In this issue

Win 2 tickets to see The Selector and Beat Glow in the Park Fundraising at its brightest Win £25 in our Prize Crossword

Bringing Local Business to Local People in Alconbury, Grafham, Kimbolton, The Stukeleys and all surrounding areas every month Your FREEcopy 2 Please mention The Villager and Town Life when responding to adverts The Issue 66 - September 2017 VILLAGER and Town Life LOCAL NEWS • LOCAL PEOPLE • LOCAL SERVICES • LOCAL CHARITIES • LOCAL PRODUCTS

In this issue

Win 2 tickets to see The Selector and Beat Glow in the Park Fundraising at its brightest Win £25 in our Prize Crossword

Bringing Local Business to Local People in Alconbury, Grafham, Kimbolton, The Stukeleys and all surrounding areas every month Your Contents FREEcopy

Glow in the Park, Peterborough...... 28 Man’s Best Friend Animal Queries...... 31 4 Nick Coffer’s Weekend Recipe...... 32 Magpas Air Ambulance - Lifesaving Care...... 34 Puzzle Page...... 36 What’s On...... 38 Fun ...... 41 Prize Crossword...... 42 Help a family make precious memories - EACH...... 44 Win 2 tickets to see The Selector and Beat...... 46 Book Review...... 47 Man’s Best Friend...... 4 Patagonia Lake District...... 8 Glow in the Park - Peterborough Wine and Olive Oil: My Italian Passions...... 10 Win tickets to see The Story of Beatrix Potter...... 12 Macmillan’s Biggest Coffee Morning...... 14 28 How to Effortlessly Wear Red...... 17 Rent Solutions Service...... 18 Divorce Myths Dispelled...... 2 Children...... 24 World Records...... 25 Beautiful Blackberries...... 26

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Editorial - Catherine Rose, Solange Hando, Trevor Langley, Publishers Jennie Billings, Abby Smith, Byatt, Tony Larkins, Villager Publications Ltd Rachael Leverton, RSPCA and Nick Coffer and Kate Duggan 24 Market Square, Potton, SG19 2NP Tel: 01767 261122 Advertising Sales/Local Editorial [email protected] Nigel Frost - 01767 261122 [email protected]

Photography Disclaimer - All adverts and editorial are printed in good faith, Volodymyr Nikulin and Darren Harbar Photography however, Villager Publications Ltd can not take any responsibility for the content of the adverts, the services provided by the advertisers or any Design and Artwork - Design 9 Tel 07762 969460 statements given in the editorial. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored without the express permission of the publisher. Advert Booking and Artwork Deadline: Tuesday 12th September for the OCTOBER edition To advertise in The Villager and Town Life please call 01767 261122 3 History

By Catherine Rose

Man’sThe domestic dog (canis familiaris) has beenBest Friend around for almost 20 thousand years. Despite resting on the dog’s flank and demonstrating the much speculation, modern research has bond in life between the two. concluded that all dogs are descended from the Like man, wolves are sociable pack animals who grey wolf (canis lupus), although it is difficult to accept the authority of a group leader. This made see what some of today’s diverse breeds have in them readily adaptable to human leadership, with them. being naturally loyal and able to obey the rules In the 1960s, ethologist John Scott studied and of their pack. Scientists believe that our hunter- compared the behaviour of wolves and dogs. gatherer forefathers took grey wolf puppies from He concluded that the latter exhibited 71 out the wild, taming and interbreeding them to have of a total of 90 similar lupine behaviours, laying traits according to the needs of their owners – to rest questions about the origin of one of our from being hunting companions to helping herd favourite pets. livestock. Today’s domestic dog is the most varied mammal This selective breeding meant that some dogs on earth in terms of shape, size and behaviour. developed an acute sense of smell, hearing The oldest dog remains have been uncovered at or vision, while others developed speed and a Palaeolithic site close to the Ukraine. They date stamina, or guarding, hunting and retrieving back 19 thousand years, the skulls resembling skills. These traits evolved over thousands of those of modern Siberian huskies. Another years to produce diverse canine types that were Palaeolithic tomb excavated in Israel contained then bred within those types to evolve into the the skeletons of a man and his dog who had domestic dog breeds we have today. been buried together, the man’s hand touchingly We know from murals that dogs were kept by the

4 Please mention The Villager and Town Life when responding to adverts To advertise in The Villager and Town Life please call 01767 261122 5 ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. Chinese selection, pedigree breeding has resulted in emperors lavished so much care on their canine genetic weaknesses within certain dog types. companions that they were even said to have Tail docking – a practice begun to prevent injury their own servants. and prevalent during the Georgian era following In Europe, owning a dog gained popularity from a tax on working dogs – also became a desirable the 13th century onwards, and during the Middle aesthetic trait for specific breeds. In more recent Ages it became a status symbol. Dogs were years, docking has attracted controversy and, referred to as ‘hounds’ (from the Old English word although still practised, is now often considered ‘hund’). Selective breeding increased during this unnecessary. era but the term ‘hound’ went on to become a Another topic that has also caused global specific canine type with long ears and an acute controversy in recent years is the traditional sense of smell. ‘Dog’ subsequently came into Asian custom of eating dog meat, often killed common use to refer to them all. inhumanely, which seems horrific to the many Across the globe, selective breeding according people who see dogs as companions, pets and to environment and need continued to produce helpers. distinct differences in dogs’ appearance, and Different dog breeds differ widely in their life breeds with recognisable traits emerged. For spans. Larger dogs tend to be shorter lived: example, some dogs were bred to have a longer Great Danes, for example, typically only survive snout or ears, others to have lighter coloured or eight years. The breed with the shortest lifespan longer fur. Today, there are two types of dog coat: - around five years - is said to be the Dogue de the double, originating from wolves and more Bordeaux, while the longest-lived breeds are suited to colder climates, comprising both coarse Toy Poodles and Border terriers, both of which ‘guard’ hair and a softer downy fur (such as that can survive for up to 15 years. According to the in golden retrievers for example), and the single Guinness Book of World Records, the oldest dog which consists only of a topcoat. was a mongrel named Pusuke, who was almost Dogs were still largely kept for purpose rather 27 years old when he ‘crossed over the rainbow than pleasure until the mid-19th century, when bridge’. the Victorians made family pet-owning a sought- Our long relationship with dogs runs deep into after social practice. With it came organised the backwaters of human history and will no dog shows and the birth of the Kennel Club doubt continue to do so. With the right training, in 1873 to differentiate between and regulate dogs have consistently proved themselves ‘pure’ or pedigree breeds. Dogs outside of these to be intelligent, loyal, affectionate and often specialisations came to be known as mixed breed invaluable companions, rightfully earning or mongrels. The first Crufts was held in 1891. themselves a place within our homes as a much- Unfortunately, with its move away from natural loved member of the family.

