Fr. Bernie Hayes was awarded the 2009 Chancellor John He reminded the audience that, "Resurrectionist Father Sweeney Award for Leadership in Catholic University Louis Funcken founded this University.... His primary Education on October 2, 2009 at the 9th Annual Feast event at concern and focus was and always St.Jerome's University. remained the students. His goal was to The sold out event was attended by faculty, staff, alumni instill in them an "enthusiasm for truth." and community members who all gathered to celebrate the Those words have continued to form contributions Fr. Hayes has made to Catholic education the University's guiding principle." throughout his career. Fr. Hayes closed his address with a Fr. Hayes has served as a teacher and administrator at St. quote from author Henry James, "A Jerome's High School, at Scollard Hall in North Bay, at St. teacher affects eternity, he or she can Mary's High School in Kitchener, at St. Thomas Scholasticate never tell where his or her influence in London, and at St. Mary's College Seminary in Kentucky. stops." In his introduction, President and Vice-Chancellor, David The event raised $17,000 for first Perrin remarked that "Fr. Bernie has touched countless lives year entrance scholarships at St. and hearts in this community. His ability to connect with Jerome's. Since approximately 165 first people - through teaching, through retreats, through his books year students benefit from receiving - has made him an exemplary Catholic educator who brings these scholarships annually, the to life the message of the Gospel." influence of Fr. Hayes and all of the Fr. Hayes shared his award with the Congregation of the attendees and donors to this event Resurrection as a personal tribute and because "without their will be felt for years to come. vision and work, St. Jerome's University as we know it today would not exist."

Beyond Borders Sexuality Alumni Profile INSIDE Becoming a "Home­ Marriage & Maria Capulong grown'' Progra1n Family Studies PG 12 THIS ISSUE PG 5 PG 6 ~JL1lJPl)ATE

Proud of the past, the present, and building a strong future.

St. Jerome's University is proud ofits past, is As you know, last year we created the Centre equally proud ofits present, and is building a for Responsible Citizenship as an umbrella strong community for its future. It continues to organization for our various outreach programs, be an attractive destination for students. Once the first and foremost ofwhich is the Beyond again, this year St.Jerome's University has Borders program.With the help ofmany ofour exceeded its target for first-year student graduates, we have broadened our network of registrations: significantly, over 40% ofthe Arts contacts and placements for our globally engaged students selected us as their FIRST choice on students. In addition to Beyond Borders, we are their university application form. This is the developing service learning components for our highest first-choice selection we have on record. courses and a network oflocal volunteer We are pleased to welcome more students to opportunities for our students. After all, our classrooms, but at the same time we want to the Catholic mission ofSt. Jerome's is not limited stay "small." I am happy to report that last year, to the campus. 39% ofour classes had under 30 students Finally, after a realistic look at our current (essentially the same percentage as in 2001). facilities, a review ofour activities, and a Although 83% ofour classes had under 75 projection of our future needs, the Board of students (compared with 74% in 2001), we are Governors last spring approved in principle our committed to providing a "small class" working towards a bold and optimistic project to undergraduate experience as much as possible. mark our 150th anniversary in 2015: a new Our faculty is second to none! This summe~, multi-storey building that will allow us to remain three new faculty joined our tenure-track small, but plan big. St.Jerome's University is professoriate: Dr. Frances Chapman in Legal moving into the future! Its tradition of Studies; Dr. Toni Serafini in Sexuality, Marriage and excellence continues. I am grateful that so many Family Studies; and Dr. Lindy Ledohowski in ofour graduates are mentoring and supporting English. All three are exemplary teachers and our students in a huge range ofways. Thank you solid researchers. The more established members so very much for your ongoing involvement! offaculty continue their stellar records ofsuccess: superb teaching scores, significant external grants for research, and invitations to advise NGOs and government on policy development. With the support ofgenerous donors, we are able not only to give our faculty verbal encouragement, but also to regularly increase the seed money we offer them to develop the early stages of their research. II Nm 1' t > • L ll W1Pttr 1009 1< SJUUPl)ATE

