Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.12 No.9 (2021),1208-1221 Research Article


Devie Rahmawati1, Mila Viendyasari2, Amelita Lusia3, Hifni Alifahmi4, Wiratri Anindhita5

1Study Program of Public Relations, Faculty of Vocational Program, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia 2Study Program of Office Administration, Faculty of Vocational Program, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia 3Study Program of communication, Faculty of Social Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia 4Magister of Communication Science,Universitas Sahid Jakarta, Indonesia 5Study Program of Public Relations, Faculty of Vocational Program, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia [email protected]

Article History: Received: 10 January 2021; Revised: 12 February 2021; Accepted: 27 March 2021; Published online: 20 April 2021

Abstract__This blueprint is developed as a basic principle and study in building the Kemendikbud (MoE) Education Television. The Ministry of Education's role in building an ecosystem of Digital Channel Educational Television is significant today. From the results of FGD conducted in-depth to get useful insights. Among others, the role of TV Edukasi digital channels in delivering moral, ethical, and national and state values. Educational TV must function as a communication media must have a functional role to convey information, educate, entertain, and influence (to influence). In general, the strength of developing digital channels for Television Education digital channels are: 1) to be an innovation in the realm of broadcast because of technical excellence and reach; 2) has considerable development potential and fast arena along with the growth of users and internet penetration in Indonesia. Although technically there are also threats such as: 1) incompetent resources and content that is not new and interesting; and 2) provision of digital devices and the distribution of the internet evenly. The Ministry of Education and Culture's role in building a digital channel Educational Television ecosystem is very significant lately. According to the results of an in-depth FGD to gain valuable insights, Educational TV was found to provide various benefits in the education system. One of the roles of Educational TV for digital channels is in delivering moral, ethical, and national values as reflected in Pancasila. The findings can be recommended to be applied in terms of the digital TV channel Education. Keywords: Educational Television, Distance Education, Blueprint, Kemendikbud (Ministry of Education and Culture), Distance Learning

1. Introduction

Since Covid 19 was declared a pandemic, almost all countries around the world have adopted new habits and lifestyles. Many sectors have been significantly affected by the pandemic, one of which is the education sector. In fact, education is the most important sector which is the responsibility of the state as mandated in the Constitution. Various steps have been taken by the government in an effort to keep education going despite the pandemic. These steps were taken by the Ministry of Education and Culture at the central level to the Regional Government, namely in the form of a distance learning system.

The Ministry of Education and Culture as the formulator of government policies in the field of education has studied all the phenomena and dynamics that occur in society during the pandemic. These parties have also conducted various studies with experts and practitioners, even conducted surveys to local governments and held discussions with relevant stakeholders. From this discussion, the SKB 4 Ministers (Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of Religious Affairs, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Home Affairs) was born on June 19, 2020, which stipulated that face-to-face learning could only be carried out in stages in the green zone based on the recommendations of the Task Force, while other zones were not allowed to implement face-to-face learning. In this case, the local government is given the authority to determine the distance learning method that will be used according to the conditions and capabilities of their respective regions.

Given the current conditions of the Covid 19 Pandemic, all educational institutions are forced to implement distance learning where television is still a very potential medium and can be used as a platform that parents and teachers can use in providing more varied distance learning. This strengthens the Ministry of Education and Culture to design a Digital Channel Education TV which is expected to be used as a medium for distance learning by reaching a wider target audience throughout Indonesia.

The Ministry of Education and Culture as the ministry is directly responsible for the sustainability of education in Indonesia to give birth to a nation with intelligent character, and has the mandate to control human resource


DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONAL TV DIGITAL CHANNEL: EFFORTS TO EDUCATE NATIONAL LIFE IN THE 21ST CENTURY development through joint efforts of all the nation's children in improving the quality of education and advancing culture.

The Ministry of Education and Culture through Education TV provides a variety of learning shows that are broadcast live to maximize student learning at home. Various learning videos can be accessed at any time for free. For example, for April 6, 2020, the Education TV of the Ministry of Education and Culture is presenting the Love Math program with Pak Ridwan for students at the elementary level, Mantul Math for Junior High Schools, and a Mathematics Clinic for SMA. Interestingly, in addition to material that is in accordance with the curriculum, Educational TV also provides many lessons about general knowledge, character education, and creative activities. Tasks executor, Directorate General of Early Childhood Education, Primary Education and Secondary Education, Haris Iskandar, said that in online learning, all teachers are asked not only to focus on academic learning and curriculum but also need to pay attention to contextual learning and lead to increased student skills and creativity. Education TV offers educational programs every day that can be used by students from early childhood, elementary, junior high, high school and vocational school levels.

