Order of Annual Report v Chairman's Report v Administration & Community Development Officer Reports v South Canterbury Umpires & Scorers Report v Financial Report v South Canterbury Representative Honours Board All Grades v End of Season Awards v Team Awards v Sponsorship

1 Chairman's Annual Report 2014/2015

It is my pleasure to present the Chairman's report for the 2014/2015 season. After a fantastic World Cup where our Black Caps won the hearts of the cricketing world we are looking forward to attracting more players, coaches, administrators and sponsors to South Canterbury for the coming season. The Board only had one change this year with Greg O'Brien not standing and I replaced him. Andrew McRae's increasing work commitments saw him stand down as chairman and I was elected to replace him. I would personally like to acknowledge and thank Andrew for his contribution and support he has given SC Cricket over the past 10 years, we are very fortunate to have someone with his skills and calibre continuing on the Board. I would also like to thank all the Board members for their time and commitment. A special mention to Mark Medlicott our Executive Officer who really is the face (voice & scribe) of South Canterbury cricket, the hours he puts into cricket and his commitment to the region would be hard to better. Shane Gilkison has continued in the role of development officer and has performed an admirable role in delivering Cricket programmes to our stakeholders. He continues to grow into the role and again, we are lucky to have his services. Last season we hosted two one day games with both Central Districts and playing Canterbury on the 2nd and 5th of January respectively. While we have had some high quality cricket over the past 5 years the crowd numbers have been disappointing. Due to the high cost of maintaining the pitch and hosting the games we have decided not to host any First Class matches for the coming season. After a very tough season last year, and the late withdrawal of coach Robyn Beeby for business reasons, the Hawke Cup team competed extremely well. With outright victories over Southland and North Otago and an away 1st innings win over Otago Country we were only 4 wickets from an outright against Mid Canterbury when rain stopped play. This ultimately cost us a Hawke Cup challenge. With a number of new players to the squad it was very pleasing to see the “team” really work hard and perform with credit. Our JAB teams also performed well with a Primary A team finishing 2nd equal at their South Island tournament and the Year 5 & 6 team 3rd. Celtic again had an exceptionally successful season winning all three senior competitions: the Placemakers 20/20, the Daily Freightways one day trophy and the Tweedy Cup. They are a well administrated club and have significant depth as demonstrated by their relationship with Roncalli and their sound performances in the lower grades. It is extremely pleasing to see Pleasant Point entering the senior ranks in 2015/16, after winning the 2nd Grade competition, and with 5 junior teams they are numerically our second strongest Club. The continued growth in junior playing numbers in Waimate, Temuka and Geraldine is also pleasing and crucial to the survival of cricket in the Country regions. The Board has set Gilky and Artha some challenging goals around visits to all local Clubs and I encourage you all to make the most of their visits. These are designed to help develop our young keen cricketers and also provide support and guidance to coaches and managers.

2 I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our loyal sponsors and also our supporters in the gaming industry this season. They continue to give generously to the Association. Please support our sponsors so they can continue to support us. I would also like to thank all administrators, coaches, umpires and players for their time and commitment in ensuring the game is in good heart in this region. As I've mentioned before the administration of the Association is here to serve the players and all volunteers at school and club level. Please feel free to contact me to discuss concerns or issues you may have at any time throughout the season.

