INSIDE Interview with MP Coverage of the French election Examining Labour’s policies on crime

ANTICIPATIONS Has Labour got the bottle? We look at the progressive policies you think Labour should have introduced, and ask why they haven’t

Spring 2007 Volume 10, Issue 4 photo diary

’ new members drinks the old star pub, central , thursday 15 march 2007 anticipations | spring 2007


centrespread interview: Ed Balls MP Emma Carr talks spending, poverty and football with Minister for the City and Financial Services and Economic Secretary to the Treasury

president of the french? or president of france? The French Presidential election campaign has mirrored the ambiguity of the role, believes Alexander Barker

Page 20 tale away Labour has lacked narrative in government, argues Mark Rusling

Page 18

ALSO IN THIS ISSUE 17 | trimming the fat Britain’s higher education system needs further reform, argues Andrew Maloney Has Labour got the bottle? Other articles 6 | the case for charitable government Until government can meet its public service ideals, 22 | change to win? charities should be encouraged to bridge the gap, Both the Tories and Labour have forgotten that the argues Tamsin James Conservatives are entirely capable of change, argues Edward Robinson 8 | tough on crime? Labour often claim credit for reducing crime, but could do 24 | independence day? more to prevent it, believes Emma Carr On the eve of elections to Holyrood, Scottish Labour stand in stark contrast to the SNP’s inconsistency, writes 10 | identity crisis Joe Fagan By developing a story of Britishness, Labour can reinvig- orate the Britishness debate, and reclaim British identity Regular items as an electoral asset, contends Sarah T’Rula 4 | from the editor 12 | the grass isn’t always greener a letter from Emma Carr Green taxes are for government, not opposition, writes Andrew Hanson 5 | from the chair a word from Conor McGinn 13 | on the war path must make the declaration of war a thing 26 | calendar of events of the past, believes Dan Whittle a diary of past and future events from the young fabians

Anticipations, like all publications of the , and the Young Fabians, represents not the collective view of the Society, but only the views of the individuals whose articles it comprises. The responsibility of the Society is limited to approving its publications as worthy of consideration within the Labour movement.

Published by The Fabian Society, 11 Dartmouth Street, London, SW1H 9BN Telephone: 0207 227 4900 | Facsimile: 0207 976 7153

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Printed by Juma Printers, 44 Wellington Street, Sheffiel, S1 4HD

The editor would like to thank: Alex Baker and Angela Green. 3 anticipations | spring 2007 from the editor Emma Carr

e lcome to your new and improved Members’ Reception, which was one of our most suc- Anticipations. Now, I’m of the set of peo- cessful receptions ever, not just because of the social ple that likes to point out that a thing magician either – although he was undoubtedly the W cannot be both new and improved, it best socialist magician I’ve ever seen. must surely be one or the other, but I think you’ll So, given the new design and all the hard-hitting agree that merely new or improved would not fully terribly wonderful articles, I’m sure you’ll all agree encapsulate the wonder that is the new look that this edition, despite being a little later than Anticipations. I am therefore allowing the phrase new hoped, has been worth the wait. However, that does and improved, just this once. mean that there is a shorter turn around for the next Anyway, I would like to thank Young Fabian mem- edition, so you need to write fast. ber and design impresario Alex Baker for his help in The theme of the next edition will be Labour Party redesigning. By help, I mean he did it and I said leadership. So, if you’ve got an opinion about the encouraging things every now and again. Thank you who, how, when and where of Labour Party leader- Alex. ship, past, present or future, please let us know. As Ok, now that we’ve all been introduced to the mag- ever, email me your ideas as soon as possible. The azine, its shiny new look and the genius behind it, on final deadline for contributions will be May 28th. with the show. In addition, we’ll hopefully be interviewing all the For this edition of Anticipations we asked you to tell deputy leadership candidates. So, if you have any us about the policies that questions for the candi- a Labour Government Given the new design and all dates, please email them to should introduce but has- me as soon as possible. n’t, can’t or won’t. the hard-hitting terribly If you would like to con- And you delivered, so wonderful articles, I’m sure tribute in any other way, thank you. please email me and let me Some of the ideas so you’ll agree that this edition, know. Help is always wel- vehemently argued for in comed. the pub after a few pints despite being a little later than So thanks again to every- didn’t quite make it hoped, has been worth the wait. one who contributed and down on paper – 100% keep up the good work. If inheritance tax was one interesting idea, although my you’d like to be more active with the society in other personal favourite was outlawing reality TV and C- ways, please come along to one of our events and list celebrities. meet other members and the exec. On balance, it’s probably a good thing that these Also, as if to prove that we in the Young Fabians are arguments have not made it to the pages of this mag- properly ‘down with the kids’ we have set up a Young azine. Instead, we have articles on topics including Fabian Facebook group. green taxes, education, crime policy and charities – all If you’re a Facebook member, join the YF group and very worthy but none designed specifically to keep keep up-to-date with all the events and campaigning Jade Goody off the telly, unfortunately. that’s going on. If you’re not a facebook member, you Despite this obvious and regrettable flaw, the arti- probably think I’m talking gobbledegook right now. cles make interesting reading so please read on - espe- Go to and sign up, put your profile cially if you’re a policy maker, of course. up and then join the Young Fabian group. In addition to designing the policies of the future, So, once again, I hope to see you at the next Young Young Fabian members have contributed articles on Fabian event. Scottish independence, the French Presidential elec- Oh, and don’t forget to book early for the boat party tion and the need for a Labour Party narrative. and for the trip to Edinburgh festival this year as Our main interview this month is with Ed Balls, places are limited (for more information, see the Economic Secretary to the Treasury and MP for future events section on page 26). Normanton. The interview explores the key policy issues of health and social care funding, the gap between the rich and the poor, mixed gender football Emma Carr in schools and offices the size of postage stamps. Editor, Anticipations We’ve also got some pictures from the New [email protected] 4 anticipations | spring 2007 from the chair Conor McGinn

s we make our way steadily through one of the ing our country. The themes of Britishness, constitution- most important years in British politics since al and party reform and democracy, the environment, 1997, the Young Fabians as expected are at the Europe and international matters are all things that our A forefront of encouraging debate and discus- generation have a particular view on. It is important that sion about the future direction and policies of the Labour these debates are not solely conducted and led by those movement. whose views have been shaped by growing up in a Young Fabians know that it is vital for our generation world that no longer exists, and who are, in many ways, of political activists to constantly strive for creative, inno- completely removed from the formative experiences of vative and sustainable policies that will continue the our generation. It is our generation that will have to deal efforts that have been made in the last ten years to with the consequences of global terrorism, multicultural- advance progressive politics in this country. Every single ism, immigration, climate change, welfare reform and member of the Young Fabians has their role to play in many other issues. that. Already this year we’ve employed various new We are also pleased to be working jointly with the methods to ensure that our members can contribute to Fabian Society on a series of seminars to explore the key this process, with telephone conferences, online discus- issue of party reform. Young Fabians organised a very sion forums and of course our events with key members timely debate on this and there is some really innovative of Government and party. Work is also well underway thinking and new ideas emerging from Young Fabian with a pamphlet that we members to help shape the hope to publish in the Young Fabians know that it is future direction of the autumn and our reinvigo- Labour movement. We are rated Schools Project will act vital for our generation of also continuing to build as a great tool for encourag- political activists to constantly partnerships with our ing young people in schools friends and colleagues in to be politically aware and strive for creative, innovative Young Labour and Labour active in developing and and sustainable policies that will Students. All three groups exploring their ideas. are hoping to organise a There are also major elec- continue to advance joint event later in the year, toral challenges that Labour and are working closely faces in the next couple of progressive politics in this together to ensure that weeks. It is absolutely essen- country. young members of the tial that the wreckers in the party are catered for in SNP and their allies in the opposition parties do not terms of activities and events. destroy the massive benefits and that the To finish on a personal note, it has been a fantastic few Labour-led Scottish Executive has delivered for months for the peace process. Those of , within the and working in us from there, and indeed many people born outside partnership with the national Labour government. By Ireland, understand the huge significance of what is tak- the same token the Tories and Plaid Cymru pose twin ing place in terms of the DUP and Sinn Féin working threats to the achievements and progress that has been together in a power-sharing devolved government. delivered for by the Labour administration in It is due in no small part to the efforts of and Cardiff, again in cooperation with the Labour govern- the Labour government that the Good Friday Agreement ment. Young Fabians have been campaigning – as in has now been implemented in full, and when people talk previous elections – in the key battlegrounds for Labour about the Prime Minister’s legacy they only have to visit in both elections. As well as the test faced by Scottish and areas like the one where I grew up – South Armagh - to Welsh Labour, there are crucial local elections taking see the huge difference and improvement in people’s place across England. Again, where there is a Labour lives. administration you will find stable, effective local gov- So that’s my lot for on this occasion. I hope to see you ernment. We must not let the Tories and Lib Dems gain at future events, and in the meantime don’t hesitate to let a foothold anywhere in the country, something that they me know if I or any other member of the Executive can would inevitably use as a springboard for any General be of use to you. Finally, please do come along to our Election campaign in the next couple of years. events, contribute to the debates and let’s make sure that The Young Fabians continue to work closely with the we have our collective voice heard and play our part in Fabian Society to examine some of the major issues fac- shaping the future. 5 anticipations | spring 2007

