946.231.16 Verordnung über Massnahmen gegenüber Liberia vom 19. Januar 2005 (Stand am 1. März 2010)

Der Schweizerische Bundesrat, gestützt auf Artikel 2 des Embargogesetzes vom 22. März 20021 (EmbG), in Ausführung der Resolutionen 1521 (2003), 1532 (2004), 1683 (2006), 1689 (2006), 1753 (2007) und 1903 (2009)2 des Sicherheitsrates der Vereinten Nationen,3 verordnet:

1. Abschnitt: Zwangsmassnahmen

Art. 14 Verbot der Lieferung von Rüstungsgütern und verwandtem Material 1 Die Lieferung, der Verkauf, die Ausfuhr, die Durchfuhr und die Vermittlung von Rüstungsgütern aller Art, einschliesslich Waffen und Munition, Militärfahrzeugen und -ausrüstung, paramilitärischer Ausrüstung sowie Zubehör und Ersatzteilen dafür, nach Liberia sind verboten. 2 Die Gewährung, der Verkauf und die Vermittlung von Beratung, Ausbildung oder Unterstützung, einschliesslich Finanzierung und finanzieller Unterstützung, im Zusammenhang mit der Lieferung, der Herstellung, dem Unterhalt oder der Ver- wendung von Rüstungsgütern nach Absatz 1 sowie mit militärischen Aktivitäten in Liberia sind verboten. 3 Von den Verboten der Absätze 1 und 2 sind ausgenommen: a. die Lieferung von Gütern und die Erbringung von Dienstleistungen für die Mission der Vereinten Nationen in Liberia (UNMIL); b. die Lieferung von Gütern und die Erbringung von Dienstleistungen für staat- liche Organe Liberias; c. die Lieferung nichtletalen militärischen Geräts, das ausschliesslich für hu- manitäre Zwecke oder Schutzzwecke bestimmt ist, und damit zusammen- hängende technische Unterstützung und Ausbildung;

AS 2005 313 1 SR 946.231 2 S/RES/1521 (2003), S/RES/1532 (2004), S/RES/1683 (2006), S/RES/1689 (2006), S/RES/1753 (2007) und S/RES/1903 (2009); abrufbar unter folgender Internetadresse der UNO: www.un.org/documents/scres.htm. 3 Fassung gemäss Ziff. I der V vom 17. Febr. 2010, in Kraft seit 1. März 2010 (AS 2010 683). 4 Fassung gemäss Ziff. I der V vom 17. Febr. 2010, in Kraft seit 1. März 2010 (AS 2010 683).

1 946.231.16 Aussenhandel

d. die vorübergehende Ausfuhr von Schutzkleidung, einschliesslich kugelsiche- rer Westen und Helme, zur persönlichen Verwendung durch Personal der Vereinten Nationen oder des Bundes, Medienvertreter und humanitäres Per- sonal. 4 Vorbehalten bleiben die Bestimmungen des Güterkontrollgesetzes vom 13. De- zember 19965 und des Kriegsmaterialgesetzes vom 13. Dezember 19966.

Art. 2 Sperrung von Geldern und wirtschaftlichen Ressourcen 1 Gelder und wirtschaftliche Ressourcen, die sich im Eigentum oder unter der Kon- trolle der natürlichen Personen, Unternehmen und Organisationen nach Anhang 1 befinden, sind gesperrt. 2 Es ist verboten, den von der Sperrung betroffenen natürlichen Personen, Unter- nehmen und Organisationen Gelder zu überweisen oder Gelder und wirtschaftliche Ressourcen sonst wie direkt oder indirekt zur Verfügung zu stellen. 3 Ausnahmsweise kann das Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft (SECO) nach Rückspra- che mit den zuständigen Stellen des Eidgenössische Departement für auswärtige Angelegenheiten und des Eidgenössischen Finanzdepartements Zahlungen aus gesperrten Konten, Übertragungen gesperrter Vermögenswerte sowie die Freigabe gesperrter wirtschaftlicher Ressourcen zur Wahrung schweizerischer Interessen oder zur Vermeidung von Härtefällen bewilligen.

Art. 3 Begriffsbestimmungen In dieser Verordnung bedeuten: a. Gelder: finanzielle Vermögenswerte, einschliesslich Bargeld, Schecks, Geldforderungen, Wechsel, Geldanweisungen oder andere Zahlungsmittel, Guthaben, Schulden und Schuldenverpflichtungen, Wertpapiere und Schuld- titel, Wertpapierzertifikate, Obligationen, Schuldscheine, Optionsscheine, Pfandbriefe, Derivate; Zinserträge, Dividenden oder andere Einkünfte oder Wertzuwächse aus Vermögenswerten; Kredite, Rechte auf Verrechnung, Bürgschaften, Vertragserfüllungsgarantien oder andere finanzielle Zusagen; Akkreditive, Konnossemente, Sicherungsübereignungen, Dokumente zur Verbriefung von Anteilen an Fondsvermögen oder anderen Finanzressour- cen und jedes andere Finanzierungsinstrument für Exporte; b. Sperrung von Geldern: die Verhinderung jeder Handlung, welche die Ver- waltung oder die Nutzung der Gelder ermöglicht, mit Ausnahme von norma- len Verwaltungshandlungen von Finanzinstituten; c. wirtschaftliche Ressourcen: Vermögenswerte jeder Art, unabhängig davon, ob sie materiell oder immateriell, beweglich oder unbeweglich sind, ins- besondere Immobilien und Luxusgüter, mit Ausnahme von Geldern nach Buchstabe a;

5 SR 946.202 6 SR 514.51

2 Massnahmen gegenüber Liberia 946.231.16

d. Sperrung wirtschaftlicher Ressourcen: die Verhinderung ihrer Verwendung zum Erwerb von Geldern, Waren oder Dienstleistungen, einschliesslich des Verkaufs, des Vermietens oder des Verpfändens solcher Ressourcen.

