OUR COMMUNITY NEWS Jewish Federation of St
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OUR COMMUNITY NEWS Jewish Federation of St. Joseph Valley, Inc. 3202 Shalom Way, South Bend, IN 46615 Volume 10, Number 8 April 2016 / Nisan 5776 Introducing our new Life and Legacy program See inside for coming May events! The Jewish Federation to be one of eight small of St. Joseph Valley is communities in North Yom HaShoah & very excited to introduce America to be accepted Unto Every Person its most recent initiative: into the Harold Grinspoon There is a Name to integrate legacy giving Foundation and the Jew- on page 2 within our local Jewish ish Federations of North community in order to America’s Life & Lega- A program of the 6th Annual Michiana Harold Grinspoon Foundation continue the important cy™ Program. The Jewish Jewish Film Festival work of our local Jewish Federation of St. Joseph all have eagerly jumped on page 9 organizations in perpetu- Valley, Midwest Torah on board. All of us will Yom HaZikaron & ity through. Center, Sinai Synagogue, receive training, support Yom Ha’Atzmaut The Michiana Jewish South Bend Hebrew Day materials, and expert ad- community is fortunate School, Temple B’nai Sha- on page 8 lom and Temple Beth-El Continued on Page 3 Arab-Israeli diplomat to visit community The feature article in the State: Lessons from an Arab- Chief of Mission in Nige- July 28, 2015 edition of Israeli Diplomat.” ria. Most recently he was Tablet Magazine reads: A veteran of the Israeli responsible for the BDS “Israel’s Best Diplomat Of- diplomatic corps, George file in the International fers Hope to the Entire Mid- Deek is an Attorney-at- Law department at the dle East.” The article is re- Law, and currently a Ful- Ministry of Foreign Af- ferring to George Deek, bright scholar at George- fairs in Jerusalem. George the articulate young Arab- town University. George was awarded Israel’s out- Israeli diplomat who will hails from an Arab- standing diplomat of 2014 be the guest of our Feder- Christian family that has by the MFA. lets, such as Tablet maga- ation’s Community Rela- lived in Jaffa for over 400 A frequent public zine. For his efforts, The tions Committee. years. From a young age, speaker, George has Algemeiner magazine se- Deek will be speaking at George was involved in shared his thoughts and lected him as one of 2014’s Notre Dame on Friday, the promotion of mutual personal story with stu- Top 100 People Positively April 8 and at Sinai Syna- understanding between dents at universities and Influencing Jewish Life in gogue on Saturday, April Jews and Arabs in Israel. research institutes in the World. 9 during services. The George has served in a many countries. His For more details on his community is invited to number of diplomatic po- speech in Oslo, Norway, visit, please contact Bob hear him speak at Sinai sitions in Israeli embassies in 2014, has received Feferman, Community Synagogue. The topic of around the world, includ- widespread attention and Relations Director, at rfe- his talk will be, ing as Chargé d'Affaires accolades, and led to pro- [email protected] “Representing the Jewish in Norway and Deputy files in several media out- or (574) 339-5800. 2 Our Community News April 2016 Our Community News Volume 10, Number 7 Save the Date April 2016 Shevat-Nisan I 5776 Jewish Federation Yom HaShoah Memorial Program of St. Joseph Valley 3202 Shalom Way Thursday, May 5, 2016 South Bend, IN 46615 Phone: 574-233-1164 Showing of “One Flight For Us” at 5:30 PM* Fax: 574-288-4103 Commemoration Program Begins at 7:00 PM Web: www.thejewishfed.org *We will also show “One Flight For Us” at 4:30 PM on May 1, 2016 Terry Feldbaum, President Ben Davis, Executive Director (Ext 102) The Federation’s roads, thus stopping the destruction of David Ravitch, President Elect Yom Hashoah program the Jews. Brig. General Amir Eshel, an air Brian Kordansky, Vice President this year focuses on re- force pilot who has learned this period of Lisa Lerman, Vice President Bonny Hoover, Secretary demption and triumph. history, initiated and realized “One Flight Michael Kirsch, Treasurer We are showing the For Us,” a formation of three F-15s of the Mitchell Wayne, documentary “One Israeli Air Force flying over Auschwitz. Immediate Past President Flight For Us,” and are Feelings of redemption and triumph BOARD OF DIRECTORS Tammie Blackman Brown bringing in as our emerge as the formation of Israeli fighter Avrom Klor speaker Avi Maor a pilot from Israel. Avi jets “paint” a clear statement in the sky: Sarah Lotter Maor helped organize the 2003 flight over NEVER AGAIN. Mona Medow Auschwitz as part of International Holo- Megan New Unto Every Person There Is A Name Cristyne Porile caust Remembrance Day