With the days getting shorter and the So watch for your invitation to the upcoming temperature dropping, it becomes less appealing events to help you ward off those winter blues: to leave our warm, comfy homes and keep an alumni and student career mixer, family active in our community. But as St.Jerome's skating and our annual donor reception. Come University alumni, we can resist the dullness of out and join your fellow alumni in fellowship as winter by getting together and taking part in the snow begins to fall. some ofthe many events that the Alumni Association and other SJU-affiliated groups have planned for the coming months. As you may know, the St.Jerome's Alumni Association (previously known as the St. Jerome's Graduates' Association) works to provide social and educational opportunities for SJU alumni. Over the past few months, alumni have gotten together at a number ofevents, reconnecting with old friends and making new ones. In August, the association hosted our first annual golf tournament (see page 11 for details). More recently, after Sunday mass in September, SJU alumni celebrated the inauguration ofAlumni Court, a landscaped courtyard nestled between Sweeney Hall and the Letson Community Centre. Alumni Court was designed to honour our many graduates. I invite you to come and visit this space that celebrates the connection that alumni have with the St. Jerome's campus. t PI)All

On the Road to India

Elyse Redden, the Outreach Co­ ordinator for Beyond Borders, travelled to India in late September for a month-long stay. She spent most of her time in Tamil Nadu, in the south. Her main goal was to investigate and document several possible Beyond Borders placement sites, including an orphanage for children whose parents have died of Hansen's disease (leprosy), a women's education project, and development projects in the tsunami zone. She took two weeks' leave to work in the orphanage herself. This trip reflects Elyse's change in position at St.Jerome's University. She will now spend more time working with Beyond Borders, Beyond the Classroom, Beyond U, Lectures in Catholic Experience, and projects through World University Service of Canada, such as the Student Refugee Program. Through all these programs, she will encourage and support service learning at St. Jerome's.

For 2009, St.Jerome's University, University in 2005, which included in conjunction with The Walter a 20-year maintenance plan, Fedy Partnership, tendered a confirmed the weak infrastructure complete electrical rewire ofboth and proposed a schedule the Sweeney and Finn residences ofpriorities. and panel upgrades for the Engineering began in the fall classroom and administration of2008; scope and budgeting building. parameters to address current and The facility's construction dates future needs were set. Culliton to 1962, when life was a whole lot Brothers ofStratford was awarded simpler. Significant additions in the contract and began work 1980 and 1985 still predate the in June. explosion of personal computers, Despite the tight deadline, any CD players and security lighting. interruption of the academic and Consequently, the need to residence activities was minimized address a lack of electrical capacity and the project, even more has been anecdotally recognized by impressively, was completed staff for many years. An audit on time. conunissioned by St.Jerome's II 0 Beyond Borders Becoming a "Hom_e-grown''

Beyond Borders is changing for the better! In past years, this international educational and service program, designed for St.Jerome's University students who want to help create a more just world, has relied on external placement partners, such as Intercordia Canada and World University Service of Canada (WUSC). In some cases, these placements did not provide adequate support and meaningful work for our students. Also, we were not able to build a lasting relationship with the placement sites. As a result, we became something of a consumer of experiences in the developing world, an approach that flies in the face ofthe social justice and solidarity values we teach in the program. To remedy this situation, Prof.Joanne Benham Rennick, the new director ofBeyond Borders, is working hard to make the program a uniquely SJU experience. Supported by Outreach Co-ordinator Elyse Redden, Prof. Benham Rennick is creating well-researched, sustainable partnerships with grassroots development organizations around the world. In May 2009, she connected with three groups in Peru: a house-building project, an outreach program for girls and women exploited by the sex trade, and a teaching centre for children with disabilities. That same month, SJU President David Perrin visited a number ofpossible placement sites in Uganda. In September, Elyse assessed multiple sites in south India (see sidebar). In October, the director of Ukraine placements, Dr. 0. Huzar, visited St.Jerome's; together we planned for more collaboration with Ukraine and with King's College, University ofWestern Ontario. In November, Prof. Benham Rennick will visit several sites in Africa, including a village project south of Cairo, some grassroots projects in Nairobi, and health and education programs in Kampala, Uganda. Our current cohort of 12 students will fill these placements next summer. As we become a home-grown program, we are setting up policies and procedures to protect our students, promote the program, and ensure fair treatment for our partners in the developing world. Once these guidelines are in place, we intend to open the program to a double cohort ofstudents for the 2010-2011 year. The 2008-2009 program included 13 students. During the summer, they travelled to Nicaragua, Ecuador, Honduras, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Ukraine, Botswana, and Ghana. They had many highs and lows during their placements, but all returned amazed and transformed by the experience. Read more in their blogs on the Beyond Borders website: beyondborders.html. II i J .. , I'). . Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies - Delving into Relationships

