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PRENSARIO INTERNATIONAL PRENSARIO INTERNATIONAL PRENSARIO INTERNATIONAL COMMENTARY ARGENTINA FOR THE WORLD The recognition of Argentina as ‘Country production projects in the country and co- of Honour’ of Mipcom 2013, has made Pren- productions with the world. There is a map of sario International —Argentinean-based the main TV chan- Latin American nels and pro- leading TV publica- duction com- tion— prepare this panies, with special issue with interviews and the collaboration outlines of their of INCAA —the present facing top Theatrical and TV public the international market. And also, exclusive entity of the country. reports and market researches, to understand PUBLISHED BY Here there is a smart guide of the Argen- better market opportunities of Argentina. EDITORIAL PRENSARIO SRL tinean TV industry, which was considered We can set up 4 big pillars about ‘Argentina LAVALLE 1569, OF. 405 C1048 AA K by FRAPA —the top international format Country of Honour’ at Mipcom 2013: its pro- BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA entity— as the fourth market of the world duction capability for the world, considering PHONE: (+54-11) 4924-7908 in production/exportation the more than 15,000 hours per FAX: (+54-11) 4925-2507 of formats, in 2009. Many year the country produces IN THE U.S.: worldwide successful daily for mainstream TV, and 2,000 12307 SW 133 COUrt - fiction dramas —telenove- exported hours. The world- SUITE #1432 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33186-USA las, comedies, series, etc.— wide recognized handicap of PHONE: (305) 890-1813 were created in Argentina, Argentina about producing and also the country is an fresh TV ideas and formats. EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: WWW .PRENSARIO.TV important production hub for projects from The pioneering role in the de- the whole world, with strong development velopment of digital television and public REP resentatiVES: of the entertainment segment during the last educational TV. And INCAA also stresses • Mexico: Angeles Pérez Aguirre: [email protected] decade. animation, as an emergent segment of the Through these pages, there are interviews country that provides good opportunities for • chile: KArinA cortés: to the head public media entities of the Ar- the international market. [email protected] gentinean market, including Government Welcome to Argentina from inside, for the • Peru: Miguel Angel hurtAdo programs made to promote international world. [email protected] Nicolas Smirnoff • coloMbiA: Wilson Perez Velez [email protected] MIPCOM 2013: MAIN SCHEDULED EVENTS • ecuAdor: JuAn cArlos AriAs rendon [email protected] Event Day/Date Place Argentina Country Of Honour Screening Saturday 5, 5pm Carlton Hotel EDITOR: NICOLÁS SMIRNOFF editoriAl director: AleJo sMirnoff Opening Party MIPJr (Sponsor INCAA / Saturday 5, 7pm Carlton Hotel Beach Argentina) a NEWS DIRECTOR: DOMINGO Vassellati International BUSINESS DIRECTOR: Welcome Press Breakfast Monday 7, 8.30am Presse Club Gare Maritim FABRICIO FERRARA Fresh TV from A gentina Monday 7, 9.15am Audi A – Level 3 MAILED BY SUBSCRIPTION - Argentina media landscape Monday 7, 9.45am Audi A – Level 3 ONE YEAR, AIR MAIL: View from the top Monday 7, 10am Audi A – Level 3 AMERICAS: USD 150 Opening Party MIPCOM Monday 7, 7.30pm Carlton Hotel REST OF THE WORLD: 150 Prime Time Focus: Argentina, a Country Tuesday 8, 9am Audi A – Level 3 of Talent Co-production with Argentina: crossing Tuesday 8, 9.50am Audi A – Level 3 the borders for international success Discover new Formats from Argentina Tuesday 8, 10.30am Matchmaking Match making Lounge(Level 5) Prensario Latam Dealmakers Networking Lunch Tuesday 8, 12.30pm Grand Salon, Carlton (Sponsor INCAA y Telemundo) Hotel (By invitation only) International ©2013 Editorial Prensario SRL Payments to the order of Editorial Prensario SRL O YOU WANT THE mosT impoRTANT NEWS EVERY DAY NTER WWW PRENSARio NET D ? E . or by credit card. Registro Nacional de Derecho de Autor Nº 10878 4 PRENSARIO INTERNATIONAL PRENSARIO INTERNATIONAL PremiUM InterVieW | GOVernmental AGencY INCAA: ‘IT’S TIME FOR THE international MARKET’ Liliana Mazure, president at the National cinema —more and more national movies rec- Institute of Cinematography and Audiovi- ognized at the most important international sual Arts (INCAA, in Spanish), explains to festivals— and TV —more national contents Prensario: ‘The appointment of Argentina of all genres at the Argentine screens— indus- as “Country of Honour” at MIPCOM 2013 tries. is a great opportunity for us to add interna- After adopting the Brazilian-Japanese digital tional visibility to our strong audiovisual in- TV standard ISDB-Tb, the Argentine govern- dustry. This is the natural continuation of a ment, through the Ministerio de Planificacion process