House of Commons Monday 16 April 2018 Notices of Motions for which no days have been fixed (Early Day Motions)

This document only includes Early Day Motions tabled on Monday 16 April. Names added, or amendments tabled, to Motions tabled since 26 March will appear on the EDM database at as soon as possible and in the version of this document published on Wednesday 18 April.


1 That this House urges the Government to give greater recognition to the economic case for flood prevention in affected communities; registers its disappointment that failure to do so means that the Lake District communities of Windermere, Bowness and Backbarrow have not received the necessary flood prevention funding to protect them from future extreme weather events; notes that 80 per cent of the workforce in the Lake District work in tourism and that the industry is worth over £2 billion pounds to the Cumbria economy which has been negatively impacted by flooding in recent years; and believes that the Government would be failing in its duties if it does not protect these communities from the impact of flooding. 1154 WAITROSE AND DISPOSABLE CUPS 16:4:18 John Mann Sir Peter Bottomley

2 That this House welcomes the decision of Waitrose to remove disposable cups from its stores; recognises the increased efforts to reduce the amount of plastic used for its products; notes the reduction in cost for councils to clear coffee cup litter from the streets; further notes the environmental benefits of removing non-recyclable coffee cups from retailers; and calls on the Government to strengthen its plans to reduce non-recyclable waste in the UK. 2 Notices of Motions: 16 April 2018

1155 WARSAW GHETTO UPRISING - 75th ANNIVERSARY 16:4:18 Patricia Gibson Sir Peter Bottomley

2 That this House commemorates the 75th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, from 19 April to 16 May 1943; notes that after Germany invaded Poland in September 1939, more than 440,000 Jews were confined to just 1.3 square miles of Warsaw, sealed in by a wall patrolled by armed guards; understands Ghetto residents were forced to live in appallingly squalid conditions, with an average of 7.2 people per room, with food rations deliberately insufficient to sustain life; realises many thousands of Ghetto inhabitants died of starvation and disease, while in July 1942, the Nazis began deporting Jews to Treblinka extermination camp, murdering 265,000 in two months; acknowledges that the lightly armed Jewish Combat Organization, led by 23-year-old Mordecai Anielewicz, resisted heroically when on 19 April 1943, SS forces attacked with heavy artillery, tanks and aircraft to liquidate the Ghetto, battling German forces for nearly one month while the SS razed ghetto buildings, destroying bunkers in which thousands of surviving residents had hidden; welcomes the 75th anniversary's commemoration with Warsaw's people laying daffodils upon the grave of Marek Edelman, the last surviving uprising commander; and hopes that the bravery of the Jewish resistance fighters who resisted genocide will be commemorated internationally for years to come.

1156 ATMS IN CASINOS 16:4:18 Sir Mike Penning Sir Peter Bottomley Gavin Robinson

3 That this House calls for a total ban on ATMs in casinos; believes that the current restriction, whereby ATMs in casinos are located away from gaming machines so that a customer who wishes to use an ATM is required to cease gambling in order to do so, is not sufficient to prevent gambling addiction; and further calls on the Government to act.

16:4:18 1157 STUART COSGROVE Pete Wishart 1 That this House congratulates the celebrated Perthshire journalist, Stuart Cosgrove, on winning the 2018 Penderyn Music Book Prize, which, it understands, is the only UK-based book prize specifically for music titles, for Memphis 68: The Tragedy of Southern Soul; notes that this is the second part of his epic trilogy about soul music and social change in three cities across the US in the 1960s; acknowledges that Detroit 67: The Year that Changed Soul was nominated for the 2015 prize, and that the final instalment, Harlem 69: The Future of Soul, is due to be published in October 2018; commends Stuart on his knowledge of Memphis, even though, for him, the city is more than 2,000 miles from home; wishes him and the award organisers all the best; and hopes that Stuart does not find his new fame too hard to handle. 16:4:18 1158 WALES’S MOST SUCCESSFUL COMMONWEALTH GAMES Liz Saville Roberts Hywel Williams Jonathan Edwards Ben Lake 4

