The Journal of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association



1775, The Journal of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association, (ISSN 1551-8205) is published by the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association, a non-profit organization, headquartered at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, and is devoted to the advancement and professionalism of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regiment members. Articles appearing in the journal do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the officers and members of the Regimental Association, nor the Army’s HR leadership. Articles submitted by AGCRA members, Soldiers, other service members or civilian employees of the US military services are expressions of personal opinion, unless otherwise stated, and should not be interpreted as reflecting the official opinion of the Department of Defense. 1775 is scheduled to be published three times a year. Articles for submission are welcomed and should be sent to the address provided below. The editor reserves the right to reject any articles and/or to modify articles for clarity or space limitations. The editor also encourages the submission of photographs and illustrations to accompany articles. By submitting your photograph or illustration, you will release publishing rights of the image to The Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association, heretofore known as the AGCRA. If other people appear in your photo, you must have sufficient permission of any recognizable figure, model or person or persons appearing in the photograph to be able to submit the photograph to the AGCRA and to be able to release the publishing rights of the photograph. The AGCRA claims all rights to the usage of your photograph for use within 1775 and on printed and/or digital material. Important - By submitting your photograph to the AGCRA, you agree to all of the terms written above.

Requests for authorization to reprint 1775 articles should be sent to the address below.

VP, Publications, AGCRA PO Box 10026 Fort Jackson, SC 29207 EMAIL [email protected] WEBSITE The Journal of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association | Fall I 2015 |



Maintaining Our Legacy and Never Forget our Fallen Warriors - COL (Ret) Brent Johnson, former 369th AG Battalion Commander and the 25th Chief of the Adjutant General’s Corps, provides remarks to dedicate the 369th AG Battalion Headquarters building and memorial garden in honor of MAJ Dwayne Williams, former member of the 369th and killed in action during the terrorist attack on 11 September 2001 at The Pentagon.

Back to the Future: The Continuing Evolution of 33 Personnel Services Support at the Division Level and Below - The 502nd Personnel Services Battalion, at the time commanded by LTC Dave Tighe, was part of the 4th Infantry Division (4ID) stationed at , Texas. Pictured is a Detachment change of command during Operation Iraqi Freedom 1 (OIF 1).


9-11 Terrorist Attack on The Pentagon and the ensuing impact on the Army G-1

Army Music – A Look Back and Glimpse at the Future COL (Ret) Thomas Palmatier leads the USAREUR Band through the streets of Moscow in 2005. The Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association Officers OFFICERS PRESIDENT COL Jack L. Usrey SENIOR VP COL (Ret) Michael R. Molosso REGIMENTAL WARRANT OFFICER CW5 David G. Betancourt REGIMENTAL SERGEANT MAJOR CSM Nyeedra T. Edwards VP, HISTORY COL (Ret) Steven R. Shappell VP, AWARDS CW5 (Ret) David A. Ratliff VP, MEMBERSHIP SFC (Ret) Kenneth M. Fidler, Jr. VP, PLANS AND PROGRAMS COL (Ret) William (Al) Whatley VP, SALES AND MARKETING CPT Timothy S. Hughes VP, PUBLICATIONS & ADJUTANT COL (Ret) Robert Ortiz-Abreu, Jr. VP, COMMUNITY AND CORPORATE AFFAIRS LTC (Ret) Ward D. Ward VP, INFO TECH AND STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS LTC David C. Welch SECRETARY MAJ (Ret) William C. Villnow TREASURER LTC (Ret) David A. Smoot WEBMASTER SFC (Ret) Paul C. Hessert WEBMASTER MAJ Mike Skiff HONORARY OFFICERS 1775 STAFF AND SUPPORT


support General George Washington’s also asked our distinguished Retirees FROMthe Army. The next day, Congress selected and Veterans to contribute their stories Horatio Gates to become the first as well providing their insights to our EDITOR Adjutant General of the Army with Regiment’s distinguished past. We This special edition of 1775 is the commission of Brigadier General. hope you enjoy this special edition dedicated to the “Adjutant General’s So for 241 impressive years now our of 1775 celebrating the AG Corps’ Corps Legacy.” Upon graduating Corps has been selflessly serving the 241st birthday and we welcome your from The Citadel in 1980, I was Army, though numerous wars, conflicts, feedback by e-mailing comments to commissioned a Second Lieutenant in engagements, and deployments to [email protected]. the AG Corps. My first impression of the do what we do every day – enable Corps was initially finding out that we Commanders and take care of Soldiers Bob Ortiz are the 2nd oldest Army branch behind and their Families. AGCRA VP Publications & Editor, 1775 Infantry when on 16 June 1775, the Articles within this special edition will not [email protected] Continental Congress established only tell the Corps’ historical narrative Colonel (Retired), US Army the position of Adjutant General to and relevance to the Army, but we have AG Corps Hall of Fame Class of 2013 COL JACK L. USREY Chief of the AG Corps, AG School Commandant, and Chief Army Music

4 The Journal of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association | SECTION I AG Corps Regimental Leadership • NOTES FROM THE CHIEF OF THE CORPS By COL Jack L. Usrey, Chief of the AG Corps, AG School Commandant, and Chief Army Music

oldiers and Civilians of the written) that collectively walk us harm’s way and fight to defend the Corps, we are very pleased to through our Corp’s history, prestige, Nation. This edition of 1775 amplifies Sdedicate this special edition of culture and relevance to the Army the significance of our Corps’ impact 1775 to the Legacy of the AG Corps. and the Nation. I have also asked our to the Army and its readiness to Our Corps was created in 1775 prominent “Grey Beard” population protect our great country since the before the declared its to contribute their stories when they Revolutionary War to the battlefields independence from Great Britain in were in uniform to provide a more of Iraq and Afghanistan today. 1776 and became a thriving nation. personal perspective of our Corps’ In closing, I again thank each and The AG Corps is rich in history from distinguished past from those who every member of our Corps for the our early predecessors like Horatio walked before us. job that you do daily in support of Gates (first AG of the Army), COL The article within this special edition Commanders, Soldiers and their Timothy Pickering (sixth AG of the should resonate with all Army HR Families. As exemplified by our Army) and Pickering’s successor, COL professionals, both Soldiers and history and culture, we positively Alexander Scammel (seventh AG of Civilians, whether you serve in a touch Soldiers’ lives on a daily basis the Army), all who served with George support role of maintaining personnel and make the difference for them, Washington; to our modern day readiness and preparing units to while continuing to improve Army heroes like LTG Timothy Maude and deployed, to the execution of direct readiness, and sustain the human SGM Larry Strickland, both killed in HR support across the force either dimension of our Army. Think Like action on 9/11 when terrorists crashed in garrison or in combat. The AG An HR Operator - Be The Difference! American Airlines Flight 77 into The Corps is truly unique in that not only Pentagon. Defend and Serve! must we serve as the human resources As we celebrate our Corps’ 241st expert for our organization or unit, birthday, this special edition includes but we must be equally proficient and articles (at the time they were actually fully capable of placing ourselves in

1775 | Honoring Our Legacy 5 SECTION II Dedicated to the “Legacy of the Adjutant General’s Corps”. Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Activation

By Colonel Frank C. Foster, Jr. (Article first written and published in the Summer of 1987)

n 17 June 1987, the issues; he was assisted by BG O212th Anniversary of Brooks. The third workshop the Adjutant General’s Corps, concentrating on Adjutant the Adjutant General’s Corps General’s Corps issues was Regiment was activated at overseen by MG William the home of the Corps, Fort O’Leksy and guided by MAJ Benjamin Harrison. This special Dennis Marcel. occasion united key members After a quick lunch, the crowds of the Corps from around the gathered for dedication of world to celebrate the Regiment the Adjutant General School as a focal point of pride and MG William G. O’Leksy (far right) dedicated the Adjutant General’s entrance at the south end of energy. The festivities started Corps Colors and activated the Corps (Regiment) in ceremonies at Fort Gates-Lord Hall. The guest Benjamin Harrison on 17 June 1987. Photo by Shirley Startzman. early 16 June with a 12 event speaker, BG “Lex” Dilworth, Regimental Athletic day. LTC The Adjutant General, Arthur Dupay led a team from “Reunion Buffet” for all Officers and Noncommissioned Officers. Music, presented a beautiful three panel plaque Fort Jackson, South Carolina, to capture to the Noncommissioned Officers of the gold honors. Over 870 Regimental Crest an ice carving and a buffet capped by a sailboat full of shrimp were all part Adjutant General’s Corps. The plaque medals were awarded for individual which shows the forging of the enlisted excellence. The entire athletic day was of the festivities. BG Ronald Brooks managed by MSG Dewey Williams unveiled a plaque dedicating the and Noncommissioned Officers of the Regimental Mess for both the Adjutant General’s Corps. Competition Officer and Noncommissioned was keen and enthusiasm high as Officer Clubs at Fort Harrison. hundreds of participating AG Soldiers Activation day began early with agreed to continue the event as an annual Regimental workshops organized competition. Soldiers participated in by MAJ Gary Williams meeting to swimming, softball, horseshoes, litter concentrate on key issues facing the carry, combat push ball, sprint relays Corps now and in the future. LTC and 5K and 10Kraces. Mike Shane chaired a workshop The Club Management School, under on Officer issues with the help of SGM Eddie Bell passes the new Regimental colors to MAJ George “Pete” Martin, hosted a MG (Ret) Verne Bowers. LTC Don COL Frank Foster, Jr. with BG Robert L. Dillworth and Traub led a workshop on Enlisted MG William G. O’Leksy on 17 June 1987.

6 The Journal of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association | in the beak of the eagle. MG William G. O’Leksy, Director of Military Personnel Management, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, was given the honor of officially dedicating the AG Colors and activating the Adjutant General’s Corps (Regiment). The ceremony was attended by representatives and colors from the following units: • Chicago MEPS • Detroit MEPS • 14th AG Battalion, Fort Jackson, SC • 369th AG Battalion, Fort Jackson, SC

COL Frank C. Foster, Jr., welcomed guests to the dedication and AG Corps activation (left). Former • 30th AG Battalion, , GA The Adjutant General, MG (Ret) Verne L. Bowers talks about the changes in the Corps with today’s • 42nd AG Battalion, Fort Dix, NJ The Adjutant General BG Robert L. Dilworth (right). Photo by Shirley Startzman. • 43rd AG Battalion, Fort Leonard Adjutant General insignia will become Adjutant General” and Assistant, The Wood, MO the centerpiece of the new Adjutant Adjutant General. A special circular case • 46th AG Battalion, Fort Knox, KY General “NCO” Hall of Professional presented the new Regimental Order of Development. Once BG Dilworth and Horatio Gates in both gold and bronze • 67th AG Battalion, Fort Bliss, TX COL Frank C. Foster, Jr. cu t the ribbon, editions. The main wall greeting visitors • 95th AG Battalion, , OK visitors entered the beautifully paneled displays pictures of all The Adjutants • 120th AG Battalion, Fort Jackson, SC hall. General since 1775. This exhibit was donated by BG Dilworth from his • 21st Replacement Battalion, Two glass wall cases showed historical AG Frankfurt, German displays. The first display depicted MG former Adjutant General office in the Horatio Gates, the first Adjutant General Pentagon. The entrance way was built • 1st Personnel and Administration and “Hero of the Battle of Saratoga.” by SSG Michael Bigos and supervised Battalion, Fort Hood, TX The second display was dedicated to by the Regimental SGM Eddie Bass. • 18th Personnel and Administration BG Archibald Campbell, “Warrior The displays were designed by CPT Battalion, Fort Bragg, NC David Niekerk. The official activation ceremony was held on the parade ground • 22nd Personnel and Administration following the dedication. British Army Battalion, Frankfurt, Germany MAJ Robert Dibley acted as narrator, • 38th Personnel and Administration reflecting the fact that Horatio Gates was Battalion, Stuttgart, Germany a British Major before his appointment as • 90th Personnel and Administration our first Adjutant General. Battalion, Kaiserslautern, Germany The Officers and Noncommissioned • 100th Reception Battalion, Louisville, Officers of the Corps stood proud behind KY the colors of the units that comprise • 326th Personnel and Administration the Adjutant General’s Corps. The Battalion, Indianapolis, IN Commander of Troops was COL Mary C. Willis, Commander of Troop Brigade. • 335th Personnel and Administration The ceremony featured the unveiling of Battalion, Butler, PA the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental • 347th Replacement Battalion, Flag which depicts the American eagle Marion, IL on a blue background with the words • 387th Personnel and Administration “Adjutant General’s Corps” on a scroll Battalion, Wichita, KS Troops stand behind the colors of the units that underneath. The Regimental Motto, comprise the Adjutant General’s Corps. “Defend and Serve,” is on a scroll held Part of the activation ceremony included

1775 | Honoring Our Legacy 7 the investiture of the three Honorary “Dick” Cregar. Most significant was the Corps” was written and choreographed Members of the Regiment and their award of the Order of Horatio Gates which by the Team Leaders/ Members of that award of the Order of Horatio Gates in was bestowed upon many distinguished division. Gold. MG (Ret) Verne L. Bowers was Officers and Noncommissioned Officers The evening concluded with the Grand invested as the Honorary Colonel of that have made a significant contribution Tattoo. The ceremonial Tattoo was the Regiment, CW4 (Ret) Donald E. to the good of the Corps. commanded by LTC Joseph Greenlee Hess as Honorary Warrant Officer of Other key events of the evening included with music provided by the 74th Army the Regiment, and SGM (Ret) Daniel P. a musical tribute to the Regiment written Band, who also introduced the Adjutant Daly as Honorary Sergeant Major of the and sung by MAJ Curtis B. Taylor, with General’s Corps Regimental March. The Regiment. assistance by MAJs Robert J.Malkemes Regimental March was written by CPT The “Grand Finale” was the Adjutant and Keith H. Williams of the Adjutant William A. Foss. General’s Corps Regimental Ball held General School Advanced Officer that evening, under the planning of LTC Training Division. The “Salute to the

Pictured is a copy of the original AG Corps Regimental March The Soldier Support Advocate is an early prelude to today’s 1775, the Journal of put to music by CPT William A. Foss. the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association.

8 The Journal of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association | Army Human Resources Management in the 21st Century

By LTG Timothy J. Maude, US Army Deputy Chief of Staff, Personnel

t is often said (GED Plus) and College First programs. program while they serve in the Army’s Ithat the only PaYS provides America’s youth an delayed entry program, which is constant in opportunity to serve their country while intended to test the expansion potential life is change. they prepare for the future. Technical for quality (top 50th percentile of the This could be skills required by industry along with country) AFQT score I-IIIA recruits. The the Army’s work ethics, teamwork, communication Army will maintain Soldier quality by philosophy for and leadership skills can be learned requiring education before service and approaching during an enlistment in the Army. After through strict screening criteria. These human completing an active duty tour, the youths are stricter requirements than what high resources make the transition to the industry selected school diploma graduates must meet for management during the recruiting process. Soldiers enlistment. in the future. We can no longer rely on who participate in the PaYS program will The AIM test will maintain Soldier business as usual or a “that’s the way gain valuable skills and experience and quality by measuring the motivation of we have always done it around here” have better opportunities for employment an applicant to serve in the armed forces. mentality. The Army must be on point for after having served. Companies will During initial trials, the test designed by the nation in anticipating and responding gain employees with professional work the Army Research Institute shows a high to traditional and new challenges. We habits who have been held to the highest correlation between AIM scores and low must be ready to implement bold, new, and standards of conduct. The Army will attrition. if needed, radical policies and programs benefit by gaining valuable industry The College First program sponsors high to meet personnel staffing needs of the partners who acknowledge the Army as a school diploma graduate applicants who future. This shift in thinking has already quality producer of skilled employees. score in the top 50 percent on the AFQT begun. It is predicated on the Chief of GED Plus will reach up to 6,000 non-high (those who currently qualify for the Army Staff of the Army’s (CSA’s) vision for the school graduates annually (4,000 Active College Fund) to attend up to two years of Army. and 2,000 Reserve Component) who post-secondary education before coming To meet our future manning needs, the score in the top half of the country on the on active duty. The Army will pay these Army must recruit efficiently, reduce first Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) applicants a stipend while attending term attrition in the training base and in and the top 75 percent on the Assessment school, and repay qualifying student loans units, and retain quality Soldiers. Last of Individual Motivation (AIM) test. after the applicant begins active duty. year the Army’s retention success story The Army will sponsor applicants to A portion of the test population will be enabled it to meet the end strength levels complete an attendance-based GED required to serve in a troop program unit mandated by Congress. Without strong of the Selected Reserve while attending support by Army leaders at all levels, it school, while the other participants would have been impossible to fully staff will have the option to do so. Those in the Army with quality people. The Army, the Selected Reserve will receive their however, cannot rely on retention alone. Reserve duty pay and allowances in We rely on an influx of new personnel as addition to the educational stipend. These Soldiers retire and separate from military recruiting initiatives are designed to attract service. The following are some of segments of the target population who are the newer “initiative” enhancements to high quality but, for various reasons, have existing HR systems and accomplishments not been actively recruited. that support the force under the Chief of Staff’s transformation campaign plan. The Army Research Institute is in the final stage of fielding the Enlisted Current measures being developed are SSG Daren Baker, an instructor assigned to Personnel Allocation System (EPAS), the Investment in America initiative, Company B, 577th Engineer Battalion, oversees which is designed to enhance the Recruit Partnership for Youth Success (PaYS), training at an Engineer School facility on Fort Quota System (REQUEST), the Army’s General Education Development Plus Leonard Wood. training reservation system by introducing