The same condition can be done to popularize Digital Education TV. The government needs to conduct socialization as is done by the Teacher Room. Of course, Digital Education TV content must really benefit students and society for learning activities. In order to become a popular program as a learning resource, the function and role of television should provide good benefits to the community through broadcasts from its programs.

Since 2004 the Ministry of National Education through the Center for Information and Communication Technology of Education (Pustekkom) has organized educational television broadcasts through Educational TV. Educational TV has a vision of "To be a polite and intelligent educational television broadcast". While the mission of Educational TV is: (1) educating the community, (2) becoming tauladan community, (3) disseminating information and policies “kemdikbud”, and (4) encouraging people to like to learn (Kurniati, 2013).

Morissan (2011) in the book Broadcast Media Management reveals that there are three main pillars in broadcast media management, namely programming, marketing, and technicality. Management strategy is important for the sustainability of television station broadcasting. In general, private television stations apply a management strategy to win the competition with competitors. It is important that the program strategy and marketing strategy be carried out carefully in order to attract advertisers so that they can generate profits for the television station. The right management strategy will deliver the Digital Channel Educational Television to attract as many audiences as possible among competitors. In addition to marketing through various media, the socialization of Digital Channel Educational TV to schools needs to be carried out intensively.

Purpose The purpose of the blueprint preparation activity, according to what has been formulated in the Terms of Reference for the Preparation of this Blueprint Report, is to prepare a document containing the plan for the development of the Digital Channel Education TV, which includes setting goals and objectives to be developed in a work program covering aspects of Management, Technical and Content Production.

2. Literature review

Education as a Basic Right of Citizens Education is basically everyone's basic right. It has been ratified by 104 countries through UNESCO. The convention which was held on May 22, 1962 at the meeting of the Convention against Discrimination in Education was UNESCO's first important international legally binding instrument.

When viewed on a global scale, the right to education has also been regulated in the SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) from the United Nations. The right to education and access, in SGD, is summarized in Goal 4 which is clearly cited. Obtain an inclusive and quality education for all to strengthen the belief that education is a powerful and tangible vehicle for sustainable development.

Getting an education is a basic human right. Almost all countries regulate this basic right in law, as well as Indonesia. The founders of this Nation straightforwardly guaranteed the right to education in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Article 31 paragraphs 1 and 2. Article 31 Paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution reads: Every citizen has the right to education Article 31 Paragraph 2 of the 1945 Constitution reads: Every citizen is obliged to attend basic education and the government is obliged to finance it.


Devie Rahmawati, Mila Viendyasari, Amelita Lusia, Hifni Alifahmi, Wiratri Anindhita

Television Access and Content for Learning In terms of the context of its use, television media in Indonesia has become part of the lives of most people. Television provides a tremendous media impact on people's lives. In 2017, Nielsen Consumer Media View (CMV) stated that television is still the main media in society. Outdoor media occupied second place, followed by the internet as the third position and radio in fourth position.

Television penetration in Indonesia reaches 95% (We are social, 2019). Tv viewing duration also surged by more than 40 minutes, from an average of 4 hours 48 minutes on March 11 to 5 hours 29 minutes on March 18. Upper Class viewers showed a tendency to watch television longer since March 14 and the number also continued to increase. This increase was seen from an average rating of 11.2 percent on March 11 to 13.7 percent on March 18 (Nielsen, 2020).

Access to traditional ICT services such as television and radio is still relevant in society regarding information dissemination. Television and radio can enhance the acquisition of development goals (SDG) such as education, preservation of local heritage, and promotion of cultural diversity. According to data from Balitbang Kominfo (2015), in Indonesia, 86.7% of households have access to television with a relatively stable access growth rate from 2013-2015 (above 85%). Thus, it becomes clear that when television becomes part of the household, educational broadcasts from television will require the involvement of parents in educating children.

Saglik and Ozturk (2001) have seen some of the advantages of television as a learning resource. This is related to the transmission of the information presented. Some of these advantages are as follows: 1) support the learning process 2) able to provide clarification, explanation, and summarize information; 3) strengthen understanding of the material; 4) support motivation and enthusiasm for learning; 5) accelerate the learning process; 6) changing learning behavior patterns; and 7) presents facts and events that are limited by distance and time. All events and processes broadcast on television are also quite unique. A learning process that is long enough to be carried out can be shortened through television broadcasting where program broadcasting can be in separate and concise forms. Thus, it is hoped that positive motivation will be created to get the attention of students. Technically, broadcasting this program can do a lot of movement of the camera frame, sound, and intervals between programs. From this process, a series of interesting learning programs will be created from the audio-visual side. For students, an event in the form of learning can be felt differently when compared to traditional methods.

