Name of Committee Resources Management Committee :

Date of Meeting 18 January 2008 :

Title of Report Rugby Development :

Lead Officer Belinda Miller, Head of Service, Economic and Environmental : Sustainability

Author of Report Gail Penman, Strategist – Arts, Culture, Heritage & Sport :  [email protected] 814627

Other involvement Pete Young, Regional Development Manager (Grampian), Scottish : Louise Scott, Head of Corporate Communications Duncan McArthur, Strategist (Learning) Brian Morgan, Service Manager (Communities) Sarah James, Active Schools Manager Caroline Walker, Sport and Recreation Officer Consultation Chief Executive; Corporate Directors of Strategic Leadership, undertaken with : Continuous Improvement, Resources Management, Neighbourhood Services. City Chamberlain; City Solicitor; All Heads of Service; Cllrs Jennifer Stewart, Kirsty West, Kevin Stewart, Neil Fletcher Summary of Report

This report brings to the attention of the Committee an approach from the (SRU) to discuss an opportunity to bring the Scotland v Canada Autumn International Rugby event to Aberdeen on 22 November 2008.

The SRU are also considering three other venues and locations. The SRU have indicated that there is no requirement for financial assistance to run the event. The SRU have asked the in return for the event, the successful host City needs to demonstrate how they will develop rugby in the local area.


It is recommended that the Resources Management Committee support this event to come to Aberdeen in November and agree that if the event were to come to Aberdeen, it should be the highlight of a range of rugby development initiatives in the City to ensure a lasting legacy from the event, including:

1. A range of structural improvements to rugby pitches to take place up to the value of £100,000 funded from the Sports Strategy approved budget within the Non-housing Capital Programme. 2. A further two years of financial support (2008/09 and 2009/10) of £10,000 each year towards the Aberdeen Youth Rugby Association to deliver rugby development in Aberdeen linked to a Service Level agreement. This funding should come from the Sports Grants budget. 3. City Sports Development/ Active Communities Officers shall work with the key rugby clubs during the course of 2008/09 to support them to become “Clubcap” accredited (sports club quality mark).

In addition, it is recommended that the Committee agrees to the following in kind support for the event to maximise its potential for positive publicity for the City including:

4. Making available lamp-posts for display of their advertising banners; 5. Providing a “Welcome to Aberdeen” banner on Union Street for the event; 6. Assisting with the distribution of promotional leaflets round City Council facilities; 7. Promote the event on our website, portal and events listings; 8. Support from Active Schools Co-ordinators for organising rugby related activities in schools; and 9. Promoting Primary and Secondary school events including the annual “Lord Provost” 7’s tournament held in February/ March each year. Links to the Community Plan and to Vibrant, Dynamic & Forward Looking

From the Community Plan Sport, Leisure and Recreation To develop Aberdeen as an Active City. To encourage participation and develop active communities through coaching, leading and volunteering opportunities across the City.

From Vibrant, Dynamic & Forward Looking Culture, Arts and Sport Increase participation in sport, provide support for athletes and reward excellence. Ensure high quality, well-managed sports facilities in Aberdeen. Recognise the role of Sport and the Arts in tackling anti-social behaviour. Recognise the contribution of Sport, Culture and Arts to promoting the area as a tourist destination. Promote the city as a tourist destination.


The implementation of the recommendations within this report will be the responsibility of the Strategist (Arts, Culture, Heritage & Sport), along with relevant officers within Neighbourhood Services and Continuous Improvement.

Resource Implications People This work will be managed within existing workloads. :

Finance £100,000 of capital funding for developing rugby facilities to come : from the Sports Strategy budget within the Non-housing Capital Programme. £6,000 of funding towards the Aberdeen Youth Rugby Association for the development of rugby was agreed by Resources Management Committee on 4 December 2007 (achieving match funding of £19,000). Further revenue funding of £10,000 in years 2009 and 2010 will come from the Sports Grants budget for these years. The provision of the Welcome Banner can be met from within exiting promotion budgets.