1775 | Honoring Our Legacy 9 optimization into recruit classification efficient operation and maintenance. procedures. This will better match recruits The MANPRINT program focuses on with Military Occupational Specialty the following areas: addressing whether (MOS) skill requirements and improve additional manpower spaces will be soldier performance, and, indirectly first- needed for the systems being acquired, the term completion. training the system will require, Soldier / REQUEST assigns applicants to system interface issues and human factors initial training based on current job-fill engineering, whether operating the system requirements and into jobs for which they will create unacceptable health hazards would be most productive. In contrast, for Soldiers, ensuring that operating the the EPAS optimal allocation maximizes system will take place in a safe manner predicted performance for an annual new and that it will not subject the Soldier service cohort, while meeting accession to unnecessary injuries or fratricide as a and training management goals. The function of poor system design. We issue model solution is updated weekly and used a clean bill of health for a system only to generate an ordered list of MOS training when we can verify that it will operate as SSG Mary Soublet, an instructor assigned to the recommendations that are merged with expected. 84th Chemical Battalion, 3rd Chemical Brigade, those generated by existing REQUEST The Army Human Resources Information checks a student’s protective mask at the procedures and presented to the applicant Systems (HRIS) strategy is part of the Chemical Defense Training Facility, Fort Leonard by a career counselor. Limited field Army’s transformation campaign to Wood, Missouri. testing of EPAS and other classification develop innovative information systems improvement methodologies occurred in that give leaders at all levels instantaneous 1999 with data analysis in progress. critical human resources task. The Army information and to establish strategic Chief of Staff has tasked the DCSPER One of the lesser-known missions of policy and objectives with a resourced to staff the Army fully by 2003, with the the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel course of action. The HRIS strategy is an requirement to staff the 10 Divisions and (DCSPER) is that of serving as the Army first. It provides strategic direction two Armored Cavalry Regiments fully Army Staff Proponent for Manpower and of Guard, Reserve and Active Army by the end of fiscal year 2000. This is a Personnel Integration (MANPRINT), information system developments in significant challenge and will result in which ensures that weapons and support of our Soldiers and civilians. The the short-term understaffing of table of information systems acquired for Soldiers increasing number of Guard and Reserve distribution and allowances (TDA) units including systems designed to aid in the personnel serving around the world as part until the force structure has been realigned Army’s transformation into a lighter, more of the Army’s multicomponent­ alliance to reflect inventory realities. My intent is deployable and more survivable force, are requires the support of a strong HRIS to staff fully the Army’s combat units in a not fielded until they have demonstrated architecture. Personnel information must manner that is least disruptive to Soldiers, that they are fully capable of effective and be easily and readily available to Soldiers, their Families and TDA units. staff and Commanders for the human resource strategy to be fully realized in Without a steady flow of recruits into the next decade. This is one of several training, the Army must rely on its Soldiers DCSPER initiatives that will enhance to do more, thus inflating personnel tempo Reserve Component integration and (the amount of time individual Soldiers provide the framework to accomplish the are deployed). Current initiatives such as Army’s transformation objectives in the PaYS, GED Plus and College First should 21st Century. attract more recruits to fill the ranks. The economy, as well as youth attitudes and To continue efforts to promote Army propensity to serve in the military, play a integration objectives, Guard and tremendous role in the Army’s ability to Reserve personnel remain dedicated to recruit and retain Soldiers. MANPRINT serving around the world. Their service will ensure that the systems developed are has provided significant reduction in Soldier-friendly, and our HRIS strategy Active Component operating tempo. In will ensure that Army information addition, selected Reserve Component systems across components are able to officers are now serving as Commanders communicate with one another. of active units. These Commanders are gaining valuable command experience The Army’s human resources community while demonstrating how integration is poised to draft and implement radical of components can transform the Army policies and programs that will facilitate Reserve Component Soldiers and officers filling the ranks. We will accomplish this are a critical link to the Army’s 21st century while expending considerable resources to strategy, and we will support them with a maintain Soldier / Family well-being and human resources system and policies that reduce unit turbulence. We are committed A 1st Armored Division Soldier covers a squad will ensure their success. to and will remain vigilant in meeting the member during personnel search training at the challenges of the 21st century. CMTC. Manning the force is clearly the most

10 The Journal of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association | The Evolution of HR Structure – A Historical Perspective

By COL (Ret) Edward Strong, AG Corps Hall of Fame, Class of 2012

n June of Sergeant discovered that I could type. transfer occurred just in time for me to I1953, an He quickly assigned me to the “exalted” witness, and be part of, a major structural 18-year-old position of Unit Clerk. Unfortunately change in the HR system. The Battalion high school this position in the structure has been personnel offices were eliminated, and a dropout decided relegated to history. It was a great starting consolidated personnel office was formed it was time to point in its day. The unit clerk served as at Division level (i.e., the Personnel leave home. the right hand person to the First Sergeant, Service Detachment (PSD)). The He went to the provided HR service to Soldiers, and military pay function was removed from local recruiting accounted for the whereabouts of Soldiers the HR structure and placed in a new, station and on a daily basis. consolidated, Division Finance Office. As talked to the The basic Army accounting document part of the restructuring, the Battalions Air Force recruiter, his first choice. He was the Morning Report. It was prepared were authorized a Personnel Staff NCO was told that there would be a six-month in every Army unit at the beginning of (PSNCO) (Grade E7) to interface with the waiting list to join the Air Force. He then each day. It detailed the unit’s PSD. went to the office of the Navy recruiter, assigned gains, assigned his second choice, where he learned that losses, and miscellaneous the waiting period would be only three changes, such as individual months. So the Army was next. When he leaves. And to the frustration asked the recruiter how long it would take of most unit clerks, the to enlist in the Army, the recruiter looked Morning Report required the at his watch and said the train will leave at use of perfect abbreviations, 5 o’clock. He was on that train. I was that perfect typing (i.e., no young man when my 41-year Army career erasures or type overs), and the began. unit Commander’s personal The Army provided me with a wonderful signature. Needless to say, opportunity to grow: personally, there was an Army-wide sigh professionally, and academically. Six of relief when technology years of enlisted service led to 29 years eventually replaced, and of commissioned service, followed by retired the Morning Report six years of service as a Department of many years later. The thrust of the new structure added the Army civilian. With the exception The next stop in my career was the rudimentary personal automation (i.e., of three short years in the Infantry, all of Battalion personnel office. The Battalion punch card based) at Division level. The this service was as a proud member of the S1 structure in those days included both an PSD worked under the direction of the Adjutant General’s Corps, the heart of the Officer (S1) and a Chief Warrant Officer Division Adjutant General. It consisted of Army’s human resources (HR) function. (CWO) (i.e., the personnel officer). The four divisions: military personnel records, Reflecting on those years, I sometimes office consisted of five sections; military actions, management, and automation. think about how the HR structure changed personnel records, actions, management, The HR structure of the Corps, and the on my watch, and why many of those and pay. Under the patient leadership support force were eventually reorganized changes came about. In simple terms – of a great CWO, I became the Battalion in a similar manner with Personnel Service evolving threats, resource constraints, Personnel Sergeant and was eventually Companies and Battalions. and technology drove the train. My encouraged to attend Officer Candidate The PSD concept struggled initially assumption here is that little has changed. School (OCS). within the , Europe. Structural change is a given in the HR After graduating from OCS, and a few Soldiers and Commanders frequently world and the community must always be years of service in the Infantry, the expressed displeasure with the support. It ready to defend its resources. Army approved my branch transfer to soon became apparent that Soldiers were My HR career began the day my First the AG Corps in the early 1960’s. The being required to travel long distances

1775 | Honoring Our Legacy 11 from their home stations to interact with priority on field operations and our plans community’s share of the AOE bill. The their Division’s PSD. Travel distances to move from the peacetime, geographical end result of that Army decision was that often exceeded 50 or more miles. orientation to a wartime support posture. the Division AG position was eliminated; Considering that there were four divisions To ensure the Corps remained in sync the PSDs were removed from the Division in Germany at that time, it was not unusual with the latest military personnel doctrine, structure; and several hundred wartime for hundreds of Soldiers to be on the road we interacted routinely with the Soldier authorizations were lost. each day to interact with their personnel Support Institute (SSI) and the AG School. In many ways, the AOE redesign caught offices. To further complicate the This interaction soon shed light on a the senior HR leadership by surprise. situation, the supporting finance offices potential problem for the HR community. In a very short period of time, the HR were organized regionally, with finance SSI was in the process of evaluating a community suffered a large reduction offices in each major city. Since the theoretical personnel accounting concept in wartime authorizations without any two structures were not aligned, critical in the 9th Infantry Division. The concept offsetting automation. Because the finance related information frequently was referred to as the “High Tech changes occurred so quickly, the HQDA “fell through the crack” impacting on the Personnel System”. It was based on proponents were left out of the planning. pay of Soldiers. the rapid reporting of combat essential This apparent disconnect was brought In an effort to fix the problem, the HR personnel information in an automated to the personal attention of the HQDA leadership recommended a major shift system. Inherent to the concept was DCSPER (LTG Bob Elton). He asked from command-oriented personnel a significant structural change for the me to establish a small Task Force to offices, to a regional structure. Starting division. The anticipated problem was that examine the problem on behalf of the HR with a single test office, it took more than the “Hi Tech” concept could be adopted community, and to seek solutions. two years to persuade the USAREUR prematurely, and the HR structure could Over time the Task Force became command structure of the need for change, be reduced on the promise of savings responsible for interacting with all of and to eventually reorganize the structure. through automation. the major players involved in fielding But eventually the regional personnel The structure under evaluation combined the AOE, and absorbing the manpower support system became a reality within the office of the G1 and the AG into a single loss in the field. In many ways, the the United States Army, Europe. position, and it moved the PSD from the HR community was in the middle of a The loss of the Battalion Personnel Office Division to Corps control. The reporting “perfect storm”. Wartime authorizations was a different story. Despite their best system was focused only on managing in the field were being drastically reduced: efforts, the Personnel Staff NCO’s were information in the aggregate (e.g., the organizations were being restructured: simply unable to take up the slack. And strength of units). The fundamental doctrine was being revised: and last, but the PSD’s were hard pressed to meet all weakness of the concept was the simple not least, the standard personnel system of the battalions’ needs. Soon “shadow fact that it was not designed to interact with (SIDPERS) was undergoing a major clerks” crept into the structure at Battalion the actual personnel reporting system, i.e., redesign. But there was no single agency level to help meet the many demands SIDPERS. There was also a misguided responsible for connecting the many parts placed on the S1 and the PSNCO. This belief that an automated Soldier Data Tag of the storm. The Task Force quickly situation eventually led to a new support could be developed to replace the field filled this void and became the DCSPER’s concept, and another structural change. record and lead to a “paperless” office. primary coordinating agent. Battalions were instructed to move all The Task Force responded directly to of the unit clerks to Battalion-level the DCSPER, and was given authority and form Personnel Administrative to task HR agencies in his name. To Centers (PAC). It is interesting to facilitate the integration of doctrine note here that the introduction of the and HQDA policies and procedures, PSD in the early 1960’s eventually led the Task Force was placed under to the elimination of the Unit Clerk the dual supervision of both the position Army-wide. But I suspect DCSPER, and the Commander of the someone is still doing that work Soldier Support Institute. A “Board for the Company Commanders and of Directors” was also formed to First Sergeants notwithstanding the facilitate coordination and help absence of authorizations. steer the effort. The board included Colonel-level representatives from To continue my personal story as the major commands and the key it relates to HR structure, I will fast Unfortunately, while the HR doctrinal agencies at HQDA and TRADOC. The forward to the VII Corps in Germany in proponents were focused on the “High Board of Directors achieved a remarkable the early 1980’s. The fast forward includes Tech” concept, the Army was in the spirit of cooperation and truly helped keep my service at Brigade, installation, major process of fielding two new light the effort on track. command, and theater level. At this point Infantry Divisions as part of the Army in my career I was fortunate enough to In the area of workload reduction, the of Excellence (AOE). They intended have experienced the HR system from the AOE Task Force conducted a top-to- to field the Divisions without adding bottom up to theater level. I had yet to bottom review of all military HR field any additional manpower to the Army. experience life at HQDA. That adventure, operations over several months. Each Quickly the risk of loss became a reality. however, was right around the corner. military personnel function was “put The theoretical savings of the “High Tech” under a microscope” through a series of As the VII Corps AG, I placed a high concept became an easy target as the HR

12 The Journal of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association | functional workshops of cooperation between the software to clarify the wartime developers and the functional proponents. requirements, and Looking back today, the AOE Task Force the methods to be was the right organization, at the right used in transitioning time. It filled a void, and helped guide the from peacetime to Army’s HR system through a period of wartime. turbulent change, i.e., it responded to the It was emphasized “perfect storm.” It is a pleasure to reflect that the wartime today on the teamwork that was achieved requirements of within the HR community and the the HR system are progress that was made during a turbulent actually performed period. The mission of the Task Force routinely every day was eventually imbedded within the USA during peacetime. Military Personnel Command and this The focus was old Soldier began to fade away, but not therefore placed on without first giving some thought to the workshops. Functional proponents at the changes needed to lessons learned from the AOE experience. HQDA, field operators, and the doctrinal transition from peace to war. It was here The first lesson is that the HR community proponents attended the workshops. that the need for forward deployed forces must be ever vigilant at all levels to Suggestions for improvement were and split-based operations were first safeguard the manpower resources developed by the workshops and tracked discussed. This effort culminated in the required to manage HR systems and by the Task Force to completion. The publication of a new field manual, a joint take care of Commanders, Soldiers, and DCSPER of the Army took a personal effort between the Task Force and the SSI. Families. There is probably nothing more interest in this effort and his office received In the world of automation, the AOE competitive within the Army than the regular updates. The Vice Chief of Staff arrived during the era of SIDPERS 2. process by which it allocates structure and of the Army also became interested in the There was little that could be done with the manpower. work reduction effort, as it applied to the major standard system to help offset the The second lesson is that doctrine, Battalion S1. He directed that a portion of loss of manpower. SIDPERS 3 was on the policies, procedures, automation, and the effort be directed towards streamlining books in the planning and developmental training must be forever effectively linked S1 and PAC operations. Although it is stages, but a long way in the future. It within the HR community. I recently not possible to quantify the degree of offered no help in the short run. asked the Commandant of the AG School improvement achieved by the effort, it On the bright side, the Army began to for an assessment of how well the current is a tribute to the many HR leaders and field tactical computers, down to Battalion HR leadership is doing in that regard. operators of that era, who invested so level. This provided an opportunity for He advised me that through its level much time and energy in a sincere effort to the HR community to develop and field of professionalism, the HR leadership streamline and reduce the cost of business functional applications on an incremental remains on top of the linkage. Having in the field. basis (i.e., SIDPERS 2.5). The Task Force been a key member of the AOE Task Force, The PSC structure also received a lot of worked with the automation developers I believe that COL (Ret) Mike Molosso is attention from the Task Force. The initial and the functional proponents to design in an excellent position to keep his eye on restructuring under the AOE focused applications and sent priorities for fielding. that ball, and to make that judgment. exclusively on the new Division direct Here again there was a remarkable spirit support PSC. In other words, all of the manpower reductions were taken from the Division structure. The end result was an imbalance of support capability within the force. Working with the doctrinal proponents in the SSI, the Task Force helped redesign the PSC structure. As part of the redesign, the Task Force insisted that the larger PSCs be commanded by LTCs to provide the necessary background and experience required for that level of responsibility. In addition, the Task Force recommended that the final designed be based on a modular structure to facilitate task organization. The sudden change in the support structure also brought with it a degree of confusion concerning doctrine. The unsuccessful test of the “Hi Tech” system contributed to the confusion. Recognizing this issue, the Task Force used a portion of the

1775 | Honoring Our Legacy 13 HR Innovations in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm 1990-1991

By COL (Ret) Gary L. Gresh, former Commander, 18th Personnel Group

ate has unprepared for the firestorm of activity Corps deployed in August 1991, we Fa way of with which I was about to embark. I had no internet, no laptop computers, throwing you a was immediately plunged into the most no i-Phones, no wi-fi, no Facebook, no curve ball when stressful and action packed preparation I Twitter, and perhaps biggest of all, NO you least expect had ever witnessed and quite literally felt EMAIL! We had CNN on TV if we were it and perhaps like a cork floating on a fast running river, lucky and telephone lines. when you are which I had absolutely no control over The Army personnel community had the least able and knew nothing of where the river was been planning for automation for almost to react quickly taking me. 20 years, but everything was bulky, enough. So it I had arrived at Fort Bragg ready to cumbersome, and had to be tied together was in August 1990 as I unpacked boxes transition the Corps AG Office to the 18th by phone lines. The TACCS box alone, in my newly assigned quarters on Pelham Personnel Group for which I had been the Army’s basic automation device, was Road, Fort Bragg, NC, in preparation selected as the first Commander of that the size of two-foot lockers and took two to become the next Adjutant General of group, which was to stand up sometime soldiers to load and unload from any the 18th Airborne Corps and the first between October 1990 and January 1991. vehicle. Commander of the 18th Personnel Group, I next remember sitting on a 747 jet When we began leaving Fort Bragg on 10 a new structure being fielded in 1990. headed for Saudi Arabia with the August 1991, we were unplugged from Little did I know that the next day, while advanced party of the Corps, a group of the Army personnel system, SIDPERS, continuing to unpack boxes, I would superb Officers and NCOs who would and had only the database we had taken receive a telephone call from the Corps together begin the next 6 months of round with us into Saudi Arabia. We had about Operations Center asking me to report the clock preparation to plan, receive a dozen TACCS boxes, each supporting to the headquarters immediately to meet and set up a deployed Airborne Corps about 500 troops, and absolutely no with the leadership team of the Corps. on the sands of Saudi Arabia, I would not return to live in my quarters an absolute Human Resources until May of the next year, as we were (HR) nightmare of planning, quarantined, briefed, and began immediate coordination, and execution. preparation for deployment to Saudi Since 1776, the American Arabia to begin Operation Desert Shield Army ran on paperwork - and subsequently Operation Desert Storm forms starting with the unit in January 1991. Kuwait had been invaded morning report of who was by Iraq, and the 18th Corps was going to present, to who was sick, and make the Iraqi army go back home. where all units were stationed. Fate had struck again and this time I felt Nothing really changed in the particularly unprepared. I had not even Army from 1776 to 1980 in been to my office, I knew only a few of regards to paperwork! We still The 18th Personnel Group deployed in support of Operations the assigned Officers and NCOs of the AG shuffled paper to accomplish Desert Shield and Desert Storm under austere conditions, office in the Corps, and I was completely most anything. When the 18th but with Soldier ingenuity personnel operations consistently improved.

