WEDNESDAY October 31, 2018 BARTOW COUNTY’S ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER 75 CENTS Hufstetler weighs in on insurance, immigration BY JAMES SWIFT tiate a deal that allocated 20 per- worth of operational income. from the previous legislative ses-
[email protected] cent of Rome Braves season tick- “The state, at one point, was sion was getting Senate Bill 355 ets revenue to the county coffers. down to less than a day’s reserves enacted in July — which, mov- Years ago, a newspaper edito- He’s just as proud of his in the banks during [the Great Re- ing forward, prohibits the type of rial declared Chuck Hufstetler, money-saving and cost-cutting cession],” he said. “It’s important, plan that was used to get two then a Floyd County Commis- endeavors as a member of the because we know recessions are new nuclear energy reactors fi- sioner, “the tightwad in chief.” state’s appropriations, finance, going to come.” nanced at Plant Vogtle in Burke Whoever wrote it may have health and human services, higher Assessing the damage from County. meant it as an insult, but Huf- education and retirement commit- Hurricane Michael, Hufstetler “What has happened is that stetler — now a state senator rep- tees. said he expects about six years money has gone not to paying off resenting Georgia’s 52nd District, “We’ve got the lowest unem- before incentives are in place to the project, but for profit,” he which includes virtually all of ployment rate in many, many fully rebuild and replant the dev- said. “We’ve got sort of a strange Euharlee and Kingston, as well as years,” he said at Saturday morn- astated areas.