RAJYA SABHA ______∗SYNOPSIS OF DEBATE ______(Proceedings other than Questions and Answers) ______Wednesday, July 8, 2009/ Asadha 17, 1931 (Saka) ______


I. Damage caused due to release of water from Ranganidi Dam

SHRI BIRENDRA PRASAD BAISHYA: The Brahmaputra is an ancient civilization of our country which is today under great threat due to the construction of a big river dam in neighbouring State, the Bhutan Kingdom. The construction of new big dam, lower Subansiri hydro-electrical project, is a threat to the State of and the other States of the North- Eastern region. The proposed dam site is 2.3 kilometres from the Gerukamukh village of Dhemaji district of Assam. 160-metre high dam will submerge 3436 hectares of forest land and many important biodiversity pastures. The area is elephant corridor. Construction of dam will also seriously affect river dolphins in river Brahmaputra.

We are not opposed to the construction of dam for the power generation, but we are opposed to the construction of dam for the destruction of the wealth of Assam and the North Eastern region.

(Shri Biswajit Daimary, Shri S. S. Ahluwalia and Dr. (Shrimati) Najma A. Heptulla associated).

______∗This Synopsis is not an authoritative record of the proceedings of the Rajya Sabha.

64 II. Availability of the Report of the Ranganath Mishra Commission

SHRI ALI ANWAR ANSARI: The Government has set up National Commission for Religious and Linguistic Minorities under the Chairmanship of Shri Rangnath Mishra in October, 2004. This Commission submitted its report in May, 2007. Myself and many other hon’ble Members in this House demanded in the House a number of times to lay the report of this Commission and to hold a debate upon this. But this report has so far not been laid in this House. Meanwhile, we have come to know that Information Commission, has provided the information in the matter. In this way the House was sidelined. I consider it as the contempt of the House. Dalit Muslims and Christians are downtrodden, unrepresented and the poor people, so the Government is not laying the report on the Table of the House. We urge upon you to lay this report alongwith action taken report on the Table of the House and facilitate debate on this report in this Session itself.

III. Widespread trafficking of humans in the country, especially in Chhattisgarh and West Bengal

SHRIMATI MOHSINA KIDWAI: Around 3,000 girls in Chhattisgarh have gone missing due to illegal human trafficking. According to police sources, 5,000 persons were registered missing, out of which 3,000 are girls. It has been revealed that placement agencies are behind this racket as they lure women with good job prospects, but, after some days, these women go missing. The women work as domestic servants and are, often, subjected to physical and mental torture.

India has enough laws to check human trafficking but these laws are not being implemented seriously. Human trafficking has become an organised crime and traffickers are working without fear of the law. Our main focus should be the prevent child trafficking and to know the root cause of this, and we should see that development schemes for poor and backward classes are safely implemented. I solicit support of the House and Government to make all endeavours to prevent this menace.

(Shri Prabhat Jha associated).

65 IV. Demand to amend the Coastal Regulation Zone Notification, 1991 to save the demolition of the houses of fishermen community

SHRI SHANTARAM LAXMAN NAIK: On account of the Coastal Regulation Zone Notification, 1991, which came into force w.e.f. 19th February, 1991, about 8000 houses on the sea coast of Goa are facing demolition. The Panaji Bench of Bombay High Court has given certain directions to the Revenue authorities for supervising 105 kms. of Goa coastline and has directed them to demolish constructions, built prior to 1991 and in the post 1991 period, in violation of CRZ regulations and plans.

There are about 4,553 structures which have come up post 1991 on Goa coast, within 200 to 500 mtrs., and 2,272 structures, within 100 mtrs. Most of these houses are occupied by fisher folk communities. Members of fisher folk communities keep their fishing equipments, motor and motor equipments and fishing nets etc., in these houses. Taking the circumstances into consideration, a way has to be found out to save these structures. The only remedy to do this is to carry of Goa specific amendment to the CRZ III(i) to protect constructions.

V. Ill- treatment meted out to the students from other states during an examination of the Railway Recruitment Board in Mysore

SHRI RAJNITI PRASAD: There is Federal System of governance in . Any person can go anywhere for employment and any person can submit application for employment anywhere in India. Our poor people go to Assam in search of job, where they are shot dead. The Government has assured a number of times that the people will be protected but it was not fulfilled. Our educated children go far off places for taking examinations. They are selectively asked that from where they have come and if it is known that they came from Bihar, they are subjected to torture, they are beaten, their examination papers are snatched away.

This is a very serious matter. Therefore, in my opinion, if any central examination like Railways Recruitment examination is conducted outside the State, the arrangements for the safety of examinees should be ensured or otherwise these examinations should be conducted at local level.


VI. Firing of rockets by in the villages of

SHRI M. RAMA JOIS: It is reported in , dated 6th July, 2009 that three rockets fired from the Pakistan side of the international border exploded in the Indian territory on 5th July and this caused panic in the border areas of in Punjab. The impact of the explosion was, as per reports, so great that a ten feet deep crater was created in the agricultural fields. The other two exploded at two nearby villages, one in Pulkanjri and another in Dallikeri, near the international border. Such an incident has created unrest and fear among the residents and agriculturists in the vicinity. This is a serious matter and demands immediate suitable steps by the Government of India to ensure safety of our citizens residing in the border villages.

VII. Situation arising out due to the extra money claimed by the Haj Committee from pilgrims, who completed Haj in 2008

SHRI MOINUL HASSAN: Last year, there were 1,20,787 Indian Haj pilgrims. Long after the Indian pilgrims have returned from Haj in December, 2008, they are now being asked to cough up more money. They have already completed their Haj. This Mumbai-based Haj Committee manage the pilgrimage to Mecca for the Government. Recently, they have sent an unsigned letter to all pilgrims to pay additional Rs.5000/-. Their justification is that ‘rupee to Saudi riyal’ exchange rate has changed, has gone up. But if it goes down, would the Haj Committee appointed by the Government of India pay back the money? I have told the Ministry and the Government that mismanagement is going on in the Haj Committee. People were suffering in Mecca and Madina but nothing was done by this Committee. I would request the Government to look into the matter and solve the problem immediately. Those people who have already completed Haj, should not be harassed and immediately scrap the letter.

(Shri A Vijayaraghavan, Shri Penumalli Madhu and Shrimati Brinda Karat associated).

