Advances in Biological Chemistry, 2011, 1, 35-48 ABC doi:10.4236/abc.2011.13006 Published Online November 2011 ( Alteration of fatty acid molecular species in ceramide and glucosylceramide under heat stress and expression of sphingolipid-related genes Ken-ichi Nagai1, Nobuyoshi Takahashi2, Toshiko Moue3, Yukio Niimura3* 1Department of Clinical Laboratory Science, Faculty of Medical Technology, Teikyo University, Tokyo, Japan; 2Department of Radiological Technology, Faculty of Medical Technology, Teikyo University, Tokyo, Japan; 3Research Center of Biomedical Analysis and Radioisotope, Faculty of Medicine, Teikyo University, Tokyo, Japan. Email: *
[email protected] Received 15 September 2011; revised 21 October 2011; accepted 29 October 2011. ABSTRACT 1. INTRODUCTION Physical stresses such as high temperature or hyper- Ceramide (Cer) plays the role of a lipid second messen- osmosis are known causes of intracellular ceramide ger in cell signaling transductions [1-5] such as cell (Cer) accumulation in mammalian epithelial cells; growth, differentiation [6], senescence [7], necrosis [8], these stresses also result in the activation of the biosy- proliferation [9], and apoptosis [10]. Changes in Cer ntheses of glucosylceramide (GlcCer) or galactosyl- metabolism are also implicated in the etiology of human ceramide via ceramide glycosylation. We confirmed diseases, such as neurological disorders, cancer, infec- that intracellular Cer and GlcCer increased in mouse tious diseases, and Wilson’s disease [11,12]. The accu- fibroblast Mop 8 cells under conditions of heat stress. mulation of Cer in response to heat-shock stress has When molecular species of Cer, GlcCer and sphingo- been shown in HL-60 [13,14] and NIH WT-3T3 cells [15] myelin (SM) were analyzed by matrix assisted laser and is dependent on the activities of both serine palmi- desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrome- toyltransferase (Spt) and ceramide synthase (CerS) [16].