a department to design caught I would up to the page that I had stuck patterns for clothing. Since they have been severely within the pile, he signed it didn’t have space for another without knowing what he was department, I offered to find a censured and signing. place and to hire workers and After he finished signing them they would take financial maybe fired, along all and returned the pile of responsibility for the new letters, I sighed with relief. I department. They agreed and with all my immediately put all the letters that is what I did. I rented a into my briefcase and quickly left building far away and took some employees. his office. Lubavitchers and taught them I cannot describe to you how the work and we were considered tense I was each time I gave him employees of the big factory. a pile of letters and within them was a letter or On another occasion I will write about the several letters for his recommendation. If I had department I ran, about being able to help Anash in been caught I would have been severely censured various ways thanks to this concern and about the and maybe fired, along with all my employees, but KGB’s raid on our department. At this point, I will Hashem helped and I was able to arrange these only tell how I obtained letters of recommendation letters for myself and for all the Lubavitchers who from the manager of the main factory. were registered as employees in the department I In the department I ran, we designed patterns ran.

 1FS>K #'1 +-1&' !& This sight, of an older, speak. He was a young rav in his with his friend at the train station. I bearded Jew wearing a long thirties at the time and an agreed to pay him 1000 rubles for garment, moved me very much. excellent speaker. People flocked his service. In Samarkand this was to hear him. The shul was full We traveled together and of dangerous, but in Kulashi it was and Chacham Refael course, throughout the trip, we did done openly and fearlessly. enthusiastically lectured on not talk to one another, as though What I saw on Friday was Torah, Midrash, and Agada for we were strangers. We didn’t want nothing compared to the moving more than two hours. anyone to think there was a sight I saw Friday night in the I had a tremendous spiritual connection between us. big shul. The place was crowded experience in Kulashi that made We arrived at the train station in with old and young and even a deep impression on me, but as Samarkand at eight in the morning children. Many of them couldn’t far as the purpose of my trip, I and met his friend. The Uzbeki get inside and had to stand did not achieve anything. The introduced me and I gave him the outside! rumor was just that and nobody 1000 rubles. He had barely put it I visited many places in Russia was able to obtain a visa through into his pocket when suddenly a but had never seen young people bribery. I returned to policeman appeared and grabbed in shul, and I certainly hadn’t Samarkand. each of us and led us to the police seen children. Hundreds of Jews station in the train station. The Uzbeki managed to put away the money after the policeman She didn’t even agree to discuss it with caught us and I don’t know whether the policeman noticed the money her daughter lest her daughter’s loyalty that had exchanged hands or not. In any case, our fear at the moment is to the party supersede her family indescribable. We tried to remain loyalties and she would snitch to the expressionless and not reveal the turmoil we felt within. government. That was life in Russia. At the police station we were told to sit down and we were asked There were many instances in which where we were coming from and where we were going. They asked children tattled on their parents to the for our passports and I thought that maybe the Uzbeki would show them KGB. documentation that he was the superintendent of the jail in filled the shul and davened loudly INCIDENT AT Tashkent and they would leave us and sang. I couldn’t restrain THE TRAIN STATION alone. But he just handed over his myself and I cried tears of joy. passport and they continued asking The Klein family of Tashkent told When it was time for Lecha questions. us that they had good connections Dodi, a young boy got up to sing Then they called him into an with the superintendent of the jail in it and the crowd followed his inner room and I remained alone in their city, an Uzbek, and he told lead. I haven’t forgotten the the outer room. You can imagine them that he used to live in special niggun for this liturgical how I felt. After a long time, which Samarkand and was a close friend of poem till this day. I felt it was seemed like forever, they released us. the person who gave out visas. He worth going to Kulashi just for Afterwards, the Uzbeki told me that hinted to them that in exchange for this. he understood from them that they a bribe, of course, he would be the The next day, Shabbos, were looking for someone who go-between. Chacham Yaakov addressed the resembled me. I immediately traveled to crowd. He spoke for a long time After this incident, the friend of Tashkent, where R’ Moshe Klein and all listened closely. After the the Uzbeki was afraid to have introduced me to the davening I was told to visit the anything to do with me and this plan superintendent. We made up to other shul in the afternoon, was shelved. travel together by train to where Chacham Refael would Samarkand, where we would meet [To be continued with b’ezras Hashem]


