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' * ’ : \ I’KLETirONE WANT ADS TO NUMBER NINE N U M B E R 10 IS Now He re’s (Reamers Market Tax Collections Scouts to Silver the Loses to Valparaiso In Buchanan Rank jubilee Contest The Reamers Market basketball Am ong the Highes .During Next Year (Large Plantings of Redbud Proposition ; team ran into fast competition ui ! Trees and of Other Native l the opening- round of the toumu- Trees and Shrubs Tax collections from the past Instructions were released today • ment play at New Carlisle Tuesday1 year in Buchanan, totaled 82'/, of to all troops covering the “ Silver Planned. evening, losing to the Valp trniso | -he statu, county' and school ano '■ Club llus Over ! Jubilee Roundup". The contest $100 ou H and) dports by the close score of 22-31 Jerome Carries Only 7 Pre S7 % of the city taxes at Uie en a which is being sponsored by the The cooperative landscaping On j after an overtime period. Th. Michigan Public Utilities Com rnch. After Raying Back Oriole cincts Out of 52; Mecham to of the collection period on Marei. President of the Council is the j the Redbud trail, sponsored by the ; Root News Agency team will play r L, according to Ada Ducy-Sanders mission Approves Residen most ‘elaborate project ever at- j Buchanan Lions club, will be car- Bills and Financing Foot Oppose Matthews in Hanlc j the Simmons Bros. Grocery oft JLy treasurer. Mrs, Sanders will tial Light and Power , tempted by the Movement. The : nied out on Monday, April 15, at ball and Basketball. South Bend in the tournament to- i of Run-Off. accept payments on taxes until th-. Rate, Effective as of booklet which each troop Is receiv- 'Which time Prof, O. A, Gregg, 1 aight. j books are returned to the county ing carries a complete program , landscape specialist from Michigan Hills March 1. Evidence that the experiment of j j Mrs. Jennie B. Mecham, Niles, treasurer at St. Joseph about covering every phase of a well-bal- J State College, will be here to direc. community sponsored athletics har i March 15, The collections hen- aneed troop program. Troops are | the work. C*orner» 'defeated Harley K. Jerome, Benton A new combined residential • been successful for the first hall i Harbor, for the republican nomina rank among the highest in Berrien required to set objectives for the ! Professor Gregg was in Buchmi- Sem lighting and domestic power rate year at least is contained in a Li- j tion for county school commission county in the percentage of the .year in membership, advancement, (an Friday' and went over the Red- : r.aneial report by the treasurer i:f total roll. .or the Buchanan district of the liiking, camping, civic work, par- ( bud Trail, to get an idea cf the er by a margin of 1,(549 votes, the Indiana and Michigan Electric (the organization, Fred Smith total count in the Monday primary ents nights, council picnics and . work required, and will later for- (showing a balance of $100.45 on the ! company' was finally apx>roved the special trips. ward a list of the materials re- standing 3,093 to 1,4X4 in her fa- Michigan Public Utilities Commis If the legislatoor ever takes a ' black side of the ledger, after the j 'vor. All troops are required to set up i quired. The plantings will be al- sion Tuesday, to be effective for all the troop budtret svstem, and the ,™ost entirely' of native growth, notion to pass a law ferbidden a association had discharged the Mrs. Mecham won in all but nine .•eadings since March 1. training work which is necessary!The work w'n m part be the el.m- domed fool filin' as * candidate, it ■<*** of Onole c]uh o f ; o f the 52 precincts of the eoun'y, The new rate provides a reduc successful troop operation, is also ^ atl0n * Kbrush and trees.which will be a site harder then it is now , 54M b tor football equipment. t it-1 • , it ~ being defeated by Jerome in revet. tion for all quantities of resident- to git the oftiees filled. ! Had it not been for the organ!