That this House congratulates the success of the Welsh team in the 2018 Commonwealth Games; celebrates this being Wales's most successful Commonwealth Games in the Games' 88 year history, finishing seventh in the medals table with a total of 36 medals, including 10 gold, 12 silver and 14 bronze; applauds the commitment and determination of every member of the team; notes that Wales is performing at a world-class level across a range of sports; and urges for continued investment at a grassroots level throughout Wales to ensure talent is found and Welsh sportspeople can achieve their potential. Notices of Motions: 16 April 2018 3

16:4:18 1159 CAERNARFON TOWN FC Hywel Williams Liz Saville Roberts Jonathan Edwards Ben Lake

4 That this House congratulates Caernarfon Town FC on its well-deserved promotion back to its rightful place in the Welsh Premier League after nine years; notes this achievement is a testament to many years of hard work and dedication of all those involved with the club; wishes the players good luck in their upcoming match at Llandudno Junction as they strive for a second championship win in three seasons;·recognises all the community work undertaken by the club, delivering a range of activities for Gwynedd communities; and welcomes the recent publication of Local Heroes by Alex Philp, a long--overdue history of Caernarfon's greatest footballers. 1160 S4C REVIEW DEBATE 16:4:18 Liz Saville Roberts Hywel Williams Jonathan Edwards Ben Lake Sir Peter Bottomley

5 That this House notes with concern the publication and subsequent recommendations of the independent review into S4C; highlights the removal of S4C's direct public funding, resulting in the broadcaster having to rely on the licence fee which is both administered and governed by the BBC; raises concerns therefore of editorial independence and public accountability; further notes with disappointment that the review makes no mention of devolving responsibility of S4C to Wales, as recommended by the Silk Commission; stresses the discrepancy in the fact that the Welsh Government has powers over the Welsh language but no powers over S4C, the only Welsh language television channel and therefore one of the most significant tools for promotion of the Welsh language; further highlights with alarm the added digital responsibilities which have been added to S4C's remit, without the corresponding funding to reflect additional costs; notes with dismay the Government's decision to announce its response through written Statement only, removing the possibility of proper Parliamentary scrutiny through a dialogue in the House; and urges the Government to schedule a debate in the House enabling the people of Wales, through their elected representatives, to have their say about the future of S4C. 1161 RHYS McCLENAGHAN'S GOLD MEDAL 16:4:18 Jim Shannon David Simpson Paul Girvan Emma Little Pengelly Ian Paisley Gavin Robinson 6 That this House offers sincere congratulations to Commonwealth Champion Rhys McClenaghan; notes the first gold medal for Northern Ireland outside the sports in which that part of the UK usually excels, thus demonstrating a great improvement of sports development in Northern Ireland; thanks Rhys' family and friends for the support they have given him which has enabled Rhys to work towards this wonderful achievement; further thanks his home club, Rathgael Gymnastics Club for the work and effort it has poured in to him; and finally extends its sincere hope for a long and dazzling career for Rhys, looking towards Tokyo 2020 for more success.

4 Notices of Motions: 16 April 2018

16:4:18 1162 FINANCIAL CONDUCT AUTHORITY CONSULTATION ON THE FINANCIAL SERVICES INDUSTRY AND SMEs Jim Shannon David Simpson Paul Girvan Ian Paisley Sir Peter Bottomley 6 Gavin Robinson

