Ph.D. Secretary General


P.O. Box 925418/1 11 10 - Tel. 678707/8 Tlx. 23649 Fax 675325 - - juj cJI -IVAV.V/A .ijit - ^^\^ ' ARAB THOUGHT FORUM


15th Jan. 1997 Dale ....

His Excellency Mr. Kofi Annan Secretary General r 1 5 United Nations Jm JAN 2 0 1997 New York EXECUTIVE OFFICE Dear Kofi, OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL

I know by now you must have received thousands of congratulations, and mine is an addition to that stream of mail that reach your desk eveiy day. TM^congi;atulatiori_ isi from_a. Jrue. .friend wjio^always admi£e^_Ypu_as person with commendable^ human: Jj^,.TJroJessional _qualities. Our first meeting was when you came tihrough Arnman on the way to Iraq in 1990. When I moved to New York in 1991 we had more time to meet and exchange views regarding the role of the United Nations, and other issues of common concern. I was impressed with your vast knowledge of the way the UN works and of your total commitment to its cause and purpose. That is why I was very pleased when the member States elected you to the highest position in that great institution. I feel confident that you will do a great iob. j»~p..t,^iL.r.^.-v.i"..]:i-.- ••••-.:• •- , •.-,.• i.^.•.•-.-'-!)T-j-.y-?-=?T:»/->.••••-••*•.."••«»'*-'in -i—^.ftv:-..iy^n-^^wn-i>w^-f,ffrJ..fcl.,JM1i»^.^^,.

As you can see I am now responsible fojjnanaging an NGO that deals with ideas__and tjiinking, of which we are in great need in this region. I hope I can succeed in enhancing the role of the Forum in relation to decision making. Fortunatly, we enjoy the privilege of having important members from all Arab Countries. Our Board of Trustees is Chaired by Crown Prince Hassan of Jordan. I enclose some literature for your information. I know you must be extremely too busy to pay attention to such small details, but I wanted you to know what I am doing. In the meantime, I wish you all the success you deserve in leading the United Nations to greater acheivements and higher recognition. I watched you inauguration ceremony and admired your acceptance speech. I also heard parts of your address to the UN staff in the General Assembly Hall. I think you are on the right track. Good luck and God bless.

With warm regards and best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Ali A. Amga Secretary General

P.O. BOX 925418 . 930075, TEL. 678708/678707, TLX. 23649, FAX 675325, AMMAN - JORDAN "& Will J^lnVAY. JU 1YAY.Y iyjr V..YI) f V8iU J.J


Page • Forward • What is i Functions and Activities 6 - Arab-International Dialogues 6 - Inter-Arab Dialogues 7 - Strategic Research g - >f7FPublications 8 Activities (1982-1994) 9 • Inter-Arab Activities • Arab-International Activities 15 Publications (1982-1994) 19 Board of Trustees 23 Executive Committee 24 Membership 25

Active Members 25 Supportive Members 32 FOREWORD

"There is obviously desperate is a contribution of the contemporary Arab generation need for rethinking on a pushing ahead in the same path, towards the same great global scale. If a succession objectives of Arab nations. Its tools are rational thinking, of drastic events forces upon democratic dialogue, and creative interaction with other us a path of rethinking let this civilizations of the world. path not be a narrow one." Our slogan is "Belonging And Development:" belonging to our nation and to the motherland, and development of its human, spiritual, and material resources. Crown Prince Al HASSAN IBN TALAL President \


is an independent, pan - Arab, non - is structured as follows : governmental organization established in 1981 on the initiative of H.R.H. Crown Prince I. The General Assembly : Includes : Al Hassan Ibn Talal of Jordan and 25 eminent intellectual and developmental Arab Active Members who participate in activities figures, to promote greater linkages and vote in its general assembly, and between the Arab thinkers and the process of Supporting Members comprising Arab public policy formulation. organizations and institutions.

