25 Sivan 5779 Bringing Moshiach Values June 28 2019 Into Our Homes Price: $4.95 no. 1171 יחי אדוננו מורנו ורבינו מלך המשיח לעולם ועד ב"ה { 28 } From the Rebbe Columns In This Issue { 4 } What Happens When 10 { 8 } Immortality And Mesirus { 7 } Halachic Times And Daily Jews Learn About Moshiach? Nefesh? Shiurim Besuras Hageulah with a new Editorial by Rabbi Boruch Merkur side-by-side translation and { 10 } Letters To The Editor commentary { 14 } Is There a Problem { 12 } Does Hashem Need { 6 } Planning Ahead Doesn’t With Undershirt Tzitzis? Helpers? Contradict Expecting By Horav Yosef Yeshaya Braun An anthology of commentaries Moshiach on the Rebbe’s Kapitel From the Rebbe's pen { 27 } Easy Isn’t Good For You “MyLife: Chassidus Applied” with { 38 } Are We There Yet? Rabbi Simon Jacobson — The answer is yes, at least for the last 2,000 years… Principle { 36 } “Rebbe Robots” #8 Op-Ed by Levi Liberow { 50 } A Midnight Drama On The Streets Of Leningrad Features { 56 } How Many Non-Jews Does The first hours after the Frier- It Take To Change A Lightbulb? { 28 } Face To Face With The Rebbe diker Rebbe’s arrest in the hands Rabbi Nissim Lagziel with a Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Zaltzman, of the GPU thugs, 92 years ago. Moshiach thought on the Parsha Shliach of the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach to Toronto, Canada shares his personal { 59 } The Handwritten Tehillim notes and stories from his 6 Yechidus Story for children meetings with the Rebbe. { 61 } Are We There Yet? { 16 } “If It Was True 25 Years Ago, It Comics about Moshiach Is True Today.” Rabbi Reuven Wolf of Maayon Yisroel in LA prepares us for Gimmel Tammuz in a candid Published by: interview. { 16 } Chabad World Center to Greet Moshiach 744 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11213 { 44 } Counselor & Camper About the Cover: BMoshiach.org Embrace… [email protected] Days before we’re off to camp, Mendy The Rebbe on the 718.778.8000 Hecht speaks to counselors and other Davening Bima BeisMoshiachMagazine.org staff members in camps, and comes [email protected] back with tips to ensure that the kids that come under our care come home { 44 } more excited about Yiddishkeit. Editor-In-Chief: Rabbi Boruch Merkur • Editor: Levi Liberow • Managing Editor: Shraga Crombie Director: Rabbi M.M. Hendel • Rabbinical Advisor: Rabbi Yaakov Chazan 2 BEIS MOSHIACH This magazine contains holy texts, please treat it with respect. 25 SIVAN 5779 3 ִכּי, ָנוֹסף ַﬠל ַה ַמּ ֲﬠ ָלה ְדּ" ֲﬠ ָשָׂרה ֶשׁ ְיּוֹשׁ ִבים ְו ְעוֹס ִקים Because, in addition to the advantage there ַבּ ָתּוֹרה ְשׁ ִכ ָינה ְשׁ ָרוּיהּ ֵבּ ֵינ ֶיהם", is anytime when “ten people sit and occupy themselves with Torah study,” namely, that “the Besuras Shechinah dwells among them,” ֵישׁ ַמ ְﬠ ָלה ְמ ֻי ֶח ֶדת ְכּ ֶשׁ ְלּוֹמִדים ִﬠ ְנְי ֵני ָמ ִשׁ ַיח HaGeulah there is yet a particular advantage with ְו ַה ְג ָאוּלה ְבַּר ִבּים