6 Please mention The Villager and Town Life when responding to adverts To advertise in The Villager and Town Life please call 01767 261122 7 Travel Patagonia Lake District In the southernmost reaches of the American Bariloche in Argentina, taking in a string of lakes. continent, Patagonia is divided between two Most visitors overnight in Peulla, a magical sort of countries. To the west Chile owns a mere 25%, while place by a tiny remote lake, before facing every type Argentina to the east claims the remainder. Between of weather the Andes can conjure up in 48 hours. them rise the Andes, but in the ancient land of the At 893 metres, on the shores of Lake Nahuel Huapi, ‘big feet’, so called by early explorers, the beautiful San Carlos de Bariloche owes its name to ‘the people Patagonian lakes have no borders. behind the mountains’, hidden for centuries from A thousand kilometres south of Santiago de missionaries and conquistadors. Today visitors Chile, Puerto Varas sits on the bank of Llanquihue, come from afar to ski on Cerro Catedral’s slopes, meaning ‘blue water’ in the local Mapuche language. trek in the forests of the National Park or sunbathe Protected from the Pacific by a mere strip of land, it on the beach. Swimming in the glacial waters is is the most popular and second largest lake in Chile. not recommended. The lake is up to 157 metres It opens out like a fan, looking across to mighty deep, measures 357km around, has seven branches volcanoes where snowy tops barely disguise the connecting it to other lakes and its own monster, danger. At over 2,600 metres, Osorno has been Nahuelito, discovered in the early 1900s but long dormant for almost 150 years but its neighbour known to aborigines. It is rich in trout and salmon, Cabulco erupted in 2015 with hardly any warning attracts kelp gulls and blue-eyed cormorants and is at all. Yet on the southern shore, the pretty resort the source of the Limay river. Wooden chalets and of Puerto Varas is as relaxed as ever, sprinkled with stylish villas doze on the shore while downtown, alpine chalets, manicured lawns and flower gardens, myriad chocolate shops beckon along the high hence the name ‘City of Roses’. From the cuisine to street where brightly-clad women shelter under the architecture, there is much German influence the arcades, knitting ponchos and woolly hats. The around, reflecting the ‘selective immigration’ of the church boasts over 45 stained glass windows and 19th century designed to boost development. Below on the quaint clock tower, traditional Patagonian the lush meadows where the red-topped church figures come out twice a day to strike the hours. But spires rise, dark sands glisten along the lakeside when the sun is shining, the unmissable attraction promenade and after dark, garlands of lights twinkle is the 360° panorama from Cerro Otto, at 1,405 around the bay. Here you can kayak, trek, ski in metres. A cable car glides silently to the summit’s winter or explore the Perez Rosales National Park, breathtaking view, stretching from the toy-like town home to the Petrohué waterfalls, exotic birds and below to the vast expanse of Nahuel Huapi, the over 100 species of trees. islands, the neighbouring lakes and the rugged hills Puerto Varas is the departure point for the scenic and mountains all around. It’s cold and windy on the boat-bus crossing of the Andes to San Carlos de top but the revolving restaurant welcomes you with hot food and drinks at reasonable prices and the most stunning views of Patagonia’s Lake District.

By Solange Hando

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To advertiseThe Great in The Villager North and Road, Town Life A1 please South, call 01767 Little 261122 Paxton, Cambs PE19 6EN 9 kitchen-magician-a5-advert-Mar17.indd 1 24/03/2017 17:14 Food and Drink Wine and Olive Oil: My Italian Passions Italy is famous for producing many high-quality products, including cars and designer fashions. Numerous visitors return to Italy, constantly, to take pleasures in the beautiful coastal areas, the landscapes and to discover more about the country’s history and cultures. The cuisine and the wines Italy produces are very impressive, too. Many wine producers also have olive groves and Italian olive oils are excellent.

In the area of Umbria I located I Girasoli di Sant’ Andrea. The Gritti family has a lot of ancestral history in Venice. Andrea Gritti was the Doge of Venice between 1523 and 1538. Through the generations their family’s excellence has been proudly recognised. This excellence and recognition continues today, with Carlo and Ursula Gritti. The Gritti family has commitment to quality and their productions, including elegant wines and superb olive oils, justifiably impress many. Trian (IGT) Umbria White Wine entices with a bright pale-yellow colour and has an excellent bouquet. A splendid mouthfeel and long palate sensation follow. This wine pairs very well indeed with fish dishes and risotto. I Girasoli di Sant’ Andrea (IGT) Umbria Red Wine utilises Sangiovese, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon grapes, for another impressive production. This ruby-red wine has plenty of dark fruits for the tastebuds and is pleasantly smooth. A great accompaniment to red meats. Il Principe (IGT) Umbria Red Wine is a further powerful, very popular, production. Malvasia Nera grapes are used, to great advantage, for this wine. Again, splendid to pair with red meats and game, etc. Rhea (IGT) Umbria Passito is a real ‘humdinger’. This concentrated sweet dessert wine has a wonderful dark-yellow colour. The bouquet is intense and leads a desire for the really grand mouthfeel that follows. Produced in limited quantities, this wine will age, extremely well. These wines are a selection from their very impressive range. Olive groves were planted on the estate in 2000, on high, south-facing hills. From 2004 the olive trees have been producing most splendid and much appreciated high- quality extra virgin olive oil. Quickly recognised for its superb properties and taste, the company’s olive oil production has gained a lot of well-deserved recognition.

