Volume 13, Number 15 December 10, 1981 2 December 10, 1981 Intersession Studies Planned on St
Cornell Chronicle Volume 13, Number 15 December 10, 1981 2 December 10, 1981 Intersession Studies Planned on St. Croix The West Indies Laboratory on St. the Winterlude programs will be Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, will be John M. Kingsbury, Cornell pro- the base for three-week under- fessor of botany, plant biology, and graduate and graduate courses in veterinary clinical science; Howard tropical marine ecosystems and will E. Evans, professor and chairman as well be a resource for ten-day, of the Cornell Department of Veter- non-credit programs in underwater inary Anatomy; and Edward B. biology and island botany, all of- Brothers, Cornell assistant pro- fered this winter by the Division of fessor of ecology and systematics. Summer Session, Extramural Participants in the programs, which Courses, and Related Programs. are designed for all ages and levels Three concurrent credit courses of experience, will be introduced to are planned for Dec. 28,1981 the many forms of life on island through Jan. 20,1982 as part of beaches and reef-protected waters, Cornell University Summer Session use the facilities of the West Indies St. Croix Marine Biology Program: Laboratory, receive briefings from Field Tropical Marine Biology, Un- researchers living in an underwater dergraduate Research in Biology, or habitat, and explore the botany of Special Topics in Evolution and St. Croix. Ecology. Scheduling the undergraduate and The Field Marine Biology course, graduate courses and the Adult Uni- which is an introduction to the flora versity program to allow sharing of The Hang overs will be seen dashing through the snow (without the one-horse open sleigh) tonight as and fauna of coral reef ecosystems, facilities and common activities they go caroling around campus.
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