Jinic on Mon Day Volunteer Workers Praised Bareford Says
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first With The News! For Value • Shop The Advs KPPP Astride All The Activities Of The Town With Your e Largest And Best Shops And Home-Town Paper iervices In The Area Are Our vertisers! Patronixe Them! XXXIV—NO. 9 (krtmCARTERET, N J., FRIDAYt, JUNE 17, 1955 PRICE EIGHT CENTS illOther This Charmer Didn't Need A Lollipop Volunteer He Has An Unusual Hobby Bareford Joe AdnniSy Carleret Bus Driver, Cheers the Bed- (Jinic on Workers Ridden with Frequent Visits to Their Homes Says Drill CARTERET — An unusual ins. His list grew larger and. day hobby has been developed by a according to his friends. Adams' Mon Praised visiting book now contains 25 'Success' bus driver which is bringing Joy names, including one In Rah- and consolation to bedridden way. Some people he visits once inl1)ni/.ulioii Against Mayor Publicly Cites Carteret residents. a week, others more often. It Lauds Civil Defense, 0|i,, al Borough Hall Those Who helped at The drlyer, Joseph Adams, depends on what shift he drives Others (or Fine born and raised here and em- the bus. Set for H A. M. Vaccine Clinic ployed by the Carteret Bus Ser- Adams, who broke one of his Cooperation Here vice, Inc., 4s hesltatnt to dis- legs while serving In the Army - i;|jf . 1/wilth Inspector CARTERET -Those who had CARTERET This week's air 'v.nrlipski announced to- cuss his hobby, but his friends" in 1942-1943. likes to recall how pnrt in the Salk anti polio Im- are quietly talking about It. tough It was when he was bed- raid test was the most successful .nioilirr Salk Immunlzn- munlzntlon program this week, in the borough so far. ,,'vill be held In the Bfmvd It seems that on one occasion ridden for quite a while. He told won public commendation from some two years ago; one of his friends once. "You don't know i This w»s reported by Mayor !; moms at the Borough Mayor Frank I. Bareford. Frank I, Bareford at last night's \i middy mornlnB at 11 passengers, a cripple, spoke how much it means for a per- He praised the doctors, nurses, about the loneliness of a man son who Is bed-rid den to have meeting of the Borough Council. volunteer workers. Health Inspec- who Is bedridden. Adams a friend visit him and talk with All went smoothly. The mayor , mil vncriue Immunlza- tor Michael Yarcheskl, School learned his name and pretty him It helps him to get well credited much of the success of "•• mi which began on Superintendent Edwin S. Quin soon paid htm frequent visits sooner and makes his life a the drill to the fact that the pub- ,s slated to be com- u: Jr., principals, teachers, janitors, and cheered him up. little brighter," lic cooperated and that the test i , Yiircheski said that v etc. At the beginning, there were Unmarried, Adams Is spend- was well publicized. number of the children one or two persons to see. He ing most of his time paying .., iiom school this week. The commendation was In the The mayor praised Louis Brown, noticed that his calls were these welcome calls to the lonely n;iiion Is free. form of a statement read by the chairman of the Civil Defense, mayor at last night's meeting of< deeply appreciated by the shut- and shut-in folks. Police Chief George Sheridan and ^ministration of the vac- the BorouRh Council. He staked: his department, the Police Re- l: pince today at St. Jo- serves, firemen, air raid wardens i ; ,nl for both the first "As Mayor and In behalf Of the ll as well as Industry. He nave spe- ,, (1 grnfln pupils. Yester- welfare of the children of Car- PBA Local Honors Mayor, cial praise to the Carteret Press • •,i- rc Riven pupils of the teret, I wish to publicly acknowl- 1! A WINNING SMII.K: Donna Brown, 7, of 1501 RooMvelt Avenue, accommodates our staff pho- for the publicity It has given the U.ili' and Holy Family edge the services rendered this tographer, Windsor .1. I,,ikis, with a pleasant sm'le as Dr. Maurice Chodosh adminsters Salk polio community In connection with the And 2 Council Members Civil Defense. vaccine at Cleveland School. The boy, who looks on, is a bit hesitant. polio vaccine program, instituted ,. first, day, vaccine ad- CARTERET—Mayor Frank I. ment, proud of Its efficiency and A playground Insurance pro- by the Carteret Board of Health ,\im wiis administered to Bareford and Councllmen Wal- termed the force as outstanding gram was announced. The insur- this week. ance fee will range from $1 to $2, huts of the Cleveland 'oses Offer Colorful ter Sullivan and Joseph Syno- In the state, .ml nn Wednesday at the Plea for