67 VIII. Strike by fishermen in Rameshwaram, following arrest of fishermen by Sri Lankan Navel Personnel

SHRI D. RAJA: More than 15,000 fishermen are on strike in Rameshwaram. The reason for this is 20 fishermen were arrested by the Sri Lankan Navy. First, they were taken to and now the reports are that they have been taken to Anuradhapuram Prison in . The Sri Lankan Navy confiscated four boats. It is not the first incident. Such incidents are taking place every now and then. It is reported that more than 100 fishermen have disappeared. The Sri Lankan Navy is not only shooting the Indian fishermen indiscriminately, they are also confiscating their boats. The Government should take urgent steps to get their release and to protect the Indian fishermen. The Government will have to take certain long-term measures. It is high time that the Government of India demanded re- opening and renegotiations of the Katchatheevu Island. It is not an issue for Rameshwaram or Tamil Nadu. It is an issue for the entire country.

(Shri Tiruchi Siva associated).

IX. Illegal construction of bridge-cum-barrages by Karnataka over river Krishna and its tributaries

SHRI M. V. MYSURA REDDY: I wish to bring to the notice of the Government of India and the Ministry of Water Resources regarding unauthorised construction of bridge-cum-barrage by the State of Karnataka. The State of Andhra Pradesh is already suffering because of the construction of Almatti Dam. Now, the State of Karnataka is constructing a chain of bridge-cum-barrages on the Krishna river. The Karnataka Government is constructing 20 barrages on Ghata Prabha, 18 barrages on Bhima, 10 barrages on Mala Prabha and 7 barrages on river Krishna. The malign intention of the Government of Karnataka is to store more than 100 TMC of water in the above barrages and use the same for irrigation. I would request the Government of India to immediately direct the Government of Karnataka to desist from such illegal and unauthorised construction.

(Shri Penumalli Madhu and Shri Sayed Azeez Pasha associated.)

68 THE BUDGET (JHARKHAND), 2009-10 THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRI NAMO NARAIN MEENA): I lay on the Table a statement (in English and Hindi) of the estimated receipts and expenditure of the State of Jharkhand for the year 2009-10. ————

THE BUDGET (RAILWAYS) 2009-10 GENERAL DISCUSSION-Contd. SHRI TARINI KANTA ROY, resuming his unfinished speech dated 07.07.09, said: The Railways have about 1,50,000 vacancies. At the same time, about 1,20,000 posts have been abolished by the Railways. Whether the Minister of Railways ready to fill up the vacancies immediately and, at the same time, restore the abolished posts. There was not a single word in Budget Speech about wages and social security of lakhs of contract workers working in the Railways. The Railway Minister expressed her desire to give 'izzat' to the poor people. I would request her to issue licenses to millions of hawkers, vendors and commissioned vendors at a subsidized fee, Rs. 25 per month. Like in previous years, this Budget also starts with a declaration about introduction of new trains, non-stop trains, extension of trains, frequency of running trains, and so on. This need lot of money. Availability of funds is the main criteria to undertake new projects and new schemes. The Hon'ble Minister herself has admitted in her Budget Speech that out of Rs. 3,400 crores earmarked in the Annual Plan of 2009-10, for resource mobilization through PPP, Rs.3300 crore would just not materialize. This year, the Hon'ble Minister has sanctioned Rs. 109 crores for a new railway project, namely, Moinaguri-Jogighopa railway project. This project is scheduled to be completed by 2012. The gauge conversion work on Lamding-Badarpur and - lines remains hanging. I request that this should be given priority. There is no Budget provision for the new railway line from to Sabroom. I want to know from the Hon'ble Minister as to what the Railways are going to do for this. I demanded several times for a train from New Coochbehar to Sealdah. The Uttarbanga Express now runs thrice a week and this should run daily. I hope that the hon.

69 Minister will pay proper attention to all these projects in the North-eastern area which comes under the N.F. Railway. SHRI VIRENDRA BHATIA: Passengers facilities, cleanliness, better quality in catering service, protection and security and improvement the punctuality of time is my priority. In this Budget Speech there is no mention about any scheme for removing these problems. Every person is saying for ten years that the trains be started in time but it is not done. People have to wait for 4-5 hours at platforms, there should be some arrangement of compensation for these people. There has been mentioned about the passengers facilities. We feel disagreeable smell in blankets and beds. There is an apprehension of some disease from this. Railway is providing the bed-bug and mosquito like facilities in AC first class and C second class. The catering facilities should be in long route trains. There is no catering facility in most of trains starting from Azamgarh. There is a need for improvement in quantity and quality of food. The protection and security are important issues. The Minister of Railways should make some measures to stop the rail accidents. The Minister has said about the provision of special train for ladies. Reserved seats for ladies in each train be made. It is my suggestion that the special coaches for ladies should be there so that the ladies feel safe themselves. The coach should be reserved for daily ladies passengers. The escalators should be installed at major stations so that the old men do not feel any problem. is a big state and it gave many Prime Ministers. This state has been provided four new trains. We request the Minister of Railways that proper attention should be given towards this state. I understand that if any kind of announcement has been made by the former Minister of Railways then it should be implemented. In addition to, it is my request that a direct train be given to us from to -. The capitals of UP and Uttaranchal be connected directly through the train. It is my demand that a direct train be started from Lucknow to Amritsar-Lucknow- going to Punjab. Azamgarh is a famous place. Balia, Azamgarh and Devaria have been completely ignored. These stations should be made as a model stations. There is no train from Azamgarh to and Vaishno Devi. There is a train from Azamgarh to Ajmer but it is helpless to give the better facilities to

