Report to the Future Melbourne (Planning) Committee Agenda Item 6.7

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Report to the Future Melbourne (Planning) Committee Agenda Item 6.7 Page 1 of 31 Report to the Future Melbourne (Planning) Committee Agenda item 6.7 Hospital Heliport Flight Path Protection Amendment – City of Melbourne 10 November 2015 Submission Presenter: Leanne Hodyl, Acting Manager Urban Strategy Purpose and background 1. The purpose of this report is to seek the Future Melbourne Committee’s endorsement of the attached submission regarding changes to the Melbourne Planning Scheme which have been proposed by Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). 2. DHHS is seeking to make changes to a number of planning schemes, including the Melbourne Planning Scheme, to apply Design and Development Overlays (DDO) to protect emergency medical services helicopter flight paths to and from hospital heliports. This involves limiting the heights of buildings on land affected by the flight paths to and from the Royal Melbourne, the Royal Children’s and the Alfred Hospitals. 3. The Amendment is being processed by the Minister for Planning because the protection of flight paths to hospitals is of State significance. Key issues 4. The proposed DDOs will trigger a planning permit for buildings, works or plumes that have the potential to impact on the flight paths by penetrating the height equivalent of the helipad’s elevation or up to 10 metre above the elevation of the helipad (refer Attachment 2 for the proposed Amendment). 5. Where a permit is triggered under the proposed DDOs, the planning application will be referred to DHHS. DHHS may require that the height of the proposed structure be modified and/or made more visible to helicopter pilots or could refuse an application on the grounds that the proposed structure would impede a safe and efficient flight path. 6. The proposed Amendment is not introducing mandatory height controls. DHHS will assess each referral on its merits and where the proposed development does not affect emergency medical services helicopter flights, the development is likely to be supported, or supported by DHHS with conditions included in the permit. 7. For a few properties along St Kilda Road, in addition to the existing DDO19, which includes a discretionary 60 metre height control, applications for developments above 15.7 metres Australian Height Datum (AHD) will also be assessed against the proposed new DDO65. 8. For the Arden Macaulay and City North areas, in addition to Council’s nominated heights in the endorsed built form amendments for these areas, applications for development will also be assessed against the proposed new heliport DDO requirements. 9. As AHD varies across the City, it is possible that the heliport DDOs will trigger DHHS consideration of some planning permit applications. Proposals will be assessed by DHHS and some could be refused if they encroach on the flight path. 10. Subject to minor adjustments as outlined in Attachment 3, management supports the Amendment. Recommendation from management That the Future Melbourne Committee endorses the City of Melbourne’s submission to the Minister for Planning in response to Planning Scheme Amendment Hospital Heliport Flight Path Protection at Attachment 3. Attachments: 1. Supporting Attachment 2. Amendment documentation 3. Submission to Hospital Heliport Flight Path Protection Amendment 1 Page 2 of 31 Attachment 1 Agenda item 6.7 Future Melbourne Committee 10 November 2015 Supporting Attachment Legal 1. Part 3 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 sets out the procedure for planning scheme amendments. Finance 2. There are no direct costs associated with the City of Melbourne submission to Hospital Heliport Flight Path Protection Amendment. Conflict of interest 3. No member of Council staff, or other person engaged under a contract, involved in advising on or preparing this report has declared a direct or indirect interest in relation to the matter of the report. Stakeholder consultation 4. DHHS placed advertisements in major and local newspapers in the week commencing Monday 12 October. Drop-in information sessions for each hospital were held in the week commencing Monday 26 October. The community has had the opportunity to provide written submissions by 9 November and a response from Council is required by 18 November. 5. A link to the information has been provided on Council’s website and DHHS have been asked by Council officers to directly notify property owners along St Kilda Road, who are having their height restriction lowered. DHHS has stated that they will do a letterbox drop in all areas that will be affected by the Amendment. Relation to Council policy 6. The Hospital Heliport Flight Path Protection Amendment is consistent with Clause 21.10-04 Health Facilities of the Municipal Strategic Statement. Strategy 1.4 is to “Discourage uses or development near hospitals that prejudice public safety or risk reducing the efficiency or safe delivery of acute health care, trauma and emergency services (including 24 hour emergency helicopter access)”. Environmental sustainability 7. There are no environmental impacts likely to arise from the Amendment. 