As always, Enjoy! Trevor Langley 10 Please mention The Villager and Town Life when responding to adverts ®

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To advertise in The Villager and Town Life please call 01767 261122 11 The Stories of Beatrix Potter & Friends the ballet Enter the magical world of Beatrix Potter as we tell her iconic stories through classical ballet. Performed by some of the region’s most talented young dancers, audiences of all ages are sure to be enchanted by this wonderful retelling of Potter’s tales, which features all your favourite characters. Come and see what Peter Rabbit is getting up to and what Mr Tod has planned for Jemima Puddle- duck. And where is that naughty Squirrel Nutkin? Choreographed especially for CYBC by artistic director and Royal Ballet trained Saskia Lockey, this family friendly ballet will also feature a Gala performance from the Company’s dancers performing work from various choreographers. SUNDAY 29TH OCTOBER 1:30pm & 6pm Hinchingbrooke Performing Arts Centre, Huntingdon, PE29 3BN BOX OFFICE Tickets: £15 (£12.50 under 16s) 01480 223331

To enter our competition to win two tickets to see The Stories of Beatrix Potter and Friends - The Ballet on Sunday 29th October 2017, simply answer the question and complete the form below. Send your entry to: CYBC Competition, Villager Publications Ltd, 24 Market Square, Potton, Beds SG19 2NP The winner will be randomly selected from all correct entries. Deadline: 16th September 2017

CYBC COMPETITION ENTRY To win 2 free tickets to see The Stories of Beatrix Potter on Sunday 29th October answer the following question...  What is the name of Beatrix Potter’s famous frog character who lives in a house at the edge of a pond? Answer: Name: Tel: Address: Email:

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To advertiseAdorn Jewellery in The HP advert.inddVillager and 1 Town Life please call 01767 261122 14/07/2017 11:0313 Local News Save the Date: Macmillan’s World’s Biggest Coffee Morning What: Macmillan Cancer Support’s colleagues over coffee and cake. You can register World’s Biggest Coffee Morning now for your free fundraising pack via the website When: Friday 29 September 2017 - - or find a Coffee Where: Homes, workplaces, communities Morning near you that you can get involved in. and schools across the country M&S will once again be the official partner and Macmillan Cancer Support’s much-loved World’s throughout September customers will be able to Biggest Coffee Morning will be returning to homes, pick up a selection of limited edition home ware workplaces, communities and schools across the products in store, with 10 per cent of each sale country - for its 27th year - on Friday 29 going to Macmillan. M&S will also be September 2017. donating 10 per cent from sales of Having raised a total of £29.5 million in classic cakes, as well as a vast selection 2016, this year’s event aims to raise even of biscuits, cupcakes and cookie mixes. more vital money for people affected by The first official World’s Biggest Coffee cancer, so put the kettle on and listen Morning took place in 1991. It has up! This is the year that the total raised since become the biggest fundraising by Coffee Morning since it began will event of its kind, raising more than pass the £200 million mark, so we really £194million for people affected by do need everyone’s help. cancer over the past 26 years. It couldn’t be more simple to get Join in the conversation on social involved - all you need to do is get media using @Macmillancoffee and together with family, friends or #coffeemorning A GREAT DAY STARTS WITH US!

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14 Please mention The Villager and Town Life when responding to adverts At Oakleigh Residential Home we take great pride 01480 890248 in maintaining the highest standards of care for our [email protected] residents. Our home is set out in large gardens 22 North Road, Alconbury with easy access, 24 bright and comfortable, Weston, Huntingdon, PE28 4JR. single-occupancy rooms and in-house cooks who create appetising and varied menu’s.

We provide 24 hour care and can accommodate clients who require dementia care. ESTABLISHED AND TRUSTED SINCE 1988

To advertiseakeigh eidentia in The Villagerhaf page.indd and Town1 Life please call 01767 261122 05/12/201 11:0315 16 Please mention The Villager and Town Life when responding to adverts House of Colour

How to Effortlessly As THE colour to wear this coming autumn/ winter, red has been all over the catwalks and is making its own grand entrance in the high street shops, but does everyone suit red? Jennie Billings Colour and Style Consultant explains who can wear what red. Wear Red 1. Primary true red is the only colour that suits everyone. 2. When looking at the whole range of red on offer, if you find the correct tones for your natural colouring it will work wonders for you. You can compare tones of red by holding them against your face to see which ones lift you and which drain you. The most effective way to know which shades of red truly suit you, is to professionally have your colours analysed. 3. Even within a season palette different people have distinct wow colours, but summer palettes cut a dash in cherry and coral red, autumns glow in rust or brick reds, winters shine in scarlet and carmine, and springs look gorgeous in geranium and poppy red.

4. Some people find wearing red too overwhelming to wear as a block colour, so using it as an accent of colour in a scarf, jewellery, or as a lipstick is often beautifully effective. 5. Teaming red with a neutral from your season’s palette such as grey, navy, black, cream, beige, tan or white looks effortlessly stylish, but remember you need the right red with the right neutrals that suit you! 6. If you are wanting to create a high impact exciting look try a block red dress or red jeans for casual, or red sunglasses! 7. Fashionistas will know everyone needs a red handbag and will be able to effortlessly team red with some of their other wow colours. Every wardrobe should contain at least one pair of red shoes everything from the stiletto to the Birkenstock depending on your style 8. Lipstick is the most important item of make-up and a slick of red lipstick puts you firmly on-trend. Wearing the right red lipstick works for those wanting a look with impact or high visibility look and will make you look vibrant and fresh. Find the right lipstick for your season’s palette here -

By Jennie Billings

To advertise in The Villager and Town Life please call 01767 261122 17 Local News Rent Solutions Service As part of a network of Homelessness Prevention • Debt problems leading to rent arrears Trailblazers across we have set up an • Eviction & Harassment exciting new and Free Rent Solution Service • Landlord Responsibilities covering & Peterborough City. The • Tenant Responsibilities partnership and this new service cover the Council • Property Repairs/Maintenance areas below. • Environmental Health/Housing Enforcement We are here to offer specialist help and advice to • Referral’s to appropriate Tenancy Support agents, landlords and tenants to help maintain Services tenancies and try to help resolve tenancy If you are experiencing any problems with your problems that may otherwise lead to evictions. If tenancy please contact our Landlord/Rent we are not able to help directly then we may know Solutions Officers on 01480 388444 or of other services that we can refer to. for The type of help available could include problems help and advice ASAP. with: We will endeavour to find a way to resolve an • Housing Benefit claims including applications issue and can discuss various options that may be for Discretionary Housing Payments available to you.

18 Please mention The Villager and Town Life when responding to adverts To advertise in The Villager and Town Life please call 01767 261122 19 Excellence through C Experience COPLEYS Solicitors


Call our approachable team to discuss your issue. Our offices are located in the centre of Huntingdon and St. Ives to make your visit as easy as possible.