principles , objectives and activities all aim 2.Board of Trustees : consists of Chairman, to generate debate on important three Vice Chairmen and twenty one developmental, cultural, and policy issues, in members. order to promote the Inter - Arab and Arab - International cooperation, 3. The Administrative Committee: consists of five members from the Board of Trustees in ATP organizes and participates in seminars, work- addition to the Secretary General. shops, conferences, bringing together public officials with intellectuals, scholars, and 4. General Secretariat: headed by a non- governmental organizations, from the Secretary General and Executive Organs. Arab world and many other countries around the world. Talal Abu Ghazaleh International Corporation Studies and research projects deal with is yTTF Honorary Auditors. pressing issues of the present and major challenges of the present and of the future. /•"ITF Is financed by membership fees, subscription for publications, and donations from individuals, and from unconditional donations from Arab and International non- governmental bodies. FUNCTIONS AND ACTIVITIES

In pursuit of its objectives, >3TF undertakes the following activities : /

1. Arab - International Dialogues 2. Inter Arab Dialogues These comprise conferences, seminars, and workshops These intensive workshops and symposia aim to initiate between j/VTf and its counterparts in various regions or geo quality discussions to formulate , analyze and articulate - political groupings around the world. Dialogues have been joint Arab action to deal with present and future problems. held with counterparts from Western Europe, North Some of the issues discussed have included: Arab National America, South East Asia, the former Soviet Union, Latin Security, Pan - Arab Political and Economic Integration, America, Ibero American, China, and Japan. Some of the Democratization, Cultural Authenticity, Relations Between key topics discussed at these meetings included Intellectuals and Decision Makers, the Use of Pan - Arab North - South Cooperation, South - South Cooperation , the Satellites, Political Pluralism, Arab Regional Cooperation, Arab-Israeli conflict and the Palestinian Intifada, Islamic Academic Freedom in Arab Universities, and Human Fundamentalism and Political Activism, Inter - religious Development in the Arab World. dialogues, Human Rights and Problems of Minorities, Nonviolent Political Struggle and International Cooperation vis - a - vis Problems of Development, Food Security and Third-World Debt.

The Eighth Meeting Of ATF General Assembly, Held in From 27 To 28 June, 1994. Opening Session Attended By Princess Rahma Al Hassan Of Jordan And Princess Lala Mariam Al-Hassan II Of The third round of the Arab-Japanese Dialogue organized by S(TF and NIRA (Amman: 19-20 September 1992) \

5. Advanced Technology Amman 13. Violence and Politics in / & Its Implications for the the Arab world. (in Arab World. cooperation with Union of Arab Lawyers & Center for Political 6. Arab Cooperation in Amman Studies). Labor Exchange and Employment. 14. Islamic Resurgence In Amman The Arab Countries. ( in cooperation with Al - ALBAIT 7. Food Security in the Arab Amman Foundation). & Third World Countries (in Cooperation with IDRC/Canada). 15. Arab Intelligentsia and Cairo / Authorities Egypt 8. ARABSAT. and Horizons Amman (In cooperation with Arab For Developing the National Sociology Society & Union of Culture. Arab Lawyers)

9. Arab National Security. Amman 16. Future of Education in Bahrain The Arab World. (In cooperation with Arab Bureau of 10. External Indebtness of Amman Education for the Gulf States, & Arab Countries. (in Ministry of Education - Bahrain), Cooperation with Council of Arab Economic Unity). 17. Arab Youths and Rabat/ Problems of the Arab World 11. Distance Learning. (In Amman (In cooperation with Moh'd V Morocco cooperation with Al Quds Open University). University). 18. The Lebanese Crisis: Amman 12. Arab Debts and Assets Amman Economic & Social Impacts. Abroad: Polices & Alternatives. \

19. The Maghreb: Cultural 26. Communalism, Ethnic Amman Perspectives & Economic Nationalism and the Modern Integration. State (In cooperation with Goethe Institute). 20. Political Pluralism in the Amman Arab world 27. Towards the Establish- Tunis ment of a New Arab Order. (In cooperation with Freidrich 21. The Arab World and Amman Eberl Foundation) the New International Humanitarian Order f In 28. Mass Movement of cooperation with Professional Population Amman Women Club - Jordan and AMID EAST.) 29. Human Development in Amman the Arab World. (in 22. Arab Regional Co- Amman cooperation with UNDP - New operation in the 1990s York).

