PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION ANNUAL REPORT FY17 Founded in 1932, the Paleontological Research Institution pursues and integrates education and research, and interprets the history and systems of the Earth and its life. Our aim is to increase knowledge, educate society, and encourage wise stewardship of the Earth. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 2 4 8 14 26 30 34 36 40 44 45 16 37 38

Outreach Center Nature Cayuga Smith Woods & Staff Trustees Study & Work Interns Volunteers Collections Research Publications

PRI’s Director, Warren D. Allmon, is the Hunter R. Rawlings is the Hunter R. Allmon, D. Warren Director, PRI’s in the Department of III of Earth and Professor he has held since 2008. a position Atmospheric Sciences, Outreach historic land-grant contribute to to Cornell’s PRI continues in collaboration with public outreach facilitating by mission including various faculty and departments of the University, the Department of Earth Sciencesand Atmospheric (EAS). Science Climate Change collaborate the online on We applying for projects a subcontractor and are Clearinghouse, outreach. Impacts for NSF Broader organizerPRI is also the lead for Ithaca Darwin Days, hosted annually in collaboration with events and programs multiple It features since 2006. celebrating the life and ideas of Charles Darwin. People Donors Financial Venues Director’s & President’s Message & President’s Director’s Collecting Researching Educating Table of Contents Table Cornell Affiliations FISCAL YEAR 2017 YEAR FISCAL ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL Affiliations Affiliations Cornell University Cornell University Since signing an agreement of affiliation in Since of affiliation signing an agreement 2004 and renewing that relationship in 2010 that relationship 2004 and renewing

students for both research and teaching. students for both research faculty, staff, and, especially, undergraduate and graduate undergraduate and graduate especially, and, staff, faculty, Our regularly Cornell are and facilities collections used by 1 in exercises and training at the Museum of the Earth. and training at the Museum of the Earth. in exercises graduate levels. Many courses require students to participate courses require Many graduate levels. programs and departmentsprograms and at both the undergraduate PRI is a significant teaching resource for severalresource PRI is a significant Cornell teaching Teaching and Research Teaching relationships with Cornell with University. relationships continues to strengthen its numerous formal and informal its numerous to strengthen continues and 2017, the Paleontological Research Institution (PRI) (PRI) Institution Research the Paleontological and 2017, Director’s and President’s Message

2 3

PRI’s Director, Warren Allmon, and Board President, Brian Bauer, in Smith Woods.

What PRI does…What it’s simple, complicated, vital. andabsolutely to readers ofmany backgrounds inmany countries. science,Earth science education, and(ofcourse)fossils—reach farbeyond Ithaca and visitorsfrom around theworld. publications—on ecology, Our evolution, tensof thousands ofresidents for New of insightandinformation ofcentral York assources andCayuga Naturevenues—the MuseumoftheEarth Center—serve climate, thanever. atatimewhenthisismore important educational Our toPhD,primary world, aboutthenatural tolearn theEarth’s including changing inspire educators students,Our from pre-K topost-graduate, andteachers, from intheoceans, oflife evolution.diversity and ecology change affects tohow climate berestoredcan more effectively, ofthe toimproved understanding ofthehistory PRI mattersandchanges lives. research pointstheway tohow oyster beds Our share it, way we can: inevery We oflife; anddiversity we createknowledge notonly new aboutthehistory mussels. We explore, research, publish, exhibit, educate, explain, andinspire. from trees totrilobites, from diatoms todinosaurs, from mastodons to zebra But PRI’s goes farbeyond activity fossils. isoursubject,The entire natural world by scientistsfrom around theworld. asavitalresource thisexploration, for specimens—that serves isused andwhich onecares for ofthenation’s largest collections offossils—more thanthree million basic scientificknowledge aboutorganismsfrom protists toproboscideans.PRI asrevealed record, oflife inthefossil thehistory have beenexploring adding to engine ofourdiverse avenues ofscienceandoutreach. For 85years, PRIscientists continents, atPRI’s thisisthe studyoffossils—and core ispaleontology—the Like theEarth’s hotcore, andmoving istheengineofitsvolcanoes which amultitudefor ofaudiences, andwe’ve along beendoingitfor time. onlife Earth. answerThe complicated isthat we dothatina multitude ofways, of version anddiversity isthatwe add toandshare knowledge aboutthehistory doesPRI do?”“What The answer isbothsimpleandcomplicated. Thesimple • • • •

With otherscientists,With through ourpublications, Bulletinsof including college students.With Through connection itslong historic andmore recent teachers,With New incentral York andacross thecountry. For more than20 people, all With young andold. openedin theMuseumofEarth Since collections. most respected journals, paleontological andalsothrough ourspecimen Paleontology ,American in1895andone founded oftheworld’s oldestand world. education. We have inspired many more more tolearn aboutthenatural and graduate studentswhohave gone on tosuccessfulcareers inscienceand University, affiliation withCornell formal trained undergraduate PRI has tobeasitis, came world natural andhow itmay change inthefuture. environmentslocal about how toexpandtheabilitiesofstudents learn the years, PRI hasproduced andproducts usetheir materials tohelpeducators New central for education York.environmental history andnatural in 2011, PRI hasexpandeditsmission toward beingamajorresource for and science. takingover theCayuga Nature Since Centerand Smith Woods change,climate geology, fossils, biodiversity, andtherelationship between art 2003, more thanhalfamillion peoplehave aboutevolution, visitedittolearn DIRECTOR’S AND PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE PRESIDENT’S AND DIRECTOR’S 4 COLLECTING much larger peerinstitutions. useat comparable to 2017 fiscal year—a level reported cited infive professional inthe andstudentpublications EcoTarium inMassachusetts. PRI’s collectionswere also the PRI Traveling Exhibit DinosaursPoop?”“Did atthe instance, inFY2017PRIspecimenswere of usedaspart exhibitionloaned for andpublicoutreach purposes. For PRI’s collections in FY2017. PRIspecimensare alsooften professional andstudentresearchers tovisit alsotravelled to researchers from around theU.S. andtheworld. 24 PRI’sscientific loansofspecimensin collection were made of PRI’s scientific collectionfor research. InFY2017, arethey usedby agencies granting togauge thevalue PRI specimensare ofacollection because thecurrency citing scientificpublications and numberofpeer-reviewed The numberofspecimenloans, visitorstothecollection, Collections Usage today, from andlocations New central York totheCaribbean. from theDevonian (about419to358millionyears ago) to research collection. rangedThese specimensin geologic age approximately 39,500specimens, were accessioned intothe year 2017(FY2017). donations,Thirty-three containing PRI’s collectioncontinued togrow throughout fiscal andaround theworld. and exhibitions across thecountry provide auniqueresource scientific for research, teaching, 13,000stratigraphic “bulk”specimens andnearly samples corethe intellectual oftheInstitution. 3,000,000 Over andare collections intheUnitedStates paleontological PRI’s among collections rank the10largest invertebrate Collections Growth ourlives. affects that profoundly environmental change—information impacts ofclimate in ourunderstandingofbiodiversity, evolution, andthe knowledge, asthisis. important alsoplayThey avital role usedtoaddressonly questions thesakeof justfor Today, collectionslikePRI’s history natural are not Collections Research Loans and FY 2013-FY2017 Visitors has committed toproviding data on approximately aggregators asiDigBio( such PRI specimen records availabletothepublicthrough data The goal ofthe EPICC project istomake1.6million the west coastoftheAmericas, from AlaskatoChile. specimensfrom invertebrate photographing theCenozoic and descriptions) locality map coordinates on written Berkeley,California cataloging, georeferencing (putting institutions,project hasninepartner ledby of University (EPICC). This ThematicCollections Network (TCN) Pacific Communities Invertebrate oftheCenozoic” ongoing NSF-fundedproject dubbed the “Eastern digitization.focused on an efforts digitization Our The 2017fiscal yearsawsignificant progress inspecimen outreach new andeducation future ourcollections for generations,help preserve and increase greatly will publicaccess,digitally speedresearch, associated records (e.g., fieldnotesand photos) available communities.educational Makingourspecimensand more relevant andvaluabletotoday’s scientificand to makePRI’s collections more availableandtherefore —isessential intoadigitalform collections information processDigitization—the ofcreating orconverting Specimen Digitization Cornell undergraduate Michael Zelko georeferencing South American SouthAmerican undergraduateCornell Michael georeferencing Zelko localities as part of theEPICClocalities of aspart project. COLLECTING

A Puzzling Collection from the University of Washington

While collections staff were surveying PRI’s collection in preparation for the EPICC grant project, they came across a small but significant collection. This material was simply marked as “KVWP West Coast”. It contained approximately 1,800 fossil specimens from Washington and Oregon. “KVWP” was an easy clue for collections staff. They were instantly recognizable as the initials of Katherine Van Winkle Palmer (1895-1982), PRI’s second director. They wondered, however, how this material got into PRI’s collection in the first place, especially since it was associated with University of Washington specimen labels.

Katherine Van Winkle studied geology and earned her BS degree from the University of Washington in 1918. Her advisor was the well-known invertebrate paleontologist, Charles A. Weaver. Weaver wanted Van Winkle to get her PhD at Cornell and return to take his place at the University of Washington, so she headed east and began to study for her Ph.D. in Paleontology under PRI’s founder, Gilbert D. Harris.

Van Winkle returned to Washington in 1922 as a visiting assistant professor and coauthored a paper with Weaver, Fauna from the Eocene of Washington. When she came back to Cornell to finish her degree, she and Weaver divided up their original study material into duplicate collections. One stayed with Weaver in Washington, one came with Van Winkle to Cornell.

Katherine got her PhD, married Ephraim L. Palmer, a Cornell professor, continued to work and teach and publish, but never took Weaver’s place at the University of Washington. She eventually took the helm of PRI when Harris died in 1952. This small collection as well as the rest of Cornell’s non-botanical paleontological collections was transferred to PRI in 1995- 1996. However, much of the story of this small collection was lost, or vaguely referred to in Katherine publications. Nearly a century later, no one at PRI knew of the collections existence. If they had Van Winkle Palmer not been surveying material for the EPICC grant project, this collection may have remained hidden for many more years. Today, this small but significant collection has once again seen the light of day and the specimens’ data will be digitized and made available to the public.

5 High-latitude settings promote extreme longevity in fossil marine bivalves

Today there is a pattern of increasing lifespan and decreasing the bivalves we examined were slow growing and long-lived, which growth rate with latitude in marine bivalves, but it is unknown suggests that food, not cool temperature might be the driving whether this is due to cold temperatures or seasonal availability factor promoting extreme of food. In a paper published in the journal Paleobiology, David longevity of high-latitude K. Moss and his colleagues, including PRI board member Linda bivalves.” C. Ivany, used specimens from the Zinsmeister Collection at PRI to test the hypothesis that seasonal availability of food is more Moss also commented that important than cool temperatures in promoting extreme longevity. “Our study truly would not have been possible without Moss, who is now a postdoctoral researcher at the University of the collections housed at North Carolina Chapel Hill, said, “The Zinsmeister Collection is PRI. Furthermore, given that world famous and is one of the best collections of mollusks from revealing growth bands requires the Cretaceous and Eocene of Seymour Island, Antarctica. During cross-sectioning specimens, we this time, temperatures on Seymour Island resembled those of are very appreciative for the A fossil of Retrotapes newtoni modern day North Carolina. Despite being much warmer, all of loan of material.” (Wilckens, 1911), from Seymour Island, Antarctica. David K. Moss on a fossil collecting trip.

“Our study truly would not have been possible without the collections housed at PRI.”