David Fisher Chairman

3 S.C Cricket Association Annual Report 2014/15

INTRODUCTION The 2014-15 season was yet another season of change for South Canterbury, with the World Cup meaning quite a change to the competition structure, especially in senior grade and also the effect the World Cup had on the Hawke Cup campaign. There were also changes to the Board of control with David Fisher coming onto the Board and taking over the role of chairman from Andrew McRae due to his work commitments, although we did retain his services on the Board which was good. The Board consists of seven members which includes a players' representative and the Board now has a wide range of skills available with a mix of past players and businessmen with Board members now assigned to specific areas within our overall administration. I have continued in the role of CEO and Shane Gilkison continued in his role as Cricket Development Officer delivering the development programme to school children throughout South Canterbury. We have also utilised the coaching skills of Prabodha Arthavidu, a young cricketer from Sri Lanka who after two seasons has made a permanent home in Timaru with his wife and has proved very popular with Primary and Secondary school boys and girls and helped to ease Shane's role. He was especially helpful when Shane was away at the World Cup as liaison officer for the UAE for 7 weeks delivering classes to schools and helping to set up new programmes we have begun with our clubs and also this season where he has had to take on the main coach role due to Shane's injury. REPRESENTATIVE CRICKET: Our Hawke Cup Challenge possibilities faded in the last elimination game when we were unable to beat Otago Country outright, but finished second to North Otago which was a very pleasing result with a young team whom we expect to improve as they are all likely to stay in our region for the foreseeable future. Prabodha Arthavidu was our best performer scoring over 700 runs for our senior men this season, and is determined to improve on that next season. My thanks to David Fisher and Barry Ward who helped with 'training' and also to the players who contributed despite not having an official coach. The Primary A team came 2nd equal at tournament held in Blenheim in January which was an outstanding result, and only came 15 runs short of tying for first after drawing with in their final match, a great result considering they had been beaten outright in the pre- tournament match. Two boys featured in the overall tournament stats with Ben Cosgriff finishing the top wicket- taker while William Sharp featured in the top bowling and batting stats. My thanks to coach Hayden Inkster who stepped up at late notice and to manager Graham Sharp for an outstanding job which was shown in the tournament results.

4 The Year 5 & 6 and Year 7 teams also completed their best tournament results, with Yr 7 finishing 6/10 but winning two matches and having a third possible win washed out, a big improvement on previous Yr 7 results while the Yr 5 & 6 finished 3/12 which was again an excellent result and hopefully bodes well for them as they move up the grades. I would especially like to thank David Fisher, Simon Davenport for their work coaching and managing these teams alongside Shane Gilkison and Prabodha Arthavidu. The Primary Girls struggled at tournament but this year had a win and to top it off had Grace Kelliher chosen as a bowler in the tournament team. The positive is that most of the girls this year will still be at Primary School next season so are hoping they can build on this experience. Well done to Mick Geary, Brendan Cairns, Graham Sharp and other helpers for keeping these girls enthused along with coach Amy Beeby. South Canterbury also entered teams in the U15 and U17 tournaments. The U15s performed well gaining three wins at tournament to have their best tournament in years but the U17s finished last despite having home advantage and is perhaps a reflection on the quality of cricket these boys are playing in for their 1st XI. The U15 Boys are fortunate to have former White Fern Rowen Milburn as coach while Mike Otley has continued his long service as coach of South Canterbury representative teams by looking after the U17s. The Secondary Girls also took part in their tournament, but again found the going tough, especially after the perceived most even game against Mid Canterbury didn't happen after MC failed to front. They worked hard all season with coach Amy Beeby, but it is always a battle getting the girls to commit to tournament as well. The revised winter training programme, along with the support this season from the CCA sending high performance coaches meant we had a lot better turnouts to the sessions. The sessions were fewer but more productive, and the feedback was very positive. It also meant that coaches got the opportunity to spot any local talent and offer them further opportunities moving forward. CLUB CRICKET: This year with the changes to competition formats, two types of competitions were run with the standard one day 45/45 over competition on Saturdays as well as two full rounds of T20 played on a mix of Friday nights and Saturdays. This year in general no senior cricket was played on Hawke Cup match weekends but a Friday night T20 played to ensure everyone had cricket. This was well received, especially by clubs who invariably struggle when losing large numbers to the rep side and nullified defaults in lower grades. Celtic is still the strongest club, although sometimes stretched as they are also supplying players to the new Roncalli/Celtic combined senior side and to a lesser extent their second grade sides, but welcomed the no matches on rep days as it didn't impact on their lower grades as in the past. Celtic won all 3 senior competitions i.e. T20, One Day and overall Tweedy Cup.   