Consultation Reevaluation Memo Amendment SH 170 from I-35W T
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Note to File TO: Doug Booher Deputy Director Environmental Affairs Division From: Justin Thomey, Elisa Garcia Subject: Consultation Reevaluation Project Name: SH 170 Project Limits From: I-35W Project Limits To: SH 114 Control Section Job Number (CSJ): 3559-02-007, 3559-01-004; 3559-01-001, 3559-02-001 (1989 EA); 3559-02-911, 3559-01-005, 3559-02-008 (2016 RCC) District(s): Dallas, Fort Worth County(ies): Denton, Tarrant Clearance Type: FONSI Original Clearance Date: 11/21/1989 Project Description: The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is proposing to construct discontinuous mainlanes and associated operational improvements along State Highway (SH) 170 from Interstate Highway 35 West (I-35W) to SH 114 in Tarrant and Denton Counties, Texas. As shown on the attached Project Location Map, the construction limits span a distance of approximately 5 miles within the cities of Fort Worth and Westlake, Texas. Project History: Development of the proposal to expand SH 170 has been ongoing for decades. The proposed project area is located within an existing transportation corridor for which right-of-way (ROW) has been previously acquired by TxDOT. The original Environmental Assessment (EA) received a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in November 21, 1989 (CSJs: 3559-01-001 and 3559-02-001). The schematic plans are attached. The EA evaluated a proposed facility consisting of four lanes (two in each direction) and three frontage road lanes in each direction. The original EA assessed three alternatives; Alignment A, Alignment B, and a No Build alternative. Alignment A was determined to be the preferred alternative due to strong local support. The existing frontage roads and cross streets were constructed by TxDOT in 1992, but the main lanes were not built. In September 2006, per the request of the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG), the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) authorized the North Texas Tollway Authority (NTTA) to evaluate the toll feasibility of SH 170. In September 2007, the NTTA Board of Directors approved a resolution authorizing the initiation of advanced project development, including environmental documentation, for the SH 170 project. In 2015, the NTTA and TxDOT OUR VALUES: People • Accountability • Trust • Honesty OUR MISSION: Through collaboration and leadership, we deliver a safe, reliable, and integrated transportation system that enables the movement of people and goods. An Equal Opportunity Employer 640.01.TEM Version 5 prepared a draft EA (CSJs: 3559-02-007 and 3559-01-004). The NTTA and TxDOT approved the Draft EA for public viewing in 2015; however, due to opposition to tolling, the project was not completed, a public hearing was not held, and environmental clearance was not acquired. A Reevaluation Consultation Checklist (RCC) was approved in June 2016 (CSJs: 3559-02-911, 3559-01-005 and 3559-02-008). This project improvements included restriping of the frontage roads to accommodate an outside bicycle lane and the grade-separated interchange at Parish Lane which was constructed in 2018. Existing Facility Description: The frontage road facilities were constructed in 1992 and consists of three lanes in each direction separated by a grassy median ranging in width from 250 to 560 feet. The existing facility occupies a variable ROW width of at least 380 feet up to 680 feet within certain areas. Each frontage road consists of a 40-foot wide curbed roadway, with three 12-foot lanes and 2-foot inside and outside shoulders. The functional classification of the existing SH 170 facility is urban principal arterial and is a controlled access facility. The facility’s frontage roads provide access to adjoining properties. The posted speed limit is 55 miles per hour. The existing SH 170 facility includes grade-separated interchanges at I-35W, at the Parish Lane crossover, and at SH 114. The existing SH 170 mainlanes from east of Roanoke Road to SH 114 were constructed in 2018 but not open to full capacity. They are currently striped for one lane in each direction and tie into existing frontage roads. The existing SH 170 mainlanes from I-35W to east of Roanoke Road have not been constructed. Existing SH 170 has signal-controlled intersections at Roanoke Road, US 377, Independence Parkway, Park Vista Boulevard, Alta Vista Road, and Old Denton Road. Stop-controlled intersections are provided at Main Street/Ottinger Road, Haslet Roanoke Road, and North Beach Street. A grade-separated Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) crossing structure spans the entire facility including the frontage roads. Description of Proposed Changes: The proposed project would construct two travel lanes plus shoulders in each