70 passengers. I understand that if the former Prime Minister said something and announced something then that scheme should be implemented. There is a need for small over bridge at Mallor railway crossing and it should be constructed on it. Inspite of this there is a need for a new overbridge in Alamnagar. The people have to wait for half an hour there. Much time of people has been wasted and the petrol is also destroyed. It is my request that the Minister of Railways will consider on all these points. DR. K. MALAISAMY: I would like to list out some of the important projects, for which Railway Minister's special attention would be required. On the whole, it appears to be a pro-people budget and aam aadmi's budget, in conformity of the UPA Government's policy. In short, she has kept the vote bank in mind. The Railways is a magnificent organization. For an organization of this nature, one must have a vision, a mission, a political will and a political skill- all combined together. As far as the financial aspect is concerned, whatever assumptions and appraisals were made in the earlier Budget or in the Interim Budget, there is a wide variation between this and that. As far as internal resources are concerned, for 60 per cent of Budget Support, they depend on the Railway Budget. How would it come. I want to get a very clear clarification whether Railways is a commercial organization or service organization or it is some other organization. They want to extend their net to other areas in the which they have nothing to do. It is very clearly said, between economic viability and social viability, the Hon'ble Minister is willing to prefer social viability. I mean, in a commercial organization, it will never work. Now, I come to introduction of double-decker and non-stop trains. Idea may be good but action is going to be non-practical. It has been said that there are about 9 lakh reserved seats whereas the demand is for 11 lakh seats. Then, there is the problem of ticketless travel. They have to think of some foolproof system to avoid ticketless travel so that the entire money can be collected. As far as Tamil Nadu is concerned, I would like to specifically ask: what are the projects pending in Tamil Nadu? How much work has been completed there? How much money is proposed to be allocated for them? What is the time frame within which they are going to be completed? What is the status of the linkage between the Central and Egmore stations. Between Tambaram and Chennai and between Attipetti and

71 Gummidipoondi, third and fourth lane should come through. A new line from Avadi to Sriperambudur and Kanchipuram, and Jholarpet to Hosur, Ariyalur-Dindigul to Kumli, Dindivanam to Pandi, Chidambaram to Athur, Perambulur to Jaivam must be introduced. We request for introduction of First AC to Madras in the Yercaud Express. SHRI SYED AZEEZ PASHA: I am having mix-reaction with regard to Railway Budget. There are certain positive features which we have to laud. But, of course, there are several negative features also which we have to look into. The operating ratio which is the criteria to measure the efficiency, has shown a sharp decline. Some experts suggested that there is a need of enhancing of little bit freight charges also. For internal resource mobilization, it is necessary. The carrying capacity for railway wagons have come down. Trains are always late. One must also see and closely monitor why the trains are running very late even today. Also, you see whether outsourcing is really helping for the betterment of the Railways. Previously, I have suggested that the people of want direct train from Hyderabad to Ajmer. But, till today, that suggestion has not been given due consideration. The people of Andhra Pradesh have a feeling that gross injustice has been done to them. I think Mamataji will take this matter seriously. We want our due share. SHRI MANOHAR JOSHI: While introducing the Budget, the Minister of Railways raised a very important question before all of us. She asked whether in such projects, economic viability should be seen or social viability should be seen. Of course, she also said that she was interested in seeing the social viability of the project. She is absolutely right. The approach of the Minster should always be to work on the lines of social welfare. The Railways should not work merely as a commercial body, but it must have an approach to reach those people who have not yet got the benefit of democracy. She has introduced a number of new things. One is the ‘world class stations’, and the other is the ‘adarsh stations’. My only suggestion is that while mentioning the name of the railway station Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus in Mumbai, the name of Shivaji should be used instead of small form as CST. The Minister has assured that Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus will be made the ideal station. The idea of multi-functional complexes is very good and I would compliment her for doing this. There is no doubt that making ramps at the

72 railway stations is important but some stalls for self-employment can also be given to the physically handicapped people. Aged people should be given jobs on priority. Under the scheme ‘Mushkil-Aasaan’, the idea of buying tickets from the post office is also welcome. In view of what happened at Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus on 26/11, the number of commandos there should be increased. Under the scheme ‘training for employment’, the people who are residents of a particular State must be given priority. The idea of ‘Izzat Travel’ is also worth appreciation if it is really implemented. The Yuva Train Service is also a new thing. Young generation will definitely appreciate it. While welcoming the Maitri Express, I would request the hon’ble Minister that she should take proper care to see that the unauthorised people from do not travel in the Railways and try to settle in our country. The budgetary provisions for Mumbai are not sufficient. The Minister must promise us that the State of Maharashtra, particularly Mumbai city, will not be neglected as maximum earning to the Railways by way of fare comes from Mumbai. The fare in Mumbai suburban railways should also be reduced. The widening of Virar-Dahanu track should be done and harbour lines on the Central Railways need to be upgraded. My request to the hon’ble Minister is that whenever she comes to Mumbai, she must meet the people related to the victims of bomb blasts which occurred in July 2006 and give them necessary help. I thank the hon’ble Minister because the fare has not been increased. SHRI BHAGAT SINGH KOSHYARI: Britishers had started first train from Mumbai to Thane in 1853 and till 1947, they laid around 53,996 kms of railway lines in this country in 93 years but we have been able to lay only 9,263 kms of new railway lines within a span of 63 years. As far as the question of connecting railways with new areas is concerned, new places have been awfully neglected. The Minister has talked about economic and social viability. When we talk regarding economic aspect, its ultimate goal is the welfare of the society. In my view, this social viability has no place in this Budget. The Minister has said that a White Paper will be issued regarding the activities of the last five years, but it appears nowhere in this Budget that we

73 are going to do any new thing. The rail has not reached even one single kilometer in Uttarakhand beyond the place upto which the British had taken the rail in that State. It is very unfortunate that the people living in hilly areas are still deprived of the facility of rail. The survey has been done regarding Rishikesh-Karnaprayag and Tanakpur-Bageshwar but no provision has been made for the survey of Ramnagar-Chaukhutia. No fund has been provided for the places for which survey has been done. This is merely an eye-wash. Therefore, I want that some positive action is taken at the earliest in this regard. Himalaya Region Railway Development Fund should be formulated on the lines of North-East Region Railway Development Fund. Besides this, it is requested that broad gauge line should be constructed from Bareilly to Pilibhit-Tanakpur and new railway line be laid between - Haridwar. I want that one Shatabdi train should be introduced between -Kathgodam and one train should run from Ganga Sagar to Gaumukh. DR. T. SUBBARAMI REDDY : I support the Railway Budget. She has given a wonderful Budget and covered everything. She has taken pains to expand the railway sector in every corner of the country and given top priority to aam admi, social viability and social sector. The students, the youth, the Mahilas, the Press people, the poor people, the labour class, everybody is given various benefits in this Budget. The Railway Minister said that she would give a White Paper about the position of the Railways. What is wrong in that? She wants more transparency. Proposing to give a White Paper doesn’t mean that she is against the former Minister Laluji. I would like to have 'White Paper' to see what is the factual information. There is nothing wrong in that. Mamtaji wants to lead this country in the 21st Century as one of the great countries in the world. We must see the international standards. International standard means, they will allow the entrepreneurs to come forward and invest money to have various facilities such as malls, commercial centres, hotels and so many other facilities, which was actually started by Laluji. She wants to accelerate that process. She has to create resources and spend money for these things. She has said that all over India the Railways has got valuable land. She wants to raise money through the land which belongs to the Railways. If any good things is done, all must appreciate that.