1 Page 3 of 31 Attachment 2 Agenda item 6.7 Future Melbourne Committee 10 November 2015 Planning and Environment Act 1987 BAW BAW PLANNING SCHEME FRANKSTON PLANNING SCHEME MELBOURNE PLANNING SCHEME MONASH PLANNING SCHEME PORT PHILLIP PLANNING SCHEME STONNINGTON PLANING SCHEME AMENDMENT GCXX EXPLANATORY REPORT Who is the planning authority? This amendment has been prepared by the Minister for Planning, who is the planning authority for this amendment. The Amendment has been made at the request of the Department of Health and Human Services. Land affected by the Amendment The Amendment applies to the following hospitals and surrounds: Page 4 of 31 Municipality: Baw Baw Hospital: Warragul Hospital Address: 41 Landsborough Road, Warragul, Victoria Description: The Amendment applies to all parcels of land within: - A 240 metre radius around the existing Warragul hospital helipad; and - A sector to the north-west, starting at 240 metres from the Warragul hospital helipad to 1130 metres from the helipad; and - A sector to the south-west, starting at 240 metres from the helipad to 1130 metres from the helipad. Map showing the land affected: The map below shows the land affected by the Amendment. Page 5 of 31 Municipality: Frankston Hospital: Frankston Hospital Address: 2 Hastings Road, Frankston, Victoria Description: The Amendment applies to all parcels of land within: - A 240 metre radius around the existing Frankston Hospital helipad; and - A corridor to the north, starting at 240 metres from the Frankston Hospital helipad to 1130 metres from the helipad; and - A corridor to the east, starting at 240 metres from the Frankston Hospital helipad to 1130 metres from the helipad; and - A corridor to the west, starting at 240 metres from the Frankston Hospital helipad to 1130 metres from the helipad. Map showing the land affected: The map below shows the land affected by the Amendment. Page 6 of 31 Municipality: Monash Hospital: Monash Medical Centre Clayton Address: 246 Clayton Road, Clayton, Victoria Description: The Amendment applies to all parcels of land within: - A 240 metre radius around the Monash Medical Centre Clayton helipad which is currently under construction; and - A corridor to the east, starting at 240 metres from the Monash Medical Centre Clayton helipad to 1130 metres from the helipad; and - A corridor to the west, starting at 240 metres from the Monash Medical Centre Clayton helipad to 1130 metres from the helipad. Map showing the land affected: The map below shows the land affected by the Amendment Page 7 of 31 Municipalities: Melbourne, Port Phillip, Stonnington Hospital: Alfred Hospital Address: 55 Commercial Road, Melbourne, Victoria Description: The Amendment applies to all parcels of land within: - A 240 metre radius around the existing Alfred Hospital helipad; and - A corridor to the north, starting at 240 metres from the Alfred Hospital helipad to 1130 metres from the helipad; and - A corridor to the east, starting at 240 metres from the Alfred Hospital helipad to 1130 metres from the helipad; and - A corridor to the west, starting at 240 metres from the Alfred Hospital helipad to 1130 metres from the helipad. Map showing the land affected: The map below shows the land affected by the Amendment. Page 8 of 31 Municipality: Melbourne Hospital: Royal Children’s Hospital Address: 50 Flemington Road, Flemington, Victoria Description: The Amendment applies to all parcels of land within: - A 240 metre radius around the existing Royal Children’s Hospital helipad; and - A corridor to the north-west, starting at 240 metres from the Royal Children’s Hospital helipad to 1130 metres from the helipad; and - A corridor to the south-east, starting at 240 metres from the Royal Children’s Hospital helipad to 1130 metres from the helipad; and - A corridor to the east, starting at 240 metres from the Royal Children’s Hospital helipad to 1130 metres from the helipad; and - A corridor to the west, starting at 240 metres from the Royal Children’s Hospital helipad to 1130 metres from the helipad. Map showing the land affected: The map below shows the land affected by the Amendment. Page 9 of 31 Municipality: Melbourne Hospital: Royal Melbourne Hospital Address: 300 Grattan Street, Parkville, Victoria Description: The Amendment applies to all parcels of land within: - A 240 metre radius around the existing Royal Melbourne Hospital helipad; and - A corridor to the east, starting at 240 metres from the Royal Melbourne Hospital helipad to 1130 metres from the helipad; and - A corridor to the west, starting at 240 metres from the Royal Melbourne Hospital helipad to 1130 metres from the helipad. Map showing the land affected: The map below shows the land affected by the Amendment. What the amendment does The Amendment: x Applies the Design and Development Overlay to the flight paths of Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) helipads at public hospitals to protect operational airspace of helicopters.
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