Friends in the Arts
May 2002 Quaker Thought FRIENDS and Life OURNAL Today the- B10LOCJ1St'S € ~ q () 0 3 -o .. 0 lJ VI IJJ ;o.m (.1) (/) 5' ~E-St: VAR!_Ety the- n~snc · s Friends in the Arts An Among Friends independent magazine serving the Reconciling the Irreconcilable Religious Society of am deeply grateful to the staff of FRIENDS JoURNAL for doing another arts issue Friends the first since 1979-and for involving me as a consulting editor. Since Chuck I Fager (p.9) has covered most of what I could say about the Fellowship of Quakers Editorial Susan Corson-Finnerty (Publisher and Executi~e in the Arts, I feel liberated to speak of how I experience being an artist and a Friend. Editor), Roben Dock.horn (Senior Editor), Lisa The person most responsible for my becoming a Friend was my Quaker aunt, Rand (Acting.AJsistant Editor), Judith Brown Mary Loomis Wilson, a painter. After she became convinced in the 1950s, I saw her (Poetry Editor), Ellen Michaud (Book Revino Editor), J. Brent Bill (.AJsistant Book Revino Editor), art become steadily lighter, more joyous, freer, more abstract, more Spirit-led. Yet she Joan Overman (Book Revino .AJsistant}, Christine told me, a few years before her death at Foxdale in 1999, that she had kept her Rusch (Milestones Editor), Julie Gochenour, Roben Marks, Cameron McWhiner (Nnos Editors), Kara Quakerism and her art in separate boxes until she was past 80. Newell (Columnist), Marjorie Schier (Copyeditor) Only when I began attending Friends meetings in Philadelphia 20 years ago did I Production Barbara Benton (Art Director), Alia Podolsky become aware of the historic Quaker antipathy to the arts.
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