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Record of Proceedings 0010 RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS DA't'TOU LfGALDL.AttK. tuc.. FORM uo. 101~ II Held_______ _ ____s_EP_T_EMB_ER_· _2_s_. _________2a>_7 __ _ II CONVENE: Presh.Jent Lang convened the meeting at 7:00 PM. ROLL CALL: All trnstecs answered present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: This was led by David, Alexis and Rob Snntel, children of Dick & Maryann Santel. CITIZEN'S COMMENTS: ....... NONE •••••• CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION FOR CAPTAIN DICK SANTEL: Mrs. Boyko read the Certificate thanking him for his 10 yrs. of dedicated service in the Fire Dept. and for the citizens of West Chester Township and congratulating him on his retirement and wishing him the best in the future. Fire Chier Tony Goller thunk~-d Captain Snntel nnd presented him with a plaque from the Fire Dept. designating his JO yrs. of service. Jeff Moore, President of the West Chester professional firefighters, Local IAFF 35 18, also presented Captain Santel with a plaque recognizing his dedication to the Fire Service. Mr. Santel thanked the Board and noted that his total tenure in Fire Service was 26 yrs. with the last ten years in West Chester. PROCLAMATION DECLARING OCTOBER, 2007 AS "FIRE PREVENTION MONTH": Mrs. Boyko read the Proclamation and presented it to Fire Chief Goller. APPROVE MINUTES OF TRUSTEES MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 11, 2007: Mrs. Stoker moved approval,, seconded by Mr. Wong. Roll Call: Mr. Lang, yes - Mr. Wong, yes - Mrs. Stoker- answered "abstain". She said this is because she wasn't present at that meeting. RCNMC APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS: Mr. Wong moved approval, seconded by Mrs. Stoker. RCA/MC REQUISITIONS $15UO.OO AND OVER: Mrs. Boyko presented the following: $ 1,986.00 VFW Post 7696 - Expenses for 2007 Memorial Day parade-Admin. S 24,791.00 Kerry Ford - Ford Explorer 2007 per State purchasing schedulc-Admin. S 11 ,196.00 Xiotech - Renewal of annual maintennnce agreement for SAN server-CIT S 5,000.00 Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber - Economic Development Partnership S 2,028.39 John Dsubnn Spring Service - Repairs for Fire Dept. vehicle 797 (Quint 15) $ 4,077.53 Manley Burke - Legal services for August 2007 for Planning & Zoning $ 4,800.00 TWL Knowledge Group, Inc.- Annual subscription renewal for LETN monthly Training Tapes for Police Dept. S 1,560.00 Douglas Zeller - Tuition reimbursement per Article 20, section 2 per the current labor agreement - Police Dept. $ 15,000.00 Rozzi's famous Fireworks - Fireworks for the Heroes Celebrntion, Oct. 6Lh $208,125.00 Cargill, Inc. - Salt contract - 2007-08 winter season $ 20,000.00 Subcontractors to plow cul-de-sues for the winter season if needed $ 15,000.00 Univar USA, Inc. - Liquid calcium chloride for winter season S 1,847.18 Ohio Cat - Wacker plate compactor for patching blacktop S 1,632.43 NSG, Inc. - Janitorial supplies for th~ Safely Services Bldg. Mrs. Stoker moved approval of the requisitions, seconded by Mr. Wong. Discussion: Mr. Wong stnted he would abstain from voling on the payment to the VFW because he is a member of the Post and it would be "conflict of interest". Mrs. Stoker stated she believed one had lo be a paid member for this lo be a "conllict''. Atty. Cmin was present and stated Mr. Wong has "no conflict". Mrs. Stoker commented that the fireworks for the Heroes celebration were in line with the budget since the Township