Teasing out the Species in Diverse Archaeofaunas: Is It Worth the Effort? an Example from the Tropical Eastern Pacific

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Teasing out the Species in Diverse Archaeofaunas: Is It Worth the Effort? an Example from the Tropical Eastern Pacific Archaeofauna 13 (2004): 19-35 Teasing Out the Species in Diverse Archaeofaunas: Is It Worth the Effort? An Example from the Tropical Eastern Pacific RICHARD COOKE & MAXIMO JIMENEZ Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] ABSTRACT: The species remains the basic unit of biological classification. However, since archaeofaunal analysis is time-consuming and costly (especially when fish are the dominant class), it is important to ask whether making species-level identifications is worthwhile in view of the fact that even anciently diverged species can be difficult to differentiate osteologically with fragment- ed material. This is why many experienced archaeozoologists prefer to analyze their archaeologi- cal ichthyofaunas at the family or genus level. But in biologically diverse environments, such as the tropical eastern Pacific, it is advantageous for archaeologists to be able to distinguish among fish species. The most important food fish families here are speciose: the sea catfish (Ariidae), croakers (Sciaenidae), and grunts (Haemulidae). Although most of their component species live inshore, their habitat preferences, trophic ecology, and age-group behavior vary considerably. Therefore, separating them osteologically enhances interpretations of ancient fishing preferences and techniques. The distribution and abundance of sea catfish (Ariidae), croaker (Cynoscion), and grunt (Pomadasys) species at 10 archaeological sites located around Parita Bay on the central Pacific coast of Panama^ in the Panamic region of the tropical eastern Pacific, provide particular- ly useful information about the littoral habitats that were exploited by pre-Columbian fisherfolk at different stages in the geological and cultural evolution of this small Neotropical estuarine system. In some cases, they point towards specific fishing practices and techniques. KEYWORDS: PRE-COLUMBIAN FISHING, PANAMA, MARINE CATFISH, GRUNTS, CROAKERS RESUMEN: La unidad principal de clasificacion biologica continue siendo la especie. Aun asf, dado que el andlisis de faunas arqueologicas es, tanto lento, como costoso (especialmente si Ios peces son el grupo dominante), cabe preguntarse si vale la pena llevar las identificaciones hasta nivel de espe- cie, toda vez que para especies que divergieron hace tiempo, pueden ser diffciles de distinguir oste- ologicamente maxime cuando los materiales estan muy fragmentados. Por ello, muchos arqueozofj- logos experimentados prefieren limitar el analisis de las ictiofaunas arqueologicas a nivel de familia o genero. En regiones biologicamente ricas, sin embargo, el poder identificar los peces a nivel de especie resulta ventajoso para el arquedlogo. Tal es el caso del Pacffico tropical americano en donde las familias de peces mas relevantes de cara a la dieta humana contienen numerosas especies. Este serfa el caso, por ejemplo, de los bagres marinos (Ariidae), las corvinas (Sciaenidae) y los roncado- res (Haemulidae). Si bien es cierto que la mayor parte de estas especies frecuentan zonas costeras, tambien lo es que muchas dentro de una misma familia varfan mucho en to que se refiere a su habi- tat, ecologfa trofica o el comportamiento de las diferentes cohortes de edad. Por consiguiente, el poder identificarlas osteologicamente hace mas solidas las interpretaciones que estudian los modos en que las sociedades seleccionaban tales especies y los modos en que las capturaban. La distribu- cion y abundancia de las especies de bagres marinos (Ariidae), corvinas (Cynoscion) y roncadores (Pomadasys) en diez sitios arqueologicos localizados en la costa central del Pacffico panamefio evi- dencian ser utiles herramientas para inferir los ambientes litorales aprovechados por los Pescadores precolombinos durante distintas etapas de la evolution geologico-cultural de este estuario neotropi- cal, asf como para inferir el uso de determinadas practices y tecnicas pesqueras. PALABRAS CLAVE: PESCA PRECOLOMBINA, PANAMA, BAGRE MARINO, RON- CADOR, CORVINA 20 RICHARD COOKE & MAXIMO JIMENEZ INTRODUCTION nent is Parita Bay, a small mangrove-fringed estu- arine system, which is itself the northwesterly arm The species remains the basic unit of biological of Panama' Bay in the Panamic region of the tropi- classification even though the addition of molecu- cal eastern Pacific (TEP). The studied archaeofau- lar techniques to the description and analysis of nas come from 10 sites, whose location is present- external characteristics, osteology, and behavior has ed in Figure 1. Table 1 gives the approximate l4C often enhanced the way biologists perceive the phy- ages of the samples in addition to a record