By Rabbi Zalman Hertzel Translated By Michoel Leib Dobry

internal chassidic farbrengens, we Beis Moshiach Magazine is pleased to won’t hear these complainers present the final installment from the even whisper things in the style of the Rebbe (as mentioned above). seifer Shlita by Rabbi Zalman Hertzel, Even in a private letter or pidyon nefesh that they write to the discussing the faith of Lubavitcher Rebbe, when there is surely no concern about driving the masses chassidim in the seventh generation. away from Lubavitch, you won’t find them sneaking in any AN IMAGE OF “nourishing the external forces”). “Shlitas,” not even by mistake. “ECCENTRICITY” But where is there derived the But this does not exempt us from mode of conduct to speak and providing a response to the very We will now address another write in this fashion with people heart of this excuse, as the Rebbe claim (raised in the first chapter): from the outside? did when he referred to those This conduct of writing “Shlita” (The fact is, however, that who are “looking for an excuse.” could be perceived as being those who murmur about the (The essence of this topic “eccentric,” something that is problem in relation to “outsiders” requires a whole book unto itself. liable to drive people away from are also affected by shortcomings The matter of the publicity and Lubavitch. Where’s the minimal with regard to “insiders.” At spreading forth of the teachings sense of responsibility? Those who maintain this position say: We agree with what has been written so far. It’s true NASI IS SHLITA! that the Rebbe rejected the In connection with what is brought in this article about the unique writing of terms of histalkus, etc.; relationship and the amazing hiskashrus of the Rebbe towards his the Rebbe saw the positive light teacher and father-in-law, the Rebbe Rayatz, to the point that in the conduct of a chassid who throughout the years, he called him “n’si doreinu” (leader of the wrote “Shlita” regarding the generation), there is a page that appears at the end of the T’hillas Rebbe Rayatz after Hashem , printed in 5711. We can see here the title the Rebbe 5710; and it is true that the attributes to the Rebbe Rayatz in print after Yud Shvat 5710. Rebbe encouraged the use of the On the left side, there appears the “Roshei Prakim,” which brings title “Shlita” in reference to the the highlights of the Rebbe Rayatz’s life and mention the fact of his Rebbe Rayatz, in writing and in passing, including terms of histalkus. Right next to them on the right speech. However, what are we side, the Rebbe Rayatz’s name appears with the title “Shlita.” talking about here? The This siddur was printed during the period before the Rebbe shlita private/personal framework of a officially accepted the leadership, and it seems that for this reason, the personal letter to the Rebbe, or Rebbe Rayatz is still listed as nasi (not as it was in the years that (if we want to push it, even) at an followed, when the Rebbe shlita’s name appeared in the space reserved intimate chassidic farbrengen, as for the nasi). However, to everyone’s surprise, the title “Shlita” still the Rebbe expressed himself in appears: “K’vod K’dushas Admur Yosef Yitzchok Shlita – this style at farbrengens before Nasi.” the assembled chassidim (when We thereby draw the clear conclusion – Nasi is Shlita! there was no concern of

 1FS>K #'1 +-1&' !& of chassidus in general and of the the leader of the generation in a These devices were capable of Rebbe in particular is a whole negative manner, when the Rebbe transmitting the Rebbe’s words subject on its own: What are the himself specifically said that the anywhere in the world, either via “wellsprings,” what is “outward,” Rebbe’s words are “the spirit of live or delayed broadcast (as how do we spread the G-d [that] spoke within me and actually happened in this case). “wellsprings outward,” where, His word is upon my tongue.” Nevertheless, this did not prevent when, and how do we have to be No need to elaborate here. the Rebbe from expressing careful, etc.? Nevertheless, in (NOTE: This is particularly so himself in this fashion. (NOTE: order to complete the picture, we when the Rebbe wrote several At a Sunday dollars distribution will bring here one episode from letters encouraging this conduct on the 10th of Sivan 5750, the the conduct of the Rebbe (as mentioned in the previous Rebbe said to Rabbi Y. Kahana himself.) chapter). Similarly, there appears a”h, as he turned and looked in If we try to be precise in the in this chapter a copy from a the direction of the video cameras Rebbe’s words from the latter sicha discussing this matter, with (not verbatim): “I say this here years, we find some interesting the Rebbe’s notations, publicly and I don’t care if they and amazing words on this demonstrating that the Rebbe publicize it.” In a sicha from subject. Purim 5712 (Hisvaaduyos B’Lashon HaKadosh 5712, pgs. HOW DID THE REBBE 47): “We must recall the words HIMSELF ACT? that my revered teacher and father-in-law, the Rebbe, once On the 6th of Cheshvan 5752, said regarding preciseness, that the Chief Rabbi of Eretz Yisroel, “we must learn even from the Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu shlita, mundane talk of Torah scholars, came to visit the Rebbe, and was and all the more so from a privileged to go in for a lengthy sicha from a leader in Israel yechidus. During that yechidus, said with the knowledge that when the Rebbe mentioned the the words will be publicized.” previous Rebbe, he spoke these 4. Furthermore, faithful to the words (quoted from the approach that the Rebbe taught audiotape): us regarding the need to be All the matters have already especially precise in those things been completed and there is no done recently, and “der Rebbe reason to wait. The Jewish haht altz bavahrent,” there is people have even done t’shuva something else: Specifically in already, true t’shuva. As the those last months prior to Chaf- Rebbe shlita, the Rebbe, my Zayin Adar 5752, the last teacher and father-in-law, said opportunities (for the time being) many times – that all the deemed it appropriate to invest to hear the Rebbe speak prior to present avoda has already been considerable time in the editing.) Gimmel Tammuz, the Rebbe completed, and the matter 2. We’re talking about expressed himself in this fashion, depends only upon the coming someone who is not a Lubavitcher as in the aforementioned of Moshiach himself. chassid, an honored and situation, despite the fact that he See for yourself: respected Torah personality, a had not done so for many years. 1. We’re talking about forty- person in a most influential That’s just it! This could be an two years after the passing of the position of authority to issue allusion, perhaps more than an Rebbe Rayatz! halachic rulings. Yet, the Rebbe allusion, to the mode of conduct This is something that totally did not refrain from referring to demanded of the chassidim in refutes the ridiculous claim that the previous Rebbe by the title these times. only during the initial period after “Shlita.” the previous Rebbe’s histalkus did 3. Throughout the yechidus, the Rebbe say the “habitual” “THE SITUATION HAS there were audio and video ALREADY CHANGED” expression “Shlita.” Heaven recording devices in operation. forefend to relate to the words of As we bring this chapter to a