6 COLLECTING 7 Skaneateles Library Library Skaneateles Donation York, New The LibraryPublic in Skaneateles, The a small natural had historylong collection. giftedspecimens were to them in the late 1800s a local educator Knapp (1830-1908), Ezra B. by When the library decided to divest and bookseller. PRI trustee Allen John itself of the collection, the library’sfacilitated offer of the specimens to PRI for Outreach Associate Director Rob Ross in 2016. Leslie Manager and Collections Skibinski visited many It had the library to pick up the collection. including specimens with data, research-quality preserved well and large three eurypterids (sea exhibit- excellent some It also contained scorpions). quality specimens including slab of rugose a large (a very Staghorn famous probably from Point coral, Skaneatelesfossil site) on Lake in the Finger Lakes York. of central New region the library’s collection was already As it turns out, The Holotype specimen (the to PRI. connected specimen used to describe a new in the of a fossil scientific literature) clam Mytilarca Hall 1884 was gifted(Plethomytilus) knappi to PRI after it was found in the library’s in 1948. collection such amazing, friendly since my freshman people such amazing, to be a part It is so exciting of such a large year. as a to be able to grow and I feel honored project, student while the grant progresses.” research and georeference localities, and take photographs and take photographs localities, and georeference research a junior at Cornell majoring Michael Zelko, of specimens. about his opportunity say this to had to work in Biology, “I to learn a lot about collections get the project: on which goes and the behind the scenes work management with of working bonus the added I have in museums. on A section of the Skaneateles Public at the library Library on display A section of before collection the Skaneateles PRI. accessioning to

natural history collection. natural

Skaneateles Public Library Skaneateles A Eurypterid fossil from the

the EPICC project. They have helped us check , helped us Theycheck have taxonomy, project. the EPICC graduate students have played a vital role in the success of a vital role played graduate students have Volunteers and interns and as undergraduate as well Volunteers specimens and took about 2,000 photographs. about 2,000 photographs. specimens and took localities. In FY 2017, we cataloged about 25,000 cataloged 25,000 about we In FY 2017, localities. 42,000 specimens, 12,600 photographs and 1,400 and 1,400 photographs 12,600 42,000 specimens, 8 RESEARCHING Allison Carsrud operating microscope intheBioLab. Carsrud electron Allison thescanning and analysis of the diversity ofancientlife). ofthediversity and analysis ofthediscipline concerned withthedescription branch paleontology, (the paleontology systematic particularly andencourage excellence in designed torecognize 1993,Since PRIhaspresented annualawards, several Research Awards andinteract withspecimenpreparers. observe preparation. windows allowMuseumvisitorsto Viewing graduate students, andvolunteers toconduct finespecimen Museum oftheEarth, thePrepLab isusedby staff, A combination research space andpublicexhibitinthe andpreparation. specimen cleaning processing fieldcollections. for Thislabisused rough The and plants, theWetLab allows researchers tocare for An aquatic room maintaininglivingaquatic for (AAR)datingequipment.racemization histology. PRI’sThis labisalsohome to amino acid new microfossil processing, electron scanning microscopy, and lab” microscope for work. for dissection,This labisused capabilities. theBioLab, include They isa which “clean scientists andstudents, eachproviding uniqueresearch PRI provides research four labstoourown andvisiting Research Facilities exhibitions, resource. asaneducational andservice and internationally, andstrengthens ourpublicprograms, disciplinesregionally PRI continuestovarious tocontribute andidentity.fundamental aspectofourhistory Research at PRI’sSince in1932, founding research hasbeena Research PaleoLab isa “dirty lab” usedfor During hervisit,During through over 1,000boxes she sorted of York atOneonta, visitedPRI’s collection inFY2017. ofNew undergraduate student from University theState of paleontology. The 2016awardee, Lyndsey Farrar, an to $500visitPRI’s research collections for inany field andlivingcorals.fossil The program awards ofup grants atCornell,professor ofgeology on andleading expert president ofthePRI Board of Trustees (1961-1963), Research Program, John namedfor W. Wells, aformer researchers theJohn for W. Wellsof Grants-in-Aid undergraduate andgraduate studentsandpost-doctoral 2008,Since PRIhasinvited from applications advanced ofMinesand Dakota School Technology. The 2017awardLong wasgiven fromSouth toBrooke the workstudent for inany area paleontology. ofsystematic graduate toafull-time Paleontology isgiven annually The J. Dutro Thomas Jr.Student Award inSystematic City, ofBrigham Gunther Utah. in Iowa City, Iowa. The 2017award waspresented to Val Fossil Paleontology Society) MAPS (Mid-America Expo the scienceofpaleontology. presented atthe Itisusually professional inrecognition contributions to ofsignificant Katherine Palmer The Award isgiven toanon- MuseumofNatural History. oftheAmerican Landman In November 2016, theaward waspresented toDr. Neil ofAmerica. Society annual meetingoftheGeological is presented attheFriends ofPRIReception atthe Committee recommendsScience anawardee. The award solicited through thePaleonet Listserver, andtheBoard’s paleontology.the fieldofsystematic Nominations are excellence in lifetime an individualwhohasachieved Harris Award to The Gilbert ispresented annually Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”.Naturales “Bernardino Paleoinvertebrados, MuseoArgentino deCiencias Wells awardee wasDamiánPérez from theDivisión along anenvironmentaltrilobites gradient. The FY2017 andabundanceof project toassesschanges inbodysize PRItrustee,professor andformer John L. Cisne, a for and published on collected by fossils Ordovician Cornell Department of Plant Biology, ofPlant Department Crepet. Bill Tricia trustee, and former Kelley ofCornell’s andchair Buddand Nancy emerita were PRItrustee former informal This year’s speakers keynote students, amateurs, andartists, topresent theirwork in of people, avariety popular for faculty, including PRI’s celebration, 75thbirthday hasbecome thisevent 40 peopleinattendance. of heldin2007 aspart First of2016,held intheMuseumJuly withmore than The was Symposium Summer PRITenth Annual Summer Symposium “Through PRI I have been able to engage not just with the scientific community but also with local Ithacans in a way many of my fellow students have not.”

Ming Khan, Cornell University senior

“PRI has played a very large role in my time at Cornell University. I have volunteered and worked here since my freshman year, during which time I not only conducted my own research but also learned about the educational initiatives which a science or natural history museum conducts in order to engage the community. PRI’s world class collections—especially the Zinsmeister collection of Eocene fossils from Antarctica—and guidance from Dr. Warren Allmon, have inspired me and definitely enriched my Cornell experience. Through PRI I have been able to engage not just with the scientific community but also with local Ithacans in a way many of my fellow students have not.”

9 10 RESEARCHING water diversions along theColorado River. Engineering, Ecological Smith, J.A.†, andG.P. Dietl, 2016, reveals community to long-term response Live-dead bivalve oftheestuarine analysis Biology,Evolutionary vol. 4, pp. 10–15. Oxford: Academic Press. Sagarin, R., D.T. Blumstein, andG.P. Dietl, 2016, Security, evolution and. InKliman, R.M., ed., of Encyclopedia Research, 86(11): 1249-1268. ofglauconitic bedsinthePaleogene shell origin oftheU.S. andAtlantic CoastalPlains. Gulf ofSedimentary Journal Pietsch, C., H.C. Harrison, andW.D., Allmon 2016, Eocene, (upperMiddle Sand theGosport Alabama)? Whence The gastropod along theU.S. Atlantic coast. Ecography 40: 1285–1299. Kosloski, M.†, G.P. Dietl, andJ. Handley, 2017, adaptations Anatomy inamarine ofacline: Dissectinganti-predatory predationon drilling from high-spired fragmented gastropod shells. Palaios, 32(5): 271-277. Johnson, E.H.†, B.M. Anderson†, andW.D., Allmon 2017, data from Canwe anything learn thosepieces?Obtaining all Duggan-Haas, D., 2016, science, zone Critical andtheNGSS. interdisciplinarity Scientist, The Earth 32(3): 15–18. status.ecological Frontiers Science, inMarine 169. doi:10.3389/fmars.2016.00169. Dietl, G.P., S.R. Durham†, J.A. Smith†, andA. Tweitmann†, 2016, assemblages Mollusk asrecords ofpastandpresent water diversions oftheColorado River. 106(Part Engineering B): Ecological 749-756. Dietl, G.P., andJ.A. Smith†, 2016, reveals community to long-term response Live-dead bivalve oftheestuarine analysis oyster bodysize. Open Science, Royal Society 3: 160763. Dietl, G.P., andS.R. Durham†, 2016, on records oilspill noimpact Geohistorical oftheDeepwater indicate Horizon duplicata isanomnivore. Frontiers andEvolution, inEcology 4(125): 1-13. Casey, M., L. Fall, andG.P. Dietl, 2016, You are whatyou thatthenaticidgastropod eat: indicates isotopicevidence Stable Zhang. toguidethefuture ofterrestrialecosystems. 2017. biology withconservation Science, Mergingpaleobiology 355:eaah4787 K. Nowak, U. Ramkrishnan, J. Schnitzler, K.D. Shrestha, K. Solari, L. Stegner, M.A. Stegner,Jackson, N.C. M. Stenseth, Kemp, M.H. Wake, P. andZ. L. Koch, C. Kremen, E. L. Lindsey, C. Looy,J. C.R. Brashares, Marshall, G. C. Ceballos, Mendenhall, E. A. Davis, Mulch, G.P. A.M. Mychajliw, Dietl, R. Dirzo, H. Doremus, M. Fortelius, H.W.Barnosky, Greene, A.D., J. E.A. Hellmann, Hadley, T. P. Hickler, Gonzalez, J. S.T. Head, P.D. Polly, A.M. Lawing, J.T. Eronen, D.D. Ackerly, K. Alex,Palaeoecology, E. Biber, Palaeoclimatology, J. 2017: 132-146. Blois, gastropod-dominatedof turritelline assemblages from theGatunFormation (UpperMiocene)ofPanama. Palaeogeography, Anderson, B.A.†, A. Hendy, E.H. Johnson†, andW.D., Allmon 2017, Paleoecology andpaleoenvironmental implications History, 36(1): 1-29. Allmon, W.D., 2017, Life-restorations ofammonites oftaxonomic andthechallenges uniformitarianism. Science Earth Biology, 28(5): 680-706. Allmon, W.D., 2016, are-evaluation record. ofhisinterpretation ofthefossil andpalaeontology: Darwin Historical eds., Press, ofChicago University Chicago, pp. 260-281. in macroevolution. perspective. Ahierarchical theory: InEvolutionary N. Eldredge, T. Pievani, E. Serrelli, andI. Temkin, Allmon, W.D., 2016, Coming with toterms “tempo andmode”: Speciation, anagenesis, andassessingrelative frequencies Chicago, pp. 121-167. record. andspeciation record. inthefossil InSpecies W.D. andM.M. Allmon Yacobucci, eds., Press, ofChicago University Allmon, W.D., andS.D. Sampson, 2016, The stages ofspeciation: ofspeciationfossil inthe Astepwise approach toanalysis pp. 59-120. andspeciation record. inthefossil Species W.D. andM.M. Allmon Yacobucci, eds., Press, ofChicago University Chicago, Allmon, W.D., 2016, record: speciesinthefossil Studying andrecommendations Areview amore for unifiedapproach. In 474–479. oftheLinneanSociety, Journal Biological publishedonline: 1Sept., 2016. inprint, Published 2017, 1February 120(2): Allmon, W.D., 2016, Species, lineages, splitting, anddivergence: we need still Why “anagenesis” and “cladogenesis”. Peer-reviewed publications by staff andaffiliated students Research Reports (PRI staff indicated in bold; “†” student) Cornell indicates past orcurrent RESEARCHING (PRI staff indicated in bold; “†” indicates past or current indicates Cornell student) “†” bold; in indicated staff (PRI

, 2016, Critical zone and observatories science education 2016, and outreach and related Duggan-Haas, D.