One of the most innovative interdisciplinary programs available to students today is Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies (SMF). This unique program has been given status of a St.Jerome's University department within the Faculty ofArts. Professor BJ. Rye is its first chair. This program allows students to delve into various aspects of relationships from an interdisciplinary perspective. The program, which began in the 1970s and became a major in the early 2000s, has recently become an honours major. Two new faculty appointments have enriched the poster studies exploring inclusivity on campus. They program. Dr.Tracy Penny Light, who joined in 2007, is a showcased their projects at the first annual SMF Student historian whose research focuses on how medical Symposium at St.Jerome's University on Friday, science plays a key role in the way gender and sexuality October 2, 2009. Kevin Nixon, a graduate student in are constructed. Her teaching brings the historical Anthropology at the University ofToronto, gave a method (specifically, social history, which is lecture entitled "Drag Queens and Anthropology: interdisciplinary) to areas such as couples, marriages and Considering Anthropological Perspectives on Sex and families, as well to as new core courses in the History of Gender"; a student panel then commented on the paper Sexuality and to special topics, such as men and from different disciplinary perspectives. masculinities as well as gender, sex and history in film. "Understanding the different disciplinary perspectives She also offers pedagogical expertise. Dr. Toni Serafini, that shape our understanding of sexuality, marriage and who is recognized internationally for her work in family is an important focus of the program," notes Prof. educational technology and the Scholarship ofTeaching Penny Light. "Our goal is to provide students with tools and Learning (SoTL),joined the program in 2009. Her gleaned from different disciplines and the methods they passion for teaching and learning is a key asset as SMF employ to better understand the world around them." explores new ways to engage students in the classroom, A new research methods course taught by Prof. Serafini the workplace and the community. Prof. Serafini's area of is a key feature of the new major. The course will expertise is family studies. Her research explores identity introduce students to the philosophy and methods of construction across the lifespan: how we construct our social science and humanities research. It will focus on sense of self and how experiences, relationships and life how research in the areas of sexuality, relationships and transitions affect our identity. A practising Couple and families is conducted, and will examine the issues and Family Therapist, she brings research and clinical dilemmas associated with studying sexuality and experiences to courses that cover parent, child and relationships from an interdisciplinary perspective. family relationships; the formation and maintenance of Dr. BJ. Rye, Chair ofSMF, has worked for many years close relationships; and crisis, conflict and sexuality in to see SMF grow into a full honours program. "I am relationships. excited about how far the SMF program has come and Students are challenged to conduct research on what the future has in store for us," Prof. Rye says. "I am sexuality, marriage and family and to present their very proud of the calibre of work that is coming out of research in a variety ofways and from different the SMF program, both from our students and from our perspectives. For instance, students have constructed faculty." electronic portfolios (ePortfolios) of their work in sexual For more information on the program or on SMF ethics, have completed research papers and presentations events, please contact Prof. Tracy Penny Light on how human sexuality is portrayed in print media ([email protected]) or Prof. Toni Serafini such as children's books and teen magazines, and done ([email protected]). II \tolrn 1c >~ Nm·i~'t'r .2 • fall Wmter 20U9- 0 I . l \. . t' • . ~ ' ,' ·' ), ~ 1L I,, Reading Series Events The Reading Series got off to a Book Club wonderful start this year with a The SJU Library visit from recently introduced a Harbourfront new initiative--an Festival Prize SJU Book Club! recipient Helen Organized by library Humphreys. staff, our student Humphreys read from her most recent novel, Coventry, set assistants Rachel in one terrible night during the Second World War.As well McNeil and Matt as from a book ofcreative nonfiction, The Frozen Than1es: Pankhurst have been vignettes based on the 40 occasions from 1142 to 1927 selecting the books and leading the discussions. when the river had frozen. Both books were national The group met every week during the summer and are bestsellers and made the Globe and Mail list of the top 100 meeting once a month for the Fall term. Regular attendees books of the year. Humphreys is also the author ofseveral include staff, faculty, and students. other novels, including Wild Dogs and The Lost Garden, Books the group has read so far include: The hundred plus four books ofpoetry. mile diet, Smoke, Lady Oracle, Life of Pi, and The Alchemist. Humphreys's reading was as evocative as her style. She Discussions are always thought-provoking and fun, combines a reporter's accurate eye for detail with a poet's everyone is welcome, and snacks are provided. sense of the emotional weight ofimages. As one listener Ifyou'd like more information, contact Lorna Rourke, conm1ented, "her writing transported us to other places and SJU Librarian-- [email protected]. other times." Listeners were brought comfortably back to [ln the photo, left to right: Matt Pankhurst, Rachel earth with an engaging and candid question-and-answer McNeil, Suzanne Patfield, Elyse Redden, Glen Meaney, session, during which Humphrey confided how challenging and Conrad Hewitt, enjoy a good chat about Elizabeth it was to write a novel set entirely at night; she rewrote Ruth's novel, Smoke.] Coventry 26 times! Other fall term readers were impressively multi-talented and eclectic: poet Jeffery Donaldson, an English professor at Picnic McMaster University; food critic Gerry Shikatani, who is also a fiction writer, editor and innovator in sound and Campus Ministry visual poetry; and novelist Shani Mootoo, author of is pleased to Valmiki's Daughter and an accomplished visual and video announce the artist. Authors to look forward to in the winter term include success ofour first Mary Swan, The Boys in the Trees, Fred Wah, Sentenced to annual picnic, held Light and Austin Clarke, More. This year's series will finish on Sunday,August off festively on the last day ofclasses, with the poetry and 8, in Finn Green. short stories ofPatricia Moore, who was recently featured in Although the day the St.Jerome's-based New Quarterly. began with an As well as attracting folks from St.Jerome's and the incredible thunderstorm, the community prayed for University ofWaterloo, we have been drawing more and sunshine and we were blessed by a very hot, sunny day. more members of the local conununity to our readings. It is One hundred members of our conununity, including the always wonderful to see alumni in the audience; many University Catholic Conununity and SJU students, fondly remember attending the readings in their student attended, and we raised $400 with our dunk tank for days. The series is a unique opportunity for our students to KidsAbility. Special thanks to all who took part, especially meet "real live writers," hear their work read aloud, and ask our volunteers who organized the children's gan1es and all questions about the writer's craft. Enthusiastic student those who sat in the dunk tank - including our president! volunteers help meet and greet the authors, sell books at the events, and assist with advertising. Please visit SJU Reading Series at 1\ \ NEWS