#'1 +-1&' !& 'PPRB  In fact, we have also found that “the world is ready,” etc., but “As the Rebbe this phenomenon in relation to he also took part personally in shlita, the Rebbe, the Rebbe’s teachings. In a sicha publicizing his identity as from Acharon Shel Pesach 5732, Moshiach.) my teacher and the Rebbe said (as printed in Likkutei Sichos, Vol. 7, pg. 274): THERE ARE SOURCES! father-in-law, said There are those who claim We now conclude this series that not every intellect is by calling the reader’s attention many times – that capable of accepting the to the following fact: aforementioned concept – that This custom of writing all the present there radiates within everyone “Shlita” regarding someone who the illumination of Moshiach, avoda has already before our flesh eyes appears to and on the contrary, through have departed from the world is hearing such a concept, people been completed, not something initiated by our get confused, etc. eternal leader, the Lubavitcher and the matter However, in truth, this is Rebbe shlita. Rather, we have not so, for the situation has found similar instances among depends only upon already changed, and the time other Torah giants, including has already come that the Chabad Rebbeim. We now bring the coming of “outside” can accept this an example of each: concept. We only have to bring Moshiach In the seifer Yitzchok, this matter to the “outside,” and printed in 5673, it is related that when they state the matter himself.” See for the holy gaon, R. Chaim of Sanz, simply (without any hesitation) of righteous and holy memory, yourself. We’re – by strengthening their own author of Divrei Chaim, wrote faith – the words will be about the holy R. Dovid of Lelov, talking about accepted by those listening and of righteous and holy memory, will have their effect. (NOTE: after his passing, “Our teacher forty-two years See there, note 9, regarding saying Dovid, shlita,” and when he was things “forcefully and simply after the passing asked to explain this, he replied, (even though they were then still “Dovid Melech Yisroel Chai in the exile of Egypt), they of the Rebbe V’Kayam.” worked that it would be The following section appears Rayatz! accepted.”) in the seifer Ohel Yitzchok: In the words of the Rebbe, the Our grand teacher, Rabbi close, it is impossible not to solution is linked – not to Yehuda Rubinstein from the mention an interesting preventing the transmission of the Holy City of Yerushalayim, may (“historic”) phenomenon: Those message to the outside, but it be rebuilt and reestablished, who openly publicize the through strengthening their own who heard from our teacher, announcement of the faith, and then when they state Rabbi Yerucham Fishel Redemption, the identity of the the matter without any Bernstein, son of the gaon, our Redeemer, and the eternity of his hesitation, the words are teacher, Betzalel Bernstein, life, reveal a wave of the most accepted and they will have their dayan and moreh tzedek in enthusiastic responses. They effect! (NOTE: It is simple and Yerushalayim, may it be rebuilt actually see how “the world is understood that despite the fact and reestablished – that the holy ready for Redemption,” as that the words in this sicha relate gaon, our teacher, Rabbi Chaim brought in the Rebbe’s holy to the illumination of Moshiach Halberstam, may his merit words. However, those who on Acharon Shel Pesach, they protect us, av beis din of Sanz, refrain from publicizing for apply in even greater measure to author of Divrei Chaim, once various reasons notice how their the publicity of the announcement wrote a letter to my sons, the tight facial expression drives of the Redemption, the identity of holy Rabbi Moshe of Lelov, may thousands upon thousands of the Redeemer, etc., regarding his merit protect us, son-in-law people away from Lubavitch… which the Rebbe said not only of the holy Jew of Prshiskhe,

 1FS>K #'1 +-1&' !& may his merit protect us, the Magazine, Issue #340, pg. 26): voice from the depths of his tzaddik Rabbi Elazar Menachem There is a well-known story heart. Mendel, and the tzaddik Rabbi from the Alter Rebbe, of Thus, we have a sicha given by Yaakov Dovid, of holy and righteous and holy memory, the Rebbe Rashab in 5663 – blessed memory, as “the about how R. Yaakov ben R. ninety years after the histalkus of grandsons of our teacher Dovid, Yosef of Shklov and told him the Alter Rebbe – and he shlita,” and they said to him that things are not so good for mentions the Alter Rebbe with the that the holy Rabbi Dovid of him in the material sense, the bracha and title “Shlita” – may he Lelov was already in the World pressure and the strain, to the live many long and good years! of Truth, whereby the holy gaon point that he had to borrow Here, we see again for the of Sanz replied to them in these someone’s money (farnemen umpteenth time how vitally words: ‘Dovid Melech Yisroel fremde gelt), giving out a few important it is to properly learn Chai V’Kayam,’ and it’s a groans on the matter, etc. Then, Torah in general and the wonder.” my father, the Rebbe shlita (the teachings of our Rebbeim in In an account of the Rebbe Alter Rebbe, of righteous and particular. As we study with great Rashab’s sicha from Simchas holy memory) made a proper intensity, we reveal that every Torah 5663, recorded in the holy accounting for him on what word from the Rebbe’s mouth is handwriting of his son, the Rebbe should be done in the spiritual the ultimate holiness. Rayatz, there appears the sense. When he heard this, he Thus, when we learn – we following section (printed for the began to cry bitterly, sobbing know! first time in the Beis Moshiach and lamenting in a frightful

#'1 +-1&' !& 'PPRB  MOLCFIB

R’ Mordechai Brown is a colorful Chassid and is a walking model of mivtzaim and faith in the Rebbe MH”M. You can meet him regularly LIGHTING UP at gatherings of Anash in Eretz Yisroel or elsewhere as he offers his original products for sale to the participants. They already grace the NESHAMOS homes of many Lubavitchers WITH THE REBBE’S HOLY FACE

By Nosson Avrohom R’ Mordechai Brown’s life was looking empty until he arrived in Cleveland, where he encountered Lubavitch and the Rebbe MH”M and became a Chassid. For a while, he was a photographer in 770 and he took countless pictures. Since then, he has produced numerous original products with the Rebbe’s picture and depictions of the mivtzaim on them. The Rebbe encouraged Mordechai’s work and gave him advice on some minute details.