74 Starting a non-stop trains is a challenge. It is a new thing. The problem is if a person goes to a far away place, there are hundreds of stations in the way and he gets tired. She wants to give a new facility to the people of India by introducing non-stop trains. She also wants to introduce double-deck trains like olden days double-deck buses in order to connect small cities with big cities. She wants to concentrate on giving best quality of food and best drinking water. She is very much concerned about cleanliness. 'Yuva' trains, that she has introduced, is the first of its kind for the youth. I would request her that she must monitor things closely. She is equally concerned about the welfare of her 14-15 lakh employees. She wants to build more houses for them. The hon. Minister is planning to introduce at least 100 trains, and also have more extensions of trains in future. These are really welcoming steps. I first admired Laluji for bringing the Garib Rath. It was running via for four days in a week. Now, the present Minister has gifted it to us by increasing it to all the seven days. In Andhra Pradesh, there is a big feeling that even though it is one of the biggest States in the country, and the State well connects the Northern and Southern parts of the country, Andhra Pradesh has not been given its full share. Visakhapatnam is the city of steel plant in Andhra Pradesh. The Waltair Division at Visakhapatnam caters to nearly 100 trains every day. The areas connected by this Division are Visakhapatnam, Vijayanagarm, Srikakulam and the East Godavari District. But today it has been merged with the coastal zone, that is, . The people have been requesting for years now that either a new zone should be given for Vishakhapatnam and if this is not possible, it should be merged with the Hyderabad Zone of the South-Central Railways. I am grateful to the Hon'ble Minister that she has introduced a new train from Vishakhapatnam to Secunderabad-Adilabad. I request her to make it a daily train. There has been a demand for the last five years for an overnight train from Vishakhapatnam to Chennai which is a very important city. Eleven projects costing Rs.6000 crores had been sanctioned; but for the last ten years nothing has happened. Then, sanctioning of new lines from Cuddapah--via-Madnapalli is very important. The Andhra Pradesh Government is prepared to share fifty per cent of the cost. There are proposals for eleven other trains, the details of which have been given to her. These may be considered. Also, the new passenger

75 services that our State Government has requested should be provided. An overnight superfast train between Hyderabad and Bangalore should be seriously considered. An intercity day express train between Visakhapatnam and Tirupati should be introduced. SHRI P. RAJEEVE: I support some of the proposals in the Railway Budget of 2009-10. First is the proposal to introduce Monthly Season Ticket of Rs.25 for unorganized sector with family income not exceeding Rs.1500. I support increasing the concession to the students and introduce a new train for youth and women and the special recruitment system for minorities and the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe communities. It is appreciable that the passenger and freight charges are not increased. At present, the Tatkal booking is extended up to 30 per cent of the regular reservation system. It should be reduced to 10 per cent. The major thrust of the Budget is privatization. The Indian Railway is one of the largest Government-owned railways in the world and it is the great symbol of unity and integrity of the nation. It has a vital role in country's socio-economic development. This Government has rigorously tried to intensify the privatization process in all sectors. The Railway Budget is also not an exception. The Hon'ble Railway Minister said that all new projects are being started under Public Private Partnership. It is the privatization through back door. We are not against the utilization of private capital for development. But, it should not be used in strategic sectors. At any cost, Railway should be continued in the public sector. We are in an era of global economic crisis. Most of the MNCs and capitalist countries are crying for more public investment and for nationalization. At this juncture, our hon. Railway Minister is expecting more private capital and on the basis of that she has announced so many huge projects. This Budget expects more private participation which would only remain as a dream unfulfilled. Private capital would not be ready to invest in long term gain infrastructure projects in the era of recession. The operating ratio is increasing from 88.31 per cent in 2008-09 to 92.50 per cent in this Budget which means that there should be a decrease in cash reserve. So, the Government should answer to this unprecedented situation. The evaporation of crores of rupees on dividend to the exchequer should be answered very seriously. One serious issue is manpower shortage. In these years, the operation of the railways in all aspects was increasing, in a huge manner. But, contrary to this, the number of workers was decreasing.

76 Development of stations as world-class stations was promised not only by the UPA Government but also by the NDA Government also. But all these promises remain on paper only. The same thing has happened in the case of green toilets, freight corridors etc. There was an announcement in the budget speech that concession of 30 per cent to Press correspondents would be increased to 50 per cent I request to extend this concession to their minor children also. Now we are in the third year of Eleventh Plan. But the allotment for the development side is very low in this budget. There is only a meager increase in the plan outlay from Rs. 36336 crores for 2008-09 to Rs.40700 crores for 2009-10 whereas world over more thrust is given for railways development as a measure to overcome economic recession and job loss. This matter should be considered in this budget also. The prime demand of the Kerala State is the formation of a Peninsular Railway Zone with Headquarters in Kerala. We were very grateful to the last Government for announcing a new coach factory at Palakkad but nothing for the been mentioned in this Budget. In the eighties we got an announcement about a coach factory but later it was shifted to another State. In the Budget of 2007-08, an announcement was made for setting up a wagon factory in Kerala as a joint venture company with the Steel Industries Kerala Limited. It is shocking that nothing about it has been mentioned in this Budget. I have a suspicion that there is a step-motherly approach to Southern Railway. It should be addressed. The doubling of line and electrification is the major demand for development of railway in Kerala. I request the Hon'ble Minister, through you, to allocate sufficient funds for the electrification and doubling of lines. The States Government of Kerala has introduced a package to improve the backwardness of this erstwhile Malabar region. I request you to allot sufficient funds for electrification process. There was an announcement of Adarsh Station in this Budget. Unfortunately, not a single station from Kerala was included in this list. I request the Hon'ble Minister to consider this in a positive manner. But three trains announced in this Budget are the same as that which was announced in the last Budget. The same has been announced in this Budget also. I request the Hon'ble Minister, through you, kindly consider the genuine demands of the State of Kerala. SHRI BRIJ BHUSHAN TIWARI: Railway is called life line of the country and I think that it is the cheapest and eco-friendly mode of

