Path to the Kazakhstan Dream’ in the World, the President Said in by Malika Orazgaliyeva His Opinion

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Path to the Kazakhstan Dream’ in the World, the President Said in by Malika Orazgaliyeva His Opinion 0° / -16°C WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2016 No 1 (91) Kazakhstan Supports, Participates President Details in Implementing Iran Nuclear Deal Reforms, ‘Path to the Kazakhstan Dream’ in the world, the President said in By Malika Orazgaliyeva his opinion. According to Nazarbayev’s ASTANA – Kazakhstan’s Plan article, the Plan of the Nation of the Nation to create the pillars of includes five institutional re- a developed democratic and eco- forms that are anti-crisis meas- nomically strong state came into ures in response to the global effect Jan. 1. On Jan. 6, the Akorda economic crisis. The five re- presidential residence website pub- forms include the formation of lished an article by President Nur- a professional state apparatus; sultan Nazarbayev titled, “Plan of the rule of law; industrialisation the Nation – The Path to the Ka- and economic growth; identity zakhstan Dream,” which provided and unity, and the formation of details on the efforts to implement accountable government. The the Plan of Nation. 100 Concrete Steps are more The Plan of the Nation, called Uranium being transported out of Kazakhstan on board of a plane. Astana the Norwegian embassy in Photo credit: detailed measures to implement “100 Concrete Steps on realisa- those five reforms. ordinator of the Joint Commission request of Joint Commission of December carrying over 25,000 tion of five institutional reforms,” The first reform is the creation of By Malika Orazgaliyeva of the P5+1 and Iran. The P5+1 “P5+1” and Iran,” Nazarbayev pounds (11,340 kgs) of low-en- basically came into full being on a modern and professional civil ser- consists of international mediators said in the statement as he ex- riched uranium. The shipment in- Jan. 1. That means that on Jan. vice. The new law on civil service ASTANA – President Nursultan representing China, France, Ger- plained the reasons for his coun- cluded the removal of all of Iran’s 1, 2016 the majority of 59 laws was adopted in conjunction with Nazarbayev said Dec. 30 that Ka- many, Russia, the United Kingdom try’s support of the deal. nuclear material enriched to 20 adopted by, Parliament last year new anti-corruption legislation and zakhstan welcomes progress in im- and the United States. Thus, on Dec. 27, in coordina- percent. According to the Dec. as part of the reform agenda will establishes the basic framework of plementing the agreement between “Taking into account that politi- tion with the P5+1, Iran, the In- 28 statement from U.S. Secretary enter into force and create a new the new model of civil service. The the international community and cal and diplomatic solution is the ternational Atomic Energy Agency of State, “this was a great step for legal environment for the devel- new model is meant to improve the Iran, called the Joint Comprehensive only right way to resolve the situ- (IAEA) and relevant structures of Iran in order to meet its commit- opment of the state, economy and effectiveness of the entire public Plan of Action (JCPOA) on Iran’s ation around Iran’s nuclear pro- the UN Security Council, Kazakh- ment to have no more than 300 kg society. They are meant to lead administration. nuclear programme, and the oppor- gramme and considering historical stan’s National Atomic Company of low-enriched uranium by Im- the nation to becoming one of the tunity to participate in the process. significance of the adoption of the Kazatomprom supplied Iran with plementation Day,” a day when the top 30 most developed countries Continued on Page A2 In a detailed statement released JCPOA, which will significantly 60 metric tons of natural uranium IAEA will need to verify that Iran by the Akorda presidential resi- strengthen regional and interna- on commercial terms as compen- completed all his nuclear commit- dence on the same day, Nazarbayev tional security, as well as con- sation for the removal of low-en- ments. said Kazakhstan’s participation tribute to normalisation of Iran’s riched uranium (LEU) from that “Kazakhstan has always sup- in implementing JCPOA, which relations with the international country specified in the JCPOA. ported the process of international was approved in July 2015, comes community, positively impact the Norway was reportedly responsi- consultations on the Iranian nucle- Issekeshev Appointed at the request of European Union economic and social development ble for paying for the shipment of ar programme and made a practi- High Representative for Foreign of all countries in the region and uranium from Kazakhstan to Iran. cal contribution to it,” the Kazakh Affairs and Security Policy Fed- improve Kazakh-Iranian relations, As reported earlier, a ship de- presidential statement