Art. 47

Art. 58

Art. 6 Ein- und Durchreiseverbot 1 Die Einreise in die Schweiz oder die Durchreise durch die Schweiz ist den in Anhang 2 aufgeführten natürlichen Personen verboten. 2 Das Bundesamt für Migration kann in Übereinstimmung mit den Beschlüssen des zuständigen Komitees des UNO-Sicherheitsrates oder zur Wahrung schweizerischer Interessen Ausnahmen gewähren.

2. Abschnitt: Vollzug und Strafbestimmungen

Art. 7 Kontrolle und Vollzug 1 Das SECO überwacht den Vollzug der Zwangsmassnahmen nach den Artikeln 1 und 2. Entsprechend der Resolution 1903 (2009) meldet es dem zuständigen Komi- tee des UNO-Sicherheitsrates vorgängig die Lieferung von Gütern und die Erbrin- gung von Dienstleistungen nach Artikel 1 Absatz 3 Buchstaben b und c.9 2 Das Bundesamt für Migration überwacht den Vollzug des Ein- und Durchreisever- bots nach Artikel 6. 3 Die Kontrolle an der Grenze obliegt der Eidgenössischen Zollverwaltung. 4 Die zuständigen Behörden ergreifen auf Anweisung des SECO die für die Sper- rung wirtschaftlicher Ressourcen notwendigen Massnahmen, zum Beispiel die Anmerkung einer Verfügungssperre im Grundbuch oder die Pfändung oder Versie- gelung von Luxusgütern.

Art. 8 Meldepflichten 1 Personen und Institutionen, die Gelder halten oder verwalten oder von wirtschaft- lichen Ressourcen wissen, von denen anzunehmen ist, dass sie unter die Sperrung nach Artikel 2 Absatz 1 fallen, müssen dies dem SECO unverzüglich melden.

7 Aufgehoben durch Ziff. I der V vom 30. Mai 2007 (AS 2007 2425). 8 Aufgehoben durch Ziff. I der V vom 15. Nov. 2006 (AS 2006 4687). 9 Fassung gemäss Ziff. I der V vom 17. Febr. 2010, in Kraft seit 1. März 2010 (AS 2010 683).

3 946.231.16 Aussenhandel

2 Die Meldungen müssen die Namen der Begünstigten sowie Gegenstand und Wert der gesperrten Gelder und wirtschaftlichen Ressourcen enthalten. 3 Die Lieferung von Gütern und die Erbringung von Dienstleistungen nach Artikel 1 Absatz 3 Buchstaben b und c müssen dem SECO spätestens 30 Tage im Voraus gemeldet werden.10

Art. 9 Strafbestimmungen 1 Wer gegen Artikel 1, 2 oder 6 verstösst, wird nach Artikel 9 EmbG bestraft.11 2 Wer gegen Artikel 8 verstösst, wird nach Artikel 10 EmbG bestraft. 3 Verstösse nach den Artikeln 9 und 10 EmbG werden vom SECO verfolgt und beurteilt; dieses kann Beschlagnahmungen oder Einziehungen anordnen.

3. Abschnitt: Schlussbestimmungen

Art. 10 Aufhebung bisherigen Rechts Die Verordnung vom 27. Juni 200112 über Massnahmen gegenüber Liberia wird auf- gehoben.

Art. 11 Inkrafttreten Diese Verordnung tritt am 20. Januar 2005 in Kraft.

10 Eingefügt durch Ziff. I der V vom 17. Febr. 2010, in Kraft seit 1. März 2010 (AS 2010 683). 11 Fassung gemäss Ziff. I der V vom 30. Mai 2007 (AS 2007 2425). 12 [AS 2001 1686, 2002 3964, 2003 2185 2186]

4 Massnahmen gegenüber Liberia 946.231.16

Anhang 113 (Art. 2 Abs. 1) Natürliche Personen, gegen die sich die Massnahmen nach Artikel 2 richten

LAST NAME FIRST NAME ALIAS DATE OF /IDENTIFYING DESIGNATION/JUSTIFICATION BIRTH/PLACE OF INFORMATION BIRTH ALLEN Cyril 26 JUL 1952 Former Chairman, National Patriotic Party. BOUT Viktor BUTT, 13 JAN 1967 21N0532664 Businessman. Anatoljevitch BONT, (13 JAN 1970) 29N0006765 BUTTE, 21N0557148 BOUTOV, 44N3570350 SERGITOV Vitali CHICHAKLI Richard Ammar Ammar M. Chichakli 29 March 1959 SSN: 405 41 5342 or A Syrian-born US citizen POB: Syria 467 79 1065 who has been an employee/ associate of Viktor Bout for Citizenship: US Address: about a decade. The UN 225 Syracuse Place, Richardson, identified Richard Chichakli Texas 75081, USA as Viktor Bout’s Chief 811 South Central Expressway Financial Manager. Senior positions with several Bout- Suite 210 Richardson, Texas controlled companies. 75080, USA A certified public accountant and certified fraud examiner with more than 12 years of experience. Richard