the casefor charitable government

Until government can meet its public service ideals, charities should be Tamsin James is a Young Fabian member he Charities Act of 2006 efit and did not seek to make a prof- serious financial incentives such as was the first major legisla- it. Yet the definition of 'public bene- these should be tied to a serious tion on the Third Sector in fit' was left unqualified. This has public benefit. An institution or an T this country for four hun- been left to the Charity Commission organisation has to prove itself wor- dred years. It seems almost indecent to define, and a consultation is cur- thy of receiving the financial help then, to suggest that it needs looking rently underway. Clearly it is correct available to charities. And surely the at again so soon. Yet last that private benefit must be inciden- further they go to proving that they November's act was not intended as tal only and that the benefit need meet the necessary requirements a final definition, rather it has been only be for a section of the public (such as access to all, whatever the catalyst for a debate on the role income, and providing a beneficial of charities in public life and quite The problems of service) the greater the assistance how we should define them. that they receive should be? Whether it is enough simply to ask social exclusion TheTimes' letters column in the that a charity works for the benefit could be tackled by last year has seen much of the bitter of the public. battle that the removal of the educa- Under the all charities. tional presumption has caused. If Conservatives have been presenting educational purposes are no longer a new friendly face. There has been a rather than the public at large. More an automatic passport to charitable push towards creating a new philan- important is the removal of the pre- status then private schools will have thropy, imitating the US model, sumption that educational or reli- to prove themselves to actually be in where it has always been the norm gious organisations, or those work- the public benefit to retain charitable for the rich to make large donations, ing to alleviate poverty, were auto- status and the financial advantages to set up foundations and to leave matically working to the public ben- that this brings them. The fact that bequests to their alma maters. efit, and therefore charitable. they charge increasingly high fees Labour needs to direct the debate in There are a number of advantages for their services and so definitely the UK to the areas that fit with a for an institution that has gained do limit the extent to which those on truly progressive agenda, not allow charitable status. Not least amongst a low income can access them does the debate to be reactively driven. these are the financial benefits, such them no favours if they wish to The 2006 Act defined a charity as a as a significant cut in business rates remain as charitable institutions. body that worked for the public ben- and an exemption from VAT. But Indeed, any charity that charges for 6 anticipations | spring 2007

encouraged to bridge the gap, argues Tamsin James its services, whether it be to provide The Times warned that asking too because we believe that the state has medical care or theatrical perform- much of private schools would lead a role to play in people's lives, in ances, is going to have to prove that them to forgo charitable status alto- working towards a better and more it still deserves to be classed a chari- gether and to simply raise their fees equal world where opportunities are ty. to make up any shortfall that the open to all, should not mean that we There is a strong temptation for end of charitable rebates would are automatically hostile to any ini- progressives to set increasingly high mean for them. The so-called bas- tiative from outside of government targets for private schools to achieve that is also working towards a better to prove that they deserve charitable Just because we society. status. They should have more bur- believe the state has We believe that the state should be saries available for poorer pupils, able to provide a first class educa- they should make their facilities a role to play should tion and expert health care. That no available to state schools, they one should go hungry or be without should interact to a greater extent not mean we are a home. And our various policies with the wider community. With a hostile to any work towards that long term goal. progressive agenda one cannot help But while that is still only a dream it but acknowledge that income initiative outside should not hinder anyone's chances. should not act as a barrier to access- government. We can work to achieve as much as ing the benefits of a charity, whatev- we can for as many as possible, but er the services that it provides. The tions of privilege would close up that should never lead to limiting guidelines that those seeking chari- even more, which is surely not to people's horizons. We want equality table status will have to follow could anybody's advantage. of opportunity but that should never help us to open up institutions to a We know that in the US, charitable mean looking for less than the very much wider demographic. The giving acts to make up a massive best. problems of social exclusion could shortfall in the basic provision of And if, for the moment, it turns be tackled by all charities, whether state services. That is not a situation out that charitable institutions in they be in education or health, the that any Labour member could con- whatever form they take are the best arts or sports initiatives. template occurring in the UK with way to break the barriers of social However, pragmatism should equanimity. The party must be seen exclusion, we should not be afraid to temper our ideals. A recent letter to to be supportive of charities. Just seize the opportunity. 7 anticipations | spring 2007

tough on crime?

Labour often claim credit for reducing crime, but could do more to prevent it, Emma Carr is ew Labour is fond of tak- tunity to shift Labour thinking on time you will spend behind bars editor of Anticipations ing the credit for the fall crime to prioritise preventing crime without actually increasing the like- in crime since 1997. The over punishment. lihood you will get caught will do N British Crime Survey Before setting out how, it is useful little. Putting people in prison does reports that crimes experienced by to first show that punishment does not reduce crime much either. Tony households have indeed fallen by not work. Study after study shows Blair has presided over the greatest over a third. tougher sentences do not deter ever rate of prison increase in British It is debatable how much of that history. fall is due to the Government. What The British Crime However, theory and evidence is true is the rate of the fall has Survey reports that show that once prison expansion slowed recently to a virtual stand- stabilses (which tighter budgets will still. What should Government do crimes experienced soon demand) the rate of offending in future to ensure crime continues by households have simply rises again. The statement to fall? “if they are in prison they can’t Now is a pertinent time to debate indeed fallen by offend” is not true. Apart from the this. Gordon Brown is about to over a third. It is huge rates of criminality in our become Prime Minister yet he has gaols, the vast majority of prisoners never made a single speech about debatable how will not spend a long enough time crime in ten years. Tony Blair was much of that fall is in prison to curtail their criminal certainly tough on crime, but he has career. Aside from locking people largely failed to be tough on the due to the up until they are too old to commit causes of crime. Like many Labour Government. crime, ever more people on the slogans, that one was written by Mr inside will not solve our crime prob- Brown. criminals. Common sense tells you lem. I will argue he has a prime oppor- that simply increasing the length of So how should Gordon cut crime? 8 anticipations | spring 2007

get a lot of press attention, but only Second, Gordon Brown would be account for around a quarter of wise to put some effort into prevent- harm to individuals. Interventions ing crimes by reducing opportunity. that could divert people away from Again, there is an ideological ele- crime are therefore likely to be cost ment to this. effective. People need to be convinced as I Evidence shows that many people am that opportunity is itself a driv- who exhibit risk factors (a problem ing force for crime. Crimes require or situation highly correlated with effort. At the margin, if the rewards later criminality) in their very early are reduced or the effort increased, years (0-2), such as weak parental less crime will occur. These situa- bonding and conduct disorder do tional crime preventions are a end up becoming the very people proven cost beneficial and pragmat- who revolve in and out of the justice ic approach to crime reduction. system. However, it is also very There are a number of ways they important to note that simply inter- can work: you can make it harder to vening in the early years will not be commit a crime (eg toughened enough. At various points in peo- glass, locks and bolts); you can ple’s development up to a half of reduce the rewards of a crime (ink those displaying risk factors will be tags on clothes, removable car stere- “new”. Interventions need to occur os); make the crime more risky throughout a child’s development. (CCTV, street lighting); remove Do the requisite interventions excuses (remind people what is even exist? I would argue they do. Evidence from other countries, par- There needs to be a ticularly the US, show that inten- shift of mindsets sive, tailored schemes applied at the right time, do result in significant away from a system impact later on in life. For example, that punishes and the Nurse Family Partnership is an intensive two-year programme that protects to one that runs from pre-birth until the child is prevents and two. At age twenty, an experimental group had half as many convictions enables, and there as a control group. Critics point out needs to be a more these are US based and cannot be compared to Britain. Aside from the directly managed fact our social pathologies are very effort to reduce the similar, pilot schemes being run in England are already showing good opportunity to results. commit crime As important as having a good set of interventions for different needs criminal, litter bins); and remove (such as anger, social skills, parent- provocations (separate opposing ing skills etc) is having a universal football fans, taxi queue wardens). system of assessing risk. Attaching In direct contradiction to critics of this to current events where the this approach, they do not deny state assesses various features could crime cannot or should not be easily be done. All parents have a solved by tackling its cause. It does nurse home visit, children are not seek to blame the victim by assessed regularly during school: shifting the onus to avoid the crime, entering the system, key stage tests, and data show it does not signifi- believes Emma Carr moving to secondary school and so cantly divert crime to another time What Labour needs to fully under- on. All would be ideal points to add or place. Indeed, there was often stand is that crime can be prevented. a short social assessment. found to be a diffusion of benefits. Two approaches are needed. First, Ideally this assessment of need One estate in Dudley given new there needs to be a significant shift and tailored interventions should be street lighting saw crime fall, as well of mindsets and resources away devolved to local authorities. Sure as surrounding areas that did not. from a system that punishes and Start children’s centres would be an There are a number of ways the protects to one that prevents and ideal vehicle to deliver pro- use of situational crime prevention enables. Second, there needs to be a grammes. Central Government could be enhanced. Government more directly managed effort to would provide advice and support could set up a unit to work with reduce the opportunity to commit as well as rigorous evaluation of businesses to design out crime in crime–so called situational crime schemes to ensure we know what their products (will the iPhone be prevention. I shall address each in works. the next mugging crime wave?) turn. Delivering this, however, will Government could provide infor- The adage that prevention is bet- require serious political commit- mation and much needed training ter than a cure holds true for crime. ment. Results from this approach for local authorities and the police to The costs of crime in England and would take decades to be fully audit crime in their areas and imple- Wales are phenomenal – in excess of realised. Costs will initially out- ment the most appropriate solution. £36 billion per year (Home Office weigh benefits. Reallocating funds Together, these two approaches of figures, 2005). Violent and sexual from our rapidly expanding prison assessing young people’s risk and crimes are by far the most harmful, estate could be one way to kick-start providing interventions, and situa- particularly in terms of the emotion- investment. Yet, politicians are usu- tional measures, can ensure there is al and physical costs they incur, as ally of the belief the public favour a long-term sustained reduction in well as the cost of the criminal jus- toughness and nothing shows that crime as well as many other benefits tice system. Volume crime–theft, better than longer and more sen- to society these policies would burglary and criminal damage–may tences. We have a long way to go. bring. 9 anticipations | spring 2007 Image: NASA identity crisis?