that began some years ago: through Federal, Inversion Publica y Servicios (MIN- strong public policies, new productions have PLAN) implemented the Sistema Argentino arrived to the local screens. And now it’s the de Television Digital Terrestre (SATVD-T) right moment to take them to the interna- that promotes since 2009 the expansion of tional marketplace’. digital television throughout the territory. ‘The enactment of the Ley de Servicios de ‘We aim at a television that expresses the Comunicacion Audiovisual N° 26.522 in 2009, cultural diversity of the whole country; that’s along with a clear strategy on the deployment why nowadays there are so many new audio- of digital TV (in which Argentina has been a visual production houses that increase the regional leader) and the launching of new pub- content producers’ supply from Argentina to lic TV networks in order to give more options the world’. to the audience, have been major policies for the National State’. CONTENTS Mazure explains that the policies to regulate Regarding the international recognition of the audiovisual sector have generated a “new Argentine contents, Mazure remarks: “Our era”, where the evolution formats have been travelling to all the world is notorious in both since the beginning of the century (and before that, too). Product such as Killer Women (Pol- ka), Ugly Duckling (Ideas del Sur), Graduates ‘There is an enormous potential for Argentine (Telefe), CQC (Eyeworks), Television x la in- animated products with many projects opened clusion (OnTV) has been sold to over 80 coun- for co-productions and 360° development: tries’. new languages, more interactive and a close Moreover, public TV networks Canal 7-TV link with young audiences and Internet visi- Publica and Encuentro, among others, have tors’, she summarizes. also generated cultural and educational con- ‘Argentina has developed distinct strategies tents that have travelled internationally, like for different areas: wine, football players, etc.. series Presidentes de Latinoamerica and Mun- Our country has the technical and professional do Messi, which have been appreciated inside capability to be able to offer audiovisual ser- and outside Argentina’. vices for many international projects produced ‘Teen and young series are one of the “most in Argentina for the world. We are working attractive” contents, including titles such as strongly on a law for industrial promotion to Allies (Telefe), Violetta (Pol-ka), Chiquititas generate a competitive offer for companies (CMG-RGB/Telefe). The launch of Pakapaka from the world that want to work with/in the —the first public TV station for pre-school- country’. ers—, is a revolutionary milestone for the ‘One of the strongest features of Argentine industry with a content products is creativity, which surprises many offer recognized for observers because of its versatility and its its original creativ- original themes, as well as the high production ity and high pro- quality, internationally recognized. We hope duction level’, adds MIPCOM 2013 becomes a platform for all Mazure. our producers to maximize their visibility and Animation is expand alliances with the worldwide players’, another key point: completes Mazure. Liliana Mazure, president, INCAA 6 PRENSARIO INTERNATIONAL PRENSARIO INTERNATIONAL PremiUM InterVieW | DIGital TV DIGital TV: PUBLIC POLICY SEEKS TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVation, INCLUSION Concerning Digital Terrestrial Televi- Television Digital Abierta (TDA, Free sion (DTT), Argentina is a benchmark Digital Television) coverage. On the DIGITAL GROWTH IN FIGURES in Latin America with an important other hand, Television Directa al Hogar difference if compared to other nations (TDH), reaching 11,500 schools attended 74 ETDS (AUGUST 2013) within the region. It is a process guided by 800,000 students (many of whom had by the State, not the market; its goal is to never watched TV before) and 300 small TDH REACHES 800.00 STUDENTS be inclusive, extending digital television villages. to more urban centers, some of which No data is yet available about the audi- 1.17 MM STB DISTRIBUTED had never received television before. ence reached by TDA in terms of viewer USD 500 MM INVESTED (2010-2013) After adopting the ISDB-Tb standard, preferences, but the increase in the sale developed by Japan and Brazil, the Ar- of SmartTV’s with integrated digital TV gentine Ministerio de Planificacion Fed- receiver (“dongle”) has turned this service eral, Inversion Publica y Servicios cre- into a no-cost alternative appreciated by in the consumption of cultural contents, ated in 2009 the Sistema Argentino de the population, especially in areas where proposing new stories to the TV watcher. Television Digital Terrestre (SATVD-T), analog terrestrial TV is scarce or pay TV It’s an audience never exposed before to investing