Appendix N Biological Resources\1-Coversheet Appen N.Doc
APPENDIX N BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES S:\06 PROJ\Panoche Energy Center\AFC Appendices\Appendix N Biological Resources\1-Coversheet_Appen N.doc Johanna La Claire Biologist Overview Ms. La Claire’s combined work experience and education provide a wide range of ecological training. She has over seven years of experience working in the fields of botany, wildlife, habitat restoration, stream monitoring, and ecosystem inventory, assessment, and monitoring. Ms. La Claire’s position at URS involves vegetation surveys and mapping, habitat assessment, habitat restoration, wildlife surveys (particularly birds and Areas of Expertise California red-legged frogs), wetland delineation, construction compliance and monitoring, GIS mapping, and project management. ● Restoration Planning, Implementation, and Monitoring Project Specific Experience (bioswales, grassland, vernal pool, riparian, coastal sage scrub, Project Management Experience chaparral, and oak woodland) Project manager for several restoration projects including Ellwood Mesa ● Vegetation/Rare Plant surveys Native Grassland Restoration, Santa Barbara Airport Safety Grading ● California Red-legged Frog Mitigation Restoration Monitoring, Calleguas Creek Restoration USFW Protocol Surveys Monitoring, and Bohnett Park Creek Restoration Monitoring. ● Least Bell’s Vireo Surveys Habitat Restoration Experience ● General Wildlife Surveys • Monitor and implement several restoration projects in Santa Barbara ● Stream monitoring and Ventura counties, such as Turnpike Bioswale, Rhoads Bioswale, ● Wetland Delineation Bohnett Park, Firestone Drainage, Las Vegas Creek, Calleguas Creek, ● Construction Compliance and Foster Park, and Casitas Dam Modernization Project. Monitoring ● GPS and GIS mapping • Restoration Coordinator, University of California. Responsible for Years of Experience creating native grassland, vernal marsh, and vernal pool habitat related to environmental mitigation. Supervised the initial grading of the With URS: 3 Years landscape for proper topography.
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