Rewriting Reparatio ns

MASON THORNTON Iberian Expulsion

The Alhambra Decree (July 31, 1492) Sephardi People

500 years ago lived in and held prominent roles in society.

An ethnically separate group of Jews, comparable to Ashkenazi Jews

Speak ”Ladino” ◦ Spoken like Spanish (Latin ), originally transcribed with Hebrew Alphabet ◦ “Gente” ◦ “Hijo” J 1 I.L·, \ S i lQI l •""i l"l,li II' .!_ 11,;\'~~,,u.\. I• .,

·1 > i'. 4 ,., ), ✓ r.• (' ,i· ·t ~ GREENL AHO Sephardi -. """''""'

T1aditionally .. Ashkenazi "" • -, DRCCNGO Jews • Traditionally ~s IN 00 N ESI A • M. ephardic • i,ed A< hkenaz, and Sephardi Spec,al Jewi,h G 11111 Mixed Spe . I roup -- • c,a and Sephard, • Traditionall,v "M.,zr ahi" , ii- / La ter Ashkena z: i • Later Mixed Later Sephardic Iberian Reparations

Portugal started and Spain followed.

Spain’s effect: 132,000+

Portuguese: 10,000+ Demographics DRE HILAND

•30,000 Mexico •26,000 Colombia •14,000 Venezuela

• Traditionally .Ashkmi!ZI. • Tt3dit,0r'l,aill:,- •Stphar(f.c • Mixtdl A,shli;e~:i 8nd Stphardi •7,000 Argentina • Spe<~I Jeru:5,h G.roup • Mi:ted Special and Sephardi • Traoditionally •Miziahi~ • Late-r Ashlenazi • LiltttMiK!'.'d •4,900 Lilltt Stph3rdiC.

•Of estimated 1.5 million Sephardic Jews Why do the demographics matter?

Cultural Subsidy 8.95% • Sa €1 or dala de cient Vulnerabl13 • DefinitBly 0ndangernd 10.65 ¾ • S~\/Elr@ly endaingi:nBd • Critically @ndan.geroo 57 ..13 ¾ • Ex ·net SillCl2 1950 9.85%-' Application


ipa La Paz / @ Bolivia j 3ochabambao Sant~ Cruz Bolivia de la Sierra Peru

In 2001, ~19.8% of 8,496,000 (2001)= 1,685,331 primary In 2001, ~16.8% of 26,260,000 (2001)= Quechua Speakers 4,400,000 primary Quechua Speakers

In 2017, ~21.2% of 11,639,909 (2017)= 2,467,660 primary In 2017, ~10.1% of 32,170,000 (2017)= Quechua Speakers 3,800,000 primary Quechua Speakers

= 600,000 person decrease of primary Quechua =782,382 increase of Quechua speakers(~41.42% increase) speakers(~13.63% decrease), compared to , compared to 3,143,909 person increase in population 5,910,000 person increase in population (~22.51% increase) (~37.00% increase) Bolivia


Legislation boosters Varnes a aprender Mixteco

Applicable to who?

Central and South American countries

Mexico leading the way with various new , . .,. - ,, programs.

' , i , II/ I

I MA TIWELIKAN NAWATL Vamos a aprender n6huatl

Creditos Education & Exposure Changing Reparations

Economic boosts to literature and indigenous peoples’ education

Allowing indigenous peoples to speak and move freely

Economic motivators for speaking their native language

Making official, recognized and mandatory in certain areas Adatto, Kiku. “Spain's Attempt to Atone for a 500-Year-Old Sin.” The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 21 Sept. 2019,

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Brennan, Bridget. “NSW Passes Unprecedented Laws to Revive Indigenous Languages.” ABC News, 11 Oct. 2017, unprecedented-laws-to-revive-indigenous-languages/9039746.

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Emilio Rosés Labrada, Jorge. “11. Language Revitalization: Maintenance and Revival.” Language Endangerment and Language Revitalization, vol. 12, no. 1, doi:10.1515/9783110896589.168

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Hornberger, Nancy H., and Serafín M. Coronel-Molina. “Quechua , Maintenance, and Revitalization in the Andes: the Case for .” International Journal of the Sociology of Language, vol. 2004, no. 167, 2004, doi:10.1515/ijsl.2004.025.

Jones, Sam. “132,000 Descendants of Expelled Jews Apply for Spanish Citizenship.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 2 Oct. 2019,

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Work Cited Norman, Jeremy. “Sultan Bayezid II Wellcomes Jewish Refugees from Spain8/1492.” Sultan Bayezid II Wellcomes Jewish Refugees from Spain : History of Information, 5 Dec. 2019,

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Wight, Emily. “What Can We Learn from Efforts to Save an Ancient South American Language?” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 18 Nov. 2014, World Bank. “Population of Bolivia.” Google Search, Google, 2020, hAUA6K39A%3A1585882944354&ei=QKeGXq2IFeOE_QbwyKOQAQ&q=pop ulation%2Bbolivia&oq=population%2Bbolivia&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzICC AAyAggAMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMggIABAWEAoQHjIGCA AQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeOgQIABBHOgQIIxAnOgUI ABCRAjoECAAQQzoFCAAQgwE6BwgAEIMBEEM6CAgAEIMBEJECShAIFxIMM TAtMTAwZzgwZzI4SgwIGBIIMTAtNGc0ZzJQhxVYiyNg_yNoAHACeACAAX6IAY oFkgEDNy4xmAEAoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdpeg&sclient=psy- Work Cited ab&ved=0ahUKEwitqLasosvoAhVjQt8KHXDkCBIQ4dUDCAw&uact=5. (cont.) World Bank. “Population of Peru.” Google Search, Google, 2020, hrome.0.69i59j69i57j0l3j69i60l3.2587j1j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8.

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