
Movie time previews at the Wisconsin Union play circle pamphlet. 1964/1965

[s.l.]: [s.n.], 1964/1965 https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/MNOVVQPOQWMSV8N

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728 State Street | Madison, Wisconsin 53706 | library.wisc.edu The Wisconsin Union Film Committee presents MOVIE TIME AB PREVIEWS (Regn

NOV. 20 — JAN. 31, 1965 Als



November 20, 21, 22 January 3 (1 day only) SUNDAYS AND CYBELE ROMANOFF AND JULIET Serge Bourguignon directs Hardy Kruger and Patricia Delightful entertainment based on 's cap- Gozzi in this beautiful, pathetic tale of an amnesia- tivating stage success in which a romance develops stricken pilot and a young girl. Portraying the warm into an international situation when the youthful lovers affection and happiness of two "lost" individuals who defy their families and the world. Peter Ustinov takes "find" one another, the film joltingly depicts the in- a hand in the affair creating further complications and evitable demands of society's jealousy of simple providing some howling laughs. beauty.

: January 8, 9, 10 November 27, 28, 29 THE JOKER OR ew eTEERO NT This ribald French stars Jean-Pierre Cassell as Winner of eight , this documentary the "Joker", a meek looking, though uninhibited, melodrama of life on the New York waterfront evokes young man who manages to make the most of a world outstanding performances from and Eva in which everyone is likely to come to a bad end. Marie Saint as they become brutally aware of their Much of the action takes place in a bizarre household corrupt enviroriment. directs Budd Schul- filled with various Parisian eccentrics. berg's story and screenplay.

January 15, 16, 17 December 4, 5, 6 's sensational film is based on Vladimir 7 ; = Nabokov's controversial novel. The celebrated fic- Part II of the trilogy of the new wave Italian director, tional nymphet is played explosively by Hollywood's Michelangelo Antonioni. This is, as are his other two own nymphet, Sue Lyon. gives a superb films, a study in loneliness, frustration, depression. performance as Humbert Humbert, the distinguished The stars, and , middle-aged man whose perverted love for Lolita com- portray two intellectuals whose marriage is on the pels him to commit passionate crimes. rocks. , Antonioni's Galatea, has a fea- and as supporting stars lend their spe- tured role. cial talents and contribute importantly to this movie. December 11, 12, 13 January 18, 19, 20, 21 - Films for Finals (from 6 p.m.) ROOM AT THE TOP OUR MAN IN HAVANA Amoral opportunism is the driving force behind stars in this film based on the novel by 's portrayal of the ambitious young . Selected by the British Secret Serv- business man and is the marital victim ice to go from selling vacuum cleaners to a cloak and of the unscrupulous Harvey on his way up. Presented dagger role, Sir Alec ultimately resorts to that which in the realistic tradition, the film features fine per- he does best - providing a film's-worth of entertain- formances by both actors. ment in this sparkling .

CU RR ESN 2 NGEW:eS REE ee Wel-T Hoe VE RY Sch Os Waele Na, Best Times To Avoid Movie Time Crowds -———————Frriday and Saturday Aftermogha. AANNOUNCING - |


| January 22 thru January 31

Five Outstanding Films From

Around the World

Watch for announcement of film titles


Showings Fri., Sat. & Sun. - continuous from 12 Noon

Mon. thru Thurs. - continuous from 3 P.M.

Current Movie Time Prices

As a Union Member, you pay less, present your membership (fee) card for Union Member rate. Fri.& Sat. Fri. & Sat. -after 6 p.m. 'tilép.m. All day Sun. UnionMember 406 60¢ Non-Member 50¢ 75e Box Office Open from Noon Call 262-2201 for show times