Fond Farewells to Andrea Recruit a Student Charette and Sue Brubacher Do you know of someone who is thinking of post secondary education? We'd love to meet them. Please This past summer saw us bid farewell and good luck to have them contact Ashley Dietrich at two of our senior staff Andrea Charette and Sue [email protected] or 1 888 752 4636 extension Brubacher. 28270 to request more information or to arrange a visit. Andrea had been at St. Jerome's in various capacities Discover St. Jerome's at since 1995; she worked diligently and energetically in the Registrar's Office and then as Director ofStudent Services. Her commitment to students and her ability to help them through the University system was incredible. As a graduate ofSt.Jerome's she brought an insider's knowledge to her responsibilities, and was able to empathize first-hand with the struggles ofour students. Andrea has closed the door on her St. Jerome's office, but has not journeyed far. She now works in the office of the Dean ofArts at the University of Waterloo as the Faculty Services Coordinator. Sue Brubacher worked in our Registrar's Office for seven years, the last three as Registrar. Her jovial manner and caring approach to recruiting and retaining students will have been experienced by all who came to St. Jerome's. She ably mentored her co-workers and helped facilitate significant changes in the Registrar's area. Sue is journeying on to new, as yet undefined, adventures. Both Andrea and Sue made major contributions to St. Jerome's over the years, and for that we are very grateful to them. We pray that they may be happy and fulfilled in the New Faces and Direction for the next phase of their careers. Registrar's Office