 1FS>K #'1 +-1&' !& worldwide. things. reminder about a letter in a Torah Who hasn’t seen the wall clock Mordechai sees his unique scroll and the with the Rebbe’s picture in the creations as his shlichus in life. The emblem. Even a napkin becomes background, or the laminated T’fillas basic idea is to take items that something unusual since it has the HaDerech with the Rebbe’s picture, people use daily and turn them into Rebbe’s mivtzaim embroidered on it, or the poster with the picture of all something with a Chassidishe and the same goes for watches, the Rebbeim? Mordechai has message. For example, he made a pocket-sized cards and more. produced dozens of products and ruler for students which has the ten He designs his products himself his mind is always thinking up new mitzva campaigns on it, with a and puts a lot of effort into them. “I

#'1 +-1&' !& 'PPRB  HIS FATHER’S FINAL he took a course given by the All the other shuls REQUEST: KEEP Security Service, where he worked SHABBOS for another two years. One day he I visited were got fed up with his life and its Mordechai’s life story is no less emptiness and he decided to fly to overly formal and interesting than his work. He was America, for a change. born in 1942 in Ulyanovsk, Russia. “I ended up in Cleveland, where little children In 1949 he emigrated to Eretz I stayed with some Israelis my age were not allowed Yisroel with his parents after for three years. Spiritually, I went wandering about Europe for several steeply downhill. Our Jewish identity to attend, but in years. They settled in Ramle and meant nothing to us and we didn’t Mordechai was sent to the even use our Jewish names. I the Chabad shul HaMizrachi school. Since this worked in photography, which I school did not provide enough in the have enjoyed since my childhood. there was a way of Jewish studies, he was sent in “After three years of this, due to the afternoon to study with a my father’s illness, I returned to terrific Chassid, Rabbi Moshe Beitsh a”h, Eretz Yisroel and met Nechama, atmosphere of who came to town to shecht and to later to be my wife. learn with the boys. “When I went to visit my father, unity and t’filla Unfortunately, Mordechai went who was on his deathbed, our through the same process as did meeting was very emotional. Before that welled up most of the boys. A life of freedom we parted, my father said, ‘I ask that drew him away and when he finished you not work on Shabbos because from within. his studies in the religious high you won’t see a blessing in your school, he was drafted. He was work should you do so.’ He also would send in everything I made to assigned to a unit whose job it was asked me to keep kosher. What he the Rebbe and sometimes I got the to escort high ranking guests who said made an enormous impression Rebbe’s feedback. There were some visited Eretz Yisroel. For a year he on me.” products that did not come back worked in President Yitzchok Ben Mordechai returned to Cleveland from the secretaries and I Tzvi’s office and participated in and tried to do as his father asked. understood that the Rebbe did not various ceremonies. Since he was self-employed, he did approve of them.” When he finished his army duty, not have to work on Shabbos and he

THE REBBE READ MY THOUGHTS There was an incident in which I felt the Rebbe’s ruach ha’kodesh. It was when the Rebbe gave out kos shel bracha in 5745. I stood, as usual, near the Rebbe and took pictures. I noticed that for some people, the Rebbe poured from the cup and others who also got a bottle of mashke. I thought how I also wanted a bottle of mashke. Without further ado, I got in line. When it was my turn, the Rebbe took a bottle and gave it to me. I could see how the Rebbe read my mind.

 1FS>K #'1 +-1&' !& made sure to eat only kosher food. first night of Pesach. I was davening lived nearby. He brought me shmura in a Mizrachi-type shul, when a matza and invited me to visit HIS FIRST TRIP young man with a beard came in. whenever I wanted. I felt that I had TO THE REBBE He asked the gabbai permission to found what I was looking for. speak and then he spoke about the “One Shabbos, my family was his When his two sons were born, he significance of the Holiday of guest and it was an unforgettable decided that they must be given a Freedom. I had never heard divrei Shabbos. His graciousness, the Jewish education so they wouldn’t Torah that were so true and so wonderful Shabbos atmosphere, and lose their Jewish identity, but he did special and deep before. I loved it. the special things he said, won our not know where to send them. When he was finished, he said he hearts. As time went by, I became Mordechai began attending various was an emissary of the Lubavitcher more involved with Chabad. All the shuls on Shabbos in order to see the Rebbe, and I decided to look into it. other shuls I visited were overly various Orthodox groups, but he After the davening I went over to formal and little children were not was disappointed. Even when he him and asked him about the Rebbe, allowed to attend, but in the Chabad liked the Young Israel congregation, explaining that in the past I had only shul there was a terrific atmosphere he quickly observed that the freedom a passing acquaintance with Chabad. of unity and t’filla that welled up of choice the children were given “The young man’s name was from within. certainly did not give any guarantee Chaim Dovid Laine and he “Despite my enthusiasm, it was that they would continue being introduced me to his father-in-law, hard for me to make a change in my religious. Rabbi Shneur Zalman life and become a Chassid with that “The turning point happened the (Katzenellenbogen) Kazen, who outward appearance.”