13 Fassung gemäss Ziff. II der V vom 17. Febr. 2010, in Kraft seit 1. März 2010 (AS 2010 683).

5 Aussenhandel 946.231.16

LAST NAME FIRST NAME ALIAS DATE OF PASSPORT/IDENTIFYING DESIGNATION/JUSTIFICATION BIRTH/PLACE OF INFORMATION BIRTH Chichakli is an officer of San Air General Trading. COOPER Randolph 28 OCT 1950 Former Managing Director of (Randolf) Robertsfield International Airport. GEORGE Martin Former ambassador of Liberia to the Federal Republic of Nigeria. GIBSON Myrtle 03 NOV 1952 Ex-Senator. Advisor to former Liberian President Charles Taylor. GOODRIDGE Reginald B. 11 NOV 1952 Former Minister for Culture, (GOODRICH) (Senior) Information and Tourism. JOBE Baba 1959 Nationality: The Gambia Former Director of the Gambia New Millenium Air Company. Former member of Parliament of the Gambia. In prison in the Gambia. KIIA TAI Joseph Wong Executive of the Oriental Timber Company. MININ Leonid BLAVSTEIN, 14 DEC 1947 in Nationality: Israel Owner of Exotic Tropical Yukhimovich BLYUVSHTEIN, Odessa, USSR Timber Enterprises. BLYAFSHTEIN, : 65118 BLUVSHTEIN, (18 OCT 1946) BLYUFSHTEIN Forged German : 5280007248D (10 JUL NK) 18106739D

6 Massnahmen gegenüber Liberia 946.231.16


POPILO-VESKI Israeli Passports: POPILOVESKI 6019832 (POPELA/POPELO) valid 06/11/94-05/11/99 Vladimir Abramovich 9001689 (DOB: 18 OCT 1946) valid 23/01/97-22/01/02 90109052 BRESLAN, Wulf issued on 26/11/97 (DOB: 10 JUL NK) : KI0861177

OSOLS, Igor (DOB: 14 DEC 1947) NAYDO Valeriy NAIDO, Valerii 10 August 1957 AC251295, KC024178 A former pilot for Viktor Citizenship: (Ukrainian) Bout and one of the directors Ukrainian of Air Pass (Pietersburg Aviation Services and c/o CET Avia- Systems). Also listed in a tion, P.O. Box commercial database of UAE 932-20C, Ajman, firms as CET Aviation’s UAE Chief Executive Officer. CET is a holding company Viktor Bout organized to incorporate two of his firms: Centrafrican Airlines and San Air General Trading.

7 Aussenhandel 946.231.16

LAST NAME FIRST NAME ALIAS DATE OF PASSPORT/IDENTIFYING DESIGNATION/JUSTIFICATION BIRTH/PLACE OF INFORMATION BIRTH RUPRAH Sanjivan Samir NASR 09 AUG 1966 D-001829-00 Businessman. Former Deputy D-002081-00 Commissioner of the Bureau of Maritime Affairs. SALAME Mohamed Ameri AL JAWAD 22 SEP 1961 Nationality: Lebanon Owner, Mohamed and (SALAMI) Ahmad {POB: Abengou- Company Logging Company. Jawad AL AMERI rou, Côte Ordinary : d’Ivoire} Informal diplomatic represen- 1622263 tative of former Liberian {(18 OCT valid 24/04/01-23/04/06 President Charles Taylor. Moustapha SALAMI 1963)} Ambassador Plenipotentiary to Chairman G. Bryant of Moustapha A SALAMI Togolese Diplomatic Passport: Liberia since 2003, having 004296/00409/00 valid previously held the same post 21/08/02-23/08/07 under former President Taylor. Liberian Diplomatic Passport: 000275

valid 11/01/98-10/01/00 2nd Liberian Diplomatic Pass- port: 002414 valid 20/06/01-19/06/03 Name: Ameri AL JAWAD DOB: 18 OCT 1963 POB: Ganta, Nimba County

Ivorian Passport: no details available

8 Massnahmen gegenüber Liberia 946.231.16

LAST NAME FIRST NAME ALIAS DATE OF PASSPORT/IDENTIFYING DESIGNATION/JUSTIFICATION BIRTH/PLACE OF INFORMATION BIRTH Liberian Diplomatic Passport: D/001217 Liberian Passport No: Diplomatic – 2781 SHAW Emmanuel (II) 26 JUL 1946 Director of Lonestar Airways. (26 JUL 1956) Associated with Lone Star Communications Cooperation. Former econo- mic adviser to ex-President Taylor. SNOWE Edwin M., Jr. 11 February Nationality: Liberia- Representative, Liberian 1970 / Mano OR/0056672-01 House of Representatives. River, Grand D/005072 Managing Director of the Cape Mount, Liberian Petroleum and Liberia Liberian Passport No: Refining Corporation Diplomatic D005640 (LPRC). ECOWAS-DPL Passport No: D-00172 (07/08/08-06/07/10) Address: Elwa Road, Monrovia, Liberia TAYLOR Agnes Reeves REEVES-TAYLOR 27 SEP 1965 Nationality: Liberia Former Liberian Permanent Representative to the Inter- national Maritime Organiza- tion. Former Senior Member of the Liberian Government. Ex-wife and associate of former Liberian President Charles Taylor. Currently resident in the United King- dom.