14 The Journal of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association | electronic connection with Department that giving only mission-style orders, staffs came together to form an effective of the Army, except over long distance and allowing individual ingenuity Group structure. The Corps Commander phone lines. I was convinced that I was and innovation to run wild among the decided to form the group early and to about to become the first Commander of Company Grade Officers and NCOs detach all units from the COSCOM so the 18th Personnel Group, but also the was the only way to succeed in this that the COSCOM could focus on its first Commander to be relieved when I environment. You just had to trust your huge mission of bringing ammunition could not even tell the Corps Commander subordinates until or unless they proved and supplies into the Corps. This left how many troops we had in country on unworthy. the Personnel Group on its own to form, any given day! This issue of 1775 does not have enough set up operations, and support itself as Lest I forget, it was not only those of space to tell the entire story of the next it almost doubled in size weekly. The us at Fort Bragg who were putting in 24 12 months of Desert Shield and Desert Officers and NCOs took on this challenge hour days, as all HR professionals in the Storm, so I will concentrate on the four with absolute resolve and “got–it-done”. Army were working overtime to help the most demanding tasks we had to overcome Automation: We had some. We had 12 effort. The DCSPER mobilized every while trying to support a deployed TACCS boxes loaded with the basics of personnel asset he could to help support and growing Corps: Organization, the Corps Headquarters. But we needed a the effort. Korea, Europe, and the Reserve Automation, Mail, and Logistics. huge database, which we did not have, nor components and the Commandant of did we have the capability to store a huge the AG School ramped up to support Organization: We had none. We database. Once again the American Army the effort with deployed units, deployed deployed as an AG section only to find NCO stood up to the challenge. The head individual fillers and replacements, and all of our Personnel assets spread across of my SIDPERS section politely asked the DCSPER himself, called me several the Corps Support Command with little me to go get some coffee while they times to ask what I needed and how in the way of vehicles and life support to pondered the situation and came up with they could support. It was a model of stand on their own as we transitioned to a proposal to solve the problem. Their cooperation among personnel support a Personnel Group Structure. Innovative solution was absolutely brilliant. They agencies. Company Grade Officers, NCOs, and coined the phrase “Five Digit Midget” or Pulling on the basics of Personnel Professional Civilians came together to “FDM”. The FDM was a way of changing Doctrine, we knew we had four core advise, plan and support the construction the coding in the TACCS box to hold only competencies and seven functions we of a Group structure while deployed on five pieces of critical information on each had to be prepared to accomplish while the sands of Saudi Arabia. The DCSPER soldier in the Corps: Name, Rank, SSN, MOS and Unit of Assignment. These were the basic elements needed to report strength accounting, location, casualty and units. It also allowed the section to dump thousands of pieces of information currently stored in the TACCS boxes allowing much more room in the database. By linking the TACCS boxes together in tandem much like a string of Christmas tree lights, they were able to use these same TACCS boxes to upload an entire Corps strength. This required placing HR Soldiers at every incoming air and sea terminal to collect manifests as units landed and to deploy LNO teams to each hospital and aid station to collect casualty data. All of this The 18th Personnel Group with Personnel assets spread across the XVIII Airborne Corps Support Command in Saudi Arabia faced daunting challenges to construct a new Group structure in theater. was made possible by the DCSPER and MILPERCEN who sent us NCO fillers protecting, sustaining, and taking care and MILPERCEN provided individual from Korea. of the Soldiers assigned to us to do fillers as needed to flush out a Group staff Meanwhile, and largely unknown to us, the personnel mission. I soon learned and the P&A Battalion Commanders and the DCSPER was pulling out all the stops

1775 | Honoring Our Legacy 15 LOGISTICS: The Group had little in the way of logistics personnel, vehicles, tentage, mess facilities, or even office basics such as tables and chairs. Thankfully, the DCSPER in conjunction with the DCSLOG and Fort Lee, started funneling supplies and logistics to the 18th Personnel Group as quickly as possible. But this required officers to construct hand written property books and ways of tracking supplies and equipment. This challenge was with us every day until the end of the deployment and even had us setting up Arms Rooms and secure storage facilities for weapons that were funneled back to the 18th P&A Battalion Replacement Detachment from hospitals The 18th Personnel Group’s postal mission required many forklifts and huge storage areas just to place and sort the tons of mail received from the US. and aid stations that could not hold them while on the move. Remarkably, there to buy and deploy laptop commuters to and unit assets alone would account for were only two reports of survey needed at theater as quickly as possible to give us a almost 35% of the Group by the time the the end of the deployment to account for database capability. These laptops would deployment came to an end. the few lost items during the deployment. eventually begin arriving to our area in The 18th Personnel Group quickly Desert Shield and Desert Storm was the December 1990 to January 1991. But in became the largest deployed Personnel first ever overseas deployment of an entire the meantime, the brilliant database built Brigade in history since WWII. When Army Corps in less than six months, by the NCOs of the 18th Group and the over 1,700 replacements began filing many of the units taking their own 18th P&A Battalion stood the tests of into the Corps, through the Replacement equipment and many deploying without time. Detachment, the 18th Personnel Group TOE equipment requiring Reserve MAIL: Yes, we had mail. Perhaps our actually became the largest unit in the component depot support from across the biggest challenge was the US Mail! Even Corps rear detachment. We fed, housed, USA. Everyday felt like you were inside in 1991, the Soldier still penned hand and supplied newly arriving troops. The a blender being spun in 100 different written letters and dropped them into the Reserve component quickly became directions at once. But incredibly, the US Mail to loved ones back in the states. the savior to the Corps as it sent Postal Officers, NCOs, and Soldiers of America There was no EMAIL, no text messages, Companies, fillers, Mess Teams, US made it all happen. It was an honor no Facebook, no Twitter and lastly few postal employees and sorting equipment to serve with every one of them. It’s phones to call home. Perhaps even into the Group. amazing what you can accomplish when worse, stamps in 1991 were of the lick- Then fate struck again. A wonderful lady you unleash the potential and ingenuity of em, stick-em type which would quickly named Ms. Ann Landers decided to print the American Soldier. become a mass of glued paper in the a series of articles in every newspaper Soldier’s sweaty pocket in Saudi Arabia. in the country telling Americans that The DCSPER helped us out with that by Soldiers, particularly women Soldiers, getting congress to pass free mail. needed personal sanitary toiletries and to The 18th Personnel group did have one send them addressed to Any Soldier, 18th Postal Company, but just one Company, of Personnel Group, Saudi Arabia! Tractor- 50 Soldiers, to support an entire deployed trailers began delivering TONS of boxes Corps! It soon became apparent that this to be distributed to Soldiers requiring would become the monster under the bed! forklifts and huge storage areas just to It took action by all levels of leadership place and sort. Thank God, it does not to mobilize people, equipment, and rain often in Saudi Arabia, as all of these storage for the tons of mail that arrived packages had to sit out in the weather everyday into the area. Postal personnel until distributed.

16 The Journal of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association | Maintaining Our Legacy and Never Forget our Fallen Warriors

By MAJ Randy P. Lefebvre

n the modern era dating back to at Human Resources Command, many the same and each installation across I2001, the Adjutant General’s Corps leaders, peers, DA Civilians, and after 20 the Army utilizes Army Regulation 1-33 has lost 52 Soldiers and Civilians due long months the mission was complete. (The Army Memorial Program). Some to fighting the War on Terrorism. Our On 28 August 2015, members of the installations may require additional fallen comrades continue to remain in our 369th Adjutant General Battalion, Soldier information for proposing a dedication thoughts, and we remember them daily as Support Institute, as well as Family and or memorialization after a fallen Soldier. they fuel our motivation to take care of close friends gathered to dedicate the Before submitting a packet, I recommend Soldiers, Civilians and Family members 369th Battalion Headquarters building that your unit selects a Soldier who in every formation that we defend and and memorial garden in honor of MAJ previously served at your installation that serve. During the modern era, there are Dwayne Williams. MAJ Williams was made a lasting and enduring impact on not many Soldiers from the Adjutant killed in action during the terrorist attack the command. If the Soldier served in General’s Corps that have an Army on 11 September 2001 at The Pentagon. a unit on the installation there is a better building or military installation street To get to the end result of naming a facility, chance of approval. named after them. Over the last couple building, street, room or hallway varies in The next step is asking your installation of years and based on the inspiration from COL (Ret) Robert L. Manning, I wanted to give back to our Corps by doing something above and beyond what we do as HR professionals to help preserve, not only our Regiment’s legacy, but theirs as well. COL (Ret) Manning gave the Adjutant General School a jumpstart of not forgetting our fallen warriors by creating the Hall of Honor within the AG School at Fort Jackson, SC. Within the Hall are the displays for the LTG Timothy J. Maude, SGM Larry L. Strickland, John J. Dinnien Awards, and many other reminders to ensure we never forget. My first initiative in this endeavor came about while serving as the 369th Adjutant General Battalion Executive Officer in 2012, during the construction of the COL (Ret) Brent Johnson, former 369th AG Battalion Commander and the 25th Chief of the Adjutant Battalion’s new footprint and knowing General’s Corps, provides remarks to dedicate the 369th AG Battalion Headquarters building and there was an opportunity to memorialize memorial garden in honor of MAJ Dwayne Williams, former member of the 369th and killed in action during the terrorist attack on 11 September 2001 at The Pentagon. our Battalion headquarters. With the support of the Casualty and Mortuary time, component of the fallen Soldier, and of the requirements for memorializing or Affairs Operations Center (CMAOC) approving authority. The process remains dedicating a facility, building, street, or

1775 | Honoring Our Legacy 17 room. Some of the information needed in AR 1-33, Table 2-1 (i., j., k.). One of vary, but here are a few ideas to include: requires the support of CMAOC as they the most important things is not to notify programs (ask the surviving family can help with retrieving the Soldiers ERB the Family members until the decision has members for their input), seating chart, or ORB and AHRC Form 1569 (Transcript been made by the approving authority. Band (if available), key leaders, official of Military Record). This information, The final decision rests with the Gold invitations, coordination thru the S1Net, helps you create a biographical sketch of Star Family who can stop the request at Soldiers with ascots / gloves as escorts at the fallen Soldier similar to a memorial or any point in the process. the event, and contact previous Soldiers change of command program, to include When a Family does decide to approve that served with the Fallen Soldier their schooling, assignment history, and the decision, there are a few things your being recognized. Depending on your awards. Also, you will need to create a unit should know during the final plan for installation, the local Adjutant General’s Naming Memorandum for the Installation execution. Your unit is not authorized to Corps Regimental Association can Memorial Affairs Coordinator signed by pay for the Family travel expenses. After provide great support with planning an your Battalion Commander. Depending helping plan several of these events, I event like this. The result is an enduring on your request of either memorializing have always tried to make the ceremony commitment to our Gold Star Families or dedicating a building, facility or room, a lasting memory for the unit and Family while maintaining the legacy of our AG the approving authority can be referenced member in attendance. The ceremony can professionals.

The I Corps G-1 dedicated their G-1 conference room as the LTC Paul R. Bartz Conference Room. LTC Bartz (pictured) was killed in action in Afghanistan on 18 May 2010.

18 The Journal of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association | Organization and Functions of the Adjutant General’s Department in the War Department and at the Various Headquarters

By MG Robert C. Davis The Adjutant General, 1922-1927

t is a very great pleasure to be addressing The relations between the General Staff organization may be described by quoting Ithe students at the Command and and the branches were not as clearly from the final report of General Pershing General Staff School. Last year I gave understood as they are now, and as a as Chief of Staff of the Army. In it he says very informal talk to the class and as I result the General Staff at the various in part: have a number of more or less important headquarters functioned in different “As a result, we have an organization matters concerning my Department to ways. At G.H.Q. and Army Headquarters, of the General Staff, and an assignment mention to you I have prepared a few it functioned in practically the same of functions to its different divisions, remarks which I desire to make. I wish to way, and at Corps Headquarters more indicated by experience, which is sound discuss with you the organization of the or less so; in divisions it functioned in all respects. Under this organization War Department and lesser headquarters very differently, the Chief of Staff and the General Staff establishes policies in so far as they relate to The Adjutant the G’s of the division in some cases and principles governing action on General’s Department, the functions performing some or many of the duties of matters relating to the service, and of that Department, its relation to the the Adjutant General, The Quartermaster, studies important subjects and projects, General Staff, and the mechanics of the etc. In some instances, depending on the especially those relating to defense and procedure between these two and other personality of the individual General war plans. According to this procedure, branches of the Army. Staff officer, the appropriate agencies the branch concerned operates under As I have often said, any discussion of The were used, but in others they were not. these principles and policies announced Adjutant General’s Department cannot be In the War Department, the General Staff on such broad lines that most cases can be had without first discussing the General divisions performed many of the duties disposed of without further consideration Staff, for these two are so intimately of the various branches or at least some by the General Staff, but special cases and closely associated and related that a of them. In my opinion this was due to a discussion of one, of necessity, includes misunderstanding of the functions of the the other. General Staff and possibly the lack of a general mobilization plan. The General Staff was created by law in 1902 and until the World War it When General Pershing became Chief functioned in various ways, mostly at the of Staff, he appointed a board composed War College. A few of its members were of officers who had had experience in assistants to the Chief of Staff, but there organization in the A.E.F. and in the was no fundamental organization of the War Department during the World War. General Staff which could be utilized for This board, known as the Harbord Board, G.H.Q., A.E.F., Army, Corps, Division based on our experience in the World War, Headquarters, etc., in the World War. prescribed an organization for the War Department General Staff and assigned Ongoing to France a tentative organization to its several divisions those functions of the General Staff at G.H.Q. was created. which experience indicated were the Later the Commander-in-Chief detailed proper ones. This organization of the a board to consider the organization of General Staff contemplated a certain the whole A.E.F. This board created an definite functioning of The Adjutant organization of the A.E.F. including the General’s Office. The operations of General Staff at the several headquarters. GEN John J. “Black Jack” Pershing, US Army the War Department under the board’s We were in the midst of a great war. Chief of Staff, 1921-1924.

1775 | Honoring Our Legacy 19 of importance are referred to the Chief the students to understand the correct officers who had the benefit of instruction of Staff or the Secretary of War for organization and methods of functioning at this school and at the War College, personal action. This same organization of the General Staff and therefore of The officers who not only have had general and procedure prevails at headquarters Adjutant General’s Department. staff training but have demonstrated that of the various Corps Areas and Overseas It is most unfortunate that in our military they have profited by that training. Departments. Not since the creation of schools there is no place where office If you will attempt to visualize the officers the General Staff has there been more organization and administration are of The Adjutant General’s Department helpful cooperation and mutually cordial taught. We devote a great deal of time to at any headquarters whatsoever, as the understanding than now exist between the teaching students certain of their duties administrative executive officers of General Staff and the various branches in connection with personnel, supplies, their particular headquarters, you will of the War Department. I believe that operations, etc., but no where do we readily see why it is that our present War the present General Staff organization, show them as staff officers, how to apply Department mobilization charts show its methods, and its relation to the War practically, from an administrative view The Adjutant General graphically in a Department are as contemplated in the point, the knowledge which they have position as regards to other branches and organic law creating the General Staff, acquired; for a staff officer is essentially other War Department agencies, whereby and, as this development is largely based an administrative officer and whether he he can exercise authority commensurate on our World War experience, I sincerely is concerned with personnel, operations, with his executive responsibilities. His hope that in all essential particulars it supply, etc., in my opinion, in order to position on these charts does not indicate will remain unchanged.” apply his knowledge he must also know merely the routing of communications This quotation outlines the principles administration. I appreciate that each through a bottleneck. It indicates and under which the War Department one of us believes that when he becomes gives him a position commensurate with organization, especially the General Staff, an officer he automatically becomes an his responsibilities which is in accord functions. I realize that, unfortunately, organizer and administrator. This belief with War Department organization and this organization and the method of is on a par with the idea that the putting policies as they exist today. procedure are not well understood, or on of a uniform makes a man a leader of Under the procedure which now possibly even understood at all, in the men. We cannot be jacks of all trades. obtains in the War Department and Army at large. Those officers who are Some officers are fine commanders, at Corps Area, Department and other on duty in the War Department are others are splendid staff officers, but headquarters, it is essential that officers thoroughly familiar with the organization only the exceptional ones are both. If it of The Adjutant General’s Department and its procedure; similarly, due to were possible, our General Staff officers, have organizing ability, executive lectures to students at the War College of course, should primarily be selected capacity, and administrative knowledge. and to Adjutants General all over the from this last small group, and secondly It must be remembered that The Adjutant service, these two classes understand the from those having ability as staff officers. General is charged with executing the system, but the great majority of officers Those who are only commanders should approved policies of the General Staff. only have knowledge of the World War be reserved for that purpose. Other branches do this also for technical functioning of the General Staff which, as When we come to the personnel of The subjects relating to their particular I have stated, has been greatly changed. I Adjutant General’s Department, the functions, but only after the matter is do not know whether instruction in this problem presented is very clear to those passed through The Adjutant General, is given here or not, but I hope it is, for who appreciate and know the work that who finally coordinates the action to some of the students at this school upon the officers of this Department are called be taken, and sees to it that it is in graduation will go to Corps Area or upon to do under the present organization accord with existing policies of the War Division Headquarters and a few may of the War Department and subordinate Department as a whole. No other War come to the War Department. It is most headquarters. In this connection I regret Department agency is in a position to do necessary therefore that you should have that many officers have very little this. The Adjutant General is therefore some conception of the principles under knowledge of the present work of the the administrative executive officer of the which the General Staff now functions. Department and also in many instances War Department, and under the report It makes no difference whether the have the mistaken idea that since the of the Superior Board in France and the individual officer concurs or not in this creation of the General Staff and its past Harbord Board, all headquarters, fixed organization and method of procedure. utilization, especially in the World War, and mobile, from the War Department It has not only the approval of our great that the officers in The Adjutant General’s to battalion should be organized and Commander, but even more, he has urged Department are only called upon to function like the War Department. that, in view of our experience in the perform clerical duties, more or less Therefore, what is said of The Adjutant World War, they should not be changed. rubber stamps for the General Staff, with General applies equally to the Adjutants Therefore, all of us should lend ourselves no necessity for initiative, professional General of all headquarters. loyally to carrying out this system. knowledge, or special ability. The I have a very strong belief that officers An Adjutant General’s Section has been ignorance of those holding such views with real organizing ability are born established at this school and it is my hope is apparent to the well informed. Many and not made. Officers with executive that as time goes on, this section may of the main positions in The Adjutant capacity and administrative ability become increasingly useful in assisting General’s Office can be filled only by can be instructed and improved. The

20 The Journal of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association | functioning of an officer at a post with are announced on such broad lines that, mentioned when other procedure is a few Soldiers performing clerical duties in general, most cases can be disposed of contemplated, is the one involving may indicate latent ability, but hardly without reference to the General Staff. the preparation and transmission of sufficient experience to warrant a claim When a particular one is received of such operation orders during actual combat. to a knowledge of administration. importance that it requires a General Here, it is frequently argued, the time Knowing full well what the organization Staff study, the communication is sent element and the necessity for secrecy of the War Department and lesser to the General Staff for this particular create a situation so urgent that the only headquarters contemplate Adjutants purpose and then it goes to the Chief of sound solution lies in direct control of the General should do, I established a Staff for his personal action or that of formulation and dispatch of orders by the permanent department, in general the Secretary of War. This system, as I General Staff. Similarly to ensure smooth selecting the officers on their records, have said, was inaugurated by General functioning in this hour of emergency, it but especially those who, in their service, Pershing; is now accepted as the correct is contemplated that all training should had an opportunity to demonstrate one and should be established at all be along corresponding lines. To such a administrative ability and in some headquarters subordinate to the War doctrine I cannot subscribe. instances organizing ability. If the Department. There is close cooperation The only reason for any Staff in combat organization of The Adjutant General’s between the divisions of The Adjutant is to assist the commander in translating Department and its methods of General’s Office and the divisions of the his will into the action desired. At functioning are to be as I conceive them, General Staff. If there is any doubt as to times during combat this may only be it is necessary that the Department should whether the proposed action conforms accomplished by the commander’s taking be composed of officers of the type I have to the established policy, the officer personal charge of his wavering lines. indicated or it cannot carry on the work handling the particular case in my office Again enlisted orderlies or personnel assigned to it. confers with the officer of the related hastily impressed may transmit the most General Staff division and then action As I have said, the organization of the important orders direct from commanders is taken, but, in some instances, the War Department and its methods of to troops. These are, however, the fleeting proposed action of my office is prepared procedure are firmly established and are moments in the combat life of a division, and taken informally to the General Staff working more and more efficiently each the exceptions which inevitably point to division concerned for concurrence. As day. Under instructions from General the necessity for a proper organization to time goes on, the understanding of these Pershing I have visited each Corps Area carry the normal burden. To discard in principles has increased and the line of and tried to establish at those headquarters the division an accepted tool particularly demarcation between those cases which the same organization that is in effect in designed for preparing, or at least properly can be handled in my office the War Department. Similarly it is in assisting in the preparing, dispatching under the policies of the General Staff, effect at the headquarters of our different and recording orders, in favor of one and those cases which must be sent to divisions and working very well. created for entirely different purposes, the General Staff for study, is becoming as is the General Staff, is of questionable more clearly understood. value. It seems far preferable to utilize The Adjutant General’s each tool in its accepted role and to so Office was reorganized in coordinate the functioning of each as 1922 and given a peace time best to accomplish the ends sought. This organization capable of is what the Harbord Board intended in expansion in time of war by their report. The following suggested the addition only of personnel arrangements offer one solution along and floor space with no the lines indicated. necessity for any change in its The message center might well be the methods. Adjutant General’s Office of the advanced I realize that at this school echelon of division headquarters when you are principally concerned there is an advanced echelon. In France In brief, it is contemplated in the War with the functioning of the General Staff at G.H.Q. the Adjutant General’s mail Department that the General Staff at corps and division headquarters. This room was the message center. As far as establishes policies and general principles should be strictly in accordance with orders are concerned, it could consist governing the action to be taken on matters the basic principles enunciated in the of three sections; one for direct contact concerning the service. In addition, it approved proceedings of the Harbord with the General Staff in formulating makes studies of important subjects, Board. That is, the procedure accepted orders, one for recording them, and one especially those relating to defense, war in the War Department should hold for for transmitting them. Naturally the plans, appropriations, etc. Under this all other headquarters unless clearly operation of the means of transmission procedure, individual communications inapplicable. I can see no reason for would be charged to the Signal Corps. are acted upon by the branch concerned, making an exception either in the division The will of the commander is expressed especially by The Adjutant General’s or in corps. to his General Staff in a plan of action. Office, under the established principles Take the division, for instance. The most With this the Adjutant General is not and policies of the General Staff which difficult situation and the one invariably concerned. The formulation of this plan

