New Quilted Sweater Jacket from Third Wave September JH, 1981

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New Quilted Sweater Jacket from Third Wave September JH, 1981 September JH, 1981 New quilted sweater jacket from Third Wave -- ..- OPINION FIRST NATIONAL BANK-NORTH 'Response to Haig's re.marks ,Clint 'I'albdtJ ... page 4 1he Better IBanken. 1 2302 Nortn Ave ,/Grand J unc f,on. CO 8f502 Letters ... page 4 243-4100/ M ember FDIC ~ CENTRAL ~ORPOPATlGN INC 'NEW.S Best Deal .in Jowin Saga -elversee.s food production at Brenda.Phillips , 7 A .new library? SAL'S PIZZA BDb .Kretschman ... pageB (8th & North) Art.rek visits Gr.and Jun.ct.ion ... page 9 5 cents for ane 'Pitcher of rs·eer or Pop with P.urohase of Large Pizza *"' * *. This is the Place ·where You Want .and Meet Your Friends FaS..HlON ***** fl'he Oriterion!look at fa"Shion . ._page 10 tbe LlrnBe·RS ,SP-ORTS lfhe Timb'ers is looking for GOOID ' male dancers for LATIIES NIGHT 'MesB .at USC 21 years or older, good pay, good John Gregory ... page 14 bennies, good times. Must be willing to put on a show. oalL2 4o,-222:2 ... S~pteniberfest is outlined ... page 1 5 aslc for JM,ike . COLORADO Bomingue.z dam sequel .Dave Styler 16 MiUSIC Blatik Canyon Music Festival. .. page 18 • Nn Investment ' • Rroless1ona1 Sales Help Pro vided • Incen tive 'Programs.' • Sell over 60 Top Brands.' • BE YO UR 0WN BOSS.' )]NJFORMATlCJN Call or WrUe Serious Inquiries ONLY! Preview of ne-xt wee.k . --·page ·19 AUDIO ounn, IN(. 10 Commr rc r Ct 1Am 2171 Ntwitk NJ 07102 12011 622 32~0 .. The F1rst Annwrl ·£he staff of the Criterion is comprised of the following persons: l:'ellmide Dmoe Resti~ Yfil)l'I'OR, IN QHIEF ,'liihntbrnm:1-.v I !A.KSISJUA'Nr f:ED[Tll.R _September 25, 2o and 27, 19Hn 11-~~~~--'~~t~h~r:tt~x~~a~i~lb»=:,:;t~t~~~~~-H Theme: Eartlilly Concerns F..:Et4T:T11E EJ:rnm )"]J-a,1.;_~St;t:.'1,hrr ~ 1PN,<DNIDtm/Al1'HE'B Ilb"nlbu: 'n'trJJa !J!R:(i)DI(~JD[Th ll\P.N~K:IElR A lhree-day multi-<alltural event fealuring performances. Inc., lnlerr,alronal -Foll< Dane'e. EVENING ;J>EHF.URM· meter -..-taues and worksMps by twenty prominent !Jli..inlb :.ilJnzr AN'CES: While Eagle Gourd Sot1&ty, David Taylor Btllel So_ulhwest _dance artists. Company ,!llal'.IUlra Gardner. I COJflIMMSl' 11 1 . ,Rick Watts FRlDAY, SEPT. 25-Llghting and Sound Technique Wori<· SUNDAY, SEPT. 27-Grliham Tech. Ill, Character Class.' 1-----------,!1 shop, San Juan Pueblo Dancers. Swings and Falls, Lesley The Dancer As A SoJo Instrument, Partn11rrng Cia9S, Cleo -Powell Solo P&rformanc.e, A Dance ~elebrallon. EVENING 'l'XJIB.SEi'fmEK:S . , Parker-Robinson Master Clan, U te Dancers and s,nger.sJj April Allen PERF_ORMANCES; Sylvia Emer y, Ed Done. _EliZaneth Performance, Silver Hftls Dance Co .• Performance, The Mandes'ill&-Marttn ez, Danelle Helan<ter, Durango Dance Southwest Highlanders Gaelic Music Society Perfor~ce & Lori All,m 1 Academy, Jane Fr antlln, S:ar_a Brummel, William 1:arl Sword Dancing W orkshop. EVENING PERFORMANCE: The Connie 'Kiesler New Dance "Tlf.eatre. Flmizl&usft SA,UR.DAY, SEPT. 26-lntro. to Gr-8.ham Technique, Children's Cr&ative Movement, Point Styles & Variations, Cosl : $10/day or ,S25 lor al! 3 days of performances. :Rk!J]).F,)~Elt Evans Technique, Beg. Ballet, Oriental Dancino, Tneatre $5/ sassion tor workshops. For a ochedule of events and ticket 'Bt:1rrin,H11?.,:m1an Games, Kinaslology, Gr aham Teen . I, WtJite Eagle Gourd Info . write: Society Performance, Waterfall Dance by Dance Actions, ~~0NIJ'R:IB:;r.'IlN~ 'WJR<IillERS 'Bn"bRr_etschman Kelly Graves 8ANCE ACTIONS.INC. P.O.IBoxe-419 Letters to the editor are welcomed ll'ELLURIDE• CO B1'431i and solicited. All letters :must be (303)728~i504 signed and include an ad.tkea:s and .a , WE ACCEPT MA-S'TERCHARGETv'.ISA telephone number in order to be .printed. Libelous letten will not be printed for obvious reaaons. Mailing address of the Criterion is: Ctite.ri.on Hol"trr Hr alth & Clds,r, llv Appm nlrnt> n l Onlv Mesa Co.Hege L Grand Junction, CO 8J5'0J !MAS.SAGE DANCE CRElrlEIIEON I T.he Criterion in the 1981-:82 schodl year is the first magazine-type publica­ ~F.JEE OFFIERS 1: tion that ,Mesa College has iwonsored since its beginning 'in tl925. The Griterion is a publication that centers its"elf raround the lifestyles . and philo­ sophies of this area, and it is published tMAS,S.ASE primarily for reade.r enjoyment ana information. 