9 Aussenhandel 946.231.16

LAST NAME FIRST NAME ALIAS DATE OF PASSPORT/IDENTIFYING DESIGNATION/JUSTIFICATION BIRTH/PLACE OF INFORMATION BIRTH TAYLOR Charles Chuckie 12 FEB 1978 Adviser and son of former «Chuckie» Charles Liberian President Charles (Junior) Taylor. Currently on trial in McArthur the United States of America. Emmanuel Roy M. Belfast, Junior Charles Taylor II TAYLOR Charles Jean-Paul Some 01 SEP 1947 Former President of Liberia. Ghankay Jean-Paul Sone (28 JAN 1948) Currently on trial in The (Charles Hague. MacArthur) TAYLOR Jewel Howard 17 JAN 1963 D/003835-04 Senator, Liberian Senate. (HOWARD valid 04/6/04-03/6/06 Spouse of former Liberian President Charles Taylor. TAYLOR) D/00536307 TAYLOR Tupee Enid 17 DEC 1960 Liberian Diplomatic Passport: Ex-wife of former Liberian (17 DEC 1962) D/002216 President Charles Taylor. UREY Benoni 22 JUN 1957 Liberian Diplomatic Passport: Ex-Commissioner of D-00148399 Maritime Affairs of Liberia. Commissioner of Maritime He was the direct superior of Affairs Passport: Mr. Ruprah. D/002356

10 Massnahmen gegenüber Liberia 946.231.16

LAST NAME FIRST NAME ALIAS DATE OF PASSPORT/IDENTIFYING DESIGNATION/JUSTIFICATION BIRTH/PLACE OF INFORMATION BIRTH YEATEN Benjamin D. 28 FEB 1969 Liberian Diplomatic Passport: Former head of the Special (YEATON) D00123299 Security Unit in Liberia. valid 10/02/99-09/02/01 Ex-Director, Special Security (29 FEB 1969) Services. DOB: 29 FEB 1969 POB: Tiaplay, Nimba County

11 Aussenhandel 946.231.16

Unternehmen und Organisationen, gegen die sich die Massnahmen nach Artikel 2 richten

COMPANY NAME ALIAS ADDRESS DESIGNATION/JUSTIFICATION ABIDJAN FREIGHT Abidjan, Ivory Coast Company set up by Sanjivan Ruprah AIR CESS Air Cess Equatorial Guinea Malabo, Equatorial Guinea Air Cess is the only firm in Viktor Air Cess Holdings, Ltd. P.O. Box 7837, Sharjah, UAE Bout’s network that ever officially listed him as its head. In Swaziland, Air Cess Liberia P.O. Box 3962, Sharjah, UAE Viktor Bout entered into a joint Air Cess Rwanda Islamabad, Pakistan venture with a South African company to form Air Pass. Air Cess had 90 Air Cess Swaziland (Pty.) Ltd Entebbe, Uganda percent ownership of this joint Air Cess, Inc. 360-C venture. Records show that Viktor Air Pas Bout owned 90 percent of the shares of Air Pass. According to NGO reporting, Air Pass Viktor Bout transferred daily Chess Air Group operational control of Air Cess to his Pietersburg Aviation Services & brother, Sergei Bout, some time during Systems the 1990s. This entity can thus be considered to be owned or controlled Cessavia by either Viktor Bout and/or Sergei Bout. AIR ZORY Air Zori 54 G.M. Dimitrov Blvd., BG-1125, Sergei Bout controls Air Zory as the Air Zori, Ltd. Sofia, Bulgaria majority shareholder. 6 Zenas Kanther Str., 1065 Nicosia, Cyprus AIRBAS TRANSPORTATION FZE Air Bas P.O. Box 8299, Sharjah, UAE Airbas is a commercial charter Air Bass 811 S. Central Expressway, Suite 210 company which is run by Viktor and Richardson, Texas 75080, USA Sergei Bout. Sergei Bout has power of Airbas Transportation, Inc. attorney for all transactions. According Aviabas to a UN report, payments for Airbas are made to the accounts of Irbis, a Viktor Bout company.

12 Massnahmen gegenüber Liberia 946.231.16

COMPANY NAME ALIAS ADDRESS DESIGNATION/JUSTIFICATION ATC, Ltd Gibraltar, U.K. According to the UN, ATC, Ltd. is a Viktor Bout-controlled firm and is a major shareholder in one of Viktor Bout’s companies, Centrafrican Airlines. In addition, when Bout registered Centrafrican Airlines in 1998, the registration itself indicated that ATC was one of the principal shareholders of Centrafrican and that it was controlled by Viktor Bout. BUKAVU AVIATION TRANSPORT Democratic Republic of the Congo Bukavu Aviation Transport has been identified by the «UN Panel of Experts on the Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources and other Forms of Wealth of DR Congo» as a DRC firm in which Viktor Bout is the principal officer. BUSINESS AIR SERVICES Democratic Republic of the Congo Business Air Services has been identi- fied by the «UN Panel of Experts on the Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources and other Forms of Wealth of DR Congo» as a DRC firm in which Viktor Bout is the principal officer. CENTRAFRICAN AIRLINES Centrafricain Airlines P.O. Box 2760, Bangui, Central Centrafrican is owned by Viktor Bout. Central African Airways African Republic While he is not involved in the day-to- day management of the firm, UN Central African Air c/o Transavia Travel Agency, P.O. Box 3962, Sharjah, UAE investigators found that Viktor Bout Central African Airlines signs the contracts for sale and P.O. Box 2190, Ajman, UAE purchase of aircraft, as well as leasing Kigali, Rwanda documents, for the company. Ras-al-Khaimah, UAE