schedule2.aspx?id=2017los your class! National Science Teachers Association annual meeting, Los Angeles, CA: CA: Los Angeles, annual meeting, Association Teachers class! Scienceyour National , and T. White, 2017, The critical zone (CZ): rockThe critical meets life and the NGSS meets Where (CZ): zone 2017, White, T. and Ross, , R.M. D. Duggan-Haas, Program. Madison, WI, WI, Madison, Program. , 2016, Using the science literacy documents to guide instruction. Earth Educators’ Rendezvous 2016 Rendezvous Earth Educators’ the science literacy Using to guide instruction. documents 2016, , D. Duggan-Haas, Program. Madison, WI. WI. Madison, Program. , 2016, Resources for learning and teaching critical zone science. Earth Educators’ Rendezvous 2016 Rendezvous Earth Educators’ for learning critical and teaching Resources zone science. 2016, , D. Duggan-Haas, doi:10.1130/abs/2017NE-291265. 11 approaches to science education reform. Geological Society of America, Northeast Section, Abstracts with Program, 49(2), 49(2), with Program, Abstracts Northeast Section, Geological Society of America, to science education reform. approaches 2017, Teaching climate change, energy, and critical zone science: Developing and critical optimally zone distinct science: energy, climate change, Teaching 2017, D. Duggan-Haas, climate communication. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Program, 48(7) doi:10.1130/abs/2016AM-287299. 48(7) doi:10.1130/abs/2016AM-287299. Geological Society of America with Program, Abstracts climate communication. , 2016, Fire and brimstone and Fort McMurray: Considering McMurray: the implications of apocalyptic Fire brimstone and and Fort rhetoric in 2016, , D. Duggan-Haas, abs/2016AM-287299. abs/2016AM-287299. on averting another failed reform effort. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Program, 48(7) doi:10.1130/ Geological SocietyProgram, America of avertingon effort. another failed reform with Abstracts , 2016, What is different this time? The NGSS, prior educational reform initiatives, and thoughts reform educational prior initiatives, The NGSS, What this time? is different 2016, , D. Duggan-Haas, America Abstracts with Program, 48(7) doi:10.1130/abs/2016AM-287299. America with Program, Abstracts Virtual Geological virtual to Society Using catalyze fieldwork Fieldwork of Experience: in K16actual fieldwork classes. , and L.A. Derry, 2016, The Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory 2016, Derry, and L.A. Ross, R.M. White, T. Smith, L. , D. Duggan-Haas, 1-10 September 2016, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. USA. Hawaii, Honolulu, 1-10 September 2016, using the past to manage for the future. International Union for Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress, Conservation Congress, World for Conservation Union International of Nature for the future. using the past to manage , D.A. Burney, M. Casey, B. Crowley, S. Durham†, E. Reed†, and J.A. Smith†, 2016, Conservation paleobiology: 2016, Smith†, and J.A. Reed†, E. Durham†, S. Crowley, B. Casey, M. Burney, D.A. , G.P. Dietl, doi: 10.1130/abs/2016AM-284937 doi: assemblages to guide environmental management decisions. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Program 48(7): Geological Society 48(7): of America with Program Abstracts decisions. management to guide environmental assemblages , S.R. Durham†, J.A. Smith†, and A. Tweitmann†, 2016, AMBI and Bentix can be applied to molluscan death 2016, Tweitmann†, and A. Smith†, J.A. Durham†, S.R. , P. G. Dietl, abs/2016AM-281792 : Part 2, Modern food web analysis. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 48(7): doi: 10.1130/ doi: Geological Society 48(7): of America Modern analysis. food web with Programs Abstracts 2, Part : duplicata , 2016, Stable isotopic analysis omnivory reveals Neverita the naticid gastropod in 2016, , Dietl and G.P. Fall, L.M. M., Casey, 209-12. Western Interior Seaway and Gulf Coastal Plain. Geological Society of America Annual National Meeting, Abstract No. Abstract No. Geological Society Interior Seaway Meeting, and Gulf of America Plain. Coastal National Annual Western mollusks from “greenhouse” and “icehouse” climatic regimes: Plio-Pleistocene of Florida vs. Late Cretaceous of the U.S. Plio-Pleistocene climatic of the U.S. Late Cretaceous regimes: of Florida“icehouse” vs. and “greenhouse” mollusks from , D.H. Geary, D.S. Friend†, P.J. Harries, J. Pustilnik†, and R. Ostrander, 2016, Ranges of variability in marine 2016, Ostrander, and R. Pustilnik†, J. Harries, P.J. Friend†, D.S. Geary, D.H. , W.D. Allmon, Annual National Meeting, Abstract No. 75-5. No. Abstract Meeting, National Annual evolutionary significance of turritellid gastropods from the Miocene of northern Colombia. Geological evolutionarySocietyAmerica of the Miocene of northern significance of turritellid from Colombia. gastropods , T.M. Khan†, J.H. Escobar, A.J.W. Hendy, E. Stiles, and B.M. Anderson†, 2016, Biostratigraphic and 2016, Anderson†, and B.M. Stiles, E. Hendy, A.J.W. Escobar, J.H. Khan†, T.M. , W.D. Allmon, Geological Society of America Annual National Meeting, Abstract No. 46-11. No. Abstract Geological Society Meeting, of America National Annual , 2016, When domes are spandrels: On septation in turritellids and other gastropods. in turritellids On septation and other gastropods. When spandrels: are domes 2016, Allmon, and W.D. B.M.†, Anderson, National Meeting, Abstract No. 11-3. No. Abstract Meeting, National , 2016, Museum collections and the philosophy of paleontology. Geological Society of America Annual of paleontology. philosophy and the Museum collections 2016, , W.D. Allmon, Staff and affiliated student abstracts presented at professional meetings at professional abstracts presented student and affiliated Staff

White, T., and T., White, 1758) (Cerithioida, Turritellidae) from southern Thailand. Malacologia, 59(2): 247-269. 59(2): Malacologia, Thailand. southern from Turritellidae) 1758) (Cerithioida, 7–10. 32(3): The Earth Scientist, and resources. activities , 2016, Observations biology the on 2016, (Linnæus, sclerochronology and duplicata of Turritella Allmon, and W.D. R., Waite, cycling consequences of Colorado River management. Royal Society Open Science, 3: 160170. 160170. 3: Society Royal Science, Open cycling management. River of Colorado consequences , 2016, Fossil clam carbon unintended shells reveal Fossil 2016, Dietl , G.P. and Flecker, A.S. Flessa, K.W. Auerbach, D.A. J.A.†, Smith, 12 RESEARCHING Society of America Abstracts withProgram, ofAmerica Society 48(7), doi: 10.1130/abs/2016AM-287327 fossils: context museum thegeological ofpaleontological fieldexperiences. specimensthrough Exploring virtual Geological White, L. D., R.M. Ross, Duggan-Haas J.R. Bean, E.C. Clites, andC.R. Marshall, 2016, Connecting thefieldto gastropods.turritelline Annual National ofAmerica Meeting, Society Geological Abstract No. 163-2. Waldman, E.K.†, B.M. Anderson†, andW.D., Allmon 2016, onsediment retention in morphology ofshell The effect Abstracts withProgram 48(3): doi: 10.1130/abs/2016SE-273745. in thelower Waccamaw Formation Carolina. North insoutheastern atPrince’s ofAmerica Society Quarry Geological Visaggi, C.C., S. Siriani, M. Toro, K. Holtzclaw, A. Acker, B. Parnell, G. Dietl, andP.H. Kelley. 2016. Drilling abs/2016SE-273767. Carolina. North in southeastern AbstractswithProgram ofAmerica 48(3): Society Quarry Geological doi: 10.1130/ faunasfrom inmolluscan thelower characteristics WaccamawExamination ofanti-predatory Formation atPrince’s Visaggi, C., R. Jackson, S. Molloy, J. Gershon, P. Douglas, A. Acker, B. Parnell, G. DietlandP.H. Kelley. 2016. abs/2016SE-273820. Carolina. North in southeastern AbstractswithProgram ofAmerica 48(3): Society Quarry Geological doi: 10.1130/ P.H. Kelley. 2016. Taphonomy faunasfrom ofmolluscan thelower anddiversity Waccamaw Formation atPrince’s Visaggi, C., G. Chang, X. Guan, L. Johnson, M. Steele, O. White-Akinbohun, A. Acker, B. Parnell, G. and Dietl abs/2016SE-273849. Carolina. North in southeastern Abstracts withProgram ofAmerica 48(3): Society Geological doi: 10.1130/ 2016. Trophic andbioerosion faunasfrom ofmolluscan thelower ecology Waccamaw Formation atPrince’s Quarry Visaggi, C., L. Streib, M. Oldham, A. Rickles, D. Gardner, A. Gilly, A. Acker, B. Parnell, G. Dietl, andP.H. Kelley. abstract/2941. 2016,4th-8th July Adelaide, Australia. South change.societal adaptation toclimate Program andAbstracts: ClimateAdaptation 2016: Change, Challenge, Opportunity, Stadler, F., G. Dietl, andL. Houghton, 2016. An alternative adaptation paradigm: adaptation inform How biological can Program, 48(7), AbstractNo. 107-12 paleobiologists. Annual National conservation ofAmerica for MeetingAbstracts with Opportunities Society Geological Smith, J.A.†, S.R. Durham†, andG.P. Dietl, 2016. biologists: Conceptions conservation oflong-term dataamong marine Association MeetingProgram. Angeles, Los CA, States: scienceeducation. Regional content place-based system guidesfor approaches toEarth National Science Teachers Ross,, I.H.H., R.M. Zabel andD., Duggan-Haas 2017, Teacher-Friendly scienceoftheUnited totheEarth Guides™ Annual National Meeting, Abstract No. 311-10. the -Eocene maximum thermal shows littleimpact mollusks. on shallowmarine ofAmerica Society Geological Pietsch, C., L.C. Ivany, J.A. Sessa, W.D., Allmon J.C. Handley, andR. Lockwood, 2016, of bioticanalysis Multi-scale 14. from theU.S. Annual andAtlantic National CoastalPlain. Gulf ofAmerica Meeting, Society Geological Abstract No. 77- Kellner, C.†, D.S. Friend†, andW.D., Allmon 2016,(: inEoceneAthleta Residualcolorpatterns Volutidae) Abstract No. 312-9. cone snails(Conidae) from theGatunFormation ofPanama. Annual National ofAmerica Meeting, Society Geological Hendricks,, J.R. andphylogenetic ofMiocene lightreveals coloration patterns theshell diversity 2016, (UV) Ultraviolet Abstract No. 163-31. gastropodsincrease sincethelateCretaceous. inturritellid Annual National ofAmerica Meeting, Society Geological Gigliotti, M.†, C., Pietsch W.D. and , Allmon 2016, Turritellids takeover: range expansion andbodysize Latitudinal 10.1130/abs/2016AM-281799 duplicata: Part 1, experiments. feeding Abstracts withPrograms ofAmerica 48(7): Society Laboratory Geological doi: Fall, L.M., M. Casey, andG.P. Dietl, 2016. inthenaticidgastropod Neverita reveals omnivory isotopicanalysis Stable Abstract No. 240-18. from Peninsula,of Miocenemolluscs theGuajira Colombia. Annual National ofAmerica Meeting, Society Geological Escobar, J.H., A.J.W. Hendy, C. Jaramillo, J.H. Curtis, F. Moreno, andW.D., Allmon 2016, Isotopesclerochronology UnionGeophysical Fall Meeting, ED41C-07. 2016. Duggan-Haas, D., andR.M. Ross, 2016, fieldwork experiences. makingandusingvirtual ideasfor Key American (PRI staff indicated in bold; “†” student) Cornell indicates past orcurrent Brendan Anderson, Cornell PhD student

Cornell PhD student Brendan Anderson works on the evolution of marine snails under the supervision of PRI Director Warren Allmon. Brendan’s research involves using gene sequences of living snails of the family Turritellidae to reconstruct their evolutionary relationships, and then comparing these patterns to those derived from analysis of their fossil and modern shells. His aim is to understand the evolutionary history of this important group of mollusks, which has been abundant and diverse around the world for the past 130 million years. Brendan states, “The collections at PRI have provided me with the majority of specimens I have used in my research. I have conducted isotopic analyses on recent and fossil PRI specimens to study how the animals grew. I have also examined specimens using sections, CT scans and PRI’s electron microscope to study how shell features such as different thicknesses and ornamentation evolved. Access to a wide variety of fossil and recent species has been a vitally important part of my research.”

