Annual Report 2019-20
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€0611 Gllflq 0ril6. Btts{Tr qrq +fi ODISHA GRA]lllYA BANI( bSHG A ;\r)I Retxil ;5.r-EA-.= 6,16[6, 6oersr qrffi-+. qfil+fl ANNUAI REPORT 2019-2020 I a , I I A s \_&/ I --- 14 H E ts a,t Shri Brundaban Nayak n I DIRECTORS’ REPORT The Board of Directors of Odisha Gramya Bank have the pleasure in presenting the 8th Annual Report of the Bank along with the Audited Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2020 and Profit & Loss Account for the Financial Year 2019-20, in terms of Section 20(1) of the Regional Rural Banks Act 1976. 1. Brief Introduction: Odisha Gramya Bank was established on 7th January 2013 with the amalgamation of Neelachal Gramya Bank, Kalinga Gramya Bank and Baitarani Gramya Bank as per Notification No. F.1/1/2012- RRB dated 07.01.2013 issued under sub-section (1) of Section 23A of Regional Rural Banks Act 1976 (21 of 1976) by the Ministry of Finance, Department of Financial Services, Government of India. The share capital of the Bank is contributed by Government of India, Sponsor Bank (Indian Overseas Bank) and Government of Odisha in the ratio of 50:35:15 respectively. Odisha Gramya Bank is a scheduled Bank and included in the Second schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 as per RBI circular No. RBI/2014-15/474 RPCD. CO. RRB. BC. No/81/ 03.05. 100 /2013-14 dated 29.01.2014 and Notification No RPCD. CO RRB. No. 46/03.05.100 / 2013-14 Dated 22nd October 2013 published in the extra-ordinary Gazette of India (Part III-Section 4) on 5th December 2013. The Bank is authorised to undertake all types of banking activities under Section 5 (b) of Banking Regulation Act 1949. Accordingly, the Bank provides all banking services in its command area covering 13 districts of Odisha namely Angul, Balasore, Bhadrak, Cuttack, Dhenkanal, Jagatsinghpur, Jajpur, Kendrapara, Khurda, Keonjhar, Mayurbhanj, Nayagarh and Puri. 2. Branch Network: The Bank has 549 branches in 13 districts under its command area to cater to the needs of all sections of population in rural, semi-urban and urban areas as detailed below. The Head Office of the Bank is situated at Bhubaneswar. The Bank has also 9 Regional Offices located at Balasore, Baripada, Chandikhole, Cuttack, Dhenkanal, Jashipur, Keonjhar, Khurda and Pipli. Category of Branches / Other Banking Outlets Name of district Semi- Total Satellite Extension Total Banking Urban Rural Urban Branch Branch Counters Outlets Angul - 4 28 32 - - 32 Balasore - 6 47 53 - - 53 Bhadrak - 2 28 30 - - 30 Cuttack 7 3 39 49 - - 49 Dhenkanal 2 28 30 - - 30 Jagatsinghpur - 2 26 28 - - 28 Jajpur - 2 38 40 - - 40 Kendrapara - 4 25 29 - - 29 Khurda 16 4 35 55 - - 55 Keonjhar - 7 41 48 - - 48 Mayurbhanj - 10 68 78 - - 78 Nayagarh - 2 24 26 - - 26 Puri 5 2 44 51 - - 51 Total 28 50 471 549 - - 549 Odisha Gramya Bank Directors’ Report for FY 2018-19 Page 1 of 50 3. Capital: A. Share Capital: As on 31.03.2020, the Authorized Capital of the Bank is `20000000 thousand and Paid-up Capital is `6764086 thousand contributed by Government of India, Sponsor Bank (Indian Overseas Bank) and Government of Odisha in the ratio of 50:35:15 respectively. (` in ‘000) Sl. Name of Share Holder No of shares Share capital No. 1. Govt. of India 338204260 3382043 2. Indian Overseas Bank 236743007 2367430 3. Govt. of Odisha 101461298 1014613 Total 676408565 6764086 B. Share Capital Deposit: Government of India, vide their letter no. F.No. 3/8/2010-RRB(Vol.V) dated 30th March, 2020 has approved recapitalisation assistance of `116.12 crore to maintain minimum Capital to Risk Weighted Assets Ratio (CRAR). Government of India and Indian Overseas Bank have released their proportionate share. Government of Odisha has released its share (15%) of `10.33 crore on 04.05.2020. Bank has already `7.09 crore Share Capital Deposit of Government of Odisha released on 12.06.2017. (` in ‘000) Additional share capital Additional share capital Sl. Name of Share Holder sanctioned as on received as on No. 31/03/2020 31/03/2020 1. Govt. of India 580600 580600 2. Indian Overseas Bank 406400 406400 3. Govt. of Odisha 174200 70900 Total 1161200 1057900 4. Deposits: Deposits of the Bank stood at `125888754 thousand registering a growth of 11.44% over the last financial year. The CASA constitutes 46.23% of total deposits. The category wise break-up of deposits for last two years is as under: (` in ‘000) As on 31/03/2020 As on 31/03/2019 Type of Deposit No. of Accounts Amount No. of Amount Accounts Current Deposits 11365 983789 10914 890441 Savings Bank Deposits 4998922 57215576 4694120 49166644 Term Deposits 706535 67689389 711847 62907010 Total Deposits 5716822 125888754 5416881 112964095 % of Low Cost deposits 46.23 44.31 Average cost of deposits (%) 5.26 5.47 Average deposits per branch 229306 205763 Average deposits per 52917 47745 employee Average deposits per account 22.02 20.85 On the basis of score based performance, Bank has been empanelled by Government of Odisha as one of the eligible Banks for handling business and deposits of State Govt., Public Sector Undertakings (SPSUs) and State Level Autonomous Societies (SLASs). 