That this House recognises the progress of discussions on the financial services industry involving the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), HM Treasury and small and medium-sized enterprises; welcomes the current FCA review and launch of the CP18-3 consultation paper following the backbench business debate on RBS Global Restructuring Group held on 18 January 2018; notes with special reference Q4 within the FCA Consultation (CP18-03) which asks about the date of coming into force for changes introducing small businesses as eligible complainants and such changes only applying to complaints made to a firm regarding acts or omissions of the firm which occur from 1 December 2018; further notes that the FCA has the powers and sets the rules on how the Ombudsman should handle complaints further; notes that the jurisdiction of that service is published as part of the FCA's handbook, in the section called Dispute Resolution (DISP) rules: complaints and that DISP 2.8.2 is found within Chapter 2; and asserts that the FCA must add with immediate effect a clause (C) stating that if the complainant brought their complaint to an hon. Member at any time from 1 September 2007 to 21 April 2018 and has a written acknowledgment or some other record of action on the complaint, from that hon. Member during that period, to ensure that the FCA cannot ignore past banking victims. 1163 VIOLENCE AGAINST PROTESTORS IN GAZA 16:4:18 Richard Burden Tom Brake Grahame Morris Andy Slaughter Dr Philippa Whitford 15 Joanna Cherry Ian Murray Alan Brown Alex Cunningham Hywel Williams Caroline Lucas Sir Peter Bottomley That this House is gravely concerned by recent developments on the Israel-Gaza border and the killing and injuring of Palestinian protestors; affirms the right to peaceful protest and the right to freedom of expression; deplores the actions of those who seek to exploit peaceful protests to engage in violence; notes that Israel's effective control of access into and out of the territory means Gaza remains under occupation, that the health system is on the verge of collapse and that the recent influx of casualties has put the health system under even more pressure; supports the calls by UN Secretary General, António Guterres, and EU Foreign Affairs representative Federica Mogherini for an independent and transparent investigation into the killing and injuring of Palestinians in Gaza during the protests; and urges the Government to call for and support an independent investigation, and, where breaches of international law and international humanitarian law are identified for those responsible to be held to account. 1164 HOUSING AND LONDON'S GREEN BELT 16:4:18 Siobhain McDonagh Mr Ms Karen Buck Dame Margaret Hodge Sir Peter Bottomley 6 That this House notes with concern the housing crisis faced across the country; recognises London and its surrounding areas as the region with the highest rate of housing need; acknowledges the value in much of the Green Belt that prevents urban sprawl or offers vital environmental protections but considers the scattered plots of Green Belt land within a 45 minute travel time of London's Zone 1 and less than a 10 minute walk to a train station to be ill- fitting to the purpose of the Green Belt; further recognises the important opportunity that this land offers with space for over 1 million new homes; and believes that there should be a presumption in favour of housebuilding on this land. Notices of Motions: 16 April 2018 5

1165 NATIONAL SIKH AWARENESSS AND HISTORY MONTH 16:4:18 Seema Malhotra Dr Philippa Whitford Mr Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi Jim Shannon Preet Gill Sir Robert Syms 34 Tom Watson Stewart Hosie Hywel Williams Mr Virendra Sharma Ruth Cadbury Kate Green Peter Grant Mr Khalid Mahmood Stephen Doughty Chris Stephens Yasmin Qureshi Mary Glindon Faisal Rashid Alex Sobel Mohammad Yasin Diana Johnson Naz Shah Afzal Khan Ruth George Dr Rupa Huq Mr Dennis Skinner Jo Swinson

That this House extends congratulations to Sikhs celebrating Vaisakhi in the UK and around the world; notes that 14 April marks Vaisakhi and the founding of Khalsa in 1699 by the 10th Guru of the Sikhs, Guru Gobind Singh; further notes that Gurdwaras across the UK have organised Nagar Kirtan processions in the UK's towns and cities, helping to share the teachings and values of Sikhs; notes the assistance provided by Sikhs to the homeless and others in our communities and across the world through Langar and other Sewa, selfless service, including humanitarian relief; recognises the shared history of the Sikhs and the UK, particularly in the armed forces where Sikhs proudly fought alongside allied forces during the World Wars; further recognises the achievements of Sikhs across the UK in commerce, the professions and in civic life; abhors the attack on a turban wearing Sikh visitor outside of the House of Commons; notes that Sikhs have faced and increase in hate crime attacks and notes the lack of specific recording of these by the authorities; recognises the work of organisations, including the Sikh Council UK and its members in building, understanding and contributing to public policy; recognises the importance of education in tackling ignorance and hate crime; notes the success of Sikh Awareness Month in California, US and Ontario, Canada; and calls on the Government to mark the significance of April in our calendar through recognising it as Sikh Awareness and History Month in the UK.