“The collections at PRI have provided me with the majority of specimens I have used in my research.” 13 14 EDUCATING New York State an OldGrowth Forest Remnant inCentral Smith Woods: TheEnvironmental History of The Teacher-Friendly Guideto Climate Change southeastern Alaska molluscan fauna from theAlexander Terrane, A silicifiedLate Triassic (Norian)bivalve of theSouthwestern US The Teacher-Friendly Guideto theEarth Science Paraguana Peninsula, Venezuela Middle MioceneCantaure Formation, Systematics ofthe gastropods oftheLower- Published ThisYear by PRI: topublishlargerthat mightbewilling monographic providing research, access tosystematic still andfewer are journals conventional andfewer fewer paleontology notes,McRoberts trend that isanunfortunate “It SUNY-Cortland professor Dr. McRoberts. Christopher Alexander Terrane, Alaska” southeastern by andwaswritten Late Triassic faunafrom molluscan the (Norian) bivalve publishedissuesistitled of ourmostrecently “A silicified the PRI wasbestknownamong for professionals. One research.of paleobiological Untilrecently, BAP waswhat otheraspects all workand-bolts descriptive thatunderlies paleontology,(book)-length papersinsystematic thenuts- monographic remainingoutletsfor one print ofthefew predates theInstitution itself. journal remains This technical Paleontology (BAP) hasbeenpublishedsince1895and since itsbeginning. Infact, American ourBulletinsof scientific research PRI hasbeenapublisherofhigh-quality Publications Ithaca, New York, 207pp. No. Publication Research Institution Special 52. D. A. Bullis, K. A. Jordan. 2017. Paleontological Allmon, W. D., M. P. Pritts, P. L. Marks, B. P. Epstein, No.Publication 53. Ithaca, New York, 284pp. 2017. Paleontological Research Institution Special Zabel, I. H. H., D. Duggan-Haas, andR. M. Ross. Paleontology No. 391: 1-110. McRoberts, C. A. 2017. ofAmerican Bulletins No.Publication 51. Ithaca, New York, 458pp. 2016. Paleontological Research Institution Special Lucas, M. D., R. M. Ross, andA. N. (eds.). Swaby Paleontology No.American 389-390: 1-582. cooperation ofA. W. Janssen. 2016. of Bulletins Landau, B. M., C. M. daSilva, A. Heitz, with Epstein, DavidBullis, Jordan). andKurt (by Warren Allmon, Pritts, Marvin Peter Marks, Blake ForestOld Growth RemnantinCentral New York State Ross) andSmith Woods: an The Environmental of History (edited by Zabel, Ingrid Don Duggan-Haas, andRobert this year: The Teacher-FriendlyGuide to Climate Change This is exemplifiedwell by two books that wepublished expanded inbothsubjectmatterandintendedaudience. More recently, PRI’s have ofpublications greatly catalog highquality.”at avery iswell respectedjournal withinthescienceandproduced research. paleontological systematically-focused The long-format ofpublishinghigh-quality long history are indecline, Paleontology hasa American Bulletinsof might publishlarge monographic works paleontological group). Althoughthenumberofpotentialvenues who faunaortaxonomictreatments fossil (say ofaparticular EDUCATING

Original of Plate 1 of Bulletins of American Paleontology Vol. 1, No. 1, published by PRI founder Cornell professor Gilbert Harris. Harris began publishing the Bulletins of American Paleontology in 1895. The journal is now in its 122nd year of publication. 15 16 EDUCATING • Critical Zone Observatory Network • ReaL Earth Project Inquiry Next Generation• ScienceStandards (NGSS) Leadership andPartnerships andinstitutions. larger partnerships resources toschools, teachers, andscienceeducators, andto outreach programming, by offering publications, and PRI provides local, regional, andnational educational Outreach in 2014. Zone istheouter skinofthe The Critical National University OfficewasestablishedatCornell (CZO) Network, whose Observatory Zone Critical the for outreach PRI istheeducational partner project ( Inquiry Earth oftheReaL aspart (VFEs) Experiences Fieldwork the design, development, anddissemination of Virtual throughout FY2017. PRIisalsoanational leader in professional development toolsandworkshops the Guides. PRIpromoted thebooks andassociated geoscientists increating andgeoscience educators Inquiry.project ReaLEarth of PRIinvolved dozens piece ofPRI’s multi-year, $1.8millionNSF-funded 2016, toregional scienceinfall Guides Earth thefinal PRI completedof itsnational series Teacher-Friendly upon theNGSS.heavily Standards,Learning sciencestandards thenew based implementation oftheNew York P-12Science State York asthestatebegins Department Education State Committee New for Steering Education Science Panel/ Content Advisory appointed totheScience Department. Education to theState InJune, hewas thestandards evaluated andgaveas they feedback the Science Teachers Association ofNew York State of Teacher worked Programs with Don Duggan-Haas (NGSS). Standards Next Generation Science Director national development andimplementation ofthenew staff PRI education were involved indiscussions of Garcia-Pichel, andD. L. Sparks. 2007. Soilbiogeochemical processes in Critical Zone layers. (Modified from Chorover,from layers. Zone Critical (Modified J.,R. Kretzschmar, F. the critical zone.the critical Elements3, 321-326. by R. (artwork Kindlimann) were editedby Don Duggan-Haas. the Trenches on focus CZscience. will In Bothissues of theNational Association ofGeoscience Teachers’ uponissue focused CZscience, and thisfall’s issue Association journal,, Scientist The Earth wasatheme 2016 issueoftheNational Science Earth Teachers on theCZOportal National Office website.fall The These resources are availablethroughE&O anew resourceseducational from drawn thenineCZOs. and RobRosshave created collectionof areviewed March 2017. Don Duggan-Haas, Moore, Alexandra video, Zone,”“Explore theCritical wasreleased in MeetsLife.” Rock CZ sciencecalled “Where The first WSKG hasledtotheproduction on ofavideoseries withBinghamton’sA partnership affiliate PBS/NPR Rico). inPuerto Luquillo in Pennsylvania, inCaifornia, Sierra Southern and Hills completed thusfar(Shale with three drafts for thenineCZO fieldwork sites, experiences virtual MooreAlexandra are in theprocess ofcreating types.Duggan-Haas and PRIstaffmembersDon across parameters geological arangeofecosystem nine CZOs thatmonitor biological, chemical, and to thebaseofgroundwater lens. There are Earth, extendingfrom thetopoftree canopy 17 EDUCATING assumed the role assumed the role Director of Teacher Programs, Teacher of Director PRI is a member of Western New York Environmental York New Western PRI is a member of than 100 groups an alliance of more Alliance (WNYEA), issues environmental to resolve who work and institutions Ingrid Zabel, PRI’s Climate Change Education Education Change Climate PRI’s Ingrid Zabel, Duggan-Haas and Don members active are Manager, of the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness the responsible for is This group (CLEAN). Network been Climate Literacy that have national Principles cited in several federal and educational initiatives array of grant in an programs. for proposals requests Advisory serves now Don Board. the CLEAN on annual the GeologicalAt Society of America’s Duggan-Haas, Don 2016, meeting in October PRI’s outreach website can be used by anyone with an an with anyone can website by be used outreach especiallyCenozoic marine fossils in fossils, interest 4) (see page of the U.S. coast west of the of First Vice President of the National Association Association of First of the National Vice President He will serve on (NAGT). Teachers of Geoscience and will for serve four Board years Executive NAGT’s 2017-2018. from as President Network (CLEAN) Network (NAGT) (WNYEA) • Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Awareness and Energy Literacy • Climate Teachers Geoscience of Association • National Alliance Environmental York New • Western 2017 Western New York Climate Summit at Buffalo State College in June, 2017. in June, College Summit at Buffalo State Climate York New Western 2017 Director of Teacher Programs students during the assisting high school Don Duggan-Haas Teacher of Director

Sample page fromSampleVirtual page Fieldwork website. the EPICC PRI is partnering with educators at the University of California to produce Museum of Paleontology virtual experiences to virtually fieldwork visit classic coast and Pacific paleontological the along field sites specimens that have and data from images to explore The partnership is the primary been collected there. “Eastern Pacific vehicle outreach for the project a set of of the ,” Invertebrate Communities nine natural history which of (one is PRI) museums museum from to put data online together working specimens of fossil life ocean found the Pacific along EPICC VFEs at the The coasts of the Americas. • EPICC Virtual Fieldwork Experiences • EPICC Virtual Fieldwork 18 EDUCATING which is supported by theNational Foundation issupported which Science ( project. This initiative— PRI isnow thehome ofthe DigitalAtlas ofAncient Life Digital Atlas ofAncient Life • Tompkins County Climate Protection Initiative Western • New York STEM Hub(WNY STEM) (TCCPI) and youth sectors. the education, business, government, local nonprofit, Ithaca, NYarea made upofcommunityleaders from coalition inthe energy action andclean is aclimate meetings. attendstheirmonthly regularly TCCPI PRI isanactive memberof TCCPI, Zabel andIngrid development. materials curriculum in scienceteacher professional development and Western New York Leaders, Science agroup engaged western New York. Heisalsoanactive memberofthe of science, technology, engineering, andmathematicsin York STEM Hub, theteaching aninitiative tosupport inthe participates WesternDon Duggan-Haas New Processas itsEducation Group. WNYEA’s Working ClimateandEnergy Group, aswell in western New York. on serves Don Duggan-Haas and Cretaceous atlases. with production digitalcontent theNeogene for ofnew over thepastyear (SUNY Geneseo)—assistedHendricks andIsaac Bilinski (TC3) Casterline assistants—Rachel Wang (PRIcollections assistant), andtwo digitization (Cornell, Durham Stephen Ph.D., 2017), Vicky under development ( below ashallowocean—iscurrently Kansas like modern theage ofthedinosaursandcoveredin two during places Western American divided North Seaway—which Interior Atlas,new on focuses Cretaceous which from fossils the ( UnitedStates southeastern An all (, andtheNeogene ofthe org), thePennsylvanian ofthemidcontinent UnitedStates fromfossils theCincinnatiregion (www.ordovicianatlas. Atlases have already beenproduced theOrdovician for discoveries. abouttheirfossil identify andlearn Digital paleontologists, aswell asteachers andtheirstudents, regionsparticular tohelpavocational andprofessional provides free, online digital “field guides”fossils from to and ledby Jonathan Director Hendricks— ofPublications Nature changeandevolution Centerpresent climate andCayuga Exhibitions attheMuseumofEarth theNortheastern science teachersboth school books andCDsto secondary through Mayfunds tosend run 2018to raise will which are now online andmay beaccessed atwww. the Fossil Record, Systematics, andGastropoda colleagues. on Initialchapters theNature of by Hendricks,written withhis incollaboration online “textbook” aboutancientlife. Itisbeing ofthisproject new, isanall as part openaccess, An additional resource thatisbeingproduced launched the launched Teach campaign ClimateScience InJuneof2017PRI purchase orfree download atclimatechange. challenging. The bookfor isavailable change issues thatmaketeachingclimate changescienceandthecognitive climate series, covers boththebasicsof which volume inPRI’s Teacher-Friendly Guide Friendly to Guide Climate Change, the10th 2017 PRIpublishedThe In April Teacher- geologic timescale. change over the change contrastedwith climate people makesenseofpresent andfuture scienceprojects,citizen andmore, we help professional development, website resources, Through exhibitions, curricula, presentations, resources. andnatural about theuseofenergy choices allow individualstomakeinformed istopresent education thatwill information PRI’sThe goal of change climate in efforts Change Outreach onClimate Spreading the science about climate change to counter misinformation

In April 2017 PRI published The Teacher-Friendly Guide to Climate Change, the 10th volume in PRI’s Teacher-Friendly Guide series, which covers both the basics of climate change science and the cognitive issues that make teaching climate change challenging. After learning that a publication full of misinformation on climate change was being sent out by a conservative think tank to over 300,000 teachers across the country, PRI launched the Teach Climate Science campaign in June of 2017. The campaign will raise funds to send our Teacher-Friendly Guide to Climate Change books and CDs to every public high school science teacher in the country., and is scheduled to run through May 2018. Alexandra Moore, a Senior Education Associate at PRI, is spearheading the effort. Along with a general fundraising campaign, she has been working to raise awareness nationally, including being featured in a recent Sierra Magazine article, and has started an innovative program to encourage people to purchase a copy of the book to be sent to their favorite teacher.

Cynthia Chu, Cornell Environmental Engineering class of 2020, with her copy of the Teacher-Friendly Guide to Climate Change that she purchased to have sent with a handwritten thank you to Jericho High School teacher Reena Bhasin.

19 Applying Math to Climate Change

Crystal Theesfeld’s pre-algebra class at New Roots Charter School, a public high school in Ithaca, New York, had never gone on a math field trip before. Nor had any of the other math classes at the school. But one spring day in early May the students went on a field trip to the to take on a big subject: responding to climate change. The students climbed off the school bus, grabbed their clipboards, and got to work. One group focused on the Nature Center’s driveway, which is facing erosion from increasingly heavy rainstorms. Students measured the dimensions of the driveway so they could calculate its surface area and evaluate three options: adding more gravel, putting down permeable pavement, or building bioswales alongside the driveway to soak up the rain. They applied unit cost amounts and came up with cost estimates for the three driveway improvement options. Another group focused on the costs and benefits of switching all the Nature Center’s lighting to LED light bulbs. They did a thorough assessment of the many different lights in the building, going from room to room and counting up bulbs. Back at school, they did calculations that helped them evaluate the tradeoffs between bulb cost and bulb lifespan. They found that although LED bulbs can cost more than incandescent bulbs initially, the energy savings translate to cost savings quickly. The third and final group looked into the idea of generating the Nature Center’s electricity locally, using an array of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels. They were given the Nature Center’s annual electricity usage data, and asked to figure out if the Nature Center’s needs could be met by covering the roof of the lodge with solar PV panels. To do this they had to measure the surface area of the lodge’s multiple roofs…without going up on the roof. This involved making measurements and estimates on the ground, using the symmetry of the lodge to reduce the number of measurements they had to make, and using the Pythagorean Theorem on roof ends to calculate roof dimensions.