Safety 3 Teachers "To Doctors M. Brown, Md Cho- wleckl last njjht were pre- "Everywhere we see where with half of It to be borne by the ot the Columbus and "Overture" to Summer dosh, L. Downs, I Kemeny, J. sented with silver life member- policemen are brought up on children and the other half by the borough. A^ similar Insurance pro- ••in schools. Rewon, O, Walker and J. Wan- ship by Carteret Local 47, Pa- charges," he commented. "We CARTERET—ROMS rampaged gram now Is in effect at the public i.:, to Yarcheslri, the free As Schools Close Who are Retiring toci' who volunteered their serv- trolmen's Benevolent Associa- have never had such an inci- by the thousands throughout schools. iinnwht- only about 50 ices In administering the inocu- tion dent in Carteret." Carteret today in a burgeoning CARTERET—As schools closed iv.spon.se, There are 788 CARTSRET —"If all the chil- lations; to nurses, E. Simons, E. Councilman Sullivan, com- The presentation of the cards The Council renewed 41 liquor sacrifice of sweet scent and ,ii second grade puplla In dren of Carteret school*, were put his week for the season, three Petruskey, B. Wolski and H. Za- menting on the honor bestowed was made to the officials by consumption licenses, six club and color. ,...' ,md parochial schools. together they'd probably be cheer- eachers were leaving the public zula for their fine work and ef- on him, said that he was proud Patrojman Ernest Klsh, presi- six package licenses. They netted Ing light now," Chief George .:;n ;il;itions were Riven by They graced homes and gar- chool system. All have been highly ficient duty, including many extra of the Carteret police depart- dent of the Local. a total of about $16,000 in fees. Sheridan Jr. declared tpday. M.mnrr Chodoah, J. J. dens In a time of triumph over :ommended by School Superinten- hours of service performed by George Chamra resigned as i n i o Walker, Melvln "Why Because school is out for the hazards they have been ent Edwin S. Quin Jr. They are them. member of the Welfare Board. At the summer, It's a wonderful time l. s Downs, Imre Kemeny overcoming for centuries. Miss Estl\er Gordon, Mrs. Eva "To the school superintendent, the suggestion of Councilman of the year for youngsters. .but Surviving the ravages of win- Plan Bible Class )dg Vaccinations : ;. W.mtoch. School nur- Hollander and Mrs. Rose Jacoby. principals, teachers and janitors Edmund Urbanskl. a letter will be It's a dangerous time, V>o. ' ter, of bug* and worms, of • ,i the borough nurses Miss Gordon who plans to live In who cooperafed. And above all, I sent him, thanking him for- his "Dangerous because their play- :i were volunteers com- droughts and dlMwes, they of- wish to make official recognition services in the past. Ing Is often unwatched by anyone; East Stroudsburg, Pa., following a Starting Monday To Start Monday ,i :, imb.fr of women. fered a pretty prelude to the of the highly 'valued assistance Including the motorists. Release world tour, has been teaching in Two bills, one for $11,557 and arrival of summer at 11:11 A. M. volunteered by the Parent Teach- from school work wfll bring the the eighth grade in the Columbus CARTERET—The Daily Vaca- CARTERET—Carteret's annual the other for $2,851.35, rendered on June 22. er Associations and the following youngsters back In the streets School since 1920. Born In East tion Bible School of the First Pres- on vaccination clinic will start by Russell B. Watson, special mothers, whose personal services, byterian Church of Carteret will counsel In the sewage plant suit, filter Dedication again; which calls for extra vigi- Stroudsburg and educated there, ext Monday, with Dr. John Ne- rendered during the inoculation, begin next Monday .morning, Jun« were questioned by Councilman lance on the part of every motorist she graduated from the Strouds- are deserving of the highest 20. The school will be held from 9- letli, veterinarian in charue. Sullivan. He said payment should "Despite every waxnlng, boys Graduation Held burg Teachers' College. Her first praise. 12 In the morning throughout the The program, designed to com- be made when the court action is Plans Advanced carried away with the enthusiasm job was In Camden schools and of a ball game will dart in front of "Cleveland-Columbus PTA: Mrs. two weeks of June 20 through at rabies, will be conducted completed. Mayor Bareford said i, then came to Carteret. She took July 1. There will be two depart- uroughout the week at strategic t.\:: [ )• ,:.'T The board of trus- a car; girls with their eyes and For Eighth Grade G. Resko, Mrs. M.