This season South Canterbury entered a combined schoolgirls team into our fourth grade 5 competition (Yr 9 & 10) and while they still struggled to compete at times it certainly helped them when at tournament and their own final between the two girls teams went to the last 3 balls before Craighead came out on top over TGHS for the first time in about 8 seasons.. We have gained numbers at Primary School level as well as instigating a Friday night 'Junior Bash' competition which had 4 new teams (3 schools and a club) entered which gives kids an entry level understanding of the game with the hope that they can progress to C Grade in subsequent seasons. JUNIOR CRICKET The Kiwisport fundamentals program worked very well and was well received by the schools who want more!! A good number of children were put through awareness lessons in the key target area (Aug-Oct). Some clubs are doing great work with their JAB teams and are increasing numbers such as Pleasant Point, Geraldine, Temuka and Timaru. Shane Gilkison ran Have-a-Go programs in some of these clubs pre-season. The Year 7/8 boys & girls Cup/Shield tournaments were a huge success once again and the revised scheduling was popular. We also ran a Holiday program at the conclusion of the World Cup for Yr 4 -6 boys and girls and had 22 'new' cricketers attend the three day course and lots of positive feedback from parents, so are hoping to run this again in August/September and try and tie it in with club registration so that these kids continue to play. Cricket at Secondary School level continues to have its problems, especially at Timaru Boys High due to the lack of school staff with cricketing knowledge or enthusiasm. We are actively meeting with the new Rector and TBHS club to try and address the falling numbers, support and anything else we can help with. FACILITIES The Aorangi Oval had the whole former local soil block (3 pitches) upgraded to Kakanui and the new pitches performed better than hoped this season, but our biggest problem this summer has been the drought and water restrictions which basically meant none from February until the end of the season (half an hours hand watering a couple of nights a week), so the groundsman has done really well to still get matches played. We retained our Warrant of Fitness and NZ Cricket gave glowing feedback on the pitch used for the Ford Trophy matches. FINANCIAL South Canterbury Cricket continues to look for ways to streamline costs and enable more funds to be put toward the game itself as well as investigating other funding streams to move further away from a reliance on charity grants. We have managed to make a small profit in our financial year, which is great result considering our charity grants are down about 25% on the previous year and Canterbury Cricket reduced their funding by about 15%. Alongside Canterbury Cricket's funding reductions they have also removed all support at tournament level which has meant more costs have had to be passed on to the players/parents and while not ideal is unfortunately a case of user pays, and while we still can generally fund about 40% of the tournament costs through grants, they are becoming increasingly tougher on what we can and can't get so will continue to be a battle to sustain this support. We have increased usage of the indoor facilities and have built some ongoing relationships 6 with Netball and this year with North Otago CA and hope that these can continue to be outside revenue streams alongside our existing ones. We have restructured our groundsman's role which should help alleviate quite a bit of the costs for Aorangi Oval and also are not holding any first class matches this season as part of this restructure. Currently we are fully investigating a fund raising exercise that would be an annual event, but ideally this event will be attractive to the wider community and not just the usual cricket supporters, but is still a work in progress and we will be re-instigating the annual golf tournament in March after a two year hiatus. CONCLUSION The ever changing environment means that we will be making more changes to how some of our competitions run next season, a lot of which will be geared at making the transition from primary level to secondary level stronger in an attempt to retain more of the youth we have already developed who are becoming lost in the existing High School systems. Cricket is shifting with Women's cricket scheduled to be played Tuesday nights this season and another JAB C Grade section slotting in on Friday nights too, all in the interests of getting more players into our game. Upgrades to cricket blocks in the district means we can continue to provide a good standard of facilities for our players, and we hope that this, alongside more specialised coaching sessions will help improve our representative results, or at least improve the pathway for our talented players to follow upward. A new Board has brought more of a cross-section of talents to the table, and we are looking to further capitalise on this in the coming season.

