STATE LEVEL BANKERS COMMITTEE, ODISHA संद셍भ सं/Lt No-SLBC/ODI/259/2015-16 ददन ंक / Date: 15.06.2015 To All the Members of State Level Bankers’ Committee, Odisha Sir/Madam, Sub: Proceedings of the 139th SLBC Meeting of Odisha We are sending herewith the proceedings of 139th SLBC Meeting of Odisha held on 22.05.2015 at Crystal Hall of Mayfair Convention, Bhubaneswar. We would request you to initiate action on the points related to your Department / Office / Organization immediately. The action taken report may please be intimated to us to apprise in the next SLBC Meeting. With regards, Circle Head, UCO Bank cum Convener, SLBC, Odisha Enclo: As stated above यकू ो बकℂ , सर्कि ल कायािलय, यकू ो बकℂ भवन, ततृ ीय तल , सी-2, अशोक नगर, भुवनेश्वर – 751009 UCO Bank, Circle Office, UCO Bank Building, 3rd Floor, C-2, Ashok Nagar, Bhubaneswar – 751009 Phone: 0674-2533002, 2531152, 2392553. Fax: 0674-2532890 E-mail:
[email protected] PROCEEDINGS OF 139TH SLBC MEETING HELD ON 22.05.2015. The 139th SLBC meeting of Odisha was held on 22.05.2015 at Bhubaneswar under the Chairmanship of Shri Charan Singh, Executive Director, UCO Bank. Among others, Shri Pradeep Kumar Amat, Hon‟ble Finance Minister, Odisha, Shri U. N. Behera, Development Commissioner cum Additional Chief Secretary, Govt.of Odisha, Shri R.Balakrishnan, Additional Chief Secretary, Finance, Govt. of Odisha, Sri Sanjay Kumar, Deputy Secretary, DFS, MoF ,Govt. of India, Shri P. K. Jena Regional Director, RBI, Bhubaneswar, Shri S K Kale, Chief General Manager, NABARD, Bhubaneswar, Shri K.M.