By developing a story of Britishness, Labour can reinvigorate the Britishness debate, and reclaim British identity as an electoral asset, contends Sarah T’Rula Sara T’Rula is ver a year ago, I sat Union. Yet, as 1 May approaches, which has found effete and Membership Officer and down and wrote an some of the most prominent fatigued terms like “multicultural- Social Secretary of the Young Fabians Anticipations article on Labour MPs in last year’s debate ism” moribund. O Britishness, following are now conspicuous only by their A “British story” was, I argued, the 2006 Fabian New Year’s absence. Some might say this need conceptually potent since it was Conference of that name. not be a problem, but this author both neutral enough not to flip- At the event, it was suggested disagrees. pantly demarcate, thereby exclud- that we might have a British Day, In my earlier article, I defended ing groups we would want to commemorating the 300 year ’s notion of a “British include in the process (e.g. Welsh, anniversary of the 1707 Act of story” as a useful tool in a debate or Scottish, but also ethnic minori- 10 anticipations | spring 2007 ties), and requiring an explicit since they didn’t make sense to the the more strongly one identifies opening up of the debate to include people living under them; locality with one’s nation, the more strong- citizens who may not normally is a key component of English iden- ly one identifies with Europe. engage in political discourse, thus tity (which itself feeds into British Likewise at home, the perceived preventing the debate from remain- identity) and ignoring this led to (and in some cases real) neglect of ing the sole preserve of politicians the proposal of ultimately unsuc- the white working class by the and others whose careers create for cessful policies. Labour Party has created a space them a vested interest in the The Labour Government’s for extreme parties such as the BNP debate. reforms in health and education to claim identity for themselves. But now it seems that both the could equally falter over this point. We can either cede the national concept of a “British story” and its Additionally, the debate surround- ground to such organisations, creator have disappeared from the ing how these services should be attempt to meet them on their own Britishness debate. organised (e.g. which type of terms, thus forsaking Labour Party Reflecting upon the course of schools are provided for by govern- ideals, or provide an alternative events since the New Year’s ment) is predicated upon what con- through conceptual devices like a Conference, some of my earlier ception of Britain we want to “British story.” comments regarding the role of realise in the future. I am confident that we can dis- politicians in crafting Britishness To engage in the debate without miss the first two as viable options; are things that I, as a Labour Party considering what we want this entails actively immerging our- member, may well come to regret. Britishness to become would be to selves in the creation of identity. This article seeks to address two neglect this fundamental observa- The One-nation Tories of the issues: how the “British story” con- tion. 1960s were themselves, arguably, cept can lead to effective policy The promotion of British identity derivative of Baldwin’s New making, while also providing a and, arguably, also English identity, Conservatism (and the earlier strong framework for debate by a may also be a prerequisite of tack- thoughts of Disraeli) which suc- public increasingly unsure how to ling racism; studies have shown cessfully employed the rhetoric of a proceed within the boundaries of that white youths feel that they are cultural England to gain support political (and historical?) correct- prevented from celebrating their from voters who were demograph- ness; and how the concept can pro- culture in the same way as is per- ically expected to be part of vide the Labour Party with an elec- mitted for other groups in Britain Labour’s main cleavage. Cameron’s initiatives, both in The “British story” could create a popular policy and in the rhetoric which relevance to the moves for constitutional has formed so large a part of his electoral strategy, have clearly reform, since the political system by failed to live up to the standards set by his predecessors, but acknowl- which we are governed is an integral edging this is not incompatible component of identity, as research has with recognising that the one- nation strategy inhabits the same clearly demonstrated. policy and discourse space as the recent Labour-initiated Britishness torally appropriate narrative which and, further, that this is a social debate. can successfully confront the new basis of racist action. That he is pursuing this agenda brand of one-nation conservatism It is important that politicians at is clear from his concept of “com- being espoused by Cameron’s all levels, and voluntary organisa- passionate conservatism” and the Conservatives, stemming it off tions, involve themselves in this components of this concept: high- before it has the opportunity to area; the ippr’s focus group lighting the importance of the fam- develop into anything serious or of research has shown that many peo- ily unit, school choice, and the substance. ple want to celebrate their identity avoidance of harm, with an empha- Regarding the first issue, the but that they do not know how, sis on the role of the individual in “British story” could create a popu- with the result that many partici- creating a society that the state, it is lar relevance to the moves for con- pants felt Christian holidays ought argued, cannot simply provide for stitutional reform, since the politi- to be given more importance, them. cal system by which we are gov- despite the fact that they them- Hence the slogan that the erned is an integral component of selves were not religious and did Conservatives under Cameron are identity, as research has clearly not attend church even on these not about rolling back the state, but demonstrated. occasions. rather about rolling forward socie- It would provide a link between Furthermore, the language used ty. Were this strategy to become what is often perceived to be a in cohesion discourse, and in areas effective, making inroads into the remote debate concerning only such as immigration and asylum, is working class cleavage that is the politicians whose working life as important as the policies which foundation stone of Labour suc- would be affected by reform, and arise from it. cess, and particularly prominent in the public who will be most affect- Various studies have shown that the north, the consequences for our ed (albeit indirectly) by any further Euroscepticism is deeply influ- party, and for the electorate, could reforms. In particular, the assumed enced by the terms of the debate, be a decade or more of problem of asymmetry in the con- with individuals being likely to feel Conservative government. stitution could arguably be best more anti-Europe when Europe The rise of this ‘new’ grasped through the prism of a and Britain were counter-posed Conservatism is not inevitable – British story. than when they were described as Labour has initiated the debate in Furthermore, the concept, if being compatible. this area and, if we can continue to developed, could inform policy in The two identities were per- push forward progressive and local government, health and edu- ceived as competing, not as poten- innovative ideas, we will remain cation, as well as other areas. Nick tially complimentary. dominant. Pearce (ippr) is not the only one to That the latter can obtain is illus- But how that can happen without note that, for example, the history trated by research which clearly the input of Labour MPs who, once of local government policy has finds that ties to Europe are struc- outspoken on this very issue, have been littered with boundary turally similar to ties to the nation now apparently moved on to other changes which were unsuccessful and, with Britain as an anomaly, concerns, is difficult to tell. 11 anticipations | spring 2007 the grass isn’t always greener

Green taxes are for government, not opposition, writes Andrew Hanson

Andrew Hanson is a hen confronted with the Ecohomes “Very Good” standard, on a return flight won’t have any real Young Fabian member ability to make altruistic significant savings in energy and impact, according to the CAA; a £30 choices with no regard water use quickly pay for the extra increase could reduce traffic on Wfor immediate electoral construction cost of around 2%. The short-haul leisure flights by as much consequences, many Labour party government should be making this as two-thirds. It should be remem- members might feel a tweak of con- standard mandatory now. Residents bered wealthier people fly more science as they think of greener taxa- see lower bills and affordable often: the CAA states that 55% of tion and regulation; carbon emis- warmth; what they don’t see is an cheap flight passengers have house- sions have risen 4.5% under Labour, average 32% reduction in CO2 emis- hold incomes of more than £35,500. while the green tax take has fallen. sions. Slight increases are not going to be Yet properly presented and man- This leads me on to the second effective. aged, green taxes can be good for key point – where some of the bene- A recent study from Oxford your economy and your party, as fits are not immediately obvious, like University’s Centre for the well as saving the planet. the reduced contribution to climate Environment has suggested that Take congestion charging. In change, they need to be highlighted modest price increases in the cost of Stockholm, residents were given a by the government. aviation and motoring will have less trial period to experience such a There are more votes than ever in effect than personal carbon quotas scheme, including improved public fighting climate change, particularly and targeted campaigns. As David transport services, before having the if people are made to feel good about Milliband put it recently whilst talk- final say on whether they wanted it their own emissions reductions. A ing to , personal carbon in a referendum. They began to “star rating” system for new homes quotas have a “simplicity and beau- realise the benefits of more buses, should mention climate change as ty that would reward carbon thrift”. lower congestion and pollution and well as running costs. Significant direct tax increases and greater tourist appeal. This enabled Thirdly, governments must treat quotas combined should have the attitudes to change, leading to taxpayers with more respect. If one weight of impact needed. approval of the scheme last autumn. of the purposes of a tax is to reduce Lastly, there is the issue of moral In Edinburgh, a less imaginative CO2 emissions, then the money leadership. The premise that you approach with weaker communica- raised should be hypothecated to do can’t implement green taxes forgets tion led to scepticism and negativity just that, partly by providing taxpay- that in the medium term the public undermining any initial enthusiasm. ers with low carbon alternatives. rewards politicians who have the Trust, good communication and Gordon Brown has said that the courage to lead. Climate change will showing people the tangible benefits recent increases in Air Passenger be a catastrophe for the developing of green taxes are vital. Duty will be used to improve public world, the poorest suffering the most Building standards are another transport. This hypothecation must even though they have not caused area of debate. As Minister for be made public and transparent. If the problem. From a more venal Communities and Local national road pricing goes ahead, the point of view, the Stern Review tells Government, Ruth Kelly has recent- same principle should apply. Voters us that doing nothing will cost us at ly called for all new homes to be zero are far more likely to support new least five times as much as actually carbon developments within ten taxes if they feel they are not simply tackling climate change. years. This is to be applauded, but an extra levy by a greedy Treasury. Greener taxation is a progressive the government should not be Green taxes will gain more credi- necessity, which if correctly sheepish about taking action now. In bility if they meet their goal; chang- approached will keep a political the case of new homes built to ing people’s behaviour. An extra £5 party in power, not sink it. 12 anticipations | spring 2007

n the build up to the 2007 New Year conference, Fabian General Secretary I declared that Gordon Brown on the will need new ideas if he is to win over the public - and in areas like for- eign policy the need for change is never more obvious. war path Yet as the Chancellor spoke to the conference, lamenting the failure to win hearts and minds in the war on terrorism, President Bush was esca- lating that failure by ordering more than 21,000 extra troops to Iraq. As Gordon Brown gets set to enter Number 10 as Prime Minister, with President Bush’s "last-chance" presenting no workable plan, the expense and tragedy of the war may not even have peaked. As leader, one of the primary challenges Gordon Brown will have to face is the perception of him as a man who stood shoulder to shoulder with Tony Blair in his support for the Iraq war and he will have to take action to restore faith among disillu- sioned Labour voters, who worry about the prospect of future military action. There is no plan that can undo the damage already done. But one of the biggest military mistakes of the last century demands a response. The failure to adopt Clare Short’s Armed Forces (Parliamentary Approval for Participation in Armed Conflict) Bill was a mistake – and Gordon should reintroduce it. And that lessons learnt by the military in Iraq should be followed by changes in the way we deploy our ‘hard’ power. Whilst Clare Short’s Private Members’ Bill could be interpreted by some as her attempt to make amends for her failure to resign over the war. Since presenting it to Parliament in 2005 she has hardly spoken apart from to resign from the Labour party. After resigning from the Government Clare was free to enter the Bill ballot. The Bill would have taken the power to declare war or commit troops to military action away for the Prime Minister and given it to Parliament. It was drawn up and proposed by the Public Administration Select Committee. But it hit the parliamentary buffers in October of 2005. It was talked out, and No. 10 said it would have been impractical to implement. The argument was made that there Dan Whittle is Membership had been a vote on Iraq – but the cru- Gordon Brown must make the declaration of Officer and Social cial difference was that the PM could war a thing of the past, believes Dan Whittle Secretary of the Young have overruled a “No” vote. Fabians The argument was also made that Bill at the time. If he is to resurrect it, intentions of the war (democracy and such a Bill would undermine the it should not be watered down. In development) but opposed the strat- morale of troops. However, as a part- fact, he should look at a higher hur- egy; supporting a Bill to change the time member of Her Majesty's forces dle, perhaps that approval for war Prime Minister's Royal prerogative myself, I would welcome a debate should only be accepted with a will be a way to make known our and vote in Parliament to help under- majority of both governing party and intent that this should never happen stand the legality and legitimacy of official opposition voting ‘Aye’. again. my actions. For people like me, who wish For Gordon Brown, introducing it I was disappointed that the they had done more to oppose the will be his chance to show he feels the Chancellor was unable to back the war, or who agreed with the stated same way. 13 anticipations | spring 2007 city confidential

