Vote:113 Uganda National Roads Authority QUARTER 1: Highlights of Vote Performance
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Vote Performance Report Financial Year 2020/21 Vote:113 Uganda National Roads Authority QUARTER 1: Highlights of Vote Performance V1: Summary of Issues in Budget Execution Table V1.1: Overview of Vote Expenditures (UShs Billion) Approved Released by Spent by % Budget % Budget % Releases Budget End Q 1 End Q1 Released Spent Spent Recurrent Wage 71.105 17.776 16.800 25.0% 23.6% 94.5% Non Wage 26.852 4.814 2.806 17.9% 10.5% 58.3% Devt. GoU 1,724.552 609.738 487.519 35.4% 28.3% 80.0% Ext. Fin. 1,643.998 0.000 0.000 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% GoU Total 1,822.509 632.329 507.125 34.7% 27.8% 80.2% Total GoU+Ext Fin (MTEF) 3,466.507 632.329 507.125 18.2% 14.6% 80.2% Arrears 38.960 38.960 25.145 100.0% 64.5% 64.5% Total Budget 3,505.467 671.289 532.270 19.1% 15.2% 79.3% A.I.A Total 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Grand Total 3,505.467 671.289 532.270 19.1% 15.2% 79.3% Total Vote Budget Excluding 3,466.507 632.329 507.125 18.2% 14.6% 80.2% Arrears Table V1.2: Releases and Expenditure by Program* Billion Uganda Shillings Approved Released Spent % Budget % Budget %Releases Budget Released Spent Spent Program: 0451 National Roads Maintenance & Construction 3,466.51 632.33 507.13 18.2% 14.6% 80.2% Total for Vote 3,466.51 632.33 507.13 18.2% 14.6% 80.2% Matters to note in budget execution 1/99 Vote Performance Report Financial Year 2020/21 Vote:113 Uganda National Roads Authority QUARTER 1: Highlights of Vote Performance 1) Recurrent: Wage Only 5.5% (UGX 0.976) of the quarter one (1) released wage bill (UGX 16.80Bn) was unspent by close of the quarter (Q1) of FY 2020/21. UNRA did not absorb 100% of the Q1 releases because; there was a delay in the payment of the 5% NSSF employee contribution for the month of September 2020 and the delay in the recruitment process to fill up the posts within the structure which was hampered by the partial lockdown. 2) Recurrent: Non-wage 41.7% (UGX 2.008Bn) of the quarter one (1) released operational budget (UGX 4.814Bn) was unspent by close of the quarter (Q1) of FY 2020/21. The inability to absorb 100% of the releases is mainly attributable to: a) UGX 718,050,529 under employer contribution to the Social Security and Retirement Benefits Scheme contribution. There was a delay in the payment of the 10% NSSF and the 5% RBS employer contribution for the month of September 2020. In addition, since the recruitment of staff had not been concluded, this had a direct effect on the absorption of the funds. b) UGX 944,910,980 under medical insurance. UNRA signed new contracts for medical insurance as the running contracts had ended. The staff were still registering on the new medical schemes by close of the quarter, which explains the low absorption of the released funds. 3) Development budget UNRA was appropriated a total of UGX 3,368.55 billion for development of the National Road network, with financing from the Government of Uganda (GoU) consolidated fund in the amount of UGX 1,724.552 billion and External Financing in the amount of UGX 1,643.998 billion for projects directly supported by the Development Partners. 3.1 Performance of Development - GoU Financed 20% (UGX 122.213Bn) of the released quarter one (1) GoU Development budget (609.738Bn) was unspent by the close of the quarter (Q1) of FY 2020/21. UNRA¶s inability to absorb 100% of the released funds is largely attributed to the following; UGX 49.95Bn under Land acquisition. UNRA was still awaiting guidance from PS/ST on the bank details to effect payment for reallocation of Electoral Commission under the Kampala Flyover project and hence payment could not be effected then. In addition, Project Affected Persons on a number of projects were still being setup under IFMS before payments could be effected. The payments were later effected in quarter two (2). UGX 38.9Bn unspent funds are attributed to projects that had pending IPCs/invoices that were still undergoing the approval processes including Fort Portal-Hima, Fort Portal-Kyenjonjo, Nakalama-Tirinyi, Bridges, Mbarara town roads etc. by close of the first quarter. These funds are expected to be paid out within the second quarter. UGX 7.4Bn unspent funds under Ferries development. The advance payment for the construction of the BKK ferry was still under approval process by end of the quarter. In addition, the funds released for construction of ferry landing sites could not be spent because the works for the upgrade of the landing sites including Wanseko ferry landing site were suspended because of the rising water levels. 