23. Arab Education In the Amman 30. The Arab Family. (In 21st Century cooperation with UNICEF) Amman

24. New Arab Policies Amman 31. Gaza - Jericho Amman and East European Countries Agreement: The Economic Perspective. 25. Prospects for Regional Cairo/ Arab Cooperation in the Egypt 1990s. ( In cooperation with ESCWA ) \

&ternjrtipnal IWalQgues and Serniiiars 32. Meeting of Arab Amman Intellectuals for an Initiative to containing Deterioration in Inter - Arab Relations. 1. Europe and the Arab Amman World (Euro - Arab 33. The Arab - Israeli Rabat/ Dialogue I) Settlement: Morocco Conditions, Contents and 2. America and the Middle Amman Effects. East. (Arab - American - and Canadian Dialogue I) The Arab Development: Past Shortcomings and 3. Palestine, Funda- Amman Future Prospects. mentalism and Liberalism (Arab - Liberal 34. Academic Freedom in Amman International Dialogue) Arab Universities (In Amman cooperation with Freidrich Ebert 4. Arab - Asian Dialogue I Foundation). 5. Europe and the Security of Amman the M.E (Euro - Arab Diaogue II)

Amman HUWDEVELOPME-mNTHEARABREGlONSSVllNAR 6. Inter - Religious Dialogue I

7. Arab - American Dialogue n Amman 8. Arab - Sino Dialogue Amman

9. Nonviolent Political Amman Struggle

10. Inter-Religious Dialogue II Windsor/ England

"Human Development in the Arab Region" Seminar, Held in Amman From 10 11. Arab European Amman to 12 April 1993. Appearing from left Dr. Oumlil. Mr. Ahmad Al-Lawzi Dialogue III and Dr. Ali Attiga 12. Prospects For Oil and Amman 21. Intei- Religious Windsor/ Future of Arab Dialogue V England Development. (In cooperation with Ministry of Energy-Jordan, 22. U.S Foreign Policy in the M.E Amman Arab Fund for Economic & Social Development - Kuwait, and the 23. Arab - Soviet Dialogue III Moscow Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences). 24. Arab - Ibero - Latin Seville/ American Dialogue (In Spain 13. The , The M.E and Cairo/ cooperation with the Club of the World Order. (In . Egypt Rome) cooperation with U.N University - Tokyo, The Third 25. Arab - Soviet Dialogue IV Amman World Forum and Fernand Braudel Center - U.S.A.) 26. Arab - German Dialogue Amman (In cooperation with Geothe 14. Arab - Soviet Dialogue I Amman Institute) 15. North - South Amman 27. Arab-Japanese Dialogue Tokyo/ Roundtable (In cooperation with II (In cooperation with National Japan UNDP - New York) Institute for Research Advancement (NIRA) Tokyo) 16. Inter Religious Main / Dialogue III Jordan 28. Arab - Japanese Amman Dialogue III (In cooperation 17. Arab - European Bari/ with National Institute for Dialogue IV (In cooperation Italy Research Advancement (NIRA) with The Italian Institute for Inter- Tokyo ) national Affairs). 29. Arab - Immigrants and Amman Cairo / Egypt 18. Arab - Soviet Dialogue II Muslims in Europe: Prospects and Issues. (Euro - 19- Arab - Japanese Amman Dialogue I (In cooperation with Arab Dialogue V) (in National Institute for Research cooperation with UNESCO) Advancement (NIRA) Tokyo ) 30. Ethics in Economy: Amman 20. Charles De Gaulle and Amman Euro Arab Perspectives the Arab World C In cooperation with Konrad Adenauer Foundation ) 31. Non - Governmental Amman Publications Organizations' Experts meeting, (in cooperation with Canadian Development Research 1982 -1994 Centers : CEAD. CIDA and IDRC)

