25 Sivan 5779 Bringing Moshiach Values June 28 2019 Into Our Homes Price: $4.95 no. 1171

יחי אדוננו מורנו ורבינו מלך המשיח לעולם ועד ב"ה { 28 } From the Columns In This Issue

{ 4 } What Happens When 10 { 8 } Immortality And Mesirus { 7 } Halachic Times And Daily Jews Learn About Moshiach? Nefesh? Shiurim Besuras Hageulah with a new Editorial by Boruch Merkur side-by-side translation and { 10 } Letters To The Editor commentary { 14 } Is There a Problem { 12 } Does Hashem Need { 6 } Planning Ahead Doesn’t With Undershirt Tzitzis? Helpers? Contradict Expecting By Horav Yosef Yeshaya Braun An anthology of commentaries Moshiach on the Rebbe’s Kapitel From the Rebbe's pen { 27 } Easy Isn’t Good For You “MyLife: Chassidus Applied” with { 38 } Are We There Yet? Rabbi — The answer is yes, at least for the last 2,000 years… Principle { 36 } “Rebbe Robots” #8 Op-Ed by Levi Liberow { 50 } A Midnight Drama On The Streets Of Leningrad Features { 56 } How Many Non-Jews Does The first hours after the Frier- It Take To Change A Lightbulb? { 28 } Face To Face With The Rebbe diker Rebbe’s arrest in the hands Rabbi Nissim Lagziel with a Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Zaltzman, of the GPU thugs, 92 years ago. Moshiach thought on the Parsha Shliach of the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach to Toronto, Canada shares his personal { 59 } The Handwritten Tehillim notes and stories from his 6 Yechidus Story for children meetings with the Rebbe. { 61 } Are We There Yet? { 16 } “If It Was True 25 Years Ago, It Comics about Moshiach Is True Today.” Rabbi Reuven Wolf of Maayon Yisroel in LA prepares us for Gimmel Tammuz in a candid Published by: interview. { 16 } World Center to Greet Moshiach 744 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11213 { 44 } Counselor & Camper About the Cover: BMoshiach.org Embrace… [email protected] Days before we’re off to camp, Mendy The Rebbe on the 718.778.8000 Hecht speaks to counselors and other Davening Bima BeisMoshiachMagazine.org staff members in camps, and comes [email protected] back with tips to ensure that the kids that come under our care come home { 44 } more excited about Yiddishkeit. Editor-In-Chief: Rabbi Boruch Merkur • Editor: Levi Liberow • Managing Editor: Shraga Crombie Director: Rabbi M.M. Hendel • Rabbinical Advisor: Rabbi Yaakov Chazan

2 BEIS MOSHIACH This magazine contains holy texts, please treat it with respect. 25 SIVAN 5779 3 ִכּי, ָנוֹסף ַﬠל ַה ַמּ ֲﬠ ָלה ְדּ" ֲﬠ ָשָׂרה ֶשׁ ְיּוֹשׁ ִבים ְו ְעוֹס ִקים Because, in addition to the advantage there ַבּ ָתּוֹרה ְשׁ ִכ ָינה ְשׁ ָרוּיהּ ֵבּ ֵינ ֶיהם", is anytime when “ten people sit and occupy themselves with study,” namely, that “the Besuras Shechinah dwells among them,” ֵישׁ ַמ ְﬠ ָלה ְמ ֻי ֶח ֶדת ְכּ ֶשׁ ְלּוֹמִדים ִﬠ ְנְי ֵני ָמ ִשׁ ַיח HaGeulah there is yet a particular advantage with ְו ַה ְג ָאוּלה ְבַּר ִבּים learning about Moshiach and the Redemption in public; ְבּ ֵנוֹג ַﬠ ַל ִה ְת ַפּ ֲﬠלוּת ְו ַה ִשּׂ ְמ ָחה ְבֶּר ֶגשׁ ַה ֵלּב, ֶשׁ ַﬠל- The Rebbe on the imminence of the Redemption — Such public study elicits excitement and ְי ֵדי- ֶזה ֶהוֹל ֶכת ְוּגֵד ָלה ַה ִה ְשׁ ְתּוֹקקוּת ְו ַה ִצ ִפָּיה ְל ִב ַיאת heartfelt joy which in turn increases the desire ַה ָמּ ִשׁ ַיח. .and anticipation for the coming of Moshiach ְועוֹד ְו ִﬠ ָקּר ַכּ ָפּשׁוּט – ְל ִהוֹסיף ְבּ ִקיּוּם ַה ִמּ ְצווֹת Obviously, this is in addition to the most ְבּ ִהידוּר, What Happens when 10 Jews essential thing — to increase the observance of mitzvos b’hidur — in a beautified manner. ִוּב ְמ ֻי ָחד ְבּ ַה ִהידוּר ְבּ ִמ ְצַות ַה ְצ ָדּ ָקה ( ְכּ ָללוּת ָכּל -learn about Moshiach? Especially to beautify the mitzvah of tzeda ַה ִמּ ְצווֹת) ,kah, which is comprehensive of all the mitzvos as it involves a much greater degree of energy than כב. קטעים משיחות ש"פ תזריע-מצורע, ו' אייר תנש"א (4) 6 Iyar 5751 − April 20 1991 (4) is invested in any other mitzvah. It therefore “draws near the Redemption,” as ֶשׁ" ְמּ ָקֶר ֶבת ֶאת ַה ְג ָאוּלה". As the drew to a close the Rebbe summarized the call of the hour — to increase it elevates all the vitality invested into earning that study of Torah, especially on Moshiach matters: money which was given to tzedakah. :The Rebbe goes on to show how giving tzedakah and learning about Moshiach can be combined ְו ַﬠל ֶשׁל ֹפּ ַﬠל ָבּ ִאתי – ְוּבַו ַדּאי ְי ְעוֹררוּ ִו ַיפְר ְסמוּ My intention here is action. Thefollowing ְבּ ָכל ָמקוֹם ָוּמקוֹם: -suggestions will surely be publicized and en ְוּכ ַדאי ְו ָנכוֹן ְל ַק ֵשּׁר ַה ָהוֹס ָפה ִבּ ְצ ָד ָקה ִﬠם ַה ָהוֹס ָפה -couraged everywhere: It would be worthwhile and proper to con ְבּ ָתּוֹרה ְבּ ִﬠ ְנְי ֵני ָמ ִשׁ ַיח ְוּג ֻא ָלּה – ַﬠל- ְי ֵדי- ֶזה ֶשׁ ַה ָהוֹס ָפה nect the increase in tzedakah with an increase in ִל ְצ ָד ָקה ִהיא ִמתּוֹ ַכָּוּ ָנה ְל ָקֵרב ְוּל ָזֵרז ֶאת ַה ְג ָאוּלה, the on matters of Moshiach and ְכּ ֵדי ִל ְפעֹל ִה ְת ַגּלּוּת ִוּב ַיאת ַה ָמּ ִשׁ ַיח ֵתּ ֶכף ִוּמ ָיּד – -In order to accomplish the immediate reve Redemption. This is done by giving tzedakah ַﬠל ָכּל- ֶא ָחד-ְו ֶא ָחד ִמ ִיּ ְשָׂר ֵאל lation and coming of Moshiach, each and every Jew, with the intention to bring close and hasten the .Redemption ( ָה ֲא ָנ ִשׁים – ֵהן ְיוֹשׁ ֵבי ֹא ֶהל ( ָיִשּׂ ָשכר) ְו ֵהן ַבּ ֲﬠ ֵלי the men, whether they are “dwellers in the — ֵﬠ ֶסק ( ְזבוּלוּן), tent” — people who study Torah full-time — (like the tribe of Yissachar, who historically tended to be scholars), or business men (like the tribe of Zevulun), ְו ֵכן ַה ָנּ ִשׁים ְו ַה ַטּף, ָכּל ַחד ְו ַחד ְלפוּם ִשׁ ָיעוּרא -as well as women and children, each accord ִדּ ֵילּיהּ) — ing to his ability ”...Find instructions attached“ ְל ִהוֹסיף ְבּ ִלמּוּד ַה ָתּוֹרה ( ִבּ ְמ ֻי ָחד) ְבּ ִﬠ ְנְי ֵני ָמ ִשׁ ַיח -must increase in his study of Torah, particu ְוּג ֻא ָלּה. -larly on the subjects of Moshiach and Redemp tion. Rabbi , on the 8th of Iyar 5751, in the weeks after the famous sicha of 28 Nissan, wrote a heartfelt letter to the Rebbe asking the Rebbe for guidance what to do to bring The Rebbe adds an important instruction as to the manner of study: Moshiach. “Surely the Rebbe knows what needs to be done,” he begs the Rebbe, and ends with ”!?Gevald! What should we do“ ַוּמה טוֹב – ֶשׁ ַה ִלּמּוּד ְיִה ֶיה ( ָבַּר ִבּים) ַבּ ֲﬠ ָשָׂרה, -It would be even better if the study is in pub lic, along with at least ten others. The Rebbe replied to him on the 10th of Iyar with a short answer (freely translated) attached to a copy of the above sicha: “I have said [what to do] several times — and most recently in the farbrengen of last Shabbos, attached here...” The Rebbe was referring of course to thefarbrengen of Shabbos Parshas Tazria Metzora in which he spoke about learning Torah about Moshiach.

4 BEIS MOSHIACH 25 SIVAN 5779 5 shabbos כ“ו סיון 06/29

Candle lighting Sunrise Latest shema Midday Sunset Shabbos ends 8:12 5:27 9:13 12:59 8:30 9:22 ג' פרקים: הלכות מלוה ולוה פרקים כב-כד. פרק אחד: הלכות מטמאי משכב ומושב אדומה פרק ה. ספר המצוות: מל"ת רלז

Sunday Monday כ“ח סיון 07/01 כ“ז סיון Planning Ahead Doesn’t 06/30 Contradict Expecting Moshiach Sunrise Latest shema Sunset Sunrise Latest shema Sunset 5:27 9:13 8:30 5:28 9:13 8:30

ג' פרקים ...... הלכות טוען ונטען פרקים א-ג ג' פרקים ...... הלכות מלוה ולוה פרקים כה-כז In response to a woman who asked, “How is making long term plans not a contradiction פרק אחד . . . . . הלכות מטמאי משכב ומושב פרק ז פרק אחד ...... הלכות מטמאי משכב ומושב פרק ו :to our firm belief in Moshiach’s imminent arrival.” The Rebbe answered ספר המצוות ...... מ"ע רמו ספר המצוות ...... מ"ע קצח

Tuesday Wednesday ל‘ סיון 07/03 כ“ט סיון 07/02

Sunrise Latest shema Sunset Sunrise Latest shema Sunset 5:28 9:14 8:30 5:29 9:14 8:30

ג' פרקים ...... הלכות טוען ונטען פרקים ז-ט ג' פרקים ...... הלכות טוען ונטען פרקים ד-ו פרק אחד . . . . . הלכות מטמאי משכב ומושב פרק ט פרק אחד . . . . . הלכות מטמאי משכב ומושב פרק ח ספר המצוות ...... מ"ע רמו ספר המצוות ...... מ"ע רמו ״ידועה הוראת כ"ק מו"ח אדמו"ר – שצ"ל הנהגה יומית – מבלי להתבלבל שאמר זה עתה שמאמין בכל יום ומחכה ומצפה שיבוא ביום זה – ובעצמו עשה תוכניות על זמן דכו"כ שבועות״ “It is well known the directive of my father-in-law, the Rebbe – that there Thursday Friday needs to be proper day-to-day conduct – without getting confused by what ב‘ תמוז 07/05 א‘ תמוז he just said that he believes every day in Moshiach’s arrival and he waits and 07/04 expects that Moshiach will actually come on this very day. Sunrise Latest shema Sunset Sunrise Latest shema Sunset In fact, the Rebbe Rayatz himself made plans for many weeks in advance”. 5:29 9:15 8:30 5:30 9:15 8:29

ג' פרקים ...... הלכות טוען ונטען פרקים יג-טו ג' פרקים ...... הלכות טוען ונטען פרקים י-יב ■ .See the sicha of Parshas Pinchas 5751 for more on this topic פרק אחד . . . . . הלכות מטמאי משכב ומושב פרק יא פרק אחד . . . . . הלכות מטמאי משכב ומושב פרק י ספר המצוות ...... מ"ע רמו ספר המצוות ...... מ"ע רמו

The times on this page are for Brooklyn, NY

25 SIVAN 5779 7 eeditorialditorial

than presidential maneuverings. Rubashkin a Rebbe can suffer, but his main concern insisted, however, to return to prison to bentch So is surely his mission. The Rebbe Rayatz’s in the place where he was koveia seuda. The very mission was at stake if he provoked and Rabbi warden couldn’t fathom what he was talking enraged his captors, giving rise to the possibility Boruch of further incarceration or the reinstatement Merkur about. Saying Grace in prison when you are a free man?! You really want to go back there?! of the death sentence against him, G-d forbid. His lifework was at stake! Reb Sholom Mordechai recently told this story at a banquet. All kinds of Jews packed the Yet in a sense, the Rebbe’s integrity trumped Immortality and mesirus nefesh? even his mission. People might not be privy venue in a show of brotherhood and solidarity. to all the Rebbe’s calculations in determining Hearing how Rubashkin willingly walked back whether or not he can travel on Shabbos, the Crown Heights kollel, some 20-plus just wasn’t comfortable with, so he called him to the lion’s den, a non-Chasidishe rav stood At etc. Appearance in this sense, the way events years ago, not long after Gimmel Tammuz out: up and declared: “I am a rav and I pasken 5754, a debate ensued – about Moshiach, of seem to unfold in the public eye – that is what If you believe the Rebbe is perfect and G-dly that it was forbidden for you to go back to course – during which I mentioned the Rebbe’s gives rise to an even greater concern: whether in a way that seems to defy mortality itself, the prison to bentch!” or not the Rebbe’s example will serve as a “self-sacrifice in appearing on the balcony…” why do you ascribe to him self-sacrifice? He The Rebbe says the same thing about the kiddush Hashem. A true leader knows that his “Why do you guys insist,” a yungerman cut is beyond nature! By your own description, own example and personal integrity is his top me off, “that the Rebbe hadself-sacrifice in we are not talking about an ordinary man in redemption of Gimmel Tammuz: “The Rebbe priority. It is the true lifeline of Judaism that appearing on the balcony of 770?” his 90s, so why speak of mesirus nefesh? He Rayatz had mesirus nefesh even for matters that is totally beyond human suffering! In other several Torah giants held that we must not have a Rebbe seeks to extend to the Jewish people. What motivated this bizarre interjection? words, if our eyes are lying and nothing has self-sacrifice” Likkutei( Sichos 28, pg. 127). Our are people who suffer real I passed it off at the time as simple grubkait, changed since Gimmel Tammuz, if the laws but it always bothered me that it was a very The mindset that led to the Rebbe Rayatz’s consequences, but in addition to the G-dly of nature do not apply to such a tzaddik, how resolve they have towards their mission, first intelligent and well-connected yungerman can he be said to have self-sacrifice?! unfathomable insistence to stay in prison who had this complaint. Think about it. What until after Shabbos emerged from his “firm and foremost they are living examples of what it means to be a Jew. The Rebbe was not going to bothered him so much? What was he really Trust me this cynic wants to be convinced. resolve not to be affected at all” by the regime He is desperate to see this paradox resolved bow to the Communists in any way, to illustrate complaining about? that held him and not to accommodate their to infuse himself with newfound faith. More how a Jew can transcend any obstacle. disregard for Judaism in any respect. Here the Cynicism breeds on failing to see integrity than anyone, this type of personality wants to In connection with self-sacrifice for being a in authority. Once role models are dethroned see redemption unfold in a way that is truly Rebbe speaks unequivocally about his father and debased, everything genuine appears compelling, tangible and overt – and with in-law’s suffering: “As a result of this approach, kiddush Hashem, the Rebbe clearly underscores as a potential sham. Simple naivete and the Rebbe as Moshiach at our head. The main the Rebbe was beaten, etc., and stricken with here the importance of appearances. The Rebbe devotion is deemed childish and immature, thing to him though is that it should go well bodily suffering,rachmana litzlan.” Indeed, the knows how Gimmel Tammuz 5754 looks to unsophisticated. Cynics are often vociferous with his concept of reality, with the rational, Rebbe defines Gimmel Tammuz as a day that the world, yet with obvious mesirus nefesh and confrontational to justify their jaded natural world he is so entrenched in and so is synonymous with self-sacrifice: he appeared on the balcony of 770 to show a position. In that murky world, G-d forbid, much wants to be excavated from. personal declaration of faith and pride in the tzaddikim could be wrong (after all, they’re This approach of uncalculated self-sacrifice is truth of his message to the world: The true and only human!) or the generation might not have seen in the Rebbe Rayatz’s general conduct, and complete redemption is imminent and I will especially regarding the redemption on Gimmel been worthy, etc. not fail you! ■ Rabbi Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin Tammuz. In fact, the very date of Gimmel With that in mind, it is clear what this was whisked out beyond the Tammuz (in connection to the redemption) is kollel yungerman was protesting. Here he was prison walls to learn of the spectacular and synonymous with his self-sacrifice. (pg. 125) speaking to someone who apparently jumped totally unexpected news of his immediate on the bandwagon of faith at speeds this cynic release from prison, gained by nothing less

8 BEIS MOSHIACH 25 SIVAN 5779 9 LLettersetters ttoo tthehe eeditorditor

but I think it sidesteps an important point. somehow that it isn’t mugah like the sichos • When the Rebbe spoke about the idea of Ye- themselves. chi Hamelech, he spoke of the importance of The portion in question is: Maybe we’re not doing enough? the “hachraza” – “the announcement” of Yechi

