REDD+ on the Ground
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REDD+ on the ground A case book of subnational initiatives across the globe Edited by Erin O Sills, Stibniati S Atmadja, Claudio de Sassi, Amy E Duchelle, Demetrius L Kweka, Ida Aju Pradnja Resosudarmo and William D Sunderlin REDD+ on the ground A case book of subnational initiatives across the globe Editor Erin O Sills Co-editors Stibniati S Atmadja Claudio de Sassi Amy E Duchelle Demetrius L Kweka Ida Aju Pradnja Resosudarmo William D Sunderlin Editorial assistant Eskil Mattsson Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) © 2014 by the Center for International Forestry Research. All rights reserved. Content in this publication is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), ISBN 978-602-1504-55-0 Sills EO, Atmadja SS, de Sassi C, Duchelle AE, Kweka DL, Resosudarmo IAP and Sunderlin WD, eds. 2014. REDD+ on the ground: A case book of subnational initiatives across the globe. Bogor, Indonesia: CIFOR. Photo credits: Cover photos by Icaro Cooke Vieira/CIFOR, Marco Simola/CIFOR, Neil Palmer/CIAT, Ollivier Girard/CIFOR, Ricky Martin/CIFOR Pages 2 Nugroho Adi Utomo/CIFOR, 33 Kate Evans/CIFOR, 51 Neil Palmer/CIAT 68 Icaro Cooke Vieira/CIFOR, 86 Mariana Gomes Pereira/CIFOR, 106 Rodrigo Calvet/ CIFOR, 124 Marina Cromberg/CIFOR, 147 Valerie Garrish/CIFOR, 166 Dina Reyes/CIFOR, 188 Patrice Levang/CIFOR, 203 Patrice Levang/CIFOR, 222 Demetrius L Kweka/CIFOR, 234 Susan Caplow/CIFOR, 245 Demetrius L Kweka/CIFOR, 261 Demetrius L Kweka/CIFOR, 272 Demetrius L Kweka/CIFOR, 290 Nugroho Adi Utomo/CIFOR, 309 Yayan Indriatmoko/CIFOR, 329 Siswanto/CIFOR, 348 Yayan Indriatmoko/CIFOR, 362 Cut Augusta Mindry Anandi/CIFOR, 380 Cut Augusta Mindry Anandi/CIFOR, 401 Thu Ba Huynh/CIFOR, 420 Rodrigo Calvet/CIFOR Designed by CIFOR’s Multimedia Team CIFOR Jl. CIFOR, Situ Gede Bogor Barat 16115 Indonesia T +62 (251) 8622-622 F +62 (251) 8622-100 E [email protected] We would like to thank all donors who supported this research through their contributions to the CGIAR Fund. For a list of Fund donors please see: Any views expressed in this publication are those of the authors. They do not necessarily represent the views of CIFOR, the editors, the authors’ institutions, the financial sponsors or the reviewers. FSC® C014287 Contents List of authors xiii Acknowledgments xviii Foreword xx Arild Angelsen Executive summary xxii Erin O Sills and Eskil Mattsson Part 1. Introduction 1 REDD+ on the ground: The need for scientific evidence 2 William D Sunderlin, Christy Desta Pratama, Astrid B Bos, Valerio Avitabile, Erin O Sills, Claudio de Sassi, Shijo Joseph, Made Agustavia, Uji Astrono Pribadi and Aneesh Anandadas Part 2. Case reports BRAZIL 2 Acre’s State System of Incentives for Environmental Services (SISA), Brazil 33 Amy E Duchelle, Maron Greenleaf, Denyse Mello, Maria Fernanda Gebara and Tadeu Melo 3 Bolsa Floresta, Brazil 51 Riyong Kim Bakkegaard and Sven Wunder 4 Cotriguaçu Sempre Verde, Brazil: Conservation and sustainable management of natural resources 68 Raissa Guerra, Amy E Duchelle, D Sergio de Freitas Jr. and Maytê Rizek 5 Jari/Amapá REDD+ Project, Brazil 86 Marina Cromberg, Mariana G Pereira and Renata B Caramez 6 Sustainable Landscapes Pilot Program in São Félix do