77 transport. I want to draw your attention toward some points. Hon'ble Railway Minster has rightly mentioned in her budget speech that our attention and our priority is particularly on backward regions. In this regard I would like to say that Uttar Pradesh and particularly Eastern Uttar Pradesh is much backward from Industry and transport point of view. Second thing is the reason of poverty and unemployment of this region is migration of people of this region in great number. Demand for gauge-conversion of Gonda-Gorakhpur rail line is long time overdue. Survey was also done of this line. Then Railway Minister Shri Nitish Kumar had declared that very shortly gauge-conversion of this line will be done. Second project was Gorakhpur to Notanva and Shri George Fernadiz had made a declaration when he was Railway Minster. Work on Gorakhpur -Notanva line had started but the work, which should have been completed two years above, has still not been completed. Demand for doubling of Gorakhpur-Lucknow main line is being made for a long time. Project of doubling was started but this is going on a very low speed and consequently there is great congestion on track due to increase in trains. Thirdly, Lucknow-Gorakhpur line has been electrified. But this line goes up to Bihar. If doubling of this line is done alongwith electrification and if you convert loopline into broad gauge then congestion will be reduced. SHRI R.C.SINGH: I want to congratulate Hon'ble Minister that at least she is magnanimous for West Bengal. Before this West Bengal was much neglected. New trains have been given to West Bengal, which include' Durant' trains, 22 new Rail lines and six world class stations. West Bengal has been given 181 model stations, four multi functional complexes and doubling of rail line has been done. Still 825 projects are pending for which money has been allotted, whether it is not eyewash. I would like to say Hon'ble Minster to declare time bound programme. Hon'ble Minister should reduce the freight rate of coal so that companies going in losses can come out of the red. Second thing which I would like to know is on what basis these world class Railway stations will be made. Even today there are many stations where there is no shed for people to stand, where there is no drinking water, there is no provision for them in the budget. Hon'ble Minister should make it clear, what steps are been taken for development of railway. Previously privatization come from back door now it is through government private partnership. Railway is being directly privatized.

78 I want to remind that printing press of railway at Gauderic. Kharagpur and Kashiyang are closed. There is no provision in the budget for starting them. Factory of Hindustan cable in West Bengal is on the brink of closure, it should be taken over. It should be merged with railway. It will be able to manufacture optical fiber and will be able to give best cables. SHRI RAJEEV CHANDRASEKHAR: I think you for the opportunity to speak in this debate on the Railway Budget. Much has been spoken about the Railway Budget already by many other Hon'ble Members of Parliament in this House. So, I will not repeat those points. Firstly the suggestion that the much vaunted financial performance of the Railways was less than authentic comes as a shock. Just the recent Railway Budget had spoken up a cumulative earnings of 90,000 crores in five years or USD 20 billion. The White Paper promised by the Hon'ble Minister will go a long way to establishing the correct financial and operational picture of the Railways given those doubts and suggestions. My suggestion to the Minister that this White Paper be presented in the shortest possible time and be made available in the public domain. Railways is a proud and very important part of our national economy. Railways and its freight costs have also an impact of the inflation. It is vital that the Railways is put on a path of sustainable growth and a multi- year plan be put into motion. The most important statement in the Budget was in the last paragraph of Hon'ble Minister's speech the promise of a Vision 2020. I would urge the following points to be incorporated into the Vision 2020. The first point is, Rail track capacity expansion. The Railways must remember that they are in the business of hauling freight and passengers and expanding the Railway network must be their prominent focus. The Railways must embark on implementing the latest signalling technologies through its entire network. The current approach of installing various incompatible technologies at various places of the network is not strategic. The dedicated high speed and high load dedicated freight corridor must be put on the fast track and design of this must be done keeping in mind our requirements as a nation for the next 50 years. Railways is littered with incomplete projects. Funds should be allocated to complete these projects. The Railways must develop a fresh and modern methodology to project conception, management, financing and execution. serves the poor and needy sections of India. But

79 that doesn’t mean that the poor and needy sections of India must suffer a poor and often unsafe travel experience. The Railways must give them a superior customer experience. I suggest that an independent freight tariff regulators office be created that will be responsible for transparently setting tariffs without favour. The Budget lays considerable stress on PPP. The first principle of it is that the Railways must benefit and this must not be another PPP that causes the disproportionate profits to the private sector. I would urge you to use competent external financial advisors and lawyers from outside to negotiate and structure these PPPs to make them truly balanced and also explore the possibility of a dedicated regulatory office in the Railways that will be responsible for structuring and executing PPPs to make sure they are in favour of Railways. The investment in my State fall far below what is being done in other States. There should be re-look at investments and new projects in this Budget and for ensuring that investments in new projects are done in a more equitable manner so that all people and all States benefit. SARDAR TARLOCHAN SINGH: The Minister has said good things in the budget. She has given two lines to and has announced to make one line double. There is a new word, world class station. But till now we are not able to understand that which is called world class. I make an appeal that Ministry of Railway select only New Delhi Railway Station and if you make it a world class station in six months, we will think that all India has become world class. It is not easy to reach New Delhi Railway Station. You have to start an hour before from your house. There is no place for parking. In this regard, Ministry of railway says that it is not their work. It will be done by the Government of Delhi. See the Station of London. When you will alight from the train, you will find that the platforms are on ground. But here you will have to cross many over-bridges. In Delhi there are 12 platforms and these all have to be crossed to go at 12 places. Old aged and handicapped people cross railway bridge with great difficulty. When you could not make provision for old aged people at New Delhi Railway Station till now, how you will be able to make world class stations? 20-25 thousand crores are being spent on the name of Common Wealth Games in Delhi. Some provision should be made to upgrade New Delhi Railway Station on the name of Common Wealth Games from the same budget.