HUNTINGDON OFFICE: 28 High Street • Huntingdon • Cambs PE29 3TH t: 01480 456191 email: [email protected] ST. IVES OFFICE: Red House • 10 Market Hill • St Ives • Cambs PE27 5AW t: 01480 464515 email: [email protected]

20 Please mention The Villager and Town Life when responding to adverts To advertise in The Villager and Town Life please call 01767 261122 21 Family Law Divorce Myths Dispelled By family lawyer Abby Smith of Woolley & Co, Solicitors “I will lose the rights over my family home if I move Divorce is now so commonplace in modern society out” No, you will not be penalized if you chose to that many people believe it to be simple and move out of the family home. Lots of people assume uncomplicated, but in reality matrimonial law is not that they will give up any legal rights to the property always easy to understand which has caused many or equity in the property by moving out but that is popular misconceptions and myths. Whilst you might simply not the case. think these myths are harmless and misunderstandings “I can keep any money, property or business that’s in have no consequence, that isn’t always the case. my sole name” Sorry, not true. Even if you have been 10 common divorce misunderstandings careful with money during the marriage, building up and myths savings in your sole name, keeping all money separate “We can get a quickie divorce” This phrase seems from your spouse, by virtue of marriage all assets to be used whenever a celebrity couple are getting become joint assets, regardless of whose name they divorced. BUT - there is no such thing as a “quickie are held and claims for a share of those savings can divorce”, for celebrities or anyone else. In reality be made by your spouse within divorce and financial proceedings for divorce usually take around 6 months proceedings. once the petition has been issued at court. “Children always live with their mother after divorce” The “common law spouse” That is not the automatic position. However, in most King George II abolished the doctrine of common marriages or relationships the mother tends to be the law wives in 1753. Therefore, however long you may children’s main carer and there is an assumption that live with your partner you will not gain any status as this arrangement will continue post-separation. If both their spouse, and have not been able to do so for over parents have had an equal role in looking after the 260 years. The law relating to cohabitants is complex children on a day to day basis, then no presumption and very different to the law that relates to division of would exist in favour of the mother. assets for spouses upon divorce, so don’t think when “Lawyers want to get you into court” you split from a long term partner you’ll have the same This is not generally the case. Family lawyers, like rights as a divorcing friend. all those at Woolley & Co, who are members of “It’s not adultery if we’re separated” Resolution, sign up to a code of conduct that ensures Actually, it is. If you are still married and have sexual a non-confrontational approach is taken wherever intercourse with a person of the opposite sex whether possible. Whilst there are cases where court may you are separated from your spouse or not, it is be the best, or the only option, many cases can be adultery in the eyes of the law although if you are no resolved through mediation, arbitration, negotiations longer living together you may not be able to rely on or a collaborative approach. this fact as a ground for a divorce. “You need a solicitor to get divorced” “You have to obtain your spouse’s agreement to Not always. You can represent yourself, and we proceed with a divorce” This is not true. are seeing more people doing this. Whether it is “We want to divorce based on irreconcilable wise for you to do so is another matter. If you have differences” It is common for people to want to any questions about representation or the divorce divorce on the basis of their irreconcilable differences. procedure, do get in touch. It is possible to do this in other countries where Abby Smith of Woolley & Co is an experienced family no-fault divorces are available, but not currently in lawyer and will work hard to assist clients to find an England and Wales. amicable solution wherever possible. “Fault affects the financial settlement” For advice on any family law issue contact Apart from in extreme cases, the reasons for the Abby Smith for a FREE initial telephone relationship ending are usually irrelevant when consultation. Call 01480 270499 or email deciding what share of the family assets each [email protected] spouse receives. The court is not usually interested in punishing the person allegedly at fault or having Call now: Abby Smith caused the marriage to breakdown; instead it is concerned with finding a fair solution that meets the 01480 270499 or 07948 533610 family’s needs. [email protected] 22 Please mention The Villager and Town Life when responding to adverts To advertise in The Villager and Town Life please call 01767 261122 23 24 Please mention The Villager and Town Life when responding to adverts To advertise in The Villager and Town Life please call 01767 261122 25 Garden View Beautiful Blackberries

By Rachael Leverton

Autumn’s scent is sweet and sour. There is a with horizontal strands of galvanised wire spaced definite tang in the air which indicates that about 45cm / 18 inches apart will do. You can also summer is drawing to a close. Don’t be sad grow them over sheds and walls. though, autumn has its compensations, especially Plant the blackberry plant in manure, or compost- at harvest time: picking early apples, cold from enriched soil at the base of the frame and the tree and dappled with dampness is one of gradually train the plant up it, tying in the shoots life’s little pleasures. But if you don’t grow fruit in as they grow. It will spread to cover the frame and your own plot you don’t have to miss out, just look provide an annual crop. Remember to cut out to the hedgerows. As kids we used to dig out an old fruited stems each autumn and tie in the new empty ice cream tub and go blackberrying in the ones. autumn. It seems to have died-out a bit as a family If space is limited there are some lovely new pastime but that means there’s more for the rest compact varieties available. of us! Don’t worry about breaking any laws. If the There are plenty of thornless, highly flavoured fruit is growing in the wild it is anyone’s for the varieties. Cross produces a heavy crop of taking. intensely flavoured fruit and Merton is a compact But why stop at wild blackberries. How about thornless which produces enormous blackberries growing your own? It’s very simple. My dad used and is very suited to a small space. to grow them over two discarded wrought-iron I encourage you to plant a blackberry bush this gates he found in a skip! You don’t need anything year and in the future you will enjoy one of the quite that elaborate. Rig up a simple post and purest pleasures autumn can offer. wire frame. Two 2m / 6 foot posts knocked into the ground 2m / 6 foot apart and joined together Happy Gardening 26 Please mention The Villager and Town Life when responding to adverts To advertise in The Villager and Town Life please call 01767 261122 27 Local News Colourfence Call for a speedy and obligation free quote from Colourfence on Fundraising at its brightest! 01223 311160