משיח... מצפה בקוצר רוח ובכליון עיניים .Op-Ed Hamelech and Ad Mosay

It will prevent debates on religious topics to allow public expressions of simple faith in between students. the Rebbe’s words, will begin their day with. להתגלות (מההעלם בזמן ומצב הגלות) דמלך המשיח The parents will be the ones to direct Why is this better than a verbal the students what to think about. Thus, the announcement? There are a few reasons: responsibility of educating the child’s character Levi I’m sure no one disagrees that silent con- by exposing him to the concept of a G-d who It cannot be challenged on the grounds of Liberow sees and hears everything they do, will be the Achdus. brought back home to the parents. גואל את ישראל... It will prevent attempts on the part of Thought, is in many ways more effective teachers and administrators to interfere in the than speech. A prayer said by a group of templation on Yechi Hamelech is important and Chassidishe expressions of the students. A Moment of Silence children can be said superficially, while a moment of thinking allows the child to think It will prevent fruitless debates between to Save Lubavitch freely without feeling pressure to imitate or be the students. intimidated by a fellow student. The parents will be the ones to direct the instrumental for people to mean what they say, We, Baruch Hashem, send our children You vowelized the word as , which While I’m not quite sure what exactly the ְל ִה ְת ַּג ֹלות I use some from Monsey asked me, as the Lubavitcher students what to think about. Thus, Moshiach Disclaimer: to religious schools, and as Jews have always cynicism in this representative around the table. awareness will return to every Chabad home, piece, but just to help bring across the point. done, we begin the school day with a verbal So, I gave him a brief history of the topic. not just the “radical” factions on both sides Please try to take this seriously. prayer from a . I always wondered how There used to be a non-denominational prayer we can implement a “Moment of Silence” in who are still fighting over it. but I’m yet to see how silent announcements do Some weeks ago, I had the “privilege” of said every day in American public schools; means, as you translated, “to be revealed as…” our educational institutions; after all, this was sentence means — as it sounds like Moshiach Thought, is in many ways more effective spending Shabbos at an NYC hospital with a then came along some of our lost Jewish something the Rebbe had a great koch in. relative. In what they call the “Chessed Room,” brothers who fought it and had the Supreme than speech. A prayer said by a group of In the last few weeks, it dawned on me. we managed to put together a tight . Court declare this prayer to somehow be in children can be said superficially, while a There was 1 Lubavitcher, 2 Litvisher guys, a violation of the first amendment and therefore moment of thinking allows the child to think good for anything, as the writer of this article unconstitutional, utterly contrary to the spirit and not , which would mean “he awaits is awaiting the revelation of Moshiach, which ַל ִה ְת ַגלוּת Skverer Chassid, a Satmerer, two “Young Israel” freely without feeling pressure to imitate or be style guys, and a few more Chassidishe Yidden of the law. After the failed assignation attempt used to be a non-politicized intimidated by a fellow student. although I didn’t manage to figure out their of President Reagan, the Rebbe publicly called There prayer said every day in exact affiliation. for it to be restored, but quite quickly came up Lubavitcher schools and shuls. Then came along I would recommend that even if you do feel with an even better idea — not a verbal prayer, a Yetzer Hara and got many of us to stop saying comfortable to announce this prayer verbally, We had a very nice Shabbos, as nice as it seems to suggest. the revelation of...” but a moment of silence that students, from it, sometimes invoking the Rebbe himself and you should also add a Moment of Silence as requires an explanation — it clearly isn’t the could get in a hospital. I shared some sichos kindergarten up to college, will begin their claims that it violates the first Mivtza — Mivtza well. It allows people on both sides of the debate of the Rebbe, others shared Divrei Torah and school-day with. Ahavas Yisrael, utterly contrary to the spirit of some quiet time to rethink their positions. It stories from other Tzaddikim, we danced after Moshiach and his imminent arrival the Rebbe Why was that better than a verbal prayer can’t be that any of us are 100% right, if it were Lecha Dodi (to a few niggunim), and we even spoke about so much. had some schmoozes about Moshiach, and to G-d? so, we would be in a much better place by now.■ way you translated it, as that interpretation is For many years, we are debating the matter, obviously about the recent tragic events at the The Rebbe gave many reasons. Some and it caused us to part paths too many times, Following the Rebbe’s instructions and en- בקוצר of Poway. technical, as well as points that bring out an [by the way, I would translate the term leaving those of us who are not so familiar advantage of a Moment of Silence over a verbal ,, So maybe this is a better On the table in the Chessed room, were with the intricacies of the Rebbe’s sichos and prayer: idea — let’s have a “Moment Jewish newspapers and magazines in English answers, totally devoid of any significant ruled out by the Rebbe’s hagaha. and Yiddish, which all featured front-page It cannot be challenged on the grounds of mention of the Rebbe’s ultimate passion — of Silence” that all Lubavitch as “with bated breath,” which is both more ,רוח articles about Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein’s the “Separation Clause.” Moshiach Now. institutions, will begin their couraging and promoting announcing loudly inspiring words at the White House. It will prevent proselytizing attempts on So maybe this is a better idea — let’s have day with. “Vus punkt is die ‘Moment of Silence’ vegn the part of teachers and administrators to a “Moment of Silence” that all Lubavitch vus er hut geredt?” a heimishe Yungerman interfere in the religious beliefs of the students. institutions, even those who are not yet ready Yechi Hamelech is what will save Lubavitch! accurate and a tad more respectful than “im- I would love if anyone can help me figure 34 ɢɬɺʠʊʐʠɹɺɗɣɹ 19 IYAR 5779 35 Yoni Gold, K'far Chabad patiently.”] it out. In Levi Liberow’s op-ed in issue 1167, he I also always understood it that way too, as it A Dedicated D’var Malchus Learner wrote that “even if you do feel comfortable to fits the general context of the topic: Moshiach announce this prayer verbally,” referring to • being in the time and place of galus, waiting Yechi, if I understood correctly, “you should to reveal himself as Moshiach. also add a Moment of Silence as well. It allows Who’s Behind the Nikkud of the • people on both sides of the debate some quiet The problem is that the text suggests other- Learning the Rebbe’s Tehillim which means “of the King ,דמלך המשיח ,time to rethink their positions. It can’t be that Besuras Hageulah? wise Moshiach,” not “as the king Moshiach” as you any of us are 100% right, if it were so, we would as the King Moshiach who redeems the Jew- µ¤Ā‡ ©‡ › ŸŸ‹ §ë›‹ ƒ 秊 ›ˆ ³‹áÓµƒ ›§‰ ›āèˆ ¢¤Š à‡ ô‹ ŸЊ §‰ ©‰ éƒ 1. [First,] all the nations thank Hashem, Studying Tehillim ish people at the true and complete Redemp- µë§è‹ Ÿ¤‹ ³‰¢ ›ª¤Š ›ˆ àŸ‰ ©¤‹ §ˆ àƒ ŸŠ ƒ 2. [Thenthe Jewish people should offer tion, titled so because after it there will be no TheRebbe's special thanks] for he has done good unto the . . . There is an ancient custom of study- exile, Kapitel Jewish people and has saved his kindness for ing, every Rosh Chodesh, one verse with Besuras them for eternity, meaning the many years that HaGeulah following the halachic ruling of Rambam,  ë¦ žƒ ‡éµ¤‹ çˆ ©Ї §‰ ©ž‰ ©Œ Ö ¤¨Š ç‹ ©ƒ ³ŠŸª¤‹ 鲇 ¬‹ ¯ƒ ñ‡ translated. , and optionally with other com- be in a much better place by now.” that ultimately “A king will arise from the they were in exile and now, [because of his pre- mentaries, of the chapter of Tehillim of house of David” who will bring about the ulti- An anthology of commentaries served kindness,] they are once again masters. one’s age. (For example, when one has mate Redemption. On the imminence of the Geula 3. Also, the house of Aharon will offer ex- passed his thirteenth birthday he would To further support this concept, the Rebbe cites in a footnote how various schools of sages clusive thanks and acknowledge that Hashem’s study chapter 14.) If the chapter has less in the time of the Mishnah would point to their rabbi as a possible redeemer, indicating that kindness is eternal, for the priesthood has been than twelve verses, and accordingly in a Moshiach is a figure foundin exile: Who is Allowed to Praise Hashem? taken from them for many years in exile and leap year, then repeat the necessary vers- While usually “awaiting the revelation of” es. For chapters with more than twelve they have now returned to it. It’s always good to do a cheshbon nefesh, yet œ¦µ ›Ÿ§ ›Ÿµ³ ´œ There, at the beginning of the discussionin  ›¤‹ë÷ƒ ŸµŠ §Š ¢‹ µƒ ŸŠ ç ¨ƒ à‹ ƒ verses, study two or more verses every the Gemara we find thus: 4. Also the G-d fearing people, which Rosh Chodesh, . . .  ›´«µ³¤¤› ­³ ±©­¤³¡µ¯´µ ¢¤´©¨¤­£² [refers to those who] seclude themselves [to The school of Rabbi Sheila says:Shiloh is žÖ³Š ©Š ›„ ö‰ àā©‰ àŸƒ Œ§¤à¤‡ ³ˆ©ƒ ››Š §¤‹ ई ç‡ ³¤Š œˆ éƒ  ‡• Excerpt from a letter of the Previous 6 Iyar 5751 − April 20 1991 (2) study] Torah and wisdoms, will all thank and the redeemer’s name, as it is stated: “Leader- ŸŒ§¤à›āœ‡ ¤¤‹ ñ‡  «µ ›¢¤£œŸ´Ÿ© «§¨¤¤²´¤Ç´Ÿ§µ §ŸµŸœ³Ÿ ž ž§Ÿ¤Ÿ´ª ¢£œŸ§ž ³¯ ¬¤ œ Rebbe, 18 Teves 5703 (December 26, 1943) This farbrengen, coming in a time so strongly related to the Geulah, focused on how ship shall not depart from the tribe of Yehudah would be written in the Talmudic-rabbinic acknowledge the eternal kindness of Hashem, I’m not sure how he came to that conclusion. In this psalm, the great trust King David had Hashem is described, since in exile, because of the many troubles, In accordance with this minhag, Beis the theme of Moshiach is apparent in the parsha of the week, Tazria-Metzora, which until when Shiloh shall come;” as well as many praises to Hashem that He has fulfilled what He promised to us largely discusses the laws of leprosy. they didn’t have ample time and their hearts Moshiach presents the first fourpesukim The school of Rabbi Yannai says:Yinnon — The Rebbe cited a talmudic statement saying that Moshiach’s name is “the leper of ā©à¤ƒ Ÿ‡ ¤³ƒ ©Š ›„ ö‰ àā©‰ àªā«Ó¤ƒ ³ˆ©ƒ ›¤›Š öŠ ¤¤Š ç‡ ³¤Š œˆ éƒ were [therefore] not completely dedicated to of Kapitel 118, with Rashi and an anthol- similar to “Yannai” — is his name, as it is stated 1. Give thanks to the L-rd because He is good, the house of Rebbi,” and corroborated it with a tale from the Gemara, in which Eliyahu ā©àªā«Óàƒ ©‰ उ «ˆ ¯ƒ §¨‡ §ā­‹ §ƒ ƒsu v j ‹q Š]r ƒs Š‡j Q‰nu ƒs†w‡L ‰ ‚nu Šq ƒu ] ƒ‚~s Hashem, their G-d, but now they thank Hash- ogy of classic commentaries and insights concerning Moshiach’s ultimate greatness: “May for His kindness is eternal. Hanavi told the sage Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi that he can find Moshiach at the gates style which is the style of most of the Rebbe’s em [for granting them to ability to achieve this]. from of our Rabbeim. his name endure forever; may his name con- of Rome. His identifying features were that “he sits among the poor who suffer from 2. Israel shall now say, “For His kindness is ƒsv j ‹q Š]r ƒs Š‡j Q‰Šnu L~o –r —{j ‡~n Žw–_ r Œ~q ‡sv tinue [yinnon] as long as the sun;” u Even Ezra leprosy, and he too is a leper.” eternal.” before him to offer his praises. Each officer is al- Maybe it’s not what we’re doing that has to The Rebbe explained the significance of this tale as bringing out an important quality (Rashi explains that “each one derived a  ā©à³ƒ ¢Š ›àŠ ³ā韈 ¤‹ Ÿž‹ ¢‹ ›§‰ ñ¤›‹ öŠ ¤ā©Š ñ ƒ Israel shall now say: because His kindness is ƒsu j ‹q Šr ƒs Šju —‡zp ’n ŠŠj ~o –r —{ j ‡~n Ž–r Œ~q s‡ The psalmist mentioned first the holy ones located a limited time to offer his praises based of Moshiach: name for Moshiach from the scriptures, mod- eternal. among Israel, [the kohanim] because of their eled after his name.”) sichos, as , with an additional hey, on his level of prominence. All this, however, The house of Aharon shall now say, “For His greatness, which requires them even more to .3 לההתגלות Moshiach is an individual who is present in µë§è‹ Ÿ¨ā²Š ©ëƒ ª©Š ¡ƒ 稇 §ā­‹ 盋 ±‹ ©ƒ «‡ ¢¤Š à‡ ©‹ ‹Š]r ƒs Š‡j Q‰nu –s L ‚l ~w˜‡vq ~vou Ž_ r ƒ–u Œ~j ‡s € is only when the king is pleased, but if the king thank Hashem, and after that he included the the world during the time of exile and in the µë§è‹ Ÿ¤Š ›ë§ˆ ¢ Ā§Š œā÷ˆ àµë§‰ 觋 àœ‰ ü‹ ©Š œëƒ [Rashi’s wording is precise: “each one de- à³ā韈 ¤‹ Ÿž‹ ¢‹ ›§‰ ñ¤‹ à‡ ³ªāàŠ §²ëïƒ é‡ ©³¤‡ և Ÿ‹ §ë@ƒ kindness is eternal.” is G-d forbid in a mode of anger, then they ƒsu v j q G-d fearing people of every nation. be fixed, I think it’s perfect, so manypeulos in location of the exile. He is in an “exiled” state rived ... his name,” and not that the students ¨àˆ ñā©ƒ ⃠àëà‰ éƒ ¢¨¤‡ ž¤‡ ©‡ §ƒ ĀŠ ŸŠ à›‰ Œ§ ā©ƒ ೃ ¢ˆ ›Š are fearful of offering him any praise at all, as of being, as he himself suffersfrom the afflic- introduced the idea that his [Moshiach’s] > ¨ç‹ ³Š 4. Those who fear the L-rd shall now say, “For ƒsu v j ‹q Š]r ƒs Š‡j Q‰ ‚‡nu ~]o –j ‡~n ŽQ r ƒ–u Œ~j ‡s] The Baal Shem Tov is written (in the Kinos for Tisha B’Av), “Why name is like that of their rabbi.] His kindness is eternal.” ”?would you praise the king at the time of anger ,להתגלות tions of the exile. still, it’s not out of the question that This isevident from what the Gemara states ... And some say that Menachem ben Chiz- Our Sages teach that there are angels that ªāñ›ëŸ›ƒ ï‹ ¢ª‡ ©¤‡ ›œ‡ ³³Š ©Š ››‹ ³‹©‹ èƒ ŸЊ àˆ ©ƒ Ÿ‰ ñ@ƒ ¤ñ³‡ ©Š ›„ ö‰ àā©‰ àŸƒ ï‹ ²‡ ¡ƒ ¢ª‡ 稉 ¢ˆ «Š ©¨¤ƒ ³‡©ā›àƒ ¤ˆ ƒ Those who fear the L-rd: These are the Levites, ‡Šq ~ ‚o Š‡q Œ‹n ‚p ur ƒ˜u ‰ur —‡zp ƒnoŠ‡Žo uj ƒu Šu ~ ‚‡o ~o –j ‡n Because of this concern — perhaps the king in continuation of the topic of Moshiach’s name: kiya is his name, as it is stated: “Because the about whom it is written: “Whoever is the Lord’s, let ‚—{ l Œq  ƒ‰Š˜ƒŒ— ‡uj ƒnoŠ‡Žo Šuj ‰ƒ‡ur Šr ~o ƒ’u j ~r ‡o ƒq sing shira (praises to Hashem) once in seven àāžý‹ Ÿ뫤Š çˆ ³Š ¤à‡ ¯ƒ «œ¤Š à‡ ©¨ˆ ¢ˆ «Š ©¤ƒ ö‡ ô‰ ©²‡ ¢Š ³‹ p is now angry or may become angry for what- this direction received the Rebbe’s brachos and “Rav said: if he, Moshiach, is from the living, comforter [menachem] that should relieve my him come to me! And all the sons of Levi gathered —~z s–‚Žr ˜uj Žn ƒ–u Œj ~r —zp ‰Šuj ~o –r —{ j ‡‹n n ƒŒu l Šj Žn ƒŠj €p o ‚r years, and some only once in fifty years. Even ever reason — their practice is to be as brief he is like our holy Rebbi Yehudah Hanasi.” soul is far from me.” around him,” in the episode of the [Golden] Calf,  ‡–Œ ‚Œr ‡j –r ”j Œ‚n r ƒu —z Žr ƒj when they say praises, they do so briefly; some can also mean “the revelation of.” and they fought with Israel when they said, “Let us say just Kadosh, some say Baruch, and some as possible and go out from his chamber as Rashi explains why Rebbi, out of the many great sages of the time, was cited as an example And we, as Chassidim, should follow their 뫤µāçˆ ³Š§ƒ ֊ ā«ˆ ç 럤ƒ ¤ƒ ³Šµƒ çŠ ›ꤊ «ˆ Ö « ¨¤Š ž¤‡ ¬‡ ¢ ª «‹ › Š appoint a leader and return to Egypt.” say only one verse, as it is written that certain quickly as possible. for the Moshiach of the generation: example in regard to identifying our Rebbeim ³ā©žƒ›¤Š ©‡ ¢‹ ¤ƒ ³ā©‡ µàŠ žŽ ²žāœƒ ñ£ƒ ³‹¯ƒ œë‡ 뫤›¤á‡ «ƒ angels sing one verse from the psalm beginning However, when the king’s beloved and cher- and leaders as Moshiach, and the Rebbe and Á 뫳āž›¤ˆ ᇠ«ƒ encouragement. “If Moshiach is from those that are living ë«¤çˆ ³Š뫤ƒ Ÿ¤›Š éŠ Š à‹ ¦ƒ ֊ ªï‡ ¢Š à‰ ªµā›‹ ©ˆ ¢¤Š à‡ ©¨‹ ›‡ Radak with “Give thanks to the L-rd…” (psalm 118). ished son comes before him to praise him, he is now, he is certainly our holy Rebbi, who bore leader of our generation, my saintly father-in- >Ÿ ˆŸ³ë©Š 螤‹ ¬‡ ¢‹ ¨¤ƒ ›ë§‡ ¢ Ā§Š œā¬ˆ éƒ àāžý‹ ŸŠ But a Jewish person is allowed to say praises not concerned by all this. For even if the king afflictions and was completely pious.” law in particular: Our sages of blessed memory debate on this expression in order to praise this psalm and be- of G-d at any time and is allowed to elaborate is in anger, when he sees his beloved son, joy Yosef is his name, as it is stated “The L-rd psalm. Some say it is said about King David, cause of the importance of what is written in it. In other words, besides for Moshiach obviously being a pious and righteous man, he is also  āāž¤µ¤‹ «‡ ई «‹ Œž›®¤Š ¬ā¤³‡ ©Š ›„ ö‰ àā©‰ ஃ ¬ā¤ˆ and sing all kinds of praises and thanks. and delight enter the king. And when joy and will continue [yosif] to apply His hand a sec- while others interpret it to be speaking of the identified by being someone who suffers the pains of exile. ¡›³‹ ©Š ›„ ö‰ àā©‰ ಃ ¢‹ ±Ó ā§ƒ ›ˆ ³‹áÓ¤ƒ ¢ˆ žƒ«®‡ ¬Š ›‹ ƒ What strengthens all this is the recent [The interpretation of these four verses, if we love enter, the anger and fury are removed. ■ ond time ... and gather the lost of Israel...” days of Moshiach … the psalm begins with an To explain this, we can use a mashal from a 뫤ú²‡ Œ¢á›ƒ òˆ ©‹ ¤ƒ accept the opinion that it is said of the days of Furthermore, he waits impatiently and µā§èŠ µƒ Ÿ‡ §ƒ ¨Ó«¤Š ֈ ªā¤§ƒ ¦‡ œëƒ ¢ë³Š ³±‰ ²Œ 矃 ú‰ ±Š ©ëƒ Yitzchak is his name, as it is stated, “Then, our expression of thanks and ends with the identical king who all his servants and ministers came (Kesser Shem Tov, part I p. 245) Moshiach, is the following:] Maybe it’s that were not doing enough. And longingly to be revealed from his concealment  µë§è‹ ŸœŠ ü‹ ©ëªŠ ©Š ¡ƒ 稇 §ˆ ք Ÿ‰ ŸŠ © ˆ mouths will be filled with laughter sechok[ ].” during the exile publication (pictured below) by RebbeDrive. 10 ɢɬɺʠʊʐʠɹɺɗɣɹ 26 IYAR 5779 11 4 ɢɬɺʠʊʐʠɹɺɗɣɹ 26 IYAR 5779 5 instead of doing more and fighting harder, com of the galleys of the sicha as they were we’re busy with apologetics and finding faults I read with interest the translation of the submitted for the Rebbe’s hagaha (editing), in What a great idea it was to print the p’sukim in what others are doing with sincerity and Besuras Hageulah last week, hoping to find an which the text was written out exactly as you from the Rebbe’s Kapitel with the meforshim. dedication. explanation for a portion of the Tazria-Metzora translated, but the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach This is a little knownhora’ah , and the reminder, plus making it available in such a user-friendly כ Name withheld upon request 5751 sicha that I’ve been debating for a while. in his holy handwriting changed the letter Clearly changing way, made it easier for myself, and I’m sure for !ש and erased the letter ,ד to A translation is also a commentary, I, there- the meaning of the sentence from “...awaiting many others, to sit down on Rosh Chodesh and fore, appreciate the way you present your trans- his revelation as the king Moshiach who re- study the Rebbe’s Kapitel! • lation, with the actual translated words in bold deems...” to “the revelation of the king Moshi- Silent Hachraza? type and the rest in regular type. Looking forward to seeing the next p’sukim ach redeeming Israel...” in the Shabbos M’vorchim Tammuz edition! Levi Liberow’s article, “A Moment of Silence The nikkud can also be a form of com- B.G., Crown Heights to save Lubavitch” was original and interesting, mentary, and I think it should be indicated