The Registrar's Office welcomes three new faces to the SJU Board of Governors team, Heather FitzGerald, Registrar, Heather Bode, Administrative Assistant and Becky Ewan, Receptionist. Ifyou are looking to become more involved in the Our full team also includes Ashley Dietrich, Manager, SJU community, please consider putting your name Recruitment & Admissions; Amanda Grobbecker, Student forward for nomination to the SJU Board of Life Coordinator; Donna Wright, Student Program Advisor; Governors. Nominations for the appointment of and Elyse Redden, Outreach Programs Coordinator. community-at-large members to the Board are This past summer, the Registrar's Office and Student accepted on an ongoing basis.You may be interested in Services joined forces. The Registrar's Office is available to serving as a member yourself, or you may know help students select their majors, access student services and someone who has the strengths and skills suited for enhance their leadership development. The new and membership on SJU's governing body... someone who improved Registrar's Office now assists students from the would value the opportunity to learn more about SJU point ofrecruitment to the point ofgraduation, offering while giving to her/his community. support to all students throughout their undergraduate For more information on SJU's Board of Governors and to access an on-line nornination form, see: studies at St.Jerome's University.The Registrar's Office also works closely with Martha Fauteux, who oversees the Student Catholic Community of Campus Ministry. I BJ Rye CONT'D NEWS Professor BJ Rye recently co-authored an article entitled "Satisfaction with School-based Sexual Health Education in a Sample ofUniversity Students Recently Ryan Touhey Graduated from Ontario High Schools," which was published by the Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality in In 2008, the Canadian its most recent issue (Vol. 13 [3] 2009). Co-authors were International Council (CIC) Glenn]. Meaney ofWilfrid Laurier University, Ekaterina announced its first fellowship (Katya) Solovieva ofYork University, and Eileen Wood of recipients: eight scholars from WLU. Glenn and Katya are graduates ofSt. Jerome's; both across Canada were chosen to did an Honours degree in Psychology, with a Sexuality, research and produce new Marriage, and Family Studies plan. The project was funded foreign policy insights for by a Dean's Research Grant to Prof. Rye. national debate and discussion. St.Jerome's University's own Prof. Ryan Touhey (History) is Tracy Penny Light one of them. One foreign policy theme Awarded the 2009 Arts in Academics; Tracy Penny that the CIC is focusing on is Light is a professor in Sexuality, Marriage and Family the rise of emerging global Studies/ History at St.Jerome's University. Her thesis was a powers, such as India, and their relationship with Canada. sensitive and probing examination ofthe medical Prof. Touhey's project, "A New Direction for the Canada­ discourse on abortion in Canada. As a graduate student, India Relationship," examines how the Canadian she became fascinated by the possibilities technology government can redevelop a historically neglected offered to learning and teaching; she shared this relationship with India at a time when interest in India is enthusiasm with others, helping faculty members and growing both in Canada and globally. His research fellow teaching assistants, and working with librarians to explores three niche areas that and New Delhi enhance the learning experience ofstudents. Holding key have traditionally underused: public diplomacy initiatives, positions at the University in instructional methods, she ties with higher education, and links with science and has achieved an international reputation for her creative technology. These three areas show promise for enhancing approach to teaching and her collaborative work in the bilateral connections. field. She has also published in her original field of gender In September, the CIC distributed Prof. Touhey's paper identities. Her students are now profiting from her energy, on this subject to the Canadian members of the CIC; the enthusiasm, and skills in both fields. Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute circulated the paper to its thousands of members in North America and India. The Globe and Mail, India Abroad (the most widely circulated Lorna Rourke paper of the Indo-North American diaspora), India's The Lorna Rourke, SJU Deccan Newspaper, and the India Asia News Service Librarian, and Pascal Lupien, (IANS) all wrote about his paper. University of Guelph, According to Dr. David Malone, President of Canada's recently presented a paper, International Development Research Council, "Ryan "How Students are Using Touhey ... is the Canadian scholar who has engaged most Virtual Reference: A excitingly with India oflate, bridging the often turbulent Systematic Review ofthe but rich history of Canada-India relations since 194 7 Literature" at the Evidence with today's more stable and positive, if still immature, Based Librarianship and prospects for a closer bilateral relationship." Information Practice Conference in Stockholm, Sweden. To read Prof. Touhey's paper, go to In their research, Rourke and Lupien examined 2600 http:I I article abstracts in order to determine trends in virtual I a-new-direction.pdf. reference behaviour. To read the paper go to: SJlUPl)/\l E