1775 | Honoring Our Legacy 21 of action into a properly arranged field order and its proper distribution to the troops may well have the assistance of the Adjutant General. In an emergency, the General Staff and The Adjutant General’s Office, working hand in hand, each on the specialty for which they have been trained, should be able to secure action far more rapidly than could either working singly; for example, with an Adjutant General’s Department trained, as effort is now being made to have it trained, it might well, on occasion, render most valuable assistance in the formulation of an operation order. Furthermore, the General Staff could concentrate all its energies on assisting the Commanding General in planning and carrying out the operation without being burdened with the harassing details experience and I realize that we cannot War, and Navy Building the business of mechanical operation so wearing in expect to establish our procedure in a relating to the current Army. combat. Some of these arrangements were day. However, it is a matter of such vital The current Army contains records employed in combat divisions during the importance that all of us should endeavor only from 1919 on and when we have World War and worked admirably under to understand and learn the principles an archives building, it is contemplated the acid test of battle. which have been accepted and which will each year, passing one year’s records to In short, corps and division headquarters continue for many years as a result of our this building. The current Army consists should function both in peace and war in experience in the World War. of individuals, groups, organizations, etc. conformity with the principles laid down The organization of The Adjutant All matters relating to individuals are by the Harbord Board, and the Adjutant General’s Office might be interesting handled in the Personnel Bureau, which General of either unit (and, by the way, to you, so I will briefly describe it consists of the Officers Division, which he is no longer referred to correctly as and in passing, I might add that at the acts on everything relating to individual the corps or division Adjutant) should various Corps Area and Department officers from the time they enter the act habitually as the corps or division headquarters, The Adjutant General’s Military Academy or are commissioned, administrative executive officer. In this Office is established on related lines and until they are retired or buried; the capacity, the Adjutant General of either is simply a miniature of the main office Enlisted Division, which acts similarly of these headquarters should coordinate and closely affiliated and associated with with reference to the individual enlisted all corps or division agencies (i.e., it by means of personal correspondence man, his recruitment, his handling other members of the headquarters and interchange of officers. while in the service, at the Disciplinary administrative and technical staffs as In The Adjutant General’s Office we Barracks, retirement, death, etc.; and well as the units of the command) for have three divisions that are not in the Reserve Division which handles the purpose of executing the plans and similar Corps Area offices--the Old everything concerning the individual policies of the Commanding General as Records Division, containing thirty Reserve officer and enlisted man, the communicated directly or through the million records from the beginning of enlisted men being only about 5,000 are General Staff. our Country to 1912; the World War negligible. In the event of mobilization, As you go down and approach nearer Division containing one hundred sixty naturally those matters relating to the the troops, the General Staff officers million records from 1912 to 1919 and Reserve officers will be transferred to the will more directly operate, and properly the Selective Service Division which Officers Division, and those of enlisted so, but whenever possible they should contains the draft records of twenty-four men to the Enlisted Division, thus doing utilize the established agencies to relieve million men and five thousand boards. away with the Reserve Division. them as far as possible of unnecessary These three divisions are record divisions, All other matters which do not relate and mechanical work. If General Staff and communications concerning them to the individuals I have mentioned, officers are properly instructed, they are separated in the Adjutant General’s are handled in the great catch all – the will appreciate the difference between mail room of the State, War, and Navy Miscellaneous Division. Then too, we performing their legitimate duties in Building, and sent directly to these have the Publication Division which planning, establishing principles and divisions. They do not come back to the issues all the orders, instructions, policies, acting in important matters, and State, War, and Navy building but are publications, manuals, etc., after being performing the duties properly belonging acted upon in these divisions and sent out cleared through the appropriate division to the branches. directly from them unless they require of the office. In foreign armies, the proper utilization the signature of The Adjutant General or Superimposed over the whole office is of their Staffs is the result of long those above him. That leaves in the State, the Executive Division which handles the

22 The Journal of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association | policies and the personnel of the office, act; the system of keeping records; the and sent to the Veterans Bureau. Since and also the personnel of the Department. method of office has remained current, that date the office has remained current The Adjutant General’s Office handles and automatically keeps a steady flow of and automatically keeps a steady flow of administratively over two million certificates to the Veterans Bureau. certificates to the Veterans Bureau. communications a year. During the year About a month ago, in December of About a month ago, in December 1924, ending June 30, 1924, the office received 1924, I delivered verifying finger prints; I delivered a lecture at the War College, 3,669,537 pieces of mail. It has thirty- the use of machines for computing, which went more into detail about the one officers on duty in it, a clerical force which had to be especially made and organization of The Adjutant General’s of seven hundred ninety-two, and a sub- adapted to this work; the placing in the Office and its relation to the General clerical force of one hundred. personnel records of millions of items Staff. If I may do so I suggest that this I wish I had time to go more thoroughly concerning the additional data required may be useful to you in your study of this into this subject for I can assure you that by the provisions of the act; and then, subject, and I think I can best complete it is very essential that you officers who finally, the receipt, the handling, and my remarks by repeating what I said to eventually, will be our General Staff acting upon the applications and the final the students at the War College, that is, officers should understand and know transmission of the resulting certificates that as future General Staff officers I hope the workings of The Adjutant General’s showing the adjusted service credit to the you will think of The Adjutant General’s Office and its relation to the General Staff. Veterans Bureau. Department as part of your own, and Before concluding my talk I should like By the first of February, the office composed of officers whose main desire to mention a special task which was given had received 2,300,000 applications, is to render you helpful assistance and to me, and which is being accomplished and it had sent to the Veterans Bureau loyal cooperation. The personnel of the through the help and assistance of officers 1,900,000 certificates and is continuing Department is sympathetic to the wants and clerical members of The Adjutant to send about twenty-five thousand daily. of others. We try to find ways to do things General’s Office, namely, the bonus. It The highest number of applications and not regulations to prevent our doing is probably unnecessary to tell you that received in any one day was 58,000; the them. We play the game with our cards the War Department’s part in handling highest number examined in any one on the table and ask others to do likewise. adjusted compensation is considered day was 30,000; the highest number Our motto is “We aim to please, and if one of the biggest administrative tasks of applications checked against the we are not successful in our efforts to do that has occurred. Its difficulties arose records in one day was 32,000; and the what you wish, please remember that we mainly from the fact that all the work highest number of certificates sent to the did our best. in connection with it was necessarily Veterans Bureau in one day was 32,000. I thank you for your attention and for centralized around some 8,000 filing In this connection, the original estimate the opportunity of giving this small cases, containing the personnel records of was that when a force of 2,517 clerks was explanation of the functions of the the individuals who served in the World obtained, instructed in their duties, and Department. War. The draft could be decentralized the organization functioning efficiently, and handled by different agencies all it would be able to send to the Veterans over the United States, but in the case of Bureau 30,000 certificates a day. It so the bonus, so far as the War Department happened that on a particular day in was concerned, it had to be done by only October the force was exactly 2,517 one agency. It was necessary to plan a and on that day we sent to the Veterans’ system to handle the work and receive the Bureau 32,000 certificates. concurrence of every agency involved, Of course, after the passage of the act like the Veterans Bureau, Navy, Marine and the distribution of the application Corps, etc., before starting. This was blanks, they were received by hundreds done in 1922 and the plans kept current of thousands which were piled up until finally the Adjusted Compensation pending the organization and instruction Act became a law. Money became of the force. Our objective was to send available for the work on June 14, 1924. to the Veterans Bureau by January 1, Twelve million application blanks all applications which were received a were printed and distributed all over reasonable time before that. On January the United States within less than two 1st we had received approximately weeks. The distribution was made on a two million applications, four hundred geographical priority so that the veterans thousand had been returned to the in Oregon, Texas, and Maine received veterans for correction, had been their application blanks on the same day disallowed, or were undergoing special that those did who live in Washington, investigation; 1,600,000 certificates had the center of distribution. been sent to the Veterans Bureau; and The force was obtained from the Civil all applications which had been received MG Robert C. Davis, Adjutant General A.E.F Service list. It had to be instructed in prior to December 22 had been examined, (1918-1919), The Adjutant General (1922- the many duties and provisions of the checked, and converted into certificates 1927).

1775 | Honoring Our Legacy 23 Back to the Future: The Continuing Evolution of Personnel Services Support at the Division Level and Below

By LTC Khanh Diep

“The only thing that is constant is change.” - Heraclitus

ersonnel services support evolved spread across the continental US and LTC Tighe task organized the Battalion’s Psignificantly between the initial Europe. The underlying assumption subordinate Detachments into mutli- US invasion of Iraq in 2003 and the was that Army Divisions would be the functional Companies that were capable subsequent departure of major ground primary unit of action for ground combat of providing a range of personnel and forces in December 2011. Throughout operations. This was largely a continuing finance services to the Divisional units Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and legacy of the Cold War, a time when the within their assigned areas of support. Operation New Dawn (OND), personnel primary focus of the Army was preparation As the Bravo Company Commander, services changed as the Army transitioned to face the hordes of Soviet conventional my Company covered the Division to brigade-centric modularity. Long- forces on the plains of Europe. Under this HQs located at Tikrit (DMAIN) and in standing organizations de-activated and structure, Division G1s focused primarily Kirkuk where a small element of 4ID essential capabilities became resident on personnel management across the personnel was present along with the within Brigade Combat Teams (BCTs). division but actual personnel services 173rd Airborne Brigade. These dispersed As it has since the beginning, the capability resided with the Personnel operations required me to deploy Adjutant General’s Corps adapted to the Services Battalion (PSB) operating as elements of the Company to different emerging requirements of the Global War a Division-level asset. The Companies locations across northern Iraq. I operated on Terrorism, ensuring that our Soldiers within these Battalions provided specific out of Tikrit and conducted battlefield had the best possible personnel support as functional support to the rest of the circulation approximately every 2 weeks they fought a difficult counterinsurgency Division at both home station and while to visit our 8-man Detachment supporting campaign in places like Mosul, Tikrit, and deployed. the 173rd in Kirkuk. The workload Baghdad, Iraq. Today, the evolution of The PSBs consisted of a Headquarters remained constant in both locations as the personnel services support continues as Detachment and up to six identical company processed awards, promotions, the Army moves to a model of Sustainable Personnel Readiness. The following article will Detachments highlight this evolution using my and a Postal experiences as a Company Commander in Company. In a Personnel Services Battalion in 2003-04 2003, the 502nd and later as the S1 for a Brigade Combat Personnel Team in 2010-12. By looking back on Services this process, the leaders of the Adjutant Battalion, General Corps can draw lessons that commanded by will help to prepare us for other changes LTC Dave Tighe, that may become necessary as the was part of the Army confronts ever-changing security 4th Infantry challenges around the world. Division (4ID) OIF 1: Multi-functional Companies in stationed at Fort the Personnel Services Battalion (PSB). Hood, Texas. When the United States invaded Iraq in When 4th ID 2003, the US Army was a Division-centric deployed to Iraq force, organized around headquarters as part of OIF 1,

24 The Journal of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association | evaluations, and casualty reports. The determine that a change was in order to predictable deployment schedules as other companies of the 502nd PSB better fight the ongoing insurgency in that BCTs rotated in and out of the theater of operated in a similar fashion in their country. operations. assigned areas of support as depicted in OND: Personnel Services Delivery In keeping with this model, the Army Figure 1. Redesign (PSDR) in a modular likewise pushed many personnel The mission-specific task organization of Brigade Combat Team. By 2012, the services capabilities down to the Brigade the 502nd PSB and the Division-wide area Global War on Terror (GWOT) had been level. Under PSDR, the Modified support array of the unit were in keeping ongoing for more than a decade, and the Table of Organization and Equipment with the Division-centric operating US military had been fighting in Iraq for (MTOE) changed to allow a new S1 principles of the Army at the time. Just nine years. The demands of cyclical 12- Section structure to provide direct as Armor and Infantry Battalions would 15 month deployments required the Army HR support to Commanders and the cross-attach companies to create true to transition to a Brigade-centric focus enablers (equipment) needed in theater. combined arms capabilities within known as modularity. Moving away from Personnel Services Battalions deactivated maneuver formations, so did LTC Tighe the previous organizing principles derived as critical functions became resident task organize his subordinate elements from the Cold War, the Brigade Combat within the BCTs. As a consequence, into multi-functional formations. My Team (BCT) became the basic unit of the Army decided to begin assigning experiences as one of his Company action for ground combat operations. Adjutant General Officers to the BCT Commanders allowed me to see these The intent was to make our BCTs more and Battalion S1 positions in order to operating principles in action. Personnel capable of “plug and play” deployments, ensure an appropriate level of personnel services capabilities were controlled at meaning that deploying Brigades expertise within these formations. Those the Division-level and divided up among would not necessarily be tied to their personnel service functions not assumed various “slices” of the 4th Infantry organic Divisional headquarters. This by the Brigades, including production of Division’s area of operations. As the war supported the Army Force Generation assignment orders and Soldier Readiness in Iraq continued, the Army would soon (ARFORGEN) model that provided Processing (SRP), largely became

The 502nd Personnel Services Battalion, at the time commanded by LTC Dave Tighe, was part of the 4th Infantry Division (4ID) stationed at Fort Hood, Texas. Pictured is a Detachment change of command during Operation Iraqi Freedom 1 (OIF 1).

1775 | Honoring Our Legacy 25 the responsibility of agencies at the a BCT S1 reflected the reality of the time. the management of our human resources installation level. Division G1s continued Personnel services within the Army had – are able to adapt to the requirements to play a role in strength management evolved to a Brigade-centric configuration of the Sustainable Readiness model. across the formation, but Brigade S1s that allowed BCTs to deploy rapidly and Doing so will likely demand a retention interfaced directly with Human Resources “plug-in” to higher level headquarters of some of the best practices that arose Command (HRC) regarding personnel anywhere in the world. The “Ironhorse” to support modularity. Specifically, requisitions and assignments. Brigade operated seamlessly under two the focus will remain on ensuring that As a BCT S1 for the 1st Brigade Combat different headquarters, the 25th ID and BCTs, the fundamental unit of action Team (“Ironhorse”) of the 1st Cavalry ARCENT, as part of two wildly different for ground combat operations, continue Division, I operated under PSDR during missions. In both missions, the BCT to have sufficient organic capabilities the withdrawal from Iraq and the BCT’s was able to provide personnel services to support their Soldiers wherever they subsequent time in Kuwait from January- to its Soldiers with little outside support. may find themselves deployed. However, July of 2012, serving as the theater This illustrated the effectiveness of it is also likely that the Army will need reserve for US Army Central Command PSDR in meeting the requirements of to return to some practices of the pre- (ARCENT). In what was typical of the the day. Personnel services had evolved 911 era. For example, G1s will need to modular redesign, our BCT was under to efficiently support the Global War on play a larger role than in recent years the Operational Control (OPCON) of the Terror. to effectively manage personnel across 25th Infantry Division in US Division- Sustainable Readiness: Back to the the Brigades within the Divisions. This Center in Iraq while the First Cavalry Future? As the Army moves into the assistance should be as collaborative as Division operated as Regional Command- post-Iraq and Afghanistan era, a model possible, allowing Brigade Commanders East headquarters in Afghanistan. of Sustainable Readiness has emerged and Command Sergeants Major (CSMs) While we processed in-theater awards to replace ARFORGEN. This new the opportunity to weigh-in early and and casualty reports through the 25th model looks to minimize the “peaks and often about the personnel needs of their Infantry Division, our BCT was largely valleys” of readiness that characterized formations. independent of our higher headquarters the last decade of regular 12-15 month In summary, the Adjutant General’s in terms of personnel services since the combat deployments. Unfortunately, Corps must continue to change and majority of the necessary capabilities the chaos of the current global security adapt as needed. This is what we have resided within my S1 shop. This environment means that the Army can no always done, and there is no reason to independent capability was even more longer afford for a significant number of think that the future will be any different. evident when we withdrew from Iraq and BCTs to be unavailable during a “reset” Luckily, our Corps has an impressive established ourselves in Kuwait. At that period. Instead, Brigades must be ready record of meeting new and unforeseen point, our higher headquarters became to respond to contingencies at any time. challenges. We must inform new ideas the Army Component Headquarters for Leaders at all levels must manage the and practices with the lessons of the past the Geographic Combatant Command. natural (and unavoidable) turbulence of in order to ensure that our Soldiers have Again, our BCT processed awards and unit readiness through proactive planning the best support possible. As always, the a few other administrative functions to sustain an acceptable level of readiness Adjutant General Corps’ Soldiers, NCOs, through ARCENT, but we largely handled at all times. and Officers stand ready to meet this our own requirements as we served as the Nowhere is proactive planning more vital challenge! theater reserve. than in the area of personnel readiness. Yet As during my tenure as a Company again, an evolution is in order to ensure Commander in OIF1, my experiences as that personnel services – specifically,

26 The Journal of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association | Reflecting AG Operations with the 4th Infantry Division in Vietnam

By CW5 (Ret) Donald R. Wade

joined the 4th Infantry Division on 3 two months. Not long after I appointed data cards, should there have been any IAugust 1969 after being appointed a Franklin, I fired the lone Staff Sergeant, recent changes. The Postal Clerk could Warrant Officer on 30 July. I had served because he had difficulty following my sell money orders and accept accountable two months with the 525th Military orders. mail. Intelligence group as a Sergeant First I had an additional duty for about six One particular incident sticks in my mind Class. My primary duties with the Office months as Chief, Composite Personnel about my forays into Indian country. One of the Adjutant General in the Enlisted Support Team. The mission of the team morning we left Camp Enari en route to Records Branch were as Chief, of the was to provide limited personnel support Camp Radcliff in a two and a half ton Records Unit. I had responsibility for at locations remote from the Division truck, affectionately known as a “deuce maintaining the records of Staff Sergeant base camp. When a unit requested our and a half.” Those trucks were the / Specialist Six and lower grade Soldiers support, we would take their personnel workhorse cargo vehicles of the Army. of the Division (approximately 12,000 records and finance records, along with They were sturdy, reliable, and able to Soldiers). I supervised about 65 Soldiers personnel and finance Specialists. We deal with difficult terrain. I had ridden organized into six Records Teams. We also also took along the capability to issue in enough of them to know that there was had a two or three man team that issued identification cards and identification something seriously wrong with this one. identification cards and identification tags. A Postal Clerk would accompany It had to struggle for the engine to reach tags. I was authorized a Sergeant First us. This provided Soldiers of the 1,500 revolutions per minute. After a Class as my Chief Noncommissioned supported unit the opportunity to review few miles, I told the driver to turn around Officer. I was authorized a Staff Sergeant their personnel and finance records, make and return to Enari. After we got back Team Leader for each team. Only one pay changes, and prepare new emergency to Enari, I reported to Captain Orr, the of my Team Leaders had the rank of Staff Sergeant. The others were acting Sergeants. My Chief Noncommissioned Officer was a Staff Sergeant, who departed about two weeks after I arrived. I got in a Sergeant First Class, but he didn’t last long, because he was useless as a Chief Noncommissioned Officer. I replaced him with Acting Sergeant Franklin. At the time, he was serving out a suspended reduction from Specialist Four to Private First Class. This was from non-judicial punishment for some infraction that occurred before I arrived. I appointed Franklin because he had good leadership skills and the other Soldiers were quite willing to follow his leadership. After he completed his period of suspended reduction, I was able to get him promoted to Sergeant and Staff Sergeant within Pictured is a trusty old “deuce and a half” taken at Camp Radcliff, An Khe, Vietnam while CW5 (Ret) Donald Wade served with the 4th Infantry Division in 1969.