Distance Learning Model as a Means of Learning for Students during the Pandemic The landscape of information and communication technology or ICT is currently experiencing very rapid development. This development has an impact on all aspects of human life, including the field of education. Information and communication technology that allows everyone to access learning materials and communicate with other people anywhere and anytime is in line with the principles of distance learning. This makes technological developments directly proportional to the increasing need for distance learning. Distance learning methods have actually been around for a long time, so historically, Distance Learning has been divided into 4 generations (Simonson, 2015). a. The first generation Distance Learning via postal correspondence in the 18th century AD. b. Second generation Distance learning via multimedia such as radio, cassette, and computer in the 1960s c. Third Generation Distance Learning via tele-learning with the aid of radio or television in the 1960s d. Fourth Generation Distance Learning via email and internet in the early 1970s / d 1990s e. Fifth Generation Distance Learning via ICT technology and virtual web and applications, applied nowadays

In Indonesia, the Distance Learning model itself was first developed for universities. Darmayanti et al., (2007) saw the Distance Learning method applied in Open Universities. Initially, they thought that the new paradigm of Distance Learning learning concept in higher education was still considered an alien in the world of education at that time. The concept of Teaching and Learning Activities in tertiary institutions is considered as an interaction between lecturers and students through a meeting that occurs in plain view in the classroom, so that the portion of the lecturer or teacher plays a very dominant role in the lecture hall. However, they see that effective learning

1210 DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONAL TV DIGITAL CHANNEL: EFFORTS TO EDUCATE NATIONAL LIFE IN THE 21ST CENTURY should focus on the characteristics that are reflected in the learning (process). Based on the results of observations from the study of Darmayanti et al., (2007), the following points were obtained:

Table 1. Learning Paradigm Shift Old Paradigm of Education New Paradigm of Education

1. The learning subject is in 1. Choosing the learning subject accordance with what is given according to the willingness 2. Registration and academic activity 2. Registration and academic activity are truly depend on academic calendar open along the year 3. The university is at certain area 3. The university is virtual 4. The course period is limited by title 4. The learning is throughout life achievement 5. Depending on the market assessment 5. Depending on the institutional 6. The information obtained can be used activities repeatedly 6. The output/product is sole 7. The students are considered as 7. The students are treated as the object consumers 8. The learning is conducted in the 8. The learning can be done anywhere class 9. It is global 9. It is multicultural 10. The concept is small and divided 10. The concept is a big unity 11. Multi-discipline 11. Single discipline 12. Focused on the market 12. Focused on the institution 13. Funded by the community fund 13. Funded by the government 14. Technology is a determinant 14. Technology is an expensive component investment

Digital TV as One of the Distance Learning Platforms Another platform that is a means for distance learning is digital television. The use of television as a digital media distribution channel is now increasingly in demand as a Distance Learning platform. One of them is digital television. Digital TV (DTV) is a new era broadcasting technology that is different from analog broadcast networks, where DTV uses transmission to receive and send signals in digital format. This technology allows for potential in the social sphere, or in other words a cheaper budget. In addition, television also shows more interactive user interaction compared to computers.

In countries with limited access to education, DTV enables programs to reduce digital and social divide. In the iDTV application pattern, for example, the Distance Learning method via e-learning is able to develop new models. This application was developed for two different scenarios. The first is to develop a landscape of Teaching and Learning Activities between students and teachers, while the second is so that broadcast transmissions to thousands of students can be accommodated properly (Dos Santos et al., 2006) The Ministry of Education and Culture during this pandemic made the distance learning model the main choice, which includes analog platforms, digital television (STB), as well as social media channels such as YouTube. In the circular letter of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 4 of 2020, this is explained in the Learning from Home (BDR) program. The principles and activities of this BDR are as follows: 1. Students are not burdened with demands to complete all curriculum achievements 2. Focus on life skills education, one of which is about Covid-19 3. Assignments and activities are tailored to students' interests and conditions, and consider access and learning facilities at home 4. Evidence or products of learning activities from home are given qualitative feedback from the teacher, not necessarily always in the form of quantitative scores

The Educational Television Program then becomes one of the options to support the principle points and Learning From Home activities. Broadcasting through LPP TVRI, several Home Learning programs for SD to SMA or equivalent have been scheduled. Starting from 08:00 WIB in the morning, students can watch events that discuss subjects at school.