did not expend funds for fireworks for the UCB Bash. She nlso commented on t11e increase in the cost of salt for the winter season . .............. RCNMC APPROVE PROMOTION OF .JOSH DeHART TO ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF ROADS & CEMETERY: Elfoctive September 26, 2007 at $21.60/per hr. on none-year probationary period. Mrs. Stoltcr moved approval, seconded by Mr. Wong. RCNMC Mr. DeHart was present and wns introduced. SET DATE FOR "TRICK OR TREAT" IN WEST CHESTER TOWNSHIP, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2007, FROM 6:00 PM TO 8:00 PM: Mrs. Stalter moved approval, seconded by Mr. Wong. RCNMC APPROVE TO RENEW THE CERTrFICATION APPLICA110N FOR THE OHIO NATURAL GAS GOVERNMENTAL AGGilliGATORS, INCLUDING THE TOWNSHIP'S PLAN OF OPERATION & GOVERNANCE AND TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWNSHIP ADMINISfRATOR TO PROCESS OTiillR ACrIONS AS NECESSARY TO IMPLEMENT & ADMINISTER A GOVERNMENTAL NATURAL GAS AGGREGATION PROGRAM WITH OPT-OUT PROVISIONS PURSUANT TO ALL APPLICABLE STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS: Mrs. Boyko reviewed very thoroughly the history of this volunteer progmm that the Board had enncted in November of2005. She uoted t11ut gas prices for aggregation members hnve been lower than regulated utility rates, 15 of the 19 months. The certification is required every two years along with the Plan of Operation and Governance for the Township. Mrs. Stoker moved approval, seconded by Mr. Wong. Discussion: The Trustees each voiced their approval of this program. RCNMC Mrs. Boyko explained that there were three communities, Springfield, Coleruin and West Chester Townships, consisting of approx. 40,000 households, that worked toget11er and benefited from that buying power in this aggregation. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 0 0 i ·; Minutes of REGULAR Meeting SEPTEMBER 25. APPROVE TO RENEW CERTil'ICATION APPLICATION FOR OHlO ELECfRIC GOVERNMENTAL AGGREGATORS, INCLUDING TIIE TOWNS~ill"S PLAN OF OPERATION AND GOVERNANCE AND TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWNSHIP ADMINISTRATOR TO PROCESS OTHER ACTIONS AS MAY BE NECESSARY TO IMPLEMENT AND ADMINISTER A GOVERNMENTAL ELECTIUC AGGREGATION PROGRAM WITII OPT-OUT PROVISIONS PURSUANT TO ALL APPLICABLE STA TUTOR Y REQmREMENTS: Mrs. Boyko reponcd that there were no providers for this service lower than Duke Energy. However, Duke Energy has released a statement that they will be increasing mtes next year so that possibly this could be an opportunity for a lower rate and choice for the customer. Mrs. Stol1er moved approval, seconded by Mr. Wong. RCA!MC APPROVE LICENSING AGREEMENT BETWEEN WEST CHESTER TOWNSHIP AND "THE FREEDOM CALLS FOUNDATION" FOR THE USE OF A PORTION OF THE NATIONAL VOICE OF AMERICA MUSEUM OF BROADCASTING AND VOICE OF AMEIUCA PARK FOR THE PRODUCTION & PRESENTATION OF A "HEROES CELEBRATION'', SATURDAY OCTOBER 6, 2007 FROM 1:00 PM TO 8:30 PM: Mrs. Boyko noted that is to celebrate the men & women who arc serving und those who have served in the am1cd force. Mrs. Stoker moved approval, seconded by Mr. Wong. Discussion: Mr. Lang stntcd that this organization is raising money so that soldiers mny be able to call home on a satellite phone with a video hookup and tulk to loved ones at home. TI1is event is free and being paid for by various sponsors. RCA/MC APPROVE TO AUCTION ELEVEN POLICE VEHICLES AND TWO FORFEITED VEHICLES: Mrs. Boyko read the list of vehicles as submitted. Mr. Wong moved approval, seconded by Mrs. Stoker. RCA/MC APPROVE