and took part by Our community’s participation in the Yehuda Seligson piloting one of the planes. Alon Shemesh worldwide Holocaust memorial project, “One Flight For Us” is a film by Haim Sorah Stein “Unto Every Person There is a Name” Hecht and is based on Professor David S. STAFF will take place on Thursday, May 20 at Wyman writings titled The Abandonment Emily Benedix, the County Courthouse. Name readings of the Jews. “One Flight For Us” reveals OCN Co-editor will begin at 10:00 AM. At 12:00 we will Communication Associate (Ext 101) research and evidence that prove beyond pause our name reading for our candle Karen L. Dwyer, doubt that allies, led by U.S. and Britain, lighting ceremony and a presentation by Office Manager/OCN Editor knew of the destruction of Europe’s Jews (Ext 105) our guest speaker Avi Maor. and remained silent. Even while in Lizzie Fagen, Following the noon program, the read- Auschwitz crematorium and the railroads JFS Director (Ext 104) ing of names will continue until 3:00 PM. leading to the camp were within the Bob Feferman, If you would like to volunteer to read CRC Director (Ext 0) range of U.S. planes, there wasn't even names please contact the Jewish Federa- one flight for the Jewish people, one flight Samara Gold, tion office at 574-233-1164 to schedule a Kitchen Manager (Ext 109) designated to bomb the ovens and rail- time to read. Joe Havens (110) Custodian (Ext. 110) by Rowan Kelley Rowan Kelley, Program Associate/ Facilities Manager Planning for this summer’s Camp Ideal tant Director, he will be leading our (Ext 106) continues, and things are coming together sports activities. You can also count on an Nancy Kennedy, beautifully. We have a phenomenal amazing program from our art, music, JFS Associate (Ext 1) lineup of educators coming to the Jewish tumbling, cooking, and naturalist instruc- Stephanie Scharf, JFS Social Worker (Ext 111) Federation’s campus this summer, who tors. We also have a great line-up of field Yuval Shaham, will lead a variety of high quality experi- trips, like our South Bend Cubs Day, as Israeli Shaliach (Ext 107) ential learning activities for our campers well as regular trips to the beach at Clear Monika Wayne, all summer long. For those of you who Lake. Finally, every Friday will feature a Program Associate (Ext 119) know Yuval, it will not come as a surprise different Rabbi from the community visit- Our Community News is that in addition to serving as our Assis- Continued on Page 14 published monthly by the Jewish Federation of St. Joseph Valley for The mission of the Jewish Federaon of St. Joseph Valley is to serve the Jewish community in the Jewish people—locally, in Israel, and throughout the world— Michiana. through coordinated fund raising, community-wide programming, social services, and educaonal acvies. April 2016 Our Community News 3 Life and Legacy Continued From Front Page vice from experienced professionals in the field. However, the best part of the two-year program is the incentive grants for our participating organi- zations. Each of our com- munity agencies that re- ceive 18 new letters of intent during each year of the program can earn up to $10,000.00 from the Grinspoon Foundation. In a nut shell, Life & Leg- acy will enable our com- munity’s Jewish organiza- tions to thrive now and for future generations. Starting next month we will be listing all of our existing, as well as our new, Life & Legacy Society Members. We hope your love for our community will help this list grow over the next few years. Also check out Jewish Federaon of St. Joseph Valley our new Life & Legacy Midwest Torah Center webpage at: thejewish- fed.org/life-legacy. Sinai Synagogue South Bend Hebrew Day School We invite you to join Temple Beth-El our Life & Legacy Society by contacting us to dis- Temple B’nai Shalom cuss a Letter of Intent. By To create your Jewish legacy contact: Ben Davis doing so you will: at the Jewish Federaon, 574-233-1164 or any of the organizaons listed above. Help ensure that Fed- eration programs such as community rela- tions efforts, Camp school education con- erations. Your bequest will en- Ideal and summer tinue to exist. Meet emerging future sure that what you value, camp scholarships, needs in the local and the Michiana Jewish Com- Jewish Family Social Help ensure that our worldwide Jewish munity, will live on proud- Services, community Synagogues are strong community. ly and with strength. programming, leader- so they can offer the Thank you in advance, and ship development, spiritual support and Make a difference in we look forward to talking publication of the Our education to our com- the lives of others for with each of you face-to- Community News, and munity for future gen- many years to come.