Order in Council 1060/1978
APPROVED AND ORDERED 27 APR. 1978 Le Lieutenant-Governor044Lieutenant-Govemor" EXECUTIVE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, VICTORIA 27 APR. 1978 Pursuant to the Park Act, and upon the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant-Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, ordersthat the Park Act Regulations, being B.C. Regulation 35/77 made by Order-in- / Council 4Orldated February 3, 1977, be amended as follows: Section 24 - Camping restriction in parks of less than 1200 hectares - In a park of less than 1200 hectares, in which camp-sites have been established by the Parks Branch, no person shall camp or remain overnight except in such camp-site, unless authorized by a Park Officer, and - Special restrictions (Manning Park) - From May 1 to October 31, unless authorized by a Park Officer, no one shall camp or remain overnight in Manning Park within 1 kilometre of No. 3 Highway or any public road, except in an established campground. Section 59 - Speed restrictions, distance from shoreline, and bathing - Except as may be necessary to render aid to a person in distress , no person shall operate under mechanical power any power-boat or outboard motor within 60 metres of the shoreline of any beach in any park while the waters of that beach are being used by swimmers or bathers, nor within 15 metres of any swimmer or bather within such waters, at a speed in excess of 10 kilometres per hour. By deletion of Sections 63, 64, 65, 66 and 67. By amendment of Schedules A, B and C as annexed hereto.
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