Dance, walk, jog or run to help save lives in East Electrifying light shows and energising beats, will Anglia. Join East Anglian Air Ambulance (EAAA) at carry you around the dark course with 6 glow Glow In The Park this October. zones to discover, including; the Foam Zone, UV This ultimate night-time neon 5km fun event, Paint Blast Zone, Florescent Park, Retro Zone and suitable for families and friends, takes place in Time Tunnel – the perfect opportunity to get Peterborough Arena, Showground grooving. on the 21 October 2017 – a glimmering challenge, Whether you’re a keen athlete, novice runner or a not to be missed! group of friends or a family with children, Glow In EAAA is a charity which provides a helicopter The Park is the perfect event for you, everyone is emergency medical service for the people of welcome to sign up! East Anglia. Since their launch in 2000, they have This superb event is great fun and affordable, with attended over 21,000 lifesaving missions, touching several early bird offers available, don’t miss the the lives of many thousands of people. EAAA relies super saver early bird offer from 1 June - 5 August solely on the generosity of their supporters to (individual / group entry) at just £18.50 per person run their lifesaving service and hosts a number and £16.50 per group member! To help keep EAAA of events throughout the year to support their in operation, fundraising through sponsorship Stylish, low maintenance, durable, strong and fundraising efforts. alongside your challenge is encouraged – you will This year, EAAA will host for the first time, the receive lots of help and support from your local available in a range of colours and heights. vibrant, unique - Glow In The Park! A perfect fundraising office and have a blast along the way. combination of a work-out and a night-out. Please visit

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30Bradgate 1/2 page 2/17.indd 1 Please mention The Villager and Town Life when responding13/01/2017 to adverts 15:14 Pets Animal Queries

Dear RSPCA vet, My 2-year-old rabbit, Roger, is starting to get quite overweight. I haven’t changed the amount of rabbit muesli I give him. Could you give me some suggestions about how to keep him healthy please? Mr T Smith, Queens Park, Gradually introduce nuggets by mixing it in with his muesli – increasing the proportion ratios until Dear Mr Smith, you have replaced the mix completely. The first thing you need to do is take Roger along In fact, 85-90% of Roger’s diet should be made up to your local vet – just to make sure there is no of hay and grass – that’s roughly as much hay as underlying health problem which has caused his the size of his body each day! Hay is high in fibre weight gain. If Roger is found to be in good health, which maintains the healthy balance of the gut. I would suggest that you look at his diet and It will also wear down his teeth when chewing, to lifestyle. Bunnies have the same diet and exercise prevent them becoming overgrown. Rabbits’ teeth rules as us humans! grow approximately 3mm every week – so can It is common for people to think rabbits need become a problem if they are not continuously to be fed muesli, but in fact this is no good for worn down. our bunnies. Rabbits fed on muesli-style foods Finally, exercise. Did you know that a wild rabbit’s will often pick out their favourite bits – typically territory is equivalent to around 30 tennis courts? the high starch elements – which leads to an Most owners underestimate how much space and unbalanced diet. Health problems caused by exercise their pet rabbit needs. Roger needs to be eating muesli are: able to exercise and play to keep healthy. Have a • reduced gut function look on the RSPCA’s website for top tips on how to • overgrown teeth enrich Roger’s environment and keep him a happy • lower hay intake and healthy bunny! • lower water intake • weight gain ANIMAL QUERIES is one of a series of articles brought to I would suggest gradually changing Roger’s muesli you by the RSPCA Bedfordshire North branch over to nugget-based food (along with this daily intake of hay and veggies) over a 14-28 day period. To advertise in The Villager and Town Life please call 01767 261122 31 Three Counties Radio

Chickpea fattet, iced salad, cumin and fennel seed yoghurt

We’ve had a run of desserts in this series of recipes so it is time to redress the balance with this brilliant vegetarian dish. A fattet is a Lebanese spiced stew, made up of complex sweet flavours and spices. It’s a really wonderful dish, which will satisfy vegetarians and meat eaters alike. This version was created by Alfie Smith, a very talented young head chef at the Rump & Wade in Stevenage. He finishes off the stew with a very contrasting crispy iced salad. This dish may look like a winter warmer but it is surprisingly refreshing and satisfying even in the hotter months. Serves 2-3

Ingredients 400g chickpeas in water, drained & washed Iced Salad 1 spanish onion, finely chopped 1 khol-rabi, thinly sliced 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped 1 red pepper, thinly sliced 5g Fresh mint, finely sliced ½ small white cabbage, thinly sliced 1 cinnamon stick 5g corriander ½ tsp chilli flakes ½ tsp ground mixed spice Cumin yoghurt 1tbsp pomegranate molasses 100g Greek yoghurt 1 tin of chopped tomatoes 15g ground cumin 1 vegetable stock cube 1 lemon juiced 200ml water 5g fennel seeds 10ml vegetable oil

Take a medium heavy based sauce pan and place (you want about 1/3 ice to 2/3 water). it on a medium heat. Put the cinnamon stick, chili Pick the leaves from the coriander and add them to flakes and mixed spice into the pan. the ice water Dry roast the spices on the medium heat for 2-3 Leave for 5-10minutes to crisp up in the iced water. minutes. In a dry frying pan roast off the cumin for 2-3minutes Add 10ml of vegetable oil, onions and garlic. Sweat take off the heat and squeeze the juice of one for 3-4 minutes until softened. lemon. Add cumin and lemon paste to the yoghurt Now add the chickpeas, chopped tomato, stock and the fennel. cube, pomegranate molasses and water. Leave to Serve the fattet with the iced vegetables and the simmer down for 40-45minutes stirring frequently. yoghurt. Take thinly sliced, kohlrabi, cabbage and red You can also serve it with couscous or bulgur wheat pepper and place in iced water too. Hear wonderful recipes on Nick Coffer’s Weekend Kitchen every Sunday morning on BBC Three Counties radio at 11am. You can also join Nick every weekday afternoon at midday for brilliant local guests with great stories to tell and all the music you want for your early afternoon.