Systems & It is recommended that the event be promoted through the Technology : Council’s website and portal. No additional systems are required.

Property The development work will improve existing council rugby facilities. :

Other Equipment Some of the development work will include the purchase of : equipment such as posts.

Other There are no implications arising directly :

Other Implications Health & Safety SRU will be responsible for ensuring the Health and Safety of the : participants and spectators at the event.

Risk Management If this opportunity is not exploited, Aberdeen could lose out on an : international sporting event which would have a negative impact on the regions economy, Aberdeen’s image, Aberdeen City Council’s image and for the development of rugby and sport in the city and region.

Human Rights/ The rugby development programme and linked promotional Equalities/Diversity : activities would ensure equality of opportunity, with specific programmes for hard to reach groups including women and girls being key aspects of the project. Special focus will be given to social inclusion zones e.g. Woodside, Northfield. Children have minimal opportunities or finance to participate in any sport. These areas have special challenges re integration of many Eastern European families, and sporting participation can help with integration into the local communities

Sustainability One of the key outcomes of the project will be to ensure a lasting : legacy from the event, including developing fit for purpose facilities and developing sustainable lifelong pathways for rugby participation and development within the city, including facilitating coach education and leadership courses for young people, and working with local clubs.

Environmental Improvements to the pitches will have a positive environmental : impact.

Social The event and its legacy activities will aim to encourage interest : and participation in rugby and other sports. A programme of additional opportunities to participate will be targeted at marginalised young people who do not traditionally take part in activities and are at risk of being involved in anti-social behaviour. Economic This event and its associated legacy activities would have a : positive economic impact – including those directly arising as a result of the event (i.e. visitors to the city), and in the longer term by increasing participation in sport, reducing anti-social behaviour, increasing club membership. Construction The recommendations include improvements to existing grass : pitches.

Signature : Main Considerations

1. Background

1.1 In May 2005, Aberdeen City Council in partnership with the SRU and Aberdeen Football Club brought the Scotland v Barbarians rugby match to Aberdeen.

1.2 This event was perceived by all to be immensely successful and resulted in a sell out crowd at , and a high level of positive media coverage both locally and nationally. In addition, and perhaps more importantly, from a sporting perspective, the event left behind a positive and lasting legacy: A range of supporting activities took place, within schools and local communities (within and around Aberdeen), to engage and excite children and adults about the event and rugby as a participation sport. These activities were planned, supported and delivered via a partnership approach involving a range of people including the SRU (marketing, sports development and profile players), local and regional rugby clubs, Aberdeen Football Club and Aberdeen City Council officers, and included:

• Canterbury Tour, Thistle Sports, Rose Street, Aberdeen visit from 4 Scotland players.

• Club visit to Ellon RFC with Scotland players • Club visit to Garioch RFC with Scotland players • Scotland Squad open training session at Countesswells, Aberdeen, prior to Gordonians mini rugby event & Caledonia Senior 7’s. • Scotland players visit to Aberdeen Grammar Former Players Rugby FC mini tournament at Rubislaw. • School visits x 3 - 1 Development Officer & 2 Scotland Players visited each school • Aberdeen S2 Invitational 7's – heats played at Woodside playing fields with the final held during the half time of the Scotland v Barbarians game.

1.3 For this event, the Council provided support of £25,000 from the Energising Aberdeen fund towards marketing and publicity materials. In addition the Council provided in kind support including: • Circulating promotional flyers/ posters to schools, other Council facilities, and sports members. • Advertising at 10k Run. • Promotion on Council’s website. • Civic reception • Advertising on lamp posts. • “Welcome to Aberdeen” Union Street Banner.

1.4 A measure of the success of these activities and the way in which they were delivered is that one year after the event, membership of rugby clubs in the city had increased by 10% and this increase has since been sustained.

2.0 2008 Event

2.1 For 2008, the SRU are proposing that they bring the Scotland v Canada game to Aberdeen on 22 November 2008. It is intended that the game will be played at Pittodrie, and AFC are supportive of this proposal.