80 Common Wealth Game are about to start. There is filth around New Delhi Railway Station. It should be removed so that we can say to the people that you are coming from the world, also see the New Delhi Railway Station. 50 Railway Station are to be made as world class railway stations. There is not any such station in Haryana. There is only one in Punjab. Other stations to be made are 309, out of which only 2 are in Haryana and 5 in Punjab. Ambala and Bhatinda Railway Stations are the biggest railway stations from the time of Britishers. At least these should be included in it. Kurukshatra has a great importance. Give to and fro halt to Shatabdi, which comes from to Delhi. There should be a to and fro halt at Kurukshetra for Kalka-Delhi Train. Dedicated freight corridor should be extended upto Amritsar, which would develop our trade with Pakistan. A daily train goes Hujur Saheb Nanded via Manvad from Punjab. If this train will go via Akola, a lot of time will be saved. From Manvad to Aurangabad and for Hujur Nanded Saheb there is a heavy rush. Therefore, there will be a great benefit to make it double. Non-stoppage trains should be tested first. If a non-stop train from Delhi to Amritsar or Delhi to Chandigarh is run, it would be our great achievement. All the tracks have become worst. There is no provision to make them strong. Punjabi is the second language of Haryana. All the sign boards of Railway in Haryana are not in Punjabi. These must be in Punjabi also. Punjabi newspapers should be given in Shatabdi. SHRI SHANTARAM LAXMAN NAIK: I support the Railway Budget proposals moved by the Union Railway Minister. All the States in the South, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, or Tamil Nadu are mentioned, but, only one State, Goa has been avoided. Earlier when the Konkan Railway was established, the criticism was that Goa was going to be made a corridor for passing trains. Let the Railway Ministry consider Goa as a State and give due share of all Railway connectivity to it. With regard to Konkan Railway, the first survey sanction was given during Scindiaji’s time. Now, it is high time that doubling of line is done in the Konkan Railway. There was a traditional train during Portuguese time from Vasco-da-Gama to Bombay. After Konkan Railway has came into force, this train has been cancelled. This train has to be commenced. Most of the towns have got the connectivity to Tirupathi. Tourists come to Goa and would also like to go to Tirupathi and also to Vailankanni. Therefore, rail connectivity to these areas has to be given.

81 Other important issue is Goa to Delhi. There is one daily train, Goa Express, which takes 48 hours. Other train takes 36 hours. Rajdhani train is there, which runs twice a week, but it is costly. Everybody cannot afford it. There should be a direct train from Goa to New Delhi via Baroda. We should be given a train with a shorter route. In every Budget, I asked for entertainment facility to be given in trains. I am happy that in this Budget, at least in limited trains, this facility is going to be given. As far as cleanliness and quality of food is concerned, it is everybody’s complaint. Steps should be taken in this regard. Fax, e-mail and better telephone facilities at each railway station are required. Those people whose land was acquired by the Konkan Railway Corporation, were given jobs and some of them were given small stalls at railway stations. After 7-8 years, the Konkan Railway Corporation is telling all those people that their job is over and now they can leave. I would suggest that the Konkan Railway Corporation should be taken over by you. There is no definition for world class stations. I would suggest that any good station from Britain or America or France or Japan, can be taken up as an ideal world-class station by name. Then, we will get a clear idea and we will know whether our station is according to the criteria or not. Regarding the while paper let the things be clarified as to whether the Railways are in profit or are not in profit. SHRI LALIT KISHORE CHATURVEDI : While presenting the budget hon’ble Minister of Railway has stated that we will not make the railway a source of income but will make a carrier of economic development, it is a point of giving new direction. She said in her budget that we will constitute a special Committee in view of the needs of all classes. I want to convey my thanks to her. Public representative, people related to local industry and trade and associated people in raising resources for finance should be included in it, not only beaurocrates. Many schemes and projects have been going on for many years and thousands crores rupees have been spent. It is not known these will be completed or not. All these projects should be evaluated and executed immediately. In the next five years all the areas of more traffic should be identified and those areas should be made Triple and those should be widened. Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Orissa States are so large where there is no railway track. If railway line be laid there, there will be development and when there will be development there will be control over naxalite activities.

82 In the Budget Speech, it has been mentioned about passengers amenities, cleanliness, quality of railway's eatable items, protection and safety and improvement in punctuality. In the Budget 2009-10 a new scheme has been launched in the name of 'Izzat'. Its benefit should also be passed on to poor people. But the demarcation of Rs. 1500 per month which has been laid down, would benefit a very few people. Increase it upto at least Rs. 3000 per month. They have made announcement to launch Women Special, youth and Intercity trains. But the announcement has also been made to make them air conditioned, then this would be meant only for the rich. The Hon'ble Minister has told that 6560 quarters would be constructed but do not construct small cells, construct the flats. Rajasthan has been sharply neglected in this Railway Budget. In the Budget presented on 13th February, 2009, proposals were presented regarding survey of Reengus-Didwana via Khatushyamji and Samdari- Phalodi and doubling of Bandikui-Alwar and Ajmer-Palanpur line, but they are not in this Budget. SHRI T. K. RANGARAJAN: For at least 60 years, the working class of our country wanted their organization, their leadership to be elected, to represent them with the respective management. The Government never allows the workers to exercise their wash. Finally, the Supreme Court of this country, in their historic judgement, asked the Railways to conduct a secret ballot. I appeal to the Minister to allow the DAkshin Railway Employees Union (DREU) and other Unions, if any, to participate in JCM National Council and Departmental Council, which will further strengthen the industrial relations. I thank the Minister for making an announcement for providing scholarships for higher education of girls for Group D staff. But the number of Group D workers is shrinking. The Rakesh Mohan Committee recommendation has been implemented by the successive Railway Ministers and the present Railway Minister also. We strongly oppose it. The Railway Board has issued various circulars on 'Right Sizing'. According to it every year out of three per cent retiring employees, two per cent should be surrendered and one per cent posts can be filled or kept vacant and the surrender can be effected even in the safety categories. Safety of the Railway is affected by this. Today, the safety or railways in danger. They have a special Safety Fund of Rs. 17,000 crores which is approximately .00006742 per cent. Woman employees have their own specific grievances