said. erica Mogherini, who serves as co- Kazakhstan decided to satisfy the parted Iran for Russia earlier in Continued on Page A3 Investment Ombudsman, Geoglyphs, the Future of Kazakhstan Tourism? One Stop Shop for inclusion of the geoglyphs would which is a string of geoglyphs made By Ronald LaPorte help this to occur. Currently Ka- by ancient peoples 2,000 years ago. Investors Expands zakhstan is 85th on the world des- The Peruvian government has em- As investment ombudsman, Is- There are only 12 countries tinations for tourism out of 140. In braced these and has taken it upon By Malika Orazgaliyeva sekeshev will manage a work- where geoglyphs have been found. terms of GDP the tourism industry themselves to establish itself as a ing group composed of heads and The geoglyphs in Kazakhstan are represents 0.3 percent. Estimates very powerful tourist destination as ASTANA – In connection with deputy heads of the General Pros- some of the largest, most frequent, vary, but from 4.8-6.8 million visi- seen with this tourism ad for Peru. Kazakhstan’s aim to become one ecutor’s Office and all government oldest and beautiful. This makes tors per year come to Kazakhstan. Some of the resources are feeding of the top 30 most developed coun- ministries to address investment- them ideal to establish a geo- Most of the visitors are from Rus- back to the study and preservation tries in the world, the government related issues and propose legisla- glyph tourist industry. This indus- sia. The plan for tourism Industry of geoglyphs. Peru is ranked consid- is striving to ensure effective ef- tion. Issekeshev will be guided in try would help study and preserve Development up to 2020, a goal erably higher in tourism (58) on the forts to attract foreign investment his activities by the Constitution, these ancient structures. It would global interest for these geoglyphs was outlined of moving tourism world’s stage then Kazakhstan. What flow into the country. These efforts the country’s laws, as well as acts also be a boon to the economy of at such a high level and Expo 2017 GDP from 0.3 percent to 3 percent. is important is that tourism also cap- recently included two important by the President and the Govern- Kazakhstan to foster and expand nearing. Here we contrast the geo- Clearly, there is considerable inter- tures a much bigger segment of the developments, the naming of an ment. eco and historical tourism. glyph tourism industry with a simi- est; however, the numbers of visi- GDP in Peru, that of 7 percent. In the investment ombudsman and the es- The ombudsman’s role is to pro- The Kazakhstan geoglyphs were lar sized country, Peru, whose geo- tors coming to Kazakhstan is still workforce, 10.8 percent of the work- tablishment of a one-stop shop for tect the rights and lawful interests first reported in 2007 by Dmitry glyphs are of similar size and age, quite low with virtual no geoglyph ers are in the tourist industry. Also, investors where they can get their of investors. His office will ex- Day and in 2015 became well however, geoglyph tourism in Peru tourists. The advantages of high- very significant, tourism is the fast- issues addressed. plain those issues to the investors recognized globally due to a New is far advanced and very profitable. lighting geoglyphs in a tourism est growing industry in Peru, at an Prime Minister Karim Massi- and hold hearings, consultations York Times article. Kazakhstan has a wonderful op- plan for Kazakhstan is that there is amazing rate of 25 percent per year. mov signed a government resolu- and protocol meetings with pub- These geoglyphs are strung out portunity to greatly expand the considerable interest in these an- Ideally, geoglyph tourism in Ka- tion appointing current Minister of lic authorities and organisations to across 1,000 km at the northern tourism industry with its wide ex- cient artefacts, and Kazakhstan is zakhstan could grow as rapidly as Investment and Development As- address them, as well as interact part of the country. They have been panse of natural, historical land- one of only a handful of countries what has been developed in Peru. set Issekeshev to the post effective with the heads or deputies of the little explored with virtually no scape, modern architecture and to have these. In terms of geoglyph tourism in Jan. 1. The new document, inked interested public authorities and geoglyph tourism. Now is the time friendly people. There is an excel- We can compare Kazakhstan’s ge- Peru, there are 160,000 visitors a Oct. 30, 2014, is in accordance organisations as he considers the to start to systematically plan for lent plan to build a thriving tour- oglyph tourism/ecotourism potential year to see the geoglyphs. with the law on investments dated investors’ appeals. geoglyph tourism and study with ism industry by the year 2020. The with Peru. Peru has the Nazca line, Continued on Page A2 Jan.
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