learning about Moshiach and the Redemption in public; ְבּ ֵנוֹג ַﬠ ַל ִה ְת ַפּ ֲﬠלוּת ְו ַה ִשּׂ ְמ ָחה ְבֶּר ֶגשׁ ַה ֵלּב, ֶשׁ ַﬠל- The Rebbe on the imminence of the Redemption — Such public study elicits excitement and ְי ֵדי- ֶזה ֶהוֹל ֶכת ְוּגֵד ָלה ַה ִה ְשׁ ְתּוֹקקוּת ְו ַה ִצ ִפָּיה ְל ִב ַיאת heartfelt joy which in turn increases the desire ַה ָמּ ִשׁ ַיח. .and anticipation for the coming of Moshiach ְועוֹד ְו ִﬠ ָקּר ַכּ ָפּשׁוּט – ְל ִהוֹסיף ְבּ ִקיּוּם ַה ִמּ ְצווֹת Obviously, this is in addition to the most ְבּ ִהידוּר, What Happens when 10 Jews essential thing — to increase the observance of mitzvos b’hidur — in a beautified manner. ִוּב ְמ ֻי ָחד ְבּ ַה ִהידוּר ְבּ ִמ ְצַות ַה ְצ ָדּ ָקה ( ְכּ ָללוּת ָכּל -learn about Moshiach? Especially to beautify the mitzvah of tzeda ַה ִמּ ְצווֹת) ,kah, which is comprehensive of all the mitzvos as it involves a much greater degree of energy than כב. קטעים משיחות ש"פ תזריע-מצורע, ו' אייר תנש"א (4) 6 Iyar 5751 − April 20 1991 (4) is invested in any other mitzvah. It therefore “draws near the Redemption,” as ֶשׁ" ְמּ ָקֶר ֶבת ֶאת ַה ְג ָאוּלה". As the farbrengen drew to a close the Rebbe summarized the call of the hour — to increase it elevates all the vitality invested into earning that study of Torah, especially on Moshiach matters: money which was given to tzedakah. :The Rebbe goes on to show how giving tzedakah and learning about Moshiach can be combined ְו ַﬠל ֶשׁל ֹפּ ַﬠל ָבּ ִאתי – ְוּבַו ַדּאי ְי ְעוֹררוּ ִו ַיפְר ְסמוּ My intention here is action. Thefollowing ְבּ ָכל ָמקוֹם ָוּמקוֹם: -suggestions will surely be publicized and en ְוּכ ַדאי ְו ָנכוֹן ְל ַק ֵשּׁר ַה ָהוֹס ָפה ִבּ ְצ ָד ָקה ִﬠם ַה ָהוֹס ָפה -couraged everywhere: It would be worthwhile and proper to con ְבּ ָתּוֹרה ְבּ ִﬠ ְנְי ֵני ָמ ִשׁ ַיח ְוּג ֻא ָלּה – ַﬠל- ְי ֵדי- ֶזה ֶשׁ ַה ָהוֹס ָפה nect the increase in tzedakah with an increase in ִל ְצ ָד ָקה ִהיא ִמתּוֹ ַכָּוּ ָנה ְל ָקֵרב ְוּל ָזֵרז ֶאת ַה ְג ָאוּלה, the Torah study on matters of Moshiach and ְכּ ֵדי ִל ְפעֹל ִה ְת ַגּלּוּת ִוּב ַיאת ַה ָמּ ִשׁ ַיח ֵתּ ֶכף ִוּמ ָיּד – -In order to accomplish the immediate reve Redemption. This is done by giving tzedakah ַﬠל ָכּל- ֶא ָחד-ְו ֶא ָחד ִמ ִיּ ְשָׂר ֵאל lation and coming of Moshiach, each and every Jew, with the intention to bring close and hasten the .Redemption ( ָה ֲא ָנ ִשׁים – ֵהן ְיוֹשׁ ֵבי ֹא ֶהל ( ָיִשּׂ ָשכר) ְו ֵהן ַבּ ֲﬠ ֵלי the men, whether they are “dwellers in the — ֵﬠ ֶסק ( ְזבוּלוּן), tent” — people who study Torah full-time — (like the tribe of Yissachar, who historically tended to be scholars), or business men (like the tribe of Zevulun), ְו ֵכן ַה ָנּ ִשׁים ְו ַה ַטּף, ָכּל ַחד ְו ַחד ְלפוּם ִשׁ ָיעוּרא -as well as women and children, each accord ִדּ ֵילּיהּ) — ing to his ability ”...Find instructions attached“ ְל ִהוֹסיף ְבּ ִלמּוּד ַה ָתּוֹרה ( ִבּ ְמ ֻי ָחד) ְבּ ִﬠ ְנְי ֵני ָמ ִשׁ ַיח -must increase in his study of Torah, particu ְוּג ֻא