Flora of Oakmont Park, City of Fort Worth Tarrant Co

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Flora of Oakmont Park, City of Fort Worth Tarrant Co Flora of Oakmont Park, City of Fort Worth Tarrant Co. Updated 09 April 2015 150 species Oakmont Park FLOWER STATE/FED FAMILY OLD FAMILY LATIN NAME COMMON NAME BLOOM PERIOD Expr1006 COLOR RANK Amaryllidaceae Alliaceae=Liliaceae Allium drummondii Drummond's Onion ++345++++++++++ White/Pink Amaryllidaceae Alliaceae=Liliaceae Nothoscordum bivalve Crow-Poison +F345+++910++++ White Apiaceae Chaerophyllum tainturieri var. Smooth Chervil ++34+++++++++++ White tainturieri Apiaceae Cymopterus macrohizus Bigroot Cymopterus JF34+++++++++++ White/Pink Apiaceae Eryngium leavenworthii Leavenworth Eryngo ++++++789++++++ Purple Apiaceae Polytaenia nuttallii=texana Prairie Parsley +++45++++++++++ Yellow Apiaceae Sanicula canadensis Canada Sanicle +++456+++++++++ White Apiaceae Torilis arvensis Hedge Parsley +++456+++++++++ White Apiaceae Torilis nodosa Knotted Hedge-Parsley +++456+++++++++ White Apocynaceae Asclepidaceae Asclepias asperula ssp. capricornu Antelope Horns +++45678910++++ White Aquifoliaceae Ilex decidua Possum Haw ++345++++++++++ White Asparagaceae Agavaceae Yucca arkansana Arkansas Yucca +++45++++++++++ White Asparagaceae Agavaceae Yucca necopina Glen Rose Yucca ++++5++++++++++ White S1S2 S1S2 Asparagaceae Agavaceae Yucca pallida Pale Leaf Yucca ++++5++++++++++ White S3 S3 Asteraceae Ambrosia psilostachya Western Ragweed +++++++891011++ Inconspicuous Asteraceae Amphiachyris Common Broomweed ++++++7891011++ Yellow dracunculoides=Gutierrezia Asteraceae Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. mexicana Mexican Sagebrush +++++++++1011++ Yellowish White Asteraceae Baccharis neglecta Roosevelt-Weed ++++++++91011++ White Asteraceae Baccharis texana Texas Baccharis +++++++8910++++ White S4 S4 Asteraceae Cirsium undulatum Wavy-Leaf Thistle ++++567++++++++ Pink Asteraceae Coreopsis grandiflora=var. longipes Largeflower Tickseed +++45++++++++++ Yellow Asteraceae Diaperia prolifera=Evax (bracts barely Big-Head Evax +++456+++++++++ Inconspicuous visible protruding from heads) Asteraceae Echinacea angustifolia BlackSamson/Purple ++++56+++++++++ Purple Coneflower Oakmont Park FLOWER STATE/FED FAMILY OLD FAMILY LATIN NAME COMMON NAME BLOOM PERIOD Expr1006 COLOR RANK Asteraceae Engelmannia peristenia Engelmann's Daisy JF3456+++++++++ Yellow Asteraceae Erigeron philadelphicus Philadelphia Fleabane ++345++++++++++ White Asteraceae Gaillardia pulchella var. pulchella Indian Blanket ++3456+++++++++ Red/Yellow Asteraceae Gaillardia suavis Pin Cushion Daisy +++45++++++++++ Yellow Asteraceae Grindelia lanceolata var. lanceolata Narrowleaf Gumweed +++++6789++++++ Yellow Asteraceae Helianthus maximiliani Maximilian Sunflower +++++67891011++ Yellow Asteraceae Hymenopappus scabiosaeus var. Old Plainsman +++45++++++++++ White corymbosus Asteraceae Hymenopappus tenuifolius Chalkhill Woollywhite ++++567++++++++ White Asteraceae Lactuca ludoviciana Western Wild Lettuce +++45678+++++++ Yellowish Asteraceae Liatris aestivalis Early Flowering ++++5678+++++++ Lavender Gayfeather Asteraceae Liatris punctata var. mucronata Narrow-Leaf +++++++891011++ Lavender Gayfeather Asteraceae Lindheimera texana Yellow-Star ++345++++++++++ Yellow Asteraceae Lygodesmia texana Texas Skeleton-Plant ++++56789++++++ Pink Asteraceae Marshallia caespitosa=var. signata Barbara's Buttons +++45++++++++++ White Asteraceae Packera plattensis=Senecio Prairie Groundsel ++345++++++++++ Yellow Asteraceae Packera tampicana=Senecio Groundsel ++345++++++++++ Yellow Asteraceae Plectocephalus Basket-Flower ++++567++++++++ Pink americanus=Centaurea americana Asteraceae Pyrrhopappus pauciflorus=multicaulis Texas Dandelion ++3456+++++++++ Yellow Asteraceae Sonchus asper Prickly Sow-Thistle ++3456+++++++++ Yellow Asteraceae Symphyotrichum drummondii var. Texas Aster ++++567++1011++ Bluish White texanum=Aster Asteraceae Taraxacum officinale Common Dandelion JF3456789101112 Yellow Asteraceae Tetraneuris scaposa var. Four Nerve Daisy JF3456++9101112 Yellow scaposa=Hymenoxys Asteraceae Thelesperma filifolium var. filifolium Greenthread +++456+++++++++ Yellow Asteraceae Vernonia baldwinii Western Ironweed ++++++789++++++ Purple Berberidaceae Nandina domestica Heavenly-Bamboo ++++56+++++++++ Creamy-White Boraginaceae Lithospermum incisum Puccoon ++34+++++++++++ Yellow Oakmont Park FLOWER STATE/FED FAMILY OLD FAMILY LATIN NAME COMMON NAME BLOOM PERIOD Expr1006 COLOR RANK Brassicaceae Lepidium austrinum Southern Pepperweed ++345++++++++++ White Brassicaceae Physaria gracilis ssp. Cloth-of-Gold ++345++++++++++ Yellow gracilis=Lesquerella Brassicaceae Rapistrum rugosum Bastard Cabbage JF345++++++++++ Yellow Cactaceae Opuntia engelmannii var. lindheimeri Texas Prickly-Pear ++++56+++++++++ Yellow Cactaceae Opuntia humifusa=compressa Eastern Prickly-Pear +++456+++++++++ Yellow Campanulaceae Triodanis perfoliata=perfoliata var. Venus'-Looking-Glass +++45++++++++++ Purple perfoliata Cannabaceae Ulmaceae Celtis laevigata Texas Sugar Hackberry ++34+++++++++++ NA Caprifoliaceae Lonicera albiflora White Honeysuckle +++45++++++++++ White Caprifoliaceae Lonicera japonica Japanese Honeysuckle ++34567++++++++ White/Yellow Caprifoliaceae Lonicera maackii Bush/Amur ++3++++++++++++ White/Yellow Honeysuckle Caprifoliaceae Lonicera sempervirens Coral Honeysuckle JF34+++++++++++ Red Caryophyllaceae Stellaria media Common Chickweed JF34+++++++++++ White Convolvulaceae Evolvulus nuttallianus Shaggy Evolvulus +++45678910++++ Lavender Cornaceae Cornus drummondii Rough-Leaf Dogwood ++++5++++++++++ White Cupressaceae Juniperus virginiana Eastern Red Cedar ++3++++++++++++ Inconspicuous Cyperaceae Carex microdonta Small-Tooth Caric +++456+++++++++ Sedge Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia spathulata Warty Euphorbia ++345++++++++++ White Fabaceae Amorpha fruticosa False Indigo +++45++++++++++ Purple Yellow Fabaceae Astragalus crassicarpus var. Ground-Plum ++34567++++++++ Lite Purple crassicarpus Fabaceae Astragalus nuttallianus var. Nuttall's Milk Vetch ++3456+++++++++ Pink to Purple nuttallianus Fabaceae Cercis canadensis var. canadensis Eastern Redbud ++34+++++++++++ Maroon Fabaceae Dalea aurea Golden Dalea ++++567++++++++ Yellow Fabaceae Dalea compacta var. pubescens Showy Purple Prairie- ++++567++++++++ Purple Clover Fabaceae Dalea hallii Hall's Dalea ++++56++9++++++ Yellow S3 S3 Fabaceae Dalea multiflora Roundhead Prairie- ++++567++++++++ White Clover Oakmont Park FLOWER STATE/FED FAMILY OLD