13 Aussenhandel 946.231.16

COMPANY NAME ALIAS ADDRESS DESIGNATION/JUSTIFICATION CENTRAL AFRICA 811 S. Central Expressway, Suite 210, The Central Africa Development Fund DEVELOPMENT FUND Richardson, Texas 75080, USA is a non-profit entity located at the P.O. Box 850431, Richardson, Texas same address in Richardson, Texas as 75085, USA Richard Chichakli’s accounting firm. CET Aviation Enterprise (FZE) P.O. Box 932 – C20, Ajman, UAE Viktor Bout reorganized his holds in Equatorial Guinea the UAE so that two of his older firms – Centrafrican Airlines and San Air General Trading – became part of a holding company called CET Aviation Enterprise. Press reports identify CET as a company controlled by Viktor Bout. CHICHAKLI & ASSOCIATES, Chichakli Hickman-Riggs & Riggs, 811 S. Central Expressway, Suite 210, This company is an accounting and PLLC PLLC Richardson, Texas 75080, USA auditing firm. Richard Chichakli, Chichakli Hickmanriggs & Riggs Viktor Bout’s Chief Financial Officer, is listed as the managing partner and is the only officer on record. It is located at the same address in Richardson, Texas occupied by other firms owned or controlled by Richard Chichakli. CONTINUE PROFESSIONAL Gulf Motor Sales 811 S. Central Expressway, Suite 210, The president of this company is EDUCATION, INC. Richardson, Texas 75080, USA Richard Chichakli, Viktor Bout’s Chief Financial Officer. The company is located at the same address in Richardson, Texas as Richard Chichakli’s accounting firm. DAYTONA POOLS, INC. 225 Syracuse Place, Richardson, Daytona Pools was incorporated by Texas 75081, USA Gloria Chichakli, wife of Richard Chichakli. However, a few years later, the company’s annual fillings indicated that Richard Chichakli was the President, and Gloria Chichakli

14 Massnahmen gegenüber Liberia 946.231.16

COMPANY NAME ALIAS ADDRESS DESIGNATION/JUSTIFICATION was Vice-President. The company is located at the same address in Richardson, Texas as Richard Chichakli’s accounting firm. DHH ENTERPRISES, INC. 811 S. Central Expressway, Suite 210, Corporate registration documents list Richardson, Texas 75080, USA Richard Chichakli, Viktor Bout’s Chief Financial Officer, as CEO, Director, and President of this company. They also indicate that he owns 100 % of the capital stock. The company is located at the same address in Richardson, Texas as Richard Chichakli’s accounting firm. GAMBIA NEW MILLENNIUM AIR Gambia New Millennium Air State House, Banjul, Gambia The Director of this firm is Baba Jobe. COMPANY Gambia Millennium Airline Its one aircraft, a Russian-made passenger jet, was acquired from Centrafrican Airlines. IB OF AMERICA HOLDINGS, INC. 811 S. Central Expressway, Suite 210, Richard Chichakli, who is Viktor Richardson, Texas 75080, USA Bout’s Chief Financial Officer, is listed as the President of the company. The company is located at the same address in Richardson, Texas as Richard Chichakli’s accounting firm. IRBIS AIR COMPANY UL Furmanova 65, Office 317, Irbis was formed in 1998 and leases its Almaty, Khazakhstan 48004 aircraft exclusively from Air Cess. The «UN Final Report of the Monitoring Mechanism on Angola Sanctions» in 2000 reported «it can be considered that Irbis forms an Eastern European office for Viktor Bout.» Press reports further indicated that the company is owned by Viktor Bout.

15 Aussenhandel 946.231.16

COMPANY NAME ALIAS ADDRESS DESIGNATION/JUSTIFICATION MOLDTRANSAVIA SRL Aeroport MD-2026, Chisinau, This company is owned and managed Moldova by an admitted employee of Viktor Bout who is a longtime former agent of Air Cess. Moldtransavia’s only plane is owned by Viktor Bout and is insured by a Viktor Bout company, San Air General Trading. As such, Moldstransavia is indirectly controlled by Viktor Bout. NORDIC, LTD. Nordik Limited EOOD 9 Fredrick J. Curie Street, Sofia, According to a local cooperate Bulgaria 1113 registry, Sergei Bout is the sole owner and CEO of Nordic, Ltd., incorporated in Bulgaria. According to a commercial database report, Sergei Bout holds 100 % of the voting capital of the company. ODESSA AIR Okapi Air Entebbe, Uganda According to UN reporting, Odessa Air is a Viktor Bout-owned firm based in Uganda. It was formerly known as Okapi Air and was non-operational when Viktor Bout purchased it. An Ugandan judicial commission noted that Odessa Air is one of several aviation firms that Viktor Bout registered in Uganda and the Civil Aviation Authority. ORIENT STAR COOPERATION Orient Star Aviation 811 S. Central Expressway, Suite 210, Texas State corporate records show Richardson, Texas 75080, USA Richard Chichakli, Viktor Bout’s Chief Financial Officer, as the sole director of this firm. Richard Chichakli identified himself in a 2004 filling as the firm’s president. The company is located at the same address in

