Background and Introduction
Chapter One: Background and Introduction Chapter One Background and Introduction title chapter page 17 © Libor Vojtíšek, Ján Lacika, Jan W. Jongepier, Florentina Pop CHAPTER?INDD Chapter One: Background and Introduction he Carpathian Mountains encompass Their total length of 1,500 km is greater than that many unique landscapes, and natural and of the Alps at 1,000 km, the Dinaric Alps at 800 Tcultural sites, in an expression of both km and the Pyrenees at 500 km (Dragomirescu geographical diversity and a distinctive regional 1987). The Carpathians’ average altitude, how- evolution of human-environment relations over ever, of approximately 850 m. is lower compared time. In this KEO Report, the “Carpathian to 1,350 m. in the Alps. The northwestern and Region” is defined as the Carpathian Mountains southern parts, with heights over 2,000 m., are and their surrounding areas. The box below the highest and most massive, reaching their offers a full explanation of the different delimi- greatest elevation at Slovakia’s Gerlachovsky tations or boundaries of the Carpathian Mountain Peak (2,655 m.). region and how the chain itself and surrounding areas relate to each other. Stretching like an arc across Central Europe, they span seven countries starting from the The Carpathian Mountains are the largest, Czech Republic in the northwest, then running longest and most twisted and fragmented moun- east and southwards through Slovakia, Poland, tain chain in Europe. Their total surface area is Hungary, Ukraine and Romania, and finally 161,805 sq km1, far greater than that of the Alps Serbia in the Carpathians’ extreme southern at 140,000 sq km.
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