5. Borrowings: (I) Due to high NPAs, Bank is not eligible to avail refinance from NABARD. However, Bank has repaid the refinance availed earlier on due dates to NABARD without any default. The details of scheme- wise refinance limits sanctioned, amount availed and amount repaid during the year and outstanding thereof as on 31.03.2020 are as under: A. From NABARD (` in ‘000) Outstanding Limit Utilization Repayment Outstanding as on sanctioned made Category made during as on 31/03/2019 during the during the the year 31/03/2020 year year S.T. (SAO) - - - - - S.T. (OSAO) - - - - - M.T. (Non-Sch.) 9580 - - 9580 - M.T. (Sch) 32241 - - 25324 6917 Total 41821 - - 34904 6917 B. From Sponsor: (` in ‘000) Limit Utilization Repayment Outstanding as sanctioned made Outstanding as Category made during on 31/03/2019 during the during the on 31/03/2020 the year year year S.T. (SAO) - 2000000 1559590 1559590 - S.T. (OSAO) - - - - - M.T. (Non-Sch.) - - - - - Total - 2000000 1559590 1559590 - C. From Other Bank: (` in ‘000) Limit Utilization Repayment Outstanding as sanctioned made Outstanding as Category made during on 31/03/2019 during the during the on 31/03/2020 the year year year M.T. (Non-Sch.) 1025 225000 64315 64315 - Total 1025 225000 64315 64315 - D. From NSTFDC: (` in ‘000) Limit Utilization Repayment Outstanding as sanctioned made Outstanding as Category made during on 31/03/2019 during the during the on 31/03/2020 the year year year S.T. (SAO) - 190000 190000 - 190000 (II) Cost of borrowing is 7.89 % as on 31.03.2020 vis– a-vis 5.56% as on 31.03.2019. 6. Deposit Insurance Bank has paid up- to-date premium to Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation (DICGC) under Deposit Insurance Scheme, which covers / insures all deposits up to `5.00 lac per depositor. 7. Cash and Balance with Banks: Bank has an established system of cash and bank balance management. Details of the position for last two years are furnished below. (` in ‘000) Particulars As on 31/03/2020 As on 31/03/2019 Cash held by the Bank 630193 409058 *Average Cash held 483595 484041 *Average Deposits 119301282 108077586 Average cash as % to average deposits 0.40 0.45 Balance with RBI in Current Account 3606087 4979273 Balance in Current Account with other Banks 1982137 712648 *Average indicates the average of month end outstanding. 8. Investments: SLR and Non- SLR Investment of the Bank as on 31st March 2020 stood at `74538707 thousand. The investment pattern as on 31st March 2020 and 31st March 2019 are as follows. The average yield on investment is 6.98%. (` in ‘000) Outstanding as on Outstanding as on Category 31/03/2020 31/03/2019 SLR Investment 70957635 61679150 Out of which Govt. & other approved securities 70957635 61679150 Non-SLR Investment 100000 285000 Term deposit with other Banks 3481072 2877081 Total Investments 74538707 64841231 The investment portfolio of the Bank mainly comprised of Govt. of India Securities, State Development Loan, Treasury Bills, NABARD Term Money Borrowings and Term Deposits with Banks. 9. Loans and Advances: The outstanding loans and advances as on 31/03/2020 stood at `51217555 thousand registering a growth of 4.97 % over the previous year. Sector wise details of outstanding are as under: (` in ‘000) Outstanding as on Outstanding as on Sector 31/03/2020 31/03/2019 ST Crop/ KCC including Jewel Loan (Ag ) 13520277 12080339 Agrl. Term Loans 2636010 3013801 Agrl. Allied Activities 3461159 2751268 Total Agriculture 19617446 17845408 Rural Artisans/SMEs 1847657 1745521 Others P.S. Advances 23120190 22529727 A. Total Priority Sector Advances 44585293 42120656 B. Total Non-priority Sector Advances 6632262 6671479 Total Advances (A+B) 51217555 48792135 Percentage of Priority Sector Advances 87.05 86.33 CD Ratio (%) 40.68 43.19 Loans granted under SHG and other government sponsored schemes are furnished below: (` in ‘000) Schemes Disbursement during the FY 2019-20 Outstanding as on 31/03/2020 NRLM 6237347 10514631 OSFDC 14984 101261 10. Loans disbursed during the year: During the financial year, Bank has disbursed `22809961 thousand as against the projection of `24000000 thousand. Sector wise position of disbursements is furnished below. (` in ‘000) Sector Projection Achievement % of Of which NTG % of NTG achievement disbursement Disbursement ST Crop /KCC/ JL (Ag) 6000000 6172572 102.88 673540 10.91 Agril.