Mark Medlicott CEO/Operations Manger South Canterbury Cricket

7 Cricket Development Officer's Report Season 2014/15

Have-A-Go Centres Total participants = 136 - Pleasant Point 48; Temuka CC 22; Bluestone School 28; Craighead 38. Kiwi Centres Total participants = 525 - Beaconsfield School (3) 83, Oceanview Heights School (3) 71, Geraldine Cluster (1) 38, Arowhenua Maori School (1) 19, Temuka Primary (6) 122, Winchester Rural School (2) 53; St Josephs Temuka (2) 49, Waimate Cluster (6) 90. NZC Cup & Shield - 16 Cup teams (Boys) - 10 Shield Teams (Girls) Holiday Programmes - 4 Holiday programs were held throughout the season attracting 122 children. Coach Education - HAG coaching course run with 13 in attendance. - Kiwi coaching course run with 10 in attendance. - Parents Umpiring and Scoring course held in Pleasant Point with 9 in attendance Interfirm - Timaru Competition 12 teams - Waimate Competition 10 teams Representative Season - Year 5/6 3rd - Primary Development 6th - Primary A  2nd = - U15   4th - U17   6th - Senior Men  2nd - Yr 7/8 Girls  7th - Secondary School Girls 3rd

8 SCCA 2013/14 Cricket Development Census School Visits 43 Awareness Lessons 151 Awareness Participants 3387 Packs handed out 3500 Cricket Smart (CWC 2015) centres 37 Cricket Smart participants 955 HAG Centres 5 HAG Players 136 Kiwi Centres 24 Kiwi Players 525 NZC Cup 16 NZC Shield 10 HAG Courses 1 HAG Coaches 13 Kiwi Courses 1 Kiwi Coaches 10 CaCT Coaches 1 Coach Mentoring 4 NZC Skills Challenges 9 NZC Skills Participants 132 Holiday Clinics 4 Holiday Participants 122 NZCT Girls Teams 5 Gillette Cup Teams 5 NZCT Yr 9 Boys Teams 5 Secondary School visits 11

9 S.C Cricket Umpires & Scorers Association

The 2014-15 cricket season was as busy as ever with our umpires and scorers heavily involved in our game. We welcomed John Bromley and his family from Nelson during the season. John, who is on the NZ Cricket Umpire's Panel brings a huge amount of experience to South Canterbury. Making themselves available during the season were our five umpires; Duncan Blackstock, John Bromley, Les Elliott, Bevan Guthrie and John Threlkeld. The personal commitment by our umpires has been outstanding. They have been appointed to many umpire days during the past cricket season. Total Umpire days: Ÿ 66 Senior club appointments Ÿ 7 South Canterbury/Hawke Cup appointments Ÿ 6 New Zealand appointments Ÿ 15 U17 appointments Ÿ 2 Willows appointments Ÿ Metro appointment Ÿ Secondary High School appointments When personal commitments occur, we realize how reliant we are on the few who turn up each and every Saturday to umpire. When our umpires are appointed outside of South Canterbury, our umpire numbers drop considerably. Quite frankly we need more people to umpire in South Canterbury. Who wants to umpire on their own each Saturday. Some of us do on a regular basis. For those who assume, that because there are two umpires on Ashbury 6, that there must be more elsewhere. When actually there are no other umpires available. For those who are stepping aside from playing, there is a place for you in our game as an umpire. There is an excellent career path as an umpire in New Zealand. We also acknowledge our South Canterbury Scorer Don George. Who makes himself available for Hawke Cup and other South Canterbury cricket fixtures. To those people involved in our great summer game. We wish you the best for the remainder if the winter season. We as umpires know, you will always walk, never over step and will always use your bat.

Les Elliott Umpire Manager SCCUSA 10 South Canterbury Cricket Financial Statements

Index to the Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31 July 2015

*These are attached separately

Page 1 – 4 Statement of Financial Performance

Page 5 Balance Sheet

Page 6 Depreciation Schedule

Page 7 Accounting Policies and Notes to the Accounts

Page 8 Auditors Report

11 South Canterbury Representative Honours Board 2013/14 Season


Prabodha Arthavidu 65 SC Senior Men Mid Canterbury 16-11-2014 Prabodha Arthavidu 72* SC Senior Men (T20) Canterbury Country 30-11-2014 James Laming 57 SC Senior Men North Otago 7-12-2014 Prabodha Arthavidu 72* SC Senior Men North Otago 7-12-2014 James Laming 83 SC Senior Men (Hawke Cup) Mid Canterbury 20-12-2014 Ben Davenport 65* SC Primary A (SIPST) West Coast 13/1/2015 Luka Foy 5-17 SC Primary A (SIPST) West Coast 13/1/2015 William Sharp 72 SC Primary A (SIPST) Dunedin 16/1/2015 Lachie Harper 62 SC Primary A (SIPST) Dunedin 16/1/2015 Prabodha Arthavidu 51 SC Senior Men (Hawke Cup) North Otago 17/1/2015 Grant Watt 6-13 SC Senior Men (Hawke Cup) North Otago 18/1/2015 Cullen Grace 51 SC U15 Boys (Tournament) Canterbury Country 21/01/2015 Ben Aicken 50 SC U15 Boys (Tournament) Canterbury Country 21/1/2015 Shaun Rooney 5-27 SC U15 Boys (Tournament) Buller 22/1/2015 Prabodha Arthavidu 76 SC Senior Men (Hawke Cup) Otago Country 24/1/2015 Prabodha Arthavidu 112 SC Senior Men (Hawke Cup) Otago Country 25/1/2015 Willie Stone 86 SC Senior Men (Hawke Cup) Otago Country 25/1/2015 Prabodha Arthavidu 54 SC Senior Men (Hawke Cup) Southland 7/2/2015 Prabodha Arthavidu 91 SC Senior Men (Hawke Cup) Southland 8/2/2015