. \ \ .; I~ . Student Life The New Student Lounge Convocation SJU has a new student lounge on the first floor The 2009 spring and fall of the Academic Building. The space features convocation activities held comfy chairs, a large circular table, a sink, at SJU were a great success microwave, fridge, and a TV The space is getting for new alumni, families, more and more use as students discover it. staff and faculty. All guests were invited to take part in SJU Community Commons the celebratory convocation liturgy, luncheon and This new pilot program ~ reception. Those who helps students get to know attended truly appreciated the extra others who are registered at SJU hospitality that St. Jerome's offers to SJU or who once lived at SJU. its students/alumni and families on Students will get to know their peers Community Commons special occasions like this. from first year all the way up to fourth, fifth or even sixth year! This program hosts numerous events, such as coffee houses, ski trips and brown bag lunch specials. Students are also encouraged to attend events hosted by SJU Student receives other Student Leader Groups at St.Jerome's. Millennium Award Tynan Branberger, an SJU student, has been Community Service Day awarded a $4,500 Millennium Excellence Friday, September 11, was our third annual C01ru11unity Award from the Canadian Millennium Service Day. This year, students walked or took the Scholarship Foundation. Tynan notes: "The Grand RiverTransit (GRT) to a number oflocations only reason I applied [for this award] was throughout the Kitchener-Waterloo Region. They spent because of one ofSt.Jerome's own, the day washing windows, picking up garbage, cleaning Professor BJ. Rye.Without her encouragement I would pews, painting, sorting clothing, and packing bags of not [have applied]! ...Not only is this award a great food. Over 200 students and staff took part in what has honour, but it was also the determining factor in my become a fixture of the St. Jerome's Orientation Week. ability to continue my studies at St.Jerome's." Congratulations Tynan! Investiture Investiture was yet another success, with Tree Planting 100 students joining in the festivities. Third annual Student Families of the students were thrilled Leadership Tree Planting. Each to come and see their children after year Dr. David Perrin, President the first two weeks of school. andVice-Chancellor, plants a Investiture marks the beginning tree on the St.Jerome's campus ofa student's academic career. Each (always a Blue Spruce) with the student receives an SJU pin and various student leadership signs a book that they will sign groups. Pictured above is Dr. again on their graduation day. Perrin (front of rope-line) with student leaders from Residence Life; Student Catholic Community; House Leaders; and Students' Union. II t nl r • f l;)JULJ[>l)A1'E

Alumni Update

SJU Alumni Association first annual golf tournament With a rare display of hot and sunny summer weather the SJU Alunmi Association hosted its first Annual Alunmi Golf Classic on Saturday, August 16 at the Merry-Hill Golf Club, near Maryhill, ON. The day began at the SJU parking lot, where players boarded a bus for the short ride to the golf course. Bagged lunches were provided and the groups spent time warming up their putting skills before taking their carts on the course. "Since this was my first time golfing, it seemed fitting that it was at our first annual golf tournament. I had a great time and the weather was fantastic," said Ashley Dietrich (BA '05), Manager of Recruitment and Admissions, and member of the Alunmi Association. The eight foursomes included alumni and friends, current students, faculty and Alumni Association members. Golf skill and ability ranged from experienced to novice giving the day a nice balance of competitive and fun. Congratulations to all the winners of the on-course contests - best ball, closest to the pin, longest drive, best team name and most honest team. Following the golfportion of the day, players returned to the SJU Community Centre for dinner. During dinner, the trophy and awards were handed out. "Thank you to everyone for your participation and energy for our 1st Annual golf tournament, and to the Alumni Association and staff for organizing this event. It was a great opportunity to reconnect and have fun," said Mark Greco (MMSc '05, BASc '04), Chair of the Alumni Association.

Interested in Volunteering? The Alumni Association needs the skills and commitment of interested SJU alumni to further its mandate of service to alumni and students of St. Jerome's. We are looking for enthusiastic representatives from every decade to volunteer time and wisdom. Please call M.J. Gaudet, Development and Alumni Affairs Co-ordinator at (519) 884-8111, ext. 28277, or email her at mjgaudet@sj II "lJl lJPI )f\ I I·