FAMILY LATIN NAME COMMON NAME BLOOM PERIOD Expr1006 COLOR RANK Fabaceae Gleditsia triacanthos Common Honey-Locust +++4+++++++++++ Fabaceae Medicago minima Bur Clover JF345++++++++++ Yellow Fabaceae Melilotus albus White Sweet Clover +++45++++++++++ White Fabaceae Mimosa roemeriana=Schrankia Sensitive Briar +++45++++++++++ Pink Fabaceae Neptunia lutea Yellow Puff ++++56+++++++++ Yellow Fabaceae Oxytropis lambertii=Astragalus Locoweed +++45++++++++++ Purple Fabaceae Pediomelum cuspidatum Tall-Bread Scurvy-Pea +++45++++++++++ Lite Purple Fabaceae Pediomelum hypogaeum var. Edible Scurf Pea ++345++++++++++ Lavender- scaposum Purple Fabaceae Pediomelum linearifolium Wand Psoralea ++++56+++++++++ Lite Purple Fabaceae Pediomelum reverchonii Reverchon's Scurfpea +++++6789++++++ Lavender- S3 S3 Purple Fabaceae Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa Honey Mesquite +++45++++++++++ Yellow White Fabaceae Styphnolobium affine=Sophora affinis Eve's-Necklace +++45++++++++++ Pink Fabaceae Vicia sativa var. sativa Common Vetch +F345++++++++++ Pink Fagaceae Quercus buckleyi=shumardii var. Texas Red microcarpa=texana Oak/Spanish Oak Fagaceae Quercus fusiformis Escarpment Live Oak Fagaceae Quercus macrocarpa Bur Oak Fagaceae Quercus shumardii Shumard Red Oak Gentianaceae Eustoma exaltatum ssp. Texas Bluebells +++++678+++++++ Blue-Purple russellianum=grandiflorum Geraniaceae Erodium cicutarium Filaree JF345++++++++++ Lavender Geraniaceae Erodium texanum Stork's-Bill ++34+++++++++++ Purple Geraniaceae Geranium carolinianum Carolina Geranium ++345++++++++++ White/Pink Iridaceae Sisyrinchium Blue-Eyed-Grass ++345++++++++++ Blue chilense=scabrum=ensigerum Lamiaceae Hedeoma drummondii Drummond's +++++6789++++++ Pink Pennyroyal (Peppermint) Lamiaceae Lamium amplexicaule Henbit JF345++++++++++ Lite Purple Lamiaceae Salvia texana Texas Sage +++45++++++++++ Blue/Purple Oakmont Park FLOWER STATE/FED FAMILY OLD FAMILY LATIN NAME COMMON NAME BLOOM PERIOD Expr1006 COLOR RANK Lamiaceae Scutellaria drummondii var. Plateau Skullcap +++45++++++++++ Violet edwardsiana Lamiaceae Warnockia scutellarioides=Brazoria Prairie Brazoria +++456+++++++++ Pink Liliaceae Erythronium albidum Trout Lily +F3++++++++++++ White Linaceae Linum pratense Blue Flax ++345++++++++++ Blue Linaceae Linum rigidum=rigidum var. rigidum Stiff-Stem Flax +++456+++++++++ Yellow/Red Malvaceae Callirhoe pedata=digitata var. Finger Winecup +++45++++++++++ Wine stipulata Red/White Meliaceae Melia azedarach China-Berry +++45++++++++++ Purple Moraceae Maclura pomifera Bois d'arc +++45++++++++++ Oleaceae Fraxinus texensis Texas Ash +F3++++++++++++ Oleaceae Ligustrum lucidum Glossy Privet ++++++78910++++ Oleaceae Ligustrum quihoui Quihou's Privet ++++567++++++++ Oleaceae Ligustrum sinense Chinese Privet +++45++++++++++ Onagraceae Oenothera berlandieri ssp. Square-Bud-Primrose ++34567++++++++ Yellow pinifolius=Calylophus (lg lvs tall single stems) Onagraceae Oenothera glaucifolia=Stenosiphon False Gaura ++++567++10++++ White linifolius Onagraceae Oenothera macrocarpa ssp. Missouri Primrose +++456+++++++++ Yellow macrocarpa Onagraceae Oenothera speciosa Evening Primrose +++4567++++++++ Pink/White Onagraceae Oenothera Scarlet Gaura +++456+++++++++ White
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