PRI’s Associate Director for Outreach, Robert Ross, talking with teachers in the Taughannock Falls gorge during a Master Teacher VFE Workshop. concepts in an approachable way for visitors, and include Friendly Guide to Climate Change to every US high displays on local and global climate in the Cayuga Nature school and high school science teacher. Center’s Leopold Climate Room and the Museum of the Earth’s glacier exhibition. PRI participates with regional • Science Teacher Association of New York organizations and alliances to promote public literacy State (STANYS) in climate change and associated environmental issues PRI continues a tradition of strong presence at and topics, including CLEAN and WYNEA. We are an the Annual Meeting of STANYS. Rob Ross, Don outreach partner of Cornell University’s Atkinson Center Duggan-Haas, Ingrid Zabel, and Maureen Bickley for a Sustainable Future, and a member of the Tompkins attended this year’s meeting in November 2016. County Climate Protection Initiative (TCCPI) coalition. PRI staff led five workshops at the conference, with For teachers of Earth sciences, we provide workshops that Zabel discussing the New York Climate Change help educators address controversial issues when teaching Science Clearinghouse as a resource for teachers, about climate change. Duggan-Haas speaking about adoption of the Next Generation Science Standards, The Teacher-Friendly Teacher Professional Guide to Climate Change, and Critical Zone science, and Don, Rob, and Maureen speaking about doing Development Earth and environmental science fieldwork. • Teacher-Friendly Guides™ • New York Earth Science Teachers Association The full seven-volume series of Teacher-Friendly (NYESTA) Guide to the Earth Science of the US was completed PRI has been involved in New York Earth Science in time for the Geological Society of America’s Teachers Association conferences, helping to host Annual Meeting in October 2016, and was unveiled the first meeting in 2014. Don Duggan-Haas at the PRI reception. These Guides are available at received their Distinguished Service Award at the, including The Teacher- second conference in July 2015. He assisted with the Friendly Guide to Climate Change, published in May planning and hosting of this year’s meeting at SUNY 2017. PRI has initiated the “Teach Climate Science” Fredonia, helping to coordinate trips to Niagara Falls fundraiser to support the distribution of the Teacher- and the Penn Dixie Fossil Park and Nature Preserve.

21 22 EDUCATING an example of an evolutionary building block thatenables buildingblock an exampleofevolutionary trees,teach aboutevolutionary usingskeletalanatomy as relationships ofsquirrels to onfocuses theevolutionary first interactive offering, Swaby designeda that program adaptation, ecology, relationships. andevolutionary For the project organisms, highlightsfamiliarlocal on withafocus at theNature Center. The“Evolution in Your Backyard” onfocusing expansion ofevolution-centered programming hasbeen Evolution Swaby Manager Education Andrielle we doatPRI.Evolution toalmost everything iscentral Outreach onEvolution • Teacher Resource Day post-doctoral researcherpost-doctoral JustinRichardson. Programming CZO Coddington Nancy andCornell by presentations by WSKG Director ofScience Teacher Resource Day inOctober2016, highlighted classrooms. attended More than70participants resources touseintheir teachers andeducators for Resource Day hasprovided free specimensandother For more than20years, PRI’s annual Teacher Part of the “You Are Here: Are HumanPart Exploring Evolution” the of “You ondisplay exhibit atthe Tompkins inFebruary, Library Public County 2017. Teachers teaching andother pickingupfossils material donated by PRI ourannual during Teacher Day. Resource Human Evolution” at wason view TCPL from February Library, Public County “You Are Here: Exploring staff.two Smithsonian PRI’s exhibition atthe Tompkins with ateacher workshop 13attheLibrary, on July given by . Human Exploring Origins called Programming started traveling exhibition hostedbySmithsonian theLibrary on humanevolution. wasbuiltaround a The partnership months programming ofexhibitsandeducational several with the Tompkins for (TCPL) Library Public County From 2017, December2016toFebruary PRIpartnered trees on each oftheenclosures.evolutionary relationships and has anintroduction toevolutionary trees.public understandingofevolutionary The exhibit project toimprove Services-funded Museum andLibrary inthe participation Tree Room project, anInstituteof trees inspired by our are withevolutionary illustrated relationships. signsattheanimalenclosures’The new on adaptations, notonly focus butalsotheirevolutionary New animalsignage andexhibitsatthenature center relatedness. scientists togroup speciesandmakepredictions about EDUCATING Photo of a deer fromPhoto trail-cam. Matt’s Matt Sacco, Director of Nature Center Programs, has been working has been working Center Programs, of Nature Director Matt Sacco, collaboratively Elementary with Caroline School to expand This educational Wilderness at their programming Campus. including the use of trail system utilizes programming, hands-on to educate about students taxidermy specimens and trail cameras, Lesson Science Generation plans align with the Next local ecology. Core. Standards and Common with First classes Grade Elementary at Caroline School Working Sacco has students using motion- and Belle Sherman Elementary, trail camerasactivated what types to investigate of animals live spent time looking have for example, Students, their school. around at tracks and writing about what they their hypotheses The trail used to provide cameras then are those tracks. think made School in Slaterville Springs, New York. New in SlatervilleSchool Springs, The The Wilderness Elementary Campus at Caroline

Matt Sacco students. working with elementary school

23 Bringing Nature Education to Local Elementary Schools Elementary to Local Education Bringing Nature environmental issues in support of a sustainable future. issues in support of a sustainable future. environmental world, the CNC inspires students to take on both local students to take on and global the CNC inspires world, students in direct, fun, reality-based learning about the natural fun, students in direct, This is why I am going to be a doctor.” By engaging teachers and By engaging teachers going to be a doctor.” I am This is why heart dissection, one 5th grade student said, “This is awesome. “This is awesome. student said, 5th grade one heart dissection, positioned the camera in front of her cat door. During the deer of her cat the camerapositioned door. in front wanted to guarantee so she that the camera take pictures would know about using camera traps and animal behavior. One student using camera about know traps and animal behavior. to be the field expert their family and teach they members what the camera home for a few nights. This gives them the chance This gives the camera for home a few nights. fox or deer. The students are also given the opportunity also given The students are take to or deer. fox evidence to test their hypotheses, such as images of a bobcat, of a bobcat, such as images evidence to test their hypotheses, Director of Nature Center Programs Matt Sacco at the Nature Center demonstrating how humans would be able to cut meat off an animal bone using stone tools during the Darwin Days Paleolithic Family Day, February, 2017.

through the end of March. The exhibit featured a large variety of human skulls and other specimens and was created in collaboration with CU and IC anthropology departments. Visitors learned about how biology, culture, and environment intersect to make us who we are.

Darwin Days 2017: Exploring Human Origins ran from February 12-18 in conjunction with our human evolution exhibit at TCPL. The event series was coordinated by Andrielle Swaby, and included a screening of Inherit the Wind; a panel discussion on the evolution of human sociality; a Science Cabaret presentation about the art of showing human evolution; a keynote presentation by Dr. Ian Tattersall of the American Museum of Natural “You Are Here: Exploring Human Evolution” exhibit on display at EDUCATING History on the origins of human cognition; Darwin the Tompkins County Public Library. trivia night; and “Paleolithic Family Day” featuring a demonstration about the history of flint-knapping and its cultural significance.

PRI Director Warren Allmon giving the Science Cabaret presentation A demonstration of flint knapping during the Darwin Days’ during the 2017 Darwin Days celebrations. Paleolithic Family Day. 24 Exhibits

Combining real specimens with expert design and of years it’s been one of the most significant crops for fabrication, our award-winning exhibits create lively and humankind—and why it continues to surprise us. Visitors engaging educational experiences for the general public explore some of the newest discoveries in modern genetic at local, regional, and national levels. Exhibitions at both research that helps scientists better understand the the Museum of the Earth and Cayuga Nature Center evolution of maize and how that knowledge can improve provide unique and memorable learning opportunities everyday life, at both a local and global level. for visitors of all ages and backgrounds. The permanent, temporary, traveling, and off-site exhibits produced by PRI This year the exhibit has traveled to the Marion County are making Earth science accessible to all by exploring the Public Library in West Virginia, Flint Hills Discovery 4.5 billion years of Earth’s history through art, science, and Center in Kansas and the Stamford Museum & Nature PRI’s world-renowned fossil collections. Center in Connecticut. Traveling Exhibitions Did Dinosaurs Poop? This award-winning exhibition presents a fun, colorful Maize: Mysteries of an Ancient Grain approach to learning about fossils and the diets of various

dinosaur species. It is currently at the Ecotarium in EDUCATING This exhibit, funded by the National Science Foundation, Worcester, Massachusetts until January 2018. explores the evolution of maize and why for thousands

PRI’s traveling exhibition “Maize” on display at the Stamford Museum and Nature Center, Stamford, Connecticut.

25 26 EDUCATING of theinstitution andits mission. make upSmith Woods, ourpublicvenues are avitalpart through thestunning32acres ofold-growth forest that theEarth’sdisplaying treasures inindoor exhibitsor theenvironmentfor andsciencesinourvisitors. Whether around usandtocultivate apassionto thebeautifulworld At PRIwe aspire tobearesource connecting for people the Woodsin : justthisinhisbook statesaneedfor theLastChild Louv visitor toestablishaconnection totheEarth. Richard change, evolution, andpersonal awareness, the calling Woven through bothvenues are thethemesofclimate forests and fields, in our asitunfolds ownbackyards. today,on Earth bothinthelodge andinthesurrounding record;the fossil oflife theNature usthestory Centertells through of on thoughtfulandinnovative displays life Earth and Cayuga Nature Center. of thestory The Museumtells venues,PRI hastwo educational theMuseumofEarth of theEarth Museum people loseinterest inprotecting it.” “without thatconnectionto nature, “without The Devonian the Earth. exhibit intheMuseumof World

immersive experience intothistimeperiod. immersive experience the Museumwas firstdesigned, andproviding amore “coal swamp” forest thatwasenvisioned 15years ago when thisexhibit, for tree trunk marking thecompletion ofthe lycopod giantdragonfly modeland anew who fabricated we withrenowned partnered model-maker Terry Chase, tree andassistedinthe installation. branches Inaddition, paintedthereattached volunteer Ron George scenically in2014.National MuseumofNatural History Our tree modelstransferredfrom Institution theSmithsonian the incorporated andsuccessfully Carboniferous gallery finishedupgrades intheMuseum’sThe exhibitsdepartment Carboniferous exhibit upgrades Permanent Exhibition Upgrades tolife. ofprehistoric Earth thestory programs bring artistry, scientificcollaboration, interactive and various and theirfamiliestovisitorsfrom around theworld. Exhibit toarangeofaudiences, onlife Earth from students local of history abouttherich experiences learning meaningful PRI’s provides award-winning MuseumoftheEarth EDUCATING

-obsessed artist, -obsessed artist, Helicoprion fossils integratedHelicoprion with

Sharks Buzzsaw The Ago of Long by was fascinated Troll Alaskan artist Ray described Although first . fossils of Helicoprion a fossil found in the Ural in 1899 from most of the world’s of Russia, Mountains been have of Helicoprion specimens still-rare In mines. phosphate unearthed in Idaho’s by Idaho led a significant breakthrough 2013, State collaborating University researchers a Troll, specialists and with modern shark self-professed shed important new the weird light on the Idaho Museum from The exhibit, animal. tracked the unfolding History, of Natural prehistoric bizarre of a big, perceptions a wide array of through whorl-toothed shark, spectacular Also featured Troll. original Ray artworks by was a dramatic life-sized model of the animal paleo-sculptor renowned by as envisioned exhibit featured The Museum’s Gary Staab. the bursting through the model of the shark The exhibit also included a mechanical wall. a short activities, children’s jaw, interactive The exhibit was a and more. documentary, and music art, of science, unique combination ways people the many humor that explored the natural to know worldcome through (see photo on page 29) on page (see photo fascinating animals and the quest to unravel a provocativefascinating animals and the quest to unravel mystery. Part of the “Into the Depths” special exhibit, a retrospective of a retrospective the work of Meltzoff. Stanley exhibit, special the Depths” “Into of the Part

of undersea life. of undersea life. motion, and dramatic action motion, to truly capture the light, to truly the light, capture first—and one of the best— one first—and down. Meltzoff was the down. world of sporting art upside- environment turned the environment of fish in their natural His breathtaking depictions His breathtaking and underwater photography. and underwater photography. 27 early of scuba diving adopter young age. He was also an age. young diving and spearfishing at a aquatic lifeaquatic and began skin shore, he was fascinated by he was fascinated by shore, a child the New Jersey on of the underwater world. As of the underwater world. recognized master painter Meltzoff was a widely- Gallery in the Fall of 2016. Gallery of 2016. in the Fall the Museum’s BorgWarner BorgWarner the Museum’s of Stanley Meltzoff, was in of Stanley Meltzoff, a retrospective of the work of the work a retrospective Meltzoff ” special exhibit, Marine Paintings By StanleyMarine Paintings The The“Into Depths: Stanley Metzloff Retrospective Metzloff Stanley Special Exhibits Terry Chase and Museum Operations Specialist Leon Apgar inspecting the giant dragonfly. inspecting Leon Apgar Specialist Chase and Museum Operations Terry Museum Docent Allan Meritt talking with children during a Kids Discover the Trail! program.