-; Hilarious Humor Keynote ot aildslietl by hin/ in tw0 ulbers. Sht required ■ obstruct the view at intervals, al lighting and power above the in working out the plan t h J W MR the main planting will con- ______, zation of Lne association there i Third (Little Theatre Pro- carried her own town of Niles lit minimum. The old r-ate was: A Troop committee plays an Import- I sist uio f reuul““redbuds, ' dogwoods, sumacs Kremoidts Cane -would have been no independent! diittion of This Season. to 20, and also carried Benton Har Fust 30 kilowatts------b c pei k ., a ...l and other native trees and shrul: Ed. Note: Since Attv. Fremont football last tall. ; bor, her rival’s home town, 1,313 tc Next 70 kilowatts________ 6c per k .' * * Pa, t- They ass* f ™ the or- Evans has been presented with the Buchanan amateur athletics ( 017. 411 over 100 kilowatt* 5c Der k gknization of the eighteen sections |WU1 JU0 e Buchanan will be honored Satur Thp npw rfltp iq* and co-operate with the Scout-! Prof. Gregs' stated that the pro- -walking cane carried by Grover .v™uld have been discmhtcd bj , The vote in local precincts was Bom in Buchanan 60 Years Cleveland through two successful failure to pay its obligations to a! day evening by three of the best Tir-ii- vo kilowatts 6'kc ner k 'masters in putting the plans in J'ect would require five y'ears be- as follows: Ago; Associated with Er- political campaigns, a hillbilly trio goods house. There would [little steppers that Broadway has Buchanan city Mecham Jerome oecond 30 kUowatts __ j T e per k! operation and seeing that they are(fore the full results of thework comprised of Jack Baily, Fred have been no winter basketball seen m many a day. The Playbox (1) iso r, 34 langer, and Ziegfield. Next-vnn kilowatts oG P ner k c a r r ie d through to a successful would be in evidence, but that Cook and Rev. Williams of Benton league. (Players will introduce them to the ( 2 ) 19 18 ^llnvet0 M k i t v n T ~ v n l k conclusion. The Courts of Re- * represented an ideal project not Harbor has been organized to sing 1 « » anticipated that Uie fman-j local audience m the play "Step- Buchanan Tvvp. 12 S Word has been received here of ‘ k w r i r T , |T,- Pke- - ‘ View Which are established, will be ’ only for the development of a scen- in - is olfered under the a. -w T ie ' conducted by the troop committees • ic attraction that would he of val- Uie following song in the interests «*U built UP during the t0iK- i Sisters” , their third produc Galien 28 5 the death of Frank Richards An ° otteied undei thea.-\. la.c troops tbat rate “ standard”— ; ue to the town, but also a reerea- ing summer by softball, which 's j tiou of the season. Bertrand 12 4 derson, nephew of George B, Rich as low as lc per kilowatt. Of his campaign for the Office those which do not rate standard, li°nal resort for many, and event- circuit judge.) the best drawing card in independ- ; Tne play "Stepping Sisters” is Mrs. Mecham will oppose Will ards and Alfred Richards, wM-h ent athletics. ^ _ J one- of the funniest plays to be g.v- iam Matthews of Niles in the run occurred at his home at New Ro must appear before the District 1 nally' a substantial stimulant to Hand me Uaouwn-n-n-n-n mail Courts of Review. All Star, L ife’ rea} estate values adjacent to the walkin’ cane The officials in active charge of | en in this community so far this off election to be held April 1. chelle, N. Y. Monday, the association, including President j year. The piot hinges on the en- Anderson was the son of Frank Lauoner Phillips and Eagle Scouts will appear be- ‘ trail. Hand me daouwn-n-n-n-n. mail fore the Courts of Review in the 1 Project is now in the hands George Wynn, Secretary Harold deavor of a former burlesque queen Anderson. Sr., and Laura Richards walkin’ cane William Estes, Districts and the Eagle Scout ( ofJ statf f0r endorsement as an Boyce and Treasurer Fred Smith, to cover up a perfectly innocent Anderson. He was born in Buch Takes Over Agency 1 [and me doauwn mall walkin' cane „ „ i ^ y-), candidates will have their final re- j FERA project. deserve the thanks of all those who past. Through her endeavors she anan, leaving' here at the age of 14 for if 1 catch diet judgeship Former Resident, M o d e r n C l e a n e r s view before the Area court of __ ri y ■ are interested in the promotion ot nearly loses her husband, is ostra- He first came into public notice : s Dry train clean athletics for the young men , . , . Honor chairman, Dr. Howard A. j T e r e s a . W b l t e IS the social set, almost a creator and designer of the cos All your sins are gonna be pardon of the community. ' " Expires in Omaha --------- Blaming, Benton Harbor. A spec- : ! causes a break between her daugh- tumes for the first stage presenta ed away.