12 End of Season Awards 2014-2015 Season

Individual Awards WARNER CUP for Outstanding schoolboy cricketer of the year: William Sharp

THRELKELD TROPHY: Outstanding Player at year 5 & 6 Tournament Harper McKerrow

GALWEY TROPHY: Outstanding Player Year 5 & 6 Season Liam Andrews

L NIXON CUP Outstanding South Canterbury player at the South Island schoolboy's tournament: Ben Cosgriff – leading bowler at SIPS Tournament

SCCA Cup Best Player at Primary Yr 7 Tournament: Jacob Boal who was the leading wicket-taker for their whole tournament with 9 wickets - 2 more than the next best of 120 boys at tournament!

NIXON TROPHY for Best Fourth Grade player: Cullen Towler from Roncalli 4th Grade Team Cullen has been one of Roncalli's main bowlers this season his stats are as follows: Overs bowled: 66.5, Maidens bowled: 16, Runs conceded: 170, Wickets taken: 15 Bowling Average: 11.3 runs per wicket Cricket Economy Rate: 2.5 an over He has only bowled 8 extras in total for the whole season (this is huge for someone so young). He has scored to date 193 runs with the bat giving him a batting average of 27.5 runs and this has included a half century and century where he was retired on both. Cullen has been co-captain of the Roncalli 4th Grade team and has made a huge contribution to our team this season which near the end of the season has seen us in third position on the table.

EDDIE McEWEN MEMORIAL TROPHY for the Best Player Under 16 Years. Matt Cochrane-Bennett – had a good U15 tournament bowling with a best of 4-24 against Canterbury Country

MOA PUBLICATIONS CUP- Best Player at Under 17 tournament: Mark Otley – a good all round tournament scoring 115 runs @ 27 and taking 11 wickets @ 15.5 and was chosen to represent for Canterbury U17 at the National Tournament where he took 3 wickets in the game against Auckland.

LJ GRANT TROPHY Young Player of the year: Liam Beck – played Senior for Roncalli/Celtic scoring 2 fifties and his maiden Senior Century 104 against Star. Also represented South Canterbury Senior Men in all Hawke Cup matches

ROCKDALE KIA ORA TROPHY for Best Cricketer Under 21: Josh Dick – scored a couple of fifties for his club with a top score of 75 as well as contributing several solid innings for South Canterbury playing all Hawke Cup matches. 13 REX BOWDEN CUP for Best Cricketer Under 23: Prabodha Arthavidu Scored 700 runs for Senior Men's Rep team including 1 century & 7 half centuries as well as over 500 club runs for Timaru with 5 fifties.

WARD CUP for Best Player in all other grades other than Senior Chris Opie Temuka. He scored a total of 378 runs at an average of 76 from 8 innings. His high score was 103. He also claimed 3 wickets with his spinners that didn't spin!!

DAVIES TROPHY Women's Batter of the Year Ash Mortimer - high score of 67* and averaged 15 throughout the season playing against the boys.

COLONIAL INSURANCE Women's Bowler of the Year Amy Rayner - average of 21 and economy rate of 4.32. in the whole season

WILLIAMS CUP for Bowler of the Year: Sam Carlaw - 31 club wickets at 9 runs per wicket

SCCA Plaque – Senior Batsman of the Year: (Club only) Dan Laming 630 club runs at 65

JIM DAVIES CUP for Best Single senior performance or representative season: Prabodha Arthavidu – 76 & 112 in the match against Otago Country batting more than 7 hours.

PHIL D'AUVERGNE TROPHY for player who contributed most on and off the field for the senior rep team: Chosen by players and management Prabodha Arthavidu

Ernie Aitchieson Fair Play award on and off the field for youth cricketer: Ben Aicken is an outstanding young man who loves the game and what it stands for. He gives his all in every aspect of cricket and does it well. A great young man who has the potential to go a long way on and off the field. Would never say a bad word about anyone, just goes about his business.

