Amherst Island BEACON Newsstand Issue 389 October 2010 $2.00
[email protected] The Amherst Island Beacon is published monthly with assistance from the Amherst Island Men’s Society NORTH AMERICAN SHEEP SHEARING RECORD SET On September 28, 2010, a new North American record was set for sheep shearing at Foot Flats Farm. At Mark Ritchie and Cherry Allen’s farm, 1124 sheep were shorn in an eight hour period by three shearers. The previous record of shearing just over 900 sheep was set in the State of Oregon a few years ago. Leading shearer Don Metheral of Creemore, Ontario brought professional shearers from the United States to work with him. Alex Moser of Iowa sheared 423, Nolan Abel also from Iowa sheared 374, with Canadian Don Metheral Shearing 327. Kevin Hickman, a shearing contractor from Missouri organized the American shearers. Extra help collecting sheep and bagging wool was provided by Dan Simpson, Cherry’s daughter Tagget Bonham-Carter and Cherry’s grandson David Bonham-Carter. The North American Championship Team are left to right: Alex Moser and Nolan Abel of Iowa, Don Metheral of Creemore, David Bonham-Carter, Dan Simpson, Kevin Hickman of Missouri, Cherry Allen, Mark Ritchie and Tagget Bonham-Carter. PHOTO BY TERRY CULBERT Wilbert's brother Earl (Donna) Willard and sister Dorothy NEIGHBOUR HOOD McGinn. -Lynn Fleming Condolences to Doug Shurtliffe and family, following the Get Well wishes this month to Nancy Dunn, Emily Tug- recent passing of his father. well, Marion Glenn, Vera Hogeboom and Sharon English. Congratulations to Ross and Sally Wilson, who recently Condolences to Gayel Willard, son David and daughters celebrated their 50th anniversary with a family dinner and Sandra and Diana and families, following the passing of their weekend at their Island home.