direction with ramps to by-pass intersections at existing cross streets at Old Denton Road, Beach Street, Park Vista Boulevard, Independence Parkway, and US 377. The proposed improvements would result in grade-separated intersections at these locations for the construction of the discontinuous main lanes. All proposed roadway geometry would be updated to current TxDOT standards (stopping sight distance, vertical clearance requirement, horizontal/vertical geometry, super-elevation, etc.). The proposed project would not require any additional frontage road lanes, additional right-of-way (ROW) or easements. Per the 1989 Final EA, the proposed project would remove the Alta Vista Road, Haslet Roanoke Road and Roanoke Road crossings. The cross-street traffic at these locations would not have direct access from one side of the facility to the other side. The cross-street traffic must turn right to access a U-turn to proceed in the desired direction. Designated U-turn lanes at adjacent cross streets would be included in the proposed improvements. For the Haslet Roanoke Road cross street removal, there is an existing U-turn lane at Park Vista Boulevard to be used by cross street traffic. From east of Roanoke Road to west of the SH 114 interchange, restriping of the existing main lanes would be proposed from two to four lanes with a ramp modification east of Parish Lane. Frontage road improvements would include bicycle and pedestrian accommodations. 2 640.01.TEM Version 5 For each question below, indicate if there have been any changes since the NEPA approval or previous reevaluation. No Additional ROW? No Additional Easements? No Relocations or Displacements? Yes Environmental Issues of Concern? Describe: A Nationwide Permit 14 with PCN is required due to temporary impacts to wetlands. The proposed project would permanently impact approximately 0.22 acre of riparian vegetation (habitat) at the tributary to Henrietta Creek. Coordination with Texas Parks and Wildlife Department would be needed for habitat as the impacts exceed the threshold per the 2013 TxDOT-TPWD MOU. No Section 106 related issues? No Tribal Coordination related issues? No Section 4(f) related issues? Yes Endangered Species Act related issues? Describe: There were six threatened or endangered species identified in the approved 1989 EA. These were the Texas horned lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum), Central plains milk snake (Lampropeltia traingulum gentilis), whooping crane (Grus americana), bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), Arctic peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus tundrius), and black-capped vireo (Vireo atricapillus). Currently, four species were identified on the USFWS Federal Official Species List and consist of the least tern (Sterna antillarum), piping plover (Charadrius melodus), red knot (Calidris canutus rufa), and whooping crane. The proposed project would have no effect on these species. Not previously identified in the approved 1989 EA, there is one state listed threatened species and eleven species of greatest conservation need (SGCN) for which the proposed project area is within range and suitable habitat may be present. BMPs would be implemented for these species according to the 2013 TxDOT-TPWD MOU and no coordination with TPWD for these species would be needed. Yes Additional Public Involvement required? Describe: A public hearing is proposed in October 2019 to present information to the public on project improvements including additional controlled access near ramps and removal of cross street crossings. Per the 1989 Final EA, the proposed project would remove the Alta Vista Road, Haslet Roanoke Road and Roanoke Road crossings. Date PI Completed: October 31, 2019 3 640.01.TEM Version 5 Was a call conducted with ENV to discuss Yes Date of Call: July 26, 2019 this consultation reevaluation? This memo serves as documentation of the Consultation Reevaluation for this particular issue. TxDOT (Environmental Affairs Division and the District) has determined based on the information provided herein that the original environmental decision remains valid. ENV Digitally signed by Doug Booher Concurrence: DN: cn=Doug Booher, o, ou, Doug Booher [email protected], c=US Date: 2019.07.26 07:58:48 -05'00' 4 640.01.TEM Version 5 «¬114 Elizabeth Creek Cade Branch Roanoke 35W ¨¦§ Trophy Club Project End Henrietta Creek Denton County Tarrant County Westlake «¬170 Marshall Branch 10377 Haslet UPRR Project Begin Fort Worth Keller Big Bear Creek Source: NCTCOG streams (2019) and cities, counties, railraods, and roadways (2017). 0 1 2 ± Miles Legend PROJECT LOCATION MAP Construction Limits Denton County SH 170 35W Road Wise ¦¨§ From I-35W to SH 114 County Railroad «¬114 Consultation Reevaluation Tarrant Stream 377 County ¤£ ¤£287 Tarrant and Denton County Boundary Counties, Texas I I I I I