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Live life on the veg

Call your local veg ladies Mandy and Mel on 01780 435116


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To advertise in The Villager and Town Life please call 01767 261122 37 Deadline for What’s On entries is the 12th of the previous month. What’s on entries to [email protected] What’s OnIn September 2 September 4, 11, 18 & 25 September 6 September Art & Craft Fair Godmanchester Senior Citizens Club Godmanchester Senior Citizens Club 9.30am-4pm Free Church Hall, St Ives 1.30pm Afternoon Bingo Coffee Morning & Raffle Quality handmade art and craft stalls and tombola. 6.30pm Whist Drive 10am-12 noon Godmanchester Town Hall Godmanchester Town Hall Monthly coffee morning and raffle. Annual 2 September £1 for Whist drive inc. tea & biscuits membership fee is £10. Stourbridge Medieval Fair The club has a lively atmosphere and a wide range Tel: Geoff 01480 434697 or 07515 881209 12-4.30pm The Leper Chapel, Cambridge of activities. Members also meet on a Saturday Step back in time for a merry medieval afternoon morning for games, chat, tea and biscuits for 50p. 6 September at the historic Leper Chapel. Dating back to 1199, Tel: Geoff 01480 434697 or 07515 881209 Black Cat WI the Stourbridge Fair was once the largest medieval 7.30pm Village Hall fair in Europe. Today visitors can browse stalls 4, 11, 18 & 25 September The group meets on the first Wednesday of each selling produce typical of the time, view historical Wandlebury Adventurers Club 6-8pm month. Tel: Susie Woodman 01234 376098 re-enactments, and wander among pedlars and Wandlebury Country Park, Cambridge, CB22 3AE alchemists. This is a free, family event. Please park in £10 per session, £50 whole course 6 September nearby streets or come by bus or on foot. A great opportunity for children to learn and Little Paxton Gardening Club Tel: 01223 243830 extension 207 practice new skills, make friends and develop 8pm Village Hall Email [email protected] teamwork, gain confidence and take responsibility John Shone and Martin Keeley from Rutland Willow Web: for themselves, the group and the environment. will talk about willow and its garden uses. For ages 8-12. Booking essential – places limited. 2 September Children to be brought/collected from Stable Rooms. 7 September Village Show at 2pm No need for adults to stay. Tel: 01223 243830 Las Acacias Many exhibits and various stalls from local and Email: [email protected], Doors open 7.30pm, film starts 8pm national charities, WI teas, and a children’s Web: Corn Exchange, The Pavement, St Ives entertainer. Tel: 01234 378878 Tickets £5 96mins. 12A. 4, 11, 18 & 25 September Rubén is a lonely truck driver who has been covering 3 September Comrades Chess Club the motorway from Asunción del Paraguay to Craft & Gift Fair Comrades Club, Godmanchester 7.30pm Comrades Club, Godmanchester Buenos Aires, carrying wood, for years. However, Browse a wide selection of unique handmade crafts Keep your mind active and play chess. Over 18s only. today’s journey will be different - he reluctantly has and gifts not found in the High Street. Every Monday except Bank Holidays. to take Jacinta and her 8 month old child on the Tel: 01536 675000 for stallholder enquiries journey. Book at Email: [email protected] 5 September St Neots Folk Club 7, 14, 21 & 28 September Until 3 September 8-10.30pm The Priory Centre Life Drawing Classes 2-4pm Summer Trail Members £8, Non-members £10 Queen Elizabeth School Hall, Godmanchester Trail sheets available 10am-2.30pm Guests Pilgrims’ Way are off the wall, colourful and Every Thursday. Web: Ferry Meadows Country Park energetic. The prospect of an early night is slim. Collect a trail sheet on the theme of rabbits from the 9 & 10 September Visitor Centre and then hunt for clues as you walk 5, 12, 19 & 26 September National Heritage Open Days around Ferry Meadows. Return to the Visitor Centre Roxton Bridge Circle Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 1-6pm to claim your prize. No need to book. 7.15-10pm Roxton Parish Hall St Peter’s Church, Offord Darcy Tel: Nene Park Trust 01733 234193 Small friendly group playing Bridge every Tuesday Members of the Friends of St Peter’s Church will be Email: [email protected] evening. Tel: Phyllis 01480 374327 pleased to show all visitors the main features and Email: [email protected] all the research. St Peter’s church with its Norman 4, 7, 11, 14, 18, 21, 25 & 28 September arches to the north aisle dating from around 1130, St Neots Badminton Club 5, 12 & 19 September shows the four styles of English church architecture. 8-10pm One Leisure, St Neots Hunts Phil Choir New Season: September Open There is much to see in here, including a mystery Play badminton to a good standard and interested in Evenings 7.45-9.45pm stone effigy, memorial brasses, a family alabaster joining a club? Web: Godmanchester Community Academy monument, carved corbel faces and a possibly Email: [email protected] Do you love singing? Then why not come along and unique Glasby stained glass window with join Hunts Phil Choir for three free open evenings at memorial plaques below which together form the 4, 11, 18 & 25 September the start of their new season. Next concert will be Offord D’Arcy war memorial. The church became Scottish Country Dancing Handel: Messiah on 21 October at St Mary’s Church, redundant in 1978 and was vested in the Churches 8-10pm Judith’s Field, Godmanchester Godmanchester. Tel: 01487 813330 Conservation Trust. The church can be easily spotted Tel: Mrs Pat Crowe 01480 453774 Email: [email protected] from quite a distance - just look for the tall church Email: [email protected] Web: spire that dominates the sky line. 3838 Please mentionPlease mentionPlease The mentionVillager The Villager The and Villager andTown Town and Life Town Life when Life when when responding responding responding to to to adverts adverts adverts This is a small selection of the What’s On for the full listing please go to our website What’s OnIn September 10 September 14 September 20 September Bridge the Gap From 9.30am St Neots Local History Society 7.30pm Gamlingay Environmental Action Group £18 in advance, £20 on the day Eatons Community Centre, Eaton Ford 8pm Kier Suite, Eco Hub, Stocks Lane, Gamlingay Bridge the Gap 2017 is a fantastic family day out to Members £5, Visitors £7.50 Chris Barker will summarise opinions expressed in get an insight of our impressive city. The Society of Oliver Cromwell - A talk by Professor Simon last year’s survey on how development in Gamlingay Cambridge Tourist Guides will also be on hand to Thurley (former Chief Executive English Heritage). should be shaped to benefit the environment. talk about the history of the colleges and grounds. Revolutionary State? Royal Palaces in Cromwell’s Web: A fundraising event for Arthur Rank Hospice and England. Tickets available at St Neots Museum. Romsey Mill. Web: 21 September 16 September Family Carers Day 10am-4pm 10 September Have a Field Day 2-4pm St Ives Corn Exchange Free admission Needle Felting Workshop QEII Playing Field, Little Paxton The event is free and includes refreshments, lunch, 10am-12.30pm & 1.30-4pm Come along to an afternoon of ‘free’ taster sport activities and workshops designed to improve Ferry Meadows Country Park activities on the QEII Playing Field. Netball on the wellbeing and to give family carers a bit of a well- £25 per session MUGA, petanque, football, walking football, cricket, deserved treat! Please book. Tel: 01480 499090 Join Artisan felter Eve Marshall on this needle felting DM Fitness- Bootcamp and outdoor gym equipment. Web: workshop to make woodland animals. Meet at Tel: Mrs J Gellatly Parish Clerk 01480 470193 family-carers-day Discovery Den. Booking essential. Tel: 01733 234193 Web: 16 September 22 September Alconbury and District Show Free English Lessons 9.30am 10 September Doors open 2.15pm Chesterton Community College Bourn Mill Open Day and Teas Fruit, vegetables, flowers, home produce, children’s Contact Sarah Adams to book your free place. 2-4pm Bourne Mill, CB23 2SU section, handicrafts, photos and scarecrow Email: [email protected] Come and see inside one of the oldest mills in the competition. Cream teas and raffle. Web: country, set in beautiful scenery near Bourn village. Volunteer guides will tell you the history of the mill. 18 September 22-23 September Teas and home-made cakes available. WEA Class: The Golden Age of Spain Cromwell Quilters Exhibition 10am-5pm Tel: 01223 243830 extension 207 2-3.30pm The Reading Room, High Street, The Free Church, Market Hill, St Ives Email: email [email protected] Hemingford Grey Course fee £49 ‘Quilts Unlimited’: an exhibition of quilts and other Web: 9 x 1.5 hour sessions from Monday 18 September. textiles by Cromwell Quilters. (Region 9). Tutor is Mike Muncaster. Tel: Betty Ball 01487 822083 12 September Tel: Course Secretary Sarah Power 01480 463825 Email: [email protected] St Ives Sugarcraft Guild 7.30-9pm Email: [email protected] Reading Room, Hemingford Grey Visitors £6 23 September Monthly meetings where you can learn, hands-on, 18 September Charcoal Stick Making 10.30am & 1pm various cake decorating techniques and/or St Neots Royal Naval Association 8pm Visitor Centre, Ferry Meadows Country Park sugarcraft. Tel: Shirley 01480 454616 The RAFA Club, 44 Huntingdon Street, St Neots Join our Forest School leader Phil and learn how to St Neots & District Branch of the Royal Naval make charcoal sticks from wood, using a tin box and 13 September Association meet on the third Monday of every fire. Booking essential. Tel: 01733 234193 Cambridgeshire Rural M.E. Tea & Chat month. For further details contact the Secretary Web: Second Wednesday of every month. Monthly meet- Tel: Tony Webley 01480 215218 up for adults with M.E. and partners/friends. Email: [email protected] 29 September Web: KSPA Macmillan Coffee and Shopping Morning 19 September 8.30am-12pm Lewis Hall, Kimbolton School 13 September Alconbury Over 60s Club Coach Trip £15 Please join us for coffee, tea, cake, a variety of stalls Drones, Dukes and Dormice 7.30pm Coach trip to Tamworth Market. To book a seat and a raffle with fabulous prizes. All welcome. Brampton Memorial Hall, Thrapston Rd, or find out more about the club please telephone Email: [email protected] Brampton Sheila 01480 890396 Speaker will be Josh Hellon, who is the Wildlife Until 30 September Trusts Monitoring and Research Manager. Josh will 20 September British Red Cross Open Gardens give an illustrated talk about the use of drones in WEA Class: Arts and Crafts Gardens 10-11.30am 1.30-5pm by appointment only monitoring and conservation, concentrating on The Reading Room, High St, Hemingford Grey 23a Perry Road, Buckden the work of the Ecology Groups. This should be a Course fee £49. 9 x 1.5 hour sessions from This extraordinary plantsman’s garden is open by really interesting and innovative talk and anyone Wednesday 20 September. Tutor is Andrew Sankey appointment only. By kind permission of David and interested in wildlife is most welcome to attend. Tel: Course Secretary Gerrie Quest 01480 380735 Valerie Bunnage. Tel: 01480 810553 Booking is not necessary. Tel: Tim on 01480 457795 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] To advertiseadvertise in in The The Villager Villager and and Town Townlife Life please please call 01767call 01767 261122 261122 3939 FASCIAS, SOFFITS AND GUTTERING PROFESSIONAL, RELIABLE, AFFORDABLE FROM AS LITTLE AS £25 PER METRE FITTED