#'1 +-1&' !& 'PPRB  himself that he would spend and needless to say, the pictures In the early years, Simchas Torah 5732 in a shul near came out fine. After that Simchas his house. Torah I changed my way of dress, many people did Mordechai’s spiritual growth both outwardly and inwardly, and I over the following year caused him devoted myself to the Rebbe.” not approve of his to change his mind. This time, he work or of the went prepared not only spiritually, THE REBBE WAS but physically. He took a camera ENCOURAGING fact that the along. “When I began taking pictures of In 5740 Mordechai began Rebbe’s picture the Rebbe, some Chassidim told me spreading the wellsprings in his own that I should ask permission from unique way. He was living in Kfar appeared all over the Rebbe first. I didn’t know how to Chabad and he took pictures at go about this, but I can tell you that events and Kinusim for a living. One the place. He had hours of work went to waste when I day, his daughter came home from discovered that the film had all been school and said that they had to remain tough overexposed. Someone referred me learned about the Rebbeim and she in order to bear to Rabbi Leibel Groner and I asked wanted his help with her homework. him to ask the Rebbe for permission Mordechai decided to do the insults and to for me. something special. When he finished “Rabbi Groner returned with a designing a beautiful poster, he sent continue his positive answer. I was excited and I the original sketches to the Rebbe. work. photographed the Rebbe many times In the early years, many people

Mordechai attended Rabbi Kazen’s shiurim for about a year and learned a lot about the Rebbe’s outlook and teachings. Then he felt ready to make a trip to 770. It was 1970. “Before the trip I went through something very difficult, which connected me more to the Rebbe. I suddenly felt terrible pain in my legs and I couldn’t stand for three months. The doctors I went to could not find a reason for the pain. I consulted with R’ Kazen and I wrote to the Rebbe. Not a week went by and the pains stopped! After that miracle I stopped sitting on the fence and I went to the Rebbe to become mekushar to him.” However, his first visit, which took place on Simchas Torah 5731, nearly halted his journey towards Chassidus. Maybe it was because he wasn’t prepared enough for the trip. He was pushed around during the davening and the hakafos and couldn’t find a place for himself. He was very disappointed. He promised

 1FS>K #'1 +-1&' !& did not approve of his work or of the to offend me. you have a good, sweet year. fact that the Rebbe’s picture “On Hoshana Raba in the middle “As time went on, I saw how the appeared all over the place. Many of the 80’s I nearly caved in. I Rebbe carefully looked over the castigated him about it and he had figured – I wasn’t making big money items I sent him. For the Rebbe’s to remain tough in order to bear the out of it; I was standing outside 770 80th birthday, I prepared a nice sign insults and to continue his work. in the cold and then had to endure (see illustration) and in the shape of After the poster, he made the people’s insults? I decided to stop. a seven I put the chain of the leaders clock with the Rebbe’s picture on it. “A few minutes before I gave up, of Chassidus and Chabad, with the It began with a visit to a mall in the Rabbi Moshe Nisselevitz of Nachalat Rebbe appearing at the end. On the United States, where he saw Har Chabad passed by and asked me bottom were the mivtzaim and a someone selling a clock with the how things were going. I told him I map which said ‘U’faratzta.’ I president on it. That’s when he had given up and explained what submitted it to the Rebbe and after a decided to do the same thing with had happened. When he heard the few days the Rebbe replied: the Rebbe’s picture. After he made a answers and encouragement I had Received and thanks. 1) A good sample he sent it to the Rebbe and received from the Rebbe, he said and powerful impression; 2) I will received his bracha: Received and that I did not have the right to stop. mention it at the gravesite for all thanks. A timely thing – close to ‘If the Rebbe approved it, that is the aforementioned and good news; Lag B’Omer, the day of great your shlichus.’” 3) in the next printing: rejoicing of Rashbi and “Rabbi One idea followed another and V’Hisgaluso – leave out the letter Shimon can be relied upon, etc.” I after clocks, Mordechai moved on to Vav. Hilula of the Baal Shem Tov – will mention it at the gravesite. an original puzzle with the words 6 Sivan. The quotes from the Then he began selling his clocks. “Moshiach Now” on it. When he verses in Daniel and T’hillim are “It was a different era back then. submitted the puzzle and some other missing? In the crown, eliminate Many had criticisms and said that it posters to the Rebbe, the answer the words “pure gold.” Neshek – was a chilul Lubavitch and a was: Received with all the attached add “and Yom Tov.” In the t’fillin desecration of the Rebbe’s honor. I and it makes a strong impression. shel rosh – lines to mark four had gotten the Rebbe’s positive May Hashem give you success in compartments. response, but they discounted it, everything. I will mention at the One of Mordechai’s popular saying that the Rebbe did not want gravesite all the above and may