INTERVIEW: Emma Carr talks spending, poverty and football with Minister for the City and Financial Services and Economic Secretary to the Treasury, Ed Balls Ed Balls was elected MP Having just been led through the Government raised the National then goes on to explain how the for Normanton in West warren of corridors and stairways Insurance rate by a penny in 2002 to Wanless Review, which reported in Yorkshire in 2005. He was made Economic Secretary that is the Palace of Westminster, I pay for the NHS up to 2008, he says, 2000, highlights a massive capacity to the Treasury. walk into Ed Balls’ office. He imme- “and our commitment to a public problem in the NHS in terms of doc- diately excuses the office’s size; NHS is absolute”. tors and nurses. Wanless also recom- roughly the size of a postage stamp - “The establishment of the NHS by mended increasing NHS funding. think janitor’s cupboard with wall the 1945 Government was one of “Over the last 30 years the money paper. It’s ok though; some genius Labour’s great achievements in going to the NHS had been low and has managed to fit in a desk and Government and the challenge for we needed a period of catch up.” Ed chair, an arm chair, a sofa and a coffee our generation is to make sure that explains, Wanless proposed that “for table – it’s a logistical miracle. it’s renewed in the twenty-first centu- the first five years you had a really Laughing about his tiny office – ry so that in 50 years’ time from strong burst of spending. He then although I’m sure he must have one today, at the hundredth year anniver- proposed that after 2008 you slowed of those huge ministerial offices in sary of the NHS, people can still say down the rate of growth of spend- the Treasury somewhere with big, that the we in Britain are leading the ing.” plush, red sofas, a giant desk and world by showing that you can have “We went to the very limit of what walls covered in Government art – a health service which is free for we could do for the first five years. Ed Balls introduces himself. everybody and which treats people The historic spending on the NHS Once all the hand shaking is over on the basis of their needs not their had been about 3% a year, in real and we’ve sat down and I’ve refused ability to pay.” terms we’re doing about 7.5% a year, cups of tea and glasses of water, we 10% in cash terms. The National begin. First topic: spending; after all, The reality is that Health Service has had unprecedent- this is his area. I ask about future there is a lot of ed amounts of money in these five spending commitments on health. years. It’s for the spending review to Centenarians are the biggest growing consistency work out how much we can afford age group in the UK and the Pre- after 2008, but we know in order to Budget Report identified the chang- between what the keep going forwards in terms of NHS ing demographic as one of the five Tories talk today and improvements the money’s got to key policy challenges of the coming keep flowing; there’s no point in us decade. However, it then seemed 3 or 4 years ago.. having a five year burst of spending went on to basically ignore the future and then going back to the bad old health and social care budgets, and But what about after 2008, when days of cuts and under-funding.” there’s be little clarification since. So, the recent high level funding growth Moving on from healthcare to the I ask, is this a sign that a Brown for the NHS is due to stop? How will related issue of social care, I ask Government will have a significantly the NHS cope then? And what kind about the reported under-funding of reduced emphasis on healthcare? of post-2008 growth can healthcare social care. Is this something that we The answer; an emphatic and repeat- expect? can expect to be addressed in the ed ‘definitely not’, followed by a “We’ll have to wait for the spend- Comprehensive Spending Review trumpet ringing for the NHS and the ing review details,” he replies to my (CSR)? party that introduced it. The Labour last point in enigmatic fashion. Ed “One of the interesting things in 14 anticipations | spring 2007 the Wanless work on the NHS was from the Fabian Society website at London have always been an impor- that it pointed out the amount of tant engine for our economy and I’m money which gets spent on your life “I’ve looked hard at what the the minister now for the City and through NHS care tends to be con- Tories are talking about today, what financial services. We’ve got an centrated in the first six months of they were talking about 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 important financial services industry your life and in the last six months of years ago. The reality is that there is a in Newcastle, in Birmingham, in your life. But if you have an aging lot of consistency between what the Edinburgh in particular, but also in population that postpones the point Conservatives talk today and 3 or 4 London. And London and the city at which that extra NHS spending years ago. If anything, it seems to me doing well - creating jobs, paying happens, so an aging population that they are becoming more right taxes - helps the whole of the econo- doesn’t necessarily mean a lot more wing rather than less right wing. my. So I don’t want to see London spending for the NHS. What it does David Cameron as a party leader is and the South East held back. What I mean is that people are living longer more anti-European and I think he’s do want is to keep things stable and in retirement and therefore potential- actually in his instinctive heart more growing so that the whole country ly have greater needs in terms of anti-State, more anti-Government, can continue to share in the rise in social care. And so there’s no doubt more anti-collective. He wants to talk prosperity.” that the social care burden on the tax about personal responsibility, per- One problem that the City plays in payer is going to grow in the coming sonal freedom and charity. He does- a big part in sustaining is the gap years and we need to think really n’t really see the importance of the between the rich and the poor, which hard about how to address that.” community acting together, the col- has either remained the same or, He goes on to explain that there lective. The environment is just one according to some figure, grown in has been an increased focus on this very good example where no indi- the past ten years. I ask if, as the area within government and exter- Minister for the City, he’s comfort- nally – The King’s Fund, the Joseph able with these figures? Rowntree Foundation and the ippr, “I’m comfortable first of all with to name but a few, have all produced the fact that we’ve been the most reports on social care funding. redistributive Government “I’ve been working very closely since the 1945 Government. And with [the Department of that for the previous 18 to 20 years, Health’ Minister for social care] really since the late 1970s, inequality because we need to make sure we in Britain and the gap between the spend money in a way which is average income and the poorest had affordable but also in a way which is been growing year by year and we fair. One of the consequences of the put a stop to that.” economy doing better in the last The reasons for the halt in growth years is that people are tending to of the poverty gap, he says, are retire on higher incomes, more peo- Labour introduced policies such as ple are owning their homes, we need working family tax credits, the to make sure that we fund social care Minimum Wage and the policies in a way which takes account of that which have helped to reduce unem- and adds up.” ployment, especially among single Moving on to environmental poli- parents (a topic we pick up again cies, I ask what he thinks is the right later in the discussion). balance between cutting carbon and “But you’re right that in Britain ensuring that poorer people don’t and all around the world there’s been bear the brunt of the environmental a trend to see the richest earning a lot taxes? more than everybody else and I see “I think that the first thing to say, that in the City of London all the and I said this in my next decade lec- time. This is an industry which is ture for the Fabians, is that you can’t global; people come and work in our try to tackle climate change simply financial services industries from not by national governments acting vidual alone, no matter how much just America and France and alone. That the amount of emissions they try to conserve energy or try to Germany but Spain and Italy and that the UK as a country produces is change their lifestyle, can sort this South Africa and Australia, from very small compared the overall out; it’s got to be done not just across China, India, all around the world around the world. And you need an individual countries, but [through] and they come because this is the best international effort which involves cooperation. I see collaboration in place to work. They also come America, China, India, the big Europe as an essential first step because the rewards are high. I think European countries. Therefore inter- towards tackling climate change. I if we started saying that we were national cooperation has got to be at think the Conservatives have got a going to try and put some kind of cap the centre of what you do. It would huge intellectual problem in that they on what they could earn they’d just be very easy for us to come along are anti-European just at the time be off taking the jobs and the taxes with a whole series of individual when climate change shows that pro- they pay [to other countries]. So I’m measures which would look like we Europeanism is the only way for- afraid it’s a reality of global life in this were acting and as you said could ward.” kind of industry. That doesn’t mean I quite easily have a big impact upon Moving on, I ask about the concen- like it. It doesn’t make me very com- not just the British population but tration of the UK’s economy growth fortable but I think we would dam- [more specifically] on people on in the south east of England. Ed age our ability to tackle poverty if we lower incomes in our population. explains that his constituency was 20 were to drive those kind of people There’s no point doing that national- years ago a coal mining community, and that kind of business to other ly unless you’ve got an international 15 years ago had above average parts of the world.” agenda which is worked out. That’s unemployment and now has below Returning to the question of wel- actually critical to all this.” average unemployment. All areas of fare, I ask about the arguments that Ed’s reference to his Fabian Next the UK, he says, have benefited from targeted benefits undermine incen- Decade lecture brings me nicely to the economic strength and stability tives and that universal benefits are David Cameron’s policies, some- that have been achieved by the the way forward. thing he talked about in his speech Labour Government. “If you look at our welfare reforms (the full speech can be downloaded “It’s true that the South East and in the early part of the Government 15 anticipations | spring 2007