Xingu, Brazil 106 Maria Fernanda Gebara 7 Sustainable Settlements in the Amazon, Brazil 124 Marina Cromberg, Amy E Duchelle, Gabriela Simonet and Alexandra Coraça de Freitas iv REDD+ on the ground PERU 8 The REDD Project in Brazil Nut Concessions in Madre de Dios, Peru 147 Valerie Garrish, Emilio Perales, Amy E Duchelle and Peter Cronkleton 9 Valuation of Environmental Services in the Managed Forests of Seven Indigenous Communities in Ucayali, Peru 166 Dawn Rodriguez-Ward and Pilar Paredes del Aguila CAMEROON 10 REDD+ around Mount Cameroon, southwest region of Cameroon 188 Abdon Awono, Akombi Andreas Tambe, Henri Owona and Elise Barreau 11 Community Payments for Ecosystem Services in the south and east regions of Cameroon 203 Abdon Awono, Elise Barreau and Henri Owona TANZANIA 12 Building REDD Readiness in the Masito Ugalla Ecosystem Pilot Area in Support of Tanzania’s National REDD Strategy 222 Demetrius L Kweka 13 Piloting REDD in Zanzibar Through Community Forest Management, Tanzania 234 Susan Caplow, Andina Auria Dwi Putri and Demetrius L Kweka 14 Making REDD Work for Communities and Forest Conservation in Tanzania 245 Therese Dokken, Andina Auria Dwi Putri and Demetrius L Kweka 15 Mpingo Conservation and Development Initiative: Combining REDD, PFM and FSC certification in southeastern Tanzania 261 Demetrius L Kweka 16 Pilot project on Community-Based REDD Mechanisms for Sustainable Forest Management in Semiarid Areas: The Case of Ngitilis in the Shinyanga Region, Tanzania 272 Andina Auria Dwi Putri and Demetrius L Kweka INDONESIA 17 Kalimantan Forests and Climate Partnership, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia 290 Stibniati S Atmadja, Yayan Indriatmoko, Nugroho Adi Utomo, Mella Komalasari and Andini Desita Ekaputri Contents v 18 Katingan Peatland Restoration and Conservation Project, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia 309 Yayan Indriatmoko, Stibniati S Atmadja, Nugroho Adi Utomo, Andini Desita Ekaputri and Mella Komalasari 19 Ketapang Community Carbon Pools, West Kalimantan, Indonesia 329 Dian Yusvita Intarini, Ida Aju Pradnja Resosudarmo, Mella Komalasari, Andini Desita Ekaputri and Made Agustavia 20 Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve Project, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia 348 Yayan Indriatmoko, Stibniati S Atmadja, Andini Desita Ekaputri and Mella Komalasari 21 TNC’s initiative within the Berau Forest Carbon Program, East Kalimantan, Indonesia 362 Cut Augusta Mindry Anandi, Ida Aju Pradnja Resosudarmo, Mella Komalasari, Andini Desita Ekaputri and Dian Yusvita Intarini 22 Ulu Masen REDD+ initiative, Aceh, Indonesia 380 Cut Augusta Mindry Anandi, Ida Aju Pradnja Resosudarmo, Andini Desita Ekaputri, Mella Komalasari, Pangestuti Astri and Riza Aryani VIETNAM 23 Cat Loc Landscape – Cat Tien National Park Pro-Poor REDD+ Project, Vietnam 401 Thu Ba Huynh Part 3. Synthesis 24 REDD+ on the ground: Global insights from local contexts 420 Claudio de Sassi, William D Sunderlin, Erin O Sills, Amy E Duchelle, Ashwin Ravikumar, Ida Aju Pradnja Resosudarmo, Cecilia Luttrell, Shijo Joseph, Martin Herold, Demetrius L Kweka and Stibniati S Atmadja References 445 Terms and abbreviations 482 Glossary 484 Appendices 490 List of boxes, figures and tables Boxes A Estimating