Catching up with Alumni john T Ryan (BA'69) graduated from St.Jerome's and is serving as chaplain at St.John's College in Brantford. with honours History. He taught high school in London She is presently pursuing her Master of Catholic Thought Ontario for 30 years. This year he published a book about through St.Jerome's. his 38 year old Down Syndrome son, Tiberius. He (BA'84), 2009 Arts in encourages all who are interested to visit his web site at Catherine Clifford uw Academics award winner. Global excellence has long been a hallmark ofa University ofWaterloo Arts education. In 1983, Catherine graduated with an Honours BA (Religious Reverend Paul s. Voisin (BA'73) has been named recipient ofthe 2009 Waterloo Catholic District School Board Studies) through St.Jerome's, and immediately went global, completing a Licentiate in Theology at the Universite de Distinguished Graduate Award. Father Paul accepted the award Fribourg (Switzerland). She returned to during Resurrection Catholic Secondary School's annual and completed her PhD at the graduation ceremonies. He is a graduate ofOur Lady of University of St. Michael's College. She is Lourdes, St. David Catholic Secondary School in Waterloo and currently Associate Professor and Vice-Dean the former St.Jerome's High School in Kitchener. Father Paul ' at Saint Paul University (Ottawa). She sits on holds a BA from the University ofWaterloo and a Master of the Catholic Theological Society ofAmerica Divinity degree from the University ofWestern Ontario (St. Steering Conunittee and is President of the Peter's Seminary) in London, Ont. He was ordained to the International Network of Catholic priesthood on May 14, 1977 and assigned as assistant pastor at Theological Societies. Clifford lectures internationally and St. Francis ofAssisi Parish in Kitchener. From August 1983 serves as a consultant to various international ecclesiastical until April 1996, Father Paul served in the Congregation of bodies. Building on her UW Arts degree, she has established the Resurrection's mission in Bolivia serving as both assistant an impressive international reputation in ecumenical theology. pastor and pastor in several parishes. Since 2008, Father Paul has been Pastor ofSt. Patrick Parish in Bermuda, and is Vicar (BA'75) of the St. General ofthe Diocese. Maureen 0 'Donoghue Rich Jerome's Board of Governor's recently donated a signed copy ofDr. Clifford's latest book, A Century ef Prayerfor Christian Colleen Nagle (BA'73) published her first book with Unity, to the SJU Library. This book is "a celebration of the Life Vest in Denver Colorado this spring. The book is one hundred year history of the Week ofPrayer for Christian called: To See As An Artist Sees, Creativity and Spirituality Unity and a wonderful resource for understandina the in the Divine Plan which is available on.line at b introduction can theology and practice ofco1ru11on prayer for the be read at by reconciliation of the churches." clicking Book Store. Her Sacred Art can be (BA'87) celebrated the launch of her new seen by clicking on Fundraising. Currently Nan Farler picture book, Bird Child, in the Great Hall at Conrad Grebel \ she is working on a series of 12 children's on Saturday, September 19th. Some of her friends ~Ml!~" books called The Adventures Of The from her days at SJU made the trek in, including: I Family Furball and will share the cover art Carolyn Pitre, Rosmarie Baznik, Shelagh for the first two by the spring! Fellow alumni Maloney, Ann Marie Coady, Tony Pracsovics, and can reach her at [email protected]. Henry Bink. Over 250 friends and family members attended and half of them were Peter Tassi (BA'78) and Filomena Tassi (BA'83) have children. Kid's activity tables were set up for another book published entitled: Greatness In OurTeenagers, children to decorate bird-shaped cookies, create bird A Ten Step Guide for Parents and Educators. This book was crafts, and reflect on the story. Her own children acted out released in August 2009. Son1e ofPeter's other published and some of the text, along with 3 dancers from St. David High produced works in theatre (The Centurion), documentary School. Her husband, Kevin Coates (BA'86) played the grand (the Missionaries) and feature film (3 days) can be viewed at piano, with some music he had written for the book to In addition, in October 2009, Sharon accompany the dancers. Bird Child is the story ofa small, Boase and Peter will be releasing a book entitled Hamilton bird-like girl who stands up for a little girl who has been H eroes, a collection ofstories of 12 WWII vets. Sharon is an bullied.The dreamy illustrations by Francois Thisdale, an artist ll' w;nningjournafot rnd h" tmntly changed mern SJULJPDKfE

from Montreal, add to the magical feel of the book. The story allows children to explore Jarrett Morrison (BA'98) has, after nearly two years the idea ofspeaking up when they witness a working away at it, published his first limited edition private situation that is unfair. Kevin and Nan press book. The Importance of Being Earnest, by Oscar Wilde, moved back to Waterloo about 7 years ago with ten engravings by Jarrett, was hand set in Bembo roman, and love being back "home." Kevin teaches with stage directions composed in Fairbank italic by the music at St. David and still plays regularly Bixler letterfoundry. and Nan teaches Kindergarten in The book is being reviewed by Crispin Elsted, of Kitchener. They have two children, Dillon, 11 and Maia Barbarian Press, for the Fine Press Book Association. CBC 9. Bird Child is available at bookstores and can also be Radio's Sheryl MacKay, host ofCBCVancouver's North by purchased on-line through Amazon, Chapters, etc.Visit Nan at NorthWest, recently interviewed Jarrett about the book and the show is available for download at Several libraries have added the book to their Special Carrie Snyder (BA'97) was the featured writer in the Collections, including the University ofBritish Columbia, Fall Issue ofThe New Quarterly. She did a reading of her Simon Fraser University, the University ofCalgary, and the work at the launch on October 22nd at the Art IBar in the Public Library. Photos can be seen at KW Art Gallery.The fall issue (#112) launched that night,'s next project will be an edition of sports three ofher stories. "For us to publish so many stories Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal, in celebration ofthe birth by a single author in a single issue is a measure of our ofhis daughter, Elinor.You can get in contact with Jarrett at excitement. We've published Carrie before--she was the cover [email protected]. girl on an earlier issue devoted to her work as a poet--but these stories are something else. They have a new narrative Mark Eltis (OD'03), a proud SJU resident, was recently sophistication and emotional complexity;' says Editor Kim interviewed on Radio Canada TV in French. Jernigan,The New Quarterly. http: / / Carrie Snyder's first book, Hair Hat, was critically praised Since graduating in 2003, he has worked in for its originality and imagination. The Danuta Gleed Literary NewYork, Beverly Hills and Toronto as an Award jury called Snyder a "writer who knows how to charm optometrist. Over the past year he became an and surprise." Her new stories tiptoe toward autobiography to examiner for the NBEO and CSAO (American explore a childhood rich with adventure and danger: fiction and Canadian national licensing boards). Most set in Nicaragua during the contra war, where Carrie's parents J recently he started lecturing at the University of worked as peace activists. She is a mother offour, Waterloo Waterloo in the IOBP optometry program. Dr. resident, ever-fascinated by words, creation, and memory. Mark Eltis can be contacted at [email protected].

