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TABLE of CONTENTS Page HISTORIC RESOURCES INVENTORY Unalaska, Alaska June 2016 HISTORIC RESOURCES INVENTORY UNALASKA, ALASKA Prepared for: City of Unalaska Planning Department and Historic Preservation Commission Prepared by: DOWL 4041 B Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 (907) 562-2000 June 2016 Unalaska, Alaska Historic Resources Inventory June 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .............................................................................................................1 1.0 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................3 1.1 Goals of the Project ...........................................................................................................3 1.2 Summary History of Previous Inventories and Plans .......................................................4 2.0 REGULATORY OVERVIEW ............................................................................................5 2.1 City of Unalaska Ordinance ..............................................................................................5 2.2 Alaska State Historic Preservation Act .............................................................................5 2.3 National Historic Preservation Act ...................................................................................6 2.4 Historic Sites, Building, and Antiquities Act ....................................................................8 3.0 METHODS ..........................................................................................................................9 3.1 Research ............................................................................................................................9 3.2 Fieldwork ..........................................................................................................................9 3.3 Reporting.........................................................................................................................10 4.0 HISTORIC CONTEXT .....................................................................................................13 4.1 Unangan ..........................................................................................................................13 4.2 Russian Period ................................................................................................................13 4.3 Early American Period ....................................................................................................15 4.3.1 Commercial Development ........................................................................................15 4.3.2 Government...............................................................................................................17 4.4 Military Activities ...........................................................................................................17 4.5 Post-War and Contemporary Culture of Reuse ..............................................................21 4.6 Contemporary Fishing Economy ....................................................................................22 5.0 RESULTS OF INVENTORY ............................................................................................23 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................................................................29 6.1 Further Studies ................................................................................................................29 6.1.1 Survey and Addition of Properties Contributing to the NHL ...................................29 6.1.2 Survey of Mid-Twentieth Century Resources ..........................................................29 6.1.3 Standard Oil Hill .......................................................................................................29 6.1.4 Cultural Sites .............................................................................................................30 6.1.5 Thematic/Historic Context Studies ...........................................................................30 6.2 Changes to the Comprehensive Plan ...............................................................................31 6.3 Design Guidelines ...........................................................................................................31 6.4 Ordinance Changes .........................................................................................................31 7.0 REFERENCES CONSULTED ..........................................................................................33 8.0 LIST OF PREPARERS......................................................................................................37 Page i Unalaska, Alaska Historic Resources Inventory June 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) FIGURES Page Figure 1: Unalaska Spit and Iliuliuk River ....................................................................................14 Figure 2: Dutch Harbor circa 1900 ................................................................................................16 Figure 3: Unalaska circa 1919 .......................................................................................................17 Figure 4: Dutch Harbor NOB ........................................................................................................19 Figure 5: Unalaska circa 1950 .......................................................................................................21 TABLES Table 1: Summary of Resources by Date ......................................................................................24 Table 2: Historic Context Themes Represented in Inventory* ......................................................25 Table 3: Notable World War II Resources ....................................................................................26 Table 4: Notable Non-World War II Historic Resources ..............................................................28 APPENDICES Appendix A .......................................................................................................... Glossary of Terms Appendix B ..................................................................... Overview Maps of Inventoried Properties Appendix C ................................................................. Unalaska Historic Buildings Inventory 2016 Appendix D .............................................................................. Properties Removed from Inventory Appendix E ......... Properties Contributing to Dutch Harbor Naval Operating Base and Fort Mears Appendix F................................................................................................ Building Inventory Cards Page ii Unalaska, Alaska Historic Resources Inventory June 2016 LIST OF ACRONYMS AHRS ......................................................................................... Alaska Heritage Resources Survey CLG...................................................................................................... Certified Local Government CRMT ................................................................................. Cultural Resources Management Team DOE ...................................................................................................... Determination of Eligibility HPC ............................................................................................ Historic Preservation Commission NHL ..................................................................................................... National Historic Landmark NHPA ......................................................................................... National Historic Preservation Act NOB ............................................................................................................... Naval Operating Base NPS ................................................................................................................ National Park Service NRHP ....................................................................................... National Register of Historic Places OHA .......................................................................................... Office of Historic and Archaeology OC .............................................................................................................. Ounalashka Corporation SHPO ......................................................................................... State Historic Preservation Officer Page iii Unalaska, Alaska Historic Resources Inventory June 2016 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK Page iv Unalaska, Alaska Historic Resources Inventory June 2016 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study would not have been possible without the support of the City of Unalaska Planning Department and Historic Preservation Commission. Erin Reinders, Thomas Roufos and Anthony Grande of the Planning Department were extremely helpful in locating information on property ownership. Many community members shared historic photographs and information on previously undocumented historic structures. The archivists of the Ounalashka Corporation provided researchers access to photographs, maps, and other documents that were important in verifying the original locations and descriptions of many World War II-era structures. The Office of History and Archaeology provided guidance on previously recorded resources and procedures for recording new resources. Page 1 Unalaska, Alaska Historic Resources Inventory June 2016 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK Page 2 Unalaska,
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