Devie Rahmawati, Mila Viendyasari, Amelita Lusia, Hifni Alifahmi, Wiratri Anindhita

The Ministry of Education and Culture through Education TV provides a variety of learning shows that are broadcast live to maximize student learning at home. Various learning videos can be accessed at any time for free. For example, for April 6, 2020, the Education TV of the Ministry of Education and Culture is presenting the Love Mathematics program with Mr. Ridwan for Elementary School, Mantul Math for Junior High Schools, and a Mathematics Clinic for Senior High School. Interestingly, in addition to material that is in accordance with the curriculum, Educational TV also provides many lessons about general knowledge, character education, and creative activities.

Digital Channel Educational TV has the opportunity to broadcast learning content for all students who have television devices. Instructional television programs tend to be 15 minutes (for beginners level) to 30 minutes long and are often repeated at different hours for classroom scheduling flexibility. The role of instructional television includes: (1) Helping teachers to teach subjects in which students often experience difficulties; (2) Completing classroom teaching on subjects due to limited class resources; (3) Providing stimulation for subjects, such as literature, where teachers often have difficulty arousing interest and motivating students (Smaldino et al, 2011).


Law No. 32 of 2002 which contains broadcasting does not yet regulate how the digital broadcasting system is implemented. Meanwhile, since the Broadcasting Law was enacted, a number of additional regulations have emerged in the form of Government Regulations (PP), Ministerial Decrees (Permen) and Ministerial Decrees (Kepmen) which regulate the administration of television broadcasts that lead to a digital broadcasting system. In addition to improving technical quality, broadcast digitization should also open up opportunities for many parties to become players in the television industry.

Currently, there are opportunities to develop the digital TV broadcasting industry after the issuance of the Ministerial Decree No.95/KEP/M.KOMINFO/2/2012 on February 6, 2012. However, the change from analog TV to digital TV is still severely constrained due to various factors. The digital television industry itself is still struggling to be better known by the public. In fact, with the issuance of the ministerial regulation above, opportunities have opened up for various parties to be able to broadcast TV with digital channels.

The opportunity to organize digital TV is strengthened by the Job Creation Law which amends and adds several provisions to Law No. 36 of 1999 concerning Telecommunications, Law No. 32 of 2002 concerning Broadcasting, and Law No. 38 of 2009 concerning Post. Three fundamental things that can be used as the basis for digital TV broadcasting are as follows: 1. The Job Creation Law has broken through a regulatory deadlock in broadcasting which has not been realized for a dozen years, namely by the realization of the legal basis for the migration of analog to digital TV broadcasting and the certainty of the Analog Switch Off (ASO) deadline. 2. The determination of ASO at the latest in 2022 will have tremendous consequences, Analog Switch Off (ASO) has an impact on saving the 700 MHz frequency band as a very ideal frequency for the National Digital Transformation. 3. The Job Creation Law provides a legal basis in order to support the acceleration of digital transformation and prevent inefficiencies in the use of limited resources, such as frequency spectrum and passive infrastructure through the infrastructure sharing approach as well as setting upper and lower limit tariffs. The Distance Learning Model in Indonesia has been contained in Law Number 20 of 2003 article 1 paragraph 15 which reads:

"Distance education is education in which students are separated from the educator and their learning and is carried out using various learning sources through communication technology, information, and other media." With the plan to develop the Educational TV for the Digital Channel of the Ministry of Education and Culture, the best cooperation is through G2G cooperation or collaboration between government agencies. TVRI already has the infrastructure that can support the development of the Educational TV for the Digital Channel of the Ministry of Education and Culture as stated in the following government decrees.

Legal basis: Regulation of the Minister of Communication and Information Number 5 of 2016 concerning Testing of Information Technology and Broadcasting Telecommunications. Decree of the Minister of Communication and Information Number 1227 of 2017 concerning Trial of Terrestrial Digital Television Broadcasting Decree of the Minister of Communication and Information Number 728 of 2019 concerning LPP TVRI as the Operator of Multiplexing Leases


Regulation of the Minister of Communication and Information Number 3 of 2019 concerning Simulcast Broadcasting in the Context of Migration From June 2016 to June 2020, TVRI has conducted Digital broadcast trials with MUX TVRI with a total of 252 collaborations divided into 5 stages.