1775 | Honoring Our Legacy 27 Chief, Personnel Services Division. He back into his building. had recognized the problems, but thought asked me if I was afraid. I don’t know When traveling by truck, I felt we needed he could fix them before they came to why he might have asked that. It was not a little more firepower than our M16 the Division Commander’s attention. He my first excursion. I told him that I was rifles. I contacted the property book miscalculated. not afraid, but I was not a fool. I did not officer of the 1st Squadron, 10th Cavalry, The mission of my part of the team was to relish the prospect of a breakdown in the and he issued me a new M60 machine help get the Soldiers up to speed with their Mang Yang Pass between Camp Enari gun with extra barrel and 800 rounds of personnel and finance records and issue and Camp Radcliff. The Mang Yang ammunition. I had a former Infantryman new identification documents, as needed. Pass was a winding mountain road with to man the machine gun. Though it might We made three trips to Camp Radcliff, vegetation growing up to the edge of the not have made much difference, I felt a which was at the east end of the Mang road. In 1954, the French Army Mobile little better about my Soldiers and myself. Yang Pass and about 50 miles east of Group 100, a Regimental Task Force I was to make a total of 15 trips through Camp Enari, during this mission. Camp was ambushed by the Viet Minh 803rd the Mang Yang Pass. Radcliff had been the base camp for the Regiment in the Mang Yang Pass and During the fall of 1969, my team was 1st Cavalry Division. At the time, it was decimated. tasked to be part of a personnel / logistics under control of the 4th Infantry Division. The same day, I called the First Sergeant team to help in the rehabilitation of the 1st I received my first personal decoration, a of the Replacement Detachment and Squadron, 10th Cavalry. The Squadron Bronze Star Medal for achievement, for asked him if he could provide a truck Commander had just been relieved. my work with the team. I was able to get and driver the following morning. He His predecessor had apparently tried to Army Commendations Medals for some said that he could and a new deuce and a make a name for himself during his six of my Soldiers. My memories of the AG half with a driver wearing starched jungle month command and, in the process, operations with the 4th Infantry Division fatigues and shiny boots showed up the had neglected the welfare of his Soldiers in Vietname are indelible and reflect the next morning at the appointed time. and maintenance of the Squadron’s steadfast mission of the AG Corps to Captain Orr observed this from the back equipment. The relieved Commander Defend and Serve. steps of his building. He turned and went

LTC Serra (left), the 4th Infantry Division AG, officiates the departure ceremony for CW5 (Ret) Donald Wade in Vietnam in May 1970.

28 The Journal of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association | Army of Excellence (AOE) Personnel Operations

By LTC Fred Lamb (Article first written and published in the Spring of 1987)

irLand Battle Doctrine has led inside our HR system, and to lay out strategies. Ato a major change in the Army’s a new set of ground rules for future The plan of execution during the transition force structure few units have been left operations. Having looked inside our period includes five major programs: (1) untouched. We must all understand system, and having detected a number standardizing personnel operations in the impact of this change on military of organizational weaknesses, we now the field; (2) introducing new manpower personnel systems and the Army’s strategy understand long term success will depend standards for use in the competitive to modernize field operations. Let’s on standardization, realistic manpower manpower process; (3) eliminating begin with the terminology. AirLand standards, the elimination of unnecessary unnecessary work; (4) delivery of work Battle describes the doctrine. Army of work, and the control of change in the reducing software to Battalions, Divisions, Excellence (AOE) describes the new future. and Personnel Service Companies; and structure that is being created to support The personnel community must look (5) totally modernizing the guiding HR the doctrine. at this period of change as a window regulations. Doctrine and structure for personnel and of opportunity to improve the quality Each of the programs involves a number administration organizations, as part of of service provided to Soldiers and of key players and many actions. It will the personnel service support and combat Commanders. We have the interest and service support family, is undergoing its support of the senior leadership now and share of change. For example, (1) there we must take advantage of it. are major changes underway in how we The AOE Personnel & Accounting Task do business in the AG Corps and the Force. The magnitude and complexity Division responding to the requirements of the challenges associated with of AirLand Battle, and (2) major efforts coordinating and executing necessary are underway to absorb significant changes led to formation of a special Task reductions in the number of TOE Soldiers Force to assist the Army’s Deputy Chief authorized to operate military personnel of Staff for Personnel and the US Army systems on the battlefield. Soldier Support Center. The lessons The Start Point. The personnel learned by the Task Force point to a long community has never been called to term need for the process used during the task for use of TOE resources to support early study stages. Action is underway to peacetime requirements. Nor has there institutionalize the Task Forces’ mission been a serious effort to operate the system in the US Army Military Personnel within existing authorizations. Shadow Center. clerks have generally been recognized The mission of the Deputy Chief of as a necessary evil and most personnel Staff for Personnel Task Force has been organizations (from unit to installation) to oversee and coordinate hundreds of Task Force leaders listened to personnel have operated with extra Soldiers for tasks being accomplished by a number of problems, studied procedures, and made on many years. varied and diverse agencies, in support of site reviews before planning for AOE operations. Further complicating the issue, support the overall plan. Pictured is COL (Ret) Edward Strong, AG Corps ratios vary widely from place to place – The Plan. Fortunately, Army leaders Hall of Fame, Class of 2012. some personnel activities are staffed very recognized early on that major changes take many months to see the results of comfortably (usually TDA units), while in our business will take time. The major these efforts and evaluate our progress others are badly understaffed (usually reductions in the TOE structure were against the target – the AOE structure for TOE units). The Army of Excellence postponed until FY 88. Now we have 1988. Therefore, to start with the basics, has done us a favor by exposing our a transition period in which to execute the plan calls for several major reviews staffing weaknesses, causing us to get changes and pursue alternative resourcing

1775 | Honoring Our Legacy 29 to advise senior Army leaders of the battlefield to sustain the force. A number 3. Election and prioritization of personnel progress. These reviews will adjust the of work categories within the model did tasks which could be accomplished better plan as necessary. As in any good military not meet the “battlefield test” during the through automation. operation, progress will be monitored examination and have been earmarked 4. Identification of the “basic load” and course corrections will be made to for manpower resourcing in the TDA of about 50 Deputy Chief of Staff for keep the execution on track towards the (called linkage which is associated with Personnel regulations and pamphlets objective. specific TOE organizations). Does which guide personnel work. this mean that the Army is prepared to Standardizing Personnel Operations. Automation. The personnel community provide authorizations to support all these Conflicting organizational guidance was in the field is extremely fortunate in that TDA requirements in, an unconstrained discovered in a wide range of documents excellent automation hardware assets manner? The answer is a resounding that guide the field’s structure in personnel are being made available Armywide.­ No! Leaders must be prepared to organizations (i.e., regulations, pamphlets, The TACCS has been approved for full recognize the new requirements in the field manuals, TOEs). Second, a wide production. As of this writing these manpower process and enter them into variety from installation to installation computers (Burroughs 2600) are in place the competitive process. A funding of organizational structures were actually and operating at Forts Stewart, Ord and effort recognizing a portion of the found in the field. Yet they all operate Lewis; United States Western Command, need (729 TDA authorizations for this within a single, standard Army system. and 1st Armored Division in Europe linkage worldwide) has been approved Of course, this finding is not surprising in with all Army personnel organizations in Total Army Analysis (TAA) ‘93 for light of the conflicting guidance. Third, a (S1 through Corps) to follow. Personnel documentation as early as FY 88 and 89. wide range of support capabilities exists Information Systems Directorate, the among installations throughout the Army, Introducing New Manpower Standards. US Army Military Personnel Center and all the way from “lean and mean” to “big The Army’s Manpower Staffing Standards the US Army Soldier Support Center are and soft.” Fourth, wartime and peacetime System (MS3) is developing new, developing software application. Several personnel functions were found to be scientifically derived manpower standards modules of this software are already in completely intermixed with no real for military personnel operations in the place. breakaway capability. field. This fortunate coincidence works Modernizing Regulations. AR 600-8 to the advantage of both programs: AOE The total lack of standardization in the is the umbrella regulation prescribing benefits from the availability of new field made it apparent that the plan had where personnel work is done. It will manpower standards, while MS3 benefits to get back to the basics: What personnel be reinforced by 21 Army personnel from the personnel community’s micro work is done in the field, and where regulations which describe the policy, analysis of its work and our commitment should it be done? Both questions must tasks, and steps, i.e., “what,” “where,” to standardize operations in the field, both be answered within the constraints of the “how,” and “by whom” of personnel organizationally and functionally. The AOE TOE structure. To find the answers a work in peace and war. Drafts of these mutual work of the Task Force and the model organization was built using areas regulations are being developed now. MS3 study group will come to fruition this of specialization as the basic building The goal is to print all or most under a year. For the first time in recent history, blocks. The areas of specialization are single contract beginning at the end of the Army will be able to truly describe the referred to as work categories. The work FY 87. The opportunity to simplify and cost of doing business in the personnel categories are subdivided into tasks, and streamline the personnel business from the system work center by work center. This the tasks are subdivided into steps. The S1 shop to the Pentagon is upon us. The foundation will allow the Army to make organizational grouping of people who fixes already constitute a more responsive smart, deliberate decisions about future do the work are called “work centers.” system that better serves Commanders changes. Realistic authorizations are the Sounds simple, but after several months and Soldiers alike. Major articles on the promised outcome. of staffing, the model is still being fine- five programs outlined will appear in later tuned based on recommendations from Eliminating Unnecessary Work. issues of the Soldier Support Journal. the field. The fact that more than 23 Through a two year program of field LTC Fred Lamb has been Deputy Director work categories, 150 tasks, and 750 steps oriented workshops, the Task Force of the DA Deputy Chief of Staff for have already been identified as valid, conducted a bottom to top scrub of every Personnel Army of Excellence Task force puts the magnitude of the analysis into task and step accomplished by military since February 1985. He is a graduate perspective. The Task Force wrote AR personnel organizations. The results: of Infantry Officer Candidate School, 600-8 (Military Personnel Operations, 1. A catalog of all work done. Soon to Adjutant General Advance Course, and 1 Aug 86), which prescribes where and be stored on a single data base developed Command and General Staff College. He what military personnel work is done in on the Tactical Army Combat Service holds a Bachelor and Master’s degrees in the field. It is an adjunct to the Army’s Support Computer System (TACCS). Business Management and will assume standardization program found in AR 5-3, 2. 600 good ideas to simplify, streamline, command of the 43d Reception Battalion Standard Installation Organization. and eliminate work being worked by the at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, in July Having identified the work to be performed, DA Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel 1987. each work category (i.e., major area of and US Army Military Personnel Center specialization) was examined closely to staff and incorporated in their regulations. decide whether it will be needed on the

30 The Journal of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association | Casualty Reporting – A Sensitive Job

By CPT Larry Daly, AG School

Editor’s Note – CPT Larry Daly published sure the basic mission is the same – religious preference could deeply hurt an this piece in the September 1972 issue to collect accurate information about already grieving family. of the AG Journal. COL Larry Daly retired casualties and serious injuries sustained Accuracy was so paramount that several from the Army at Fort Benjamin Harrison, in Vietnam, and to speed this information checks were made on all reports. The Indiana in 1991 as Chief of Army Bands. to Washington for rapid release to the next casualty sections of reporting units of kin. We had a high sounding mission verified the contents of their reports statement, but more than that we had ’d been warned in the halls of the US against reporting forms, unit records, and a down to earth mission to get the right Army Vietnam (USARV) headquarters witness statements before phoning them I casualty information to the right people. building that I was headed for a lousy to USARV. These units also checked We also rendered any additional service job in the Casualty / Medical Evacuation their casualty information against tactical that would spare the Soldier’s loved ones Division. But all AGs have heard that information insuring that coordinates the further anguish caused by doubt and warning at one time or another, so I wasn’t of action areas and the events described uncertainty. We knew the information we overly concerned until the Division Chief were correct. USARV casualty clerks sent was painful, so we strived to eliminate emphasized in his initial interview that would record the data, cross check it the unnecessary grief and frustration that he was giving me the casualty job, not in a number of ways, challenging any could be caused by inaccurate reporting. offering it to me. And I guess that’s the information that didn’t sound right. Misinformation was our biggest enemy, way it has to be; I mean someone has to The USARV clerks had such a keen ear an enemy we fought 24 hours a day. do the sensitive AG jobs… someone has that could instinctively detect a sloppy to work in those ticklish areas where an Although some of the men in the section report, a fact that didn’t fit, and an area honest mistake can make headlines on the weren’t happy about being in the Army that required further verification. The other side of the world. and voiced the typical GI complaints, not reports were recorded in a daily log by a single member did his job indifferently. the logging NCO who would further Casualty reporting is an AG function He couldn’t because he knew the stakes scrutinize the contents before turning it that demands precision and accuracy in were high and that the victims of any over to one of the officers who would sign an unparalleled way. The mission also errors would be the people back home the report for immediate TWX release. requires compassion, understanding, and already tortured by the pain and sorrow My fellow officers and I signed thousands a staunch determination to be thorough of losing a loved one. Each Soldier knew of these reports, but only after challenging and honest. Certainly the time spent in the results a simple error could generate – inconsistent or incomplete information USARV’s Casualty Reporting Branch wrong middle initial on a casualty report or in some cases only after verifying the was a nerve racking period, but more might cause grief stricken parents to information with the reporting unit by importantly it was a period of special cling to the false hope that someone other phone. Each of us carried the burden of service during which I assisted others than their son had been killed by hostile knowing that our review was the final one and learned more about politics, publicity fire. An incorrect listing of a casualty’s in country and that DA would be using and people than the average man learns our reports to notify the next of kin that in a lifetime. Working in casualty also day. made me come to terms with the grief and heartache that accompany the harsh There was nothing pleasant about realities of war, and made me appreciate preparing a killed in action report on one of the AG’s key roles in the combat a young Soldier hit by enemy mortars. environment. There was no joy in discussing with hospital officials the prognosis of a GI While the Casualty Division at USARV who had lost a leg to an enemy land mine probably operates somewhat differently or an eye to a booby trap. Reviewing today than it did when I was there, I’m these reports day after day was a dreary

1775 | Honoring Our Legacy 31 business. But despite the disagreeable apologized for not writing his mom and was a stateside newspaper story claiming nature of these tasks, we were all driven asked me to tell her that he was fine and a mother was not convinced that the by the belief that this sensitive job had to had just that day bought some chinaware remains sent to her were those of her son. be performed in a very special way. Doing for her. That was an easy message to Whatever the situation, Washington was the task well on behalf of the next of kin relay. very much aware that the casualty area and the Soldier himself was the greatest Some periods in the casualty division was a highly volatile one where mistakes consolation to all of us in casualty. were crisis laden in other ways. The could easily bring discredit to the Army. The job yielded some unexpected rewards, intensity of a particular combat situation So we were under great pressure at too. Before going to Vietnam I had heard was echoed by a wave of inquiries into USARV to get the Congressman the stories that both sides in the conflict our office a few days after it. I was there answers, dig into every conceivable distorted casualty counts. Quite naturally for the aftermath of the Tet Offensive in aspect of a newspaper claim and verify, when I arrived at USARV, I was suspicious early 1968 and the high casualty Post verify, verify. Looking back, it’s apparent about casualty statistics and even had the Tet Offensive in May. During these that the casualty system did more than notion that the American public might not be getting the information about all of our losses. This thought was completely eradicated by my experience at USARV. I emerged from this assignment with the conviction that the Army’s casualty system was totally honest and that the figures released were accurate. As it turned out, I was the officer who provided the USARV Chief of Staff with a daily report of the casualty figures taken from our log book. These same figures sent to Washington were the ones released to the news media regularly. At any given time, I could check Army losses published in stateside accounts and find them to be as we reported them. We frequently checked changes in status, for example, from MIA to KIA by name and found them to be exactly as we reported them from the log. On the other hand, I was in the unique two periods casualty reporting and the pass the acid tests. Casualty reporting position one day where I could check out related task of absolute identification in Vietnam provided more service, faster a claim by Hanoi about casualties “the of remains were put to an acid test. and more accurately than ever before in liberation forces” inflicted on American Although USARV Casualty had no part the history of warfare. units. After carefully checking our log in actual identification procedures, we Through the entire tour at casualty, I book on their claim, we discovered that it had to report the findings of the units and was grateful for the men in our section was totally false. mortuaries to Washington. In death cases, who dug for the truth during the day There was also the reward of being a part our casualty report had the official weight and defended our perimeter at night. I of a very important relay station between of a death certificate. We could only issue was appreciative of the log book NCO the next of kin and their loved ones. We a death report after we were informed that who painstakingly compiled the casualty handled thousands of inquiries and actions, positive ID was made in accordance with statistics, the letter screening specialist but I’ll never forget the determined wife the high standards set forth by governing who insured that sympathy letters and who pressured her Congressmen and the regulations. This condition made us the casualty reports were consistent. middle man between the identification casualty people in Washington to have her When the clerks searched the files to authorities and DA Casualty Division, message phoned through us immediately answer a question posed by the next of causing us to spend many hours each day to her hospitalized husband in Japan. kin, they did it because it was a part of a on the phone discussing specific casualty The seriously wounded man had to be very special job. But there was nothing cases. Hundreds of hours were spent cheered and surprised when he picked in the regulations that said the next of checking the progress of men in hospitals up the phone to hear “John, I love you, kin had to write back thanking us for the and relaying the information through DA Patricia.” I personally talked by phone to assistance we gave. And this happened to the anxious loved ones. During these a Specialist Four whose concerned mom many, many times making us feel that the times of stress, a Congressman always hadn’t heard from him for a while and had services we rendered in this sensitive AG seemed to be waiting by his phone to have inquired to The Adjutant General’s Office section were vital and rewarding ones. to determine his status. The Soldier numerous questions answered. Or there

32 The Journal of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association | 9-11 Terrorist Attack on The Pentagon and the ensuing impact on the Army G-1