10 BEIS MOSHIACH 25 SIVAN 5779 11 Accordingly, it is difficult to understand the phrase, “G-d is among those who help me,” for Studying Tehillim it implies that G-d is one helper in partnership TheRebbe's . . . There is an ancient custom of study- Kapitel with others? ing, every Rosh Chodesh, one verse with ...Also requiring explanation is [King Da- Rashi, and optionally with other com- vid’s] request, “May I witness [the downfall of] mentaries, of the chapter of Tehillim of An anthology of commentaries those who hate me.” Seemingly, it would have one’s age.” — Excerpt from a letter of the been more appropriate for him to have asked Previous Rebbe, 18 Teves 5703 (December that his enemies and haters be transformed 26, 1943) Does Hashem need helpers? into friends and intimates ... A desire to “wit- In accordance with this minhag, Beis ness [the downfall of] those who hate me” thus Moshiach presents pesukim of Kapitel raises difficulties. 118, the Rebbe’s kapitel, with Rashi and insights from of our Rebbeim. קיח. The explanation:] On this basis, [we can reconcile the queries] בו יסופר גודל הבטחון שהיה לדוד והרבה תהלות להש“י שקיים לנו מה שהבטיח אותנו: raised at the outset regarding the verse,] “G-d In this psalm, the great trust King David had Hashem is described, The spiritual level exemplified by [King] Da- is among those who help me.” A person’s true as well as many praises to Hashem that He has fulfilled what He promised to us vid was the Sefirah of Malchus (lit., “sovereign- helpers are the elements [of worldly existence] ty”). His statement, “I am [a man of] prayer,” .which he has refined ה. ִמ ַן־ה֖ ֵּמ ַֽצר ָק ָ֣ר ִאתי ָ ּ֑י- ּה ָ֜ע ָ֗נ ִני ַּב ֶּמ ְר ָ֣חב From the straits I called G-d; G-d answered .5 me with a vast expanse. thus means, “I, the attribute of Malchus, am prayer.” Nevertheless, his divine service focused [Included in the Hebrew original of the ָֽי- ּה: verse, “G-d is among those who help me,” on the pnimiyus of the Torah, through which ו. ה' ִ ֖לי ֥ ֹלא ִא ָ ֑ירא ַמ ַֽ ּה־י ֲע ֶׂש ֖ה ִ֣לי ָא ָֽדם: The L-rd is for me; I shall not fear. What can .6 ”.lit., “G-d is for me — הוי‘ לי ,man do to me? he sought to refine [his environment, which is the phrase Hence:] When a person devotes himself in an was not his primary Avodah]. orderly manner to his Divinely-appointed task ז. ה' ִ ֖לי ְּב ֽ ֹע ְז ָ ֑רי ַֽ֜ו ֲא ִ֗ני ֶא ְר ֶא֥ה ְב ֽׂשֹ ְנ ָֽאי: The L-rd is for me with my helpers, and I shall .7 see [revenge] in my enemies. Prayer seeks to refine and elevate [worldly of refinement, a revelation ofHavayah shines existence]: Torah study seeks to draw down and forth upon him. Moreover, “G-d is among [lit., ח. ֗טֹוב ַֽל ֲח ֥סֹות ַּֽבה' ִ֜מ ְּב ֗ ֹט ַח ָּֽב ָא ָֽדם: It is better to take shelter in the L-rd than to .8 trust in man. reveal [G-dly light]. When Torah study seeks within] those who help me”: Through a person’s to refine [the undesirable aspects of material- self-sacrifice in carrying out his divine service, ֹטוב ַל ֲחֹסות ַּבה' ְוֹגו'. -ity, it does this by rejection. This is reflected in he brings about a revelation of Havayah with ִח ָּס ֹיון ֶזה ֵא ֹינו ֶא ָּלא ְל ׁשֹון :Rashi: It is better to take shelter in the L-rd -is only an expres (חסיון )This shelter .לחסות .Heb the verse, “[This is the Torah...] to differentiate in all those who help him. [As an automatic ִח ָּס ֹיון ֵצל ְו ָד ָבר ּמו ָעט ּהוא: sion of the shelter of a shadow, a small thing. between the pure and the impure.” result of this revelation,] “I [will] witness [the ִמ ְּבטֹ ַח. ָּד ָבר ָּב ִריא ּו ְס ַמ ְך ָח ָזק ְו ַאף ַעל ִּפי ֵּכן ”.downfall of] those who hate me ַל ֲח ֹסות ַּבה' ֹטוב ֵמ ַה ְב ָט ַחת ְּב ֵני ָא ָדם: -is a stout and strong support. Nev (מבטח) Trust ertheless, to take shelter in the L-rd is better than This is implied by ... “Your statutes were my [The enemies here], included individuals the promises of human beings. songs when I dwelled in fear.” With the power such as Doeg and Achitofel who appeared to of the Torah, [David] would cut off [the forces conduct their lives according to the Torah, of evil which are known as] “tyrants”; The Frierdiker Rebbe David made this request with the intent that ...This, however, [is not G-d’s intent in cre- the truth be revealed — that these individuals “G-d is among those who help me; may I brings a man into existence and animates him, hated G-d: they did not desire the revelation of witness [the downfall of] those who hate me.” and assists him in all his affairs. As Rambam ation]: the world was not created for chaos, but G-dliness, and [more particularly,] the revela- declares: “The foundation of all foundations in order that it be settled. [This requires that The wording here is problematic, appear- tion of the Name Havayah, [which transcends and the pillar of all wisdom is to know that man] involve himself with the tasks of refining ing to imply that a person has many helpers, the limits of nature]. They desired to live by the there exists a Prime Being, and He brings into [his environment] and drawing down G-dly and that G-d is [merely] one of them. In truth, natural order and mortal reason. ■ existence every existing thing; and all things light into the world. For this reason [David] however, “There is none else apart from Him.” that exist in the heavens and earth and between was punished, [for ignoring this thrust and (Maamar Havayah Li BeOzrai 5687, re- He alone, blessed be He, is the Creator Who them exist only by virtue of His true existence.”... seeking to rise above worldly existence]. printed from “Defiance and Devotion” - SIE)

12 BEIS MOSHIACH 25 SIVAN 5779 13 • According to Siddur Harav, an individual who is a yarei Hashem (G-d fearing) and wishes Short Q&A's to perform the mitzvah of tzitzis in a manner ASK The Rav that conforms to all opinions, should ensure • I have a blanket that has 4 corners. that the garment is completely open on both May I use it? Is there a difference sides. One shouldn't even fasten the sides to between the day and night? What about Horav Yosef Yeshaya Braun each other with clips or hooks and certainly wrapping myself with a four cornered one shouldn't have sleeves or fashion openings towel? for the arms. For a blanket that is sometimes used • According to Kabbalah one should not by day, you should make one corner wear tzitzis directly on their body, but should round. wear an undershirt underneath. There is no need to put Tzitzis on a towel even if one is wrapping himself Is there a problem It’s important to note that one may not make with it.* a brachah on tzitzis if the garment is exempt with Undershirt Tzitzis? from tzitzis, and wearing such a garment • May one clean his glasses with a on Shabbos might be considered carrying. Tallis Gadol or Tallis Katan? (Halacha2go.com #410) According to Halacha, one may clean In connection with the mitzvah of Tzitzis discussed in Parshas Shlach, we present a Tzitzis when Sleeping glasses with the Tallis Katan, though collection of halachic articles from Halacha2Go.com on this fundamental mitzvah some are stringent. According to Kabbalah, one should wear a By Horav Yosef Yeshaya Braun, Mara D'asra and member of the Crown Heights Beis Din With the Tallis Gadol, one should not tallis katan, colloquially referred to as tzitzis, clean their glasses. However, even with also during the night when a person sleeps. Is there a problem perspiration does not qualify for the mitzvah the Tallis Gadol, if it is in order to be able of tzitzis. There are non-Kabbalistic reasons for this to Daven and it is not really dirty, just to with Undershirt Tzitzis? as well. For example, if a person were to go give it a shine, there is room for leniency.* • Other poskim are of the opinion that There is a product on the market which is an to sleep without tzitzis and sleep into the although it is kosher, it’s nevertheless not daytime, part of the day would pass without undershirt with tzitzis on it. It’s worn by some respectful to the mitzvah. tzitzis into the morning does not make it a day people in hot weather, or while exercising or him wearing tzitzis. Also, if he wished to put on garment; it should be a pair of tzitzis that is jogging. In order for such an undershirt to be • When wearing garments made to absorb tzitzis immediately upon awakening, he would worn both day and night. kosher for tzitzis it must be ascertained first perspiration one often lacks the kavanah have to touch his tzitzis before he washed negel and foremost that most of the length on both (intent) that he is wearing it for the mitzvah, vasser. The common practice of having a night sides of the undershirt are open at the seams, as the garment is often worn for its “undershirt” For these reasons and others, it is important tzitzis only is not correct. One should therefore not just a small section at the bottom; otherwise aspect. According to some poskim, wearing to have available a pair of tzitzis to wear when change their tzitzis in the morning in order to tzitzis without kavanah is tantamount to it cannot be considered as having four corners one goes to sleep for the night. However, the recite a brachah on a different pair and wear the wearing a four cornered garment without and requiring tzitzis. The holes for the arms Tzemach Tzedek points out that one should same pair of tzitzis until the following morning. tzitzis. cannot be regarded as part of the opening. The not designate the tzitzis specifically for the (Halacha2go.com #184) ■ mitzvah min hamuvchar (preferred manner of • Many of these garments are made from night, because then one would be wearing a doing the mitzvah) is to wear a woolen tallis netted material; according to some poskim k’sus leilah, a night garment, and according to * References and marei mekomos are katan, which obviously, the undershirt tzitzis netted material does not qualify for the mitzvah many opinions night garments do not require available for this Halacha on the websites: www. is not. of tzitzis. Many are made out of synthetic tzitzis. Accordingly, the tzitzis on this garment Halacha2Go.com and www.AskTheRav.com There are some additional concerns material, and poskim question whether would not be considered to have the sanctity of regarding this garment. Among them: synthetic material qualifies for this mitzvah. tzitzis and he would not be considered fulfilling Please note that these halachos apply in Therefore, one shouldn't make a brachah on the mitzvah. The pair of tzitzis should therefore general situations. In unique circumstances, a • There are some poskim who maintain such tzitzis. be for use during both day and night, and since different halacha may apply. If you are unsure that a garment which was made for absorbing it is used for both day and night, it requires whether the halacha applies to your particular tzitzis. The fact that the wearer sleeps in the situation, please consult a Rov.

14 BEIS MOSHIACH 25 SIVAN 5779 15 16 BEIS MOSHIACH 2525 SIVAN 5757797 177 Avrohom Rainitz • before meditating on it, the Rebbe himself all ended on Gimmel Tammuz. It is out of already brought it down to this physical world. the question for him that suddenly, another You can say that the maamar “V’Ata Tetzaveh” Moshiach will appear. is the secret to our emuna in recent years. until two- If it’s all clear, where were you all those and-a- Rabbi Reuven Wolf was years and yet, we see that Chassidim continue Aside from the strengthening of emuna in years? known primarily by his to believe that the Rebbe is the Nasi Ha’Dor a general sense, in this maamar, the Rebbe Gimmel Tammuz created a darkness in half years community in Los Angeles. and Moshiach Tzidkeinu and anticipate his effected the drawing down into the world that the world and this darkness entered me too, He suddenly became known imminent revelation. What is the secret to the longing for Moshiach be so firmly implanted ago, an inner darkness in the inner recesses of my worldwide, thanks to a this burning faith and how come it has not in us that every moment that Moshiach is not soul that created a divide between rational powerful and unforgettable cooled over the years? here, we are completely shaken. For some, it speech he gave at the Kinus HaShluchim understanding and feeling it. The topic of The fact that there is no weakness despite will burst forth from them more often and in 5777 in 770. He told about his personal Moshiach was hidden deep in the dark recesses the many years that have passed, goes to prove for some, less often, but generally speaking, transformation that came as a result of an- of my mind and did not emerge to affect my that this is a genuine belief, since the source compared to what we had decades ago, today depth study of Geula and Moshiach, and called daily life. of a true belief is in such a lofty place in the we see an entire generation of Chassidim to upon his fellow shluchim to wake up from their soul which is above time. In this exalted place, whom it is clear, without a doubt, that it is What caused the change? slumber and learn inyanei Geula in-depth and time has no meaning. It makes no difference impossible to continue in this exile-world as live the Geula in all aspects of shlichus. Learning. And not just learning but in-depth whether a day or a year has passed. it is today. We must have the Geula! and thorough learning, just like the Rebbe says Lubavitchers in Eretz Yisrael were also It says “and they believed in G-d and Moshe in the sicha of Balak 5751, that when you learn inspired by the speech he gave at the main event I UNDERSTAND BUT... His servant.” Just like belief in Hashem is not inyanei Moshiach and Geula, it leads to living for the following . He described to the limited to a certain time, and even though the We heard about the change you have inyanei Geula. crowd of thousands the dilemma he had been Jewish people have experienced thousands of undergone. After many years in which the struggling with for months and his conclusion You can say I was missing the aspect of daas years of galus, including extremely difficult subject of Geula and emuna in the Rebbe as that the proclamation of “Yechi Ha’Melech” times, expulsions and forced conversion Moshiach were on the sidelines, suddenly, it in inyanei Geula and Moshiach, and as the Alter and kabbolas ha’malchus of Moshiach, which decrees, our faith has not weakened. Why exploded outward with great force and has Rebbe explains, daas is from the root meaning is the shleimus of kabbolas malchus Shomayim, is that? Because it comes from that sublime swept up in its wake thousands of Chassidim connection and bond, “that he attach his daas is the essence of all of Judaism and Torah and source where time has no impact or meaning. who watched your inspiring speeches. What with a strong bond and implant his thoughts.” mitzvos; how every Chassid has to accept the caused this awakening and have you found That’s what I was missing, to connect, bond, In addition, we received special malchus of the Rebbe Melech Ha’Moshiach the “recipe” to wake every Chassid from the with inyanei Moshiach. When you connect to empowerment from the Rebbe in the with the declaration of “Yechi Adoneinu.” slumber of galus? something, the thing comes to life. strengthening of our faith and firmly planting I spoke with R’ Wolf and was surprised by his it in that place that is not at all affected by I have to stress that, in a general way, I always Serious learning took place because of two candidness. Despite his incomplete command the passage of time. In the last maamar that had the emuna. Deep inside, I always believed factors. One was, when I was asked to speak of Ivrit, which made it hard for him to express the Rebbe gave out, on Purim Kattan 5752, that the Rebbe is Moshiach and we need to at a women’s gathering following a number of himself fully, his fiery inner truth burst forth “V’Ata Tetzaveh,” the Rebbe innovates that the bring about his hisgalus. Even logically, it was tragedies among shluchim. Young shluchim from him and filled in what language alone source of emuna is higher than the certitude clear to me that it couldn’t be otherwise. passed away and there was a great awakening. could not convey... We felt that something was amiss that needed that comes from seeing a thing, since it comes Anyone who has the foundation of the to be corrected. In my speech, I said that the GENUINE EMUNA IS NOT AFFECTED from the essence of the soul which is one with teachings of Chabad Chassidus, especially the difficult situation put us up against the wall and BY THE PASSAGE OF TIME G-dliness. The fact that emuna is not an add-on Alter Rebbe’s basic principle that the purpose to a person’s existence, but one with his essence, obligated us to do everything we can to bring of creation is Yemos Ha’Moshiach; whoever makes it impossible for it to be weakened. the Geula. When you look at the Rebbe’s sichos, It will be Gimmel Tammuz soon and if, knows the main point of Moshiach whose we see that the direct way to bring the Geula is G-d forbid, the Rebbe will not appear by After the Rebbe gave us the maamar, aside job it is to bring about the G-dly hisgalus to through learning inyanei Moshiach and Geula. then, we will be marking 25 years since the from the fact that when we learn the maamar, the world; whoever learned the Rebbe’s first concealment of Gimmel Tammuz 5754. Since it strengthens our emuna, by the act of giving maamar in which he declared the role of our After the gathering, the women told me, you then, we find ourselves in a tremendous out the maamar the Rebbe endowed us with generation to draw the Shechina down to earth raised a good idea so please help us do it. I nisayon that grows ever stronger over the this special power. Even before we learn it and – understands that it is not possible that this accepted that and began learning and teaching