SCCUA GRAEME LOWRIE SPIRIT OF CRICKET AWARD for the senior cricketer who epitomizes the way the game should be played: Josh Rooney (Temuka CC) I (umpire) was standing at the bowlers end, with one of the Timaru bowlers bowling left arm, over the wicket. The batsman from Temuka that was on strike was Josh Rooney. The Timaru bowler swung the ball into Josh and he left the ball, which passed close to his person, and it carried behind him to the keeper. The Timaru keeper and slip fielders went up appealing for a catch, but as I heard no sound or clear deflection because of the ball swinging behind Josh, I said "not out". When I had finished saying not out however, Josh then walked straight away on his own merit, without the opposition hassling him to do so.

14 SOUTH CANTERBURY SUPPORTERS CLUB TROPHY - To player/Umpire/Administrator who contributes most on or off the field: David Mealings – Dave has been running the Interfirm Cricket Competition for over a decade, and the success of this tournament can be seen by the consistent numbers of teams still entering every season. He does all the draws, liaises with the grounds people and never asks for anything, bears the brunt for any cancellations. A real unsung hero and deserving winner.

ALLAN EDGINTON TROPHY for Sports Personality of the year: Hayden Inkster – Hayden has been coaching Primary Age Rep teams for 5 seasons, giving his own time (as our coaches do) despite not having any family involvement (as yet) in any of the sides. This year he had to take a step up and look after the Primary A side, and the success that the team had finishing 2nd equal at the SI Primary Schools Tournament and only 15 runs shy of tying first is in no small measure due to the input he had. His input to cricket doesn't stop there as he has promoted the game at Barton Rural where he teaches, taking the Friday Night Junior Bash team every Friday as well as being involved with Active Post Cup and Shield teams and encouraging and supporting regular visits from our caches to his school. While he has 'retired' as a coach now due to a young family, we are sure that as they get older he will be back to help us even more. A very deserving recipient, who certainly wouldn't ask for rewards.

GRAEME BLANCHARD MEMORIAL TROPHY: For a youth cricketer who displays an excellent attitude on and off the field for fair play, a team player who inspires the spirit of cricket and has good work ethics. Mark Otley – Represented Canterbury U17, captained South Canterbury U17, TBHS 1st XI. Member of Dayle Hadlee Fast Bowlers Training Group and this year will not be playing winter sports in an effort to further enhance his cricket career. A deserving winner who one day we hope to look back on as an award recipient who went a lot further in cricket. Team Awards Ÿ NZ Cricket YR 7 & 8 Boys Cup - SC Tournament Winner: Waihi Ÿ NZ Cricket YR 7 & 8 Girls Shield - SC Tournament Winner: Pleasant Point Ÿ Saturday Morning A Grade 1 Day Competition: Celtic Ÿ Saturday Morning B Grade: Celtic Wackers Ÿ SCCA Interfirm League: Richard Pearse Battlers Ÿ Royal Hotel 4th Grade: Ashburton College Ÿ Pareora Trophy Runner up 2nd Grade B: Star Gold Ÿ Cox Cup Winner 2nd Grade B: Pirates Ÿ SCCA Trophy Winner Senior Reserve/Second Grade A: Pleasant Point Ÿ SCCA Shield for 2nd Grade A Twenty20 Competition: Celtic Ÿ Winner of Women's Competition: Craighead Ÿ Sportcheck Trophy: Runners Up Women: TGHS Ÿ Woolworths Cup Runner Up in One Day Competition: Temuka Ÿ SCCA TROPHY Cup: Leader Two Day Competition Round Robin: Celtic Ÿ DAILY FREIGHT WAYS One Day Trophy: Celtic    Ÿ SC CRICKET SHIELD 20-20: Placemakers T20 Celtic Ÿ TWEEDY CUP – SENIOR TWO DAY COMPETITION: Celtic 15 Sponsors to South Canterbury Cricket 2014/2015 Season

Platinum Gold Sponsor · Ritchies Transport · The Sail · Dukes (Brittain Wynyard) · Gresson Dorman & Co · Peter Walsh & Associates · Clark Decorating · R & M Storage · BP2Go Highfield · XCM Group Silver Sponsor Supporters · CopyFast · Speights Alehouse · PIC Insurance (Barry · Heartland Digital Andrews) · PortFM · Fulton Hogan · Todd Mudie · Alsco · Temuka Transport

Charities · Trust Aoraki · Pub Charity · The Southern Trust · Lion Foundation · Mid South Canterbury Community Trust · Air Rescue · South Canterbury Cricket Development Trust