32. Arab-ASEAN Dialogue Kuala 1. /?TF News (Almuntada - ), published (In cooperation with Institute of Lumpur/ monthly Strategic and International Studies Malaysia (ISIS) Malaysia). 2. yVrF News ( English ), published quarterly.

i :| U.B.FOREICN POUCY IN THE MIDDLE EAST The newsletters outline /-r'fp's activities. They include articles, books' reviews, information on publications, conferences, reports and seminars' schedule. 3. Series of publications on /tTf"'s dialogues with regional and international groupings, Arab studies, strategic studies and research, and translation of some international works.

"U.S Foreign Policy in the M.E" A Seminar organized by /iTP and Harvard lustitute for International Development (Amman, 5-6 May 1990)


- ASEAN Dialogue" organized by ATF and ISIS (Kuala-Lumpur, 30- Copies of xn'rP Publictions and ATP Research Output are available at /iTF, 31 October 1994). Appearing from Left: Mr. Tan Sri Zainal Abidin Bin can be purchased seperately, or from annual subscription, for further in- Sulong - Chairman ISIS, and Mr. Muhsen El Ayni - Vice Chairman formation regarding /iYF's publications, please refer to XiTr List of Publicationst 1982-1994). 23


1. His Royal Highness Crown Prince AL HASSAN IBN TALAL (5) Series of Translated International Works. - Dissertation, Report of the Independent Commission On Inter- national Humanitarian Issues. 2. AYNI, Mohsen Yemen 3. BEBLAWI, Hazem Egypt - The Famine , Report of The Independent Commission On Inter- 4. FAKHRO, Ali Bahrain national Humanitarian Issues.

Ed. Bertnard Shneider - Club of Rome 5. OUMLIL, Ali Morocco - Street Children. Report of the Independent Commission on International Humanitarian Issues. 6. ABDEL AZIZ, Mahmoud Egypt 7. AKHRAS, Shafiq 8. ANSARI, Osama syria 9. ATTIGA, Ali Libia 10. BAKHIET, Khalifa U.A.E 11. BRAHMI, Ahmad Taleb Algeria 12. DAJANI, Ahmad Sudqi Palestine 13. FUNAISH, Mohammad Lebia 14. HAFEZ, Mahdi Iraq 15. .. . HAMAR, Abdel Malek U.A.E 16. IBRAHIM, Hassan Kuwait 17. KHALIFATI, Omar Suade Arabia 18. KETTANI, Ali Morocco 19. KHALID, Mansour Sudan 20. KUBAISI, Abdulla Qatar 21. NABULSI, Moh',d Said Jordan 22. REYAMI, Hamad Oman 23. SABAH, Sua'd Kuwait 24. SALAMEH, Ghassan 25. SHARAF, Leila Jordan 26. SHURFI, Mohammad Tunis

The Arab Thought Forum's (/1TF) Library * Names are listed in Alphabetical order. Administrative Committee MEMBERSHIP ACTIVE MEMBERS 1. ANSARI, Osama 2. ATTIGA, Ali 3. BEBLAWI, Hazera 4. NABULSI, Moh'd Said 5. OUMLIL.Ali ALGERIA 6. SABAH, Sua'd Al-Ayashi Yakir Algerian Ambassador to France Lakhdar Brahimi Ambassador to the United Nations Since its establishment in 1981, ATF had Four Secretary Generals, they are consecutively: BAHRAIN Ali Fakhro Minister of Education SALM, Khalil (1981-1985) Kamel Saleh Al-Saleh Secretary General, GCC Council of Ministers of IBRAHIM, Sa'adEddin (1985-1990) Labor and Social Affairs YASSIN, ElSayed (1990-1992) Tariq Ahmoa'yad Minister of Information OUMLIL, Ali (1993- Yousef Al-Shirawi Minister of Development and Industry EGYPT