11A:NJOE IJ'he Griterion i:s published each 1 "Friday, of no11mal school weeks, and .it EXfElAC;I-SfE is distributed throughout «the college , and ,in key public place_s . It is j fH AlJrR & SKil!N pnm11~ily iunded by advertisement, , ~Ell U~E~.A TlH)N with the lreJ.p of a yea.rily allocation of 1 -stud.ent lunds. 'TI'.he1@ :r;ite.riian ts a student operated S'JiUJ [i)'l·D rand ,,managed pul>lication. Its only non•student liaisons are advisory po_si­ 1 fFree V2 hr~ I I 'tions "in the form of a wubJicati-an advisor and t'he _Mesa t,Qolle:ge ~Me'dra ' 't raatrrn eJit or cl ·ass 'Board, of whi:ch Jhe •firiteiion., tne Literary Magazine and fh_e £_Olieg,e I wiitlil CDl!Jjp0.n ,radio station (KfMSA l are .also 11 i members. J 1310 Ute 241-0275 I • • Q/JIOLOO On Haig's arrogance By Clint Talbott or a nation ,that has a vague ject when he wsas scheduled to return inflammatory capability of the area, F foreign policy, the United States to Washington. Re drawled "We now and some pompous dignitary from a certa,inly inflames public sentiment have physical evidence from Southeast stable nation makes an incursion into against it in other inations. There a!l'e Asia, which has been analyzed and their land and makes scathing -and some p'laces in the world-there have found to cont·ain abnormally high unproven remarks about another pow­ always been-that it is best not to levels of three potent... poisonous sub­ er that has the means to 'kill them all. acknowledge t!he fact tha,t is a stances not indigenous to the region Perhaps that is why it took 7,000 United States Citizen. and which ·are h·ighly toxic to man an:d policemen to keep the demonstrators One of these places., apparently, is animals.'' away from the Secretary. West Berlin. Sec,retary of State Alex­ The Soviet Union firmly denied all of ander Haig was ''jeered by 50,000 the charges brought forward by Secre­ Secretary Haig did not employ the anti-American protesters" when he tary Haig. News agency Tass said that standard that is ,used and widely spoke there Se,pt. 13. According to the statement by Haig was a "mon­ touted in the USA of ''innocent until report, the demonstrators and, clearly, strous, slandernus statement.'' proven guilty." At the time of tlhis millch of lhe popu'lation of western It was reported that Secretary Haig writing, the Secretary has offered no Europe do not have the most positive ,was bewildered by the protest that corroborative evidence to support his regard for 'U'S currently. occured as a re-suit of his pre.s,ence in claim. Some of the ire.asons for the malig­ Germany. He reportedly demanded If the charge were true, Secretary n-a.nee towards us thought to be "Where are the protests against such Haig failed to note that the United part of a gr@wing anti-American Soviet actions?' ' The Secretary also States has employed the sort of sentiment in Germany that is being fed engaged in some all-American rhetoric chemical warfare that he condemns in by fear of war and opposition to the when he as.serted .that "Even when we Vietnam-from where many men are NATO plan to deploy U.S. medium disagree with what you say, we'e still suffering the after-effects. He ·also rang.e missiles in Europe, prepared to defend to th'e death your tlid not seem to remember that ~he During t,he course of Mr. Raig's right to say it." · United States supplied Afghan re~els speech in West Berlin, he charged the I wou'ld boldly assert that the with chemical grenades and provided Soviet Union with using illegal biologi­ Secretary has not thought of the chemical bombs for the ruling junta in ca1 poisons in warfare in Cambodia, position ,the West Germans are in. El Salvador. Laos, and Afghanistan. He said that The,re they are, perched on the e.dge of Perhaps those of us who repre.s:ent the United States has proof of the the Soviet Bloc Territory, living in fear the rest of us in int.ernationail relations charge, and h.e promised to release of the deployment of neutron bombs more in.formation concerning the sub- should stop watching so many lJohn there and the constant presenc.e of the Wayne movies. 0 letters One's views on new food service Editor, myself that this we:s a .ridiculous way of discuss thls with the food serv,ice Now I know it isn't nice to start the selling this type of food item - espe­ manager. He wasn't around the snack school year by complaining about ou,r cially since there isn't much to their lbar at the time of my rip-off, so I new food service operation and the salad and cottage cheese and jello are headed back to my office.
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