3.2 Arrears Budget; 35.5% (14.815bn) of the released quarter one (1) funds for payment of arrears amounting to UGX 38.96Bn was unspent by close of the quarter. This is because some IPCs/invoices including Kamuli town roads and Rushere Nshwerenkye were still under audit by close of the quarter. The funds are expected to be spent within the second quarter of the FY. 3.3 Performance of Development - Externally Financed 96.2% (688.3Bn) of the released Development External budget (UGX 715.812Bn) was spent by end of the first quarter. The cumulative cash limit amounting to UGX 715.812Bn represents 43.5% of approved budget released. The 3.8% of the unspent funds are related to unspent funds under the Oil roads that are expected to be spent within the second quarter. Challenges Delays in approval of the Loan for package 5 of the Critical Oil roads yet the pre-financing period for the contractor ended. It should be noted that the contractor has put UNRA on notice, to slow down or suspend works and will charge interest for the delayed payments. 2/99 Vote Performance Report Financial Year 2020/21 Vote:113 Uganda National Roads Authority QUARTER 1: Highlights of Vote Performance Table V1.3: High Unspent Balances and Over-Expenditure in the Domestic Budget (Ushs Bn) (i) Major unpsent balances Programs , Projects Program 0451 National Roads Maintenance & Construction 1.975 Bn Shs SubProgram/Project :01 Finance and Administration Reason: Out of UGX 4.82Bn released for the first quarter, UGX 2.81Bn was spent by close of the quarter leaving UGX 2.01Bn unspent. The unspent funds mainly relate to Medical Insurance and Social security contributions. The explanations for the low absorption on these item lines are clearly elaborated below. Items 944,910,980.000 UShs 213001 Medical expenses (To employees) Reason: Out of UGX 1Bn released for the first quarter, UGX 55m was spent by the end of the quarter leaving UGX 0.944Bn unspent. UNRA signed new contracts for medical insurance as the running contracts had ended. The staff were still registering on the new medical schemes by close of the quarter, which explains the low absorption of the released funds. The funds are expected to be paid within the second quarter. 718,050,529.000 UShs 212101 Social Security Contributions Reason: Out of UGX 2.67Bn released for the first quarter, UGX1.95Bn was spent by close of the quarter leaving UGX 0.72Bn unspent. There was a delay in the payment of the 10% NSSF and the 5% RBS employer contribution for the month of September 2020. In addition, since the recruitment of staff had not been concluded, this had a direct effect on the absorption of the funds. 94,750,000.000 UShs 221011 Printing, Stationery, Photocopying and Binding Reason: Out of UGX 100m released for the first quarter, UGX 5.25m was spent by end of the quarter leaving UGX 94.75m unspent. The invoices relating to the unspent funds were still in approval process by end of the quarter. These funds have already been spent within the second quarter. 61,338,724.000 UShs 221009 Welfare and Entertainment Reason: Out of UGX 100m released for the first quarter, UGX 38.66m was spent by end of the quarter leaving UGX 61.34m unspent. In order to ensure adequate provision for hand sanitizers and other facilities to prevent the spread of covid-19, there was need to ensure sufficient release under welfare so as required items are paid as and when required. 50,500,974.000 UShs 222001 Telecommunications Reason: Out of UGX 60m released for the first quarter, UGX 9.5m was spent by end of the quarter leaving UGX 50.5m unspent. The ongoing procurement for the service providers was still ongoing since the current ones had ended by close of the quarter and hence the under absorption. 0.291 Bn Shs SubProgram/Project :0265 Upgrade Atiak - Moyo-Afoji (104km) Reason: Out of UGX 307.587m that was released for the first quarter, UGX 16.08m was spent by close of the quarter leaving UGX 291.51m unspent. The unspent funds are mainly attributed to the invoice for the supervision consultant on Atiak-Laropi. UNRA prioritises allocation to projects with counterpart financing to ensure that Government is able to meet its obligation as required in the financing agreements with the Development Partners. The funds are expected to be spent within the second quarter. Items 291,312,000.000 UShs 281504 Monitoring, Supervision & Appraisal of Capital work 3/99 Vote Performance Report Financial Year 2020/21 Vote:113 Uganda National Roads Authority QUARTER 1: Highlights of Vote Performance Reason: UGX 291.312m released for the first quarter was not spent by close of the quarter.