83 and their problem have to be looked into. The Budget should allocate funds for construction of single woman hostels. Janata Khana went on for four-five months with poorie, potato and pickle. Then, automatically, it finished. Janata Khana went on four-five months with poorie-potato and pickle. Then, automatically, it finished. I caution the Government on the financial performance of the Railways as the operating ratio has already gone up from 88 per cent to 92.5 per cent within three months. So, the Railways' pitiable techno-economic situation of 2001 is not repeated. SHRI MAHENDRA MOHAN: The Hon’ble Minister has mentioned about passenger’s amenities, cleanliness, quality of eatable items in Railways, protection and safety and punctuality. Complete these tasks and fix the accountability for these tasks. The coolies harass the women at platforms. Therefore, make the arrangement for sufficient number of coolies. Bathrooms in the trains are dirty and emitting foul smell. Kindly also pay attention toward it. The floors in the First Class A.C. etc. should be kept clean after removing carpets from it. The new trains must be run but they should be run in time. In Shramshakti train between and Delhi, some coaches should be increased. The incomplete lines between Kanpur-Panki and doubling of the line between Kanpur-Jhansi should be completed. The work between Panki-Bhaupur lines, which was sanctioned during 2005-2006, should be completed. The attention should be paid toward the laying down of the new rail line from Khalilabad to Mehndabal, Bansi, Dumariaganj to Balrampur in North Eastern Railway. In the year 2000 the Hon’ble Minister as the Railway Minister had stated in her Rail Budget about the commercial use of Railway land between Kanpur and Lucknow under 6 Corridors, there is not any progress in this regard. The incomplete work at a important line of Kanpur, Bhimsen and Juhi between kanpur and Delhi should be completed. I request that whatever the Hon’ble Minister has mentioned, kindly complete those tasks. SHRI RAHUL BAJAJ: As a private sector independent person, I speak for the Railways and in the interest of the Railway and that to me means what we have to ensure is the interest of the customer. As the Leader of the Opposition saying the British left with 56 kilometers of railway tracks and we have since then in 60 years, not even done 300 or 400 kilometers. In fact for conversion and doubling our performance has been 20 per cent during the last year and the surprising thing is that physical target is 20 per

84 cent and 100 per cent budget for gauge conversion has been used and 80 per cent of the budget for doubling was used up. We have to meet out objective of providing the best quality at the lowest cost to our passengers. In the Railways, we want not only economic viability, but social viability also. But we know without growth there is neither inclusiveness, nor is it possible to have social justice. So we need social viability. But we need economic viability and sustainability also. If we look at the railway database of the World Bank, we find that the Indian Railways compared favourably on size, naturally we are a big country, on electrification, on locomotive, favourable. But where we fall short is employee productivity and revenue per passenger kilometer. Reduce cost, improve productivity and improve efficiency. If it makes profit, it is for the people of our country. Then there is a talk of 'White Paper'. I would only earnestly, say that we do not want to politicize the situation. If earnings go up by only 15 per cent and expenses go up by 34 per cent, what else is bound to happen? We have been seen the effect of Public Private Partnership in the Telecom and the Airlines. It can be exploited. Like, in railways, take the development of platforms and stations. The private sector is as patriotic as people in the public sector. The Railways, which is a great national institution, need to be improved. ∗SHRI VARINDER SINGH BAJWA: (Spoke in Punjabi) MS. SUSHILA TIRIYA: I congratulate Kumari Mamata Banerjee and others for bringing out this Railway Budget within such a short time which is not only economically viable but socially viable too. It is a commendable budget, she has given something at least to everybody. I hope her next budget will be even better. I request her to clear the backlog vacancies of Sports as well as SC & ST people. Introduction of women commandoes in trains for the safety of women is a commendable step. All these programmes should be implemented in a time bound manner only then strong will power will be reflected. Orissa has got some new trains and some extensions in the frequency of trains. But, the amount given to Orissa for guage conversion or doubling or electrification of railway lines is Rs. 715.22 crore only in comparison to last years Rs. 949.34 crore. Other projects have also been allocated less amount. It is certainly going to affect ongoing projects. In this ______∗ The Synopsis of the Speech delivered by the Hon'ble Member will be published separately in supplement

85 manner, we cannot complete guage conversion in next fifty or hundred years. We want to take the railway lines to remote tribal areas. But, the only train running from Baripuda to Bhubaneshwar is a "Super fast" having a higher fare structure. It should be made "Express" so that poor passengers will also be able to travel in that train. This train should be extended upto Puri. This time a number of trains have been introduced from Hawarh. I request that a new train should be started from Baripuda to Hawarh as a number of tribals go to Kolkata. They will be benefited by it the most. Lastly, I request you to make Rajdhani a daily train and I also request you to include Baripuda station into the list of 375 model stations. If you want to eradicate naxalites then you must try to bring tribal people into the mainstream for their development . I will submit my other demands to the Hon'ble Minister in writing. SHRI VIJAYKUMAR RUPANI: Railway Budget discussions should include new polices, trends, concepts etc. but we either in Lok Sabha or in Rajya Sabha raise our old pending demands only because those demands have not been fulfilled so far. Today, Industrial development in Gujarat is progressing rapidly. Thirty percent of total investments made in the country are being invested in Gujarat only. So, we need new railway lines while our old demands are long pending. Earlier, Mumbai was the main Industrial hub. But, now, Kandla and Pipavav in Gujarat are the main Industrial hubs. We require railway infrastructure there for transporting materials to various parts of the country. Gujarat is contributing highest revenue. Since, Mumbai is the last point in the whole Western Coast so Railway Headquarter must be transferred to Ahmedabad. Our demand for guage conversion is also pending since long. Mehsana-Tarang-Ajmer line work has also not been started so far. Then, Surat-Hazira new railway line is also pending. Hazira port is essential in Delhi-Mumbai economical corridor. It should be completed immediately. Bharuch-Dahej line conversion should also be taken up. Long distance trains, Gujarat Intercity should be extended upto Vapi besides running a long distance train to connect Porbandar, the birth place of Gandhiji to Pipavav-Ahmedabad-Mumbai. -Somnath should also have a long distance train.

