C U R R I C U L U M V I T A E November, 2016 J U L I A T. S A N K E Y Geology Program phone: (209) 667-3090 Department of Physics and Geology fax: (209) 667-3099 California State University, Stanislaus email:
[email protected] One University Circle website: https://www.csustan.edu/geology/sankey Turlock, CA 95382 __________________________________________ E D U C A T I O N Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, 1994-1998, Ph.D., Geology/Paleontology. Thesis, Vertebrate Paleontology and Magnetostratigraphy of the Upper Aguja Formation (Late Campanian), Talley Mountain Area, Big Bend National Park, Texas. Thesis committee: Drs. Judith Schiebout (chair), Arnold Bouma, John Wrenn, Juan Lorenzo Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, 1988-1992, M.S., Quaternary Studies. Thesis, A Late Blancan-Early Irvingtonian Vertebrate Fauna and Magnetostratigraphy from the Upper Glenns Ferry and Lower Bruneau Formations, Near Murphy, Southwestern Idaho. Thesis committee: Drs. Jim Mead (chair), Larry Agenbroad, Gary Calderone, Peter Price University of Arizona, Tucson, 1987-1988, Geology courses and field camp. College of Idaho, Caldwell, 1983-1987, B.S., Biology. Thesis, Fossil mammals from the Sinker Creek Butte and Guffey Butte area, Glenns Ferry Formation, Owyhee County, southwestern Idaho. Thesis committee: Drs. Patricia Packard and Eric Yensen __________________________________________ P R O F E S S I O N A L E X P E R I E N C E California State University, Stanislaus, Turlock, California, Geology Program Professor, 2014-present Associate Professor, 2007 to 2014. Coordinator of Geology Program (spring - summer, 2008). Assistant Professor, 2003 to 2007.