ָלּה. -larly on the subjects of Moshiach and Redemp tion. Rabbi Chaim Gutnick, on the 8th of Iyar 5751, in the weeks after the famous sicha of 28 Nissan, wrote a heartfelt letter to the Rebbe asking the Rebbe for guidance what to do to bring The Rebbe adds an important instruction as to the manner of study: Moshiach. “Surely the Rebbe knows what needs to be done,” he begs the Rebbe, and ends with ”!?Gevald! What should we do“ ַוּמה טוֹב – ֶשׁ ַה ִלּמּוּד ְיִה ֶיה ( ָבַּר ִבּים) ַבּ ֲﬠ ָשָׂרה, -It would be even better if the study is in pub lic, along with at least ten others. The Rebbe replied to him on the 10th of Iyar with a short answer (freely translated) attached to a copy of the above sicha: “I have said [what to do] several times — and most recently in the farbrengen of last Shabbos, attached here...” The Rebbe was referring of course to thefarbrengen of Shabbos Parshas Tazria Metzora in which he spoke about learning Torah about Moshiach. 4 BEIS MOSHIACH 25 SIVAN 5779 5 shabbos כ“ו סיון 06/29 Candle lighting Sunrise Latest shema Midday Sunset Shabbos ends 8:12 5:27 9:13 12:59 8:30 9:22 ג' פרקים: הלכות מלוה ולוה פרקים כב-כד. פרק אחד: הלכות מטמאי משכב ומושב אדומה פרק ה. ספר המצוות: מל"ת רלז Sunday Monday כ“ח סיון 07/01 כ“ז סיון Planning Ahead Doesn’t 06/30 Contradict Expecting Moshiach Sunrise Latest shema Sunset Sunrise Latest shema Sunset 5:27 9:13 8:30 5:28 9:13 8:30 ג' פרקים . הלכות טוען ונטען פרקים א-ג ג' פרקים . הלכות מלוה ולוה פרקים כה-כז In response to a woman who asked, “How is making long term plans not a contradiction פרק אחד . הלכות מטמאי משכב ומושב פרק ז פרק אחד . הלכות מטמאי משכב ומושב פרק ו :to our firm belief in Moshiach’s imminent arrival.” The Rebbe answered ספר המצוות . .מ"ע רמו ספר המצוות . מ"ע קצח Tuesday Wednesday ל‘ סיון 07/03 כ“ט סיון 07/02 Sunrise Latest shema Sunset Sunrise Latest shema Sunset 5:28 9:14 8:30 5:29 9:14 8:30 ג' פרקים . הלכות טוען ונטען פרקים ז-ט ג' פרקים . הלכות טוען ונטען פרקים ד-ו פרק אחד . הלכות מטמאי משכב ומושב פרק ט פרק אחד . הלכות מטמאי משכב ומושב פרק ח ספר המצוות . .מ"ע רמו ספר המצוות . מ"ע רמו ״ידועה הוראת כ"ק מו"ח אדמו"ר – שצ"ל הנהגה יומית – מבלי להתבלבל שאמר זה עתה שמאמין בכל יום ומחכה ומצפה שיבוא ביום זה – ובעצמו עשה תוכניות על זמן דכו"כ שבועות״ “It is well known the directive of my father-in-law, the Rebbe – that there Thursday Friday needs to be proper day-to-day conduct – without getting confused by what ב‘ תמוז 07/05 א‘ תמוז he just said that he believes every day in Moshiach’s arrival and he waits and 07/04 expects that Moshiach will actually come on this very day. Sunrise Latest shema Sunset Sunrise Latest shema Sunset In fact, the Rebbe Rayatz himself made plans for many weeks in advance”. 5:29 9:15 8:30 5:30 9:15 8:29 ג' פרקים . .הלכות טוען ונטען פרקים יג-טו ג' פרקים . הלכות טוען ונטען פרקים י-יב ■ .See the sicha of Parshas Pinchas 5751 for more on this topic פרק אחד .
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