forest loss and carbon emissions 8 Astrid B Bos and Valerio Avitabile B Challenges to measuring emission sources and sinks in REDD+ subnational initiatives 22 Shijo Joseph C REDD+ in-depth costing 24 Eduardo Marinho, Noah Greenberg, Demetrius L Kweka and Erin O Sills D REDD+ in Brazil: The national context 31 Sven Wunder and Amy E Duchelle E REDD+ in Peru: The national context 145 Mary Menton, Jazmín Gonzales and Laura F Kowler F REDD+ in Cameroon: The national context 186 Abdon Awono G REDD+ in Tanzania: The national context 219 Demetrius L Kweka, Sheryl Quail and Jessica Campese H REDD+ in Indonesia: The national context 287 Ida Aju Pradnja Resosudarmo, Stibniati S Atmadja, Nugroho Adi Utomo, Christy Desta Pratama, Andini Desita Ekaputri, Josil P Murray, Andina Auria Dwi Putri, Made Agustavia, Cut Augusta Mindry Anandi, Riza Aryani, Pangestuti Astri, Yayan Indriatmoko, Dian Yusvita Intarini, Mella Komalasari and Karlina Indraswari J REDD+ in Vietnam: The national context 399 Thu Ba Huynh K The role of women in early REDD+ implementation 440 Anne M Larson, Therese Dokken and Amy E Duchelle L Can REDD+ deliver biodiversity co-benefits in Indonesia? 442 Josil P Murray, Richard Grenyer, Sven Wunder, Niels Raes and Julia PG Jones Contents vii Figures 1.1 CIFOR-GCS abbreviated and formal names and locations of subnational initiatives. 6 C.1 Budgeted annual costs of the REDD+ initiatives over time. 24 C.2 Cost per household and per hectare of the Transamazon initiative and the Katingan Project. 25 C.3 Costs of the Transamazon initiative. 26 C.4 Costs of the Katingan Project. 27 2.1 Map of Acre. 35 2.2 Timeline of SISA in Acre. 38 2.3 Sources of income for all households in sample (n = 127). 45 2.4 Sources of income for average household by community (or village) (+/- SE) (n = 127). 45 3.1 Map of the Bolsa Floresta initiative. 53 3.2 Timeline of the Bolsa Floresta initiative. 59 3.3 Annual income shares among households in two Bolsa Floresta reserves (n = 192). 63 3.4 Household self-reported use of Bolsa Floresta family component payment in Juma and Uatumã reserves. 66 4.1 Map of the REDD+ initiative in Cotriguaçu. 70 4.2 Timeline of the REDD+ initiative in Cotriguaçu. 73 4.3 Sources of income for all households in sample (n = 122). 80 4.4 Sources of income for average household by community (or village) (+/- SE) (n = 122). 81 5.1 Map of the REDD+ initiative in Jari/Amapá. 88 5.2 Timeline of the REDD+ initiative in Jari/Amapá. 92 5.3 Sources of income for average household by community (or village) (+/- SE) (n = 122). 99 5.4 Sources of income for all households in sample (n = 122). 100 6.1 Map of the REDD+ initiative in SFX. 108 6.2 Timeline of the REDD+ initiative in SFX. 113 6.3 Sources of income for all households in sample (n = 124). 117 6.4 Sources of income for average household by community (or village) (+/- SE) (n = 124). 118 7.1 Map of the REDD+ initiative in the Transamazon. 126 7.2 Timeline of the REDD+ initiative in the Transamazon. 129 viii REDD+ on the ground 7.3 Sources of income for all households in sample (n = 137). 137 7.4 Sources of income for average household by community (or village) (+/- SE) (n = 137). 137 8.1 Map of the REDD+ initiative in Madre de Dios. 148 8.2 Timeline of the REDD+ initiative in Madre de Dios.