Bishop Exchange Fourth File Rook

In , Tempo Loss Bishop Exchange or One-Turn Loss Bishop Exchange or Bishop Exchange With Tempo Loss (ä¸æ‰‹æ角æ›ã‚ã‚Š ittezon kakugawari) is a Bishop Exchange (Static Rook) opening that has White trading the bishops very early in the game before Black's bishop moves up to the 77 square. Bishop Exchange. Bishop Exchange Reclining Silver. Bishop Exchange Climbing Silver. Bishop Exchange Rushing Silver. Wrong Diagonal Bishop Exchange. White's Fourth File Rook against Black's Right Fourth File Rook (å³å››é–“飛車 migi shikenbisha). [1]. Against Black's Rapid Attack strategies. Against Iijima Bishop Pullback. Bishop Exchange Fourth File Rook. See also. Ranging Rook. Left Silver-5g Rapid Attack. Shogi opening. Notes. References. Bishop Exchange Fourth File Rook (角交æ›å››é–“飛車 kaku koukan shikenbisha ) is an aggressive variant of Fourth File Rook in which the Ranging Rook player keeps their bishop diagonal open allowing for bishop trades early in the game. . Fujii System (藤井システムfujii shisutemu ) is a complex system of piece development, formation, and counterattacking to be used with Ranging Rook strategies. Feint Ranging Rook. Feint Ranging Rook (陽動振り飛車 yÅdÅfuribisha ) is an Ranging Rook opening in which the player advances their rook pawn sending a false message to their opponent that they are probably playing a Static Rook opening. Bishop Exchange Fourth File Rook, 角交æ›å››é–“飛車 , also shortened to KKS, is where the rook moves to the Fourth Tile to the lateral opposite side, fourth tile, while preparing moves to exchange bishops. Both openings are for offenses). âœErmâ¦I needed to prepareâ¦â Thereâ™s an elementary school kid bathing in here, so please wait! Thereâ™s no way I could say that, and I got increasingly unable to fend for myself. I was unable to say anything, so anedeshi said, âœâ¦Yaichi, are you bathing?â I was playing a fourth file rook game as black, and my opponent advanced his rook pawn and pretty thoroughly trounced me (kifu here: Starting at around move 6, I didn't know how to respond to that aggressive rook pawn advancement. Should I have advanced my gold instead of my silver? Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Please login to post a comment. If it is open, then to play normal 4th Rook, you would need to close your bishop diagonal with a 6th (Black) or 4th (White) pawn push. So, in summary: - If (1) they open bishop diagonal: you close your diagonal. Then, (2) they push rook pawn: you defend with bishop. Or, - If (1) they push rook pawn: you defend with bishop. Then, (2) they open diagonal: you close your diagonal. For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for Bishop Exchange Fourth File Rook. Home. News. {{::discoverMoreArticle.title}} {{::discoverMoreArticle.txt}}. This page is based on a Wikipedia article written by contributors (read/edit). Text is available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license; additional terms may apply. Images, videos and audio are available under their respective licenses. Cover photo is available under {{ || 'Unknown'}} license. Cover photo is available under {{ || 'Unknown'}} license. Credit: (see original file). Enjoying Wikiwand? Give good old Wikipedia a great new look