Special Events that correspond to Museum exhibits such as local Devonian fossils, dinosaurs, coral reefs and glaciers, The Museum hosted a variety of special and annual events enhance students’ visits and curricular goals. In all, during the fiscal year to provide engaging educational over 3,800 students were served through almost 200 experiences, including: programs during FY 2017.

• 28 Million Years Later: A Prehistoric Puzzlehunt Seasonal Break Programs • DinoEggstravaganza The Museum hosts public educational hands-on

EDUCATING • Fossil ID Days programs during local Winter, Spring, and Summer • Fossil Mania 2016 school recesses, as well as extra holiday programming • Holiday, Winter, Spring, and Summer around Christmas and New Year’s. Programs attract Break Programs • Museum In The Dark • History of Life courses • Deep Sea Fishing: A Mirror to a Fragile Ecosystem • Smithsonian Museum Day Live

School and Group Programs K-12 Field Trip Programs The Museum offers many program options for K-12 students. These programs, A letter of appreciation to Museum Education Manager Maureen Bickley from a visitor on a school trip. incorporating subjects 28 different audiences, ranging from young children to older adults and educators. Special Programs Kids Discover the Trail! (KDT) As a member of Ithaca’s Discovery Trail, the Museum provides fun, hands-on educational programming for every 1st grade class in Ithaca, Trumansburg, Groton, Newfield, and Lansing School Districts. Through KDT program the Museum reached over 800 students during FY 2017. Learn more at Ithaca Loves Teachers The Museum of the Earth is EDUCATING a participant in Ithaca Loves Teachers, an annual teacher appreciation week that aligns with Winter Recess for the Ithaca City School District and focusses on thanking teachers through special programming and discounts.

Edication and Operations Coordinator Kelsey Capuso doing a Summer Storytime hour for young children at the Museum.

Part of the “Buzz Saw Sharks of Long Ago” exhibit on display during the Spring of 2017.

29 Cayuga Nature Center Cayuga Nature Center cultivates awareness, appreciation, and responsibility for the natural world through outdoor and environmental education. PRI merged with the Nature Center in 2013, and the Nature Center is critical to PRI’s mission in several ways, including our goal to create a premier educational center for teaching and learning about evolution and the impact of climate change on the fauna and flora of Central New York. Each year we reach thousands of people through public programs, school programs, and camps. Through the Kids Discover the Trail! program, we reach 800 Tompkins County 5th graders each year who participate in the Nature Center’s TEAM challenge course. Daisy, the red fox, one of our Animal Ambassadors Permanent Exhibition Upgrades scale Cayuga Lake Aquarium project, and additional enhancement of our live Animal Ambassadors collection. This year we expanded and updated the exhibits at CNC Revamping the Layers of Life exhibit and have plans to continue into next year with our large- We have expanded and revamped the Layers of Life exhibit on forest ecology to better convey the themes that focus on the treetops down to the soil, including new exhibits on Smith Woods and on Soils in Tompkins County. The soil exhibit was compiled by intern Liza van Kapel, who came from Wageningen

EDUCATING University in the Netherlands and worked with Cornell professor Jonathan Russell-Anelli and post- doc Justin Richardson to construct this new exhibit. New exhibit on Ticks and Lyme Disease

We have installed an exhibit on “Ticks and Lyme Disease”, which is an important public health issue in Central New York. This exhibit includes information about tick natural history as well as Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases. A detailed tick model, 70x the actual size, is part of the exhibit on tick natural history. Taxidermic mouse specimens illustrate other vectors The soil “monoliths” created by Intern Liza van Kapel in the Layers of Life exhibit at the Nature Center.

30 of tick-borne diseases. As part of the exhibit, we have provided extensive take-away literature for visitors about Lyme disease and its spread, where it is found, and how it is prevented, diagnosed, and treated. In addition, we have a workbook for kids and their parents from the New York City Department of Health that contains fun activities and educational information about ticks.

We also partnered with the Tompkins County Health Department to provide an in- service training for staff about preventing tick bites, removing ticks, and what to do if someone

thinks they might have a tick- EDUCATING borne disease. In close proximity to the Tick and Lyme Disease exhibit, we have installed a Manager of Animal Collections Amanda Moshier with Ichabod, the Turkey Vulture. redesigned deer exhibit that further makes the connection between Lyme Disease and the as well as a number of species of turtles, snakes, other vectors that carry it. reptiles, amphibians, insects, and smaller . New signage for the live animals added this year allows visitors Animal Ambassadors to learn about species ecology and evolution. To enhance the permanent exhibits on forest ecology, Climate and climate change, and evolution, Cayuga Nature Center is home to an expanding number of live Animal Environmental Change Ambassadors. The animals who call the Nature Center home are all non-releasable back into the wild due to of Staff members Ingrid Zabel, Dayna Jorgenson, and Brian injuries or having been born in captivity. Our dedicated Gollands developed and ran educational programs for staff trains and cares for more than 30 species—from school groups, summer camps, and the general public on hawks and foxes to domino cockroaches and turtles. This themes of local environmental concerns, climate change, year our collection of species native to the Cayuga Lakes and sustainability. This work was funded by the Park bioregion has grown to include red fox, great horned owl, Foundation and included activities at the Nature Center turkey vulture, red-tailed hawk, porcupine, and opossum, and at Smith Woods.

Oakley, the Great Horned Owl. The new pavilion at the Nature Center.

31 Summer Camp

Cayuga Nature Center’s Summer Camp has been in operation longer than any other camp in the area. Each year we see over 400 campers ranging in age from 3 to 16 years. Many of these campers return to us each summer, excited to gain new knowledge and skills from our staff of Environmental Educators who serve as their guides to the natural world. By immersing campers in our local landscape we cultivate an appreciation for the flora and fauna around them. Through observation-based learning, we provide campers of all ages with hands-on experiences that fuel their desire for further exploration. By engaging campers in on-site conservation projects, we are encouraging them to be environmental stewards who will make more informed decisions regarding climate change and the future of our planet. Research has shown that it only takes one positive adult relationship to make a lasting impact on a child’s life. We pride ourselves in being the safe space and familiar faces who empower these children and help them maintain a sense of innocence and normalcy while here at camp. Parents have noted the value of what a week at Cayuga Nature Center can offer their child. Responses collected from our 2017 Camp Parent Survey revealed praise for our staff ’s ability to make lasting connections with campers, and our ability to offer diverse and enriching activities. As one parent said, “I love that I know so many of the employees who have been there for a long time. I trust CNC. I also love that my little ones come home understanding and using words related to ecology and other types of science, and really understanding how the natural world works.” EDUCATING



happiest and she can just be herself.” just and she can happiest 33 summer home, it is where she is the summer home, it is where One parent told us “This told One parent is her place 34 EDUCATING Smith Smith Woods under thecareofPRIwhenwe thencame Nature Centertocontinue site. its useasaneducational In 2007, ownership ofthisforest wastransferredtoCayuga recreational purposes”. and educational of thepark stateandfor initsnatural park forever. ofthepark isThe purpose “thepreservation Trumansburg by Smith’s asapublic sons tobepreserved of tothe Village forestwasleft undeveloped fragment member ofthe Trumansburg community. In1909, this sparingly,he visitedtheproperty hewasawell known Smith Woodsincludes asasummer residence. Although from New York whopurchased thelandthat City (1822-1891)wasabusinessman Smith Atterbury Henry get never tosee anold-growth will forest. Americans forests USremain. intheNortheast of original Most According Growth Forest totheOld Network, 1% only year sinceEuropean settlementofthecontinent.every history. local embodying Sadly, theseforests have declined andculturally,ecologically providing auniquehabitatand first witnessed.Old-growthforests both are important thatEuropeanregion alandscape settlers toexperiencing get forested one inthe small area can may betheclosest ground, isaglimpseintothepast. Awalk through this trees,its enormous denseforest canopy, andnever-plowed New central York. butspectacularThis small place, with of thelargest remaining flattracts ofoldgrowthforest in justoutsideof located Trumansburg, New York. Itisone A.Henry Smith Woods isa32-acre old-growth forest Smith Woods Woods isopentothepublicyear round. of thepark through visitsandpublichikes. school Smith staff have continued touphold mission theeducational transfer, wascreated alooptrail andCayuga Nature Center keepingwiththeoriginal the Since oftheforest theintegrity topreserving committed ourselves merged withCayuga Nature Centerin2013, andwe have and ecology. archaeology, anthropology/ plant science, ingeology,experts of collaboration Smith Woods andhonor itshistory. The book wasa York State. The book’s aimstoincrease awareness about Forest anOldGrowth of History RemnantinCentral New March,Woods: 2017entitled Smith Environmental The PRI publishedabook aboutourold-growth forest in are inthemore notfound common younger forests. oftime,over long periods sometimes rare even speciesthat have communities ofplantsandanimals thathave survived tree-fall gapsandawoody forest floor. often forests These standing dead trees. alsocontainThey layered canopies with have large livingtrees forests often aswell as Old-growth same place atthesametime. species ofanimalsandplantsallow themtolive inthe forestscan sustainvarious thattheseolder stratification distinct anddifferent layers. ofthediverse Itisbecause stratified; heavily forests are have they generally very have beencutdown andhave sinceregrown. Old-growth forests, are consideredAmerica secondary inthatthey features.has uniquebiodiversity Mostforests inNorth disturbance, human, particularly usually andwhich virgin forest, isone thatdoesnothave any significant An old-growth forest, or alsoknown asaprimeval What isanOld-Growth Forest?

EDUCATING 35 36 PEOPLE Trustees &Staff Patricia Haugen Long Nelson Hairston David Dieterich Rodney FeldmannRodney William Ausich William William Engles William Thomas Cronin Jennifer Biloski Jennifer Peter Bardaglio Joanne Florino Susan Fleming Susan J. Erickson Mark Elisabeth Boas H. Curran Allen Sandy Epstein Sandy Percy Browning Loren Babcock Loren Patricia Kelley Diana Boyer Philip Bartels Philip Brian Bauer Brian Alton Clark Teresa Jordan James Cordes Bob Horn, Jr. Harold Craft Shirley Egan Shirley Larry Baum Larry Linda Ivany Karl Flessa Karl John Allen Harry Lee Harry Jim FogelJim Trustees Emeritus Judith Terry Smith Judith Terry Michael Kamarck Charlie Mulligan Charlie John Hermanson Mary Opperman Mary Melzar Richards Melzar Arthur WatermanArthur Harry Leffingwell Harry Philip ProujanskyPhilip Thomas Whiteley Thomas Jean McPheeters Roger Thomas Rob Mackenzie John Handley Constance Soja John Steinmetz Marvin Pritts Marvin D.Over Jeffrey David Meyer James Morin Bryan Isacks Bryan Mary Shuford Mary Amy McCune Edward Picou Dale Springer Katy PearceKaty Ken Rother James Sorauf David Taube Don Wilson Don Wilson Peter Stifel Phil Reilly Phil Marissa Zuckerman Marissa Beth Stricker Pietsch Carlie Alana McGillis Cienna Lyon Mark Lucas Lanigan Kevin Grove Sarah Wade Greenberg-Brand FY2017: who movedonduring We liketo colleagues would thankthefollowing , Zabel Ingrid ClimateChange Manager Education , Wilson Savannah Animal Manager Education WangVicky , Collections Assistant , Swaby Andrielle Evolution Manager Education , Associate Snedeker Kelley Services Visitor , Skibinski Leslie Collections Manager ,Amanda Schmitt AssistanttotheDirector Matt Sacco, Director ofNature CenterPrograms Ross,Robert AssociateDirector Outreach for , Pietsch Carlie Postdoctural Fellow Moore,Alexandra Associate Education Senior Amanda Moshier, Manager ofAnimal Collections Pam, Millar MembershipandDevelopment Associate , and Michael Lucas Associate Director Finance for , Lesh Georgia Director ofDevelopment andMarketing , Klose Bill Research Associate JorgensonDayna , Environmental Manager Education ,Jonathan Hendricks Director ofPublications , Harper Jim Manager ofMarketing andCommunications ,John Gurche Artist-In-Residence ,Michael Griswold Facilities Manager , Associate Griffin Matthew Services Visitor , Gollands Brian Manager IT Dave Fass , Supervisor Services Visitor ,Don Duggan-Haas Director of Teacher Programs Greg Dietl, Director ofCollections Associate Services , Heather Delaney Visitor , Capruso Kelsey andOperations Coordinator Education ,Maija Cantori Services Director of Visitor , Manager and Branigan Patrick Volunteer Services Visitor Helaina Blume, Director ofExhibitions Maureen Bickley, Manger MuseumEducation , Apgar Leon MaintenanceandOperations Specialist Warren, Allmon Director Staff Administration Coordinator