Executive Director of Administration Abdel-Aziz Hijazi Former Prime Minister of Egypt Ahmad Baha' Eddin Arab Thinker Ahmad Hamroush President, The Egyptian Committee for The Mrs. SABRI, Hala Afro-Asian Peoples Solidarity Ali Eddin Hilal Dean, Faculty of Economics and Political Science University of Cairo Farouk El-Baz Director, Center for Remote Sensing - U.S.A Hamed Ammar Prof., Department of Education, Ain Shams University Hazem Biblawi Chairman, The Egyptian Bank for Export Develop- ment He] mi Nammar Member of Parliament Ibrahim Kamel Businessman Issam Eddin Jalal Physician (Endocrinologist) Jamal Hammad Inlemational Consultant, (Pharmacoligy) - U.K. Mahmoud AbdulAziz Chairman, AI-Ahli Bank Moh'd Abdellah Chairman, Foreign Relations Committee - The Egyptian Parliament Moh'd Al-Imam Secretary General, Arab Society for Economic Research Mona Makram Obeid Prof, of Sociology, American University of Cairo Sa'ad Eddin Ibrahim Chairman, Ibn Khaldoun Center for Hanna O'deh Former Minister of Finance Developmental Studies. Hisham El-Khatib Minister of Planning Sayed Yassin Consultant, Al Ahram Strategic Center Ibrahim Shukri CEO, National Bank of Kuwait Yehia El Gamal Prof, of Law. University of Cairo Dabdub Ina'am Al-Mufti President, Noor Al Hussein Foundatin IRAQ Jawad Anani Minister of State and Information Kamal Shai'r Chairman, Dar Al-Handasah; and Senator, AbdelHassan Zalzaleh Former Assistant Secretary General for Economic Jordanian Parliament Affairs, League of Arab States. Laila Sharaf Senator, Jordanian Parliament Dr. Amer Khayatt Consultant, Development & Project Moh'd Adnan President, Al Al-Bait University Darem El-Bassarn UN Advisor, Office - Tunis Bakhit Fadhel Al-Chalabi Executive Director, International Center for Moh'd Said Nabulsi Chairman / Governor, Central Bank of Jordan Energy Research - London Mohammad Rabie' Independent Researcher - U.S.A Hi sham Al-Yawer Secretary General, Union of Arab Cooperative Mukhlis Al-Alami Former Advisor of the Arab African International Federation Bank Khaldoun Al-Hussary Historian and Writer Omar Nabulsi Lawyer Mahdi Al-Obeidi Former Secretary General, Council of Arab Shukri Dajani Assistant Director - General for ILO. Activities in Economic Unity. the Arab States - Geneva Mahdi Al-Hafez Coordinator of Arab Industrial and Development Taher Kana'an Director, Industrial Bank Projects, UNIDO, Vienna Talal Abu Ghazaleh Chairman, Talal Abu- Ghazaleh International Mosare' Urrawi Member of Iraqi Scientific Forum (TAGI) Moh'd Jawad Ridha Former Professor of Comparative Education, Walid Asfour Chairman, Walid, Mithqal and Shawkat Asfour Co. University, Kuwait University, Princess Wijdan Ali President, The Royal Society of Fine Arts. Umul-Qura University, and Jordan University. Zuhair Khouri Chairman / General Manager, the Housing Bank Nathir Sara Prof., Bahrain University - Bahrain. Sabah Allawi Director, UNICEF, Regional Office - KUWAIT Walid Khadduri Executive Editor, Middle East Economic Survey (MEES), Abdullatif Al-Hamad Chairman & General Manager, Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (AFF.SD). JORDAN AbdulWahab Tammar Former Governor, Central Bank of Kuwait Adnan Shihab Uddin UNESCO Regional Director - Cairo H. R. H. Crown Prince Chairman, Arab Thought Forum Anwar Al-Nuri Businessman Al Hassan Ibn Talal Abdullah Bishara Advisor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs AbdulSalam Majali Prime Minister of Jordan Abdullah Al-Ghanem Businessman Adnan Badran Assistant Director - General for Science, Ahmad Al-Jassar General Director, Kuwait Institute for Scientific UNESCO. France Research (KISR) Ad nan Abu O'deh Permanent Representative to the United Nations - Badria Al-A'wadhi Lawyer New York Fahd Al Rashid Businessman Albert Butros Prof., Hassan Al-Ibrahim Chairman, Kuwait Society for the Advancement of Ali Ghandour Consultant to H.M. King Hussein for Tourism and Children Aviation. Humoud Ruquba Prof., Faculty of Engineering - Kuwait Jassem Al-Khurafi Businessman Moh'd Al-Sharekh Chairman, Al A'lamiah Group Ali Kettani Secretary General, Islamic Academy for Sciences - Moh'd AJ-Sabah Ambassador of Kuwait to the U.S.A - Washington Amman and President, Ibn Rushd University - D.C. Spain Moh'd Ali Al-Naqi Chairman, Arab Company for Light Minerals Ali Oumlil Secretary General, Arab Thought Forum - Amman Moh'd Rumaihi Editor in Chief, Al Arabi Journal Fathallah Oualalou Prof., Mahmmed V University Su'ad Al-Sabah Economic Researcher, Poet. Fatima Lahbabi Prof., Moh'd V University Musa Al-Musa Assistant to the Governor of the Central Bank of Halima Mubarak Ambassador, Director of International Kuwait Al-Ouarzazi Organizations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs LEBANON Moh'd Al-Arabi Editor, Al Alam Newspaper Al-Massari Antoine Zahlan Manager, Zahlan Consultants - London Moh'd Mustafa Executive Director, African Center for Applied Elias Saba Former Minister Kabbaj Research and Training in Social Development - Fouad Boustany Legal Consultant (Paris, TAGI); Assistant Prof., Lybia University of Paris - France Georges Corm Economic and Financial Consultant - Paris OMAN Ghassan Salameh Prof., Institute of Political Studies, University of Paris - France Hamad Al-Riyami Businessman Samir Maqdesi Prof, of Economics and Director of Institute of Youssef Ben Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Financial & Banking Studies, American University Abdullah Ben of Beirut (AUB) LIBYA Alawi PALESTINE AbdulHamid Writer Backoush Abdul Muhsen Businessman - London Ali Attiga Former Secretary General, Organization of Arab Qattan Petroleum Exporting Countries; Former Assistant Ahmad Sudqi Dajani Chairman, Higher Council for Education, Culture Administrator - Regional Director, Regional and Science. (PLO) - Cairo Bureau for Arab States UNDP, New York. Burhan Dajani Secretary General, Union of Chambers of Moh'd AI- Finaish Consultant to the Managing Director, International Commerce, Industry and Agriculture for the Arab Monetary Fund - Washington, D.C. Countries - Amman MAURITANIA