3. Methodology

Focus Group Discussion (FGD) The FGD method or focus group discussion is a data collection method used in qualitative social research. This is done by collecting data or information from informant or respondent interactions. The analysis obtained is also a conclusion from the results of group discussions. This discussion focuses on discussion to solve a particular problem or issue. Apart from being group information, FGD data is also an opinion and decision of the group (Afiyanti, 2008). Furthermore, Hennink (2013) stated that several characteristics of the FGD were quite specific. This characteristic is usually not shared by other qualitative research methods. These characteristics include: 1. The number of respondents who attended could be 3 to 9 people, even 10 according to research needs 2. Respondents who attended are deliberately selected and have generally similar social and educational backgrounds 3. Discussions in groups are focused on specific issues and are discussed in detail 4. Generally, the discussion is not aimed at reaching a consensus, but to get various perspectives and experiences of respondents 5. Interaction in discussion is an important aspect of the process 6. Generally guided by a competent moderator or instructor 7. The questions have been structured in a way that the moderator can develop further 8. A conducive and appreciative atmosphere is needed during the discussion

4. Finding and discussion

A. Technical of Educational TV Digital Channel The function of television as a communication medium must be able to play a strategic role in conveying information, educating, entertaining, and influencing audiences to act constructively. However, the vital function of television in reality is often overlooked in informing and educating. Almost all TV stations prioritize the entertainment aspect only, then forget about the educational task of presenting shows to the wider community (Onibala, 2015).

During the Covid-19 Pandemic which was still volatile, education-based TV was one of the best communication media that could be used in the distance education system and was also most appropriate to be applied in today's conditions. TV is a popular medium used in distance teaching systems around the world, where the role of TV in distance education is very prominent. TV is an effective educational medium and attracts as many people as possible. Education-based TV can generate interest and motivation, such as among children, adolescents, and adults. Education is the main foundation for character development and norms, so that the delivery of material is very important to do in various ways that are easily understood by the community.

TV Edukasi Technology Digital TV technology was chosen because it has many advantages over analog. This technology has resistance to the effects of interference, noise and fading, and has an easy way to recover damaged signals due to signal transmission/transmission. Repairs will be made at the receiver with a certain error correction code. Another advantage is efficiency in many ways, including in the frequency spectrum (bandwidth efficiency), efficiency in network transmission, transmission power, and power consumption.

Educational TV broadcasting technology adopts the digital terrestrial television broadcasting standard Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial second generation (DVB-T2). Previously, through the Decree of the Minister of Communication and Information Technology Number: 07/P/M.KOMINFO/3/2007 dated March 21, 2007 concerning Terrestrial Digital Broadcasting Standards for Fixed , the government set the DVB-T (Digital Video Broadcasting-Terrestrial) standard. as a standard for broadcasting fixed terrestrial digital television in Indonesia.

The advantages of DVB-T2 over DVB-T or other digital terrestrial television (DTT) technologies include a stronger signal that can be received by indoor or outdoor antennas. Can be used for broadcast quality Standard


Devie Rahmawati, Mila Viendyasari, Amelita Lusia, Hifni Alifahmi, Wiratri Anindhita

Definition TV, High Definition TV (HDTV), mobile TV simultaneously, wider area coverage, more efficient power receiver device and so on. This DVB-T2 technology allowed the emergence of the convergence era of TV.

In addition, digital TV provides a much more stable picture and sound and a sharper resolution than analog. This is possible because of the use of the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) system which is strong in overcoming multipath effects. On an analogue system, the multiple trajectory effect creates an echo which results in the appearance of a double image (as if there are shadows). Another advantage is the resistance to environmental changes that occur due to the movement of the receiver (for mobile reception), for example in a moving vehicle, so that the image does not sway or change in quality as in today's analog TV (Chadha et al., 2013).


Since 2006, other countries (Europe, Africa, Central Asia, and the Middle East) have made a joint decision to complete the ASO (Analog Switch Off) by 2015. Meanwhile, Southeast Asian countries including Indonesia have a general agreement on ASEAN forum to complete ASO in 2020. Indonesia currently only has regulations related to the migration of Analog TV to Digital TV, namely the passage of the Job Creation Law. The law even stipulates that the deadline for completing ASO is in 2022.

B. Analysis of Opportunities for Digital TV Operation

Digital television broadcasting is also known to have a much larger market segment than analog television. Currently, the customer segments of analog television broadcasting are fixed receivers (residential subscribers) and also a small number of mobile subscribers. Through digital broadcasting, the customer segment will be even bigger due to the significant addition of mobile subscribers. This is because the image quality received on mobile devices has become much better. For television broadcasting providers, this technology is able to provide a good quality signal reception by using a transmitter station with a lower power than an analog transmitter. Single Frequency Network (SFN) is another advantage of this technology. With SFN, an operator can expand its coverage area by installing a number of transmitting stations spread over a wide service area, but operating on the same frequency channel.