Tim For more information ring Tim on 01480 218998 [email protected]

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Elite FP advert.indd 1 14/06/2017 14:05 August’s Puzzle Solutions and Winners Last Month’s Crossword Winner Mr P Drew from St. Neots Blake Competition Winner Jane Webb from Letchworth



Fun Quiz - Fish & Chips 1. What sport does the title character play in the long-running cartoon strip Billy The Fish in the British comic Viz? 2. What brand of crisps were launched in the UK in 1985 with the slogan “the big chip from the big country”? 3. Would you find a fish’s dorsal fin on… a) its back; b) its side; or c) its tail? 4. First broadcast in 2010, Rock And Chips was a prequel to which other TV show? 5. What type of fish is generally thought to have been named after the second largest island in the Mediterranean Sea? 6. First broadcast in 1977, what do the letters stand for in the title of the American TV series CHiPs? 7. Which cartoon character would often fish for catfish with Muskie Muskrat and Vincent van Gopher? 8. A golden robot called Mr Chips is the mascot of which TV game show? 9. Also the name of a type of fish, what is the name of Nemo’s father in the film Finding Nemo? 10. Which darts commentator once said “the atmosphere is so tense, if Elvis walked in with a portion of chips, you could hear the vinegar

sizzle on them”?

6. California Highway Patrol 7. Deputy Dawg 8. Catchphrase 9. Marlin 10. Sid Waddell Sid 10. Marlin 9. Catchphrase 8. Dawg Deputy 7. Patrol Highway California 6. 1. Football 2. McCoys 3. a) its back 4. Only Fools And Horses 5. The sardine (after Sardinia) Sardinia) (after sardine The 5. Horses And Fools Only 4. back its a) 3. McCoys 2. Football 1.