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COMPANY NAME ALIAS ADDRESS DESIGNATION/JUSTIFICATION Richardson, Texas as Richard Chichakli’s accounting firm. RICHARD A. CHICHAKLI, P.C. 811 S. Central Expressway, Suite 210, Richard Chichakli, Viktor Bout’s Richardson, Texas 75080, USA Chief Financial Officer, is listed on P.O. Box 850432, Richardson, Texas corporate documents as the sole 75085, USA director and president of this company. The company is located at the same address in Richardson, Texas as Richard Chichakli’s accounting firm. ROCKMAN, LTD. Rokman EOOD 9 Fredrick J. Curie Street, Sofia, According to a local corporate Bulgaria 1113 registry, Sergei Bout is the sole owner and CEO of Rockman, Ltd., incorporated in Bulgaria. According to a commercial database report, Sergei Bout holds 100 % of the voting capital of the company. SAN AIR GENERAL TRADING FZE San Air General Trading, LLC P.O. Box 932-20C, Ajman, UAE San Air General Trading serves as an P.O. Box 2190, Ajman, UAE agent for Centrafrican Airlines, a company owned by Viktor Bout. UN 811 S. Central Expressway, Suite 210, investigators concluded that Richardson, Texas 75080, USA Centrafrican Airlines and San Air are, in fact, parts of the same company. The General Manager of San Air is Serguei Denissenko. In addition, the UN has identified Richard Chichakli as the Chief Financial Officer for San Air General Trading in the UAE, and Richard Chichakli has admitted in media interviews that he «set (San Air) up for Viktor (Bout).» As such, San Air is owned by Viktor Bout and controlled by Viktor Bout, Serguei Denissenko and Richard Chichakli.

17 Aussenhandel 946.231.16

COMPANY NAME ALIAS ADDRESS DESIGNATION/JUSTIFICATION SANTA CRUZ IMPERIAL P.O. Box 60315, Dubai, UAE Santa Cruz Imperial has been AIRLINES Sharjah, UAE identified by various sources as being owned or controlled by Viktor Bout and/or Sanjivan Ruprah. However, there has been some disagreement as to whether Viktor Bout actually owned this company. Nevertheless, Santa Cruz aircraft have operated inter- changeably with aircraft from Viktor Bout’s network. Viktor Bout has at least indirect control over Santa Cruz. SOUTHBOUND, LTD. P.O. Box 398, Suite 52 and 553 Southbound, Ltd. is a major share- Monrovia House, 26 Main Street, holder in one of Viktor Bout’s Gibraltar, UK companies, Centrafrican Airlines. Documents filed when Viktor Bout registered Centrafrican Airlines indicated that Viktor Bout also controlled Southbound. TRANS AVIATION GLOBAL 811 S. Central Expressway, Suite 210, Richard Chichakli is listed as the GROUP, INC. Richardson, Texas 75080, USA president and director of this company. The company is located at the same address in Richardson, Texas as Richard Chichakli’s accounting firm. TRANSAVIA NETWORK NV Trans Aviation Network Group 1304 Boorj Building, Bank Street, Transavia Network is one of Viktor TAN Group Sharjah, UAE Bout’s oldest companies (it first appeared in Belgium in 1995). Trans Aviation P.O. Box 3962, Sharjah, UAE Transavia Travel Agency P.O. Box 2190, Ajman, UAE Transavia Travel Cargo Ostende Airport, Belgium

18 Massnahmen gegenüber Liberia 946.231.16

COMPANY NAME ALIAS ADDRESS DESIGNATION/JUSTIFICATION VIAL COMPANY Delaware, USA According to a Belgian arrest warrant filed with Interpol in February 2002, Viktor Bout had power of attorney over Vial’s bank accounts. WESTBOUND, LTD. P.O. Box 399, 26 Main Street, Westbound, Ltd. is owned by Ronald Gibraltar, UK De Smet. Ronald De Smet is a Belgian pilot who has a long history of acting on behalf of Viktor Bout. Westbound is a major shareholder in one of Viktor Bout’s companies, Centrafrican Airlines. When Viktor Bout registered Centrafrican Airlines in 1998, the three principal shareholders were Westbound, Southbound, and ATC Ltd., all of Gibraltar. Accordingly, Westbound is indirectly controlled by Viktor Bout.

19 Aussenhandel 946.231.16

Anhang 214 (Art. 6 Abs. 1)

Natürliche Personen, gegen die sich das Ein- und Durchreiseverbot richtet

LAST NAME FIRST NAME ALIAS DATE OF PASSPORT/ DESIGNATION/JUSTIFICATION BIRTH/PLACE OF IDENTIFYING INFORMATION BIRTH ALLEN Cyril 26 JUL 1952 Former Chairman, National Patriotic Party. BAH (BALDE) Ibrahim BALDE C1950 (BA) (15 JUL 1969) BOUT Viktor BUTT, 13 JAN 1967 21N0532664 Businessman. Anatoljevitch BONT, (13 JAN 1970) 29N0006765 BUTTE, 21N0557148 BOUTOV, 44N3570350 SERGITOV Vitali CHICHAKLI Richard Ammar Ammar M. 29 March 1959 SSN: 405 41 5342 or A Syrian-born US citizen who Chichakli POB: Syria 467 79 1065 has been an employee/associate of Viktor Bout for about a Citizenship: US Address: decade. The UN identified 225 Syracuse Place, Richard Chichakli as Viktor Richardson, Texas 75081, Bout’s Chief Financial Manager. USA Senior positions with several Bout-controlled companies. A certified public accountant and certified fraud examiner with