#'1 +-1&' !& 'PPRB  items is the T’fillas HaDerech with When the Rebbe came out with the the Rebbe’s picture on it. He pushka campaign, Mordechai produced it in ten languages and quickly designed a unique device. added the Rebbe’s horaa about the When someone pointed out to him importance of saying Chitas along that Chassidim should always go with some answers of the Rebbe. about with coins from the Rebbe, he When he submitted the card to the made a special pouch for coins with Rebbe, the answer was: The the Rebbe’s picture. When the enclosed was received and many Rebbe started giving out dollars, he thanks. May it be with great made a holder for them. success. I will mention it at the “I lived and continue to live, gravesite. twenty-four hours around the Rebbe Aside from answers, he also and around his instructions and received great encouragement from mivtzaim. That is my shlichus.” the Rebbe. Every time the Rebbe arrived at 770 and Mordechai was DREAMING OF CLOCKS standing near the entrance, the In Tishrei 5751 at “dollars,” Rebbe waved his arm strongly as a Mordechai gave the Rebbe a map of sign of encouragement. the world (see photo) with eight The number of products grew. clocks that told the time in eight Chabad centers around the world, with the words, “We want Moshiach “22 years ago I with 770 in the center. He told the now,” did not get a response from Rebbe it was a gift for the New Year the Rebbe, but a similar thing with went to Cairo, and the Rebbe said: May it be with the emblem of Tzivos Hashem got a great success. positive response: many thanks and where I organized Mordechai was very excited and I will mention it at the gravesite he took the opportunity to tell the for everything you need. a printing of the Rebbe that two days earlier he had “It was interesting to see how the dreamt that he was asking the Rebbe Rebbe devoted his precious time to Tanya in the how to design a clock “L’Kabbalas pointing out little details. In 5740 I Rambam’s shul. At p’nei Moshiach.” The Rebbe’s face submitted a picture of the Rebbe lit up and he answered: May with fifteen different pictures of the a certain point I Hashem help you come up with all Rebbe around it. It came out a few the good ideas, as you have until hours later with the Rebbe’s gave out pictures now. May there be good news. The instruction to add BS”D (b’siyata Rebbe gave him another dollar and d’Shmaya). of the Rebbe to said: Give it to tz’daka for double those who were success in all necessary things. SHIR LA’MAALOS This clock remained in the One of his most popular items is there. The Arab Rebbe’s room for about half a year. a Shir LaMaalos card that the Rebbe R’ Binyamin Klein, the secretary, said that women giving birth should guards wanted it asked for a similar clock which have with them and should be placed would help him in his work as he in the baby’s crib. On one side of the too. When I asked spoke to people around the world. card there is a colorful rendition of There were also items that did the chapter of T’hillim as well as them if they knew not garner the Rebbe’s blessing, like verses of protection. On the other who the man was, a puzzle with a picture of 770 and side is a picture of the Rebbe with a the Rebbe’s picture. But another quote about the importance of a they said, ‘It’s the puzzle of 770 which said, “We want woman giving birth having the card, Moshiach now,” in 24 languages, and its influence on the baby. Rambam from did get the Rebbe’s approval. “This card became very popular A wood engraving that because of some miracles I Brooklyn.’” Mordechai put a lot of work into witnessed that showed that the card

 1FS>K #'1 +-1&' !& is a segula even before the birth. I was visiting the Graphic Laminating Company in Cleveland, where I buy the plastic laminate for my cards. It’s a family business and every time I went I met another family member and we became very friendly. “One day, one of the daughters told me that she was married for five years and still had no children. I gave her a Shir LaMaalos card that I was producing at the time. I thought if it didn’t help, it wouldn’t hurt. “A year later I returned to the company and I met the brother who told me, ‘You don’t know what you

“THE” PICTURE R’ Mordechai took thousands of pictures of the Rebbe over the years. When I asked him to tell me about a special picture that he took, he took out a picture from Hoshana Raba 5738, where you see the Rebbe leaning on the shtender and looking at the camera. “I felt that the Rebbe posed for me.” A few hours later, the Rebbe had a heart attack.

#'1 +-1&' !& 'PPRB  did with that miracle card!’ His mention it at the gravesite. she could say anything, the Rebbe sister was about to give birth and During his trips around the gave her an extra dollar for her they were all saying it was thanks to world, Mordechai has had many child. A year later she had a boy.” the rabbi’s card. adventures. “I have seen that a number of “Twenty-two years ago I went to IF THE REBBE ENJOYS couples, after having the card, had a Cairo, where I organized a printing IT, THAT’S ALL THAT child and many people order the of the Tanya in the Rambam’s shul. card as a segula for children. When I At a certain point I gave out pictures MATTERS returned to Kfar Chabad, I of the Rebbe to those who were One story followed another. remembered a couple who had been there. The Arab guards wanted it Mordechai is not the kind of person married for seven years without too. When I asked them if they knew who rests on his laurels. He is children. I told them the story and who the man was, they said, ‘It’s the always thinking up new projects. He asked the woman to keep a card on Rambam from Brooklyn.’ is not a young person but if only we her. They have a number of children “On another occasion, as I all had his young, dynamic spirit. now. waited for a bus on my way to Every item he makes requires lots of “A few years later, I was in Los Cleveland, a black fellow asked me work to turn the idea into a finished Angeles, where I met a Lubavitcher whether I am a Lubavitcher. I could product. family with three children who see he wasn’t a local and I asked He recently made signs for wanted more but did not have any him where he was from. He said that businesses with the Rebbe’s picture for ten years. I gave them the card in Ghana in Africa he learned about in the center and letters from the and a while ago, when I met the the Rebbe as the Jewish leader who Rebbe on the side about parnasa. He family again, the woman pointed at had an impact on all of humanity. also made a “Birkas HaBayis” in the one of her children and said, ‘He “Another time, as I caught a ride same format. At the time of the was born thanks to the card.’” with someone on the way to one of interview, he was working on a new my flights, the driver, who looked 770 clock with the Rebbe’s picture THE RAMBAM Litvish to me, surprised me when he and mivtzaim. “The last product that I made FROM BROOKLYN said, ‘You don’t have any idea what kind of Rebbe you have.’ When I that the Rebbe saw was the Mordechai can go on telling asked him what he meant, he told Chassidishe Ushpizin with ‘Yechi’ on stories for hours. It’s exciting when me that he was not a Chassid but his it. I made it for the Yomim Tovim of his products help him in spreading sister, who lived in Boro Park, 5753 and Rabbi Groner called me to the wellsprings. He told me about an yearned for children as it was many say that the Rebbe liked it. If the American from Texas who became years since she married. She went to Rebbe liked it, that’s all that interested in Judaism after he came the Rebbe for ‘dollars’ and before matters.” across a poster of the Rebbe and decided to find out who he is. Today he is a Lubavitcher Chassid. THE EFFECT OF THE MENORA Mordechai’s briefcase was once When I lived in Cleveland, I had some amazing stories. I’ll tell you stolen. Three hours went by until he one of them. It was the last day of Chanuka and I saw that I had plenty found it thrown in a side corner. of candles and menoros left. I decided there was no reason to keep them Those were three hours of great in my house until the following year and that I had to distribute them. anxiety for him and when he wrote In my effort to find Jews who would take the menoros I went to a to the Rebbe, the answer was: He friend, a Holocaust survivor who was very antagonistic towards religion writes for blessing in all matters?! after the war. I asked him to light the menora. After all, it was a pity that It is necessary that the service of I had all these candles left over… Hashem be with joy and goodness He felt uncomfortable, but because of our friendship, he agreed to do of heart. You weaken your health it. He called his wife and his five children and lit the menora. I think it by doing this (the opposite of was the first time in their lives. Dozens of candles were lit to the point Torah – and you shall carefully that he began to yell at me that my craziness was about to burn his guard [your health]) and also house down. (naturally) the work of spreading I said goodbye and didn’t see him again until one day, I got a phone Judaism. The attached item was call from him. “Mordechai, come kasher my kitchen.” I asked him what received and many thanks. May it happened and he said that the candles he lit had lit up his neshama. be with great success. I will