families get child benefit, all pension- sion but I think we need to keep a ers get the basic pension, it makes close eye on the way in which they everybody part of the welfare state. are operating, and we are doing so. But I also think we’re a Labour gov- We need to make sure that it doesn’t ernment, we want to abolish poverty become a pattern. But it will mean for families and pensioners, we we’ll have to fight hard at the next should give more to people on the election.” lowest income. I was really proud of The Polls agree with Ed that the the fact that the working families tax next General Election will be a fight. credit has boosted take home pay of a Polls are consistently showing that family on below average earnings by Labour are trailing behind around £3500 a year if they’ve got Cameron’s Conservatives. I ask Ed two kids. We could never afford to do what he think of this. that for everybody, we’ve done that “I think at the moment these polls for families on lower incomes and are not telling us too much. I’m old made a massive difference to their enough to remember what it was like lives.” in the early mid-1980s when we used Moving on to some Labour Party to be buoyed up by polls that said the issues, I ask if the Government is per- Thatcher Government was unpopu- forming well, with a good story to lar and Labour was on the verge of a tell, does it really matter if the Labour great step forward. And that was Party membership in the country is what the polls were telling us in ’85, falling so rapidly? ’86, ’87. Sadly it didn’t turn out to be “I think it does matter and that true at all.” we’re not going to win the next elec- He goes onto say that the next tion without a strong membership General Election will be won on the and activist base. The period when basis of who understands the way our membership was at its highest the world in changing and has the was when people saw that we had a policies to respond to those changes. real election to fight in 1997 and that “I think David Cameron at the by being a member of the party, by moment is trying make people listen we introduced a winter allowance for campaigning and working for it and to him because for years the all pensioners and then raised the helping to finance it you can make a Conservatives haven’t been listened income for all pensioners above infla- difference to getting rid of the Tories. to by the British people. He may be tion. In the first budget we raised The last two elections I don’t think opening people’s ears at the moment child benefit for the first child quite there’s been the same sense that but the question is then whether peo- substantially. So there’s always been there’s a fight on. There’s going to be ple like what he says. I think that the a focus on raising universal benefits a fight at the next election; I think we Conservatives are still trying to come for pensioners and for families. But at can win it, but we’re going to need all to terms with the changing world. the same time, we are Labour our activists out there. So we need to They’ve nothing to say about how Government, we want to pursue pro- persuade more people to come and they would address issues of child- gressive goals and therefore we’ve join the Party because that’s the only care, public services, climate change, always said that we should try to do way to make sure that you keep hav- security, terrorism, keeping the econ- more for those families that need it ing the Labour approach to public omy strong. I don’t think they’ve got most, those pensioners that need it services, to education, to the NHS, to anything to say at all at the moment.” most. The phrase we used was pro- tackling poverty and to the econo- Finally, I tell Ed Balls about the gressive universalism, which means my.” theme for this issue – the policies that that you support everybody but you And how will the constituency Labour should introduce but hasn’t. give extra support to people who boundary changes affect Labour, His reply sums up quite well the sen- need it. So you can’t look at the pen- given the fight that’s expected any- timent of his answers to the previous sion credit in isolation, you’ve got to way at the next General Election? questions. look at the pension credit alongside This is something which is affecting Throughout the interview Ed Balls the basic pension. You can’t look at Ed personally as his constituency has focussed on three main issues: the child tax credit in isolation, will not exist in its current form at the fairness, families and moving for- you’ve got to look at the child tax next General Election. ward in response to a changing credit alongside child benefit. “The boundary commission was world. If you put all of your focus onto set up about 50 years ago and ever “I don’t what the Government universal benefits, and you say we’re since then there’s been a fine tradi- position is on this at the moment, but going to give everyone the same tion of people in all parties who sud- my daughter is 7, she plays football regardless of their need then you denly find they have difficulties with at school in a mixed team. And as I either end up with a massive rise in their constituencies. John Smith, our understand it, once you get to about taxation so that you can help the sadly missed Labour leader, himself 11 or 12, suddenly there are quite poorest and raise everybody up by had problems with his constituency restrictive rules about mixed football the same amount, or you’re going to boundaries because of the bound- games. It seems to be completely end up spending a lot of money on aries commission. So there’s a long ridiculous, the idea that you discrim- people who don’t need so much historic pedigree of people having inate against women who are good at [while] leaving people who are boundary problems. I’m not the first, football simply to protect this male worse off on the lowest incomes. If I won’t be the last; it’s politics and bastion of prejudice seems. To me on the other hand, you go only for you deal with. And that’s what I’m that’s completely absurd. targeted benefits and you withdraw trying to do. In terms of the wider “So I’m quite keen that my daugh- all from people when they reach a party, it’s going to reduce our majori- ter keeps playing football until she’s certain income level, then you get ty at the next election on the basis of grown up and if she wants to play into problems with incentives. That’s if we had the same vote as the last girls’ football she can and if she why I think any sensible policy is to time round people are estimating wants to play mixed football she combine both, You need a universal that it would reduce our number of should be allowed to. I have a feeling element, which is important in terms seat by 15 to 20. it means it’s going to that’s totally contrary to Government of incentives but is also important in be tougher. I’m very supportive of and FA policy but it seems to be to be terms of politics; I like the fact that all boundary commis- completely right.” 16 anticipations | spring 2007 trimming the fat

Britain’s higher education system needs further reform, argues Andrew Maloney low, sluggish and expen- this would produce a less transfer- give students the basic industrial Andrew Maloney is sive. No this is not a able qualification, it would simply educational requirements needed a member of the review of an early people be a case of returning to study for for a given workplace: a founda- Young Fabians Scarrier but rather a maybe a year or two in order to tion upon which supplementary description of our higher educa- change career. This may seem to be ‘career furthering’ education can tion system. asking a lot of the family man or be built. This will allow our stu- There are currently over two woman who simply cannot afford dents to enter the workplace earli- million students working towards to be without income for even a er than they otherwise would. This qualifications that will, for the short while, but there are always could in theory reduce the average majority, not be relevant to their ways around these problems: per- student loan debt from £27,000 to future employment. These stu- haps a family maintenance loan of just £18,000. The average student dents will leave their studies with some sort. But this is a different would leave their studies with loans averaging around £27,000 issue. These proposals would in substantially less debt and a and many will be unable to secure turn create a culture of continuous greater chance of gaining employ- the job they think they’re studying study and continuous develop- ment in an appropriate field. for. ment. This is a much more desir- Furthermore, universities would At the other end of the spectrum, able mindset than the current atti- see an increase in applications to some degree programmes are soa tude of attending university at a these generally low-cost courses. unpopular that the country is young age and never even touch- Arguably the greatest beneficiary starved of key professionals such ing a textbook in later life. would be the British industry. as engineers and teachers. For What our current system needs They would gain access to a work- some businesses the only way they is a reform of the traditions of force with skills specific to their can operate is to actively seek a study. With close discussion with needs and with the ability to adapt workforce from overseas. the major players of the British to changing requirements. On top of this it is becoming industries we can create sets of As always, education is a politi- increasingly common for students ‘industry specific’ qualifications. cal hot potato. Although we must to endure years of extra study and These degree courses of a shorter bear in mind the cost of reform, we training to become ready for work length - perhaps only two years must also focus on the long-term in the wider industry. Allow me to once redundant modules have cost endured from the lack of give an example. Prospective been removed and the timetable of reform. A simplified system would chemical engineers must first study compressed - will create a give extra motivation to students study towards a Bachelors of set of qualifications that can be who may be daunted by the cur- Engineering degree followed by a used directly in the work environ- rent higher education system. With Masters of Engineering degree. ment. so much of our economy resting They must then study to become These qualifications would pro- upon professional services rather industrially recognised to practice vide the essential knowledge than manufacturing, horizontal in the field. Only then can the stu- required to work in a particular increase in Britain’s academic dent begin working towards a industry. Education can then be prowess should be targeted to give Chartered Engineer qualification. furthered gradually through either a greater boost to the economy. This system is long, tiresome and workplace training or external Like many great institutions, our largely unnecessary. education. Extra qualifications country has developed due to a If the qualification was made would take the form of ‘top-up’ focus upon academia and ingenu- more specific to, in this example, a degree programmes that can be ity. Let us reform and live up to the particular type of engineering studied as and when industrial socialist principles we stand for: process, the length of study could requirements change. chances for the many, not just for be reduced dramatically. Although Essentially, this system would the few. 17 anticipations | spring 2007