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42 Please mention The Villager and Town Life when responding to adverts  Nick Bussey Interior & Exterior G.B.BUILDERS Painter & Decorator NO JOB TOO SMALL FOR ALL MAINTENANCE, RENOVATIONS AND DIY WORK

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Specialist in Painting and Decorating & Groundwork and Grass cutting All aspects of decoration undertaken. • Brickwork & Plastering Tiling Driveways Over 20 years of experience. • Paths & Patios Slabbing Fully Insured. • Concreting Blockpaving References available on request. • Fencing, Carpentry Call for a FREE NO • Roofi ng Guttering OBLIGATION QUOTATION • Drainage Plumbing Call today 07877742420 or 01480 437511 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

To advertise in The Villager and Town Life please call 01767 261122 43 Local News Help a family make precious memories by volunteering with EACH Caring for a child with complex needs or a serious illness can be physically and emotionally draining. It also takes a lot of time, which for families at East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH) is often more precious than anything. That is why the charity is appealing for volunteers, as part of its new EACH Help at Home service, to support families in their home environment. Whether you could spend a couple of hours a week or even an hour a month doing some cleaning, washing and ironing, or perhaps a little bit of gardening, the good cause wants to hear from you. EACH Help at Home has been supporting families it would prove to be for me. in other parts of the region since last summer. One “It’s good driving away after each visit knowing family to have benefited from the service are the how much of a difference it makes to Karen that she Maudes who live in Colchester. Karen and Justin, doesn’t any longer have to worry about getting the who have two sons and a daughter Cara, have house cleaned. received weekly visits of two-and-a-half to three “I’m looking forward to continuing work with the hours from Clare Kendrick Robinson. family in the future and would urge anyone with any Cara has a rare metabolic condition that means she amount of spare time, however little, to seriously can’t break down fat and having too much in her consider becoming a volunteer – it’s one of the best diet would be poisonous for her. decisions I’ve ever made!” Karen said: “EACH Help at Home has been a huge EACH is now rolling out its new service to support help to our family, especially me. For any mother-of- families in Cambridgeshire and West Essex, and three life is a juggle, but when one of your children Volunteer Co-ordinator Agnes Toth is on the hunt for is medically complex and has been a patient at Great volunteers. Ormond Street Hospital over a long period there are She said: “We have over 100 children receiving care many more demands on your time. and support from our hospice based in Milton, so “I have spent so much time in London looking after there are lots of families who could benefit from the my daughter. Knowing that someone would come generosity of a volunteer. in weekly to clean for a few hours took one worry “Many are asking for help around the house, away and allowed me more time to focus on my particularly with cleaning and ironing - one mum’s other children when I got home. It also took the actually said her pile of ironing is as tall as she is! pressure off my mother who wanted to help me and Anyone who can give a couple of hours of their time kept our house functioning when I was going to to help with housework would be very welcome.” London. The service has provided a lifeline for our Agnes is holding two information sessions for family and we are very grateful to Clare and EACH.” anyone interested to find out more about EACH Clare, 63, from Wivenhoe, was an education Help at Home volunteering roles. The first will be on professional working with children with additional Wednesday, 23 August between 10am and 11am needs until she retired three years ago. and the second on Thursday, 7 She went on to become involved with a film club September between 6pm and and an arts centre but wanted to once again 7pm. Both will take place at EACH’s do something to help others in challenging hospice off Church Lane in Milton. circumstances. If you would like to attend one of She said: “I was aware when I started work with the sessions or to find out more, the family that it would be really useful for them to please contact Agnes on know the work I do would get done regularly - but 07889 251385 or by emailing what I really hadn’t realised was just how rewarding [email protected]. 44 Please mention The Villager and Town Life when responding to adverts Let us help you get your business off to a fl ying start


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To advertise in The Villager and Town Life please call 01767 261122 45 COMPETITION Win 2 tickets to see The Selector and Beat

The Selecter & The Beat feat Ranking Roger - Co Headline tour 7.30pm, Saturday 30th September, Bedford Corn Exchange Tickets £27.50 in advance

2 Tone legends The Selecter and The Beat are teaming up to give fans a rare treat, hitting the road together for a number of dates around the UK, Ireland, Holland and Belgium in 2017. Originally a six-date tour, due to demand they added 8 more dates and now another 22 dates have been added in September, October and November. Life-long friends, they are two of the main bands to come out of 2 Tone – a crucial musical and cultural movement which is still as relevant today as it was over 30 years ago. Renowned for their energetic live shows, longevity has not diminished either band’s ability to put in a performance and get everyone in a room, or field, dancing. Don’t miss arguably two of the best live bands around playing their many hits, and more each night. The Selecter is led by their iconic frontwoman Pauline Black, alongside an incredible talented band of musicians, and co-fronted by original member Arthur ‘Gaps’ Hendrickson. The Beat fronted by Ranking Roger released their spectacular fourth album Bounce (the first in over 30 years) in September 2016. The album shows off every gleaming aspect of one of the most musically diverse bands to come out of the multiracial, multicultural explosion that remade British pop from 1979 onwards. Joining Roger in the revitalised band is his son Ranking Junior AKA Matthew Murphy a powerhouse MC who brings to the band an update on the toasting that made Ranking Roger such a pivotal part of the original Beat. The two bands touring together takes their shows to another level which has seen all the shows selling out up and down the UK. Tickets are on sale online from seetickets and Bedford Corn Exchange Box Office / Website (subject to booking fee). Tickets can also be picked up in person (booking fee free) from Planet Boutique in the Arcade, Mario’s Hair Design in and Vinyl Revelations in Luton. To enter our competition to win two tickets to see The Selector and The Beat on Saturday 30th September 2017, simply complete the form below. Send your entry to: Selector/Beat Competition, Villager Publications Ltd, 24 Market Square, Potton, Bedfordshire SG19 2NP The winner will be randomly selected from all correct entries. Deadline: 16th September 2017

SELECTOR/BEAT COMPETITION ENTRY To win 2 free tickets to see The Selector and The Beat on Saturday 30th September complete your details below: Name: Tel:  46Address: Please mention The Villager and Town Life when responding to adverts Email:

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The Marriage Pact by Michelle Richmond Newlyweds Alice and Jake are invited to join The Pact. The group seems to have just one goal – making marriages work. All members need to £5. per month do is agree to follow the rules for a happy marriage, and accept support if they struggle. However, as Alice Nigel 222 and Jake soon find out, there are consequences for breaking the rules, and The Pact is, like marriage, for life. A tense psychological thriller you’ll want to devour in one sitting. Pieces of Happiness by Anne Ostby Recently widowed, Kat invites her four old school friends to join her on a cocoa plantation in Fiji. Now in their sixties, the women each have their own reasons for wanting to leave their old lives behind. Together they set up as chocolatiers, and let the island heal old wounds and allow them to make peace with their lives. As the subtitle says, this is a ‘Novel of Friendship, Hope and Chocolate’. Perfect for fans of The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. 

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