18 BEIS MOSHIACH 25 SIVAN 5779 19 inyanei Moshiach and Geula; this was at the Rebbe’s directive to live Moshiach and Geula. need to be a Lubavitcher to look at the world continued with the Giving of the Torah, and end of 5774. Unfortunately, there are many Chassidim who, three years ago and the way it looks today to was intensified with the revelation of Chassidus due to concern with what people will say about see that they are two worlds. Mainly, in the The second factor was the events occurring and reaches its peak in our times, the world Moshiach’s identity, completely neglect inyanei way world leaders relate to Jews, Eretz Yisrael in the world during that year when I began suddenly looks altogether different. Moshiach and Geula. This is one of the things and Yerushalayim. Everyone sees the amazing giving a weekly shiur on inyanei Geula and that it really pained me to discover and for me, change and realizes that this is miraculous, not At this stage, he can understand on his Moshiach. I suddenly saw current events from it was an impetus to take a clear side, with lots something natural. a different perspective, with the realization own that the Rebbe is Moshiach, even if we of publicity, even though it goes against my that this was part of the Geula process. If we Many lecturers, including those not in don’t tell him. In classes that I gave in recent nature and usual practice, in order to wake just open our eyes, we see the Geula process Chabad, express amazement about the big years, I focused on learning the Rebbe’s sichos people up. hurtling along and when we see it before our miracles and some even connect these events of 5751-5752. It is clear to me that many eyes, it changes our lives. It also caused me to WITHOUT CHASSIDUS YOU DON’T to the Geula process. There are others who listeners of these shiurim realize on their own take the learning much more seriously. UNDERSTAND THE DEPTH OF THE PROCESS consider it a small salvation within the galus who Moshiach is, without my saying anything and it doesn’t occur to them that what’s going And without learning inyanei Geula, it’s explicitly. on is part of the activities of Moshiach himself. impossible to identify the Geula process? R’ Wolf did not grow up in a Lubavitcher family. He was born in a Chassidishe family Why? Because in order to understand the Because when you realize that Moshiach is a Actually, sometimes, the sequences of events in Boro Park. For many years he visited many depth of the connection of these events to the revelation of G-dliness in this lowly world and are so clear that you’d need to be blind not to Admorim, (“When I was living in Boro Park, Geula, you must learn the basics of Chassidus the revelation of pnimiyus haTorah, then it is see the approaching Geula. Even someone I went to all the Admorim in the world though and mainly that the Geula is the final step in clear to all – who is revealing G-dliness to the who doesn’t learn would see it. But, without not to Crown Heights.”), but did not find what turning this lowly world into a dwelling for learning, it could be interesting, even exciting, world if not the Rebbe? he was seeking. Hashem and that the but it doesn’t have the ability to change your He learned in Slabodka in Bnei way to accomplish life. Only Torah has the power to change the life Brak, where he first became acquainted with this is by refining the of the person who contemplates those events. Chabad Chassidus. He went to the in lowest elements so In the speech you gave at the Kinus for Shabbos where he met the that they too agree Ha’Shluchim, you spoke about the book legendary R’ Mendel Futerfas, and to the Geula and help Inyano shel Moshiach. What appeals to you he became very attached to him. At that time, achieve it. about this book? he set up an intensive learning schedule in Whoever is Before I learned Inyano shel Moshiach, I Chassidus for himself with the mashpiim R’ unaware of these knew that the Rebbe is Moshiach but did not Zalman Gopin, R’ Yosef Yitzchok Offen, R’ principles, to whom attribute a position of central importance to Mendel Wechter and R’ Zalman Landau. the world is a dark, it. Rabbi Sholom Ber Wolf, the author, shows In recent years, he is a sought-after lecturer corrupt place, and the centrality of “Melech Ha’Moshiach” in the within Torah circles in Los Angeles and he to whom Moshiach Rebbe’s sichos about the Geula. I suddenly started an organization called Maayon Yisroel, is like a meteor that realized that this entire process revolves around where most of the participants are not avowed comes from above to the Rebbe, the king. Lubavitchers. suddenly illuminate the dark world, does You suddenly get that all of Judaism, all of We spoke about the emuna among not see these current Torah and mitzvos, revolve around one point Lubavitcher Chassidim, but our main role events as something – drawing down the malchus of Hashem to is to spread the message further. As someone messianic. But if he’d the world as it is manifested in the malchus of who works with all kinds of people, what do learn Chassidus and Moshiach. “Melech Ha’Moshiach” becomes the you think is the best way to inspire Litvishe realize that there central point of Judaism. Jews to belief in Moshiach and how can we is a process here of inspire Poilishe Chassidim? I’d like to emphasize that even someone who refining the world is involved in Geula and Moshiach without an Today, everyone sees that something that began with emphasis on Melech Ha’Moshiach, fulfills the amazing is taking place in the world. You don’t Avrohom Avinu,

20 BEIS MOSHIACH 25 SIVAN 5779 21 This is one of the reasons that spreading the although I put it all out there, in order to wake is Moshiach, the awareness that I must carry ,, I see open miracles wellsprings is a prelude to Moshiach, beyond up Anash, I was nervous that there would be out the Rebbe’s wishes penetrated more deeply, like in the Geula. Every the fact that the revelation of pnimiyus haTorah some pushback. But people got the underlying because the Rebbe is king and you can’t play is what Moshiach is all about, because without message behind what was actually said. I around with that! month, the money I need the fundamentals of Chassidus, people do not saw that most of Anash agree with the basic Today, I cannot go to sleep before finishing to run the mosdos comes understand what Moshiach is and therefore, idea and it’s only that sometimes, lots of dust that day’s Rambam, even if I’m keeling over they don’t have the ability to identify the Geula accumulated over the emuna. to me; most of the time, in exhaustion, because the Rebbe will be within current events. I have no doubt this is a special bracha from appearing momentarily and how can I face without effort on my part As someone whose shlichus is primarily the Rebbe. Indeed, throughout this journey, I him? What will I say? That I was tired and with non-Lubavitchers, and through your have received directives and blessings from the couldn’t carry out his order? He is the king of lectures you reach so many people, Litvish Rebbe until I’ve felt that the Rebbe is holding the entire world and we have to accept his rule. and Poilish Chassidim, how has your my hand and leading me, step by step, and It’s not at all possible not to fulfill his orders, personal life change been viewed by them? telling me – speak like this! whether we want to or not. We must submit As you’ve said, for the past ten years, I WE NEED TO CHOOSE BETWEEN to him. have reached a broad array of people, mainly GALUS LIFE AND GEULA LIFE The amazing thing is that even in my material Ever since I realized what was happening, it through the spreading of classes on Chassidus life, I see an enormous change, but before telling took all the pressure I was under, at the end of by way of the distribution of CD’s in religious In hindsight, did the transformation in you about that, I want to make an important every month, which is when you need money communities and on our website maayon.com. your thinking about the Geula change your point. As I understood from the Rebbe’s sichos, for salaries and other expenses, off of me. I live From the feedback I’ve received over the years, daily life? Is there a significant difference the world is now in a state of bein ha’shmashos with utter bitachon, not because I’m on that I’ve learned how interested people are to get an between life before and life after, or has it (twilight), between galus and Geula. Actually, level but simply because I see open miracles, inside look of Torah study and the fulfillment of only been a change in point of view? this is a situation which provides every one of just like the Rebbe says that today you can rely mitzvos. People say that the Chassidus shiurim Definitely! The transformation changed us with the ability to choose. We can continue on miracles. It’s just that for miracles, you really changed their entire outlook on life. Torah and every area of life. First of all, my life became living in galus, because as long as we haven’t mitzvos becomes illuminated with an inner, need to live the Geula. happier! When you feel each day, how the world achieved the complete Geula there are still the deep light. Even those who did not become For example, a year ago Lag B’Omer, I was at is advancing toward Moshiach, that’s a cause for remains of the darkness of galus. Or, we can live Lubavitchers outwardly, have had their minds, a Shabbaton in Texas with a group of Litvishe great joy, one literally feels like dancing from all with the light of the Geula that gets brighter their perspective, changed. people who invited me for an entire Shabbos the joy! Especially during the last year or two, with each passing day. Just as the transformation of people’s thought in light of the big miracles; with every passing about the Geula and Moshiach. It was a fantastic It’s our choice. It’s like Hashem is saying to Shabbos. After Shabbos, I discovered that the processes did not take place all at once, but day it becomes ever clearer that we are in the us, “I am placing before you life and death; took years of classes, so too, the transformation final moments before the hisgalus. It is very joy organizer of the event had made a mistake and choose life!” And when you choose to live in ordered a return ticket for Monday afternoon that I experienced in inyanei Moshiach did inducing and adds new flavor to life. Geula, Hashem responds to us in kind with not happen with one shiur. Over three years instead of Sunday. I was stuck there for another Spiritually too, as in hiskashrus to the Rebbe, open miracles, like in the time of the Geula. of hearing the Rebbe’s sichos on the subject, day and what especially bothered me was the it was hard for me to fulfill those directives they, and I, underwent a transformation in a I’ll give you an example from the fundraising fact that it was toward the end of the month connected with kabbolas ol like learning very deep way. for my mosad. I don’t like raising money and and I had to raise another $30,000. Rambam. By nature, I like to learn Chassidus I’ve always seen miracles from Hashem. Every Since they were full partners to the When I am in Los Angeles, I can speak to and can learn Chassidus for six hours in a row, time I was stuck, I saw the Rebbe’s brachos. transformation, from a place of an inner friends and somehow arrange things, but in but to learn three chapters of Rambam I needed But from the time I started to live Geula and understanding of the processes, not even one Texas I could do nothing. And when I arrived kabbolas ol and I wasn’t always successful. Moshiach, relatively speaking, I see open came to me with complaints. I received no in LA Monday afternoon, I had to prepare a As long as my hiskashrus to the Rebbe came miracles like in the Geula. Every month, the negative feedback! shiur that I would be giving that night and so, from my personal desire, that I be someone money I need to run the mosdos comes to me; another day passed without fundraising. Even when I spoke in 770 and at the 11 mekushar to the Rebbe – so, like everything else most of the time, without effort on my part Nissan event in Eretz Yisrael, where I spoke that depends on us, there are ups and downs. and from places I didn’t dream of, as though After the shiur Monday night, I got a phone explicitly about the Rebbe as Moshiach and But ever since I internalized the awareness the Rebbe is saying to me: Don’t worry. You do call from a friend who didn’t feel well who proclaimed Yechi – I’ll tell you the truth, that we are in a Geula process and the Rebbe your thing and I’ll take care of the rest. asked me to come to him the next morning

22 BEIS MOSHIACH 25 SIVAN 5779 23 regarding the general conduct of the nations of On a more profound level, even this period the world, the Rebbe himself deals with that. was part of the Geula process and the Rebbe After Gimmel Tammuz, there was a period was moving things forward behind the scenes. of great decline, like a retreat, G-d forbid, from And then suddenly, against all predictions, in the Geula process. In Eretz Yisrael, the Oslo the darkest time, the miracle occurred and peace process proceeded, leading to the terrible Trump was elected and turned things upside Intifada; ISIS rose up as a power in the world; down. and then there was the terrifying presidential On another occasion, I explained in detail administration of Obama, who signed a nuclear deal with Iran that placed Israel in very real how most of the big moves Trump made danger. The worst thing was that the entire occurred on Chabad dates and the peace world accepted all of this and bought the lie summit to dismantle nuclear weapons in North that the only way to peace is by conceding parts Korea happened motzoei Chof-Ches Sivan, to of Eretz Yisrael including Yerushalayim and the hint that everything is being done by the Rebbe. Har Ha’Bayis, the site of the Mikdash and Holy The amazing thing is that it’s all hidden of Holies! It was a period of great darkness. within nature. It’s incredible; on the one hand, with his tefillin. He also asked what expenses I And that’s what he did! I saw a piece in the Rebbe’s sicha from nobody believed it would happen. On the other had for Lag B’Omer because he wanted to help The rest of the day, I met other people who, parashas Mikeitz 5752 that illuminates that hand, what happened was completely disguised out. I told him that we would talk about it the on their own, asked to take part in the Lag period with a new light. The Rebbe says, “And following morning. in the normal way of things. B’Omer activities. A week later, I sat down to one can say that coming close to the coming Knowing his ideas of what it means to give, make a calculation and noticed an amazing of Moshiach Tzidkeinu is also the reason for When Moshe Rabeinu was born, everyone I thought I might get $500 from him. When I thing: That Tuesday before Lag B’Omer, I the increased darkness in the world. Because knew that the Geula process had begun, but it arrived, he said, it’s an eis ratzon (auspicious miraculously received exactly 33 thousand of the increase in holiness, there is also the took many years until the final year, when the time) now. If you ask for $80, I will obviously dollars; 33 being the numerical equivalent of increase of the opposite, that which opposes Geula process accelerated, with a new plague give it to you, but you definitely can ask for Lag! the coming of Moshiach Tzidkeinu, and it is every month, until they finally left Egypt. I more. necessary to fight the opposition, for this is a don’t know exactly which stage we are in now, THE REBBE HIMSELF IS RUNNING matter of fighting the wars of Hashem until he I said: I will tell you how much I urgently whether the plague of blood or frogs, boils or THE GEULA PROCESS is victorious.” I suddenly realized that even the locusts, but it is clear that we are in the final need and you decide. After a brief calculation, period of darkness was also part of the Geula stretch before the Geula. I told him that in two hours I had to put at least During the years 5751-5752, the Rebbe process. $22,000 in the bank. spoke about world events, saying they are “a Sometimes, there is clear synchronicity microcosm and a model and a preparation” Superficially, it looked like a reaction of the He thought a bit and then said: If I give you forces of evil, a last gasp before submitting to between what it says in the papers and what $18,000, will that help? or even “a microcosm and beginning” of we learn in the sichos of the Rebbe, it’s just Yemos Ha’Moshiach. Was that about specific the work of Moshiach. The European Union, the Left in the U.S., the universities and media, extraordinary! I said: Of course! And I’ll have to somehow events at that time or an ongoing process so all joined forces against the Geula. They set arrange for the rest. that today too, there are world events that are R’ Naftali Estulin lives in my neighborhood. out to destroy the world with things that are He thought again and finally decided: I’ll part of the Geula process? How do we know He is one of the veteran shluchim of the Rebbe the opposite of tznius, the destruction of give you $22,000. what is part of the Geula process? in Los Angeles. For many years now, whenever the family unit, and mainly, war against the something unusual would take place in the Since he wasn’t in his house, he did not have In the sicha the Rebbe said on Shabbos territorial “shleimus” (wholeness) of Eretz his checkbook. He asked me to go to his bank Mishpatim 5752, he said that the general Yisrael. This period reached a peak in the final world, he would say to me, “See what the Rebbe and told the manager there to give me a book impact on the actions of the nations of the days of Obama’s presidency when he gave the Melech Ha'Moshiach is doing in the world.” He of checks for his account. When I returned world is the job of Moshiach himself. We, the green light to the United Nations resolution always said that all big world events are part with the checks, he thought a bit and then said: Chassidim, work on the Rebbe’s shlichus to against Israel and supported the International of the Geula process, but as long as I did not Why should I give you only $22,000? I’ll give draw Jews toward the Geula and also work with Conference on Middle East Peace in Paris in delve into the sichos, I did not get just how right you $25,000. gentiles so they observe their seven laws. But favor of the Arabs. he was. Today, I see it all before my very eyes!