Labour has lacked narrative in government, argues Mark Rusling

Mark Rusling is Vice-Chair of the or a government dubbed the take of allowing others to decide the been – and continue to be – blind to Young Fabians ‘sultans of spin’, New government’s narrative for it. Do not the role that the state can play in fos- Labour has been remarkably be surprised when that narrative is tering these bonds. F coy about developing its not pretty. David Cameron has sought to dis- own overarching narrative to explain The government should have cho- tance himself from Margaret the last 10 years. sen the theme of equality of autono- Thatcher by declaring that, “there is To take the Dire Straits pun further my to link its policies and explain such a thing as society. It’s just not the than it should possibly go, the Blair them to the public. The desire for same thing as the state”. He is not years have been more ‘Money for equality of autonomy is the desire for wrong in saying this, but by failing to nothing’ than ‘Brothers in arms’. every person to have the same degree mention the role that the state plays Policies such as tax credits, which of control over the important deci- as part of society, he omits the state’s have benefited those most in need, sions affecting their lives. This relates valuable role in securing people’s have not been linked into an overall to all aspects of public policy and control over their lives. The theme which can explain why reflects the belief that people’s life Conservatives believe that autonomy Labour does what it does. They choices and life chances should not is provided through freedom from should have been linked through the be determined by factors beyond the state. In this, they are wrong – the narrative of equality of autonomy. their control. state can be the vehicle through All governments bequeath a narra- This is not the same as a narrow which people can achieve autonomy. tive to the political history books. The ‘choice’ agenda – it is much more Tony Blair has often talked about the narrative is either one of their own fundamental than that. The choice ‘enabling state’ in the context of making, or one (almost inevitably agenda argues that every person increasing people’s capacity to take more cruel than those that govern- should be able to choose which hos- individualised decisions – the choice ments fashion themselves) that oth- pital they can attend for non-urgent agenda. Labour should instead have ers have made for them. A glance surgery. Equality of autonomy aims embraced the concept of the through the chapter headings of to eradicate the inequalities, in ‘enabling state’ as a means of remov- Peter Hennessy’s study of the post- lifestyle and in provision of health- ing those inequalities which impact War Prime Ministers attests to that. care, which limit a person’s full con- on people’s ability to truly exercise John Major is ‘The Solo-Coalitionist’, trol over the direction of their life. control over their lives – equality of whereas Margaret Thatcher is ‘A Autonomy is concerned with all the autonomy. Tigress Surrounded by Hamsters’. inequalities which impede a person’s This narrative could have been Thatcher was successful in fixing a capacity to be truly in control of their very powerful, if expressed in lan- narrative in the public mind (and life. Choice merely refers to the act of guage that sounds less like it has that of Peter Hennessy) of a self-help exercising that control, ignoring the jumped straight out of a sociology government with the Iron Lady at its ways in which a person’s capacity to textbook. Tony Blair has been correct head. John Major was markedly less exercise control might be negated. in identifying that people are now successful as his Cabinet could not Equality of autonomy is not indi- more likely to want a personalised even decide on what that narrative vidualistic. It recognises that those public service than they were twenty should be. Despite an opposition with strong social bonds are best able years ago. However, his government even weaker than that faced by to maintain true control over their has been wrong in translating that Thatcher, and with an equally strong lives – autonomy does not mean iso- insight exclusively into the choice conviction politician at its head, lation. Those social ties may be pro- agenda, focusing on the need to give Labour has been unable to fix a nar- vided by family, friends and volun- middle class people sufficient rative in the public mind. Whether tary organisations – the importance options in public services so that they through a lack of desire to develop of which has often been overlooked don’t all leave to go private. Of one, or through an inability to choose by the left. However, the course, generous public services are one, New Labour has made the mis- Conservatives have traditionally not viable if they lose the support of 18 anticipations | spring 2007

the people who pay most taxes to Labour to introduce alternative poli- local authority needing government provide them. However, the desire cies regarding social housing and funding may retain ownership and for better, more personalised, public childcare. Policy regarding both control of their housing stock. services is not confined to the middle issues appears to have been con- This has reduced the control that class and represents a general desire strained by perceived political reali- social tenants have over their proper- among all people for control over the ties. The government has pledged to ty (Ruth Kelly has admitted that decisions that affect our lives. establish Sure Start children’s centres there are currently few tenant-run The choice agenda is fine for peo- in 30% of the most disadvantaged housing associations). It has also ple who already have that control; areas in England by 2008. This is, of shifted the focus of housing policy giving people true autonomy course, welcome – a fine example of away from investment in more social requires addressing much more fun- the enabling state in action. However, housing in areas where demand damental inequalities. A narrative the timidity of this aim, and the greatly outstrips supply, particularly that tapped into the general desire for absence of Labour’s much-vaunted in London and the South East. The control over our lives – while still spin regarding Sure Start’s achieve- investments in improving the quality acknowledging and addressing the ments to date suggest that the gov- of existing social housing have been inequalities which impede that con- impressive. However, the failure to trol – would have been compelling Narrative would alleviate the backlog of those requir- for all members of Labour’s 1997 have enabled ing social housing has led to feelings coalition. of disempowerment among some of That narrative would have enabled Labour to explain its the most vulnerable people in society, Labour to explain the rationale who do not perceive that they are behind many of its policies better policies better than it able to influence the housing deci- than it has in fact done. University has done. sion-making process. Addressing the tuition fees should have been many inequalities in housing provi- explained exclusively on the basis of ernment is not certain whether this sion is a key aspect of securing equal- increasing the number of young peo- type of interventionist policy is a ity of autonomy and, despite some ple from all backgrounds who can vote-winner. Concerns about cost, successes, the government has failed attend higher education. The better a and about allegations of ‘nanny-sta- to do this. person’s education, the more options tism’, appear to have trumped the Thus, the government has been they have in life and the more able extension of an innovative policy guilty of not fashioning its own nar- they are to take advantage of them – which contributes to the empower- rative. It should have chosen the pur- the essence of autonomy. Fees ment of those who currently have lit- suit of equality of autonomy, which increase the number of places for tle control over their lives. would have been popular with all those who wouldn’t have gone to Labour’s housing policy appears strands of Labour’s election-winning university without those places, and to have been determined by a desire coalition. This narrative would have improve the standard of teaching for to move further away from the tradi- helped the government to explain its those who would have gone anyway. tional model of local authority-pro- policies more coherently. It would Undoubtedly a massive over-simpli- vided council housing. Policy has also have prompted it to focus on fication, but such a narrative would been skewed towards extending developing social housing and have addressed themes of providing home ownership at the expense of extending Sure Start – two policies a personalised high-quality educa- increasing the stock of decent social which Labour has shied from for tion, along with issues of inequality housing to serve those for whom dubious political reasons. All too and autonomy. ownership is not an option. Again, often, Labour’s lack of an overarch- Autonomy is not just a convenient Labour has set an admirable target – ing narrative has left voters thinking label to place on the government’s ensuring that all social housing meets (in the words of Dire Straits) “Where actions – it should guide those a decency threshold by 2010. do you think you’re going?” Equality actions. Adopting the ideal of equali- However, again, the target has been of autonomy would have provided ty of autonomy would have pushed marred by a requirement that no the answer. 19 anticipations | spring 2007 president of the french?

The French Presidential election campaign has mirrored the ambuigity of the role, believes Alexander Barker Alexander Barker is uch is the anxiety about debates”, dubbed “cafés Ségolène”, didates. Ségolène named her 100 pro- a member of the Presidential legitimacy, fol- were held by PS activists around the posals her “pacte présidentiel”, Young Fabians and lowing the social crises of country, allowing les vraies gens – describing it as a “contract with the is currently studying in France S Chirac’s last five years and real people¬ – to contribute to the French” before finding that Sarkozy France’s current economic troubles, preparation of Royal’s platform. had simultaneously put forward a that centrist candidate Bayrou, cur- The “pépites” (nuggets) of the rival “pacte républicain”. AC-Le Feu, rently third in the polls, is proposing cafés Ségolène and over a hundred an organisation active during the to replace the Fifth Republic with a thousand online contributions were 2005 banlieue riots, has just recently sixth. collected and synthesised in a book produced a “social and citizen con- Since 1962, the French President called Cahier d’espérances. This liter- tract”; a list of housing, employment, has been elected through direct uni- ally means the notebook of hopes, and anti-discrimination pledges for versal suffrage, bypassing the poli- but also evokes the cahiers de candidates to sign. With news just in ticking of Parliament or electoral col- doléances (notebooks of grievances) that the CNOSF – the French leges to establish an unmediated link filled by the French subjects during National Olympic and Sports which presents him as the legitimate the Ancien Régime, and especially at Committee – is announcing plans to embodiment of the will of the French the moment of the 1789 Revolution. produce its own pacte, one wonders people. Cahier d’espérances served as the why the candidates bother with man- However since François inspiration for the candidate’s impas- ifestos at all. Yet this is all quite Mitterand’s popularity started slid- sioned two-hour speech on the 11th unsurprising; this proliferation of ing in the early 1990s, and especially February, in which the Presidentiable contracts is merely the concept of since the Le Pen-Chirac duel of the enumerated France’s ills before unmediated legitimacy taken to its last elections failed to offer most of revealing her 100-proposal pacte. logical extreme. the electorate a genuine choice, there Through this three-month exercise in The trouble is that the Gaullist con- have been doubts over the truth of participatory democracy, Ségolène ception of the office of French this conception. hopes she has achieved a foundation President is ambiguous. The direct- On the 11th February, Ségolène of legitimacy. ness of the election seems to ensure Royal unveiled her “pacte présiden- The anxiety concerning presiden- the proximity of the office-holder to tiel” to a crowd of 15,000 supporters. tial legitimacy is evident in the preva- the needs of his or her citizens, but Dressed in red, the Parti Socialiste lence in the political conversation of the office is supposed to be almost (PS) candidate moved her campaign the terms “pacte” (pact) and “con- monarchical – the President is above into the next gear, ending what she trat” (contract). The trend started politics. In other words, the link called the “phase d’écoute” (listening with environmentalist Nicolas Hulot, between the French President and phase). who challenged the presidential the French People is at once the most For almost three months following hopefuls to sign his “Pacte direct and the most distant in nation- her nomination as candidate, écologique”, a list of environmental al politics. The style of the campaigns Ségolène had invited the nation to pledges, and promptly obtained the betrays confusion over what position debate. Over 6,000 “participative signatures of all the mainstream can- is being fought over. Is it President of 20 anticipations | spring 2007