By COL (Ret) Steve Shappell

ost Americans alive on September the 184 people who died in the attack year John D. Yamnicky, the oldest victim). M11, 2001 remember the horrific on the Pentagon. Each Memorial Unit Inside the Pentagon, where the Pentagon’s attacks upon both the World Trade Center is a cantilevered bench, a pool of water fourth corridor intersects with the E-Ring and the Pentagon. But for those military and the name of the victim. 125 of these (the outer ring of the Pentagon), near the and civilian personnel working in the benches face away from the Pentagon, main door to the Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, so when you read the name of the victim G-1’s office suite, is a glass display which G-1(1), at the Pentagon, those attacks at the end of the bench, you also see the contains photographs of the 29 military not only were personal, but motivated a Pentagon in the same view. These 125 and civilian personnel assigned to the response which brought great credit upon benches commemorate the lives of the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1, that organization. victims who were in the Pentagon when who perished in the attacks. Among these For those of us who worked in the Office they perished. The other 59 benches face 29 were LTG Timothy J. Maude (the G-1 of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1 long the Pentagon, so when you read the name and the highest ranking person killed in after the attacks, there are daily reminders of the victim at the end of the bench you the attack), SGM Larry L. Strickland of the attacks which help us remember also see the direction of the Flight 77’s (the G-1’s Senior Enlisted Advisor), LTC those we lost in the attacks and those approach to the Pentagon in the same Kip Taylor (the G-1’s Military Assistant), who were injured. Looking out the view. These benches are arranged in and Deborah A. Ramsaur (the G-1’s E-Ring windows from the Deputy Chief rows, representing the age of the victim Secretary). Further down the E-Ring, of Staff, G-1’s office suite, you see the at the time of death – ranging from 3 towards the office of the Assistant Pentagon memorial. 184 Memorial Units inches (for 3-year old Dana Falkenburg, Secretary of the Army (Manpower and provide everlasting commemoration of the youngest victim) to 71 inches (for 71- Reserve Affairs) is a schematic of the

1775 | Honoring Our Legacy 33 Pentagon which shows the trajectory Staff, G-1’s own history of the attack on Operation Center. BG Harry Axson, the of Flight 77 as it hit and went through the Pentagon(2), LTC Robert Rossow G-1’s Director of Military Personnel the Pentagon, the location of those who II wrote that, “…had ODCSPER been Management, established operations in perished or were wounded in the attack, a combat unit, it would have been the nearby Alexandria, Virginia Hoffman as well as the location of those who were pulled from the line, so great were its complex, then the Headquarters of not harmed in the attack and those who were not in their office at the time. Notably, COL Phil McNair, the Executive Officer to the G-1, was away from his desk holding his bi-weekly meeting with the other Colonels assigned to the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1. Had he have been at his desk, he likely would have perished as well. LTC (USA, Retired) Gary Smith and MSG (Ret) Max Beilke, from the Army’s Retirement Services Office did not work in the Pentagon, but were briefing LTG Maude at the time of the attack, and both perished. In addition to the 29 military and civilian G-1 personnel killed in action during the attack, another 29 G-1 personnel were wounded in action. There were also several G-1 contractors among the civilian personnel killed or wounded in The Pentagon Memorial honoring those killed and wounded during the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001. action. casualties. However, the men and women the Army’s Personnel Command(3). On September 27, 2001, Secretary of of ODCSPER enjoyed no such luxury. LaCoste focused his Pentagon-based Defense Donald Rumsfeld announced Theirs is a story of uncommon strength.” team on current operations and personnel that all U.S. service members killed or Indeed, as a consequence of the attacks accountability, while Axson focused his wounded in the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and The Hoffman-based team on day-to-day G-1 would be awarded the Purple Heart, Pentagon, the work which lay ahead operations. On 14 September – 3 days and that the Department of Defense had for the Office of the Deputy Chief of after the attack – BG LaCoste held an created the Defense of Freedom Medal to Staff, G-1 was tremendous. Operation all-hands meeting for the surviving G-1 be awarded to all Department of Defense Enduring Freedom would be launched personnel in the one of the Hoffman civilians killed or wounded. At the time of on October 7, 2001. Army end-strength, complex’s theaters. LTG Maude’s widow, his announcement there was no precedent as a result of the 1990s drawdown, Teri Maude, attended the all-hands. for awarding the Purple Heart for actions had dropped from 780,000 in 1985 to Rossow noted that this was the first in the United States. only 480,000 in 2001. This hard hit opportunity since the attack for all of the According to Human Resources organization, while recovering from its surviving members of the G-1 team to Command’s awards branch, the Army own attack, would shortly be required to come together since the attack, and it did awarded the Purple Heart to 55 Soldiers oversee the thousands of members of the much to heal the organization. (33 wounded in action and 22 killed in U.S. Army Reserve and Army National Much work remained ahead – recovering action) for the September 11 attach at Guard, grow the size of the active Army, what electronic files were possible from the Pentagon. At the time the Defense and develop the myriad personnel policies the G-1’s servers that had been damaged of Freedom Medal was announced, The and programs for an Army going to war. in the attack, finding space in the Pentagon estimated 90 Department of And, that’s exactly what happened. As Pentagon first for the G-1 and M&RA Defense civilian employees would be recorded in LTC Rossow’s history, senior leaders and later for the entire eligible for the medal. within 24 hours, BG Gene M. LaCoste, displaced G-1 team. MG John M. Le At the time of the attack on The Pentagon, the Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff, Moyne, then Commanding General of the the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1 (who was on temporary duty at Army Infantry School at Fort Benning, G-1 had a strength of 275 personnel, Fort Leavenworth the day of the attack) Georgia, was named as the new Deputy 185 of these were Soldiers, and the rest was named the Acting G-1 and together Chief of Staff, G-1 in late October, and were civilian employees. In the preface with a small staff operated out of the was promoted to LTG and assumed his to the Office of the Deputy Chief of Personnel Contingency Cell in the Army’s new position in November 2001. While

34 The Journal of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association | the bulk of the G-1 team moved back to Manpower and Reserve Affairs / G-1 the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff the Pentagon during 2002, the last group Management Support Office. Tracy told for Personnel. Throughout this article, I did not return until 23 January 2003. me recently that ““sometimes I wonder use the term Office of the Deputy Chief Operation Iraqi Freedom began less than why I’m still here, but do feel good of Staff, G-1, the organization’s current 60 days later, on 20 March 2003. that the Terrorists did not stop me from name. The Office of the Assistant Secretary contributing to my Country!” Her attitude 2. Uncommon Strength, The story of the of the Army (Manpower and Reserve sums up the remarkable resilience that U.S. Army Office of the Deputy Chief of Affairs) and the Office of the Deputy characterizes the incredible professionals Staff for Personnel during the attack on Chief of Staff, G-1 jointly hold an of the Assistant Secretary of the Army the Pentagon, 11 September, 2001, self- annual commemoration each September (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) and published by the Office of the Deputy 11th to mark the tragedy of the attack Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1 team who Chief of Staff for Personnel. suffered so much pain and loss, but were on the Pentagon, and the triumph of 3. PERSCOM is now known as the U.S. able to so quickly rally in support of the the organizations’ recovery from those Army Human Resources Command, challenges faced by their Army and their attacks. This solemn event includes a and in summer 2010 relocated to Fort Country. pot-luck lunch for the Families of those Knox, Kentucky as a result of the 2005 lost in the attacks. Over a dozen military Base Realignment and Closure law, and civilian personnel who were present Footnotes: consolidating its operations with the for duty during the September 11, 2001 1. At the time of the September 11, 2001 Indianapolis-based Enlisted Records and attack on the Pentagon still work in the attack on the Pentagon, the Office of the Evaluation Center and the St. Louis-based Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1, Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1 was named Army Reserve Personnel Center. including Tracy Webb who works in the

About the Author: COL (Ret) Steven R. Shappell culminated his 30 year career as the Executive Officer to the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1. A graduate of the Naval War College, he previously served as the G-1 of Eighth Army, Deputy The Adjutant General of the Army, and G-1 of 1st Infantry Division. A recipient of the Horatio Gates Gold, he is now a Department of the Army civilian employee and serves as the Executive Officer, Army Review Boards Agency in Arlington, VA. COL (Ret) Shappell also serves as the VP, History for the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association (AGCRA).

1775 | Honoring Our Legacy 35 Book Review of I’m Tim Maude and I’m a SOLDIER: A military Biography of Lieutenant General Timothy J. Maude by Stephen E. Bower (iUniverse 2015)

By LTC Gregory S. Johnson

“I’m Tim Maude and I’m a Soldier” how it was an honor to sit in his seat and is often how LTG Tim Maude would serve in his position. Stephen Bower’s introduce himself during engagements book aptly outlines the storied career of in the latter part of his career, and it is a LTG Maude, but more importantly, it fitting title for his biography chronicling identifies the key attributes he possessed his service to our Army, the Adjutant and the transformational impact he had General’s Corps, and his devotion to within the AG Corps and the Army. his Family. For those of a younger Stephen Bower’s work is timely for generation, LTG Maude was a dynamic our Corps, as we serve in a period of and visionary leader of our Corps, rising tumultuous Human Resources policy to become the Deputy Chief of Staff changes, increases in requirements and Personnel (DCSPER), also known as exhaustive continuous operations. LTG the Army G-1. Many say he was the Maude’s legacy is something we can learn best Adjutant General Officer there ever from and try to emulate. His mastery of was. I did not know much about LTG the entire Human Resources (HR) system, in turn, led the effort to transform the HR Maude as a junior officer in the late his dedication, drive, and stewardship of community in order to be more adaptive 1990s, but I vividly remember learning our profession underscored his ability to to Commanders’ needs at the Brigade that he was the most senior officer lost adapt and innovate in order to support and lower level. in the September 11th attack on the Army transformation in the late 1990s The author chronologically addresses the Pentagon in 2001. It wasn’t until later, and early 2000s. Stephen Bower uniquely life and experiences of LTG Maude in this as I served as the Military Assistant to captures this essence of LTG Maude, biography. Most eye opening for me in the Army G-1, LTG Tom Bostick, did which coincidently mirrors what author this book is Bower’s skillful identification I truly grasp his importance. His loss Jim Collins characterizes as a Level 5 of the attributes that made LTG Maude was not only a devastating blow to his leadership in his book Good to Great. one of our Corps’ greatest leaders. immediate Family, but to the AG Corps LTG Maude had an unparalleled drive Bower notes LTG Maude’s charisma as a whole. I was always most proud to to excel, yet he was humble, thoughtful and his an uncanny ability to build serve in our Corps when LTG Bostick and generous with praise for others. He trust with peers, subordinates and most would present a pentagon shaped coin strove to support Soldiers with everything importantly with the operators he served to deserving Soldiers and explain the he did, but was also fiercely committed to with. People liked LTG Maude, and they story of LTG Tim Maude. He would talk enhancing the operational effectiveness would go out of their way to help him about his sacrifice and dedication and and the readiness of units. LTG Maude, when needed. He was also comfortable

36 The Journal of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association | in the tactical environment, with tactical progressed in rank, ultimately becoming account of the events of September 11th doctrine and with speaking in operational one of our best. Working as an Assistant inside the Army G1 – a chilling reminder terms, which is a strength many in our Executive Officer to the DCSPER, LTG that our profession involves sacrifice Corps still struggle with today. Bower Max Thurman, he became accustomed to which can be ultimate. artfully illustrates how LTG Maude using analytics to support arguments and What sets LTG Maude apart was his was exceptional at getting to the root of he honed his critical thinking skills. As complete dedication to his Family, his problems and working multiple solutions the Adjutant General and then Division profession, and his ability to adapt to the sets to those problems, a key attribute for G-1 of 2ID in Korea and later Director, demands of his time. LTG Maude rose any staff officer but also vital to building Enlisted Personnel Management to the occasion, building trust amongst trust with operators who are comfortable Directorate at Personnel Command operators and shaping the HR community in the Military Decision Making Process (the forerunner Human Resources we all serve in today. Stephen Bower has (MDMP). LTG Maude was always Command), LTG Maude honed his unequivocally captured the attributes studying, learning and improving his skills in personnel management, and that made LTG Tim Maude great while understanding of the profession. This as the J-1 for European Command, he reminding us of the legacy of an officer drive increased his credibility with supported joint operations. Each of these we all should attempt to emulate. I operators and engendering him with the experiences enhanced his attributes and wholeheartedly recommend this book to proverbial ‘seat at the table’ to advocate made it possible for him to ascend to the any officer within our Corps. Stephen and shape HR operations. top HR position in the Army. Bower has crafted a highly readable and Bower’s identification of LTG Maude’s Stephen Bower also spends considerable one of the only published accounts of abilities and attributes are the strength time illuminating the importance LTG LTG Maude’s life and career. Bower has of this book, specifically for newer Maude placed on Family and maintaining also added to a slim body of historical generations of AG officers. Bower a healthy loving relationship with his wife work documenting and celebrating the captures why LTG Maude was a great Teri. Having a life partner for support, importance of the HR community and Soldier, staff officer and a leader in our love and to share the hardships and high our Corps to the Army. We should all be Army by sequentially discussing his points of an Army Career was critical to familiar with this legacy and our own HR diverse assignments and experiences. LTG Maude and for the success of his history. Defend and Serve! LTG Maude learned and improved as he career. Bower also provides a critical

1775 | Honoring Our Legacy 37 Taking a Five Star General to Breakfast

By COL (Ret) Thomas C. Shaylor and COL (Ret) John I. Wood

he association of Colonels Tom we can do.” “What time is it?,” Shaylor asked still TShaylor and John Wood dates back As the young Sergeant departed, Wood stroking his stubble. to 1970 in the Office of the Adjutant swung his legs out of bed and stood When informed it was a little past six, General, 1st Air Cavalry Division in on the cold tiles of the old Pace Hall Shaylor exploded. “John, I haven’t Vietnam where then Division AG, LTC BOQ. Clad only in his t-shirt and boxer been asleep for twenty minutes after Shaylor, promoted 1LT Wood to the rank shorts, he navigated the dark hallway to trying to find Mother suitable sleeping of Captain. In 1975, he would take Wood the stairwell and climbed to the second arrangements!” (Mother was the code- with him to Beverly Hills, CA where floor. Finding Colonel Shaylor’s room, name for Mrs. Bradley who had not liked they served as senior and junior Aides de the early January coldness of Pace Camp to General of the Army Omar Hall requiring Shaylor to spend Nelson Bradley, then America’s the evening and early morning last living five star officer. In early hours with the Fort Bliss Chief of January 1976 they traveled with Staff trying to find quarters to her General and Mrs. Bradley to Fort liking. Fort Bliss was the first stop Bliss, Texas seeking a final home on a five post search - and - find for the American hero who was mission to see if there was an Army featured in the 1970 Academy post where 83 year old General Award winning motion picture Bradley could spend his waning “Patton”. years in the bosom of the Army “Captain, are you awake?” rather than in Trousdale Estates The shadowy yet substantial in Beverly Hills, California. A apparition outlined in the Bradley troupe consisting of Mrs. doorframe easily marked the “Kitty” Bradley, Colonel Shaylor appearance of muscular Sergeant and Captain Wood along with Arthur, one of the enlisted aides. two enlisted aides had flown in the evening before from LAX to “I am now,” replied the young be met by the Fort Bliss Protocol officer grumpily, “what’s up Art?” officials. Ensconced in an “The General’s up and wants to go otherwise vacant Pace Hall, Mrs. to breakfast.” Bradley kept the entourage up late watching a recorded historical Shaking the cobwebs from his COL (Ret) Thomas C. Shaylor (standing left) and COL (Ret) drama on television. Never one to head in the otherwise darkened John I. Wood (then a CPT, right), were Aides de Camp for go to bed at a “reasonable” hour, room, Captain John Wood yawned, General of the Army Omar Nelson Bradley. “Kitty” had then kept Colonel “Hmmm, what time is it?” he rapped sharply on the door. There Shaylor up until the wee hours finding “0600,” came the impassive reply. emerged a muttered reply, “Yeah, who is her a place to sleep until noon. The “Six o’clock!” Wood exclaimed now half it?” young Captain Wood wisely had found a awake. “Art, it’s too early for breakfast; “It’s John, sir; we’ve got a problem.” way to get to bed by 0100 after getting tell the General to go back to bed!” General Bradley comfortably settled in a Entering he found the haggard figure of Pace Hall suite.) “Sir,” came the reply without a beat, “He’s Colonel Tom Shaylor, Senior Aide de a five star General, you’re a Captain, I’m Camp to General of the Army Omar N. “It’s too early to go to breakfast a Sergeant; you tell him!” Bradley. Sitting on the side of his bed, anyway,” Shaylor lectured his younger rubbing his face badly in need of a shave, associate. “Tell the General to go back to Wood thought for a moment conceding bed!” the young NCO’s irrefutable wisdom Shaylor asked resignedly, “What’s is it even at such an absurd hour. now?” “Sir, he’s a five star General, you’re a full Colonel and I’m a Captain; you tell him!” “Alright, Art; see if you can stall him a “The General’s up and wants to go to the Club for breakfast,” Wood stated flatly. The Sergeant’s wisdom had not been lost while; I’ll find the Colonel and see what on Wood.