24 BEIS MOSHIACH 25 SIVAN 5779 25 MMyLife:yLife: CChassidushassidus AppliedApplied

THE REBBE IS LEADING ME BY THE HAND didn’t think it would reverberate so strongly. I consider this a heavenly intervention that just In your speech at the Kinus Ha’Shluchim before the Geula process began to accelerate, and at the 11 Nissan event in Eretz Yisrael, the Rebbe decided the time had come to wake you told about your personal transformation. up those of Anash who were asleep on the job. I You shared your personal doubts until you don’t know why me, why I was picked to be the Rabbi reached the conclusion that you did. I good shliach for this important matter. Simon imagine it wasn’t easy to tell the world your Jacobson story and so I want to know, why did you As I mentioned earlier, things went over decide to do it? What gives you the strength to rather smoothly with the members of my deal with the ramifications of your decision, community, but I was nervous at first. It would particularly among your own community? have been enough for just one to decide to Easy Isn't Good for you declare holy war against me, and to destroy is After I learned the sichos and realized how easy … What gave me the courage to go public central Moshiach’s existence is to the Geula much as we may prefer an “easy” life, and you paradoxically get empowered to face your despite my concerns was the understanding process, I was tremendously pained, really As no matter how “perfect” other people’s challenges with confidence and strength. The that this is the most important matter in anguished in the depths of my soul, by how this lives look, the truth about life is that it is a key is not to deceive yourself into thinking Judaism and if I can contribute my part to all-important point of the Rebbe’s role turned struggle — and that’s healthy. The “feel good” that the world is just fine and you can remain something so important, what value is there into a scary idea. People felt uncomfortable, advertising industry wants us to think that passive and complacent. You must be wise and to some sorrow and shame that I might endure? or even truly afraid to even say “Moshiach.” an easy life is one click or one purchase away. awake to life’s traps and realize that life is a When you realize that the Geula process Today, as I say every morning, “fortunate are That is simply not true — life is meant to be struggle. Make peace with your struggles. The is not just another one of the Rebbe’s things, we and how good is our lot,” I definitely include challenging. Here are the whys and hows of first step to winning your battles is to recognize but it’s the beginning, middle and end of the the fact that I merited to inspire Anash in this embracing it. their value and importance. most crucial matter. There is no greater zechus! Rebbe’s entire nesius, and as a counterpoint to Struggle Is the Purpose of Existence You Have Tools to Face It that you see how people are covering it up and There are many other Chassidim who, deep trying to redesign the Rebbe’s image as a “great inside, know the truth but prefer to continue It’s an illusion to think that life is easy and You must always know that each challenge, Jewish leader” who came after the Holocaust to push the topic aside and not deal with it, that faith is bliss. On the contrary — life is a no matter how difficult, comes with tools to face and breathed life into the Jewish people, that is in fear that learning the Rebbe’s sichos about battle. And it is precisely this battle that we were that challenge and come out stronger. Since simply diminishing the persona of the Rebbe Geula will force them to change their way of designed to face. Therefore, do not be disturbed struggle is the purpose of life, and not just some and hides his true existence and main role! life. What message do you have for them? or demoralized by your challenges, by your incidental distraction, you are provided with inconsistencies and by your weaknesses. Do all the resources you need to deal with your It hurts me, so I could not remain silent. I Very simple, think: do you want to be the not be shaken when you do not live up to struggles. Whatever difficulty and hardship found it necessary to say the truth and to wake last person to wake up for the Geula? We are your highest aspirations, and often do not that comes your way, whatever loss or setback up those who are not yet aware. expecting the Rebbe’s hisgalus momentarily, actualize or maintain your inspiration. Do not you are experiencing, you must always know and what will we look like when the Rebbe The truth is that despite my pain and the be discouraged – because this struggle is the that you have all the tools necessary to face appears and only then will we remember to desire to wake people up, I would not have fundamental purpose of all of existence. the struggle and prevail. Not just prevail but finally shake ourselves awake. What will we dared to do it if not for receiving clear direction thrive and grow, and transform your corner of say? How will we justify ourselves? from the Rebbe. Whenever I wrote to the Rebbe Be Honest: Face the Truth the world. This is also true about past traumas. through the Igros Kodesh, I opened to clear As I emphasized throughout our of the Challenge You always have the ability to begin at whatever answers. The Rebbe blessed me and instructed conversation, the best way to strengthen stage you are in your life. ■ So many of us try to fight the fact that life me to speak strongly and not be fazed. After oneself in inyanei Moshiach and Geula is to is difficult, and we seek out ways to numb the speech in 770, when I felt uncomfortable start learning the Rebbe’s sichos on inyanei ourselves or find temporary balms to make Exercise: with the commotion that resulted, I opened to Moshiach and Geula. We are guaranteed that an encouraging answer from the Rebbe. us feel good. We turn to all sorts of escapes to our eyes will be opened and we will see the How do you perceive struggles? Do When I started with the speech in 770, I world marching toward the complete hisgalus relieve our pain. But they never last. However, you expect life to be easy? Do you feel thought it would only inspire the shluchim. I of the Rebbe, teikef u’miyad mamosh! ■ when you embrace the struggle and realize inadequate because you struggle? that it is exactly what life was meant to be,

26 BEIS MOSHIACH 25 SIVAN 5779 27 A Bochur enters Yechidus, 30 Tishrei 5740

228 BEISS MOSSHIH ACH 252 SIVAN 5779 29 Rabbi Yosef was born 30 Shevat eye” noticing that it would not be operating were struggling against tremendous difficulties until the situation would become clear and they Yitzchok 5716/1956, to his parents R’ on Shabbos. in the basic observance of mitzvos. would be informed how to proceed. Boruch Chaim Dovber and Chaya Hashem, he was released after twenty-four R’ Berel traveled to Moscow to buy the At a certain point, they opened a “school” Zaltzman Esther a’h, in Dushanbe, hours, without any further action being taken. needed materials, where he also did a shidduch for close to ten children of Anash in the city, Tajikistan. and married his wife (Chaya Esther), who of varying ages, who were divided into two In 1971, when he was fifteen years old, the His grandfather, the Chassid R’ Avrohom was the daughter of the spiritual leader of the class levels. family received an emigration permit. On the Zaltzman, came to learn in Lubavitch at age Lubavitch community in the Moscow area, Reb Around 1964, some bachurim arrived 12th of Menachem Av, they flew from Moscow eleven, and remained there for seven years. Yehuda Butrashvili (Kulasher) of the Moscow from Tashkent, and a “branch” of Tomchei to Vienna. As they were flying, he asked his After he married, he lived in Charkov, Ukraine. suburb of Malachovka. In later years, he left for Tmimim was started for them. Over time, father, “Nu, can we take out our tzitzis strings?” In 1941, with the advance of the Nazis into Eretz Yisrael where he served as the menahel other bachurim joined, until they reached the His father answered, “Not yet. As long as we Russia, his family escaped to Samarkand in of Beis Din Rabbonei Anash. impressive number of (about) eight students! are over Russian territory, there is still danger.” Uzbekistan, where (along with Tashkent) most Only when the pilot announced that they had After their wedding, they returned to Lubavitcher Chassidim throughout the Soviet One day, when he was eleven years old and left Russian airspace, did they allow themselves Dushanbe. The Zaltzmans and Mishulovins Union eventually made their way. the yeshiva was being hosted in their home, to let their tzitzis hang out and to breathe freely. were the only Lubavitcher families in the entire in a shack at the end of the yard, his father In 1945, R’ Avrohom planned to join the rest area. To give a sense of how isolated they were, was grabbed off the street. He was taken for They landed in Eretz Yisrael on 14 of Anash in escaping from Russia with a forged the nearest mikva was a 36 (!) hour train ride interrogation to the local KGB headquarters. Menachem Av. Two weeks later, he joined the Polish passport. However, after he had sold off away, in Samarkand. Flying was not an option, That is a day that he will never forget. yeshiva in Lud. On 24 Elul, all of his possessions and was ready to travel, since an airline ticket cost half of a monthly he traveled to the Rebbe with his father, and “As soon as it became known, a few young an emergency telegram arrived from Lvov- salary. it was on Thursday 28 Elul, towards evening married men of Anash came to our house and Lemberg saying that “the vacation trip was when the Rebbe returned from the , that On 30 Shevat 5716, Yosef Yitzchok, their took all the ‘incriminating’ items. Grudgingly, canceled, and there is nothing to come for." The he saw the Rebbe for the very first time and firstborn son, was born. they let me keep a small siddur so that I could gates had slammed shut, and so R’ Avrohom made the “Shehechiyanu” blessing in a loud daven.” This was done out of concern that the and his family remained in Samarkand, broken Not long after, they succeeded in building a voice and with great emotion. police would conduct a search of the house. and shattered, materially and spiritually. secret mikva, in the Bukharian shul, but they moved back to Samarkand the very next year. Concurrently, they warned the bachurim to The extensive displays of closeness on the Most of the great Chassidim, such as flee from the house and head to the city park, part of the Rebbe towards the newly arrived Reb Shlomo Chaim Kesselman, Reb Nissan R’ Yosef Yitzchok received his chinuch Nemenov and Reb Peretz Mochkin, had from his parents at home. When he reached Rabbi Zaltzman’s bar mitzva meal in 5729. On his right, sits his grandfather R’ Yehuda Kulasher. On his left sits his father R’ succeeded in getting out. At the same time, the age of mandatory education according to Berel. Opposite him is the famous Chassid, R’ Chaim Zalman Kozliner. the KGB began to tighten their stranglehold, Soviet law, his parents decided that under no after having mostly overlooked the activities of circumstances would he attend public school. the Chassidim during the war years, making They told the neighbors that he had left home, the struggles to observe Torah and mitzvos and “He goes to school in Moscow, and is living chinuch for their children almost impossible with his grandfather in Malachovka.” to bear. That is how he come to be under “house This was the environment in which R’ Berel arrest,” under the watchful eyes of his parents, Zaltzman came of age, as he just turned bar who were exceedingly careful that he not show mitzva at the time. his face outside of the home, for fear that he might be seen by one of the neighbors, and Shortly after the “Doctors’ Plot” came to a they would be in big trouble. close with the sudden death of Stalin, R’ Berel traveled together with his friend R’ Dovid At the very time that back in New York Mishulovin to open a factory in Dushanbe in the Rebbe was speaking about u’foratzta and Tajikistan, in the hope that it would be easier shlichus, and Chabad was undergoing major to make a living there, without having any “evil expansion around the world, those in Russia

30 BEIS MOSHIACH 25 SIVAN 5779 31 immigrants from Russia are beyond the On Rosh Hashana, his father was the R’ Zaltzman provided some background to When his father had asked him before he scope of this piece. Just to mention one such chazzan for Musaf on the first day. On Motzoei all of the above: went in, whether he could see what he wrote astonishing display; at the time of the tekios on Rosh Hashana, during the distribution of “kos “In early Elul, two weeks after we had arrived in the note, he only showed his father the first Rosh Hashana 5732, the Rebbe requested that shel bracha,” the Rebbe instructed his father to from Russia to Eretz Yisrael, I heard my parents page, saying that the second page contained all of those who had just arrived from Russia sing. Suddenly, in middle of the distribution, talking about getting a loan in order to pay personal matters, which it, in fact, did, but should stand on the bima platform with him, Yosef Yitzchok, who was standing at the top for a plane ticket for me to the Rebbe for the it also had the question about learning in and he waited for all of the other “dignitaries” of pyramid on the back wall of 770, felt people month of Tishrei. I told them that as far as I Morristown. and “aristocrats” to step down... pulling him. They told him, “The Rebbe is was concerned they could make me only a one- After the fact, his father told him that he calling you!” On Shabbos Parashas Nitzavim, 28 Elul, two way ticket. They immediately reacted with, ‘No actually took pleasure in the fact that although way,’ ‘You can’t stay there by yourself,’ etc. In days after they arrived, his father was asked He turned towards the Rebbe, and the they had just come to the Rebbe two weeks the end, it was agreed that I would travel, but to lead the Musaf services since he has a nice Rebbe said to him, “Why aren’t you helping prior, he already felt open enough to tell the on condition that I come back together with voice. After some back-and-forth discussion he your father? You are obligated in the mitzva Rebbe everything, even more than to him, his my father. And so they bought me a round- of honoring your father. Go help your father!” own father! did just that, and during most of the service, trip ticket. the Rebbe looked directly at him. Within seconds, he found himself standing next to his father on the other end of 770. “The day after Rosh Hashana, I heard from FIRST YECHIDUS, 11 TISHREI 5732 During the farbrengen that Shabbos, the my friend Shmuel Notik (today a shliach The young Yosef Yitzchok remained to learn If the administration agreed to take you as a Rebbe asked that all of those who recently in Chicago) and my cousin Yosef Yitzchok in proximity to the Rebbe for close to ten years, student, it should be in a good and auspicious came out from behind the Iron Curtain should Mishulovin (today a shliach in Los Angeles), and in the year 5780, he married his wife from time. You should remain here to learn, and have approach and say “l’chaim.” who were ‘classmates’ of mine and had also the Lifsh family of Kfar Chabad. success in learning and fulfilling mitzvos with left Russia not long before, that they are going R’ Zaltzman recounts: enhancement... One year later, on the eighth day of Chanuka for an entrance exam by R’ Shmuel Heber, the When I approached, the Rebbe asked me, 5781, they left on shlichus to Toronto, Canada, rosh yeshiva of Morristown. I decided to join And with the merit of the mesirus nefesh of “What is your name?” I answered, “Yosef to work with Russian speaking Jews, where they them. I was tested and accepted. I asked them your parents, you should be a Chassid, a yerei Yitzchok.” The Rebbe asked again, “What serve to this day. to refrain from mentioning it to my father, for shamayim (G-d fearing), a lamdan (learned in is your second name?” I didn’t understand, the time being. Torah), and you should succeed in learning, in what does that mean? So again I answered, “Obviously, I wanted to stay and learn near Nigleh and Chassidus, and perform mitzvos with “Yitzchok.” The Rebbe smile and said, “Your Many thanks to Rabbi Zaltzman for allowing the Rebbe, but I knew that my parents would enhancement. And learn with great diligence family name.” That is when I realized what the the publication of his personal notes from his not agree. I understood that if I went into in general, and especially here, which will be Rebbe had meant and I answered, “Zaltzman.” personal yechidus encounters, and for the time yechidus together with my father, I would not a tikkun (rectification) for the past and a good The Rebbe asked, “You are the son of the baal he devoted to review, clarify and fill in, many of have the opportunity to ask the Rebbe about resolution for the future. [May it be] with great Musaf?” as the Rebbe pointed to my father who the details. (Note: Translation from the Yiddish it. I also understood that if I waited for the success. day before the return flight, it would be too had already returned to his place, and asked used by the Rebbe may seem a bit stilted in R’ Zaltzman recalls: again, “That is your father?” I answered in the English, as all attempts were made to be as true complicated to arrange things, which is why I preferred to go in earlier and alone.” affirmative. as possible to the original divrei haRav.) “When the Rebbe raised his holy eyes, I The yechidus took place on the day after understood that the yechidus had concluded, “IN THE MERIT OF THE MESIRUS NEFESH OF YOUR PARENTS...” Yom Kippur, in the early hours of the night, at and I began walking backwards towards the around 10 pm. door. The Rebbe did not take his holy eyes off of me and I could not turn my head to see During the “ten days of repentance” of 5732, R’ Berel asked his son, and he answered In the note that he submitted, R’ Yosef where the door was. On top of that, I was that he prefers to go in alone. Afterward, R’ one week after he arrived at the Rebbe for the Yitzchok wrote his life story up to that point, understandably in a state of great excitation Chadakov told R’ Berel that he has two slots, all of the events that happened to him as a child first time, R’ Chadakov approached his father, etc. I kept going and going and could not find one after Yom Kippur and one after Simchas in Russia, how he avoided going to learn in the R’ Berel, and asked him if he and his son would the door... Torah. His father asked him which time he communist school, etc. He also wrote that he make do with one joint yechidus or if they preferred, and Yosef Yitzchok said that he did had been tested and accepted to the yeshiva in “Finally, R’ Leibel Groner opened the door specifically wanted to go in individually. not want to wait for Simchas Torah. Morristown, and asked for a blessing for this. and pulled me out.”

32 BEIS MOSHIACH 25 SIVAN 5779 33 When he was answered in the affirmative, G-d fearing Jews and knew how to learn a daf of the Rebbe turned to us and told us that he Gemara, no less than a bachur from America. wants us to go to the gaon and posek, Reb When they told him that R’ Yankel Notik Moshe Feinstein, and that we should tell him was fluent in half of Shas (Babylonian Talmud), about life in Russia. One thing I recall that the he was flabbergasted. He asked him, “How did Rebbe said was, “Tell him everything, without you do this? How where you able to withstand humility.” the nisyonos (spiritual challenges)?” R’ Yankel [Just to complete the picture, we are answered simply, “We had a choice?” including the rest of the story]: Afterward, Reb Moshe turned to us young bachurim and asked us what we are learning. When we left the Rebbe’s room, R’ Binyomin He asked us questions in the chapter of Klein and R’ Yudel Krinsky were waiting Ha’omeir in Kiddushin, and when we answered outside for us with two cars (the two cars that his questions articulately and so on, Reb Moshe the Rebbe traveled in). We got into the cars – I began to tear up and wipe his eyes. was in the “regular” car of the Rebbe, driven by R’ Krinsky, and we drove to Reb Moshe. At the time, I did not understand why he was crying. He was crying from emotion to Reb Moshe was very amazed to see young see the fruits of our Rebbeim, in that children bachurim and young marrieds, most of whom who were born close to forty years after the When his father heard about the answer of whereas Morristown was a yeshiva of American were born many years after the Communist revolution, could discuss Gemara like seasoned the Rebbe, he did not have too many options balabatim (working types). Revolution, all of whom were complete and scholars... remaining. The only thing to do was to inform When it was his turn for yechidus after his mother, who had remained behind in Eretz Simchas Torah, he asked the Rebbe about it. Yisrael. “AS FAR AS FOREIGN THOUGHTS DURING DAVENING” The Rebbe answered with a smile (the wording Meanwhile, R’ Berel’s friends, who knew is approximate): The hanhala (administration) After Tishrei 5732, R’ Yosef Yitzchok began every day and give tzedaka (charity) of him from Russia heard that his son would be is the same, the bachurim are the same, but the learning in the yeshiva in Morristown, New a few prutos (small coins) before the davening. Jersey, and would come to Crown Heights staying to learn in Morristown. They began air there (or he may have said: in Morristown) And as pertains to the birthday, you should see to convince him that if he was already staying is better. for Shabbos Mevorchim and special days in that they give you an aliya on Shabbos, and on in America, it was preferable for him to learn the calendar, in order to participate in the [On the literal level, the Rebbe seemed to the day of the birthday you should give tzedaka in , under the administration of of the Rebbe. be referring to the more rural and pastoral before Shacharis and before Mincha, and have R’ Michoel Teitelbaum. They claimed that environment of the yeshiva campus in After four months passed, in anticipation an additional learning session. And you should this was a more Chassidish yeshiva, led by Morristown, where the air is actually fresher]. of his sixteenth birthday, he once again went be a Chassid, yerei shamayim and lamdan, and devoted Chassidim who were “from ours,” in for yechidus (as was the system back then). it should be a Chassidishe year and a year of From the answers, we can see that his yiras shamayim and a year of easy battle and “TELL HIM EVERYTHING, WITHOUT HUMILITY” concerns were in line with that of a full-fledged conquest of the yeitzer (evil inclination). “tamim.” R’ Zaltzman does not have a written record arrived from Russia to his room. About And we should hear good news from you. of his second yechidus, and it was not a private twenty-five people came. YECHIDUS, 25 SHEVAT 5732 [The accounts of R’ Zaltzman’s three other yechidus. This is the story, as he tells it in his I stood literally in front of the Rebbe, in the As far as pizur hanefesh (distractibility), you private yechidus encounters, as well as two own words: exact place that I had stood one week earlier should hold open the sefer or kuntres (pamphlet) stories from his numerous group yechidus On one of the days of Chol Hamoed Succos in yechidus. The Rebbe was wearing glasses or siddur, this will help for the thought that it experiences with some of the wealthy donors 5732 (one week after the first yechidus), they and looking into a sefer. After some time had should not stray. And another pointer for this is that he brought to the Rebbe under the auspices made an announcement in the “small zal” that passed, the Rebbe turned to R’ Chadakov and to learn with a friend. And as pertains to foreign of the Machne Israel Development Fund, in the Rebbe is calling all of those who recently asked if they were all present. thoughts during the davening, you should learn the next issue] ■