Several efforts must be made in the effort to migrate TVRI from analog broadcasting to digital broadcasting. One of the efforts that must be done is to modernize the facilities and infrastructure needed in order to produce quality digital content. The following describes some of the minimum facilities needed to produce digital content at the TVRI studio. • Digital cameras or video cameras that have high resolution This is the main equipment for producing digital content whose quality is largely determined by the quality of the digital camera used to record activity. It would be better if the camera used can be connected to a quality microphone. • Camera stabilizer This is needed to support the camera so that the recording does not shake. Use a stabilizer that can be attached to a tripod that is already owned by the TVRI station. • Quality microphone The microphone in this case must be sensitive enough to pick up sound at a certain distance. This type of microphone is needed when conducting interviews or recording teacher activities when teaching. In addition, a high-quality microphone will produce crystal clear recordings. • High quality amplifier Amplifier needed is an amplifier that can remove background noise and can adjust the sound strength automatically so that the recorded sound can be heard clearly. • Laptops or computers with special specifications


Devie Rahmawati, Mila Viendyasari, Amelita Lusia, Hifni Alifahmi, Wiratri Anindhita

The laptop or computer used must have video editing specifications so a sophisticated video card is required for this. The facilities described above are typically owned by digital content production houses. Content provider partners can come from companies or parties that can produce quality educational content. TVRI should also have these facilities so that it can produce content as needed. In addition to the facilities for providing content, TVRI must also prepare facilities and infrastructure for digital broadcasting. The following describes some of the minimum facility requirements to be able to carry out digital broadcasting with adequate data storage. a. Computer server This is the main equipment that functions to store digital content to be broadcast. Without adequate servers, a broadcast can often be interrupted. The required server must have specifications to store large data, considering that the size of digital video data is much larger than text data. b. Network Tools This tool is needed to connect the server computer with other computers. Content editing work is carried out with a computer provided in the workspace, while content data is stored on the server computer. The server computer is stored in a special room and must be regularly maintained by the staff assigned to handle the server. Some of the commonly used network tools are as follows. a) HUB A HUB is a device used to connect network cables from any computer or other device. HUB is usually used to construct star topologies. A HUB connects one computer to another to form an interconnected network. It can function as a network signal booster capable of connecting computers that are quite far away. b) Switch Switches are in principle the same as HUB. However, the switch is superior because the data to be sent to the destination will go through a selection process and the transfer rate is higher. It is recommended that TVRI use a switch because this tool can prevent the transmission of defective or damaged data packets. This prevention aims so that the damage does not cause disruption to the network. c) Router Router is a tool that has the ability to filter and control data from one network (LAN) to another network (LAN) based on certain rules and protocol types so that data is not mixed with other data. d) Repeater A repeater is a network that utilizes a bus type topology that is similar to a HUB. Its function is as a signal amplifier if the distance between the server computer and the client computer is quite far. Repeaters are used so that the data sent can be received properly in accordance with the original strength. e) Facilities and Infrastructure Master Control Room (MCR) Master Control Room (MCR) Television is a television broadcast control room. MCR is a room that contains broadcasting's main technical devices in controlling all television station broadcast processes. The quality of the MCR must be adequate for digital broadcasting. Therefore, analog equipment must be replaced with equipment that can support digital broadcasting. MCR is the center of all broadcast production activities in television broadcasting stations. All broadcast material, whether live or recorded in the studio, or live events from a location outside the studio via OB Van or broadcast car, must go through the MCR first before being transmitted to the satellite. Digital educational content stored on the server computer must also be managed by MCR prior to broadcast. f) Broadcast Support Software In addition to the need to upgrade hardware, TVRI must also increase the ownership of software for processing information and content to make it more attractive to viewers

For the government as a regulator, the ability of digital broadcasting technology to broadcast 4-8 digital broadcast programs in one analog television channel is an effort to improve the efficiency of frequency spectrum use. With the current broadcasting frequency spectrum and efficient use of frequency spectrum, the existing frequency spectrum can accommodate more new television broadcasting operators and other services. This of course will increase state revenue from the Fee for the Right to Use (BHP) Frequency.