Ahmad Wild Al-Wafi Regional Director, Arab Organization for AbdulAziz Al-Sobaie Minister of Education Agricultural Development. Abdullah Al-Kobaisi Staff Member - Education Department Qatar Ahmad Wild Miska Consultant, UNESCO - Paris University Ahmad Wild Al-Zain Governor, Central Bank of Mauritania. Abdullah Al-A'ttieh Governor, Central Bank of Qatar MOROCCO AbdelHadi Bou-Taleb Consultant to H.M. King Hassan II Al-Habib Al-Janhani Prof., Tunis University Al-Habib Bourguiba, Jr. Consultant AbdulAziz Al-Dukiel President, Consulting Center Al-Mongi Al-Fekih Assistant Secretary General and Head, league of AbdulHadi Hassan Businessman - in Finance and Investment - Geneva Arab States - Tunis Taher Al-Taher Labib Secretary General, Arab Society of Social Sciences Abdullah Al-Ma'lami Chairman, Al-U'Iayyan Saudi Co. Mustafa Al-Masmoudi President, MASSMEDIA Institute Abdullah Al-Mu'ajel Delegate Member, United Gulf Industries Corp. Moh'd Souissi University Professor (Retired) Sheikh Ahmad Delegate Member, Al-Riyadh Bank Moh'd Mouaada Prof, of Vital Languages, Tunis University Abdullatif Zuhair Modhafar Prof., Faculty of Law, Tunis University Hussein Gazairy Regional Director, World Health Organization (WHO) - Alexandria UNITED ARAB Ibrahim Al-Juwair Assistant Prof, of Social Sciences, Al Damman EMIRATES University Nasser Al Rashid Chairman, Al-Rashid Engineering Office Abdul Malik Al-Hamar Counselor, Emiri Palace and Director Al-Hamra Croup. SYRIA Abdul Khalek Abdullah Prof., United Arab Emirates University Sheikh Moh'd Said Minister of Agriculture & Fisheries Ghaith Armanazi Head, Arab League Office - London Al-Raqabani Moh'd Imadi Minister of Economy and Foreign Trade. S'aidGhobbash Minister of Trade and Economy Moh'd Amin Diab Economic Advisor. Yousef Al Hassan Chairman, Emirates Center for Development and Moh'd F. Talas President, Talas Center - Dubai Strategic Research Osama Al Ansari Advisor, Arab International Bank for Investment YEMEN (BAII) - London Shafiq Al-Akhras Former General Manager of the Saudi Bank - Paris Abdel Karim Iriani Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Yusif Sayegh Economic Advisor Abdul Aziz Al- Prof, of Economics, Sana' University Saqaf SUDAN Mohsin Al-Ayni Ambassador of Yemen to the U.S.A. - Washington D.C. AbdulRahman Abu President, Um-Durman National College Moh'd Said Attar Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Industry Zeid Moh'd Yehia Al- Assistant Prof., Faculty of Economics, Sana' Farouk Abu Eissa Secretary General, Arab lawyers Association-Cairo Adi University Ibrahim Al-Amin Former Advisor to the Prime Minister Mansour Khaled Legal Advisor - Geneva MuhyiEddin Saber Former Director General, ALECSO Osman Hashim UNDP Resident Representative - Amman Al-Sadeq Al-Mahdi Former Prime Minister of Sudan