34 BEIS MOSHIACH 25 SIVAN 5779 35 OOp-Edp-Ed

the Rebbe addresses individuals who proposed certain actions to be taken in these directions. At a farbrengen of Parshas Shlach 5748, the If the Rebbe blessed a certain peulah ful- Rebbe said these surprising words: filling a certain general hora’ah, does it mean “The Rebbe — Moshe of our generation that from now on this is the only and exclusive Levi — entrusted each and every one of us … with way it could and must be done? If the Rebbe Liberow the mission of concluding the last remnants of approved a certain slogan, is that the only slo- divine service in galus. gan that must be used and on any and every activity? “… Since this mission was entrusted to us "Rebbe Robots" as a ‘bar da’as,’ we are to use our own intellect And if the Rebbe admonished an individual to find the best possible manner of fulfilling on something he did, does it mean that the Rebbe henceforth disapproves of any similar this mission. We are not to act as a ‘spoiled action? Or perhaps the Rebbe wants it to be must be easy to be a robot. Aside from erences and needs well — in the inter-tribal only-child,’ who constantly inquires about the fine-tuned and improved? It occasional overheating because of too committee for appreciating Hashem’s gift. most minute details as to how to go about con- many commands at once being hurled at it, it ducting his life. We are to decide what words The point, however, is that every Chassid Sounds like a plan, no? So, Moshe sends it off has an easy life. should transform his own self and make his to the Big Boss for approval. Hashem refuses to will be most effective, what books should be Nefesh Habehamis useful as well. There are as Much of the stresses and anxiety we experi- disseminated, etc. give it His blessings. Moshe insists nonetheless many types of Nefesh Habehamis as there are ence is because of the need to make decisions, on implementing it. Bottom line, the Jews re- “Obviously,” the Rebbe adds, “it must be people and insisting that there is one way to and then from suffering the consequences of main in the desert for another 38 years. Moshe’s based on established Torah principles and upon bring Moshiach, a notion that exists on either these decisions... plan seems to be a failure. the specific directives of the meshaleach.” Th e side of this debate, is ignoring this truth. Wouldn't life be easier if we were human ro- Rebbe gives the general direction and all the Well, what did he expect? Didn’t Hashem I personally don’t feel compelled to bring bots programmed by Hashem with no feelings necessary powers, but we must make the de- say it’s not a good idea? Moshiach by what the Rebbe told individuals, of guilt, anxiety, and stress? cisions regarding the details. But nothing that Moshe does ever fails, and whether in writing or by dollars. I don’t feel nothing that Moshe does can be not in accor- compelled to bring Moshiach even by certain dance with Hashem’s will. peulos for the general public that the Rebbe are we to say, but perhaps prevent- particular area where many Chassi- approved and blessed. Who ing human robots was in Moshe’s If we carefully examine Moshe’s plan, we see One dim often wish, silently or not, the that his plan actually did work. Themeraglim I can take ideas, cues, and inspiration from mind when he came up with an idea: let’s send Rebbe would have given more “clear” direc- them, but I am committed to two things: representatives of the Jews to explore the land came back with a glowing report on the qual- tions, is the Moshiach campaign. Hashem has promised them. Why? Is Hashem’s ities of Eretz Yisrael, and 38 years down the 1. the hora’os the Rebbe gave me at the public A large part of the debate on this matter, un- promise that it is a land flowing with milk and line, when the Jews finally entered the land, farbrengens, and fortunately, is not surrounding the sichos and honey not enough? And besides, if they decide they did so happily, because of that very trip 2. “Finding the best possible manner of ful- ma’amarim which were addressed to the public, it’s not what they like, do they have other pieces 38 years ago when their own representatives filling this mission, based on established Torah but instead focused on different answers and of real estate to choose from? assured them that “the land is very, very good.” principles and upon the specific directives of hora’os the Rebbe gave individuals and specific Hashem “blessing” this mission would be the meshaleach.” Moshe Rabbeinu, explains the Rebbe, want- organizations. ed not only the best for the Jews (which is what the opposite of the purpose of this mission! Bittul doesn’t mean becoming the Rebbe’s While there is much to learn from these an- Hashem already chose), he wanted them to “Ani eini metzave lecha” was exactly what robot, Bittul means harnessing your own in- swers, they are “overrated” in both directions. know it’s the best based on personal experience Moshe wanted to hear! He wanted Hashem telligence to do the will of the Rebbe. and conviction. — and so too did Hashem want — to so to The Rebbe clarified many times that answers If we're looking to become the Rebbe’s ro- That’s why he chose one traveler from every speak “stay out” of this. He wanted the Jews to he gives to private individuals apply to them bots, into which he will feed detailed infor- tribe, so that when they all come back with a feel comfortable with Hashem’s promise of the alone. The reason, I think, is quite simple. The mation, then the Rebbe doesn’t need so many unanimous report that “the land is very, very goodness of the land, not only because of faith, Rebbe’s sichos, ma’amarim and public letters of us. He probably doesn’t need any of us, he good,” every shevet will feel it had their very but also that the Nefesh Habehamis should feel are where the Rebbe speaks to everyone and could do it himself much better than any of own representative — who knows their pref- that “the land is very, very good!” gives general direction. Thema’anos are where us would. ■


A longtime dating back to the days of Jewish Ya’akov Avinu, has been cal- culating and uncovering the “hobby,” “ketz” – the time of Moshiach’s arrival. A famous adage says that “those who know don’t say, and those who say don’t know,” yet Jew- ish literature from time immemorial, is filled with various kitzin predicted by Gedolei Yisrael of all groups. Regardless of the legitimacy of this quest, (a topic to be discussed in the second part of this essay), the interest in this unknown topic itself is testament to the great yearning for the Geulah embedded in the psyche of the Jewish people, in a way reminiscent of children asking their parents “are we there yet?” before the car managed to pull out of the driveway for a multi-hour trip. It’s slightly annoying, but it’s a show of enthusiasm… Yet the very notion of a specific preset time for the Geulah is something that requires explana- tion: is there such a time and it is just unknown, or as Rav said, and rendered Halacha by the Ram- bam in unequivocal terms “the Jewish people will do Teshuvah and be immediately redeemed.” No date, no time; Immediately. Period. “I Will be a Nazir the Day Moshiach Comes…”

If one were to think that this is just a theolog- ical and theoretical topic that has no practical bearing, the following Halacha proves otherwise, and at the same time answers the question. The Gemara discusses the case of a person who makes a conditional vow to become a nazir, thereby abstaining (among other things) from drinking wine. “If one vows, ‘I hereby undertake to be a na- zir on the day that [Moshiach] the son of Da- vid comes,’ — if the vow was undertaken on a

388 BEIS MOSHIACH 25 SIVAN 5779 39 weekday, he is forever forbidden to drink wine. moment when Hashem told Avraham, “Know – “the birth pangs of Moshiach” that are de- the Jew in galus does not fully experience his If it was undertaken on a Shabbos or a Yom- for sure that your seed will be foreigners in scribed in the Gemara and Midrashim, which mitzvos, performing them only by rote. Tov, then he is permitted to drink wine on that a land that is not theirs ... for four hundred are a series of pain-stricken events that precede Our yearning for Redemption is comparable Shabbos or that Yom-Tov, but from then on, this years”(Bereishis 15:13). Chazal explain that the onset of the Messianic era. to the embryo’s desire to be born, to open its is forbidden forever.” (Eruvin 43b; Rambam, this covenant between Avraham and Hashem eyes and ears to the world. Only then will we Laws of Nezirus 4:11) alludes to all the exiles the Jewish people will The Life of the Embryo merit the revelation of Hashem’s light before experience before its redemption: From this Halacha, we learn that Moshiach This analogy teaches us much about the na- our very eyes. Then, “all flesh will see together, can come any day. “[Hashem] said to [Avraham): Take Me a ture of galus and Geulah: that the mouth of Hashem has spoken.” prime heifer, a prime goat, a prime ram, a dove, 23 minutes and 59 seconds R. Shimlai delivered the following discourse: After the Geulah, when the Jew studies and a young pigeon.” (15:9) What does an embryo resemble when it is in the Torah and observes mitzvos, his entire body Another example: The Midrash comments: womb of its mother? A folded writing tablet, its will connect with Hashem. Being then aware hands rest on its two temples, its two elbows on of our connection with Hashem, we will leave There is an opinion in theGemara that even “A prime heifer” – this is the kingdom of our embryonic state and become seeing, feel- in our days, after the Destruction, a Kohen is Edom...; “a prime goat” — this is the kingdom its two legs, and its two heels against its two but- ing, living beings. forbidden to drink wine, since it is probable of Greece; “a prime ram” — this is the kingdom tocks. Its head lies between its knees. Its mouth that “the Beis HaMikdash will be speedily re- of Medea and Persia; “a dove” —this alludes to is closed, and its navel is open. It eats what its A “Ripe” Geulah built,” finding him under the influence of wine the descendants of Yishmael. mother eats and drinks what its mother drinks... and hence disqualified from serving there. As soon as it goes out into the space of the world, One more important aspect about the Geu- “He took for him all these, and he split them the closed organ [its mouth] opens, and the open lah that this analogy sheds light on is the timing Now this influence can wear off by either down the middle...” [ibid. 15:10): Had he not split one [its navel] closes. — (Niddah 30b) of the Geulah: of two causes: them, the world could not have withstood them. — Just as pregnancy precedes and prepares the (a) Sleep; or (b) The passage of as much time Once he split them, their strength weakened. It appears from this Gemara that an embryo’s embryo for birth, galus prepares us for Geu- as it takes to walk a mil. According to the lon- (Pirkei DeRabi Eliezer, ch. 29) limbs are no different from a born child’s, other than that many of them do not function in the lah. When the Jew strives for deveikus with gest estimate, this comes to 24 minutes. During this prophetic vision, something womb. However, there is a crucial difference: Hashem, loving and fearing Him despite His strange happened: Here, then, we have evidence from the re- Man’s uniqueness lies in his brain; hence, his concealment within galus, he readies himself vealed plane of the Torah that in the course “Vultures descended on the carcasses, but head’s position above all his limbs. Yet the em- for Geulah. of a very short time (i.e., within a maximum Avraham drove them away” —“Vultures” al- bryo’s head lies between its knees, for the supe- The process of pregnancy, like any process, of 23 minutes and 59 seconds), Moshiach is ludes to Moshiach ben Dovid. Avraham stood riority of the head is not yet manifest. takes the time it takes. This process ensures not likely to arrive together with a completed Beis and waved shawls at the vultures so [they] would Moreover, the embryo cannot speak or smell, only that we come ready to the Geulah, but it HaMikdash. not gain control over (the carcasses) until the it can barely hear, its lungs do not inhale, and also ensures that the Geulah that comes to us [This opinion has not become Halacha, and evening. — (ibid) is a ready and ripe one. its life is reduced to survival and development. Kohanim may drink wine and become intox- If the vultures allude to Moshiach, why did Only after birth does it truly see, hear, taste, icated for the reason that we lack the knowl- The Time Moshiach Couldn’t Come… Avraham chase them away? Was he attempting breathe, eat, and live. edge to which mishmar [shift] ofkohanim every to delay the Geulah? The Abarbanel enumerates three periods kohen belongs to, but would a kohen know his The embryonic stage parallels galus. For in of galus: the first period, whenGeulah cannot To explain this, we must preface that galus mishmar he would indeed be prohibited from galus, the Jew may be able to study Torah, pray yet commence; the second, when Geulah can is analogous to pregnancy and Geulah to birth. drinking wine during that week.] with devotion, and love and fear Hashem, but come but would be premature and therefore To gain some clarity into this topic, let’s re- The prophets (Hoshea 13:13 and others) de- he does not see G-dliness or hear G-d’s word imperfect; and the third period, when Geulah turn to the beginning of the galus. scribe the pre-messianic tribulations as “the crying out from every corner of creation. He is ready and waiting to come, and ultimately sorrows of a travailing woman.” views the universe as self-sufficient. Only after must come at its end. (Yeshuos Meshicho, vol. When Avraham delayed the Geulah much contemplation can the Jew realize that 1, p. 11) Redemption is also likened to birth — “...for Divinity sustains every moment of creation. The galus actually began, not when the Beis as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her Avraham’s vision of the Bris Bein HaBesarim HaMikdash was destroyed, but long before that children” (ibid. 66:8). These prophecies are the Furthermore, just as the embryo neither began at night, continued throughout the day, at the Bris Bein HaBesarim, at that supreme source of the famous term “Chevlei Moshiach” tastes nor understands its umbilical nutrition, and concluded in the evening. The vultures

40 BEIS MOSHIACH 25 SIVAN 5779 41 did not appear at night because night sym- from the continuation of the Gemara which Meshicho, iyun I, ch. 1) compares this period This seems to be what stands behind Rav’s bolizes the first period, when Geulah cannot brings a supporting opinion to Rav Ketina.] to the rainy season: “...rain is more likely to fall statement (delivered, interestingly, right at the begin. With sunrise, representing the second In other words, just as Shabbos is the seventh on some days than on others. Similarly, the last start of “the two thousand years of the days of period, the period of imperfect Geulah, Avra- day of the week, the era of the Redemption – two thousand years are days that are ready for Moshiach”) which became Halacha through ham chased away the vultures lest Moshiach the “Shabbos” of the world – commences after the coming of Moshiach”. the Rambam’s ruling: “all the kitzin have passed arrive unaccompanied by prophetic wonders and now the matter depends only upon Teshu- 6,000 years. Maharal of Prague explains that before “the and ultimate revenge against Israel’s enemies. vah and good deeds.” (Sanhedrin 97b; Rambam, But the Gemara continues by bringing what days of Moshiach,” even if the Jewish people But Avraham banished the vultures only until Laws of Teshuvah 7:5) evening, ushering in the third period, which seems to be an alternative, much more detailed, had merited Moshiach, he could not have is ripe for Geulah. description of the history of the world: come. But now that the two thousand years of Another teaching that supports this notion “the days of Moshiach” have commenced, it is that on the day of the churban Moshiach Significantly, Avraham waved the vultures The world is to exist six thousand years: two depends on us: Once we merit it, Geulah will was born. Most commentators understand this away with “sudarim” (shawls), a term related to thousand years of desolation, two thousand of come immediately, but even if we never become to be an indication that the ability to achieve the word “seder” (order). For Geulah must take Torah, and two thousand of the days of Moshi- ach. worthy of it, it must occur during this period. a perfect redemption came only after the de- place in the correct order, i.e., in “the evening,” struction of the Mikdash. which has already arrived. According to Rashi, the period of desola- (Netzach Yisrael, ch. 27) Hence Rav Ketina’s perspective, according to which the current From here comes the strong faith that The Shabbos of the World tion concluded when Avraham began “making souls” (see Bereishis 12:5), converting people state of the world cannot continue after 6,000 Moshiach can come at any time, as we say in In light of this, the Halachically established to Hashem’s cause. Then came the period years are concluded. the Ani Ma’amin “I await his coming every day” belief that Moshiach can come any day, seems of Torah, during which Avraham promoted “On Time” or “Expedited” Geulah — a statement which has a twofold meaning: not understood: Why expect Moshiach to ar- monotheism in the world. Hence the words of “I await Moshiach every day,” and “I believe rive before his time? Do we want a premature the Midrash, “Until Avraham, the world was These two possible timeframes for the Geu- Moshiach can come any day.” and incomplete Geulah? conducted in darkness. With Avraham, it was lah are “be’itah” – “on time,” and “achishena” illuminated.” – “I will hasten it:” The simple answer, of course, is that this The period of Torah ended around the time belief became the Halacha only in the third Moshiach must come by a certain time, but The Geulah is compared to birth and to of the redaction of the Mishnah and the begin- period, in which Moshiach must come. our deeds can hasten his arrival and bring him Shabbos. What both have in common is that ning of the age of the Amoraim. The Halachic they come after a process which we can hasten, But to explain this better, yet another anal- earlier, within the 2,000 years of Moshiach, of decisions of the Sages from this time on all but not skip. The good news is that it’s Friday ogy of Chazal for galus and Geulah is in place: which the Gemara says “due to our sins that focus on explaining the words of the Mishna, afternoon and we’re overdue…■ the six days of the week and Shabbos. and no longer on passing along the tradition have increased, so and so many years have al- ready elapsed.” Obviously, the fact that our sins Portions of this essay were taken from On Shabbos they would sing in the Beis of the Torah by heart. have delayed has a flip side: our good deeds and “From Exile to Redemption” (SIE) and from HaMikdash “A Psalm, a Song for the Shabbos Today, over 1,700 years after the conclusion Teshuva have the power to cause it to happen. “The Days of Moshiach” (Machon Lubavitch) day.” ... a psalm for the future, for the day that of the period of Torah, it is perhaps surprising is completely Shabbos [tranquil] for all eternity. to think of ourselves living in “the period of — (Mishna, Tamid 7:4) Moshiach,” for we remain in galus, with all its trials and tribulations; furthermore, the hard- Summary: The comparison to Shabbos means more est phase of galus, the destruction of the Beis than that during the Redemption we will rest • According to Halacha, Moshiach can come any day. Hamikdash, happened at the start of the “2,000 like we rest on Shabbos: years of Moshiach!” • There was a period when Moshiach’s arrival was not to be expected. Rav Ketina said: The world will exist for six “The Season of Moshiach” • Would Moshiach have come then, it would be an “unripe” and incomplete redemption. thousand years and in one it will be destroyed. • Since the beginning of “the two thousand years of Moshiach,” this time has passed. — (Sanhedrin 97a) like “the Season of Rain” • The coming of Moshiach now depends only on our Teshuva and good deeds. [The meaning of “destruction” of the world However, the term “the days of Moshi- means the destruction of the world as we know ach” indicates merely that Moshiach’s arrival • According to the Rebbe, we are in a period in which to a certain extent the process of it — in its galus state of being, as is obvious is feasible if we merit it. Abarbanel (Yeshuos Geulah (albeit not the Halachic definition of it yet) has begun.