TO APPLY FOR COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF WEST CHESTER & LIBERTY TOWNSI·IlP GRANT TO SUPPORT TIIE "HOOKED ON FISHING, NOT ON DRUGS" PROGRAM: Mrs. Boyko said that matching funds are not required and the exact amount of the grant is not known at this time. 111is program has been used for a number of years. RCNMC APPROVE TO ENTER "BUFFER ZONE PROTECTION PROGRAM" WITH U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY: Mrs. Boyko st.'ltcd that this program refers to critical infrastructure located in West Chester Township. The agreement identifies upgrades to equipment & related items necessary to secure the site and will reimburse the Township for purchases approved under this agreement and reimburse the Township I 00% and the grant is not to exceed $88, 746.14. Mr. Wong moved approval, seconded by Mrs. Stoker. RCA/MC Mrs. Boyko explained that the following bid requests for approval represent the thincen packages that were bid and represent all the critical trades for the Public Safety Campus. She cmplmsizcd that these improvements arc being charged to the Tax Increment Financing (TI!') fund and therefore arc not being charged to any levy or other fund. APPROVE TO ACCEPT A LOW BID FROM TIUTON SERVICES FOR DEMOLITION/EARTHWORK & ASPHALT PAVING AT THE PUBLIC SAFETY CAMPUS, (FIRE, IT/COMMUNICATIONS & CEMETERY MAINTENANCE BLDG.) NOT TO EXCEED $464,880.00 AND AUTHORIZE THE TOWNSHIP ADMINISTRATOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT: l'Vlrs. Stoker moved approval, seconded by Mr. Wong. Discussion: Mr. Lang asl1ed when the demolitions would begin. Mrs. Boyko replied that it would begin next week. RCA/MC APPROVE TO ACCEPT THE LOW BID FROM NATORPS LANDSCAPING FOR LANDSCAPING ATTIIB PUBLIC SAFETY CAMPUS, NOTTO EXCEED $155,750.00 AND AUTHORIZE THE TOWNSHIP ADlVIINISTRATOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT: Mr. Wong moved approval, seconded by Mrs. Stoker. RCA/MC APPROVE TO ACCEPT nm LOW BID FROM JERGENS BALES CONTRACTORS, INC. FOR CONCRETE AT THE PUBLIC SAFETY CAMPUS, NOT TO EXCEED $1,099,990.00 AND AUTHORIZE THE TOWNSHIP ADMINISTRATOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT: Mrs. Stol•er moved approval, seconded by Mr. Wong. RCA/MC APPROVE TO ACCEPT THE LOW BID FROM JESS HAUER MASONRY FOR MASONRY AT THE PUBLIC SAFETY CAMPUS, NOT-TO-EXCEED $1,I21,552.00 AND AUTHORIZE THE TOWNSHIP ADMINISTRATOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT: Mr. Wong moved approval, seconded by !Vlrs. Stoker. RCA/MC APPROVE TO ACCEPT nm LOW BID FROM WERNKE STEEL FOR STRUCTURAL STEEL AT THE PUBLIC SAFETY CAMPUS, NOT- TO- EXCEED $924,000.00 AND AUTHORIZE THE TOWNSHIP ADMINISTRATOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT: Mrs. Stoker moved approval, seconded by Mr. Wong. RCNMC APPROVE TO ACCEPT THE LOW BID FROM CR&R FOR GENERAL TRADES AT THE PUBLIC SAFETY CAIVIPUS, NOT-TO-EXCEED $2,522,000.00 AND AUTHORIZE THE TOWNSHIP ADMINISTRATOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT: Mrs. Stoker moved approval, seconded by Mr. Wong. RCA/MC 0012 RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS ~~~Jh~1~inwlwll~e~s~oilf~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~JRE~~GnULA.......~R ..__~~~~~~~~~~~~-l\1...._e.etin0°~~~~~~ SEPTEMBER 25, 20 07 II APPROVE TO ACCEPT THE LOW BID FROM ECKSTEIN ROOFING FOR ROOFING AT TIIE 1'1,JBLIC SAFETY CAMPUS, NOT-TO-EXCEED $664,000.00 AND AUTHOIUZE THE TOWNSHIP ADMJNISTRATOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT: Mr.
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