Apart from providing benefits, of course there are several things that need to be considered. The implementation of digital television broadcasting has a financial impact on existing operators in the form of expenses for providing digital devices. In order to overcome these constraints and obtain an appropriate implementation model, a business model is formed according to the needs of each region (country). The emergence of several of these business models encourages us to conduct a review of existing business models to be used as a reference in determining the right business model (Hutabarat, 2014)

SWOT Analysis of Digital Channel Education TV


Strength Opportunity • The feature is more sophisticated than analog • It is able to reach areas with good internet channel TV penetration • The more interative features are similar to the • It becomes part of the development of TV TV channels on Youtube channels through social media platforms

Weakness Threat • It requires the device of STB (set top box) • The human resources that are less competent • It focuses on urban areas • Digital content that must be updated at any time

Strength Description The feature is more sophisticated The technology that used can improve the quality of audio and than analog channel TV video. Digital television also has more channels or channels that enable the features of definition television (HDTV). This can occur due to the compression algorithm technology for video and audio to optimize frequency bandwidth (Dos Santos et al., 2006). The Feature is more interactive Digital television with set-top-box device also has features of similar to TV channel in Youtube Internet Digital Television (iDTV). There are 3 types of interactivity, namely: local, partial and full. Local interactivity is generally seen when the user does not have access to the return channel feature. Partial interactivity is obtained when a user does not have a fully available TV channel at all times due to the lack of connection via cable internet. Then, the full interactivity has many advantages and it can be viewed by the connection between the STB device and the server which contain of the digital content through the return channel feature (Dos Santos et al., 2006). Weakness Description Requiring receiver device in the form In Indonesia, this device is part of digital channel television access. of STB (Set Top Box) However, it requires additional costs and installation services. In each house, the STB will receive the signal and process it into an analog signal standard for television. Apart from that, STB will emerge an interactive iDTV application display which will also cost internet access. Due to this application will also display and process other interactive features such as e-mail, e-commerce, social media platforms, web browser engines, game applications, etc. (Dos Santos et al., 2006)


Devie Rahmawati, Mila Viendyasari, Amelita Lusia, Hifni Alifahmi, Wiratri Anindhita

Focused on urban or city area The penetration of internet in Indonesia is not evenly distributed. In accordance with the data of APJII in 2018, the island of Java is still the center of internet penetration in Indonesia (55%). Meanwhile, in the second place is the island of Sumatra (21%). More specifically, internet access is even more numerous and is often found in urban areas. Dealing with the data of APJII (2018) based on city or regency characters, internet penetration in urban areas reaches 72.41%. Meanwhile, in rural-urban areas reach 49.49% and it is merely 48.25% in rural areas. Thus, digital TV devices that require the internet for interactive features require stable and fast access.

Opportunity Description Capable of reaching the area with The penetration of internet in Indonesia has reached 54.8% with good internet penetration more than 170 million active internet users (Pratomo, 2019) and it enables the digital channel TV to be part of this development. Digital television channels that are able to be distributed through applications and social media platform channels. In addition, the ownership of internet access devices in Indonesia is also quite high, namely 150 million (We Are Social, 2019). And along with the exponential growth of the internet globally, digital channel television has also become part the promotion development widely or worldwide.

Becoming part of TV channel The growth of social media platform users in Indonesia continues development through the platform of to grow. According to the We Are Social (2019) report, 150 million are other social media considered active social media users in Indonesia. It is more than 60% of these social media users have used smart phones to access them. With the rank of the most accessed platforms are YouTube (88%), WhatsApp (83%), Facebook (81%) and Instagram (80%). Hence, the opportunity to expand the audience for digital TV is accessed more and more. Further, the distribution of digital TV broadcast content has more potential to reach social media users in Indonesia.

Threat Description Less competent human resources In order to obtain good quality broadcasts and digital television content, HR becomes the key. It is not merely sophisticated content distribution tools and features, however, HR is considered to be determinant. Lekakos (2007) determines 3 basic capabilities of digital TV broadcasting human resources, namely; 1) personalization of content; 2) digitizing content; and 3) broadcast interactivity. Thus, the person behind a digital television channel, apart from understanding the concept of broadcasting, the person also understands the digital landscape in general.


The digital content must be updated Perhaps, digital television content is no better than content on other everyday digital platforms. Based on Cesar et al., (2008) argue that this content is mentioned as lightweight authoring. Smart phone devices enable many people to record videos of any type and form with ease. Consequently, smartphone users can create more interesting content. The popularity of YouTube has encouraged many individuals to be a better content creators than other conventional broadcast media. Thus, it is necessary to update and provide a better variety of nuances of digital content for digital television.