14 Fassung gemäss Ziff. II der V vom 17. Febr. 2010, in Kraft seit 1. März 2010 (AS 2010 683).

20 Massnahmen gegenüber Liberia 946.231.16

LAST NAME FIRST NAME ALIAS DATE OF PASSPORT/ DESIGNATION/JUSTIFICATION BIRTH/PLACE OF IDENTIFYING INFORMATION BIRTH 811 South Central more than 12 years of Expressway experience. Richard Chichakli is Suite 210 Richardson, an officer of San Air General Texas 75080, USA Trading. COOPER Maurice COOPER Randolph 28 OCT 1950 Former Managing Director of (Randolf) Robertsfield International Airport. DAGO GNADRE Raphael Alexander 18 AUG 1960 GALLEY DENNIS James «Coco» DENNIS 15 MAR 1948 Liberian Official Passport: (Willie (15 MAR 1941) 000086 Adolphus) Dennis COUCOO valid 09/10/97-08/10/99 DOB: 15 MAR 1941 (Coo Coo) POB: Gbondoi, Bong County DENNIS «Sumo» General Mark-1 Nationality: «General» for the former LURD Liberia armed faction. DOLO Adolphus Saye General Peanut Senator, Liberian Senate. (General) Butter DRAGAS Orhan 20 DEC 1972 Business partner of Slobodan TESIC. DUNBAR Belle 27 OCT 1963

21 Aussenhandel 946.231.16

LAST NAME FIRST NAME ALIAS DATE OF PASSPORT/ DESIGNATION/JUSTIFICATION BIRTH/PLACE OF IDENTIFYING INFORMATION BIRTH DWEH George 6 MAR 1959 Nationality: Suspended Speaker of the Liberia National Transitional Legislative Assembly (NTLA). Founding member of LURD. EGLI Duane Chief Executive Officer of Ducor World Airlines. FARLEY Kai White Flower Nationality: Representative, Liberian House B-50 Liberia of Representatives. MODEL’s former Commanding «General» in Buchanan and Inspector General in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. GEORGE Martin Former ambassador of Liberia to the Federal Republic of Nigeria. GIBSON Myrtle 03 NOV 1952 Ex-Senator. Advisor to former Liberian President Charles Taylor. GOODRIDGE Reginald B. 11 NOV 1952 Former Minister for Culture, (GOODRICH) (Senior) Information and Tourism. GWEN Sampson Nationality: Former LURD «General». Liberia JIBBA Macifierran Momoh GIBBA 4 MAY 1972 Former Senior Aide-de-Camp to (JEBBA) Momo ex-President Taylor. JOBE Baba 1959 Nationality: The Gambia Former Director of the Gambia New Millenium Air company. Former member of Parliament of the Gambia. In prison in the Gambia.

22 Massnahmen gegenüber Liberia 946.231.16

LAST NAME FIRST NAME ALIAS DATE OF PASSPORT/ DESIGNATION/JUSTIFICATION BIRTH/PLACE OF IDENTIFYING INFORMATION BIRTH JOVAN Aleksic 6 DEC 1950 Employee of the Serbian company Aviogenex. KADIMA Pasti D001993-00 KIIA TAI Joseph Wong Executive of the Oriental Timber Company. MININ Leonid BLAVSTEIN, 14 DEC 1947 in Nationality: Israel Owner of Exotic Tropical Yukhimovich BLYUVSHTEIN, Odessa, USSR Timber Enterprises. BLYAFSHTEIN, Bolivian Passport: BLUVSHTEIN, (18 OCT 1946) 65118 BLYUFSHTEIN (10 JUL NK) Forged German Passports: KERLER, Vlada- 5280007248D mir (Vladimir) 18106739D (MININ) Abramovich (14 DEC 1947) (DOB: 18 OCT 1946) Greek Passport: no details

POPILO-VESKI Israeli Passports: POPILOVESKI 6019832 (POPELA/ valid 06/11/94-05/11/99 POPELO) 9001689 Vladimir valid 23/01/97-22/01/02 Abramovich 90109052 (DOB:18 OCT 1946) issued on 26/11/97

23 Aussenhandel 946.231.16


OSOLS, Igor (DOB: 14 DEC 1947) NASSOUR Aziz Aziz Ibrahim 30 April 1961 Lebanese Passport No: (NASR) Nassour Regular-1555432 No: Diplomatic-AE35CW09 NAYDO Valeriy NAIDO, Valerii 10 August 1957 AC251295, KC024178 A former pilot for Viktor Bout Citizenship: Ukrai- (Ukrainian) and one of the directors of Air nian Pass (Pietersburg Aviation Services and Systems). Also listed in a commercial database of UAE firms as CET Aviation’s c/o CET Aviation, Chief Executive Officer. CET is a holding company Viktor Bout P.O. Box 932-20C, organized to incorporate two of Ajman, UAE his firms: Centrafrican Airlines and San Air General Trading. OSSAILY Samih Samir HUSSEINI REFELL Victoria 11 June 1954 / Liberian Passport No: (REFFEL) Freetown, Sierra Diplomatic – D005717 Leone (11/24/08-11/23/10) Address: Accra, Ghana RICHARDSON John T. 10 DEC 1949 Former National Security (01 DEC 1949) Advisor.