Although Eric Besson, the PS nation- al secretary for economics, resigned in frustration, spokesmen simply reply that presidential programmes deal with principles, not details such as costs. As his replacement, Didier Migaud, exclaimed, “we’re in a pres- idential campagne, not a budgetary debate!”. This way of thinking surely contributed to the situation in the first years of Chirac’s Presidency ten years ago, where he tried to fulfil his campaign pledges of both reducing high unemployment and resolving national debt. The crisis of national debt was an issue Ségolène chose to highlight in her speech on the 11th February, and which both sides pledge to deal with. Yet while both refuse to enter what Ségolène calls “logique de guichet” (ticket-office logic), there is little hope of achieving more than Chirac on this question. Although such vestiges of the statesman view conveniently remain, it is the other role – that of being close to the people – which is defining this election. or president of Candidates from major and minor parties are warming to the idea of “real people”, and welcome the inno- vation – for France – of a television france? programme where candidates are asked unanticipated questions by a panel of citizens. The campaigns in general have been criticised for concentrating on the French, who intuits the citizen’s means, their candidate is seemingly domestic issues rather than worrying needs, or President of France, the attempting to cross the party divide about prestige in international affairs. statesman who draws up the great at the level of grand principles. As he But if the President is to be close to principles of the society? put it to television viewers on the 5th the citizens, he or she must share The “participatory democracy” February, “I want to be the President their concerns, and his or her propos- crystalised in Cahier d’espérance of political openness”. als will be concrete and detailed. clearly flows from the conception of His campaign is one which already As Ségolène found during her the role of President as intuiting citi- sees the role of President as above the three-month search for a programme, zen’s needs. Indeed, this conception fray of petty parliamentary divisions. the French are currently concerned runs through Royal’s rhetoric and Such unlikely figures as pre-First about education and employment. It practice. World War pacifist Jean Jaurès and is therefore neither a surprise, nor a In presenting her pacte, Royal pro- 1930s Popular Front leader Léon shame, that she proclaimed passion- claimed “I want to achieve for each Blum have found their ways into his ately “Avec moi, l'Education, encore young person what I want as a moth- speeches in his bid to “explode the l'Education, toujours l'Education, elle er for my own children”, an attempt left-right cleavage”. sera au cour de tout et en avant de to exploit her own femininity to por- But the statesman view of the office tout“ (“with me, education, more tray herself as naturally better-suited education, always education, will be to understand the French, their prob- At the heart of this at the heart of everything and come lems and their needs. before everything”). Her use of the internet, where election if the At the heart of this election is the Ségolène’s supporters have been historical ambiguity historical ambiguity in the role and extremely active, is a further exam- legitimacy of French President. It is ple. Tangible display of Royal’s in the role and unclear whether he or she should be promise that “with me, politics will legitimacy of French down-to-earth, embodying the never again be done without you,” French population, or whether he or the ségosphère – the name given to President. she should hold him-or-herself aloof, the vast network of blogs supporting and make international affairs his or her – played an important part in her is not exclusive to the Sarkozy camp. her preserve. campaign before nomination, allow- Perhaps its most telling effect is the This election, proceeding as it is ing her to bypass the party machine argument wielded by both camps through participatory debates, and against which she was competing. against demands for “chiffrage” – focused as it is on domestic affairs, She clearly hopes that her long making public the budgeting of their seems at first to be confined to the consultation of the peuple will simi- proposals. Although Royal has cost- first category. larly make her the natural President ed her programme at €35 thousand However, if a President is to come of the French, giving her the edge million, and Sarkozy his at €30 thou- down to the people’s level, and deal against Nicolas Sarkozy at national sand million, the calculations remain with their day-to-day problems, he or level. a mystery. she cannot cling to the idea, legacy of While the Sarkozists have also The argument is often made that to the second view, that such things as embraced the internet as a way to ask for a budget is to misunderstand budgets are too vulgar for his or her reach groups inaccessible by other the nature of the President’s role. consideration. 21 anticipations | spring 2007

Both the Tories and Labour have forgotten that the Conservatives are entirely capable of change, argues Edward Robinson Edward Robinson is a any articles in this journal Conservative Party? Two reasons I ism. Young Fabian member begin with lines similar to suppose – one good, one bad – It was a Tory who repealed the the following: ‘British pol- power, and a desire to serve. The Corn Laws, a Tory who took Britain Mitics is on the threshold of basic assumption of this article is to war with Germany, a Tory who a sea-change’, or, the ‘political land- that there is, more often than not, a took Britain into Europe, and a Tory scape in Britain is entering previous- combination of both these reasons in who broke the Unions and took on ly uncharted waters’. What is inter- the signature on the back of the blue the Church of England, the House of esting is that neither of these analo- card. Lords and the City. None of the gies is true. I can hear the cries – straw man! aforementioned acts are in the slight- It is, of course, true that we are Could anyone be so daft as to think est bit traditionally conservative experiencing one objective first; the that this hasn’t been just as true on and, thus, David Cameron’s call for re-election of the Labour Party in both sides of the divide down the further NHS investment and a seri- government. It could be argued, decades? Well, the obvious examples ous and sweeping legislative agenda however, although not my me, that to the contrary and Hammer on green taxes is by no means incon- this political fact belies the perennial- Shawcross notwithstanding, Isistent with Tory ‘principles’ but ly static nature of British politics. We believe that the ‘great’ change in con- rather a long awaited return to elec- may have seen the re-election of a temporary politics came not neces- toral pragmatism from one of Labour government, twice indeed, sarily with Mrs Thatcher but with Western democracy’s most success- but in New Labour we have not wit- Tony Blair and with New Labour. ful political parties. The repeal of the nessed the re-election of a radical Politicians at the top of today’s Corn Laws could have destabilised government. It is possible that the Labour Party exhibit, now perhaps the British landed gentry, Ted last sea-change in British politics more so than those in the opposition, Heath’s decision to take Britain into occurred with the election and re- all the signs of those who wish to the EC surrendered parliamentary election of Mrs Thatcher’s serve their country but also of those sovereignty and was seen by many Conservative Government. Few in whose desire for power is as unpatriotic; the less said about the fact would disagree with this; I do. entrenched. Labour politicians are New Right to many traditional The British Conservative Party is, just as naturally presumptive and (social) conservatives the better. For perhaps, a unique entity in politics ambitious as those in the the Conservative Party to continue and it is with due caution that I Conservative Party; ambition has touting the lines of Hague, Duncan attempt this brief extrapolation. trumped principle in Britain’s largest Smith and Howard would be anath- Supporters of the Labour Party, or party of opposition; that there is now ema to British Toryism. indeed, opponents of the What does this teach us? The most Conservative/Tory Party should not Politicians at the top successful Conservative politicians forget the record of that Party (the have always been those who have Tory Party) in government. In short, of today’s Labour been willing to embrace change the Conservatives have an astound- Party exhibit all the when it has been necessary for victo- ingly successful electoral record, ry. Alec Douglas-Home, arguably even if we forget the years before signs of those Ted Heath and certainly John Major universal suffrage. whose desire for count as Conservative Prime How is this so? Psephologists in Ministers who failed, rightly or Britain usually agree that if people power is entrenched wrongly, to modernise their party in voted as they are often, or tradition- line with the popular spirit. Both ally, believed to vote (i.e. along per- a New Labour ‘establishment’ is tes- Douglas-Home and Heath were up sonal or class interests) the 20th cen- tament alone. against Labour’s electoral maestro, tury Conservative Party should What supporters of both major , and a cabinet of never have won a general election. parties have forgotten is that the Labour ministers and shadow minis- How has the Party been so success- Conservative Party is more than ters counting among it the very best ful at the ballot box? I think the capable of change. It is in the blood- of post-war political thinkers – Roy answer lies in the mentality of the stream of Conservative politicians Jenkins, Tony Crosland, Denis Healy people who join the Party and, more that change is necessary and that and to name a few. importantly, those whose rise up its change is the very lifeblood of their It took an international currency ranks to hold positions of office. party; theirs the pragmatic party, the crisis, militant industrial action at Why do people join the party of scepticism and of patriot- home and a very cold winter to final- 22 anticipations | spring 2007 change to win?

ly topple Jim Callahan’s government many electors to outflank the oppo- other sort of dogmatic unreasonable- and usher in the modernised sition on the right on many issues ness, it is simply down to a major Conservative Party under the leader- (e.g. ID cards, detainment of terror difference in character and, often, ship of a woman and completely suspects and student fees). background. The Labour Party has unrecognisable from the tripartite Why is it so that Labour has only always been a party without a single corporatism of the post-war consen- succeeded in shifting the ground so ideology; New Labour is nothing sus years. Keynesianism was killed, far and is now so unpopular with a new in this sense. nay murdered; it has never been liberal majority that the opposition With this in mind there will resuscitated. now sees a chance to undercut it on always be voices on the left that Moreover, given the state of the social inclusiveness and environ- argue Labour has trodden a neces- British economy in 1979, it was nec- mental issues? The answer is in the sarily cautious path since 1997 and essary for electoral victory that the nature of Labour politicians. The real that it is still more important to Conservative opposition offered the sea-change came in 1994 when Tony achieve small and obtainable targets country a fundamental change in Blair was elected Labour leader at than to fail in implementing sweep- economic outlook. That that attitude the same time as a very different ing reforms. Had this sentiment been turned out to be the manifestation of generation of Labour politicians was prevalent at the time of the People’s previously marginalised, largely coming of age. These politicians budget or at the publication of the intellectually based theories of the were, and are, intent on power. Beverage Report or indeed in the New Right was unknown at the People say that media channels Liberal Party of Gladstone the time, not least I think by Mrs Conservatives would never have Thatcher herself. What New Labour repealed the Corn Laws, never had In the late 1970s it was not the preserved health and safety in facto- Conservative Party itself that funda- sympathisers are ries and certainly never have left a mentally changed. The sea change wrong to do is National Health Service in tact even that Callahan spoke of was indeed a during times of its most comprehen- sea change in terms of government appease caution too sive tax cutting. economic policy but it certainly was- readily. There is an oft repeated sentiment n’t one in terms of party politics. among progressives that One Nation Similar paradigm shifts took place in control access to the political debate Conservatism is something that Tory Disraeli’s Tory Party over a hundred and, thus, to the actors who achieve politicians resort to when they want years ago as a means to combat prominence by it. This is true but it is to win votes. This is probably true Gladstone, albeit in reverse. This the only true insofar as politicians allow but it is also true in the case of same Disraeli who had spent a large themselves to be acted upon by this Thatcherism – just as much a vote part of his early career fighting invisible hand. Tory politicians have winning formula in the inflation rid- Liberals like Cobbden and Blight always been guided by the hand of den late 1970s. and seriously falling out with Robert the establishment. What New Labour sympathisers Peel. It hasn’t always been the print are wrong to do is appease caution Those who argue, therefore, that media monopolies or, specifically, too readily, they mustn’t forget that we are, today, experiencing a first in the Daily Mail and the Sun newspa- Labour is now serving not its first British politics, namely that the pers, but was once the landed agrar- but its third term in office. If Labour Conservative Party has seen itself ian class and the aristocracy, then the is to succeed in ‘renewing’ itself in need to adopt a much more socially urban capitalist middle class, then power over the coming years it will progressive rhetoric to stand a the trade unions and captains of need to remember why its members chance at the polls, do so with a industry, and now the media elites. joined it. For all the warm hearted short-sightedness perhaps afforded Labour and the Liberals/Whigs, sentiments of those who remember by a rose tinted view of the successes however, being traditionally made of the hardship of the Tory years there of the New Labour Government. up of dissenters have, until New belies the silent apathy of the ASBO The Tory Party of the past would Labour, been a lot less susceptible to ridden delinquent, the alienated eth- always move to where the votes bow to established pressure. Why? nic minority and the indebted stu- were or where they were perceived Because these groups of people had dent, nurse and teacher. to be. Upon taking office in 1997 very little to lose; they never If Labour cannot return its voice to Labour had a duty; to shift the believed they would achieve public prominence there will be two conser- ‘establishment’ as far to the progres- office and they always placed their vative parties fighting the next gen- sive left as it could; it has had only conception of the public good over eral election and not two progressive marginal success in achieving this, their personal ambitions; this has ones and I think we all know who partly as Labour now appears to nothing to do with idealism or any plays best at that game. 23 anticipations | spring 2007

independence day?