42 BEIS MOSHIACH 25 SIVAN 5779 43 4444 BBEEISIS MOOSSHIH ACACH 2525 SIVAN 57577979 4545 Mendel Hecht • Yisroel Cohen who was a learning teacher at helps you remember why you are in camp in Gan Yisroel Parksville, says "that as a learning the first place. You came to give a proper Jewish teacher you are only dealing with your campers and Chassidishe experience to all the campers "Camp is for some time, so you can focus more on their so they can utilize the lessons and experiences an anvil upon which Chassidim are an extent — and those that have other, more needs without getting aggravated. There is less they will learn during the summer throughout fashioned," the Rebbe said about "technical" jobs; lifeguards, kitchen staff and so pressure involved. There is ama'alah as well as the rest of the year and beyond. Camp Gan Yisroel. In several on, it doesn't mean that these staff members a chisaron when you only spend limited time “When you are aware of your objective, letters and sichos (see Hisvaaduyos 5743 p. aren't part of the "educational" aspect. To with them," he sums up. it affects your behavior, and you remember 1894) the Rebbe emphasized how children the contrary, they can and must be a dugma A counselor can have a more considerable that there are always campers watching how being in a 24-hour environment of Yiddishkeit, chaya of a Chassid, and can even have a direct influence on the campers because he spends you are acting. You, therefore, make sure to can sometimes gain a lot more than in a regular influence on campers. more time with them. Another plus that a act accordingly at all times. Whereas a camp school and home environment. I spoke to some of these staff members. counselor has is that he spends time with his in which there are only 'regular' Lubavitcher But it's up to the staff to provide that campers in a lighter mood and not a setting campers, the goal may not always be on the What were some advantages you had environment so essential for the growth of whose purpose is for learning. It is sometimes staff member’s mind.” because of your position? young Chassidim. in these "non-learning" settings, like in the Mendy suggests that “It can perhaps even Mendy Hershkop says, "I was a lifeguard, bunkhouse or on a runaway, where most is I turned to some Bochurim who filled be helpful for a staff member in a Lubavitch so I wasn't in a position where I was ‘breathing actually learned. It is from these mundane, real- various positions in summer camps around camp to view his campers as if they were new to down the backs' of the campers, like a life experiences where Yiras Shamayim, trust Yiddishkeit. Like this, he will better remember the country in the past summers for some of counselor or learning teacher, which can be in Hashem, and respect for one another are why he came to camp when he should have their experiences and tips. a huge advantage. Naturally, the connection learned through real-life experiences. really been in Yeshiva learning…” While the camp staff is divided to the staff ends up being a more friendly one, and both Working with frum campers vs. not-yet- Something else he wishes can be copied members who deal directly with the campers the staff and the campers can have a more open frum campers from the Chabad House style camps is the — the counselors and learning teachers to connection sometimes." Back in the day, when Jewish summer camps unity among the staff. began, they attracted both children from frum “At L'man Achai," he recalls, "there wasn't homes and from not-yet-frum homes. There a sense of competition between staff. At color weren't as many camps as there are today. You war, for example, each team would help the had Gan Yisroel for boys and Camp Emunah other in a way you wouldn't necessarily see in for girls. a Lubavitcher camp. Again, this is because the Today, with the blessed growth of the shlichus aspect of camp is always at the top of the mind.” community and so many Chabad Houses opening up, many more camps exist, and Another thing he points out is that “not-yet- generally, children from not frum homes attend frum campers have a stronger desire to grow specialized camps that cater to their unique in Yiddishkeit than your average Lubavitcher needs and help them “catch up.” camper may have since this is all relatively new to them. They also have a more objective Both types of camps are a unique and perspective for the same reason. They aren't challenging shlichus, and I asked Bochurim used to washing Negel Vasser and saying Modeh who spent summers in both kinds for their Ani. They don't have as much of an opinion input. for the good or bad. When they start doing it, What do you think was most unique about it comes with their own understanding, not working in your kind of a camp? from habit.” Mendy Hershkop, who went to L’man Achai, Do you keep in touch with any of your notices that "working with not-yet-frum kids campers?

46 BEIS MOSHIACH 25 SIVAN 5779 47 "Yes! I am in touch with about 10-15 of my Chassidishkeit —ideas from Chassidus, Yisroel Cohen says campers," says Mendy. Even though he was not stories of Tzaddikim, camp songs...? he finds it essential to a counselor or learning teacher, he was able first and foremost be Mendy Hershkop says that in the camp he to make a strong kesher with many campers. a mentch. “Make sure was, where the campers were children from This is something I find to be truly amazing. you are always saying not-yet-rum homes, the focus is on getting Mendy speaks to his campers about once a hi to campers you see them interested in Yiddishkeit, not on telling week through texting or calling. He uses his around you... and act them how to behave. Help them change their kesher as an opportunity to teach them more mentchtlich even when Hashkafa, which will ultimately lead to their Torah even after the summer is over, through a you’re not teaching. actions as well. Then the mitzvos they do will Dvar Torah before Shabbos or when about once Your job description also be in a more p’nimusdike way. He found a month or so he will schmooze and farbreng as a learning teacher that in his conversations with campers, ideas with one camper for an hour or more. does not require you to from and sichos from The Rebbe are do this, but your job in This essential and amazing tool is more perfect for getting someone excited about camp goes well beyond commonly used by staff at Chabad House style Yiddishkeit. its description.” Before we go, if there was one thing you camps, than by staff members of camps for kids Aside from giving over values and ideas who come from Lubavitcher homes and should He also says that the campers are always could change or add in camp, what would to your campers, in what other ways can you really be implemented more. watching the staff and how they behave, even if it be? make a positive impression on the campers? it seems they are uninterested and do not care, Usually, kids will come out of camp with Mendy Hershkop thinks that the staff in reality, the way you act as a staff member a better, more positive approach to their Mendy points out that hands down, the most Seder Sichos should be before lights out, so the affects the campers. In everything you do, you Yiddishkeit, and a periodical call from a staff effective tool is being adugma chaya of what campers will see the staff learning, and it will are being an example whether you like it or not. member will help cement that in and bring you preach and teach. “Each staff member, affect them. Every time the campers see the back positive memories of Yiddishkeit and regardless of their position, is being watched staff, their actions are being monitored. by the campers and therefore must be a proper Chassidishkeit. This could be a lifesaver, Another proposition he has is that there especially for the more challenging children tziyur for the campers. It would be especially case you thought you're going to camp to difficult for the campers to understand and In are campers who wake up early on Shabbos who may be having a hard time at school or have fun, it seems like there should be a mornings and there isn't CocoClub like there is at home. follow the values being instilled in them if they lot on your plate and on your mind. saw there was a double standard. If the campers on weekday mornings. If there were a program do not see the staff davening and learning What did you find most challenging with for extra learning during that time, it would be themselves, it would be difficult forthem to working with your campers? beneficial. "A staff member I know made an continue to seek some more practical advice daven and learn!” Yisroel tells me that it gets hard, "especially impromptu Seder Sichos in a camp on Shabbos I and tips for ensuring a productive and when I am not feeling into it. When you wake morning and got a considerable number of pleasant summer. It's a huge responsibility for each staff campers to show up!" member to be a good example. When the up in the morning and say to yourself ‘Eh… How do you balance discipline and control objective of being in camp is at the top of maybe I don't want to be a learning teacher without hurting your friendly connection the staff member’s mind, it will help him to that much today…' with your campers? remember to be a good example. “But the campers immediately see right we head off to camp,Beis Moshiach As wants to wish all the dedicated Tzemach Wolf, a counselor, has a golden Besides for the obvious reason of being an through you, and they'll take you for quite the staff members a happy, healthy, and most rule. “Never raise your voice. That will show example — not to show hypocrisy c" v — a staff ride. You don't have a choice, you must teach importantly — successful and productive them that when you are disciplining it is only member must make sure to act appropriately, each day, and if you don't feel up to it, that summer. for their own good and to help them. It's not because, in order for a person to give over to won't change your responsibility.” a punishment, and it's definitely not for your another, they must constantly be working on What should you do with these moods? May we be able to have the annual Chof own pleasure and enjoyment.” themselves and make those values and ideas — Just ignore them and “jump into it” with Menachem Av rally for the camps in the third What do you find that aroused they know and learn become one with them. all you’ve got. They usually fizzle away quite Beis HaMikdash, with the Rebbe Melech your campers most in Yiddishkeit and Only then can they properly give over. quickly. HaMoshiach’s presence in a revealed way! ■

48 BEIS MOSHIACH 25 SIVAN 5779 49 – PART I – helping the Rebbe with his various activities she opened the window facing the courtyard blacker-than-black that could not fall into the to spread Judaism. and called out, “Schneerson, guests came to hands of the thugs. The rattle of the GPU vehicle momentarily visit us!” disturbed the still of night in Leningrad. A Before opening the door, R’ Altheus realized R’ Lieberman, upon hearing the news, moment later the hum of the motor could still that something serious had happened at the Ramash knew precisely who she was realized that at any moment the evil ones could be heard from the distance and the car carrying Rebbe’s house. He quickly opened up and referring to and that it was time to take action, knock at the door and arrest him. He quickly the Rebbe Rayatz passed from sight. The car there stood Ramash who briefly told him what for every moment counted. Despite the late lit a fire and burned all the incriminating had just left the Rebbe’s house on its way to happened. hour, he ran to inform those close to the Rebbe documents. Indeed, not long afterward, the about the arrest. He first ran to the home of GPU knocked at his door. They had missed it the unknown. How did the Rebbe’s son-in-law-to-be know R’ Altheus. by a few minutes; the incriminating documents about it when he wasn’t present during the On the corner of the street stood the had turned to ash. R’ Altheus and his two sons dressed quickly Chassid, Rabbi Eliyahu Chaim Altheus, one arrest? It was the quick-thinking cleverness and left the house. The group dispersed. Ramash moved on to the next step, carrying of the Chassidim closest to the Rebbe and his of his fiancee, the future Rebbetzin, Miss Chaya Mussia, that prevailed to assist her father and Ramash and one of the sons hurried in the out the task he had been given. He went to where family, confused and in shock. He had just gone the entire flock of Chassidim. dark toward the house of the Rebbe’s secretary, the manuscripts were stored, and throughout to sleep when he suddenly heard firm knocking R’ Chaim Lieberman, to wake him up and the night and morning he transferred bundles at the door. He got up in a fright for, at a time Shortly before the GPU broke into the warn him. He would be arrested right after of manuscripts to hiding places that had been like this, any knock in the middle of the night Rebbe’s house, Ramash and Chaya Mussia the Rebbe. In R’ Lieberman’s house were many prearranged in case of danger. bode no good. arrived at the house. The Rebbetzin, with her documents and letters that the Rebbe wrote keen senses realized that something terrible He called out quietly, “Who’s there?” to Chassidim throughout Russia, in which – PART II – was taking place. She asked her chassan to wait he strengthened them in spreading Judaism. “Mendel Schneerson,” was the answer, also in the yard while she went upstairs. During the search of the house, Chaya These letters also contained the names of the quiet. Mussia reported to her father that As she entered the house and saw the “angels yeshivos and chadarim, money matters and she had That was the man who was going to be the of destruction,” she knew she had to act quickly. support, names of Torah teachers; a list Rebbe’s son-in-law, later the seventh Nasi in the She entered one of the rooms and while there chain of Chabad leaders. He was in Leningrad, alone for a moment, despite the terrible danger,

5500 BEBEISS MOSSHIH ACACH 2525 SIVAN 57577979 5151 managed to convey the message to her fiance. down my face, my heart was agitated and my they had been messengers from the Rebbe’s contemplated the goings on at the entrance The Rebbe knew he could rely on his future entire body trembled: who knows whether, house to inform me of the severity of the of the building. “Before my eyes, there was a son-in-law’s perspicacity and realized that his G-d forbid the manuscripts were taken... situation. They wanted to know who the two frightening and terrifying sight, disaster and secretary had been told about the unexpected did they touch the light of my eyes, the holy men were. distress were before me. A scene of fear is what guests as well as the arrest and that, therefore, manuscripts... and if such a thing were to be... I saw. My soul was greatly shaken up.” This is “I told them that they were two drunks who great is the devastation, will they too, the holy what he wrote in his memoirs. he probably burned all the incriminating forgot their address and came to my house manuscripts, also be brought to prison?” evidence. saying it was their house and I should let them The Rebbe sat in a car with an open roof. On Even during these tense, difficult moments, Thankfully, the secret and dangerous in. I don’t know if they believed me but they did either side were two armed policemen. At just the Rebbe’s compassionate and fatherly heart mission was successful and, as a result, the not ask me anything further about it.” that moment, the car began to move and the flowed with endless love and caring. The Rebbe agents were unable to lay their impure hands – PART IV – evil ones noticed the Chassid with the dignified did not fear for himself at this fateful time, but on this treasure. The holy writings were saved appearance standing on the corner. They glared for the welfare of his loyal secretary. He wished thanks to the Rebbe, for the benefit of future R’ Altheus dressed hurriedly and left the at him with hate-filled eyes. R’ Altheus caught in his heart that his secretary would know to generations. house to head to R’ PG to wake him up and the Rebbe’s eyes. “With wise eyes filled with escape, for why should he also suffer? – PART III – report on the serious situation. He also got up kindness and mercy, literally face to face with me, he shined his face towards me with much The only one who knew all the ins and outs in a fright, dressed hurriedly, and together they R’ Lieberman’s own description is compassion and nodded his head in serenity of the spiritual net that the Rebbe had cast went to the home of R’ SB. Due to the fright and fascinating, as he related the events of that and much love.” over many cities throughout Russia was R’ excitement, he became weak and remained at night decades later: Lieberman. He was also the only one who knew home while R’ Altheus and RPG rushed toward In Kostroma, I heard him say, “When I saw with whom to speak in each place, to where “The Rebbe shlita, who was then the future Machavaya 22, the Rebbe’s home. you as I sat in the car, a tranquility hovered to send letters and where each of the people son-in-law, came to my house together with The two made their way quickly down Litinov within me, knowing that you, a heimishe the Rebbe had sent to disseminate Torah was the son of R’ Eliyahu Chaim Altheus. The gate Street. As they approached Pantilamanska (familiar) person would go into the house located. He also knew what needed to be done. to our courtyard was already locked at this late Street, they noticed that on the other side of (to assist the family). And I recalled in what hour and in order to get in, they needed to ask the street was a group of GPU agents. One situation we saw each other an hour earlier, The perpetuation of Judaism in Russia was the concierge to open up for them and this and in what kind of a situation we are seeing the most important thing to the Rebbe during of the agents noticed the dignified visages of became known to the GPU, as I found out later. the two Chassidim and pointed toward them. each other now.” these difficult and terrifying hours. “They did not enter my house then, but The others turned their gaze toward them and R’ Altheus, who stood rooted to his spot, Another concern the Rebbe had was about let me know, through the window, about the began walking in their direction. The danger recovered instantaneously and thought quickly his writings, the holy manuscripts, lest they search being conducted at the Rebbe’s house. was palpable, close enough to touch. The about his next move. He realized that the Rebbe fall into the hands of the wicked ones. True, Then they immediately fled so they wouldn’t two Chassidim, gifted with great cleverness, would quickly disappear into the unknown when he was brought to prison he had managed be caught in the net. When I heard this, I realized what they were facing and immediately dark regions of the secret agents, and therefore to receive information about the work of his immediately took all the mail and everything turned into the first alleyway and disappeared someone needed to follow them in order to future son-in-law, but he did not know whether that could arouse suspicion, and burned it all. via yards and side streets. know where the Rebbe was being taken. the job of smuggling out the holy writings had Without hesitation, he got into a nearby car in “Before the fire went out, there were knocks It was only after walking for many minutes, been completed successfully. order to chase after the car holding the Rebbe. at the door and the secret police burst in. As as they approached the juncture of Nodyez In his diary, the Rebbe wrote that while soon as they entered, they turned towards Dinska Street and the corner of Pantilamanska, Suddenly, he felt a hand grab hold of him sitting in prison he was very afraid about the the fire and said to themselves, ‘Everything is that they felt that the danger had passed. They to hold him back from carrying out his plan. fate of the writings and the fate of the one who already burned.’ Nevertheless, they conducted stood there for a few minutes to consider He recoiled in shock, and then suddenly saw had been given the dangerous job to save them: a search of the house and took every document whether to approach the Rebbe’s house. They Mrs. Chana, the eldest daughter of the Rebbe “And what will we do with the one meant to be with them and arrested me. realized that it was very dangerous to approach standing next to him. my son-in-law, Mr. Menachem, who went to the place. R’ Altheus was overcome with “During my interrogation, I was asked, “What are you doing? Where? Why? What the dwelling of my secretary, Mr. Lieberman. emotion. “Whatever will be, will be; I must ‘Who were the two people who came to your help will it provide?” she asked, as tears poured Was he, G-d forbid, caught in the trap?” go and see what is happening at the Rebbe’s house in the middle of the night before you from her eyes like water. “It is more important house.” The Rebbe continues to write, “The general were arrested?’ Apparently, they knew about it now that you come to the house with us, to picture shook me and a flood of tears burst from the concierge. Since they saw that I had R’ Altheus approached the Rebbe’s think and consider what we need to do know. forth from my eyes. Very hot tears coursed burned the suspicious papers, they realized house with silent steps and from a distance We can’t afford to waste even a moment.”