TUNISIA Chadly Layari Prof, of Economics - Tunis University ft SUPPORTIVE MEMBERS

1 - Housing Bank (Jordan) 2 - Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) (Saudi Arabia) 3 - Council for Arab Economic Unity (Egypt) 4 - Arab Fund for Economic & Social Development (AFSED) (Kuwait) 5 - Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED) (Kuwait) 6 - Central Bank of Jordan (Jordan) 1 - Social Security Corporation (Jordan) 8- Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) (Kuwait) 9 - The Kuwaiti Banks Committee (KBC) (Kuwait) 10- Sheikh Salah Al-Hujailan Law Firm (Saudi Arabia) The Arab Thought Forum (A TF) is Located at The 14th Floor 11- Prince S'aud Bin Naif Bin AbdulAziz Al-Saud (Saudi Arabia) of the Housing Bank Center in Amman. 12- Airline (Jordan) 13- Talal Abu Ghazaleh International (TAGI) (Egypt) 14- Egyptian Bank for Exports' Development (Egypt) 15- Jordanian Tobacco & Cigarettes Co. (Jordan) 16- Union Bank for Savings & Investments (Jordan) 17- Saudi Iron & Steel Co. (Saudi Arabia) 18- Arab Investment Bank (INVESTCORP) (Bahrain) 19-Arab Land Bank (Jordan) 20- University of Applied Sciences (Jordan) Arab Thought Forum (A TV) 21- Abdul Hamid Shuman Foundation (Jordan) P.O.Box 925418 Tel.: (962-6) 678707-678708 Fax.: (962-6) 675325 Telex: 23649 ATF-Jo Amman - Jordan