Frances E. Chapman (BA'98) completed her Douglas Stebila (BMath '03) completed his PhD undergraduate degree in Sociology, with an option in Legal in Combinatorics & Optimization at the University of Studies and Criminology. She then moved to London, Waterloo and is now a postdoctoral researcher in the Ontario, where she graduated with a Bachelor ofLaws degree Information Security Institute at the Queensland University in 2002. She was called to the Bar in July 2003. ofTechnology in Brisbane, Australia. At the law firm of Cohen Highley LLP in London, where she articled and later was hired Michael Paiva (BA'07) successfully defended a Master's as an associate lawyer, Frances gained a broad thesis in history at the University of Waterloo in August 2009. range ofexperience in all types ofcivil and Paiva's extensive research examined US perspectives of the " commercial litigation. Canada-US FreeTrade Deal.A former undergraduate ofSt Frances returned to school in September Jerome's, and a SSHRC recipient, Michael represents the very 2005 to pursue her passion for criminal law. She best of the high quality ofstudents who develop through their focused on criminal law defences, including automatism, time at this institution. Michael is presently attending law duress, and necessity, and completed her Master ofLaws at the school at the University ofOttawa and hopes to pursue a University ofWestern Ontario while teaching part-time. She career in trade law. completed her Ph.D. in law at Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, in Toronto. Frances is now an Assistant Professor at St.Jerome's University. In her spare time, Frances is an avid pug dog enthusiast. II SJUUPI)ATE

Maria Capulong Maria Capulong (BA '02, Psychology, with a minor in Philosophy and an interdisciplinary option in Legal Studies in Criminology) went on to attend the University ofWindsor Law School, where she did extensive work in the Legal Aid Clinic system, helping marginalized persons who were living in poverty. Upon graduation, she was honoured with several Gerry Campbell, Floyd Centore, and Donald DeMarco - she important awards, including the Faculty of Law Award for has dedicated a portion of her practice to public service by Professional Ethics and Conduct; the Legal Aid Award for her offering free legal information workshops and taking pro bono work with Legal Assistance ofWindsor; and the John W cases to help people who could not otherwise access or afford Whiteside Award, which is given to only six graduating legal representation. Faculty ofLaw students for their outstanding contribution to At the moment, Maria is working with temporary foreign and leadership in the Faculty ofLaw, the legal profession and workers and live-in caregivers who are suing their the community at large. She also received the Ontario Trial employment agencies for practices that are tantamount to Lawyers' Association George Bonn Award for Best Cross­ human trafficking. Her aim is to protect these workers from Exarnination. She has successfully argued cases on behalf of exploitation; she is asking the provincial and federal marginalized and impoverished clients before various courts governments to make changes in the law to protect them. and tribunals, including the Criminal Injuries Compensation Already she has had some success: the Ontario government has Board, the Social Benefits Tribunal, and the former Ontario proposed a Bill that would offer protection for live-in Rental Housing Tribunal. caregivers who face exploitation from agencies and employers. While articling for the Regional Municipality of Peel, she Maria credits much of her current standing as a lawyer, as assisted with the first racial profiling case to be heard before an advocate, and as a person to her experience at St. Jerome's, the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal. Recently, Maria opened where she learned leadership skills, developed time a private practice in Toronto: Primero & Capulong, Lawyers in management practices, and built long-lasting, supportive Association. Building upon the values encouraged by faculty relationships. She is always happy to hear from fellow SJU and staff ofSt.Jerome's University - especially professors alumni: you can reach her at [email protected]. -- -~------·

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