52 BEIS MOSHIACH 25 SIVAN 5779 53 R’ Altheus and the Rebbe’s oldest daughter Rebbetzin, the wife of the Rebbe Rayatz, since As they searched through the papers, take possession of these holy writings, and the joined the Rebbetzin, the other daughters and he knew her to be a physically weak woman. they came across a small note in Yiddish, wicked ones acquiesced and returned them son-in-law of the Rebbe, who still stood in As he walked through the rooms, he suddenly handwritten in pencil, clearly legible and to him immediately. Similarly, they did not the street, overcome and stunned into silence. found his feet rooted to their place, as he was organized: prevent the Rebbe from walking about the This very moment, they had parted from their overcome with shock. “Hear me, Chassidim and all sons of the rooms although this was against standard arrest dearly beloved, and who knew... The door to the holy room of the Rebbe, the Jewish people who are hoping for Moshiach. protocol. They went so far as to even allow him “We were struck dumb, dazed like the yechidus room, known as gan eden ha’elyon, was Give over in my name to all of the Chassidim to speak his mind. completely forlorn. All of us together, literally wide open. The door that was always closed, in the world, that I have instructed that in all When he warned them to think long and in the throes of death which enveloped us, as a divide between the holy and the holy of Chassidic shuls they should say every day after hard whether it was worthwhile for them to embittered souls in darkness and the shadow holies, was open. The room that no man would Shacharis, including on Shabbos, a portion arrest him, as it would create a storm of outcry of death,” is how R’ Altheus described what dare enter without explicit permission, was of Tehillim as it is divided by the days of the in the world, the agents answered that the GPU they all felt at those moments on the streets of now open to all and sundry. As he writes in his month with a quorum, and afterward to say was a powerful organization that was prepared Leningrad, at three in the morning. diary account of the events, it seemed to him as . All merchants and business people to take responsibility for its actions. The Rebbe a “desecration of the holy! The destruction of should go to shul to daven and be present when The Rebbe’s oldest daughter broke the insisted that despite that fact they should still the chamber of G-d!” The holy room, outside they learn Ein Yaakov, and Hashem should silence, insisting that they could not just stand reconsider and even suggested that they call of which Chassidim stood at times for long help them with ample parnassa. Say to the around in silence in the face of the terrible the head of the GPU on his telephone. They hours in order to have the privilege to enter Chassidim that I instruct, and to ordinary Jews abduction of their father, “Let’s go up to the acceded to his demand and called. However, with awe and trembling, now stood bereft and say that out of Ahavas Yisrael and for the good house in order to confer and consider how to the answer was in the negative. All of the open to all. of the Jewish people I ask, that they fulfill the above were not the usual tactics of the most save him from the trap they have laid at his feet. aforementioned. And Hashem should help When he entered the room of the Rebbe, terror-inducing government agency in all of She added the fact that all knew good and well, them with a year of good fortune, spiritually he saw another shocking sight: The Rebbe’s communist Russia. that the Rebbe was in great danger and every and materially, and we should merit the son-in-law Rashag was standing with Nosson second counted. complete Geula through Moshiach, amen!” The beasts in human guise even agreed that Gurary opposite the Rebbe’s table, both of them With faltering steps, R’ Altheus entered the he could take his tallis and tefillin, and a few crying bitter tears. The drawers of the desk When was this note written? Did the Rebbe Rebbe’s home. The first place that he entered holy books, which would also be considered an were all wide open, with various important foresee what would happen to him and prepare was the large room where the davening was accomplishment. When he insisted that they papers and letters strewn about, including this in advance, specifically for this turn of held. A tremor ran through his body as he call a car for him as he was not prepared to Chassidic manuscripts. It was all cast about events? No man knows, but what they did know beheld the bowed figure of Rebbetzin Shterna walk to the prison on foot, they again yielded without any order, on the desk and under it, was that they needed to rend the heavens with Sarah, the mother of the Rebbe, standing next and called for a car to come take them. This on the floor, in the drawers and on the chairs. the recitation of Tehillim. to the Aron Kodesh with her head and half of was despite the fact that hundreds of arrests It was a sight of destruction and devastation. her body inside the ark itself. She was crying – PART V – were carried out that night, and there were no out from the bitterness of her soul, “Ribbono When the two spotted R’ Altheus, Rashag available cars. A long while passed before the family shel Olam! It is for Your Torah and service that being overcome with pain and fear let out a members gathered their wits about them and my precious only son was taken. Help me, G-d fearsome wordless cry. It seemed like forever that R’ Altheus stood there in that holy spot, began to recount how the agents had to come to of our salvation, and save him from the hands After a brief drive, the black wagon turned unable to open his mouth. The three stared at the house, and the order of events of the search of the villains. Our G-d should be with him like right on Shpalerna. On this street, stood a large each other in silence, with eyes swollen from and arrest. Upon review of the events, a ray He was with his holy forefathers, and surely building, number 24, nicknamed “Shpalerka.” crying. Emotionally overwrought and with of hope appeared when they realized that the He will not leave me nor will He forsake me.” There was no mistaking this terrifying structure their minds numb, they began to sort through evil ones had behaved with respect and proper R’ Altheus attempted to soothe her with with its sealed doors and gates. In the predawn the papers that were left behind after the search. manners towards the Rebbe, throughout the words of consolation and convince her to sit ordeal. They did not speak harshly to the dark of night, the building seemed to project Perhaps there remained among the papers and rest a bit, due to her weakness and poor Rebbe, nor did they treat him with disrespect. even more terror and despair. A satanic house, some with content, that might be dangerous health, but the Rebbetzin did not seem to hear Even the search was not very thorough and whose name inspired dread in the hearts of to leave about if the agents returned to search him at all. severe. millions of residents. again, which needed to be hidden away as He then continued on to the other rooms in soon as possible. They checked each paper, When they had wanted to take the That was the night of 15 Sivan, ninety-two order to meet with the other family members. and whatever seemed dangerous or forbidden manuscripts of the Rebbe Rashab, the Rebbe years ago, when the terrible arrest of the Rebbe He was particularly concerned about the was burned immediately. told them that he is not prepared for them to Rayatz took place. ■

54 BEIS MOSHIACH 25 SIVAN 5779 55 PARASHA Of The Future

Rabbi Nissim Lagziel

However, this is only at one “corner of a Why will these 2,800 workers actually be How Many NON-JEWS Does It Take garment of a Jewish man,” and since tzitzis have begging for the opportunity to hold the corner four corners and seven hundred men will hold of a Jew’s garment? To Change A Lightbulb? one corner…in the Future to Come, we will The Nimukei Yosef, Rabbi Yosef ibn have (at least…) 2,800 servants of all types from Chaviva, among the last of the Rishonim and all the nations of the world. We’ll never have one of greatest Torah scholars of Spain, explains In the present-day world, nothing (except A Joke to begin with… to change our lightbulbs by ourselves again! that the nations of the world will recognize misfortune…) comes for free. Everything has How many engineers do you need to change What will we do with so many workers? the great quality of the mitzvah of tzitzis, and its price. how it will bring the Jewish People to the life a lightbulb? — Five, one to hold the lightbulb Every balabuste would surely appreciate What do we get for doing the mitzvah of of the World to Come. As a result, the Gentiles and another four to turn the ladder… three or four housekeepers coming in a few tzitzis? will long to take part in this mitzvah. However, How many Russians do you need to change times a week. But what will we do with 2,800 after they learn that they are unable to reach a lightbulb? — It really doesn’t matter, since Well, even though it is quite easy to fulfill workers? the level of the Jewish People in fulfilling this the mitzvah of tzitzis, the reward we will they’re too drunk to do anything anyway… The Rebbe, when discussing this question, mitzvah, they will “settle” for holding on to the receive in the Future to Come is tremendous How many Americans do you need to answered that apparently, this is one of the corners of our tzitzis. in comparison to the effort invested. The change a lightbulb? — Why change it? Just issues that Melech HaMoshiach will himself Gemara states (Shabbos 32b): “Reish Lakish Other prophecies of this nature, the massive move into a new apartment… resolve once he comes. Let’s wait and see. said: Anyone who is vigilant in performing change in the way Gentiles relate to Jews, their desire to cleave to our holy nation, have already the mitzvah of tzitzis merits that two thousand But to the more pressing question: the Jewish been mentioned in the words of the Prophets eight hundred [servants] will serve him in the idea of Olam Haba and the days of Moshiach (Yeshayahu 61:5): This week’s Torah portion, Parshas World to Come. As it is stated (Zecharia 8:23): is not about having abundant food, riding Shlach, deals primarily with the “So said the G-d of Hosts: In those days, when fancy horses and running plantations with “And strangers shall stand and pasture your subject of the meraglim, the spies Moshe sent ten men of all the languages of the nations shall thousands of workers. Why are the prophets sheep, and foreigners shall be your plowmen to Eretz Yisrael – their mission, their mistake, take hold of the corner of a garment of a Jewish and the sages making such a big deal out of and your vinedressers.” The fact is that in the and the resulting consequences. However, let’s man, saying, ‘Let us go with you, for we have this? Is this indeed the reward for a mitzvah Future to Come, the Jewish People will not put the affair of the meraglim aside for the heard that G-d is with you.’” that reminds us of all other mitzvos? have to work for their sustenance, as all their moment, and focus on a subject that seems needs will be provided in great abundance by Let’s further examine the words of the slightly marginal in this parsha – the mitzvah Let’s calculate how Reish Lakish arrived at a large number of foreign workers pleading to prophet himself. of tzitzis. so large a number: work (for free!) for every Jew. The Gemara has “Ten men … shall take hold of the corner of a already alluded to this phenomenon (Berachos While the section on tzitzis is at the end “Ten men of all the languages of the nations.” garment of a Jewish man, saying, ‘Let us go with 35b): “When Israel performs G-d’s Will, their of Parshas Shlach – for us, it constitutes the As we know, there are seventy nations in the you, for we have heard that G-d is with you.’” work is performed by others.” beginning of our daily routine. Each day, we world. Thus, a simple accounting (70x10) wrap ourselves in the tallis, put on tzitzis, and brings us to the conclusion that in the World It doesn’t say that we will run to employ In Sha’arei Teshuva (66a), the Mitteler Rebbe even read (at least twice) the Torah section on to Come, seven hundred servants will take hold them; it says that they will run to us and beg explains that at the time of the Redemption, the the mitzvah of tzitzis as part of the Krias Sh’ma. of our tzitzis. us to employ them. unique quality of the Jewish People over all

56 BEIS MOSHIACH 25 SIVAN 5779 57 other nations in the world will be revealed. (according to the Rebbe’s sicha of 28 Nissan This is what Moshe Rabbeinu requested: “And 5751) only we can fulfill – bringing the True may we, myself and Your people, be uniquely and Complete Redemption by increasing in all distinguished from all other nations that are on MadorKids matters of Torah and holiness! Corner kids the face of the earth” – the nations of the world will recognize this on their own. Thus, they will To conclude with a story: naturally be drawn to offer their assistance, STORY TIME work, and do everything in their ability to get This is a story told by the Rebbe at the closer to the Jewish nation. farbrengen of Chof Av 5716, a tale emphasizing the Gentiles’ recognition of the unique quality Just imagine: What wouldn’t an obsessed of every Jew, and particularly of the Nasi fan of a sports star do in order to have the THE HANDWRITTEN TEHILLIM “privilege” of personally meeting this famous Hador… personality? He would do anything! Similarly, The Rebbe Maharash once had to make a was a difficult time for the Jewish people. there is hardly any sun. There is weak light the Gentile nations will do anything – plowing journey outside of Russia, and he traveled from It The secret police in communist Russia from eight until eleven in the morning and in the field, work on the computer, change Lubavitch to a nearby town with a train station. lightbulbs, and even diapers! made every effort to wipe out Judaism. Many then it is dark. During the other months, the Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Rebbe Jews did not withstand the test and joined sun shines nonstop and there is no night. Interestingly, the Gemara hints that they will Maharash was slightly delayed, and when he the communists in order to save themselves. Of course, in addition to the physical even prepare Shabbos food for us! did not arrive at the station on time, the train During this time, it was the Rebbe Rayatz hardship and distance, there are also many The Gemara (Eruvin 43b) states that left without him — the clerk in charge decided and his Chassidim who, with mesirus nefesh, problems related to halacha such as: when the coming of Moshiach can take place on not to wait for the Rebbe Maharash, and gave preserved Torah and mitzvos and even does Shabbos begin and end and what are the Erev Shabbos, and it would not cause any orders for the train to depart. When the Rebbe influenced others. They taught Torah secretly times for davening? inconvenience to the Jewish People because Maharash learned of this, he lodged a formal and helped with everything having to do with they would have more than enough servants to complaint. Not long afterward, orders came mitzva observance. Here, in distant Siberia, he began a spirit- deal with Shabbos preparations in their place! from the capital city of S. Petersburg to fire the Many of them paid a high price for this crushing life journey of disconnection from Who knows what Brazilian cholent, Japanese clerk in charge! “crime.” family, being in an isolated place, in subhuman gefilte fish, or Scandinavian kugel will taste conditions, and working at hard labor that R’ Dovid Leib Chein was one of these like? When the Rebbe Maharash journeyed back shattered the body. to Lubavitch, he passed through a neighboring Chassidim. Because of his activities in At first, R’ Dovid Leib was assigned to work village, and all the local Gentiles came out spreading Judaism, he was arrested. For nine with coal diggers. This is difficult and very together with the leading elders of the city to months they kept him in one prison after lesson to us now, in these final dangerous work. The coal mine was deep in the greet him with great honor. They came out to another, one worse than the next. Food was The moments of the galus, from how meager and the isolation was difficult and earth. In order to extract the black rocks from greet him, as customary, with bread and salt the Geulah will change the nature of our oppressive. He didn’t even have a Tehillim or which they got the coal, they would drill holes and fell on their knees before him. During this relationship with the Gentiles, is that it’s high siddur and so he would recite many chapters into the rocks that contain the coal and fill time for us to improve our relationship with… journey, the Rebbe Maharash was accompanied of Tehillim by heart. the holes with dynamite. The workers would ourselves! by his nephew, R’ Yeshayahu Berlin, who told exit the mine and then set off the explosion, his uncle with much excitement: “Fetter! Did After nine months, he was brought to trial which broke the rocky earth into little pieces. The time has come to relate to ourselves and the merciless sentence was read: “Ten you see what great honor they gave you?” The Then they would clear out the broken pieces of more seriously. We need to know that every years of hard labor in Siberia.” action, every thought, every utterance of ours, Rebbe Maharash replied: “Petach (fool)! About earth, clear out the space for a tunnel and put is essential and significant. Each one of us is a whom was it written, ‘You shall be blessed If that wasn’t enough, the judges said, “If up wooden scaffolding. This was so that the pearl, a diamond in the royal crown of Hashem. above all peoples’?” you do not behave properly in exile, you will rocks wouldn’t cave in and bury the workers Who has time to get involved with trivialities get an additional ten years!” inside, which occasionally happened when the Good Shabbos! scaffolds were not strong enough. and matters of little importance? We have a You should know that in Siberia, a person far more urgent and vital mission, one that Based on a sicha of Parshas Shlach 5742. feels like he’s at the end of the world. It’s like They would take the broken pieces of rock life stops. For nearly ten months of the year, out of the mine and had the prisoners pick

58 BEIS MOSHIACH 25 SIVAN 5779 59 Are we there yet?

Yossi, the Rebbe said that the time Leski, Ukraine. My dear horses, the through and remove that which was not R’ Dovid received a package from his wife Here you have bagels and of Geulah has arrived, but I don’t moment has arrived! After long and get it, doesn’t it say you're not apples, baked potatoes and boring weeks, Avremel the wagon usable. The usable material was left outside and this time, the package reached the guard supposed to give times for when sugar cubes and… Moshiach is supposed to come? driver got a job… finally! I promised until it was burned and turned to coal. It was at the end of his shift and since he wanted to the prominent rabbi that you guys are fit for the ride, please don’t a great deal of work and took place in two leave, he said to give the package as is, without disappoint me. Ha Ha… shifts, by day and at night. checking it at all. R’ Dovid had to bring material in and out of In the package, R’ Dovid discovered a the ground. He worked at this intense labor for treasure, a real Tehillim! It wasn’t handwritten a month until he felt his strength giving out. and it wasn’t incomplete; it was a Tehillim! When the supervisor saw that R’ Dovid He was thrilled, however, it was too big for wasn’t doing his work with the requisite his pocket. That reminds me of a story! energy, he began shouting and threatening, Mommy, if I will eat too much, I will be to but it didn’t help because R’ Dovid Leib wasn’t What did he do? Whenever he had free heavy for Avremel’s slacking off; he just couldn’t exert himself any time, he copied chapter after chapter, thus horses, and they won’t be able to get me more. he created a precise handwritten copy that home… was pocket-sized. When he completed it after His job was changed to clearing the roads We are ready to leave several months, he was happy. Safe trip, my dear You are overweight! of snow which was less arduous. Meir’ke! Listen to Tatty Nu, this time I will and don’t get lost! let you, it’s probably Later, through the kindness of Hashem, the After that, he carried the complete Tehillim because of your duck… that he had written in his pocket. In the supervisor in charge of shipping and storing Hoysa! merchandise, suggested that he work on morning, he would go outside when nobody guarding the main warehouse. was there and it was just snow and barbed- wire fences and he would pour out his heart “I see that you are religious and the work is to Hashem. hard for you,” he said. “My advice is that you work as a watchman at the warehouse. Also, He also miraculously received tefillin after when merchandise arrives, you need to show a long time in which he was unable to do this the driver where to drop it off.” mitzva. One day, a religious Jew came to the R’ Dovid was happy with the idea but made camp. Unfortunately, this was the second time it conditional on his not having to work on he was sent to the Siberian exile. Since he had Wait, I’m coming too… Shabbos. In his free time, he made himself a bitter experience without tefillin, this time little, handwritten Tehillim. Whatever chapter he managed to smuggle in tefillin. How? He bought a loaf of bread, hollowed it out and put Meir’ke, my dear son, to learn he knew by heart he wrote down and that is Torah while traveling is a Tatty, are we there yet? how he had a partial Tehillim, written with the tefillin inside. Thankfully, nobody caught With Avremel the wagon driver, great Mitzvah, “Uvelechtecha it never gets boring! Baderech.” A Jew is never bored, tears and supplications. on and the tefillin arrived safely in the camp. the Holy Torah is always with us. This is how R’ Dovid was able to put on tefillin This book was precious to him and he every weekday. No, we still have a couple always had it in his shirt pocket. Whenever of hours to go, Meir’ke. he had a chance, he took out the Tehillim and Many years passed and R’ Dovid left Russia. recited chapter after chapter. When he went to the Rebbe, he showed the One day, something exciting happened. Rebbe the Tehillim he had written while in Once every few months, a prisoner was allowed exile. The Rebbe greatly valued this Tehillim to send a letter to his family and to receive a that served this Chassid in such difficult times package from them. In many instances, the and told him that on Shabbos Mevorchim, package never reached the prisoner or only when the entire Tehillim is recited, he should some of it arrived. use this Tehillim. ■

60 BBEEIS MOSHIACH 5 minutes later… Tatty, “a couple of hours” is before my birthday or after? Tatty, are we there yet? Tatty?! Yes, didn’t you say it’s a foolish question!! Did I hear right? How sweet! You are asking a very smart question!

Meir, enough. Have patience, and please don’t ask me again! That’s a foolish question!

Yes, my Meir’ke, did you want to ask something?

At the beginning of the trip, there was no So, Are we there yet? point to ask, “are we there yet.” But now Are we there yet? that we are almost there, it’s a very wise question, we need to get ready to arrive at our destination!

You are also bored?

Ga! Ga! Ga!

That’s a foolish question!

My grandfather would say that a truly wise Ha! Avremel has a great idea! man says the right thing at the right time At the beginning of Galus, the Are we there yet? One day they'll invent a machine and in the right place. Chachomim were worried that that will announce how long is Yidden would give up waiting for left to the trip. Remember it the Geulah by trying to figure out was my idea! when Moshiach will come. But Reb Avremel, how much longer do you now we are so so close, and we assume we have until we reach our need to get ready, so now we are destination? allowed and must talk about the destination.

We arrived!

We arrived!

Very soon, rabbi, you can already Are we there yet? see the city from a distance.