PEOPLE College Colleges and Universities and Colleges Cornell University UniversityBinghamton College Colorado College Mesalands Community College Mt Holyoke Oberlin College Technology Rochester Institute of Lawrence University St. SUNY Geneseo SUNY Oneonta SUNY Oswego Community Tompkins-Cortland University Tulane University (Colombia) of the Andes University (Netherlands) Wageningen of The College William and Mary Work-Study Students Work-Study Eleanor Bent Grace Burgin Kelly Crandall Daniel Farthing Gattine Jordan Agnes Goldrich Leah Hoffman Zach Keller Grace Marcelo-Rameriz ObiomaUre Stepke Tyler Rory Strauss UllmannAnna Lillian Zhang Assistants Elizabeth Altier Bilinski Isaac Michaela Brew Rachel Castrerline Ming Khan Michael Zelko Interns Maria Altier Emily Barbay Bowdish Maeve Maggie Butler DerryClaire DunnAnn Julie Erickson Fundaun Mikaela Gaetano Maddie Siddharth Gavirneni Michael Goodman Sam Johnson Cory Kimmell Whitney Lapic Limin Li Matthew Lin Mintz Tal Cavan Mulligan Sarah Noell Kelly OShaughnessy Sarah Ousley Hannah Owh Lisa Peck Emily Pfeil Rachel Rosenburg Elena Stiles Sarah Stuart-Sikowitz Shawn Taylor James Tupper Liza van Kapel Stephanie Waite Megan Woodrow Zhang Amy Internships / Work Study / Work Internships opportunitieswork-study and internships), assistantships (paid PRI internships, for gain experience students to way college in a unique environment, a great are These of our organization. deal to the mission while contributing a great and occasionally a student will builder, resume also a wonderful internships are The students during their study focuschange after our internships. completing local such colleges as Cornell from University commute or Ithacathe school year all the United States, over from talent but during get the summer we College, wonderfula and PRI staff with working These students find and even overseas. fulfilling experience.

Educator Assistant

37 , Youth Volunteer Youth Martinson, Wren , Youth Volunteer Youth Jack Masters, , Preschool Educator Preschool , Brianne DeVaul , Preschool Educator Preschool Lisa Gould, , Lead Preschool Educator Lead Preschool Katelin, Nelson , Environmental Educator Environmental Katy Stringer, , Environmental Educator Environmental SearlesMadison , , Environmental Educator Environmental Perry , Tara , Environmental Educator Environmental , Brian Parks , Environmental Educator Environmental Alana McGillis, , Environmental Educator Environmental Gattine, Jordan , Environmental Environmental Victoria Chamberlain, , Environmental Educator Environmental Seneca Brill, Environmental Educator Environmental Kelsey Brewster, , Youth Services Administrative Youth Alex Mitchell, , Camp Health Director Camp Health Kathleen Harrington, , Assistant Camp Director Assistant Camp Rachel Hallock, Camp Staff 2017 Summer individuals with special needs. information about being inclusive to and have giftedand have us with invaluable to work with, are dedicated to learning, dedicated to learning, are with, to work Heather and Kelley, have been wonderful been wonderful have Heather and Kelley, front desks. The two young women, women, young The two desks. front with obstacles for to employment the Challenge Industries to hire individuals IndustriesChallenge to hire This year PRI has startedyear with working PRI This 38 PEOPLE Julia Hoshino Holley Kristi Melissa Hodde Linda Hindall Healy Emily Hamilton Brittani Alison Hamilton Hairston Whit Hackett Martin Gupta Saloni Gilmore Lucas Ron George Gavirneni Siddharth Walter Gates Mikaela Fundaun LFrisaEmily Fitzgerald Surya Chloe Faehndrich Jared Everhart Jose Escobar Edgerton Elizabeth Durkee Lenore Doyle Erin Dimock Barbara Paula Cusano Amy Cusano John Cusano Cherney Sam Chase Larry Pat Charwat Amy Carey ButonAlexandra Megan Buteau Burlew Dick Peg Burlew Janice Brown Deanna Brodsky Dan Brewton Bilinski Deborah Noel Bentley Beer Otto Bean Kyra Anderson Sally Alvarado Zebediah James Alvarado Annastasia Alvarado Allmon Alexandra annual estimation ofthevaluevolunteers by IndependentSector). volunteers: thefollowing thankstoall Our totheinstitution,expertise one ofourlargestoverhead expenses offset $190,000(peran alsocollectively by they roughly 8,000hourstoPRI.than 200volunteers nearly contribute At thesametimethatthesevolunteers brought andexciting new programming, ourmission tofulfill isstrengthened witheach individualthat ourability volunteers. In2017, we had more apprentice ouranimals, tocare for educational sciencetoourinformal tothe professors wholendtheirpassion earth for ofourorganization’s talentsandinterestsvolunteer tothediversity brings thatcontribute expertise. From theyouth who Volunteers vital fill roles throughout ourinstitution. oflifeonearth, forthehistory With theirselflessenthusiasm each Volunteers Robyn Schmitt Schmitt Steve Jami Sassone Mark Sacco Sacco Lucia Julie Riney Mel Richards Alex Quintos PoysaEric Phelan Abraham Pfeil Emily Michael Perelstein ParisSasha Marcella Nolan Deb Nero Emma Mosier Aaron Minehan Ken Miller Chloe Miller Anita Michalak Meritt Doris Meritt Allan McNeill Phyllis Andrew McNeil Masloski Arthur Wren Martinson Martin Sam Gene Marks Mike Marano Michael Mann MacMillan Sam Maasen Skyler Lindy Curt Limin Li Law Bill Alexandros Laskaris Debbie Krueger Frank Kozlowski Klose Bill Klemann Shelby Amanda Kelly Melody Keifer Jones Viola Mohan Jewet Jensen Larry Jasinski Matthew Arjun Iyer United Way of Tompkins County House ofCayuga County Unity Learning The Web Franzisca Center Racker Club HighSerteen Dryden inLove CollegeBelieve Ithaca Saturdays CollegeService Ithaca CollegeProtestantIthaca Community CollegeIntotheStreets Ithaca GreeksCornell Give Back Omega Alpha Phi Cornell Americorps volunteer organizations andinitiatives: thanksalsogo outto Our thefollowing Rose Zabel YoungChris Caroline Wollman Anna Wilson Don Wilson Cathy Whalen Welych-FlanaganMartin Anita Welych WaldenmanEmily Peter(PJ) Voudouris ValentinoEllen TeganJennifer Regi Teasley TakadaSerena Stone Charlie Octavia Sola PamelaAnnabelle Smith Benny Smith Grace Smith Judy Smith Andrea Slavney Skoblick Barbara Simonds Kristin Liana Sicroff Emma Shaw Jackson Scholl Schneider Sarah Reba Schmitt “I love working with the animals, learning about them, and watching their interactions with the world. It’s good to be doing something that gets you off the couch and that you enjoy.”

Wren Martinson, Volunteer

Wren began coming to summer camp, where she eventually joined our Counselor in Training program. It was here that she got a glimpse of what it was like to care for our animals, and we were elated when she decided to join as a volunteer in our Animal Caretaker Apprenticeship program. In over two years of volunteering, Wren has contributed to the basic care of nearly all our animals. She has also contributed much time (and patience) to their enrichment, to help ensure our animals are amiable toward visitors and prepared for public programming. Wren likes to volunteer at the Nature Center to be more involved and to give back to her community. She does much of this during the summer, in tandem with playing the clarinet and participating in her school’s robotics club, but continues volunteering on the weekends through the school year as time allows.