24 Massnahmen gegenüber Liberia 946.231.16

LAST NAME FIRST NAME ALIAS DATE OF PASSPORT/ DESIGNATION/JUSTIFICATION BIRTH/PLACE OF IDENTIFYING INFORMATION BIRTH ROSENBLUM Simon Simão 21 SEP 1943 : CL 937 936 issued on 16/01/04 valid for 5 years reported lost RUPRAH Sanjivan Samir NASR 09 AUG 1966 D-001829-00 Businessman. D-002081-00 Former Deputy Commissioner of the Bureau of Maritime Affairs. SALAME Mohamed Ameri AL JAWAD 22 SEP 1961 Nationality: Lebanon Owner, Mohamed and Company (SALAMI) Ahmad POB: Abengourou, Logging company. Informal Côte d’Ivoire diplomatic representative of Jawad AL AMERI Ordinary Lebanese Pass- former Liberian President Moustapha (18 OCT 1963) port: 1622263 Charles Taylor. Ambassador SALAMI valid 24/04/01-23/04/06 Plenipotentiary to Chairman G. Bryant of Liberia since 2003,

Moustapha A SALAMI Togolese Diplomatic Passport: 004296/00409/00 having previously held the same valid 21/08/02-23/08/07 post under former President Taylor. Liberian Diplomatic Passport: 000275 valid 11/01/98-10/01/00

2nd Liberian Diplomatic Passport: 002414 valid 20/06/01-19/06/03

25 Aussenhandel 946.231.16

LAST NAME FIRST NAME ALIAS DATE OF PASSPORT/ DESIGNATION/JUSTIFICATION BIRTH/PLACE OF IDENTIFYING INFORMATION BIRTH Name: Ameri AL JAWAD DOB: 18 OCT 1963 POB: Ganta, Nimba County Ivorian Passport: no details available Liberian Diplomatic Passport: D/001217 Liberian Passport No: Diplomatic – 2781 SHAW Emmanuel (II) 26 JUL 1946 Director of Lonestar airways. (26 JUL 1956) Associated with Lone Star Communications Cooperation Former economic adviser to ex-President Taylor. SNOWE Edwin M., Jr. 11 February 1970 / Nationality: Liberia Representative, Liberian House Mano River, Grand OR/0056672-01 of Representatives. Managing Cape Mount, Director of the Liberian Petro- Liberia D/005072 leum and Refining Corporation Liberian Passport No: (LPRC). Diplomatic D005640 ECOWAS-DPL Passport No: D-00172 (07/08/08- 06/07/10) Address: Elwa Road, Monrovia, Liberia

26 Massnahmen gegenüber Liberia 946.231.16

LAST NAME FIRST NAME ALIAS DATE OF PASSPORT/ DESIGNATION/JUSTIFICATION BIRTH/PLACE OF IDENTIFYING INFORMATION BIRTH TAYLOR Agnes Reeves REEVES- 27 SEP 1965 Nationality: Liberia Former Liberian Permanent TAYLOR Representative to the Inter- national Maritime Organization. Former Senior Member of the Liberian Government. Ex-wife and associate of former Liberian President Charles Taylor. Currently resident in the United Kingdom. TAYLOR Charles Chuckie 12 FEB 1978 Adviser and son of former «Chuckie» Charles McArthur Liberian President Charles (Junior) Taylor. Currently on trial in the Emmanuel United States of America. Roy M. Belfast, Junior Charles Taylor II TAYLOR Charles Ghankay Jean-Paul Some 01 SEP 1947 Former President of Liberia. (Charles Jean-Paul Sone (28 JAN 1948) Currently on trial in The Hague. MacArthur) TAYLOR D. Benjamin (Jr.) Darlington Nationality: Director of Passports and Visas J. TOWAH Liberia at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Liberia. MODEL’s former Chief of Staff. TAYLOR Jewel Howard 17 JAN 1963 D/003835-04 Senator, Liberian Senate. Spouse (HOWARD TAYLOR) valid 04/6/04-03/6/06 of former Liberian President Charles Taylor. D/00536307 TAYLOR Tupee Enid 17 DEC 1960 Liberian Diplomatic Ex-wife of former Liberian (17 DEC 1962) Passport: D/002216 President Charles Taylor.

27 Aussenhandel 946.231.16

LAST NAME FIRST NAME ALIAS DATE OF PASSPORT/ DESIGNATION/JUSTIFICATION BIRTH/PLACE OF IDENTIFYING INFORMATION BIRTH TESIC Slobodan Serbian national, director of the (TEZIC) society «TEMEX», Belgrade. TUAH Joseph Former deputy of Benjamin Yeaten. Liberian Diplomatic Former Assistent Director of Special Security Service. (TOUAH) (Joachim) Passport: #D00353 UREY Benoni 22 JUN 1957 Liberian Diplomatic Ex-Commissioner of Maritime Passport: Affairs of Liberia. He was the D-00148399 direct superior of Mr. Ruprah. Commissioner of Maritime Affairs Passport: D/002356 YEATEN Benjamin D. 28 FEB 1969 Liberian Diplomatic Former head of the Special (YEATON) Passport: Security Unit in Liberia. D00123299 Ex-Director, Special Security (29 FEB 1969) Services. valid 10/02/99-09/02/01 DOB: 29 FEB 1969 POB: Tiaplay, Nimba County