Referring to the results of the SWOT analysis, the conclusions obtained for Educational Television are as follows: 1. Educational television on digital channels is an innovation in the broadcasting domain because of its superiority, both technically and in terms of its reach. 2. Educational television digital channels have a fairly wide and rapid development potential because they go hand in hand with the growth of users and internet penetration in Indonesia 3. Educational television digital channels also have shortcomings, including STB installation and internet penetration which only focuses on urban areas 4. Taking into account the deficiencies that still exist in digital channel television, the government should pay more attention to the provision of digital devices and an even distribution of the internet.

Digital Channel Educational Television also has strategic objectives as follows:

No. Strategic Target Basic Program Indicator of Main Perfomance

1. The development ● Production of ● The increase of the amount of digital of digital learning content is in line with the learning content at all levels of education content during PJJ in subjects for each level of ● The increase of rerun and return access accordance with the education from each content of educational broadcast. National curriculum ● Evaluation and ● The increase of the number of educational of Ministry of assessment of digital content television audience or viewers Education and in accordance with the ● Adding the quality of digital learning Culture subjects for each level of content in accordance with the National curriculum education of the Ministry of Education and Culture

2. Adjustment of ● The involvement of educator and expert in syllabus content in the ● Curation activities the curation of digital content curriculum in each and evaluation of digital ● The increase on the quality of digital educational digital television content after teaching materials that are in accordance with the content production maple syllabus for each level of education ● The improvement of assessment and evaluation instruments on the digital content of teaching materials


Devie Rahmawati, Mila Viendyasari, Amelita Lusia, Hifni Alifahmi, Wiratri Anindhita

3. Synchronization ● Technical training ● The increase of technical understanding of of digital teaching of digital television digital channel television broadcasting for staff and material content that frequency broadcasting for crews is easily accessible staff and crew ● Comprehensive understanding of the anywhere and ● Training content content creators for answering the scores and anytime by anyone creators for educational indicators of each subject in the syllabus of subject content

4. Alignment of ● Training of ● The increase of the use of content on digital digital content educators to utilize digital channel television by educators at all levels of adaptation of teaching content on digital channel education materials with the television for classroom. ● The improvement on the use of content on interaction of ● Training of digital channel television by educators with the conventional evaluation and assessment of adaptation of conventional evaluations classroom. digital teaching materials with device of summative and performative evaluation.

5. Conclusion

The role of the Ministry of Education and Culture in building a digital channel Educational Television ecosystem is very significant lately. According to the results of an in-depth FGD to gain useful insights, Educational TV was found to provide various benefits in the education system. One of the roles of Educational TV for digital channels is in delivering moral, ethical, and national values as reflected in Pancasila.

6. Recommendation

The following points can be recommended so that they can be applied in terms of digital channel Educational TV, namely: 1. Complement existing terrestrial and digital television with more interesting educational content. This is because at each level of education, the content and objectives will be different from one another. Therefore, the presentation on digital television by the Ministry of Education and Culture, apart from being interesting, must also be informative and innovative. Moreover, this digital content also comes from education stakeholders. 2. To become a solution in the midst of a pandemic with a more innovative model and distribution of Distance Learning in which the Ministry of Education and Culture, which has various multi-platform channels, is expected to reach more audiences. Digital television from the Ministry of Education and Culture should be able to become a medium for digital dissemination via social media platforms or other frequency networks, where the methods presented can also use innovative techniques, such as the gamification model. 3. Provide a new educational color for students with existing Distance Learning methods. The Ministry of Education and Culture's digital television is expected to be a real learning medium. Behind this television, teachers, practitioners, academics, and content creators in various fields of knowledge and skills are actually also facilitated. This distance learning through digital television will give a new model. 4. Make it easier for parents to guide their children to learn during a pandemic. In the future, Educational TV will become a learning resource for the enrichment of students' Teaching and Learning Activities. Digital television enables navigation and repetition of teaching materials anytime and anywhere, especially for parents who are busy working. 5. Education TV from the Ministry of Education and Culture has given contribution learning in Indonesia for a long time. 6. There is a need for a campaign in order to promote TV Education that has been and will be initiated through digital channels. 7. The Distance Learning Model that has been carried out by TVRI has not been maximized so that it tends not to have much impact on society. 8. The need to initiate Distance Learning through TVRI or TV Education through digital channels to help students get effective learning.


9. TV Education, which has consistently provided learning content during Distance Learning, is in fact still below the standards of the KPI (Indonesian Broadcasting Commission). 10. Collaboration from schools, educators and TV Education needs to be initiated in order to create a truly educational TV. 11. TV Education Ministry of Education and Culture is the only broadcast that focuses on education in Indonesia. 12. During the pandemic, the existence of Educational TV is increasingly important in delivering national, moral and ethical knowledge and values to students.


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