38 The Journal of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association | Rubbing his beard, Shaylor thought for to eggs and the staff went to no ends to pointed out the window with a far away a moment. In a resigned manner he keep his diet free of them. look on his face. breathed laboredly, “Hmmm, yes sir, that sounds nice,” he “I remember being out there in a “Okay, I’ll start getting ready; see what wavered. “Sir, it’ll take me a little time formation early in my career.” They all you can do to stall him a while.” for Protocol to get the Mess ready and a marveled at his memory that spanned “Right, I’ll call Protocol to get things car over so why don’t you take your time back into the early decades of the 20th moving.” getting dressed?” Century. The call to the Protocol Officer was “Very well,” Bradley replied and turned After breakfast, Shaylor and the protocol brief. The young contemporary of to the young enlisted aide waiting to officer took General Bradley off to visit Wood upon hearing the mission, barked, shave him. various troop formations and units while “The Officer’s Club doesn’t even serve Wood retreated to get showered, shaved Wood returned to Protocol to make breakfast!” and dressed himself. “It’s going to be an arrangements for their onward journey. “It does today,” Wood replied tersely. interesting day,” he thought. “Mother’s Later that day, Shaylor told Wood, “John going to kill us.” you shoulda seen him with the troops. Surrendering, the other Captain said, He stood without my help and walked to “Okay, I’ll call the Chief and the Club and By 0730, Wood now dressed in his uniform, had returned to General the podium and spoke about leadership get things rolling. See ya, say, at 0730.” for twenty minutes without notes. I think This obviously was a joyful mission for Bradley’s room to find him sitting in his wheelchair attired in his greens, the five every Soldier in there was more amazed the Protocol Officer who probably was than I was!” (The Aides normally moved willing to go out and buy the food. star wreath insignia gleaming off both shoulders. General Bradley, who having suffered a Still in his t-shirt and boxer shorts, Wood head injury a few years earlier, around by then swung into General Bradley’s room. Sergeant Arthur opened a hatbox and wheelchair. With reduced stamina, it was He found the octogenarian American removed the General’s “saucer” hat and quite unusual for him to stand and move hero sitting up in his West Point robe, handed it to him. Bradley felt in his on his own power. Being with Soldiers faced lathered with shaving cream. pockets with a perplexed look on his face. seemed to energize him.) Wood thought for a moment: “Here is the “Do you need something, Sir,” Wood It was the first of several visits to Army man who led the largest American force asked. posts seeking a place for General Bradley in history – D-day to the Elba and here “A pen.” to serve out his long, long career that am I, born after World War Two ended, dated from 1912. Since five star officers Wood handed him a black felt tip and ensuring he gets a pre-dawn shave.” were not required to retire formally, watched with bemused amazement as the General Bradley would die with his boots Looking up at his junior Aide de Camp only living five star officer on the rolls of on. Eventually he did return to live at Fort with twinkling eyes, the Soldier’s General the American military humbly wrote out Bliss. He died on April 8, 1981 at the cheerfully greeted him, a very familiar autograph -“Bradley”- on age of 88 while visiting in New York City “Hi John, did you hear the gun this the inside of his hat, just like any other after receiving another of innumerable morning?” Soldier. “Right,” Wood thought as he re- awards. On April 14 Colonel Shaylor pocketed his pen, “as if that hat will ever Puzzled, not realizing the obvious and then Major Wood who were assigned leave my sight.” reference to the canon report, in the National Capital Region, attended Wood replied, “Well no, Sir I didn’t.” Shaylor entered the room with the together his State funeral as special guests “Well, I did,” General Bradley said firmly Protocol Officer and taking charge, rolled of the National Cathedral and later that and proudly, “I was up waiting for it.” General Bradley out of the room as the day, the two Adjutant General officers two Captains followed. In a few minutes rendered a final salute to the Soldier’s The realization dawning on him that he they rode to the Officer’s Club to be met General in Arlington National Cemetery. would never get the old man back to bed, and escorted in by the post Chief of Staff. Though the two officers shared many Wood again played for time. That January 1976 morning, sitting at a memorable experiences with this great “Sir, I understand you want to go out for round table by a window, General Bradley American icon, they never have forgotten breakfast?” did indeed enjoy bacon and eggs albeit that most unusual breakfast morning at after the aides ensured he had swallowed Fort Bliss, Texas. “Yes, I thought we would swing over an anti-allergen pill. Wood had tucked the Officer’s Mess and have some eggs the “Bradley” hat safely under his own before our first formation.” chair. Making short conversation to The irony of the statement was not lost keep everyone at ease, Shaylor and Wood on Wood. General Bradley was allergic were interrupted by General Bradley who

1775 | Honoring Our Legacy 39 The AG’s Newest Baby- the AG Company

By Combat Development Command Personnel Administrative Services Agency (Article first published in November 1972)

he Adjutant General’s Corps has The AG function is now vested in a capability. Ta new addition to the Family and separate TOE unit with the specific A look at the old Admin Company like all new offspring it’s still growing. mission of providing personnel and organization reveals the reasons for the The new arrival, the AG Company, was administrative support to the Division. changes. When the Admin Company was created with the implementation of the It has a Company Commander who first organized under the Reorganization H-series TOE developed by CDCPASA. reports to the Division AG. The of Army Division (ROAD) concept The infant organization replaces the Commander provides the AG with more in 1962, a much closer relationship cumbersome Division Admin Company flexibility in scheduling and controlling between the AG and Finance sections of the G-series TOE. the activities of AG personnel for more existed since the AG Section maintained Like most infants, the AG Company has efficient utilization in their primary duty the pay records. This function is now grown rapidly since the original H-series assignments. Total authorized strength a part of the Finance Section. Under conversion by the 25th Infantry Division for the AG Company is 265. the JUMPS Army pay system an even in February. The 1st Infantry (Mech), Two significant changes in the H-series greater separation of functions and the 3d Infantry (Mech), the 2d Infantry, TOE for the AG Company have been technical channels has occurred. The IO, and the 1st Armored Divisions have made. The first is the reassignment SJA, IG, and Chaplain have always been converted in that order. Adulthood for of the Division Band. In the G-series essentially a special staff of the Division the new AG organization will be assured TOE, a 42-piece band was assigned Commander and should logically be by 1974 when most Army divisions to Headquarters and Headquarters a part of the Division headquarters. will include an AG Company under the Company, Division Support Command The automation of selected Division H-series. (DISCOM). Under the H-series, the logistics functions has always produced Other offshoots of the H-series TOE Band, composed of 28 pieces with an the need to consolidate and centralize include the formation of a Division augmentation capability of 14 pieces, has ADP equipment for more economical Finance Company with the remainder been made an organic element of the AG and efficient use. of the old Admin Company special Company. The second significant change Other changes became necessary over staff sections (Inspector General, Judge finds the Replacement Detachment the years as a matter of operational Advocate, Chaplain, and Information authorized only as an augmentation. necessity since the Admin Company has Officer) being assigned to the Division Unless specifically authorized by an had problems in the areas of command Headquarters and Headquarters activation order, the Division AG will and control, logistical support and Company. have no organic replacement processing the size of its organization. Both in

40 The Journal of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association | CONUS and in theaters of operations, the Admin Company has grown to Battalion size in actual strength but has continued to operate as a Company. Providing housekeeping and logistical support have become major tasks. The Adjutant General’s Section alone has become a Company-size element, closely followed in size by the Finance Section which regularly exceeds 100 in strength. There was no practical solution to these conceptual changes within the existing organizational structure of the Admin Company, so the separate AG and Finance Companies were born. All data processing support for personnel and logistics elements of the Division has been centralized in a newly created element, the Division Data Center Members of the 15th AG Company assigned to the 1st Cavalry Division at Fort Hood, Texas discuss (DDC) under the H-series TOE. This the location of equipment during a field training exercise for the unit. The unit is assigned on an Detachment-size element is an organic experimental basis since a definite date has not been set for the Division to convert to the H-Series part of the DISCOM Headquarters and TOE AG Company. Headquarters Company. The DDC is in the Division rear area. A DDC field CS3 is a transportable, automated authorized two UNIVAC­ 1005 Card evaluation was conducted in late 1971 administrative support system for use at Processor systems. This authorization to verify, refute, or modify the doctrinal, various echelons of the Army in the field. will provide the required support to the organizational, and operational concepts The main objective of this integrated, two systems (personnel and logistics) for the Division Data Center. automated system is to increase while maintaining flexibility. All ADP The results of this evaluation will be responsiveness to the requirements resources formerly authorized in the AG utilized to revise the DDC organization of Commanders and managers at all Section of the Admin Company have through a TOE change. This change will levels. Van-mounted IBM 360-40 been transferred to the DDC, with the provide the Division Commander with computer systems will be supported by exception of the flexowriter operators a better Divisional ADP organization communications to each Division. and their equipment. to serve the combat service support The CS3 personnel subsystem will be Operational control of the DDC is functions. The DDC utilizing UNIVAC SIDPERS in order to have an Army-wide the responsibility of the DISCOM 1005 Card Processors serves as a standard personnel system. SIDPERS Commander. The DDC may be organized jumping off point from the manual will also replace PERMACAPS and into personnel and logistical functions. systems to the highly automated systems the BASOPS personnel subsystem. In garrison, both functional elements of the future. SIDPERS will interface with of the DDC normally will be located A greater degree of automation in CARMOCS, JUMPS, TAMS, CADS, together. If field requirements dictate, the H-series is being planned for the and the DA level personnel system. the DDC may operate from two separate personnel system under the Combat The records maintained in the computer locations, with the logistics element Service Support System (CS3), which data base will include individual and located in the Division main support includes the Standard Installation unit records. The individual records area and the personnel element located Division Personnel System (SIDPERS). will contain essentially that information

1775 | Honoring Our Legacy 41 and report writer. TOE 12-550G, Postal to the AG Company organization. The Services Organization, has been revised tentative schedule for the remaining into an H-series TOE. This TOE, when Divisions to convert is as follows: 3d published and implemented, will replace Armored, 21 Nov 1972; 4th Infantry existing TOE for postal regulating (Mech), 21 Nov 1972; 8th Infantry detachments, Army postal units, and (Mech), 21 Feb 1973; 2d Armored, 21 US Army Military Mail Terminals May 1973; and 101st Airmobile, first (base post offices). The H-series TOE quarter of fiscal year 1974. Although is now in final stages of preparation for some of the elements of the 1st Cavalry publication and distribution by DA. (TRICAP) have organized under the Major purposes of the revision were H-series for testing purposes, the unit to make the TOE more adaptable to as a whole has no specific plan to the current environment, provide convert. In addition, some elements of more flexibility in organization, and the 9th Infantry Division converted in to upgrade the equipment. Additional April 1972, while the remainder of the teams have been formed to provide Division will convert the third quarter more flexibility, including postal claims of fiscal year 1973. The 82d Airborne and international exchange office teams. Division has no specific plans to convert A capability to combine direct support as yet. Personnel of the 15th AG Company find work just as challenging in the field during the unit’s and general support at the same location It is still too early to judge the success or training exercise. Five divisions have converted has also been included. Upgrading failure of the conversion to the H-series to the H-Series TOE which authorizes the AG Company in the place of the Admin Company. of equipment has been provided by TOE or to draw valid comparisons to including mechanized conveyor belts the old Admin Company organization. found in DA Forms 66 and 20 needed by at the general support level, fluorescent The intent of the reorganization in part the commander to manage personnel. The lighting and additional adding / is to provide better AG services to the units’ records will contain organizational subtracting machines for postal clerks. Soldier, better management of personnel status data and a personnel authorization resources, and a better Army. The test of table for each morning report unit in In considering logistical support for time and AG expertise will determine the serviced population, together with the new AG Company, the need for if the AG Company is to prove a viable pertinent data concerning the status improved equipment in the area of alternative to the old Admin Company. of the incumbent of each authorized “reprographics” is evident. In particular, position. With these automated files better equipment is needed in document and others, a single change will update duplicating and copying areas. each file automatically and thus greatly Authorizations in these equipment reduce the manual effort required to areas have often lagged behind the maintain current personnel management rapid technology in the reprographics information. field. Often, authorizations prohibit the purchase of newer, more efficient The CS3 system provides a very equipment introduced on the market. sophisticated tool for personnel Authorization approval for some of management which will enable the the reprographic equipment needed to user to have the required information support the AG Company should be available on a timely basis. granted within a year. Consequently, the AG has moved one step closer to being a manager and one As mentioned at the beginning of this step further from being a record keeper article, five Divisions have converted

42 The Journal of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association | Commandants of the Adjutant General School / Chiefs of the AG Corps Chief Warrant Officers of the Regiment Regimental Sergeants Major of the Regiment

By COL (Ret) Bob Ortiz Photo Credit – CPT Samuel Warren

s part of our 1775 Legacy Special in New York City. This move reunited him He also became Director, Schools AEdition, pictured below are the AG with his wife, who had remained behind in Training, Army Administration Schools, Officers, Warrant Officers, and Command New York after his posting to Georgia, and and was promoted to Brigadier General in Sergeants Major / Sergeants Major who led to the birth in 1924 of their only child, early 1942. In this position BG Holdridge have respectively held the position of: John H. Holdridge. was responsible for implementing the • Commandant of the Adjutant General By 1925 BG Holdridge had transferred opening of Officer Candidate Schools at (AG) School / Chief of the AG Corps to the Cavalry, while still assigned to the colleges around the country, to provide • Chief Warrant Officer of the Regiment Reserve Corps in New York. He was twelve-week courses of instruction for • Regimental Sergeant Major later appointed as Assistant Professor the massive increase in the US Army’s The first Commandant of the AG School of History and Social Sciences at West officer corps during 1942-1944. BG was BG Herbert C. Holdridge, from 1942- Point, and also taught summer sessions at Holdridge saw that many of these schools 1943. BG Holdridge was commissioned Columbia University during 1928. Before were opened at smaller public and private a 2LT in the US 1930, BG Holdridge had been transferred colleges and universities that had been Army in 1917, to the Army’s Cavalry School at Fort hard hit by the loss of students to military and assigned to Riley, Kansas, his wife and son this time service during World War II, helping to the Quartermaster accompanying him. ensure their financial viability during the war years. For his efforts, he was awarded Corps of the BG Holdridge would remain with Training a Doctor of Laws degree by Grinnell Army’s Reserve Commands for the rest of his Army College on 24 January 1943. (II Corps) at career. He was promoted to Colonel and Camp Gordon, headed the Plans Training Division of Pictured below are the rest of the GA. He was the Adjutant General’s Department at the Commandants of the AG School / Chiefs promoted to 1LT by 1920, and made CPT onset of World War II, and was assigned of the AG Corps, Chief Warrant Officers of two years later, at which time he was as Commandant of the Adjutant General the Regiment, and Regimental Sergeants assigned to duty with Headquarters, Army School at Fort Washington, Maryland, on Major. Trains, with the 19 January 1942.

1775 | Honoring Our Legacy 43 Commandants of the AG School / Chiefs of the AG Corps

COL L. B. Clapham COL H. F. Scherer COL L. S. Smith COL L. W. Stanley COL E. W. Bosgieter 1943-1947 1947-1950 1950-1954 1954-1955 1955-1959

COL K. G. Wickham COL A. L. Ransone 1959-1961 1961-1963

COL R. G. Platt COL Nathan H. Hixon 1963-1965 1965-1969

COL Jack T. Pink COL Richard P. Koch 1969-1971 1971-1973

44 The Journal of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association | Commandants of the AG School / Chiefs of the AG Corps (Continued)

COL Mary C. Willis COL Frank C. Foster Jr. COL James R. Daugherty COL Earl M. Sims COL M. J. Goodman 1985-1986 1986-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992 and 1992-1993 1994-1995

COL Gary L. Gresh COL J. Michael Hardesty COL Ruth B. Collins COL Michael R. Molosso COL Donald A. Bartholomew 1995-1998 1998-2000 2000-2000 2000-2002 2002-2004

COL Brent A. Johnson COL Rose A. Walker COL Wanda E. Wilson COL Richard P. Mustion COL Robert L. Manning 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2012

COL Todd Garlick COL Jack L. Usrey 2012-2014 2014-2016

1775 | Honoring Our Legacy 45 Chief Warrant Officers of the Regiment

CW5 Charles Wigglesworth CW5 Gerald I. Sims CW5 Ronald G. Galloway 2003-2005 2005-2007 2007-2009

CW5 Scott B. Hagar CW5 Coral J. Jones CW5 David G. Betancourt 2009-2011 2011-2015 2015-Present

Regimental Sergeants Major

CSM Stanley Ashford CSM Freddie Lash CSM Michael Armstead CSM J. Kelly Fain CSM Billy Blackmon 1997-1998 1998-2001 2001-2004 2004-2006 2006-2008

CSM Darlene C. Hagood CSM Christopher D. Culbertson SGM Todd J. Shirley CSM Nyeedra T. Edwards 2008-2012 2012-2014 2014-2015 2015-Present

46 The Journal of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association | SECTIONArmy Band LegacyIII

Army Music – A Look Back and Glimpse at the Future

By COL (Ret) Thomas Palmatier

This issue of “1775” looks at our legacy of) enjoyable. The Platoon Sergeant drug abuse, lots of alcohol consumption and how that has carried us into the (PSG) (who later served as my SGM at before, during, and after the duty day, future. It was my great privilege to serve the TRADOC Band) ensured that those a hostile environment for the newly in the Army Music Program continuously of us who had Families with us had some integrated women, tremendous racial during five decades, starting as a PFC flexibility in our details so we could tensions, an unsupportive American in the 1970’s and retiring as the senior actually see them. The tuba instructor people (this was right after Vietnam), Music Officer in DoD in 2015. While who to this day is the best teacher I’ve miniscule budgets, and an uncertain this article will take a short “walk down ever had (and is still a friend). The SGM mission. Welcome to the Army! But I memory lane” it will really focus on who helped fix assignment problems and also had a commanding officer who cared how Army Music developed a culture of gave young Soldiers a shoulder to lean for us, helped me in good and bad times, “perpetual change” to enable it to evolve on, and the three squad mates who served and is still a close friend. I had a SGM to meet the needs of the Army of today, long careers and remained friends. In who gave me the best career advice ever. not yesterday. It will also offer some short, it showed that no matter how well “Stop worrying about your next job, just suggestions on directions to take in the (or poorly) we align DOTMLPF concepts do whatever your current job is to the future. with reality, it ultimately comes down to best of your ability and others will take I reported to AIT at the Army Element the people. of the Navy School of Music in 1975, After a harrowing 3,000 mile having completed Bachelor and Masters drive in winter weather (all out degrees in music. What I found was a of pocket on a PFC’s salary confusing mish-mash of Army and Navy because we weren’t supposed cultures, widely varying degrees of to have Families) I reported technical (musical) proficiency among into the Sixth U.S. Army Band. both students and cadre, and an even more The unit was about half draftees confusing way that the Navy used to teach nearing the end of their Army music theory that bore no resemblance to service, about one quarter anything I had learned in college. Some career NCOs, many with of the instructors were SP6s and SP7s Vietnam service, and a small who had never even served in an Army group of lower enlisted Soldiers Band! What I also found were some just trying to figure out what extraordinary leaders and fellow Soldiers was going on. The Army of the Pictured at the time is SP4 Thomas Palmatier (center) with who made even AIT rewarding and (sort late 1970’s featured rampant the Sixth U.S. Army Band in 1978.