of the logenetic relatedness of specific breeding popula- fish species that we have identified either tenta- tions within the same genus (e.g., Bermingham & tively ("cf') or, in our opinion, objectively at each Martin, 1998). Although our mandate as archaeozo- site. All these sites are currently located within 25 ologists is to identify each bone specimen with the Km of the present-day coastline of Parita Bay. maximum possible taxonomic and anatomical Their relationship to littoral landforms, the active rigor, our efforts are circumscribed by (a) the frag- coastline, and river, stream, and marine channels, mentary nature of bone samples from kitchen mid- however, has changed since the time periods dur- dens, (b) the geographical, taxonomic, and ontoge- ing which they were occupied. Sediment studies netic completeness of the comparative collections undertaken in the 1970s and 1980s and aerial pho- we use to identify them, and (c) time and funds in tographic interpretation have indicated that, since the light of the research questions that the archae- the deceleration of sea level rise about 7,000 radio- ologists responsible for the bone samples deem to carbon years BP, the Parita Bay coastline has pro- be most relevant. graded seawards - at a faster rate (about 1 Km The more diverse the hypothetical life assem- every 1,000 years) at its center (where the River blage (Klein & Cruz-Uribe, 1984) from which Santa Maria discharges) than at the southern edge archaeofaunas derive, the more time-consuming (about 0.5 Km every 1,000 years) (Clary et al., the analysis; so much so, in fact, that it is worth 1984; Cooke & Ranere, 1999). Therefore, the dis- reflecting, first, whether teasing out species is, tribution of fish species in each archaeofaunal intellectually, viable, and, if it is, whether the sample reflects not only human cultural factors results justify the effort and money. Although many (such as dietary preference and fishing gear), but archaeozoologists with specialized knowledge in also topographies and water conditions that were fish remains are justifiably circumspect about the different from those of today - markedly so in the reliability of species-level identifications (e.g., case of the oldest sites and samples. Cerro Man- Leach 1986; Desse & Desse-Berset, 1996; Van gote, for example, which is now 8 Km from the Neer & Lentacker, 1996; Van Neer & Ervynck, active coastline, is likely to have been only 1.5 Km 1998), we argue that this procedure can be objec- inland when first occupied 7000 BP. Whereas sev- tive and worthwhile judging from the inferences eral freshwater fish taxa can be fished in front of about inshore fishing practices that we have been the site today, only one bone of a freshwater taxon able to draw from bone remains representing three was recovered in the archaeofauna (Cooke & widespread families (Ariidae, Haemulidae, and Ranere, 1999). Sciaenidae) recovered at pre-Columbian sites on The following questions have guided our study the central Pacific coast of Panama. of pre-Columbian fishing around Parita Bay: (1) When did people begin to fish? (2) How did they fish? (3) Did fishing technology change through GEOGRAPHIC AND TEMPORAL FOCUS time? (4) How far did people travel from their set- tlements to obtain fish? (5) Did they acquire fish themselves, get someone else to fish for them, or Since the 1970s a small group of archaeologists exchange other products for fish caught else- has endeavored to reconstruct settlement patterns, where? (6) How far was fish transported and in social organization, funerary customs, subsistence, which state (i.e., fresh, salted, or dried; whole, and exchange in an area of central Panamd that was eviscerated, or butchered)? (7) How selective was occupied continuously by pre-Columbian people fishing in terms of the available life assemblage of from the late glacial (Clovis technological horizon) species (i.e., which species were consumed or to the mid-16lh century AD (Cooke & Ranere, 1992 rejected as food)? (8) How did people perceive a, b; Cooke & Sanchez, 2003; Cooke, in press). The fish, not just as food, but also in ritual or semiotic focus of this project's archaeozoological compo- contexts (Cooke, 2004)? TEASING OUT THE SPECIES IN DIVERSE ARCHAEOFAUNAS.. N Caribbean Sea Pacific Ocean Sitio Sierra Archaeological site CHITRE Modern town FIGURE 1 Map of PanamS, showing (inset) the location of the 10 pre-Columbian archaeological sites whose archaeoichthyofaunas are summarized COMPARATIVE SKELETON COLLECTIONS late Holocene are unlikely to have focused on fish VIS-A-VIS ZOOGEOGRAPHY AND TAXO- species that are no longer present within easy NOMY reach of their settlements. (It cannot be assumed, however, that the abundance of individual fish A prerequisite of accurate and meaningful species within particular coastal systems has species-level identifications
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