By Rabbi Yaakov Shmuelevitz, Shliach, Beit Shaan

businessman in Manhattan to How do shluchim deal with the fundraise. My friend knew the unavoidable challenge of fundraising?* businessman for several years and now he wanted to ask for his help Sometimes, you go fundraising and you in supporting his in Eretz Yisroel. The wealthy man don’t know what will happen, but apologized and said that just half a year earlier another shliach had Hashem sees your efforts and help come and he had given him a large donation, so he couldn’t comes from an unforeseen place. * give anymore. He mentioned the Stories about fundraising from the name of the other shliach, a shliach known for his naiveté and fundraisers’ perspective. for his inability to communicate effectively. “I saw that he doesn’t even Fundraising is not exactly the Rebbe’s work, but here we know how to explain the work he every shliach’s favorite activity. In will share stories from the does, so I decided that it’s a the parsha that talks about fundraisers’ perspective. mitzva to help a person like that donating to the Mishkan, the Many shluchim, including and I gave him beyond my word “take” is mentioned time myself, have taken courses in means.” and again, “take for Me a which we learned that the way to This story goes to show us donation,” “this is the donation successfully fundraise begins the that sometimes, without a you should take from them,” etc., night before with the bedtime polished presentation, if you are to teach us that although giving is Shma. In other words, it’s not dedicated to the Rebbe and his very important, knowing how to enough to put on a suit and tie shlichus, the donor will give you take is even more important. and come prepared with an album a generous donation. In this chapter I will share of pictures of your work. You some fundraising secrets with need to approach it with spiritual * * * you, about how shluchim deal force, and sometimes that is The typical wealthy person, with the unavoidable challenge of worth more than all the albums the well-organized businessman, fundraising. I am sure that most and sales pitches. wants to see a well-organized readers of Beis Moshiach have A fellow shliach told me that shliach: mesudar in his dress, donated numerous times towards he once went to a wealthy mesudar in his speech, mesudar

