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Table of Contents Mobile Utopia Conference – Abstracts Table of Contents KEYNOTE ABSTRACTS AND KEYNOTE SPEAKERS 6 Bicycling on Mars - Thoughts on the Future of Transportation - Rob La Frenais 6 TBC Clapperton Chakanetsa Mavhunga 6 ABSTRACTS AND PRESENTER INFORMATION 6 Data and Datafication 6 Smart Velomobile Utopias 6 The Active Mobility in Brazil: Advances in the Scientific Literature 7 Datadrifts: Mapping Journeys through Critical Participation in Environmental Data 8 IsITethical? Play with Datafication as Ethical Impact Assessment 9 Big Data Utopia 9 openAnalogInput(): Data Mining and Subjectivation 10 MPC Data Utopia/Dystopia: Medical Data Mobilities 11 Autopia I: Autonomy, Automation, Automobility 12 From Horse-drawn Carriages to Driverless Cars 12 Effect of Detector Placement, Train and Traffic Characteristics on Operational Performance 12 Automobile Utopias and Dystopias: Designing a Dystopian International Motor Show 13 Automobile Ownership in North Carolina, 1916-19: A Digital History Project 14 ‘Smart’ Autonomous Vehicles in Cities of the Future 14 What Kind of Utopia for Automated Mobility Futures? 15 Anticipation, Automation and Navigation 16 Autopia II: Autonomy, Automation, Automobility II 16 Automated Transport as Technological Vision and Political Utopia 16 Do Androids Dream of Electric Cars? 17 What Will Sleep Be Like in the Age Of Autonomous Vehicles? 17 Making Utopia Possible: How Lessons from History Can Contribute 18 A Spoiler that Embodies Hope: Utopian and Dystopian Dimensions of Radio Traffic Reports 18 Transport Utopia 19 Introducing Individual Travellers in Future Mobility Scenarios 19 Drivers and Other Actors. Dynamics of Road Freight Transport 20 Utopia Comes Back: Paratransit as a Saviour of Public Transport (?) 20 ALATCO, the First Bus: Transport History and Mobility in the Philippines 21 The Utopian Everyday 22 Sequencing Multiple Practices 22 Everyday Utopias and Everyday Mobilities: a Symbiotic Relationship? 23 Everyday Urban Mobility Utopias 23 Careful Mobilities: Digital Kinship, Care-at-Distance and Mobile Apps 24 Sharing Mobilities 25 Mobility Fix 2.0: Investigating the Role of Mobile Internet-Enabled Public Bike Sharing 25 The Russian Uber – ‘Yandex Taksi’ 25 Driverless Mobility Futures 26 1 Mobile Utopia Conference – Abstracts Is Sharing Mobilities a Utopia? - Communities on the Move 27 Mobility Justice 28 Equal Access to Mobility? The “Resistant” Young Portuguese Workers 28 Urban, Spatial and Mobility Justice: Utopia, Thought Experiment, STS 28 Cycling London: An Intersectional Feminist Perspective 29 “Turning a Century: From Imperial to Revolutionary”: Public Transport and Social Movements 30 Infrastructure as Public Space? Protesting and Counter-protesting (Im)Mobility 31 Revising the Concept of Corridor Towards the Building of Mobility Indicators in Buenos Aires 31 Utopia and Place 32 Warnscale: Emplacing, Re-imaging and Transforming ‘Missing’ Life-Events 32 Dys/U/Topian: Vision and Dialogue about Local Impacts of Climate Change 32 The Mobile Suburbia’s of Rural England; Automobilities, Dystopias, Immobilities 33 Illuminating Urban Street-Topias 34 Touring Theatre as Mobile Utopia 35 Migrant Imaginaries 35 Moving Art in Recovery and Resilience 36 Utopia of Travel and Tourism I 37 The Future Looks Seamless: Attending to Friction in Travel and Tourism. 37 Towards Nation-Building: Zhu Liren’s 1945 Tourism Plan for Post-War China 37 Evelyn Waugh, Trainspotter: Utopian Encounters along the Franco-Ethiopian Railway 1930-1935 38 Transport Heritage as Mankind Utopia: the Moral Values in World Heritage of Transport 38 Utopia of Travel and Tourism II 39 Green Favelas: Past, Present and Futures of Favela Tourism in Rio De Janeiro 39 Automotive Tourism and Leisure Trips in 20th Century Brazil 40 An Emerging Tourism Paradigm? Post-conflict Tourism 40 Home, Neighbourhood and Community 41 From the Ideal Vision of Neighbourhood to Real Practices of Parkinghood 41 “Let’s Start with Small Things that We Can Do Tomorrow” 42 “I want to be a race-car auto-mechanic in Australia”: Future Imaginaries of Kiribati Youth 42 The Utopia of Escape from the Contemporary Metropolis. The Dream of a Seaside Paradise 43 Mobility Friction: Understanding the Decline of Russian Second-home Mobility in Finland. 43 Utopias of Communities 44 Cosmopolitanism as a Mobile Utopia? 