39 40 DONORS Jan and Susan Suwinski Jan andSusan Judith TerrySmith Jean F. Rowley andElizabeth Melzar T. andJaneRichards Frank andRosaRhodes Edward B. Jr. Picou PerksWilliam and Paul McCarthy Catherine Davis Peter BethMarks andMary YoungWilliam and Wende Logan-Young Vector MagneticsFund oftheCommunity Linda Ivany andBruce Wilkinson andKym PociusJohn Handley HairstonNelson and Whit Joanne V.Florino Evans Howard andErica andDavidEpstein Sandy R.William Engles, Jr. andEmmelineS. Chang John andAnn Allen Callaghan $1,000-$2,499 Gorges Society Roger D. K. Thomas Kirchgasser William John W. Hermanson andLynn Swisher H. andJaneCurran Allen Adelman andRon Menner Merle $2,500-$4,999 Cayuga Society Winslow Armour FundMichael andLindaRivkin at Kaufman Derek andLeora Michael andDebbieKamarck Fleming Susan $5,000-$9,999 Devonian Society E.Estate ofSuzanne West Over Kurt Shulman andMyra James Morin andHeatherLane Bruce Peter andUrsula Browning Elisabeth Boas Bauer andLori Brian Gordon andCarol Baird Anonymous (2) Society $10,000+ Darwin Annual Fund Donors Foundation of Tompkins County Diego Foundationthe San Gene andJeanne Yarussi DonWilson andDolly David Weinstein Stark andChristina David andMarisue Taube Susan Brown-Sandberg Susan Dorothy Rinaldo P.Marvin andAllison Pritts Pojeta Lou John andMary MyersCorinne Meyer David andKani Meyer andJoseAndresStephanie Jean andDanielMcPheeters Amy McCune Lee andSarah Harry Teresa E. Jordan andRichard W. Allmendinger L.Bryan Olds andMarjorie Isacks Bob andJoanHorn Margaret A. Hendricks FullerRussell David Dieterich and Jim Terry Byrnes andEdBuckler Carlyn andAlanBiloski Jennifer Ausich William Anthony Antes Richard andAnke Allen Wessels andMarkMichele Aldrich $500-$999 Diana Boyer David Bottjer Blumenthal andDavidL.Susan Kreinick Daniel Blake and Robert Tonya Bittner Debbie BilinskiandKenMiller Rose Bethe Besharov andMarya Gregory Berkey Arthur Bret andGailBennington Community Impact FundBenevity Bellamy andNancy William andAndrea Barnett William Barlow Robert Wrexie andPeter Bardaglio Bannish Elizabeth Paul Babwin Thomas Babcock andMichaelRodriques Renee Aubry Armer Kendra AndersonKathleen Anindita BanerjeeamdMaximPerelstein Alvord Richard andSusan Allen-Gil Susan AlaniandEstherRacoosin Eric Abrams Lloyd and Virginia Anonymous Up to $499 Dede Hatch Harris-WarrickRonald andRebecca Peter andJames Harriott David Harper John Harper Margaret Hampson Hamilton Scott Guthrie Mary andDavidGrubb Sally GroveEllisia Grove Sarah Grainger andBradley Mary Josh Graham John Gorski Karen Goodman Gollands andBrian Euell Mary Aaron Godert andDebby Gillespie Graham Melton George andJudith Albert Van Allen U.Carolyn Franklin andJudyFogelJim David Fernandez Paul Feeny Berens andMary andJennifer WeinraubDavid Evelyn Evanega Sarah J. Mark Erickson K.Shirley Egan Edgerton Elizabeth Verne Durkee andLenore Diana Drucker Tom Dimock andBarbara W.M.Charles Dimmick Lynn Deuschle Grenda Dennis Delaney Matthew Delaney andRobert Michelle Debande Deane Samantha Deane Barbara R. Jeffrey Dean Joan DeBoer Ted Daeschler Kyle Cundy Harold Craft G. Walton andJeanCottrell Corson David andCarolyn James andLiskenCordes and Randall Valerie Cole Donna andAlton Clark Lawton andJeff Karen Christensen Christ Manon-Lu andJaneMt.Darol Chamberlain Pleasant Rasmussen ChabotandKathleen Brian Cassaniti Jackie Joseph Caezza Derek andNora Burrows John DavidBukry Han Broekman David Brittain Peter Brellochs DONORS Chapter of Foundation of the Community County Tompkins Tompkins of Community Foundation County ErinCounty’s Aljoe Schlather Dedicated Memorial Fund Historic Preservation Corporate, Corporate, Foundation, and Government, Support Non-profit Finger Lakes Mountain Club, Adirondack Amazonsmile Foundation Foundation AVANGRID Baker Foundation Morse Systems BorgWarner MedicalCayuga Center Union Credit CFCU Community Company Trust Canal Chemung Society Audubon Valley Chemung and Susan Michlovitz Fund Velleman Paul at the Museum of the Earth Fund at PRI Tompkins of Community Foundation Cornell University Edventures Elmira Savings Bank Foundation Engel V. and Jane Robert G. for Research Eppley Foundation Matching GiftExxonMobil Program IBM Foundation International M&T Bank Marvin Lee and Annette Foundation and Associates Livermore Patel, McCutcheon, Mid America Society Paleontology and Recreation Parks, State Office of York New State Department of Labor York New Foundation Park VillageShops at Trader Snug Planet Society Conservation Resources for Natural Charitable Gift Fund Tompkins County Health Department Tompkins Program Tourism County Tompkins Insurance Agencies Tompkins Properties Hyde Travis Markets Food Wegmans Charles Ver Straeten Charles Ver Waller and Carolyn Thomas Vicky Wang Arthur Waterman Gary Webster Wilson Karl A. William Charlotte and Winkky Winter and Laura Falk Alan Falk Wittink and Alicia Mark Wodzinski Richard Claudia and Timothy Wolcott R. Wolczanski T. Peter Young Jennifer and Monte Arthur Young-Wick Ingrid Zabel and Mark Matthew Zenkar Marissa Zuckerman Joel Zumoff Osborne and Monica Nye Jennifer Olori O’Neill M. Teresa MaryWilliam and Opperman OrganCal and Joan Gail Osberg Jeffrey Over D. Paddock Catherine K. and Sol Gruner Rosemarie Parker Parsley Ronald Lawrence and Gibbons Ritchie Patterson Payne Anne Katy and Art Pearce Catherine Penner Karen Perrigo Sarah Perry Anderson Michael Pinnisi and Paige and BarbaraRoy Pollock Raeline and Pritts Ronald Ed and Roberta Przybylowicz Quan Frederic Leslie Quick RappaportAndrew and Lorna Bayer Bruce Robertson Susan Robinson Robson Mark Rose Frank Nerissa Russell Carolyn Sampson Judith Schiebout and Martin Schlabach MaryWelser Jean Schlecht Trina Edith Schmeiser Schuller David J. Scott Robert W. and Linda ShaffRichard Gail Shapiro ShardlowAlice and Don Shaw and Gail N. Willam R. Scott Sheavly Eames-Sheavly and Marcia Abdul Razak and Emma Sheikh Tardos David Shmoys and Eva Mary Shuford Daniel Shulman C. Sibley and Carole Roger Joan Siedenburg SigelKirk Harry Singer SmathRichard and Jeffrey Suzanne Snedeker Spaulding Nancy E. Holly Steckl SternRoger and Carmela Merlo Carl and Judith Stock SussmanMark David Svendsen Tatar Paul Taulbee Donald Marty Taylor Thomas Peter Thomas Joe and Marney Toro Margaret Jose Torrao Trautmann Charles and Nancy and Sarah Beth Canaday Turkish A. Norman Megan Turnbull County Tompkins of Way United Kenneth and Mary Lou Upham Robbert van Renesse and Lesley Greene VanDerzee and Jane Thomas Lina Nice Peter and Elizabeth Nester Peter Charlie Mulligan Pamela Hallock Muller Pamela Vincent and Cynthia Mulcahy Livermore Suzanne Motheral Carol and John Morris and John Carol David and Helen Morey Robert Milici Paula Mikkelsen Paula Phyllis McNeill Marjorie McKinney Laura McIllroy Marshall McCormick James McConkey William and Shirley McAneny Timothy Martinson and Joanna Lynch Peter Martin Peter Ronald MartinRonald Randy and Terry Marcus Terry Randy and Michael Mann Brendan Mangino Brendan Sarah Magnus-Sharpe and Marc Rob and Maggie Mackenzie Edward Machak Edward Charles and Beth Goelzer Lyons John and KathleenJohn Ludders Virginia U. Lovelace Virginia U. Patricia Haugen Long Haugen Patricia Howard and Harriet LondonHoward Alan Lockett Bruce Lieberman Bruce and Claudia Lewenstein 41 Alan Leviton Peter and Susan LeVangia Peter Georgia Lesh Phillip and Owh Claire LefflerClaire Fred Leff Fred Neil LandmanNeil Donald Kress Donald Barbara Knuth and Kurt Jirka Carolyn Klass Gilbert Klapper Dooley S. Kiefer Dooley S. David Kendrick Crystal and Nan Arens Patricia H. and Jonathan Kelley and Jonathan H. Patricia Bettie Kehrt Peter and Mary KatzensteinPeter Daniel Karig and Joane Molenock Emilie S. Kane Emilie S. Mary Kane Mara Kanbergs Thomas and Heidi and Thomas Kammer Dayna Jorgenson Richard Johnson Richard Claudia Johnson Lucia and Georg Jander Andre and Jean Jagendorf Andre Nancy Hwa Sally Hoyt Ronald Hoy and Margaret C. Nelson C. and Margaret Hoy Ronald Don and BarbaraDon Hoskins Barbara Horowitz Elinor Hoffmann and Julian Elinor Hoffmann Sosner Roald and Eva B. Hoffmann B. Roald and Eva John W. Hoffman W. John Thomas Hirasuna Hunter and Jean Thomas Suzanne HinderliterRoger and Carole Hickman Carole Austin Hendy Austin 42 DONORS Home Green Home Roald andEvaB. Hoffmann Jonathan Hendricks Handwork Cooperative Co-opMarketGreen Star Glimmerglass Festival The Shop Frame Camps Firelight Experience! Lakes Finger The Edible Arrangements MountainSports Eastern Doucet Camille TrailDiscovery Damiani Winery MuseumofGlass Corning Cornell’s Adult University John andKaren Confer ofMusicandArts Community School Coltivare Hans Woodworking Clever Cinemopolis Cayuga VocalEnsemble Company Cayuga Landscape Cayuga ChamberOrchestra Street BooksBuffalo atRossParkBinghamton Zoo Altier andCraig Maureen Bickley and Larry Trudy Baum MuseumofNatural History American Warren Allmon andJennifer Tegan AGAVA Auction fundraiser the onlineEpoch In-kind gifts to Zuckerman Marissa andMark Zabel Ingrid The and Restaurant Falls Tavern Rhoades Mariana Spa Rasa Puddledockers PageBarbara Goat Old Maxie’s Club Supper Life’s Chocolates Sweet So Owh andPhillip Georgia Lesh Island Health&Fitness Indian Creek Farm Home Green Home Griswold, Honey&Homes Co-opMarketGreen Star Gimme! Coffee & Running Lakes Finger Triathlon Company MountainSports Eastern Energy Ehrhart Orchards Cornell Cayuga VentureFund Cayuga Lumber Company Cayuga Landscape Atlas Bowl Warren Allmon andJennifer Tegan In-kind gifts Ingrid andMark Zabel Ingrid andDesign Wine Wegmans Food Markets Ed Thomas Tamperista Days Sunny JapaneseRestaurant Sumo Benjamin Solomon Sobel Christi Simeons TrailWine Lake Seneca Robyn Schmitt andBrenda Ross Robert Ridenour Nancy Melzar T. andJaneRichards Red Feet Market Wine Spa Rasa IceCream Purity P.Marvin andAllison Pritts Penn DixieFossil Park Monroe Payne Pastimes PageBarbara andSpirits Northside Wine and Museum ofScience Technology Multifaceted Minerals Restaurant Moosewood Michaleen’s &Garden Center Florist Jean andDanielMcPheeters Maxie’s Club Supper Mackenzie-Childs Rob andMaggieMackenzie YoungWilliam and Wende Logan-Young Lichtmann Kurt Winery Landing Lamoreux La Tourelle Inn Country Company Theatre Kitchen JorgensonDayna Richard Ivany Dance Ithaca Allan Langheinrich Allan F.William Klose Jonathan R. Hendricks Gunderson Gerald John Gorski Gordon Jerry Dana H. Geary Ciurca Samuel E.Carlton Brett E.William Bemis Gordon Baird Warren D. Allmon Specimens Donors Collections CarolinaScience The Museum of North Natural John L. Cisne Warren Allmon andJennifer Tegan andMarkMichele Aldrich the PRILibrary In-kind gifts to Larry Zuidema Larry Wright andJerry Virginia Cathy Whalen WendyL. Taylor L.Leslie Skibinski Association Library Skaneateles A.Estate ofPhilip Sandberg D.Susan Multer Tom Missimer Ronald C. Meyer Thomas E.Thomas Yancey Wendy Wolf Leopold andMike Wheeler andMichael Catherine Whalen David Weinstein Stark andChristina VermeijGeerat Triad Foundation andJudithStock Carl Roger andCarole Sibley Mariana Wolfner andJames Rothenberg Meyer David andKani Lynn B. Leopold FoundationLegacy of Tompkins County Kaufman Derek andLeora andNan Johnson William Club Jacksonville Shell John W.Hoffman Freeman andSusan Scott andDavidEpstein Sandy Elias Robert H. andJaneCurran Allen Patricia Charwat Bret andGailBennington Bartels andSusan Philip AVANGRID Foundation Warren Allmon andJennifer Tegan Anonymous (2) Restricted Gifts Teresa M. O’Neill H. andJane Curran Allen of In memory andMarcia Eames-Sheavly Sheavly Scott Ronald Pritts andRaeline K.Catherine Paddock andMarc Magnus-Sharpe Sarah Sosner Elinor HoffmannandJulian In honorof Gifts Memory Honor and In memory of Brian J. ofBrian In memory O’Neil Aldrich ofMichele In memory Pritts In honor ofMarvin Pritts In honor ofMarvin In honor ofCathy Whalen Pritts In honor ofMarvin Zabel In honor ofIngrid

Whitney Lapic, Summer Research Intern

Whitney is a Mount Holyoke student studying geology and paleontology. While attending the annual Geological Society of America conference in 2015, Whitney met a PRI staff member at our table. Maybe the Paleozoic Pals plushies attracted her, but she stayed and talked about interesting opportunities at PRI. She later contacted our intern coordinator about a possible summer internship for 2017. She was accepted into the Research Internship where she worked with Dr. Greg Dietl and his graduate student Steve Durham over the summer. Whitney accumulated around 340 hours in the lab, and participated in two of the summer fossil collecting trips. Whitney also has a strong interest in insects and made connections with Brian Gollands, PRI’s IT Manager and resident entomologist. They hope to collaborate in the future and she may contribute some of her insects to our animal collection. Our interns leave a mark on us through their time partaking in PRI internships. Our intense commitment to college student education and participation means our interns and volunteers grow as a result of the interaction, too. Whitney has said that she hopes to possibly return to complete her PhD at Cornell with Dr. Dietl.

Whitney fossil collecting at Rickard Hill, NY.

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Named in honor of Katherine Palmer (Director, 1952-1978), Palmer Hall is the Institution’s main building, housing PRI’s collections, laboratories, library, and offices.

Cayuga Nature Center

The Cayuga Nature Center’s education programs and exhibitions focus on the natural history of

the Cayuga Lake basin, and are conducted in the VENUES Lodge and on the 120 acres of woodlands and fields. Our live Animal Ambassadors enhance the learning experience.

Museum of the Earth

Opened in 2003, the Museum of the Earth is home to temporary and permanent exhibitions that teach thousands of visitors each year about the history of life on Earth.

Smith Woods

Located in Trumansburg, NY, Henry A. Smith Woods is the largest plot of old-growth forest in central New York. More than 32 acres in size, Smith Woods serves as a education resource for elementary through graduate students and a unique laboratory for researchers.


PRI (Palmer Hall) Museum of the Earth Cayuga Nature Center Henry A. Smith Woods 1259 Trumansburg Road 1259 Trumansburg Road 1420 Taughannock Blvd 8825 Falls Road Ithaca, NY 14850 Ithaca, NY 14850 Ithaca, NY 14850 Trumansburg, NY 14886 (607) 273-6623 (607) 273-6623 (607) 273-6260