BEISMOSHIACH Issue 651 39 in how he runs his operation, and rounds he would find amounts of said it happened to him. This is mesudar in his presentation. The eighty agurot or maybe a shekel what he said: businessman did not get up five and change in it, no more. When I went to the banquet of minutes before the meeting with I am particular about sending the Kinus HaShluchim, I met a the shliach. He woke up on time, a receipt for every donation, no friend who said, ‘It’s worth your drank a cup of coffee, read the matter the amount. So every while to come to table X (he headlines in the business paper, month, our friend the exclusive specified which) because there is and maybe exercised for a half shop owner got an envelope in a rich guy from California, a hour. Now he’s ready for a the mail with an official receipt of former Israeli, who will be there.” meeting. eighty agurot, 1.20, 1.40. I sat down at that table and If you, the shliach come One day, the store owner listened to the conversation. Then looking like you just woke up and called and asked to meet with me. Rabbi Yisroel Butman, the shliach hurriedly went to the mikva and I invited him to the Chabad house in Nahariya, came over. A davened, it’s almost a sure thing and when he came he said: “I am conversation ensued and the rich that you won’t impress the man embarrassed. Every week you man said to R’ Butman, “Are you you made an appointment to write a receipt, put it in an the letter Nun of Charan?” meet. On the other hand, if you envelope, stick on a stamp, and R’ Butman didn’t know what began the day the night before it’s all for a shekel or two. It’s he meant and the man explained with a proper Krias Shma, you simply embarrassing, so I decided that he knew that in Eretz Yisroel woke up early, you learned to give a regular donation to the there were three brothers, Chassidus, and davened as a Chabad house and I’ll ask you to shluchim from the Butman family. Chassid should, and now you leave the pushka too.” The first letters of the names of came to the meeting, the person I asked R’ Har-Shefer whether their three cities form the word will sense the power you radiate. his monthly commitment covered Charan: Chadera, Ramat He will see that you represent the costs of the envelope and HaSharon, and Nahariya. “If you something you believe in and as a stamp and he told me not to are the Butman from Nahariya, result, your pitch will be more worry. “It covers many programs you are the ‘Nun’ of Charan…” effective and you’ll see the of the Chabad house throughout The man said that he had lived results. the year.” in Ramat HaSharon and he And another little story from visited there occasionally and had A PUSHKA WITH ONE Nes Tziyona which R’ Har-Shefer heard nice things about the SHEKEL AND FORTY told me: shliach. He was especially We recently rented a huge lot impressed that the shliach aided AGUROT with a big building for a Chabad children, students, the old, and One of the ways a Chabad house. At the opening, I the needy. house raises money is with suggested that friends help pay My friend ran to find Rabbi pushkas. In Nes Tziyona there is the renovation costs. One of them Butman from Ramat HaSharon a system for distributing and then got up and announced that he and told him to come over to that collecting pushkas from hundreds wanted to pay for the renovation table because there was a wealthy of homes and businesses of the shul and he donated man from California who knew throughout the city. 90,000 shekels. A few days later about him and was praising him Behind every pushka is a he said that he didn’t think it was to the skies. “Ask him for money family, a business, and a right for the Chabad house to so you can help children, businessman. Rabbi Sagi Har have only two Sifrei Torah students, the old, and the needy!” Shefer, a shliach there, tells us (because sometimes you need The meeting was brief as the about one of these pushkas: three) and he was also going to shliach knew precisely what to We have a friend, an owner of donate a Torah to the Chabad say. The wealthy man took out an exclusive business in the house.” his checkbook and gave him center of town. The majority of $18,000. his customers pay with a credit “ARE YOU THE LETTER Those in the know say that if card so the pushka is hardly ever NUN OF CHARAN?” at the first and brief meeting you filled up with change. Each time get that amount, there’s a good the pushka collector made his I heard this story a few years chance that if you keep in touch, ago from a fellow shliach who

 1FS>K #'1 +-1&' !& you will get even larger amounts. Rosh Chodesh gatherings for Chaifa, Rabbi Leibel Schildkraut, women. Every month we look for and they have already put up A CAR OR $400? a speaker and a performer who several beautiful buildings in will interest the crowd and who Kiryat Shmuel and Chaifa for Sometimes you go to a has a Chassidishe message and – their schools. potential donor and you don’t won’t cost too much. Every According to Rabbi Kali, “We know what will happen but month we have to buy will soon open a Sheva Mitzvos Hashem sees your efforts and the refreshments, advertise, get the B’nei Noach center in Chaifa.” help comes from an unexpected hall ready, organize a sound He is referring to an old shul that source. A shliach told me that a system, etc. It’s not easy and we he renovated, where he wants to few years ago he had two always have to struggle with the host groups of Arabs from Chaifa meetings arranged with two financial end of things. and the area to come and learn wealthy people. From one of them We recently had a miracle take about the Sheva Mitzvos, just like he planned on asking for a car place. The local high school in the Beis HaMikdash, “for My and from the other one he occasionally has programs for house [the Mikdash] will be expected to get $200-$300. parents with a lecturer, called a house of prayer for all At the first meeting he entertainment, refreshments, etc., the nations.” explained his urgent need for a but the administration was not “I looked for a donor to pay car for the Chabad house. The pleased with the number of for advertising the shiur in Arabs man said it was a bit much for participants. We ended up newspapers. You won’t believe him but he was willing to make a collaborating: the Chabad house who donated the money. It was a donation. In fact, he gave him and the school invite the public to rich Arab who, in the past, nearly $400. When he went to the a special evening. The Chabad stopped all the renovations at that second appointment, he told the house arranges all the details and shul. What happened? He heard man about the Chabad house the school pays for it! the noise and came to stop it. He budget and asked for a donation. This enables us to invite a even threatened to call the police The man surprised him by asking larger crowd, to buy ample and the newspapers.” whether he had a need for a car refreshments, to use the biggest R’ Kali told him that he should since he had a few cars and was hall, to invite professional know that in our sources it says, willing to donate one of them. performers, to advertise in the “And for informers there should The shliach said Yes, of newspapers and distribute be no hope.” The Arab got the course. The man pointed at one thousands of flyers and the public hint and disappeared for a few of his cars and told his secretary enjoys interesting, wonderful minutes and then returned with a to transfer ownership to the Evenings With Chabad. bouquet of flowers which he gave Chabad house. to the man doing the renovations. Which goes go to show us that He asked him to give it to the if you make your effort, Hashem ARABS DONATE FOR 7 rabbi, “He just shouldn’t curse will send you what you need! MITZVOS B’NEI NOACH me anymore.” Rabbi Boaz Kali, shliach in This Arab who gave the EVENINGS WITH Chaifa and Kiryot, works on bouquet is the one who paid for CHABAD FUNDED BY behalf of mosdos Chabad in the newspaper advertising of the THE LOCAL SCHOOL Kiryot as well as on publicizing shiurim about the Sheva the Sheva Mitzvos B’nei Noach. Mitzvos! In Beit Shaan there are special He works with the shliach in Raskin's Consistently “if it grows we have it” Superior Fruit and Produce Emporium WHOLESALE & RETAIL Michal & We Deliver 335 Kingston Ave. Brooklyn NY 11213 * Tel: (718) 756-3888 756-2221 * Fax: 756-2440

#'1 +-1&' !& 'PPRB