45 Mobile Utopia, Fiction and Experiment 45 Octavia Butler’s Mobility: Working Against Categorization and Single Visions in The Parables 45 African American Automobilities in Walter Mosley’s Mysteries 46 Speculating with Human Rights: Two South Asian Women Writers and Utopian Mobilities 46 Two Cumbrian Utopias. An Experimental Session 47 Blurred Limits of Utopian Literature 48 More-than-human Utopia 48 Finding Vigour and Kinship Along a Diseased High-Tech Tale 48 “Antennae Ears Tuned to All Voices Of The City” 49 Moral Mobility in Utopia: VR and AR in Simon Amstell’s ‘Carnage’ 49 Pondering on ‘The Frankenstein Complex’: Humanity’s Engagement with Robots/AI 50 Between Utopia and Dystopia: Socio-technological Imaginaries of Autonomous Vehicles 50 Technology-based Utopias – Traffic Signals as Part of Urban Transport Visions 51 2 Mobile Utopia Conference – Abstracts Mobilities Research and the Question of Theory 52 Infrastructure Utopia 53 Constructing a Transport hGIS: Does Infrastructure Follow Infrastructure? 53 Roadside Utopias: Mobile Spaces at the British Motorway Service Area 53 Roads of Asphalt: Another Chance for Modernity to Enjoy Utopian Impulse 54 Underground Utopia in Dresden - 120 Years Better Off Without 55 Seeking a New Role for Transport History 55 Another Turn of the Wheel? Co-Production, Engagement Beyond the Academe 56 Seeking a New Ontology for Transport History 56 From Mobile Utopias to Grounded Speculations 57 “Houston, we have a problem”: How to Deal with Historical Sources in the Future of JTH? 57 Searching for New Trends in Mobility History: The Strategic Role of Blogging 58 Museums: A Roundtable 59 Re-imaging 20th Century Steam Transportation in Canada 59 America on the Move: An Exhibition at Middle Age 59 Compartmentalising Mobility: Manchester’s Transport Material Culture, 60 From Transport to Mobility: Changing Exhibition and Collection Strategies 60 Utopia in Museums: A Challenge for Mobility History, and Vice Versa 61 On the right track? - Challenges for the Archives of Canada’s Federal Transportation Activities 62 Past Futures: Historicising Future Sustainable Urban Mobilities 62 History in Sustainable Urban Mobility: Key Concepts and Challenges 63 Technology, Aspiration and Emissions in the Tube Railways of London 64 Framing ‘Rural’ Railway Closures in 1960s Britain: Lessons for Sustainable Urban Mobilities 64 International Technocrats’ Transnational ‘Script’ for the Future of Urban Mobilities 65 Dystopic Immobilities: past & future, north & south and everything in between 66 From Dystopia to Dystopia: Congestion and the pursuit of an ordered urban modernity in India 67 Exploring Public Road Passenger Transport in Kenya: A Futuristic Utopia or Dystopia 67 Pedestrians & cyclists as “nuisance”: An unimaginative diagnosis of congestion on Indian streets 68 When Car and Bullock Cart Met 68 Concrete and Bullock Carts: Modern Roads in Interwar India 69 Heterogenous Work Transformations: Pasts, Presents and Futures 70 Transformations of Gender, Work and Life: Theory and Practice 70 Demanding Business Travel: The Evolution and Futures of the Timespaces of Business Practice 71 Passions for Precarious Work, Life and Prototype: Exploring Open Innovation in Hackathons 71 Military Spouse Work in the Digital Age 72 Life Without Labour: Community and Desire in the Post-Work Utopia 73 Being Busy: Utopian or Dystopian Feelings of Time and Mobility? 73 City Walks I: Mobile Utopias, Urban Governance, and Practices of Walking 74 The Walking-Stick in the Victorian City: Conflicting Ideals of the Sunday Stroll 74 Walking as strategy of political mobilization 75 Walking Utopias in a Long-Term Perspective: Pedestrian Infrastructures in Lyon 75 In Search of Wanderability and Utopian Urban Space 76 City Walks II: Mobile Utopias, Urban Governance, and Practices of Walking 77 A Forgotten Utopia? The first “pedestrian moment” in Europe and North America in the 1970s 77 Materialities of Walking, Pedestrian Traffic, and Negotiating Mobile Futures 78 3 Mobile Utopia Conference – Abstracts ‘Normative pedestrians’: Walking the Streets of Automobile City in Tallinn, Estonia 78 Thinking through Vegetation and Garbage 78 City Walks III: Mobile Utopias, Urban Governance, and Practices of Walking 79 Playing in the Street: CCTV Bingo and the Architecture of Fear 79 Walking the utopian city ethnographically and transgenerationally 79 Drifting with data: walking as a critical method for making sense of data entanglements 80 Beyond Cartographic Utopia: Mobile Mapping in Sydney and Hong Kong 81 Intersections of Media and Mobilities 81 Mobilism: A Research Agenda? 82 Media, Mobile and Immobile: Some Implications of Portable and Fixed Media 82 Space Tourism and Spectatorship: Commercial Space Flight in Méliès’ Impossible Voyage 83 Host Cities and the Olympic Gaze 83 The Ruinous City: Digital Space, Video Games and Apocalyptic Futures 84 ‘The Age of the Train’? British Rail’s Dream of the Utopian Railway 85 Drone-topia: The (Envisioned) Potentials for Utopia in Drone Technology 85 The Drone-Topian Gaze: Heightened Moving and Seeing in Drone Cinematography 86 Towards a Feminist Drone Utopia? Exploring the Implications of ‘Abortion Drones’ in Europe 86 Drone-Topia? Vital Materialities
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