86 SHRI BIRENDRA PRASAD BAISHYA: I welcome the decision of the Hon'ble Railway Minister for upgradation of the Railway Station to the level of international Railway Station and for upgrading the Silchar Railway Station as an Ideal Railway Station. I also welcome the upgradation of medical facilities in the Railway sector in the North-Eastern Region. But I regret to say, that all the Railway lines belonging to Assam and North-Eastern Region were constructed in the British Raj. But after independence not a single Railway line has been constructed in Assam. There is not a single electrical rail line in Assam and North-Eastern Region and there is no double rail line. The railway trains are running in a single rail line. In her speech, the Hon'ble Minister announced the introduction of Duronto train. It is a non-stop train. I regret to say that Assam is totally neglected even in this area. Not a single Duronto has been introduced from Assam. I would like to request the Hon'ble Minister to introduce Duronto from Guwahati to Vellore and from Guwahati to Delhi. Guwahati is the hub of the North-Eastern Region and Delhi is more than 2,000 kms. away from it. It is not possible for everyone to come to Delhi either by air or by Rajdhani as they cannot afford the same. So, all are dependent on Railways. The North-Eastern Region is an insurgency- hit area. Unemployment is one of the biggest reasons for insurgency in Assam. People of Assam have been demanding for last so many years for setting up of a coach factory in Assam. Please do not neglect Assam. Some employment has to be generated to reduce insurgency. By setting up of a rail coach factory, some employment would be generated. Then, in 2008, 60 appointments were done in the NF Railway without any advertisement and without any interview. Out of 60, 59 appointed from Bihar. So, I demand that the recruitment policy should be reviewed. Otherwise, this problem cannot be solved. I also demand for establishing a separate Railway Zone in Assam. With its headquarters at Guwahati, for the North-Eastern Region. Then, to encourage the domestic tourism and also the foreign tourism, the Railway Ministry should introduce a train from Kaziranga to Delhi. SHRI O.T.LEPCHA: I support this Railway Budget. I think, we have not made enough progress during last six decades after attaining Independence like a nember of other countries of the world have done in the last 25-30 years. We should also give better services to our people. We must also use new technologies being used by China or other European countries.

87 In this year's Railway Budget, Hill station have been neglected. North- Eastern region has also been neglected. The Hon’ble Railways Minister had said that 62 km. long railway line had been sanctioned in Sikkim. Rs.1329 crore has been sanctioned. The Railways has started no work there. Sikkim is such a State which depends upon 31 National Highway as a life line. There is no rail link there. The Railways can play an important role in this regard. The Railways can think of starting mini rail and metro like train by constructing tunnel in this region. Two years have lapsed since raising the demand of extending quota of Sikkim. I have written to the department and also submitted a special mention. I want to bring this on record in the House that even after 35 years we are deprived of these things. This work should be carried out urgently.

PROF. SAIF-UD-DIN SOZ : There is a problem in rail development in and Kashmir. The hon’ble Railway Minister has mentioned that the alignment between Katra and Banihal will change. If this alignment is given up, Rs.300 crores will go waste. Experts already say that the new alignment will take ten years. I would urge the Railway Minister that she must clarify in what time the new alignment would come up, what its cost would be. If railways had been constructed in Jammu & Kashmir, emotional integration would have taken place. Secondly, she must order a probe into what went wrong because the present alignment was done in four years. How can this money be wasted? I have a suggestion. Railway lines should be constructed from Baramullah to Uri and from Baramullah to Kupwara. DR. GYAN PRAKASH PILANIA : I would like to point out certain dark areas in this budget. The Railways Minister has taken the onus of giving honour to the poorest of the poor. Izzat does not come by reducing or increasing the passenger fare. At present , he finds it very difficult to get a ticket. He has to face a lot of difficulties during journey. I will just take two areas of working of Railways. Firstly, it has been often said that Railway is full of corruption. This aspect needs care at every point of working of railways. Corruption breeds in railways and vigilance is only an eyewash. Scandals in conducting Railway Recruitment Board examinations are well- known. Another area is regarding safety. Hardly you see a poor man is treated with ‘Izaat’ and ‘Khaki’ is a sort of terror for him. Accidents happen 85.49 per cent due to human failure, 40 per cent due to failure of railway

88 staff, 40 per cent accident at unmanned level crossings, 51.55 per cent because of derailment. DR. EJAZ ALI : Bihar is such a backward State that even after three Railway Ministers belonging to this State, the problem of railway of this State has not been solved till today. The scheme provided by the last Railway Minister has been rejected completely. has been neglected as regards to constructing world class railway station. Therefore, I would like to say through you that Bihar should be taken care of. My second point is that when Government changes, the erstwhile Minister should not be targeted. So, I want to say through you that this system should be stopped and the scheme formulated may not be cut down. SHRI KUMAR DEEPAK DAS: The history of railway services in Assam and North-East region is nothing but deprivation. The present Budget speaks about the decision of declaring some national projects but funds for the same are yet to be ensured. Budget has no mention of production unit in the North East region. As regards doubling it excludes the North East. Budget is silent about the railway electrification in the north east. I request the hon’ble Minister to promise the double track line at least up to Guwahati by 2009-10. There are thousands of acres of railway land in North Eastern States which are kept idle. I urge upon the hon’ble Minister for Railways to take appropriate steps to use such land and let it be source of employment for the educated youth. I request the hon’ble Minister to make an arrangement for stoppage of the North-bound and South-bound trains at the sub-divisional headquarter. In the last interim Budget, an assurance was given of conducting survey of the new railway line. I request for allocating necessary funds for the same. I request to introduce an overnight train between Dibrugarh and Kolkata and Puri Express be declared as the Shrimanta Shankardev Express. SHRI MOHD. ALI KHAN : I rise to support the Railway Budget presented by the hon’ble Railway Minister. The Railway Budget has been presented keeping in view the common man. The Railway projects sanctioned during the 8-10 years have not been completed due to paucity of finance. They should be given priority. The matter of Vizag division has been pending in Andhra Pradesh for some time. A demand of the people of Andhra Pradesh should be fulfilled by including Vizag division in the South- Central Railway.

89 A train used to run between Secunderabad and Ajmer, that broad gauge line should be completed as early as possible. Atleast one train should be sanctioned for coming from Andhra Pradesh to New Delhi. Discussion not concluded.

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V. K. AGNIHOTRI, Secretary-General.

[email protected]

****Supplement covering rest of the proceedings is being issued separately.


Page 59 Line 2 from top, read 'SHRI RAM NARAYAN SAHU' for ''SHRI RAM NARAYAN SAHOO' Line 14 from bottom, read 'Shri Brij Bhushan Tiwari' for 'Shri Brij Bhusan Tiwari'