1775 | Honoring Our Legacy 47 care of the rest.” I had a 1SG who taught marches, alerts, and training for a real Next was an assignment to The U.S. Army me “early is on time and on time is late,” world mission. Luckily, my Battalion Band “Pershing’s Own” in Washington, and lots of good friends in the unit. Commander was an amazing leader who DC. Another whole new world! As I soon returned back to the School of allowed me to bluff my way through my a 1LT and then CPT I was routinely Music for an NCO course, not knowing first QTB (I actually didn’t know what performing for and often interacting with that I would end up staying for three the letters stood for) and took the time Presidents, Kings, Queens, Emperors, consecutive courses and graduating as a to teach me. Our CG, who eventually Congressional leaders, Hollywood stars, WO1 Bandmaster. So with less than four wore 4-stars, gave me my first lessons you name it. I was also “leading” some years of service and at the ripe old age in how to use Army Music to influence of the finest musicians in the world, of 27 I took command of the 14th Army foreign nations and truly practice public although I was learning way more from Band at Fort McClellan, Alabama. I wish diplomacy, which we did all over the them than they could from me. Again, I could apologize to every single Soldier hemisphere. I left this assignment a faithful SGM guided me, sometimes in that Band as they endured my learning with new-found tactical knowledge gently and sometimes sternly, and kept curve. My boss was a Major who had and experience, but more importantly a me somewhat out of trouble. In later flown Cobras in Vietnam, who was nascent understanding of how actions at years, I would often visit his grave in demanding and tough as nails. But he the tactical level could influence strategic Arlington National Cemetery just to say was also consistent and communicative objectives. thanks. when you screwed up, as well as A short stint as Aide de Camp to the CG compassionate. I had a SGM who was of the Military District of Washington unfailingly loyal, but when necessary proved to be a virtual graduate school on became a real father figure. This was leadership and management. Getting to a time when recruiting was very tough, closely observe a senior leader and trying pay was low, and budgets were laughably (unsuccessfully usually) to stay ahead of small. But I saw a small but increasing him was an amazing growth experience. number of new Soldiers enlisting who Upon taking command of the TRADOC didn’t seem burdened by the past or Band at Fort Monroe I asked my boss discouraged. They just wanted to do for his initial guidance. He said, “This good work and their inspiration kept me is a good unit, just don’t screw it up.” going. An Army Music Performance Team (MPT) shows how to entertain with traditional instrumentation. It was a good unit and I did my best to Now a CW2, after completing the Photo by SSG Adam Muller, U.S. Army School of follow his guidance with the counsel of Warrant Officer Advanced Course at Fort Music. dozens of great NCOs (to include my Benjamin Harrison and marrying the AIT PSG and my AIT tuba instructor). MEDDAC Company Commander from After direct commissioning as a 2LT But this assignment brought me into Fort McClellan (thanks Army!), I shipped (going from being a senior CW2 to 2LT proximity with two senior leaders who to my first OCONUS post to command required some thick skin) I earned my would greatly change my life and would the 79th Army Band in Panama, part of paratrooper wings enroute to becoming provide the impetus for the changes that the 193d Infantry Brigade (Light). In the the Staff Band Officer at HQs, Fifth U.S. Army Music has gone through over the first week I discovered that the unit was Army. I was the only LT in this 3-star last 20 years. COL Michael Rochelle badly divided, largely along racial lines, HQs (AG CPT Dave Ellis was just about (later the Army G1) regularly spent time and there were undoubtedly Soldiers who the only other company grade officer) so with me and shared thoughts on a range were sampling the very inexpensive and in addition to assisting 28 RC Bands, I of topics. His example showed me how plentiful drugs available right outside the got “broadening” jobs as Budget Officer, to transition from direct leadership to gate. Within the first month I had relieved Weight Control Officer, Suspenseindirect leadership. He was constantly the 1SG at the same time as one of the Control Officer, and any other job that no encouraging and provided great top cover SFCs was selected for MSG. The new one else wanted. Wow, did I learn a lot! when I screwed up. The other was GEN 1SG was a PT stud, totally honorable and Most importantly, the job called for me to William Hartzog, TRADOC CG, and the loyal, a great musician, and everything regularly spend time with and (hopefully) architect of much of today’s Army. One an NCO should be. I also had six assist those RC Bands. I discovered a day at an ODP in the early 1990’s he SSGs and SFCs who would ultimately whole other part of the Army and they described a Brigade-based modular Army become 1SGs or SGMs – a real pack of taught me what makes the USAR and capable of sustaining readiness through thoroughbreds. I learned that all I had ARNG unique (and challenging). But what would become ARFORGEN cycles to do was let those great NCOs do their I met lots of amazing leaders who were and described a battlefield without job and all would be well, and it was. devoting way more than 38 days each year frontlines and rear areas. Within a week, Importantly, this assignment was my first to their jobs and did it out of dedication I started brainstorming how Army Music real “Army” experience with FTXs, road and love for the mission. units could be better organized to support

48 The Journal of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association | to organize the unit into and adopted it well in advance of the detachments and teams authorizing documents, again providing with mini-ARFORGEN a real world test bed. cycles of gate guard, On return to CONUS and completion refit, technical training, of the Army War College, I became and music performances. Commandant of the U.S. Army It meant that I would School of Music. Throughout the first often not see all of transformation “wave” it was NCOs in “my” unit regularly but the schoolhouse Directorate of Training would rely on those that provided most of the good ideas and NCO leaders to train and all of the brainpower to translate it into execute missions. Mike a viable Force Design Update (FDU). A MPT engages the audience as an important Army Band core Rochelle’s lessons of competency. Photo by SSG Adam Muller, U.S. Army School of Music. Now, with the first FDU only starting indirect leadership and to be officially implemented, we were that type of Army. XO 2LT (now LTC) another group of amazing already taking lessons learned from OIF, Dwayne Milburn and our SGM went NCOs made it work. At the Brigade looking at what TRADOC predicted for through piles of butcher block paper level, Colonels Jon Finke and Phil Smith the Army’s future, and building the next trying to design music units in different were great supporters, BG Rusty Frutiger transformation plan which was approved ways. gave me top cover, but it was General even before its predecessor was fully A year at Fort Leavenworth proved to me B.B. Bell who provided the best lessons implemented. An even later iteration (to the incredible value of PME in developing on what Army Music could and should be implemented in the next few years), leaders. A great staff group, wonderful do. He saw our music as his best tool which occurred after I had moved on to instructors, and a challenging and flexible to exercise soft power in the USAREUR command The U.S. Army Field Band and curriculum helped prepare me for my next AOR. He made sure that I fully The U.S. Army Band “Pershing’s Own”, assignment as Department of the Army understood his intent for every mission exploited the power of modularity by Staff Bands Officer. In MG Kathryn and then empowered us to practice public forming music detachments to provide Frost, The Adjutant General, I found an diplomacy abroad and Soldier support in music support to installations when the enthusiastic, creative, and brilliant officer Iraq. While in Iraq, I was able to visit all of force structure could not support a full who was also incredibly humble and loved the deployed bands and showed them the Band. newly approved but not yet implemented her team. As our ideas for a new Army So what does all of this mean for the Music structure continued to develop modular plans. Forward thinkers like Chief Warrant Officers Gordon Kippola future? Following are a few of my through the Army Music Action Group, lessons learned. she spent many hours “red teaming” our and Glen Nardin immediately saw that proposals, providing a necessary senior this was the way they needed to operate • People are what make things work. leader perspective. The result was the first real transformation in Army Music since 1917, a modular design for music units that would facilitate supporting multiple concurrent missions with small groups. After approval, but prior to implementation, the attacks of September 11th occurred. I changed jobs to be MG Frost’s XO and again was able to closely observe and learned from a gifted senior leader. Many Army Music units prepared for deployment while most of the others had new force protection responsibilities. Assuming command of the USAREUR Band and Chorus just as OIF was kicking off led me to be thankful for the lessons learned in Panama with alerts, FTXs, weapons training, and yes, QTBs. This environment allowed us to test the modular concepts in a real world setting. With 24/7 gate guard taskings, we had COL (Ret) Thomas Palmatier leads the USAREUR Band through the streets of Moscow in 2005.

1775 | Honoring Our Legacy 49 We’ve got to find good people, If you can’t (or don’t want to) • Community Relations. See above nurture and encourage them, and train do it superbly, either stop doing regarding outreach to Americans. and challenge them. This also means or improve the product. When However, when OCONUS, Army if they don’t measure up to what our marching in a ceremony, our Bands Music Officers must be experts in Army deserves or are unwilling / should demonstrate a level of and proponents of public diplomacy. unable to change to meet current and excellence seen in DCI (Drum Corps If you don’t really know what Public future mission demands, we have to International) competitions or by the Diplomacy is, become an SME fast. sometimes make the tough call and 3rd U.S. Infantry (The Old Guard). To say that today’s Army Music Program make room for someone who does. As entertainers, don’t hide behind is superior to the one I joined in 1977 • Leaders have to invest in nurturing music stands and neglect to smile is a colossal understatement. It was their personal and professional at and engage with the audience. In good and often great people who made relationships. The connections you short, be truly great at a few core that progress possible. Today’s Army make at BOLC, CCC, ILE, SSC (and competencies. Music units are full of bright, talented, their NCO and WO counterparts) • For decades Army Music defined enthusiastic Soldiers led by professional and elsewhere will comprise your itself as having three missions; NCOs and Officers and supported by “network,” but only if you keep them Soldier Support, Recruiting Support, fantastic Civilians. My hope is that they active. and Community Relations. Those will work together to harness that power • Harness the energy at the “bottom” of must be re-examined and our efforts and to make just as much progress in the our organizations. The “Millennials” must shift. The traditional roles of future. as a rule are patriotic, open supporting ceremonies will continue, minded, creative and enjoy working but to be truly relevant Army Music cooperatively. Harness those good units must do much more than that. qualities! Take the time to show them • Soldier Support. Except in the the “why” and they will exceed your most remote and austere locations, best expectations. Soldiers generally will find their • Embrace change as a constant. As entertainment on their own and aren’t soon as one “transformation” plan is interested in going to the rec center approved, start working on the next to hear an Army Band. Army Music one or you’ll be left behind. units have to retain their ability to perform cutting edge popular music • Continue to invest in PME. That for Soldiers when called upon and “strategic pause” for a school allows should work aggressively to provide leaders to reflect and “reinvent” support in austere locations like themselves. Distance learning is fine, the new European rotational bases but nothing can replace the immersive and other challenging places where experiences of a year at Fort Soldiers are working. But when not Leavenworth or Carlisle Barracks, deployed we’ve got to use those assets several months at the Army School of in support of outreach efforts of all Music, a fellowship, TWI, or graduate types. As our Army gets smaller, we COL (Ret) Thomas Palmatier retired in 2015 school. after a more than 37 year career culminating as must aggressively and tenaciously Leader and Commander of The U.S. Army Band • Understand that Army Music exists to work to be out in the public eye “Pershing’s Own.” He is a Distinguished Member support the American people and the connecting the Army to the American of the Regiment and a recipient of the AGCRA Army and our training and operations people. DoD has published an Superior Lifetime Achievement Award. He (really, the whole DOTMLPF annual outreach plan that empowers currently works around the world as a conductor, clinician, and consultant. spectrum) must be driven by that. commands to use their music units Although many leaders in Army and lifts most of the sequestration Music were trained in a traditional rules. Get out there! (essentially a 19th Century style • Recruiting Support. Recruiting is setting), we cannot just sit in our a supply and demand business and comfort zones. If the customers want during a force reduction we must popular music and you are a classical still make Army Music available and music expert, it’s up to you to adapt easy to use for our recruiters. That and learn, not them. means we must have a product that is • Whatever you do, do it superbly. attractive to diverse target audiences.

50 The Journal of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association | We Play to Win!

By COL Jon D. Kindred

Bands under a single table at a strength Who are the members of Army bands? of 40 players plus a Warrant Officer In a word, they are Soldiers. Give or Bandmaster. This includes all Division, take a few, there are 2,596 of them, Garrison and Training Center Bands, including about 30 commissioned and most Command Bands. Officers and 49 Warrant Officers. The There are three larger (65 member) Bands Enlisted members of Army Bands have which are assigned to Headquarters, higher than average GT scores. Many US Army Europe, US Army Forces have four year college degrees. In order Command, and Training and Doctrine to qualify for an Army Band, a potential Command. Membership in these Bands recruit must meet all mental, physical is open to all Army Band members who and moral requirements for enlistment. can qualify at a higher level of playing Additionally, each candidate must pass a ability than is required for 41 member rigorous musical performance audition. Bands. These larger Bands, in addition Following basic training, the Soldier is to normal command, troop and local assigned to the Armed Forces School of COL Kindred’s article was first published in Music at Little Creek, VA for 23 weeks the Soldier Support Journal in the Journal’s community support missions, travel September / October 1985 edition. extensively in direct support of Army of intensive musical study and practice. recruiting and national-level community Upon graduation, Soldiers are awarded elcome to this special section relations missions. Wof the Soldier Support Journal, designed to tell you all you ever wanted There are three Special Bands: The to know about Army Bands. There at , are 123 Army Bands: 49 in the Active VA; The United States Army Field Band Army, 56 in the , at Fort Meade, MD; and the United and 18 in the Army Reserve. They are States Military Academy Band at West in every state of the Union, the District Point, NY. The enlisted membership of of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Twelve these Bands is limited to those whose Bands are stationed in foreign countries, instrumental proficiency is of the highest all the way from the outposts of Berlin caliber. Many of the players are world to the DMZ in Korea. There are eight class performers. The highly visible, Bands in Germany, two in Korea, one in demanding, and specialized nature of Japan, and one in Panama. Special Band roles and missions requires this level of proficiency. Opportunities All Army Bands are tables of for assignment to these Bands are organization units. Recently, steps limited and very competitive. have been taken to standardize most If you think the Army Band just plays music, then you and the enemy are just plain wrong!

1775 | Honoring Our Legacy 51 the Band military occupational specialty Special Bands and the three 65 member that denotes their particular instrument major Army Command Bands. A and are assigned to an Army Band. Band officer serves as Commandant of Except for the three Special Bands the U.S. Army Element of the School and the three 65 member major Army of Music. Commissioned Officers Command Bands, all Army Bands also serve on the staffs of the Special (43, including the Old Guard Fife Bands, the Major Army Command and Drum Corps) are commanded by Bands, and on the staff and faculty of Warrant Officer Bandmasters (military the School. Other Band officers serve occupational specialty 031A). In fact, as Staff Bands Officers in the Army 43 of the Army’s 49 Warrant Officer Bands Office, located at Fort Harrison, Bandmaster authorizations are for Band IN; the headquarters of US Army Commanders. Two are assigned to the Europe; US Armed Forces Command; School of Music and four to the Special and Training and Doctrine Command. Bands. The average command time is Under the technical supervision of US Armed Forces Command, staff Bands The Band stationed at Fort about nine years for Army Bandmasters. Monroe, Virginia, traces its roots to the 4th officers also serve in the Continental Artillery Band in 1824. US Army headquarters COL Jon D. Kindred is the Chief of primarily to support the Army Bands, US Army Soldier Support 74 Reserve Component Center, Fort Benjamin Harrison, IN. Bands. Previous assignments include Tank We live at a time when Platoon Leader, 24th Infantry Division, it is fashionable to Augsburg, Germany; Chief, Personnel justify programs in Management, 1st Infantry Division, terms of what can be Vietnam; Chief, Officer Management, precisely measured US Military Academy, West Point; and quantified inAdjutant General, 3d Infantry Division, economic terms. No Wurzburg Germany; Company one has yet devised a Command, Defense Language Institute, quantifiable measurePresidio of Monterey, CA; and Director, Soldiers who play the “Stars and Stripes Forever” are also prepared to of what Army Bands protect and defend it. Equal Opportunity, Office of the Deputy do. Their importance Chief of Staff for Personnel, Washington, Nearly all Bandmasters come from the to the chemistry of ceremonies, DC. ranks. They are selected only after tradition, cohesion, esprit, and Colonel Kindred holds a bachelor’s passing rigorous screening and training morale, as indispensable elements of degree in music education from Texas requirements. The standards are high combat effectiveness, is universally Christian University and a master’s and tough: over the last ten years only acknowledged by all armed forces, of degree in political science from Kansas 54% of Bandmaster candidates have every country. The men and women of University. He has completed the Armor successfully completed the required the Army’s Bands, all Soldiers, are proud Officer Orientation Course, Adjutant training. to be part of the Army of Excellence. General Officer Advanced Course, It is difficult to write (or read) about Unlike the Warrant Officer Bandmasters Command and General Staff College, something that should be heard, so who spend most of their careers and the Industrial College of the Armed after you finish this issue of the Soldier commanding, commissioned Officers Forces. He was commissioned a Second Support Journal, go out and listen to an in the Army Band Program typically Lieutenant through the Reserve Officer’s Army Band! divide their time among staff, training Training Corps as a Distinguished and Band assignments. Commissioned Military Graduate. Officers command and lead the three

52 The Journal of the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association | The History of the Adjutant General’s Corps

The proud heritage of the Adjutant General’s Corps dates back to the formation of the American Army when on 16 June 1775, the Continental Congress established the position of Adjutant General on the staff of General George Washington. On 17 June, Congress selected Horatio Gates, a former officer in the British Army, to become the first Adjutant General of the Army with the commission of Brigadier General. General Gates made good use of his knowledge of military organization by bringing good order and regularity to the Army by transforming militia units from the 13 colonies into one “American Army.” General Gates developed the system by which regular strength returns were compiled and reported up through the Army’s chain-of-command. The first report was completed on 19 July 1775, and established the basis of the “personnel system” used to compile personnel and strength information for the remainder of the war. Over the course of its 241 year history, the Adjutant General’s Corps has become responsible for critical personnel and administrative support functions that have served to sustain America’s Army in peace and war. Among them are personnel accounting and strength reporting, casualty management, replacement operations, postal operations, morale, welfare, and recreational support, and a full range of personnel services essential to Soldier morale and the Commander’s ability to effectively plan and conduct operations. As the Corps has evolved, the branch has been heavily involved in force modernizations and programs designed to improve the fighting effectiveness of the Army. As the United States mobilized for World War I, the Adjutant General’s Department pioneered the use of intelligence testing to measure the skills and aptitude of Soldiers coming into the Army. These tests and associated interview methods became the basis of the modern military personnel system that recruits and assigns Soldiers to the various occupational skills and specialties around which the Army’s modern combined arms teams are built. On the battlefields of Europe and the South Pacific during World War II, the Adjutant General’s Department employed the first use of computer technology to process wartime strength and casualty information crafted from the lessons of modern war and the emerging personnel requirements of a global US military commitment. The Army Organization Act of 1950 established the Adjutant General’s Corps as a separate branch of service. With branch status came the obligation to prepare for war in peacetime – training Soldiers in the specialty and developing personnel doctrine, unit structure and organization integral to the support of Army operations around the world. In executing that mission, the Adjutant General’s Corps has served as a key combat multiplier in support of combat operations in Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, and Panama. Since the end of the Cold War, the Adjutant General’s Corps has deployed to Southwest Asia in support of Operations Desert Shield and Storm, and has participated in a number of contingency operations essential to the security and well being of our nation. Currently, Soldiers of the Adjutant General’s Corps are among those supporting operations in the Horn of Africa, Kosovo, Kuwait, Sinai, Iraq and Afghanistan. As the branch has evolved, Army leaders have come to realize that the personnel system is as vital to the war fighting capability and morale of individual Soldiers and their Families as it is to mission accomplishment. Today, the Adjutant General’s Corps continues to develop new and increasingly efficient means of providing timely and dependable personnel support to Commanders and the entire Army Family. As we enter into a new millennium, our confidence in the future is buoyed by immense pride in our past. We remain and will always be prepared to DEFEND AND SERVE! The Adjutant General’s Corps on rot r eental Assoaton ostae o A ort ason C Colua C ert

The Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association Non Profit Org. To Current esdent or US Postage PO Box 10026 PAID Permit No. 00586 Fort Jackson, SC 29207 Columbia, SC

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“WASHINGTON’S“WASHINGTON’S WATCH CHAIN”WATCH By Mort CHAIN” Kunstler The AGCA has coissione the irst eer AG Cors rintby Morty artist KunstlerMort Kunstler The rint is entitle “Washington’s Watch Chain” an incluesThethe AGCRAAG Cors hasegiental commissionedcrest the The firstrint evereicts AG CorpsGeneral printGeorge by artistWashington Mort West ThePoint printN isin entitledthe inter o uring the eolutionary“Washington’sWar Watchretrieing Chain”the and“Great includesChain” thero AGthe CorpsHuson Regimentalier eore crest.the Therier printreees depicts The General“Great Chain” as esigne toGeorgelock the WashingtonBritish Nay at roWest sailingPoint, uNYthe in theHuson winterier of 1779ro Neduringork theCity Revolutionaryan slitting Warthe AericanretrievingColonies the in hal Accoanying“GreatWashington Chain”uring from thethe retrieingHudson oRiverthe “GreatbeforeChain” the riverare tofreezes.key AGs Thein “GreatAerican Chain”history wasCO designedTiothy Pickeringto the sith AG o blockthe Ary the Britishan Pickering’s Navy fromsuccessor sailing COup theAleaner HudsonScael River fromthe Newseenth YorkAG Cityo andthe Arysplitting Go theto AmericanAGCAco or ore inoration Coloniesaout rint insales half. All Accompanyingrint sale rocees Washingtonsuort duringthe AGCA the retrievingScholarshi ofProgra the “Great Chain” are two key AGs in American history: COL Timothy Pickering (the sixth AG of the Army) and Pickering’s successor, COL Alexander Scammel (the seventh AG of the Army). Go to for more information about print sales. All print sale proceeds support the AGCRA Scholarship Program.