Jubilee Drive Definitely Going Over Top Denver Catholic
National Circulation Over 470,000; Denver Catholic Register, 21^49 JUBILEE DRIVE DEFINITELY GOING OVER TOP + + + + + + Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1940— Permission to Reproduce, Excepting on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue in •i>* clergy procession preceding.the Solemn Pontifical Oll'Vti »/M.C/ll'tl'T o l> Mggg g( life Cathedral Wednesday, May 29, is shown below. Reading from left to right, front row, are the Rt. Rev, Hugh L. McMenamin, the Very Rev. Magnificent Affair Charles Hagus, the Very Rev. Thomas D. Coyne, GM ., and the Rt. Rev. Matthew Smith; second row, the Very Rev. William Higgins, the Very Rev. Robert Kelley, S.J.; Bishop Urban J. Vehr, the Very Rev. Harold V. Campbell, and the Rt. Rev. Abbot Leonard Schwinn, O.S.B. After the Mass a delegation o f students led by Eva Sydney Monaghan o f lx>retto Heights college pre Marks Anniversary sented the Bishop with a spiritual' bouquet and a check for |1,S00 (lower photo). Bishop Vehr an DENVER CATHOLIC nounced that the money would form the beginning o f a school children’s burse for the seminary. Shown in the picture are (left to right): First row— Monsignor J. J. Bosetti, V.G.; Eva Sydney Monaghan, Bishop Vehr,-Father Hubert Newell, diocesan superintendent of schools, and Kathleen McCormick; sec ond row— James Wilson, Florence Piute, Bernard Deidel, Dorothy Pantoski, and Daniel Foley. Of Denver Dishop REGISTER $120,051 on Hand or Pledged; More Parishes The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register.
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