On the eve of elections to Holyrood, Scottish Labour stand in stark contrast to the SNP’s inconsistency, writes Joe Fagan Joe Fagan is a s the Holyrood elections Mike Russell, a prominent SNP If Scotland is to compete for Scottish Young Fabian draw near, the SNP cam- candidate, admitted as much in inward investment and attract member paign is being built spelling out plans for a flat tax and major employers then we must do A around the notion that downsizing the public so through generating a rich pool of they can be all things to all people. sector…before he was gagged by talent rather than giving up on the For every pre-election promise to Alex Salmond! union dividend which allows us to increase spending there is another Behind superficial pledges to do just that. Divorcing Scotland to slash taxes. meet the cost of PFI with the public from the UK would be to break up Their jumbled mess of pre-elec- purse and turn student loans into the marriage of market economics tion bribes would put a £5 billion grants, even Alex Salmond demon- and social justice north of the bor- black hole in the budget of the strates certain sympathies with the der. devolved government and that is New Right. The Nationalist pledge Labour has delivered and will before taking into account their to reduce corporation tax by a third continue to explore flexible working plans for independence and further to mimic Ireland’s Celtic Tiger econ- hours, allowing parents with child- extravagant spending commitments omy is one of Salmond’s personal care responsibilities the opportunity which remain uncosted. mistakes. to return to the workplace or If the SNP are to be a credible acquire new skills. alternative then they must do more The killer question Labour has pledged to create than recycle mantra about breaking which the SNP academies offering a skills-based up Britain but commit to a roadmap education for young people. for achieving independence, decid- cannot convincingly Labour has introduced the Fresh ing on a direction rather than pre- Talent Initiative for Scottish-domi- tending they can have it both ways. answer is rather ciled international students. The killer question which the simple; left or right? Labour will create a Full SNP cannot convincingly answer is Employment Agency. rather simple; left or right? As a direct consequence of Labour has promised a new Going left and imitating reducing corporation tax, Irish taxa- Education Bill within the first hun- Norway, for instance, depends on tion was more regressive in the late dred days of the new Parliament. black gold yet tax receipts from oil 1990s than in the 1980s. A substan- Salmond promised a referendum on are shrinking. Production in the tial tax burden shifted from corpo- independence, then simply commit- North Sea peaked in 1999 and out- rate profits to labour; disincentivis- ted to calling one, then obfuscated, put has declined ever since. Indeed, ing work and fuelling fears of job- then promised a White Paper. oil revenues barely plug half the less growth and rising inequality. The upcoming elections will be structural deficit Scotland would Growing the labour market is a the most challenging for Scottish acquire upon achieving independ- necessity for Scotland given the Labour since the inception of devo- ence let alone sustain a separate aging profile of the working popu- lution but a promising campaign on Scottish state. lation. Bringing the long-term the three ‘E’s – economics, employ- Only the Tartan Tories on the unemployed back into work and ment and education – will stand in right of the SNP have acknowl- putting an end to youth unemploy- contrast to SNP inconsistency. edged one essential truth about ment are challenges which Labour The Labour agenda for Scotland their party’s core policy. Scottish is rising to as a matter of principle. in 2007 and beyond is ambitious, independence can only be achieved Revisiting Reagonomics would robust and thoroughly progressive with a seismic shift to the right. push full employment out of reach. in the Fabian tradition. 24 anticipations | spring 2007 young fabian executive co-optees 2007

The Young Fabian Kris Brown Executive Committee Schools Officer co-opt five people each year As Schools Project Officer I will manage and develop the project. I want the Young Fabians to work with schools in the most deprived communities but not just London. I intend to broaden the project out to cities like Birmingham, Manchester and Newcastle. [email protected]

David Chaplin External Affairs

As External Affairs Officer I will be developing partnership opportunities for the Young Fabians to enable future seminars, receptions and projects for the Young Fabian members. I will also be developing and managing the Young Fabian Alumni Programme which will launch with an alumni dinner later in the year. [email protected]

Tom Miller Regions Officer

In my role as regions officer I will help members to start their own regional groups and arrange events for their members. I will develop the relationship between the Young Fabians and the universities as well as with other regional Labour groups. [email protected]

Sara T’Rula Membership Officer and Social Secretary

As Membership Officer and Social Secretary I will work with Dan Whittle to encourage more young people to become members and to get involved with the society. We will organise social events that encourage members to meet each other and the meet the executive and to get more actively involved. [email protected]

Dan Whittle Membership Officer and Social Secretary

I will be working with Sara T’Rula as Membership Officer and Social Secretary. The under-31s are the fastest growing section of the Fabian Society and we plan to further develop on this, offering our members more opportunities to be active in the society and to meet other Young Fabians. [email protected]

Young Fabian Executive 2007 Conor McGinn Chair ([email protected]) Mark Rusling Vice Chair ([email protected]) Kate Groucutt Secretary ([email protected]) Rebecca Rennison Treasurer ([email protected]) Tom Flynn International and Embassies Officer ([email protected]) Emma Carr Editor, Anticipations ([email protected]) Fred Grindrod Policy and Publications Officer ([email protected]) David Floyd Website Officer ([email protected]) Patrick Woodman Parliamentary Officer ([email protected]) Yue-Ting Cheng Universities Officer ([email protected]) Angela Green Publicity and Media Officer ([email protected]) Will Martindale Party and Trade Union Liaison Officer ([email protected]) 25 anticipations | spring 2007 CALENDAR OF EVENTS

march Event in the North West: Celebrating International Women's Day at the Working Class Movement Library 10 The Working Class Movement Library, 51 The Crescent, Salford Speakers: Nes Brierley (active in direct action and environmental campaigns), Bernadette Hyland (active in Irish com- munity campaigns) and Imra Shoaib (President of Oldham Trades Union Council)

Renewal in Government: Mission Impossible? 13 Committee Room 6, House of Commons Speakers: MP, , Professor Philip Cowley, University of Nottingham and creator of Details: This seminar explored what renewal of the Labour Party really means - changes in policies, personalities or both? Or is there a 'time limit' on governing which makes both irrelevant? Is it inevitable that Labour’s majority will be eroded at the next election or can Labour succeed where other Governments have failed, and renew from a position of power?

Young Fabian ‘New Members’ Event – including entertainment from the socialist magician 15 The Old Star pub, 66 Broadway, London, SW1H 0DB Details: Old, new and prospective members joined us at the Old Star in Westminster at our annual New Members event, which this year featured entertainment from a socialist magician. As always this event was a great way to socialise, network and learn more about the Young Fabians and find out how to get more involved. april Theatre trip: Heartbreak House - a play by George Bernard Shaw, one of the founding figures of the Fabians 3 Watford Palace Theatre Details: George Bernard Shaw's classic English comedy Heartbreak House is a funny, satirical and almost tragic look at love, marriage and fidelity.

'Security and the Environment' - Lecture by Rt Hon John Reid MP, Home Secretary 18 Clifford Chance, 10 Upper Bank Street, London E14 5JJ Details: With the reorganisation of the Home Office due in May, the focus of the Home Office is evolving. As this takes place, Home Secretary John Reid set out his view on how at the heart of international security concerns, there frequent- ly lies a battle over natural resources - the Arab-Israeli conflict and water supply in the region being a key instance. He spoke on how the environment interacts with security issues at a domestic level.

Lecture by Rt Hon MP, Secretary of State for Wales and Northern Ireland on “The State of the Union” 25 Thatcher Room, Portcullis House, Westminster may Theatre trip: Whipping it up 17 New Ambassadors Theatre, WC2H 9ND Details: Fully booked The Future of Europe 30 Wednesday 30 May; Italian Embassy, 14 Three Kings Yard, W1K 4EH For further information email Tom Flynn on [email protected] july Young Fabian Boat Party 6 The Young Fabian Boat Party 2007 will be taking place onboard the Miyuki Maru from 7.00 - 11.30 departing from Westminster Pier. Three's a Crowd are booked to play and tickets in advance are priced at £15 for members £20 for non-members with a free glass of bubbly on arrival. To reserve your ticket please e-mail [email protected] and if you have any more questions please visit our website where you can find full details. Cheques are to be sent to the Young Fabians at the Fabian Society (11 Datmouth Street, London, SW1H 9BN). Please note that no place is guaranteed until we receive payment.

Young Fabian Trip to Edinburgh Festival august The annual Young Fabian trip to Edinburgh for the festival will once again be scheduled to coincide with not only the Fringe, Book and International Festivals but also with the Holyrood Festival of Politics at the Scottish Parliament. And again this year we are hoping to put on an event at the political festival. The cost of the trip will include accom- modation in the university halls of residence from Thursday to Monday and tickets to events at the Fringe Festival, the Book Festival and the Political Festival.

The trip will cost around £115 and you just make your own way to Edinburgh. We recommend you book early to avoid disappointment. For further information, please email Emma Carr at [email protected]. 26 in the next anticipations LEADERSHIP SPECIAL the man who would be king?

who should lead the party into the next general election? who should be their deputy? in what ways should their leadership differ from the Blair era? which past Labour leaders have most inspired you, and why?

email your articles to [email protected] | deadline for submissions: 28th may 2007 © The Young Fabians 2007