2.2 The SRU are also looking at other City’s in Scotland for this event including Perth and , however they have expressed a keenness to bring the event to Aberdeen again on the back of the successful 2005 event. The final say will come down to the team manager, Frank Hadden.

2.3 If Aberdeen does host the 2008 game, and the game along with the linked development was successful, the SRU have noted that there would be the potential for 2 further annual games to be earmarked to come to Aberdeen in 2009 and 2010.

2.4 In return for bringing the game to Aberdeen in 2008, the SRU would wish to work in partnership with Aberdeen City Council.

2.5 The SRU have stated that they do not require any financial sponsorship from Aberdeen City Council towards the event; however they would wish to see the event in Aberdeen being a focal point of a range of rugby development initiatives in Aberdeen including improvements to rugby facilities in Aberdeen, developing rugby at grass routes level and supporting rugby clubs.

2.6 For Aberdeen to secure this key event, the SRU wishes the Council to bid for the event, demonstrating how we would use the event to drive up participation in rugby at grass routes level. The bid would require to be presented to the SRU towards the end of January, and officers are currently in talks with Aberdeenshire Council to determine how both Council’s can work together to maximise the potential of this event to create sustainable rugby development and participation both locally and regionally.

2.7 If Aberdeen were to be successful in attracting the event, as before it would be managed as a partnership and Aberdeen City Council would be recognised in all promotional materials/ publicity as a partner. In addition players would be made available in the community and to go round schools and tickets would be available to school children etc.

2.8 At the Resources Management Committee on 4th December 2007 (Item 4.3), the Committee approved £6,000 as a partnership contribution to the Aberdeen Youth Rugby Association to deliver rugby development in Aberdeen City during 2008 (20007/08 budget). This partnership contribution was matched by £19,000 of external funding. It is recommended that as part of the bid to the SRU, the Council gives a commitment that this approach would be extended for a further two years at £10,000 each year (from the Sports Grants budget) for 2008/09 and 2009/10. This would send out a clear message that Aberdeen City Council is committed to the ongoing development of rugby in the City.

2.9 It has also been recognised that many of the rugby pitches in Aberdeen are not fit for purpose. These include the pitches at Rubislaw and Hazlehead, and include pitches having inadequate drainage, and requiring replacement posts. These deficiencies resulted in a regional event being turned away from Aberdeen (Hazlehead) in October of this year. It is therefore recommended that £100,000 of funding from the Non Housing Capital Programme, Sports Strategy budget, be allocated towards the improvement of rugby facilities in the City. These improvements would be agreed in conjunction with the SRU Regional Development Manager.

2.10 Rugby Clubs and associated volunteers are essential for the delivery of rugby at a grass roots level. It is therefore recommended that early support be given to these clubs to achieve “Clubcap Accreditation”. Club cap is a sports club quality scheme which aims to ensure that sports clubs have the systems and processes in place to operate efficiently and safely – i.e. ensuring child protection procedures are in place, etc.

3. Proposed in-kind support linked to event

3.1 A four phase approach towards the game would be proposed including: • Phase 1: Aug onwards- programme of school and club events as part of AYRA programme • Phase 2: Week before game- Community events with appearances by Scotland squad members- dependant on when they come to Aberdeen- possibly a “community day” on Wednesday with school and club events- schools and clubs who have participated in phase 1 events would be invited. • Phase 3: Events at the match- demo game at half time for finalists of Lord Provost 7’s • Phase 4: Post Match- Ongoing programme of events to capitalise on increased profile of rugby through AYRA

3.2 In addition, the following in kind marketing/ communication support is proposed:

• Making available lamp-posts for display of their advertising banners; • Providing a “Welcome to Aberdeen” banner on Union Street for the event; • Assisting with the distribution of promotional leaflets round City Council facilities; • Promote the event on our website, portal and events listings; • Support from Active Schools Co-ordinators for organising rugby related activities in schools; and • Promoting Primary and Secondary school events including the annual “Lord Provost” 7’s tournament held in February/ March each year.