Demographic Data ELKHART COUNTY, INDIANA % Distance from Elkhart to ... 1 Indianapolis, Indiana 150 mi. 70 of the U.S. population is within a day’s 2 Warsaw, Indiana 25 mi. 12 drive of Indiana 3 South Bend, Indiana 25 mi. 4 Cincinnati, Ohio 255 mi. 5 9 Columbus, Ohio 225 mi. 10 8 6 Cleveland, Ohio 241 mi. 11 7 Toledo, Ohio 140 mi. 3 E 7 6 8 Detroit, Michigan 200 mi. 2 9 Grand Rapids, Michigan 102 mi. 1 5 10 Lansing, Michigan 138 mi. 11 Chicago, Illinois 120 mi. 4 13 12 Minneapolis, Minnesota 530 mi. 13 St. Louis, Missouri 392 mi. Labor Force (Elkhart County) Unemployment Rate Labor Force 116,133 Elkhart County 2.8% Labor Force within 25 mile radius 616,278 Indiana 3.2% Average Yearly Wage $57,853 United States 3.5% Indiana is a right-to-work state Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics 2020 Source: DWD January 2020 300 NIBCO Parkway, Suite 201, Elkhart, IN 46516 Phone 574-293-5627
[email protected] Rev 3/20 Demographic Data ELKHART COUNTY, INDIANA Commuting into Elkhart County Commuting out of Elkhart County 33,726 people live in another 8,491 people live in Elkhart county or state who commute County who commute to work to work into Elkhart County 19.3% outside the county 5.7% of the workforce of the workforce commutes into commutes out of Elkhart County Elkhart County MICHIGAN MICHIGAN 8,608 436 ST. JOSEPH LAGRANGE ST. JOSEPH LAGRANGE 11,863 E 3,436 4,581 E 782 MARSHALL OTHER STATES 1,657 (besides Michigan) KOSCIUSKO 1,657 KOSCIUSKO 4,249 936 Source: STATS Indiana Annual Commuiting Trends Profile Tax Year 2017 Source: STATS Indiana Annual Commuiting Trends Profile Tax Year 2017 Elkhart E Logistics Workforce County Interstate Access Proximity to Major Markets Advantages Low Taxes Low cost of Doing Business Major Manufacturers* Major Employers* Thor Industries, Inc.