Dawn of the New Year
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Next Meeting, January 12th, 2016:7:00 PM Member’s Night— Burt Stephens, Moderator Key articles..... registration process for the workshops has been confusing to some of you, but be patient, we will try to simplify it in the future. What Are Your For those of you that missed our Must-Have Apps?— Christmas party, you missed a good one. page 2 I would like to especially thank J. P. Leemans and Don Boyd for their work in putting it all together. We had a good turnout and from the comments I’ve received, everyone enjoyed the catered meal, prizes, and the Gert The Inside-Story company of fellow members and family. On The Detail of Apple Turning for a moment to things Apple, Refinements — page 4 I hope Santa was good to you. I was fortu- nate enough to receive an Apple iPad Pro, Pencil, and Apple TV: I must have been a good boy this year. Unfortunately, I expect OMUG’s Christmas Party it will take the rest of the year to use them effectively. As I work my way through these Happening In Photos — new tools/toys, I will share my experiences page 9 with you. While it is still too early to say much about them, I am really impressed with the iPad Dawn of the New Ye a r Pro for reading books in iBooks. By the way, if you like to use your iPad for reading books in iBooks, I’ve found two ways to get PDF material into iBooks that might be of value to you. Download the PDF in Safari on the iPad, when the download is complete you will briefly be given an opportunity to open the file in iBooks. Second, it you have a PDF on your Mac, open iTunes and connect your iPad. When the iPad icon appears in iTunes, A message from the prez— of our club. Without those efforts, our club on the 12th of January and Phil Davis will open it and click on the Books in the left January - a month named after Janus, the would not be what it is today. Similarly, be presenting his Workshop on Mac Basics column in the On My Device area. Then go Roman god of beginnings and transitions. Mentoring will continue to be a major part of on the 28th of January. All in all, a very nice to the location of the PDF and drag and drop Also, we observe the month of January as our efforts. We will continue to help Apple beginning to our club’s 25th year! For all of it into the Book area. I’ve described these National Thank You Month, National Mentor- product and services users in the greater our members attending Phil’s workshop, two tips briefly, so if you have any problems ing Month, and Weight Loss Awareness Ocala area to learn, understand, and use I want to remind you again— the workshops using them, just contact me. Month... Well two out of three isn’t bad. their devices more effectively. will be held in the College of Central Florida’s Hope to see you at our next meeting… In keeping with this month, it is appropriate Consistent with these objectives, Burt University Center, Room 112 and they are to thank all of you for your efforts on behalf Stephens will lead us in a Member’s Night “free” to our members. I know the SLI —Bobby Adams Best viewed in Adobe Reader January 2016 | MUGSHOT Newsletter | 1 What are Your Must-Have Apps?— by Phil Davis CyberShopping Rules by Steve Weisman, Special for USA TODAY Cybercriminals are lurking as a constant threat 3. Use strong, unique passwords for each of to people who don’t take some basic precau- your accounts so if one retailer that you use is hacked, identity thieves won’t have access ’ve been doing some cleanup on my part of the OS release such as Mail, Calendar, tions to protect themselves while shopping extensive list of apps, most of which go Contacts, Preview, Safari, Photos, Pages, Num- online. Here is a list of a few rules for safe to all of your other accounts. Having so many Iunused most of the time. It is going to take a bers, and Keynote. online shopping. passwords may appear to be difficult to re- while to trim this list down to the ones that are Then, I supplement these with my top 20 1. While your new smart credit card with a member, but it doesn’t have to be. A strong really necessary and useful. It’s amazing how including some that you may not have heard computer chip will provide greater protec- password will combine capital letters, small many apps in the list I couldn’t identify without of but are vital to my workflow. These include tion at brick and mortar stores, you can’t letters and symbols. Start with an easy to looking them up on Google. I clearly need to be nvALT (my short-term brain), TextExpander, use the chip for online purchases. As in the remember phrase such as “I don’t like pass- more selective. Marked, Reeder, SpamSieve, FoldingText, past, you will need to input your credit card words” and make that the base for all of your It got me thinking also about which of these and Voila. Finally, I add Dropbox, 1Password, number into the websites you use for online passwords so it reads IDon’tLikePasswords. are really my “must-have” apps – the ones that I DevonThink Pro (my long-term brain), PDF- purchases. Before you type in your credit card This long password combines capital use daily and don’t want to do without. Pen Pro, Evernote, Postbox, Pocket, Alfred, information, make sure that the URL begins letters and small letters as well as a symbol. I start by classifying my apps into three cat- egories. TextWrangler, Carbon Copy Cloner, Drop- with “https” rather than merely “http.” The “s” Then make the password even stronger by zone, LibreOffice, and Chrome to the bundle. means that your data is being encrypted and adding a few easy to remember symbols at 1 Core Apps: These are the ones that I install first when I do a clean installation of a new OS, So there you have it. Of course, there are is more difficult for an identity thief to inter- the end of the password such as “$$$.” Now or buy a new computer (a very rare occurrence, many other apps that I use occasionally – utili- cept. you have your basic password which reads unfortunately). It’s interesting to think about ties, troubleshooting tools, apps to create and Resist the temptation to leave your credit IDon’tLikePasswords$$$. This is a strong what you do on a daily basis and which apps manipulate images and videos – the list could card number on file with online retailers from password. The next step is to personalize get very long. But, the bulk of my time is spent you use. which you regularly make purchases because this basic password for each of your accounts with my must-have core. If you are interested 2 Essential Apps: These are apps that I use I used the following while writing this article: leaving your credit card number on file with a with a few letters at the end of the pass- often for specific purposes, but are not need- nvALT, TextExpander, Marked, FoldingText, Sa- company just leaves you in greater danger of word to identify the particular account. For ed on a daily basis. Even though I don’t need fari, and DevonThink Pro. identity theft in the event that the company example, your Amazon password could be these every day, I still consider this group as So, what do you consider as your “must- is hacked and becomes the victim of a data IDon’tLikePasswords$$$ama. This is both a “essential” to my work. have” apps? It never hurts to occasionally take breach, which is quite possible. strong password and easy to remember. (Ed’s 3 Useful Apps: These are the utilities, tools, an inventory of what is in your Applications 2. Use your credit card for purchases rather note– Maybe, but I still prefer 1Password.) and other apps that are rarely needed, but are folder and do some culling of the ones that you than your debit card. Your credit card comes In addition, many companies, such as vital when called upon. don’t need. Not only will this force you to think with greater protection by law from fraudu- Amazon offer dual factor authentication Another way to classify your apps is by their about how you work, but it can make it easier lent purchases and even if your debit card is- when you are shopping so that when you log function. Categories like create, organize, auto- to stay on top of upgrades. This is particularly mate, develop, utilities, cloud services, backup, important prior to any major OS upgrades. suer offers zero liability, as some do, you still on to your account, the company will send a connectivity, security, and tech support. If you are willing to share your lists and pref- lose access to the bank account to which the one-time code to your smartphone for you For what it’s worth here is a list of my “must- erences, send them to me at omug42@gmail. card is attached while the bank investigates to input in order to access your account. This have Core Apps.” They start with the usual com and I’ll post them on our blog site (anony- any fraudulent purchases you may discover.